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The shipping method you are going to use. Receiving an order by yourself as a delivery method, or Why do customers not notice it? Pros of a courier company for an online store

Learn about the main ways to organize delivery for online stores:

  1. Express delivery;
  2. self-pickup of goods from the online store;
  3. EMS / Russian mail in online stores;
  4. transport companies.

Express delivery

In large cities, this is the most demanded method and the most popular delivery service. This method is characterized by high speed of delivery and the fact that buyers can look at the item to check its condition before paying.

The simplest scheme and is easily implemented.

At the start, it is very problematic to hire your own couriers, so you should outsource the delivery and use the services of third-party couriers if necessary. This will allow you to protect yourself from unnecessary expenses and there will be no situations when the courier is sitting in the office. The article on courier services for an online store is made comparative review courier services who can be entrusted with the delivery of orders.

On average, the cost of the services of courier companies is approximately 170-200 rubles. order weighing up to one kilogram, delivery of which is carried out within St. Petersburg or Moscow. The cost of delivery to St. Petersburg in MSC is on average about 250-300 rubles.

Let's take a look at the results:

  • Price
  • Speed
  • Reliability

Cost: due to the high speed, such a service is not cheap (for an order weighing one kilogram in one city - from 150 rubles).

Speed: if you have your own couriers, you can send orders on the day you receive your orders. Delivery of orders by third-party courier services is carried out the next day after its acceptance.

Reliability: responsibility for the received cargo lies with your couriers and courier services (it is worth reading the contract with them).

All self-respecting online stores should have courier delivery, regardless of the region where the work is being done.

Pickup of goods from the online store

Pickup is more convenient because the buyer does not have to pay for the delivery of the order, and this is important when the order amount is small. Moreover, buyers are not guided by couriers, who often arrive at unspecified times.

In addition, at points of self-pickup, you can place additional display cases with goods, thereby providing an opportunity for customers to buy other goods in your store.

If there is no office, then you should not be upset, now you can place goods on the basis of self-delivery centers of courier services or firms that were originally sharpened as self-delivery centers for online stores (for example, SamZaberu).

A significant disadvantage of self-pickup is the higher percentage of unredeemed orders compared to courier. Therefore, a few days after confirming orders, it is worth reminding customers that an order is awaiting it. Then the buyer will either refuse completely or come to pick it up.


  • Price
  • Speed
  • Reliability
  • The possibility of accepting cash upon receipt is

Cost: It may cost nothing for pickup if it's your own office. When using the services of third-party pick-up centers, the issuance of the 1st order will cost on average 40-90 rubles. depending on the center.

Speed: subject to low speed the fact that quite often buyers do not immediately arrive to place an order, but only within a few days.

Reliability: of course, if the pickup is in your own office, then you are responsible for it. Responsibility for the order transferred according to the documents also lies with third-party self-pickup centers, do not forget to read the contract.

mailEMS/ Russia in online stores

It is no secret that cash on delivery in online stores is one of the most popular types of delivery in Russia. Firstly, because it has the largest coverage of the territory. Secondly, because many potential buyers live in small towns.

The delivery procedure is as follows:

  1. Packaging of goods;
  2. Sending orders through the branches of the Russian Post;
  3. The order is sent to the recipients, we are waiting for its receipt at his department;
  4. When an order is received, money is expected to arrive.
  5. The main disadvantages of shipping with cash on delivery. Before opening delivery throughout Russia, you should think about the following:
  6. In Russia, the average delivery time is ten days;
  7. When shipping on prepayment only, there is a certain risk of freezing the working capital at the time of delivery;

It will also take a lot of work to prevent cases of orders not being picked up. In such cases, you will spend ten days for delivery, a month is given for the order to be picked up, and in cases where it is not picked up, another ten days for the return of the goods. Do not forget that in such cases you will have to pay for shipping both there and back.

There may be additional expenses for communication with buyers from the regions.

However, even if there are all of the above disadvantages, working with the entire audience of Russia has its merits. Since the opening of this type of delivery, complications are possible, which are associated with the fact that part of the money in the form of orders travels around Russia, but over time (when buying orders) the situation begins to stabilize. In addition, the audience of potential buyers is very large.

To reduce the number of non-bills, the following recommendations will help you:

It is worth informing buyers about the shipment of the goods;

It is also worth notifying them about the delivery of the order to their post office;

You always need to confirm orders to the regions by phone.


  • Price
  • Speed
  • Reliability
  • The possibility of accepting cash upon receipt is

Cost: delivery at a fixed cost and depends on the region where the package is sent. We recommend the 1st class.

Speed: depending on the region, the delivery time can be found on the website of the Russian Post. We advise you to ship in 1st class, which significantly reduces the delivery time.

