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What data confirm. What card data can and cannot be transferred to third parties and why. Is it possible to transfer the card number

The representative of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Dmitry Zakharov explains that the resolution is necessary to fulfill the requirements that appeared after the amendments to the law "On Communications" were introduced in 2016 (introduced by the so-called Yarovaya law. - "Vedomosti"). They state that the operator must "stop, upon receipt of a request from the body carrying out operational-search activities, the provision of communication services in case of non-confirmation within 15 days of the compliance of the personal data of actual users with the information stated in the subscription agreements."

It follows from the draft resolution that the operator will be able to identify the subscriber in one of the following ways: by requesting from him the original identity document, or by requesting data from him through the subscriber self-service system or through the state Unified system identification and authentication.

According to a person close to one of the operators, "most of the subscribers" fall into the risk zone. According to the estimates of the general director of Telecomdaily Denis Kuskov, out of the 270 millionth subscriber base, this is 12-15% of sim cards. Among such subscribers are migrants, and people who bought a sim card at a train station, and those who buy sim cards using fake documents, says Kuskov.

Obligation without responsibility

According to the law, operators are already obliged to identify subscribers, but now they are not responsible for the lack of such identification - the cellular dealer is fully responsible for this by law, Mikhail Bykovsky, Deputy Director of the Department for Regulation of Radio Frequencies and Communication Networks of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, told Vedomosti earlier.

Representatives cellular operators do not undertake to predict what part of their subscriber base this will affect. A VimpelCom spokesman says the company will study the document.

The Federation Council has recently been concerned with the issue of identifying operators' users in connection with the terrorist attacks in St. Petersburg. Its chairman, Valentina Matvienko, in April announced the need to develop a law to combat illegal trade in sim cards. For a complete victory over merchants who sell sim cards in markets and in underground passages in violation of the law without requiring their passport data from buyers, it is necessary to ban operators cellular transfer sim cards to intermediaries for sale, she said. We are talking about intermediaries who sell sim cards without signing a contract and transferring information about the subscriber to the operator. Matvienko instructed Senator Lyudmila Bokova to submit a relevant bill to the State Duma, and asked the Duma deputies to quickly adopt it. From the preliminary discussions of the bill, it followed that operators should start providing services only after checking the passport data of subscribers and entering them into the appropriate database.

According to the representative of Bokova, the bill has already been developed, sent to the State Duma, now preparations are underway for the first reading. It is sent for approval to the government, the presidential administration, she said.

If a letter came from the tax office with a request to confirm legal address what should be done?

From September 1, 2017, the tax inspectorate received the authority to forcibly liquidate companies that, within six months, do not correct inaccurate information about the legal address. In this regard, mass checks are underway in Moscow at legal addresses. There may be several reasons for checking the authenticity of a legal address:

  • the address is massive, and the massiveness starts from five organizations registered at the address,
  • it is known that the specified property is destroyed, does not exist,
  • the address obviously cannot be used for free communication with legal entity(for example - the address of a government agency, military unit, etc.),
  • at the address there is an objection from the owner in the territorial FTS,
  • letters are returned back to the addressee, in particular to the tax office,
  • during the audit, the company at the specified address was not found;

In any of the above cases, the inspector sends a letter to the legal address of the company with a request to confirm his location within 30 days. The inspector can send the same letter to the address of the general director or founder. From now on, there are 30 days for the company to confirm its location. To do this, companies registered in the Moscow region must provide a set of documents to the 46th Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service.

List of documents that the client needs to submit to the Office of the 46th:

  • ANSWER to the notification about the submission of reliable information to the registration authority (we can prepare a legally correct answer for you),
  • a copy of the notification received from the 46th Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service on the need to provide reliable information,
  • a copy of the envelope received from the 46th envelope (front part and reverse part of the envelope),
  • a copy of the lease agreement or workplace lease agreement (any of the agreements at the discretion of the client),
  • a copy of the transfer acceptance certificate,
  • copy of the certificate;
Be sure to get a receipt for the delivery of the set of documents. The General Director (with a passport), or a person with a power of attorney can hand over a set of documents.

The main thing is not to panic and act within the framework of the law and the established deadlines.

If you cannot find the owner or your lease agreement has not been extended, that is, you cannot confirm your location, then the next step of the tax office will be. And this is the most undesirable thing that can happen to your legal address, because further legal blocking of the current account is possible at the request of the tax office.

Contact us, we will try to help you, with us and we will definitely help you find the owner of your address. If necessary, we can go to your address and represent your interests. We can also prepare a package of documents and take them to the tax office. There is always a way out and we will find it. Ready advise You for any question. We are professionals in our field and are ready to solve your questions regarding the legal address.

