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Czech Republic 3 g mobile internet. Cellular communication abroad: Czech Republic and other countries. The Czech Republic has such an expensive connection

Now for Russians, an Orange SIM card is available with the Mundo tariff, 10 euros for 7 gigabytes of Internet in the EU countries. Home delivery. ...


Today it is difficult to imagine life without the Internet. Communication programs Whatsup, Viber, Skype are replacing mobile operators, so in the modern world mobile communication is not so important as the presence of the Internet. The Internet is also important in travel, with its help you can customize navigation: coordinate your location, as well as track your movements.

Internet bonuses:

  • personal coordinates are available, you will always know where you are at the moment;
  • available, as well as information about the time spent on travel;
  • available with descriptions and photos of the interior. Pay attention to the reviews. By the way, various ratings have been formed: by the number of reviews, by users' estimates, by the number of views;
  • a description of attractions is available, the information will be relevant for independent walks;
  • call available. Today, all leading taxi companies provide an opportunity to order a taxi through the online form on their website.
  • restaurant reservation is available

What Orange Mundo offers

Three tariffs are presented today:

  • Mundo Total 10Gb - 15 €
  • Mundo Plus 7Gb - 10 €
  • Mundo Esencial 3Gb - 7 €

Agree the prices are very pleasant. To the question of which tariff to choose, I can answer this way: for navigation and everyday needs on vacation, the Mundo Esencial 3Gb tariff is enough, if you plan to listen to the radio, watch videos on youtube, then choose the Mundo Plus 7Gb tariff.

Call cost:

  • Incoming within Europe - free;
  • Outgoing calls within Europe - 0.08 € / minute + 0.30 € for connection;
  • Outgoing calls to Russia - 3.15 € / minute. Expensive, but we will call via the Internet :)

In addition to the chosen plan, you will need to pay a one-time payment for the Euroroaming service for the production and delivery of the card. The price of the service is 1400 rubles. Considering that this is a one-time payment and then you can use this card for many years, lending it to family and friends for a trip, the price is quite reasonable.

When registering, indicate the coupon "praha", get a small but pleasant discount.

Czech operators - How much does mobile communication cost in Prague

Let's take a look at all the charms of Czech communication. There are three leaders in the Czech Republic, we will briefly discuss each of them. Will only consider prepaid cards. That is, those SIM cards that you can buy and throw out after use, no contracts for any period.

  • O2... Page with rates.
    • Issuing a card with 500 megabytes of internet - 150 kroons.
    • Internet: 1.5 GB - 300 CZK, 5 GB - 550 CZK.
  • Vodafone. Page with rates.
    • The card is issued free of charge.
    • Internet: 100 MB - 50 CZK.
  • T-Mobile. Page with rates.
    • Issuing a card of 200 kroons, which remain in your account.
    • Internet: 1 gigabyte - 410 CZK.

This is the data for 2019, in my opinion the obvious leader of O2. Operators constantly conduct promotions, luring customers to themselves, so prices can change abruptly, you always need to look through all the options on the day of purchase and choose the most advantageous offer.

Where to buy a SIM card in Prague

There is no problem with that. All of Prague is literally teeming with telephone company offices. Decide on the tariff that suits you and head to the office of the chosen provider.

There are brochures everywhere, just point your finger at the plan of your choice and ask to activate it. The seller will be happy to help you with the activation.

Important numbers

  • 112 - Rescue Service
  • 150 - Fire brigade
  • 155 - Ambulance
  • 158 - Police

The latter provides communication only of the CDMA standard, and, accordingly, classic mobile phones for GSM with a SIM card are not suitable for this operator. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to those operators that provide cellular services of the GSM standard.

Vodafone is the most widespread operator in the Czech Republic, most Czechs and tourists purchase SIM cards from this particular operator. Rates are a little lower here, there is a wide variety of them. Therefore, Vodafone is the most in demand. But this operator has a big disadvantage - the quality of communication. Even in the city center, communication sometimes disappears from time to time. The quality suffers especially in the premises, as well as in cafes and restaurants, because many restaurants are located in the basement, and there the phone hardly picks up.

As for T-Mobile and O2, their connection quality is very good, especially the first one. There are times when O2 was not caught in elevators, and T-Mobile coped with such a task. The network coverage is much better than that of Vodafone. T-Mobile's rates aren't much higher than Vodafone's.

As for the cost, we can say that in comparison with Russia, communication here is a little more expensive. But the cost of tariffs is the same throughout the country and there is no division into regions, respectively, there is no concept of national roaming, when moving from one region to another, as it is in Russia.