Reliability: according to statistics, goods are rarely delivered to their final destination by Russian Post. However, there may be violations of the target dates and appearance packages. Also, the goods can be damaged. Buyers should be warned not to redeem a purchase in the event of a significant violation of the packaging.

By the way, it is more convenient to send parcels through branches that do not work with individuals, but only with individual entrepreneurs or legal entities.

Transport companies

For online stores, it is the most unclaimed delivery service.

We are talking about delivery using such companies as PEC, Business Lines, etc. The advantage of these companies is fast delivery in comparison with Russian Post and a large number of offices in Russia (more than 1000 cities).

This type of delivery is perfect for:

  • Prompt delivery to cities where the buyer can independently pick up orders from the warehouse of the transport company;
  • Delivery of rather bulky goods;

Buyers place orders, make an advance payment for them, and then you send the order to the city. Compared to Russian Post, this type of delivery has less coverage (medium and large cities), but faster delivery, which is especially important for remote regions.

Some shipping companies offer the option of paying for the goods upon receipt, but we advise you to use prepaid systems.

Transport companies:

  • Business Line
  • Results:
  • Price
  • Speed
  • Reliability
  • The possibility of accepting cash upon receipt in some companies is

Cost: the cost of delivery is comparable to the cost of sending using the Russian Post. It is more profitable to ship oversized cargo by transport companies.

Speed: in comparison with Russian Post, the speed is higher, but the coverage is less.

Reliability: higher reliability than Russian Post due to shorter delivery times and more careful attitude to shipments.

What should you choose as a result of delivery for your online store?

We considered pickup, courier delivery, transport companies and Russian Post. Now let's compare them according to their characteristics:


  • Pickup
  • Express delivery
  • Transport company
  • Post office

It has already been noted that courier delivery is the most quick way delivery of the order to end customers. But the Russian Post has the maximum coverage on the territory of the Russian Federation.


  • Pickup
  • Express delivery
  • Transport company
  • Post office

The always high delivery speed was characterized by high delivery costs. It's hard enough to compare here different types, because each of these types performs its own tasks, the difference in cost of which is large. The main thing is that there are many different payment options involved in online stores.


  • Pickup
  • Express delivery
  • Transport company
  • Post office

The most reliable is delivery on their own when using couriers or self-pickup. By and large, everything happens before your eyes and it is much easier to control it. When sent to the regions, it becomes more difficult to control. Send a courier on a business trip a thousand kilometers away - you yourself understand that such a trip will not pay off the sale. Unless, of course, you sold the composition household appliances, numbering twenty cars. Therefore, it is better for a young store not to get involved with the regions, but to focus on the city where it operates.

As you can see, there is no clear winner in all nominations. Therefore, we recommend always not to use only one delivery option, but to combine them, thereby providing buyers with a choice. It is more convenient for someone to pay for prompt delivery by courier, while for someone it is better to drive up by himself so as not to overpay.

Choice of delivery at the start

When launching an online store, courier delivery must be present (up to two days) + pickup is also desirable. Over time, it is worth trying to make a test of delivery by Russian Post, both prepaid and cash on delivery. The results obtained can help you to finally determine the scheme of working with mail.

If you distribute bulky goods or it is more convenient for you to work with transport companies, then it is worth assessing the cost of such a service and choosing a suitable service. This site can provide you with assistance in automatically calculating shipping costs for various destinations.

In order not to be mistaken with the choice of the delivery option, it is imperative to take into account the type of delivered goods. For example, you need to remember that delicate electronics and various little things do not like transportation by mail, since they can be easily damaged during shipment. That's why mobile phones, gadgets, electronics, computer parts are best delivered through a courier, and even better - given by self. We must not forget that courier delivery is also an additional income. As a rule, the cost of a trip for a courier is several times lower than payment for delivery, therefore it is profitable to offer a client a courier service.

If your product is not afraid of blows (for example, clothes), then the most profitable delivery method is undoubtedly mail. With the help of post offices, you can easily send goods without worrying about their safety. Finally, if your field of activity is something dimensional (hot water boilers, gas stoves, furniture ...) - your choice - specialized delivery services that have become widespread in Russia recently. As a rule, such services have convenient sites where you can track the progress of the delivery, because both you and your client can always find out where they find the goods. In addition, the cost of the services of these companies is quite favorable.

As we can see, all shipping options are good to a certain extent. Most stores prefer to combine benefits and practice different delivery options. As a rule, courier delivery is carried out in the city where the store is located. And the goods are sent to remote regions by postal services.

We continue the series of articles about business for young mothers and fathers, and today we will talk about the All-Russian competition for young entrepreneurs called "My First Business". Like all recent undertakings, this project was formed at the end of 2017 and is now gaining momentum every day. A PR campaign is in full swing on TV, radio and other print media.


  • Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
  • The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia;
  • Agency for Strategic Initiatives;
  • PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov.

The project was implemented within the framework of the program. Information support is provided by the Foundation for the Development of Internet Initiatives and the Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in Scientific and Technical Spheres, although in fact the initiative was supported by other funds and the media.


According to the organizers, the main goal of the project is to popularize Business among young people. Despite the active development of Russia in recent years, as well as numerous programs to support small businesses, unfortunately, the indicators of small business development in our country do not reach European, and even more so to American, where more than 50% of the contribution to the country's GDP comes from small business ...

The selection principle is not entirely clear to us, since according to the organizers, the participants must go through a certain "educational track" in one or several business areas under the guidance of "well-known" bloggers. Among the directions are:

  1. Internet projects;
  2. Blogs;
  3. Innovation;
  4. DIY projects;
  5. Musical production.

Several logical questions arise:

  1. Why are these areas selected? Indeed, in Russia there are many interesting and unexplored areas, as well as only in which there is low competition or it is necessary to replace foreign analogues... And the organizers have chosen the direction "Blogs". Is this a creative project? One gets the impression that the show jumping itself is still raw and only you have been launched in the spheres of activity in which the fund has connections.
  2. Why is the work evaluated and the educational track is held under the guidance of famous bloggers? Aren't there few successful entrepreneurs in our country? Why go through some kind of competition or selection from a blogger? After all, a blogger is a rather controversial figure who makes money only by his posts on the Internet, the number of these posts, especially actively picking up the latest popular topics and discussing them in their blogs. A very controversial decision in our opinion.

By the way, you can choose the following bloggers - Nikolay Sobolev, Klava Koka, Masha Wei, Yang Topless and Wylsacom:


Program and dates

The time frame for 2017 - 2018 is rather tight, albeit realistic:

General rules

Everyone should register on the portal, fill out a questionnaire with personal data and subscribe to the Vkontakte community.

Again, the very controversial initiative of compulsory subscription to communities, it seems that the organizers themselves want to make money on the PR of their groups in social networks, and then monetize the project additionally.

The social group Vkontakte of the My First Business - Captains project, by the way, looks like this:

A little bit already more than 500 thousand subscribers - this is a very good result in just a few months of the group's life. Also, we are immediately greeted by a presentation video:

Everyone who wants to must register on the site, and registration is possible only through a personal Vkontakte profile. thus to all those who do not have a page in social network, you need to create such a profile and register from under it. after confirming the rights to the application, you go to your personal account and see:

The interface is quite intuitive, although it does not display correctly in MAC OS in Safari. Interestingly, as in the classics of the genre, additional points are awarded for inviting a friend. Everything bloggers love.


Each blogger has his own tasks and they are presented in the form of a video interview and a question, for example:

Exercise 1: How to find an idea for an online business? Describe your idea. What would you like to sell in your online store? Why did you choose this direction?

Answer to task 1:

It is necessary to give a detailed answer of 100 characters or more. Example: I would like to open an Internet pet store, and make it multi-brand with the most extensive product matrix. Selling both food and accessories for cats, dogs, birds, rodents and reptiles. The emphasis is on the minimum markup, free shipping, a convenient personal account with order history and personal recommendations, a description of the client's pets. In your personal account, you could leave a request for an individual selection of medicinal feeds or other products by specialists, veterinarians or representatives of your favorite brands.

I would also like to pursue aggressive advertising strategies and launch it in all well-known media outlets, Internet portals, Yandex market, Internet layout sites, etc. At the same time, negotiate with manufacturers of goods from the store's assortment for joint advertising PR actions. In addition, the site should have a system for auto-updating prices and product balances, functionality of recommended products based on neural networks, similar products, recently viewed products, the ability to buy in 1 click, the ability to postpone to the "wish list".

This is just an example, and of course, all the main points are not covered here.


  • Describe your idea in as much detail as possible;
  • Try to immediately present the numerical parameters of the project, forecasts of sales, output, costs, profits, etc .;
  • Indicate what is the uniqueness and distinctive features of the project;
  • Tell us why you should succeed;
  • Provide "success stories" of competitors.

Assignment 2: Why will they buy from your online store? What are the benefits of your online store?

Answer to task 2: Describe the benefits as specific as possible, trying to come up with a "twist". Example: Among the main advantages it will be possible to single out: free delivery, minimum mark-ups, sale of any item by the piece, return of goods within a month, not two weeks, the ability to bring a product to choose from several types, sizes or colors, a unique individual selection of goods for the breed dogs, their age and distinctive features of taste and character directly on the site using a special filter, adaptive site design, individual mailings with special offers, cumulative discounts for regular customers, etc.


  • Reflect specific facts, confirmation by statistics;
  • Draw the organizers' attention to foreign examples;
  • Search the Internet for e-commerce know-how;
  • Pay attention to neural networks and BigData functionality from the Bitrix platform.

