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Fan blower software for asus laptop. CPU fan control program.

Is there a lot of noise from the computer? These are fans. There can be from 2 to 5 of them in the computer! And without them, too, it is impossible. They cool the heatsinks, and the latter, in turn, the microcircuits, as well as the chipset, HDD etc. Some fans are quiet and some are very noisy. There is free program SpeedFan, which reads all data from temperature sensors in the computer system unit (temperature of the chipset, processor, hard drives etc.), and then independently adjusts the speed of the cooling fans, thereby reducing noise.

During operation, the equipment heats up, especially in summer. According to statistics, computers break down three times more often in the summer! Due to the increased air temperature and humidity, the CPU, power supplies and other computer components overheat. It is necessary to monitor the temperature inside the "system unit" and regulate it in time.

With monitoring, everything is more or less simple. There are many different programs for this purpose. But not everyone can regulate the temperature.


The system unit makes a lot of noise during operation. I suspect that this is a fan on the processor. How can the fan noise be reduced without replacing it?


High performance modern computers has a downside: increased heat dissipation from chips installed on the motherboard, video adapter, and even in the power supply. That is why almost every PC is equipped with a sufficiently powerful cooling system. The most inexpensive, simple and widespread option is to cool devices using heatsinks installed directly on the chips and cooling fans.

However, three or more installed fans are noisy enough. You cannot turn off the coolers, as the computer will overheat with all the ensuing troubles. But how then to deal with the noise, which becomes more and more stronger over time due to wear of the mechanical part of the fan and the production of lubricant? There is only one answer: take control of the computer fans into your own hands. Our publication will be about how to achieve this.

Ways to solve the problem

Today, all motherboards, chipset, video adapter and central processor are necessarily equipped with temperature sensors, thanks to which you can control the temperature of these elements using PC hardware or software... By reducing the speed of the coolers, preventing overheating of the processor and the system as a whole, you can effectively combat the noise generated by the fans.

There are several more ways: replace the fans with quieter ones, or upgrade the entire PC cooling system by installing existing elements Peltier. You can buy expensive liquid nitrogen refrigeration, investing a fairly large amount of hard-earned money in this enterprise. Next, we will focus on the simplest and cheapest way - to control the speed of the processor cooler and other elements of your PC.

There are several options to control your PC fans:

  1. Use special software.
  2. Adjust fan speed from BIOS.
  3. Apply a device with an incomprehensible name "Reobas".
  4. Reduce the supply voltage of coolers by artificial means.

Which fans are adjustable

Before you start choosing a specific way to control fans, you should know that you can control the rotation of devices with a 2 - wire connection only by changing the power supply, but you cannot get information about its rotation speed.

Three-pin coolers have feedback from the control board. But to resolve this issue, it is necessary to turn on the device in order to obtain reliable data on the engine speed. Only some controller models can do this.

In 4-wire fans, in addition to power wires, feedback and ground, there is a PWM input, which allows linear fan power control, which allows you to change the fan speed on the processor, set to 10% of the maximum.

Adjusting the rotational speed of coolers from BIOS

  • Restart your PC and press the DEL key to enter Bios.
  • Find the item responsible for setting the parameters of the fans. On most motherboards, this is Advanced Chipset. Always Fan must be Enabled.
  • Select 50-70% for each available cooler and press Esk.
  • Save the settings by highlighting Save & Exit Setup, then click Ok.
  • After rebooting, the noise from the coolers should disappear.

After changing the settings, monitor the temperature of the processor and motherboard.

Adjusting fan rotation using third-party software

A huge amount of specialized software is dedicated to all those who did not find the desired option in Bios. In this publication I would like to consider a completely free utility Speed ​​Fan. This program for controlling computer fans allows you to very quickly reduce the speed of some coolers and is guaranteed to save you from annoying noise.

Important! This utility, like most similar ones for some motherboards, is useless. Try another program.

Mechanical control of PC fans

As mechanical control, you can use a device called Reobas, which was mentioned at the beginning of the article. This device is mounted in the front panel of the PC, in the CDRom compartment. It has one or more manual controls on its panel, with the help of which the cooler of the processor and other elements equipped with fans is controlled. ...

This device can be connected directly to PCI slot... Additional connection to the FAN connector motherboard will give the ability to control the rotational speed of their coolers operating system.

It should be understood that Reobas is quite an expensive toy, so before purchasing this device, try to use software that is faster to install and is distributed among developers absolutely free of charge.

Almost every person nowadays has a computer. And many people sometimes get bored with the annoying noise of coolers. Noise interferes with work and sometimes causes a deterioration in the emotional state of a person. And this must be fought. But the question is - "how?" I will be happy to answer this question.

Computer cooler control program

Now there are many different programs that can control the operation of coolers. One of the more popular is SpeedFan program.

