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Omskmama joint purchases - purchases at wholesale prices for residents of Omsk. Omskmama joint purchase Online support and personal manager

Omskmama joint purchases is a virtual trading platform that allows you to purchase goods for the whole family at wholesale prices. Due to the unification of several buyers from different cities of Russia, goods can be purchased directly from the supplier from the warehouse, bypassing the store counters.


All joint purchases, as a rule, are organized by a certain person. He collects orders, negotiates with suppliers, combines all orders into one large order and sends it to the supplier. He, in turn, evaluates the order and issues an invoice for each item. The organizer gives these details for payment to the buyers participating in the purchase, and they make the payment within a few days. Then the order is formed, packed and shipped to the organizer, from where it goes to the pick-up points.

Thus, the buying process at Omskam can be described by the following points:

1. The client selects a product from active purchases;

2. Sends an application for certain goods to the organizer of the purchase;

3. The organizer forms a general bulk order;

4. Collects payment from clients and pays for the order;

5. Receives the cargo, which then sorts and dispatches to the points of delivery to customers.

All these features are available only to authorized users of the site, so you must first go through a simple registration process. To do this, on the main page of the site there is a button "Registration", by clicking on it, a registration form will open. It is necessary to indicate all the required data, namely: address Email, name, invented password, password repeat.


When entering registration data, you must carefully monitor the correct entry of the e-mail address, as it will receive an email confirming the registration in the form of an active link. By clicking on it, the entered data will be confirmed and, accordingly, the registration process will be completed.

Authorized users can start searching for goods on the Omskmam joint purchases website. The entire range of suppliers is represented by the following catalogs: Outerwear; Underwear, tights; Home and sportswear; Dresses, blouses, skirts, sundresses; Jeans, trousers, shorts; Jersey, knitted jersey; Leather goods and accessories and others.

Purchasing catalogs

By opening each catalog in turn, you can see the active purchases for each category of goods. Several dozen organizers are offered for each category of goods. Each of them sells the goods of a certain supplier. Therefore, each purchase has its own catalog, which offers goods that are involved in the redemption. You can find out information about goods in the form of its description, as well as familiarize yourself with additional characteristics.

If you like the product and have a desire to purchase it, then you can proceed to ordering it. To do this, click the "Order" button next to the product.

Order a product

After that, the goods are included in the general purchase. From this moment on, the order will be processed for some time, and then it is booked. At this stage, it is no longer possible to edit an order or cancel a purchase. That is, it will be included in the active purchase and, accordingly, in the invoice for payment.

More details on the rules of how joint purchases are made at Omskmam can be found directly in the active purchase. The condition is set by the organizer of the purchase. Therefore, before ordering, you should initially carefully read the rules.

Procurement rules

After adding the desired product to the order, customer actions are minimized. Further, the entire purchase is carried out by the organizer. He, after collecting orders from buyers for a certain amount, closes the purchase. Then it groups all orders into one and issues a total order, which is sent directly to the supplier.

He, in turn, issues an invoice for the entire order, and the organizer collects payment from buyers within a few days. When the supplier's invoice has been paid in full, he submits the order. The received cargo is delivered to the organizer at the wholesale price, and he dispatches it to the points of delivery to the buyers.

If the product does not fit in size, then it can be put up for sale in the Attachment section on the Omskmam website.

Extension of goods

Upon completion, everyone who made joint purchases wins. The buyer purchases the desired product within a month, but much cheaper than it costs in the store. Moreover, this benefit can reach up to 90% of the retail value of similar goods in the store. The organizer from this has a small percentage of each purchase.

Good day, dear readers! Today we will talk about how you can save a lot more on purchases of children's goods. In our time, prices are growing as if by trembling, and unfortunately we cannot do anything with these, but we are simply trying to save on ourselves and on everything we can. Probably everyone noticed how expensive things are for children, I don't understand why, but sometimes prices exceed prices for adult clothes, and we have nothing to do but buy it at exorbitant prices.

But modern mothers simplify everything and no one can force a woman not to save. This is how such terms and ways to buy something were formed, such as joint purchase... I will tell you about one great site where such purchases are made.

First, let's take a look at what this is "joint purchases". Joint purchases are made only on the Internet. A certain person orders a thing, for example, shoes, which means he collects a size. There are several shoe sizes in the size, for example, from 36 to 40. This person orders the size on some wholesale website, namely the size only because, as usual, it will be cheaper in bulk. Well, what to do with the other 4 pairs of shoes if a person needs only one. This is how joint purchases appeared. To sell all the other sizes, these are the purchases that form. There are already quite a few sites for such purchases, for example, the site of our city, Joint purchase OmskMama.