Assignment 3: Delivery to the client. Indicate the delivery method you are going to use and justify your choice.

Answer to task 3: As a rule, delivery methods are the same for everyone, but you can also be creative, for example, specify delivery using quadrocopters or multicopters. Such coffee delivery options already exist in Europe and America. Or: Shipping will be done by all possible ways, for example, by Russian Post, couriers, transport companies, through post offices, and self-pickup is also available.

The more different ways delivery, the more customers we can be interested in, because each client has their own preferences, it is more convenient for someone to take the courier personally, someone does not want to adjust and it is easier for them to call in on their own or go to the post office at a convenient time, and someone makes an order on the Internet from other regions and can only be delivered using TC, Russian Post or other remote methods!


  • Indicate several delivery methods and justify each one;
  • Use both standard approaches and creative ones, you need to stand out from the crowd.

After completing these three tasks, the following notification is displayed: " You have completed the main tasks! Congratulations! Now you are a participant in the drawing of 5000 backpacks and 5000 beauty boxes. If you want to apply for an iPhone X, GoPro and a grant for an education in one of the best universities in the country or financial support for a project, complete the practical task! "

Assignment 4: Platform for your online store. Choose a site for your online store ( \ List the products you want to sell in your online store or group. Send me a link to the store.

Answer: This is where the fun begins. We move from theory to practice and place a real store for testing.

After the link is sent, we receive the following message: "You have completed all theoretical and practical tasks. The jury will select after November 14 those who will receive newest iPhones and GoPro, as well as idea development grants. Don't waste time - take daily steps to grow your business. "

Results of the competition

As a result, the winners will be able to receive various prizes, the list of such prizes is quite substantial - from technology to educational grants. Experts will select only about 2,000 best competitors, they will be invited to the so-called regional educational business camps from December 7 to 10, 2017, and from November 16 - 05.12 students of the Faculty of Business "CAPITANES" will organize the preparation of schoolchildren for the camps. As expected, the details are published only in the Vkontakte community. Unlike the program

  • - the main site of the project, where you can and should register, read the terms and conditions. The domain is also recently registered, but it already has significant traffic. Several thousand people visit the project a day, and everything here is prepared for promotion on the Internet. The naked eye can see that designers and marketers, as well as many other specialists, have worked seriously on the site. Here's some information:

P.s. The founder of the fund is Alexey Nechaev. A fairly well-known entrepreneur and teacher in narrow circles. Graduated from Moscow State University. Lomonosov and immediately began to combine teaching and entrepreneurial activities. Currently, he is the founder and president of Faberlink (one of the top 100 largest perfumery and cosmetic companies in the world). Married, father of 5 children!

Good luck to everyone in business!

According to a 2014 survey by the consulting firm Forrester, 50% of online shoppers would like to be able to pick up their orders at retail locations of the same online store. This is not at all surprising: the cost of delivery of goods, taxes and various additional costs when making a transaction in an online store repel 33% of buyers.

That is why the ability to pick up an order yourself, which does not require any additional costs, is becoming an increasingly popular option for receiving goods.

Despite the fact that many online stores provide their customers with self-pickup, most visitors do not notice the presence of such a shipping option because the web element for selecting this option is not at all where people expect to see it.

According to research by Baymard, a company testing the usability of web interfaces, 83% of respondents, when ordering goods using a smartphone, did not notice the “pick-up” button on the website of the REI branded clothing store.

The Find in store option is located directly on the product landing page. But the fact is that most buyers expect to see a pickup option during the checkout process, that is, among other shipping methods. Some visitors even browse the FAQ and shipping policy for an option to pick up a purchase on their own without noticing the item they are looking for.

Figure 1 shows the location of the Free store pickup today on the site of the American toy store Toys R` Us.

The pick-up option is located at the very beginning of the payment page: this placement option is more suitable, but users still do not notice the option to receive an order in the store, expecting to see it among other delivery options, which in the case of Toys R` Us are displayed just below (picture 2) ...

Representation of buyers about self-receipt of the order

Most eCommerce platforms place a pick-up option either at the very top of the checkout page or long before moving on to the checkout process.

But, as we have already said, visitors expect to see such an option among the delivery methods, so they simply do not notice it on other pages of the online store.

The fact is that consumers regard the option of receiving a purchase on their own as an absolutely complete delivery option, despite the fact that the online store does not actually send them anything.

Displaying a pick-up option among other delivery methods also positively influences the decision to make a purchase for price-sensitive buyers: they have the opportunity to compare the prices of all possible options for receiving goods and make the most profitable decision for their wallet.

Why pay the extra 500 rubles for shipping when you can pick up the goods yourself from the store on your way to work?