Download the program for managing coolers -

So let's talk about it in more detail. This program is quite multifunctional and, most importantly, it is completely free. At first, I can sadden you a little by the fact that this utility does not work with all laptops. But this is rather an exception than a rule, because I have not yet met such a laptop on which it would not work. An important point is the fact that a program can control coolers if your computer's BIOS can control them. There are times when it will be possible to enable the SmartFan cooler control option in the BIOS only for the central processor.

Now I'll tell you about a very important point. Before installing this program, be sure to disable fan control in the BIOS! This is because the following situation may arise. At the first moment of loading, the SmartFan program reads the rotational speed of the cooler and takes it as the maximum. And if your cooler at that moment was not overclocked to the maximum values, the program itself will not be able to do this either.

I had such a bit of a sad experience once. The processor cooler was spinning at low revs, and when its load increased, the program could not overclock the cooler, which caused the processor to get very hot. In order not to repeat this, consider this point.

When you start the program, you will see an initial window, which will display the values ​​of many sensors and a list with the values ​​of the revolutions of your coolers.

Go to the "Options" tab and switch the language to Russian.

Now I will tell you what the main window of the program is. In the left corner there is a block of the rpm values ​​of our coolers, and on the right are the temperature sensors (GPU, HDD, CPU). Below you can set the speed of their rotation in a percentage of the maximum frequency.

To manage coolers, you need to go to the temperature tab. There you can automatically set the temperature at which the cooler will operate at minimum speed. Also, the temperature of the danger is set there, upon reaching which the program will overclock the cooler to the maximum possible speeds its rotation under certain circumstances.

But do not forget that the system is able to control only those coolers in which this management... On the "Speeds" tab, we can set the minimum and maximum rotation threshold.

The SpeedFan program also has the ability to receive a detailed report on its work, in which we can see all the statistics of work for a certain period. It has the ability to view all data on a cooler (frequency, voltage) and disable viewing of coolers we do not need.

To summarize all of the above, I will say that this program has many different functions with which a person can control the operation of the cooler, as well as make the work of his computer longer.

With active use of laptops, especially in the hot season, users often encounter strong heating. Systematic overheating leads not only to slowdown of the OS and periodic self-shutdown of the PC, but also to premature failure of the processor, motherboard or other structural elements. To lower the temperature of the laptop, you can forcibly turn on the fan included in the laptop cooling system by programmatically changing some of its settings.

Ways to control the operation of the cooler on a laptop

In laptop computers, the BIOS is responsible for the normal operation of the cooling system. At the same time, the factory settings provide for the operation of the fan only at 50% of its maximum power.... This is done so that during operation the cooler does not buzz too much and does not consume a lot of electricity.

Almost all motherboards provide the ability to program control the performance of the cooling system. You can forcibly turn on the fan on a laptop in several ways:

  1. Via BIOS.
  2. With the help of special software.

Changing the cooler settings can lead to an unpleasant noise during its operation, as well as to accelerated battery discharge. Therefore, before proceeding with radical measures, you should disassemble the laptop, and then clean the fan and motherboard from dust, because it reduces heat transfer and, accordingly, leads to an increase in the temperature of the PC.

Forced fan start via BIOS

To make your laptop cooler work more efficiently, you can change its RPM and set the CPU temperature that it needs to maintain. To do this, follow these steps:

The software shell of the Hardware Monitor tab in different BIOS builds may differ. However, if you know which parameters need to be changed, you can easily switch the fan to the required operating mode:

In smart mode, the cooler can operate with the following parameters:

  • Silent - the emphasis is on quiet operation of the system and saving battery power;
  • Standard - the fan will operate at half its capacity;
  • Performance and Turbo - the maximum overclocking of the fan is performed (in this case, the autonomy of the laptop will slightly decrease, since the cooler will consume a lot of energy).

Forced fan activation using the SpeedFan program

Another way to improve the cooler's performance is to use special software, which includes the free utility SpeedFan. To overclock the fan using this application, you must:

There are other programs that can force a laptop fan to run. So, using the AMD OverDrive utility, you can make changes to the operation of a PC cooler based on an AMD processor. The Riva Tunes application has been developed for Intel processors.

The work of the fans located inside or the laptop is one of the main pledges for the operation of all devices without failures. The article will describe the program for managing coolers - SpeedFan, its main functions and settings.

Why adjust the fan speed

Many users do not understand why manual setting if the hardware manufacturers themselves control the devices. However, no algorithm can be perfect and satisfy 100% of consumers.

If the CPU does not get very hot, but the rotational speed of the screw is always kept at the maximum level, this enhances what is created by the system unit.

If the medal has a reverse side. Very often, video card manufacturers block the propeller speed at the level of 40-50%, which leads to overheating in resource-intensive applications. Of course, this does not appear immediately. At first, when the graphics adapter is just purchased, it works like a clock. But over time, the cooler wears out, accordingly, its speed decreases, and 50% of the revolutions cannot provide an optimal air flow.


SpeedFan is a program for controlling a laptop or computer cooler. Multifunctional and free. The download link is located on the official website of the developer. Fan rotation can be controlled in automatic mode.