This site gives you the opportunity to buy yourself a pair of shoes, or clothes for a child at a good discount. On the site, like on many other sites, there are certain rules in order to avoid fraud or just the usual ignorance after ordering your thing. Each buyer writes his own conditions for a joint purchase, because he pays his money, and he needs a guarantee that you will pay for his goods. There are many different purchases on this site that you can choose from in different categories. Or you can create your own joint purchase yourself. The site is understandable to use and does not represent work in it, everything is categorized and clear for any user. Your task is to choose a thing, familiarize yourself with the terms of purchase and buy, and then wait for your order or pick it up at the agreed place of the buyer.

So, dear mothers, saving is quite easy, the main thing is to know where, it is Omskmama who will help you figure it out, so I recommend looking there.

Video review

All (5)

Good day to all! Today I want to acquaint you with the joint shopping site "OmskMama". In addition to the opportunity to save a little on the purchase of popular goods, the site has a very useful forum.

This is how it looks home page site:

I registered on the site a long time ago, in 2011, on the advice of a friend. But for a long time I just talked there, so I don't have much shopping.

Registration. So, in order to make a purchase, you need to register. Press the registration button.

We fill in the form.

After successful registration, you will be able to enter the site using your username and password. Press the button "Login" (under the button "Registration").

Here is the site user menu.

Click on the "Profile" button. We fill in the registration data about ourselves. Some of the information is visible to all registered users.

And these fields must be filled in by those who are going to participate in joint purchases.

It is also helpful to set up email notification messages.

Joint purchase. Moving on to joint purchases (hereinafter referred to as the joint venture). Click on the SP section at the top of the main page.

Cost of joint venture consists of: the wholesale price of the goods, 10-15% to the organizer of the purchase, transportation costs. Also, for the issuance of goods to the CR in the first 4 days of distribution, the procurement participant (hereinafter UZ) pays 10 rubles. You will have to pay 10 rubles for a transfer to a CR that is convenient for you.

Sections of goods are different: from clothing to food. Let's take a look at my example.

We find the required section.

Lyrical digression:

The purchases in the sections are published by the date of the last post. This is not very convenient, as sometimes it takes a long time to search for the required joint venture.

We are looking for those joint ventures where there is an inscription after the name "Start".

We click on the joint venture we need.

JV registration:

The first post always publishes: nickname \ name of the procurement organizer (hereinafter referred to as "org"), the current state of the joint venture, the supplier's website, the conditions of the current joint venture. The table of goods is on the second page.

First, we look at the state of the joint venture. Here is just the start.

Approximate move of the joint venture:

Start - orders are collected up to the minimum amount.

Stop - the minimum amount has been collected, orders are not accepted. After a stop, you cannot cancel your order! We are waiting for an invoice, which will indicate the availability of an order.

Collection - we collect money through the payment methods specified in the conditions. After payment, we fill in the reconciliation.

We are waiting for the load. Orders are shipped, they go to Omsk.

Issuance. After the arrival of the cargo, it is disassembled by the org and taken to the distribution center (hereinafter referred to as CR). Transfers to other CRs are carried out a little later - in 2-4 days.

Always read the terms of the joint venture carefully. I emphasized the most important points.

There are 2 types of joint ventures:

Without rows (like this one) - the goods are assembled by the piece.

Redeemed in rows - the product is assembled in size rows, by the piece. It is better to sign up for orders where there are already applicants - the probability of closing a row (when the product is fully assembled) is higher.

This is the first time I purchase from this organ, so I look at the reviews of previous joint ventures.

On the page that opens, we look at the results of the joint venture assessment (click on the "Results" button at the top): not everyone votes, so we are interested in the reviews themselves.

We look at the description of the product on the supplier's website by clicking on the appropriate button.

We make sure of availability. The table shows the same models, but different sizes. We choose the right one. Press the button "Order"

Ordered goods to stop can be changed and deleted.

After that, the ordered goods appear in the "Basket". Click on this button in the user menu.

All my current SPs are shown here.

The progress of the joint venture must be closely monitored so as not to miss the stop and collect the money (I usually check every day). So far, these joint ventures have not approved orders. After receiving the invoice, the organizer checks the availability of the goods and approves or does not approve the orders. If after collection your order is approved, it must be paid. If not, then you don't need to pay.

This is what approved orders look like:

This does not apply to phased joint ventures, in which a minimum amount is collected, and unapproved orders are automatically transferred to the next purchase. Therefore, in such a joint venture you need to sign out if you do not want to participate in the next joint venture.

All questions of interest on the joint venture can be asked to the organizer right there in the procurement topic.