The image shows the checkout page of the Notus online hardware store. The self-pickup option is displayed exactly where most buyers expect to find it - along with other shipping methods.

Pickup is an advantage over competitors

By giving shoppers the ability to pick up orders from retail outlets, any business gains several benefits at once.

  • Firstly, the option of receiving the goods at the point of issue can serve as a worthy alternative to the standard one. As we said at the very beginning of this article, 33% of buyers do not complete the online shopping process because they are put off by the additional costs of purchasing a product, one of which is shipping.
  • Secondly, you get a competitive advantage over online stores that do not have retail outlets or points of purchase.
  • Thirdly, you also optimize your sales by upselling.

High conversions for you!

Some 5-7 years ago, this issue did not cause so many difficulties - there were few ways to deliver goods from online stores - the unchanging Russian Post, a couple of transport companies and courier services. Now on the Russian market there are more than a hundred companies that carry everything - from postcards to cars. They promise to deliver the goods to the client even on December 31 in the evening. It can be difficult to figure out which of them delivers the goods, and which is the trouble for the business. This article will help you.

There are only four main types for organizing delivery in an online store in Russia. This:

Delivery by Russian Post

Due to the speed of delivery, Russian Post is called the "turtle", but its logo is still present in many online stores. Because she has low prices and it delivers parcels even to villages with a population of 200 people, which means it remains the most popular way of delivering goods across Russia.

The disadvantage of this method is speed, but even here the technology does not stand still - postal employees do a lot of things to automate processes and serve customers faster.

In June 2016, the Russian Post developed a special service for delivery from online stores - So far, the service works only in Moscow. It allows you to:

  1. Automate the preparation of documents for parcels.
  2. Using your API ( program code) integrate services into your website.
  3. On the site, show the buyer the actual cost of postage from the online store.

To start using the service, you need to register on the site and submit an application. After verification, the service will be connected to your store. You will not need to fill out stacks of accompanying documents at the post office. All that is needed is to print out the completed form, stick it on the parcel and take it to the department. In addition, the site has a function to call a courier online, so you don't have to leave the office at all and stay busy.

Self-pickup delivery

The self-pickup method of delivery of goods is good because the buyer does not need to wait for couriers, who often come at the wrong time, which was agreed upon.

You can arrange self-pickup delivery in two ways:

  • issue goods in your warehouse or office;
  • use the pick-up point of one of the delivery services or TC (transport company). The cost of one parcel in such companies varies from 50 to 100 rubles.

How to organize self-pickup for an online store on your own:step by step algorithm

Pickup from your office is suitable if you sell a product that needs to be tested before buying - clothes, shoes, household appliances.

Step 1 - choose a room. Choose a warehouse or office in the central part of the city, in a passageway, for example, in a shopping center, so that it is convenient for customers to pick up goods. For a start, a room with an area of ​​20-30 is enough. square meters.

Step 2 - equip the pick-up point. For this, 30 thousand rubles are enough. You will spend them on a computer with the Internet, a cash register, shelves for storing goods, furniture for an employee, a sign at the entrance.

Step 3 - create a showcase with products. If you have organized delivery from an online store through your own pick-up point, offer accessories for the goods and thereby increase the average check.

According to statistics, self-delivery is chosen when buying inexpensive goods, when it makes no sense to pay for courier delivery. So that your profit does not fall, offer something else to the main product. To do this, install a display case with accessories in your office.

Step 4 - hire an honest employee. To dispense goods, hire a person with good characteristics... The fact is that the operator's salary for issuing orders usually does not exceed 30 thousand rubles, even for large cities. Therefore, if an employee turns out to be dishonest, he will be tempted to steal goods that cost more than his salary.

Step 5 - declare your own pickup point. Write about it on the website, on advertising brochures, on business cards. On the website, explain to your customers what self-pickup means in an online store and what are its advantages. Take photos of the sign and display of items that can be purchased locally. This will increase customer confidence and set you apart from the competition.

The understanding of what is a self-pickup in an online store and what are its pitfalls comes with experience. For example, store owners note that when choosing this type of delivery, many buyers do not take the goods.

If you have your own pick-up point, organize a system of calling customers or sending SMS with a reminder that you need to pick up your order. If you use a pick-up service from a third-party delivery service, make sure they notify the customer themselves.

Courier delivery

How courier delivery is carried out in online stores today is known to almost all residents of large cities who at least once bought something via the Internet. By choosing this method, you save the buyer's time, because the courier comes to the client's home or work, having previously agreed on the time of the visit.

In addition, almost all types of courier delivery provide for testing the goods before payment - trying on clothes, checking the operation of equipment, etc.

The online store can carry out courier delivery in two ways: hire your own courier or use the services of a courier service.