Installation is simple, even an inexperienced user can handle it. After the first launch, the main application window and an area with a small description will be displayed on the screen. To prevent it from appearing again, check the box next to "Don" t show again. After that, the utility will start reading the parameters of the motherboard microcircuits. As a result, a list of active coolers and their speed (RPM or revolutions per minute) will appear in the main program window. In addition, temperatures of all major components of the PC, the degree of utilization and voltage data are displayed.

The very first thing to do is to click on the "Configure" button, then go to the "Options" tab, and in the "Language" area set the value to "Russian". After that, the program for controlling the coolers of the video card, processor and other devices will switch to Russian.

The main blocks of the utility

The first and main block is located on the left. It displays the fan speed values. All sensors are named the same - Fan. Only the index next to it changes. In this case, the number of sensors in the list may exceed the number of fans installed in the system unit.

Many novice users are intimidated by the zero or negative numbers that the program for managing coolers gives out, but they just don't need to pay attention to them.

  • The second block is located on the right side of the window. It indicates the temperature of each element of the system:
  • GPU - video card.
  • HD0, 1, 2, 3 - hard drives.
  • CPU, Core - central processing unit.
  • MB - RAM.
  • Temp - Devices that could not be detected.

The only and main drawback of the application is that often all elements are named Temp. Determining which string corresponds to which can only be done by trial and error.

The third block is located at the bottom of the main utility window. It is with the help of it that the computer coolers are controlled. The program names the screws as Speed1, Speed2, and so on. The values ​​are given in percentages.

Defining fans

The inscriptions near the speed control, as noted above, are not very informative. Therefore, for a start, it is worth determining which line corresponds to which cooler. To do this, it is worth removing the left cover from system unit and alternately change each Speed ​​value from the maximum 100% to 85%, at the same time the numbers near the Fan lines will decrease. Whichever fan inside the computer slows down, you controlled in this moment... Memorize or write down which specific Speed ​​Controls and Fan Sensors belong to which device.


The program for controlling the cooler speed allows you to change most of the names of its main window so that the user does not get confused in the future.

  • Click on the "Configuration" button.
  • Go to the "Temperatures" tab.
  • Find those names that refer to active coolers.
  • Click on a line to select it. After a few seconds, click on it again. The cursor will appear in the field, now you can independently set absolutely any name for the sensor in the program.
  • Now pay attention to the bottom of the settings window. It sets the desired device temperature and alarm temperature. The latter indicates how hot the component should be before turning on the maximum fan speed. Naturally, for different devices these values ​​must also be different. To find out which will work best, you should visit the site of the hardware manufacturer.
  • After that, click on the "+" sign, this will expand the branch that sets the correspondence between the PC component and the cooler regulator. It is enough to check the box next to the one you want.
  • Uncheck all the boxes next to those devices that do not need to be monitored in the main SpeedFan window.

Fans and speed

  • Go to the Fans tab and rename all the lines you want here too. This procedure is the same as changing the names of the sensors. Also, after disabling those that do not need to be monitored, the program for managing coolers will stop displaying them in its main window. To do this is very simple - just uncheck the boxes next to them.

  • Open the "Speeds" tab. Select the line that is responsible for the required fan. Optionally, you can change the name of the lines here.
  • Adjust the two values ​​"minimum" and "maximum". In both cases, the speed is set as a percentage of the fastest. The cooler will spin slower and faster than these levels only if the temperature taken from the sensor exceeds the "Alarm" value set earlier.
  • In addition, check the box next to the "AutoChange" line.

After completing the settings, click on "OK". The main window of the program will be located in front of you again. In it, check the box "Autospeed". An inexperienced user is unlikely to be able to set the optimal configuration the first time, so you have to experiment. At the first sign of overheating, the best solution is to shut down the app.

Extra options

The described program for controlling the processor cooler has a number of useful functions. You can read about all of them on the official website or in the user manual, which opens by pressing the "F1" key. The most useful ones will be listed below.

Click on the "Configuration" button and go to the "Options" tab. Check the box next to Run minimized. As the name suggests, the application will now launch without displaying the main window. If you do not check this box, after each boot of the operating system, the desktop will display Workspace tool. It should be noted that if the program is not included with Windows, its shortcut must be moved to the C: \ Users \ Account_name \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Main Menu \ Programs \ Startup directory.

The checkbox opposite "Minimize on Close" will save the user from accidentally terminating the SpeedFan process. In this case, after clicking on the button in the form of a cross, which is in the upper right corner of each window, the program for managing coolers will simply be minimized to the tray.

A little about security

The checkbox "Full fan speed on exit" increases safety. If the program is closed, the coolers will start rotating at maximum speed.

When this option is not active, after turning off the utility, the propeller speed will remain unchanged, but will not be automatically adjusted. With increasing load, this can lead to overheating if the BIOS does not take over control of the coolers in time.