The collection of money is carried out within a day, the details for payment are laid out in the reconciliation. I most often pay for the joint venture to an org card (in most cases it is a Sberbank card). Be sure to keep your receipt, when paying online, take a screenshot!

After payment, we fill in the reconciliation:

And we are waiting for our orders!

Re-grading. This is when the ordered product does not suit you in size, color, etc. It can be attached in the appropriate section.

This is done simply. My daughter's pants did not fit. We go to the "Basket" → Archival reconciliation → Find the required joint venture → Reconciliation → Attachment.

We select the desired section.

After that, look at your ad in the appropriate section of the annex.

Marriage. I had no defective things. Whether or not they accept a defective item depends on the supplier, read the terms of the joint venture carefully!

To date, I have 10 joint ventures, 2 of them did not take place. In one, the supplier refused to work, in the second, there was no order in stock.

Here is a photo of the orders:

In addition to the joint venture, OmskMama is also a huge forum.

We get acquainted with the main sections.

Within the sections, topics are organized by the date of the last post. Some topics are persistent:

Posts in threads are no different from similar forums:

Together with the message, you can add rulers and signatures with links to other topics, purchases, etc. You can configure all this in the user profile.

The forum was useful for me:

  1. When planning: learned detailed information about the necessary examinations, about where to take the necessary hormones. Added to the chatter of the planners, the communication experience was very useful.
  2. During pregnancy: together with other expectant mothers, I fought with toxicosis, looked through reviews about maternity hospitals, learned information about three-dimensional ultrasound. I read stories about childbirth.
  3. After the birth of my daughter, I did not know how to take care of the child, so the sections on breastfeeding, care, hygiene and feeding were very useful to me. I wrote in the relevant topics reviews about the hospital and impressions of the cesarean section.
  4. Most moms talk in the chatterbox of their peers, and I'm no exception.
  5. On the eve of the New Year, I participated in a gift exchange for our children. There is a similar one for moms. The essence of the gift exchange: all participants give gifts to each other by drawing lots. Previously, all wishes for gifts are sent to the organizer of the gift exchange. Moreover, everyone knows to whom they give a gift, but they do not know from whom they will receive it themselves. In a gift, you can hint at the donor. Then we guess the donors! I really liked it, I will still participate.

Any member can also send private messages.

All questions can be asked online consultant ... Why you need it, you can read it.

As you participate in interesting purchases, the review will be supplemented.

That seems to be all. Ask all your questions in the comments.

Thank you all for your attention and patience, I am the only one!

Our joint shopping site has been operating since 2007. Over the years, millions of things have been bought for the site, and the project participants have saved hundreds of thousands of rubles.

By uniting with buyers from all over Russia, users can purchase the offered goods at retail at wholesale prices.

Joint purchases in Omsk on the site is a guarantee favorable price and a huge range of products from all over the world. Choose and order!

Joint purchases in Omsk: 6 reasons to buy on the site

  1. Huge assortment of goods from all over the world. Every day on the site there are more than 1 million available for ordering goods produced by more than 17 thousand brands from Russia, Belarus, Italy, China, India, Japan, Taiwan, Turkey and other countries.
  2. Unique offers. Organizers of group purchases in Omsk and other cities offer customers goods that are not available for free sale. Profitable express offers of quality goods at affordable prices appear every day.
  3. Full information about the product. Each item for sale is supplied with detailed description: high-quality photo, dimensional grid, features, price, terms of collection of orders, payment and delivery. There are more than 10 such items in total. Additional questions can be asked to the organizer privately.
  4. Convenient interface. The site runs on its own engine. This allows organizers to use dozens of convenient tools when organizing a joint venture, and buyers can order the necessary goods in just a couple of clicks.
  5. Control by the administration. The administration makes every effort to ensure that each joint purchase is safe for the organizer and buyers. She strictly monitors compliance with the Rules for conducting purchases, may require supporting documents regarding the transaction (price lists, contracts, invoices, warranty coupons, etc.).
  6. True ratings and reviews. Organizers 'and buyers' satisfaction with the cooperation is reflected in the ratings. Based on the results of the checks, the administration can raise and lower the ratings of each of the parties. Before moving a purchase to the archive, all users can leave feedback on the work of the organizers and the goods received.

Delivery of orders

In Omsk, you can get the goods ordered on the site:

  • at 5 points of issue of CDEK, located at the addresses: st. 5 Army, 6, st. Gagarin, 8/2, st. Mayakovsky, 84, st. Pushkin, 137, st. Stepantsa, 10/2;
  • in the branches of the "Post of Russia";
  • using the service of delivery of international shipments EMS.

Group purchases in Omsk find new fans every day. Join economical and modern shopping now!