Pros of your courier delivery

  1. The method of delivering goods from an online store with your own courier is more flexible compared to the services of third-party courier services. The courier adapts to your customer, and not to the schedule of the company where he works. If necessary, he will deliver the goods outside of working hours or change the route to pick up the order that you received at 19.00, but want to deliver to the client on the same day.
  2. If the client transfers the payment for the order through a courier, then you receive the money immediately, and do not wait several days for the courier company to transfer it to you.
  3. By hiring your own courier, you work with one trusted person. If you find “your” employee and work well, you can not worry about the safety of the parcels and delivery times. When contacting the courier service, couriers can change, and with them the attitude to work, which depends on a particular person, will change.
  4. Your courier knows your product well, unlike the courier service employee. By at least, you can train him so that he can answer simple questions the buyer and help him deal with the product. He is the face of your store, your advertisement and your additional sales tool.

It is worth thinking about how to organize your delivery service when you are able to maintain it and when you have a flow of orders from 5-10 per day. Aspiring entrepreneurs are better off outsourcing this process.

Pros of a courier company for an online store

  1. You pay for courier services only when you need one, and do not keep a person on staff who leaves for orders from time to time.
  2. Organization of delivery from the online store to other cities is possible only with the help of courier services. They have enough resources to quickly and inexpensively transport your goods to another region.
  3. It is easier to cope with peak loads, for example, before the New Year. Courier companies usually have a large workforce and you can use these additional resources if necessary.
  4. If the parcel is lost or damaged due to the fault of the courier, the courier service is responsible for this. If the goods are damaged through the fault of your courier, you will most likely incur losses.
  5. In a courier company, you can order urgent delivery if the client, for example, needs to receive the goods in two hours. If there is one full-time courier who is this moment busy with other orders, you will not be able to provide such a service.
  6. You can read about how outsourced courier delivery works in reviews, there are a lot of them on the Internet. It is easy to determine the strengths and weaknesses company, and then choose the one that suits you. When organizing your own delivery service, you do not know exactly what difficulties you will face.

The cost of a courier delivery service in the city is 200-250 rubles per parcel. Speed ​​- from several hours to several days. As a rule, courier services have different tariffs - the more deliveries you order, the cheaper each of them is.

Organization of a delivery service for an online store necessarily implies delivery by a courier, regardless of what region you are in and what you trade.

Delivery by transport companies

The services of transport companies for online stores are relevant when you need to send goods to another city. This is convenient for bulky and expensive goods if you do not trust their transportation to the Russian Post. The essence of this method is as follows:

  1. The buyer makes an advance payment for the goods.
  2. You send the goods to the warehouse of the transport company or order a courier delivery to the door from it (this depends on the wishes of the client).
  3. The recipient picks up the goods and, if necessary, makes the rest of the payment.

If you choose which is better, the post office or the transport company, then the second option has more advantages: the speed is higher, the attitude towards parcels is more careful, the convenience for the recipient and the sender is greater. However, transport companies will have higher prices and the branches of the TC you have chosen will not be available in all cities.

So how do you arrange delivery and how do you ship items from an online store? Self-respecting store implements several methods of delivery of goods:

Courier - for those who need to quickly and who are nearby.

Self-pickup - for those who do not want to overpay and buy goods for a small amount.

By Russian Post - where couriers do not work.

A transport company - for those who are not satisfied with the terms of the mail.

To make it easier for you to choose the best delivery methods in Russia and the CIS, we have prepared a selection of 15 delivery services with reviews and descriptions.

Delivery options for goods and delivery services in Russia and CIS is a market leader with branches in 333 Russian cities. More than 1,500 online stores use the services of the Boxberry delivery company.

The store owner needs to register on the site and send orders for delivery via Personal Area... Each client is provided with a personal manager. You can bring orders to the Boxberry warehouse or call a courier who will pick up the goods. The advantage of this method of delivery of goods is the ability to track the location of the parcel on the website and an online calculator with cost calculation.

Review of Boxberry on the Internet is one of the best delivery services for goods from online stores, known as CDEK, on ​​the market since 2000. There are 450 collection points in 90 cities of Russia. CDEK carries goods from abroad, including from China, offers an urgent delivery service on the same day.

CDEK gives discounts from 3 to 10% to owners of online stores who have entered into an agreement, prints invoices, calls recipients to clarify the delivery time, works on weekends and after 18.00 and provides many other additional services.

Feedback on CDEK on the Internet - "Shop-Logistics" delivery service organizes delivery for online stores in 5,000 Russian cities. According to the administration, 95% of the parcels are delivered without problems. Cash on delivery from buyers is transferred in 1-3 days.

You can install an online calculator from Shop Logistics on your website. With its help, users will calculate the exact price themselves. Delivery cost - from 50 rubles per parcel. Most of the pick-up points are equipped with fitting rooms for those who buy clothes.