  1. Follow the main trends in the country's economic development, pressing issues modern economic and social policy of the Russian government. This will help you competently defend your economic and social rights and interests.
  2. Use knowledge of the interests, needs of various social and professional groups and the possibilities of their implementation in modern economic conditions. This will give you the opportunity for informed professional self-determination.
  1. Determine your position in relation to the economic policy of the state in order to choose the form of influence on this policy (participation in elections, in the work of parties or associations).
  2. Try not just to analyze the positive or negative consequences of economic transformations in the country, but to look for ways of civilized forms of your participation in economic life.


From the work of modern Russian scientists-economists "Market and social harmony".

    According to universal human historical standards, the market mechanism cannot be regarded as a completely ideal form. Increasingly, researchers note in this context the so-called “market imperfection” associated with highly problematic market opportunities in achieving fair distribution and use of resources on Earth, ensuring environmental sustainability, eliminating unjustified social inequality. According to the UN, the absolute size of poverty in the world is increasing: an estimated 20% of the world's poorest people accounted for only 4% of the world's wealth in the mid-1980s, and the richest 20% accounted for 50% of the world's wealth. Apparently, the future of the world economy should be associated with a more complex economic (socio-economic) mechanism than the market mechanism itself. In this mechanism, an increasing role will belong, along with the relations of market exchange, to a variety of more subtle mechanisms that presuppose the achievement of social agreement between the multitude of subjects of socio-economic relations.

Questions and tasks to the document

  1. Why do the authors of the document characterize the market mechanism for regulating the economy as imperfect?
  2. What evidence supports the world's deepening social inequality?
  3. Using the content of the paragraph, suggest possible (apart from market exchange) mechanisms for achieving social harmony between participants in socio-economic relations.

Self-test questions

  1. What is the place and role of the economy in the life of society?
  2. What determines the wealth and prosperity of a country?
  3. What economic mechanisms contribute to the movement of society towards more high level welfare?
  4. How to provide social world in the context of increasing social differentiation of society?
  5. Does a market economy need democracy?
  6. Does government policy influence the conditions for the functioning of a market economy?
  7. What are the priorities of the Russian state policy in the economy?


  1. Aristotle, discussing the role of the state in economic affairs, noted that “the goal of the state is to jointly move towards high quality life ". Do you share this point of view? Justify your answer.
  2. As of 1995, about 5.7 billion people lived on the globe, which was almost twice as many as in 1970. According to scientists, over the next 35 years, the world's population will grow by another 2.5 billion people. ., and 90% of them will be born in developing countries. The share of the population of developed countries in the total population of the planet will decline over this period from 16 to 12%.

    Explain the connection between the demographic situation in the world and the economic life of society. How will the rapid population growth in poor countries and population decline in developed countries affect their economic development in general, the state of such indicators as living standards, incomes of the population, labor productivity, etc.?

  3. There are about 350 thousand public associations in Russia. Find examples of their participation in solving certain economic problems of society based on the materials of the media.
  4. The growth of income differentiation is inevitable in the context of economic reform, one of the tasks of which is to establish a stricter interdependence between labor productivity and income, according to the ideologists of Russian economic reforms. Can you agree with them? How does the process of differentiation of incomes of the population in market conditions affect the attitude of workers to work? What are the positive and negative results of socio-economic differentiation in the course of reforms in Russia?

The thoughts of the wise

"Economics is the art of satisfying limitless needs with limited resources."

L. Peter (1926-1989), American writer

mechanisms for achieving social harmony between participants in socio-economic relations.

Please write in detail

There are a lot of different data, indicators and ratios confirming social inequality. And, for the most part, they're pretty subjective. I mean the analytical reports of various rating agencies, some indices, figures provided to us by "independent experts". If necessary, you can select a number of such indicators and explain their bias.

Let's return to objective data.

First and foremost: the ratio of income and personal funds of an equal number of the richest and the poorest people - both by country and in the world in general.

The richest 5% of people in the world account for a third of all global income

In Russia:

10% of Russians share a third of their income. And 10% of the poor get only 2% of all money.

The second factor is the tough and very narrow specialization of the employee. The current volume of information is too large to be perceived by one person. That is why there is a tendency towards narrow specialization in the world. As a rule, a specialist in one area will no longer be able to retrain and be competitive in another. it creates almost insurmountable walls between professions. Narrow specialization leads to fierce competition and the risk of discrimination against an individual when the demand for his skills, skills and knowledge falls. For example, a person is the highest category specialist in magnetic storage media ... But they have disappeared as a class, supplanted by flash memory, CDs, DVDs .. And that's all. a person is not needed. He is one of the high-class homeless people ... (of course, this is hyperbole, but the trend, although softer in real life, has the same direction).