Online review of Shop-logistics - Russian network for the delivery of letters and parcels. Delivery is carried out by courier or to the pick-up point. Terms for Moscow and St. Petersburg - 1 day. "Top-Delivery" operates in 1800 settlements of Russia, has more than 200 points of self-pickup.

According to the assurances of the employees, the Topdelivery company can cope even with the New Year's peak of work. Calls recipients and sends them messages, makes it possible to make a partial refund, allows you to test the product for 15 minutes before paying.

Review of Topdelivery on the Internet - the Reworker company is engaged not only in the delivery of goods for online stores. It also provides services for order processing, storage, marking of parcels. Works with Russian Post and the most common courier services - Boxberry, CDEK, DPD and others. All you need is to conclude an agreement, connect the system to your store and leave applications. Couriers will pick up the goods from you and send them through the desired delivery service on the same day.

The cost of delivery from online stores to Revorker is from 24 rubles. Sends goods from Moscow and St. Petersburg. Simplifies complex work with Russian Post - prepares and packs parcels, takes care of paperwork, provides a minimum commission when sending cash on delivery from a client.

Review of Reworker on the Internet is a reactive delivery service to online stores (as they call themselves), which delivers goods within the Moscow Ring Road in three hours. Unfortunately, so far they do not go further than the Moscow Ring Road. Delivery service "GetParcel" cooperates with forty partners or 1600 couriers in Moscow. Couriers undergo special training, each has a cash register and a card payment terminal.

The Getparcel service has its own API for installing a widget on the site, if you have a large online store, and a Personal Account for sending orders, if the sales volumes are still small.

http: //allegro-plus.rf is a courier service that specializes in the delivery of correspondence and parcels in Moscow. Also works with online stores, offers discounts to regular customers. Allegro-Plus picks up shipments from your warehouse for free, packs the packages and calls recipients to agree on the delivery time with them.

Courier service "Allegro-plus.rf" concludes an agreement with online stores. Each client is assigned a manager who will tell you how to organize delivery to the buyer through the Personal Account, how to print accompanying documents and keep your address book.

Review of Allegro Plus on the Internet - a courier service founded in 2007, is engaged in the delivery of goods from online stores in Moscow, Russia and abroad. Delivery service "Latella" has 90 branches in Russia, as well as representative offices in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.

The service has a fleet of 50 cars at its disposal; it books about 3,000 flights a month for the delivery of goods. Among the disadvantages of the delivery service "Latella" is the work of couriers only on weekdays and during working hours from 9 to 18. - a transport company working with cash on delivery. TC "Doklienta" delivers goods weighing up to 10 tons, picks up goods from the supplier, transfers cash on delivery, allows you to try on clothes before payment, assemble furniture and check household appliances.

The delivery time of goods from an online store is clearly shown, there is an online calculator for calculating the cost of delivery in Moscow, to any city in Russia or the CIS. The prices of the company depend on the number of deliveries per month and the weight of the parcel. On average, delivery of one parcel up to a kilogram costs 25 rubles /

Online review of Doklienta - Fakel courier service has been operating since 2011, delivers goods across Moscow and Russia. Delivery by courier to your home or to a self-pickup service in Moscow is possible. Works on time - undertakes to refund the delivery cost if the courier is late for more than an hour.

"Fakel" allocates to each online store personal manager, returns money from cash on delivery within three days, can store your goods in its warehouse, allows you to monitor the status of your order online. - a company for the delivery of goods from the online store "Hermes" on the market for over forty years. Offers delivery within Russia with German precision. The company is headquartered in Hamburg. There are about 600 pick-up points in 155 cities in russia.

The delivery service "Hermes" notifies the recipients of the arrival of the goods by phone or SMS, draws up insurance for all goods, coordinates the express return of the goods back to the online store. Estimated delivery times in Moscow and the region are 1-2 days.

Review of Hermesrussia on the Internet - delivery service for online stores, has been operating since 1998. Delivers cargo to more than 9,000 cities in Russia and the CIS. There is the option of delivery of goods the next morning (express) and delivery of groupage cargo, as well as packaging of goods with several degrees of protection.

Courier service "Dimex" provides Additional services: delivery outside working hours, change of the recipient's address, delivery with an inventory of attachments, declared value, delivery by a certain time. is a courier delivery method through the Russian Post or our own pick-up points. "ECP-Logistic" works in Moscow and regions. They pick up shipments from your warehouse for free, change the address or name of the recipient for free, help to install your API in the online store, provide a Personal Account with everything you need.

Delivery service "ESP-Logistic" gives a 10% discount on delivery from online stores in the first month of service, does not increase the price of services if you need to deliver goods on weekends. The maximum weight of a shipment is 15 kg.

Feedback on Ecp-logistic on the Internet - professional delivery of goods and correspondence. Index Express offers online stores the organization of delivery of goods to pick-up points in Moscow (9 pickup points) and St. Petersburg (24 pickup points). Upon request, he can pick up cargo from your supplier and store it in his warehouse.

Courier service "Index-express" sends messages to recipients at all stages of delivery. Offers a convenient tariff with a fixed cost of 250 rubles, regardless of the number of deliveries. - "CourierService Express" transport company started its work in 1997. Today, over 150 branches of the courier service operate throughout Russia. The staff includes more than 170 people.

For online stores "KSE" offers convenient delivery options in Russia, storage and packaging of goods, well-established customer service and 10,000 square meters of warehouse space.

How to arrange delivery in an online store - tips

1. If the average amount of a check in your store is 1000 rubles, be sure to make the delivery self-pickup. The client is unlikely to want to pay another 250-300 for delivery by courier at a price of 1,000 rubles.

2. When concluding a contract for courier or transport services for an online store, read it carefully. What will happen if the courier loses the parcel or does not meet the deadline, does the manager call recipients or send them an SMS, how long does he transfer money to you for the goods, what if the buyer does not take the order - these and other conditions should be clearly spelled out.

3. Make in-store the option of express delivery on the same day or within a few hours. According to a survey, 36% of potential buyers do not order due to long delivery times. Don't lose those clients.

4. Mostly clients are ready to pick up orders in the evening after work. Peak time - 19.00-22.00. Consider this when planning the schedule for the courier or pick-up point.

Choosing the best delivery companies: check list

Experienced online store owners advise choosing a courier service that:

  • It has many branches in Moscow and St. Petersburg. According to statistics, 70-90% of online store buyers are Muscovites and residents of the northern capital.
  • Withstands peak New Year's workload. Many companies disrupt the delivery time of goods from the online store during the holidays and strike a blow to the profits and reputation of the owners.
  • Can pick up packages after 19.00, and not in the middle of the working day. It is convenient for you and you need it so that you can give the courier all the orders that have accumulated during the day.
  • Has its own API (code for placement on the site) so that you manage the organization of delivery of the online store from the admin panel. This is especially true for large trading platforms.
  • Returns free of charge parcels that the customer has not picked up. Not later than a week later and indicating the reason for the return.

When choosing a courier service, of course, you need to focus on reviews. But don't be surprised if you see a lot of negative reviews about the best delivery services for online stores in Russia. Remember that the good is rarely written about, because it goes without saying. But they readily talk about the bad experience of cooperation and through all channels.

Fast delivery and satisfied customers!

"So simple!" prepared for you today a very entertaining one, which will help you understand yourself and begin to understand your inner world.

Prepare a piece of paper and a pen. First, you will need to carefully read the questions and give a written answer to them. Try to give your answer as quickly as possible.

Write or even draw the first thing that comes to your mind. If you answer them immediately and without hesitation, you will be able to establish contact with your subconscious.

Psychological test


  1. You are walking with someone through the woods. Who is this?
  2. You are walking in the forest and you see an animal. What is this beast?
  3. What happens after you meet his eyes?
  4. You go deeper into the forest and see a clearing in front of you. The house of your dreams stands in front of you. Describe its size.
  5. Is there a fence around it?
  6. You enter the house and go to the dining room. Then you see the dining table. What's on and around it?
  7. You go out the back door and see a glass or a cup lying right on the grass. What material is the container made of?
  8. What are you going to do with her?
  9. You go to the end of the clearing, in the middle of which there is a house. There is a reservoir there. What is this body of water?
  10. How are you going to cross the water to move on?

The answers to these questions demonstrate your values ​​and ideals.


  1. The person you are walking with is the most important person in your life.
  2. The size of the imaginary animal is actually the size of your inner problems. The larger the animal, the harder it is for you to live.
  3. How you react to an unexpected meeting in the forest is your most typical way of solving problems (aggressive, passive).
  4. The size of your dream home is the size of your ambition. If it's too big, you may have high expectations from life.
  5. The absence of a fence suggests that you are an open and internally free person. If it is, then you value personal space and expect the same from others.
  6. If there is no food, flowers, or people on or near the table, then you are most likely deeply unhappy.
  7. The strength and durability of the material from which the container is made is how strong and strong you perceive your relationship in the family. Disposable plastic or paper cup? Glass?

    Most likely, you are worried about the future of your family. If the container was made of metal or porcelain, then you have nothing to worry about.

  8. Your act characterizes the attitude towards the person from question number 1.
  9. The size of the pond is the size of your sexual appetite.
  10. The more “wet” mode of transportation you choose, the more important sex is in your life.

This test can be repeated over and over again several days apart. So you can see how yours is changing emotional condition from day to day. This test is a must for everyone. Recommend it to your friends!