As for the possible (apart from the market) mechanisms for achieving social harmony ... I will name one. Basic. This is when there are two (three, more ...) sides. And they need to make a common decision. As a rule, this decision, taken by the parties as a compromise, is not. This decision is the result of "brainwashing", the result of the introduction of the necessary (not to the parties, no! - to those who implement) the impulse and decisions in the head using the NLP method, hidden manipulations through .... the media. Through speakers and the introduction of the need for consumption and stereotypical thinking ...

(sorry, it's complicated, probably a little off topic, but a serious problem)

And the general mechanisms ... Let's estimate then

1) a referendum (there is also a vote, a vote, and other "blowing" it is not clear what, which everyone considers a "deep personal decision", it is not clear where - it is only known that it is "it is not clear where - terribly secret and mega honest!" - that's exactly what it counts!)

2) the method of "brute force" - who is stronger, he took it. Anyone who wishes can challenge this right. By the way, it is a very common option, even in Newest history... The same Muamarchik Gaddafi - who did not please? It is not known ... But it is known that the SS # sensored # ... you need a lot of cheap oil and you don't need intractable uncles in power in all African countries ...

3) The method of contractual relations. It is considered mega-humane (there are so many Conventions on it, each country has riveted according to the Civil Code - in general - I love it, not a method. One problem is that it almost always comes down to or stems from the methods described above)

well, that's enough, perhaps ... Sorry for offtopic ...

Explanations are provided in freehand, dated and signed.

Confirmation of the accuracy of the specified information

I hereby certify and guarantee that the information provided to PJSC Khanty-Mansiysk Bank Otkritie (Bank) is up-to-date and reliable. In the event of a change in the information provided, I undertake to inform the Bank about it and submit supporting documents immediately, no later than the period established by the agreement with the Bank.

11. I hereby grant to PJSC "Khanty-Mansiysk Bank Otkrytie" (Bank), located at the address: 119021, Moscow, st. Timur Frunze, 11, bldg. 13 in order to comply with the FATCA requirements, his consent to the processing of personal data, including information and information about the surname, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, citizenship, identity document, taxpayer identification number , address of place of residence (registration, stay), telephone number, as well as other information specified in this questionnaire, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, depersonalization, blocking, deletion , destruction of personal data using automation tools or without using such means and transfer (distribution, provision, access) of this information to a foreign tax authority, including the IRS (US Internal Revenue Service) and or foreign tax agents, as well as their consent to transfer to the specified persons information about operations, transactions, accounts, deposits.

12. I hereby confirm that I am familiar with the concept of "US Taxpayer 9".

All fields are required. 2. If a third party has applied to the Bank (including a legal representative of a potential client), then this Questionnaire must be completed both for the potential client and the person who applied. 3. FATCA(Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) - The US Foreign Account Tax Act. 4 ... Form W-9- the IRS form, which is used to identify the status of the payee. Form W-9 is used for U.S. tax residents to disclose their Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) (available at 5. The US TIN is classified into the following types of identification numbers: Social Security Number (SSN); an identification number taxpayer - natural person(ITIN); Taxpayer identification number for children who are adopted or adopted in the United States (ATIN); 6. It is required to make a check mark in this field. 7. If there is a power of attorney (s) to manage an account opened with the Bank, each authorized person must fill out this Questionnaire. 8. Certificate of Loss of US Citizenship (CLN) is a form of the Bureau of Consular Affairs of the US Department of State issued by a United States consular officer certifying renunciation of US citizenship. This form is approved by the US Secretary of State under the US Immigration and Citizenship Act 1952 9. Under the concept " US taxpayer»Means an individual / individual entrepreneur who is a US citizen or US tax resident. If you are in doubt about being a US tax resident, we recommend that you consult with a professional tax advisor. As a general rule, you can be recognized as a US tax resident if: - You were born in the United States; OR - you are a US citizen or have a US Green Card; OR - you meet the criterion for substantial presence. To meet this criterion, you must be physically present in the United States at at least: 31 days in the current year, or 183 days in a three-year period that includes the current year and the two immediately preceding years, including in the calculation that: All days during which you were in the United States during the current year; And 1/3 of the days that you were in the United States during the first year prior to the current year; And 1/6 of the days that you were in the United States during the second year prior to the current year.