To connect, it is enough to purchase a SIM card with a tariff plan. Regardless of the operator, the cost is CZK 200. You can buy it at a stall or in a salon from an operator. In this case, a passport, or any other identity document is not required. There are two payment systems for all operators: advance payment, and contract tariff plans (payment is made after the service is provided).

As a rule, contractual tariff plans are chosen by the permanent residents of Prague. Here it is necessary to conclude an agreement with a cellular company. Communication fees will be charged on a monthly basis. The higher the monthly fee, i.e. the more a person is going to spend on mobile communications, the cheaper a minute of conversation comes out. When choosing such a payment system, you should be careful when signing the contract and pay attention to all its points so as not to fall into bondage.

In addition, when buying a SIM card, companies offer to purchase a mobile phone, the cost of which, as a rule, does not exceed 10% of its real value, and sometimes the cost of a phone can be 1 crown. On such conditions, it is necessary to conclude a contract for a period of 6 to 24 months. And also the need to spend a lot of money on communication every month.

Vodafone has the cheapest calls. The cost of a minute of calls within the network is 2.98 kroons, to other operators it is 7.14, the cost of SMS varies at different rates from 1.19 to 2.38 kroons. A call to Russia will cost CZK 8.33.

T-Mobile offers billing for calls within the network at 4.76 kroons per minute of conversation, to other operators - 7.14 kroons, SMS from 2.02, and calls to Russia will cost as much as 22.61 per minute.

O2 has set a uniform cost for calls to all operators - 5.5 kroons, SMS from 1.5 kroons. Calls to Russia will cost CZK 4.9 per minute.

Despite the above prices for mobile services, the tariffs for each operator are different, Vodafone has the most of them. In addition, on tariff plans that provide for payment for services after using them (that is, so to speak, talk on credit), the cost of a minute of conversation may be higher. You can replenish your phone balance both in the salon of a mobile operator, and purchase payment cards at tobacco or newsstands.

All mobile operators in the Czech Republic provide international roaming to Russian telecom operators. Therefore, coming to the Czech Republic with your SIM card, you can stay in touch.

When tourists go on a trip, do they always think about how to keep in touch with their family? And how to contact satellites if you have lost each other or just decided to visit different places? There are two options: either use your usual SIM card while roaming, or buy a card from one of the local mobile operators. The answers to these questions may differ depending on the duration of the trip, on the specifics of the place you are going to ... However, if you are going to Prague and plan to stay there for more than three days, then we definitely advise you to buy a local card. In this article, we will try to explain to you why such a choice was made.

Let's start with the fact that Czech operators offer profitable mobile internet. This allows you to use GPS without worrying about traffic. 500 megabytes will cost you 450 CZK. If you already have an operator card, it is even cheaper: 300 CZK. The best part is that this is definitely enough for you for comfortable navigation around the city and using ours for a whole week.

At the same time, you will always know your exact location, you can regularly check the transport schedule and specify exactly how long it will take to travel from one point to another. You will also have access to an online map of Prague pubs with a detailed description of the establishments and real reviews of visitors. will also become "closer" to you: you can not only admire the beautiful buildings, but also be aware of what exactly is in front of you.

In addition to an affordable Internet connection, Czech communication is convenient for cheap calls. You will probably need to call a taxi, reserve a table in a restaurant, contact your friends who have gone for a walk without you ... All this is extremely inconvenient to do using expensive roaming. And so a minute of conversation will cost you exactly 6 Kč, the cost of SMS - 2 Kč, MMS - 5.90 Kč.

Calls to other countries will also be much cheaper through Czech mobile networks. Calling to work or your mom won't cost you too much, so you have no doubts about whether to call at all.

In general, we figured out that it is definitely worth buying a local operator's card. But which one? There are quite a few offers. Let's take a look at the top three mobile operators in the Czech Republic and compare their features.

1) First, consider O2.

Their minimum top-up amount is 150 CZK. You have to pay 6 kroons per minute of conversation. Sms will cost CZK 2 and mms will cost CZK 5.90. Internet: CZK 150 for 150 Megabytes, CZK 300 for 300 Megabytes, CZK 500 for 2 Gigabytes and CZK 750 for 10 Gigabytes.

2) The next one is Vodafone.

They have a higher minimum top-up amount - 200 kroons, but a minute of conversation costs 5.5 kroons. Sms and mms are the same: 2 kroons and 5.90 respectively. Internet: CZK 177 for 150 MB, CZK 249 for 300 MB, CZK 315 for 600 MB and CZK 449 for 1.2 GB.

This company needs the least amount of money for replenishment: the minimum is 10 kroons. You will be charged CZK 5.9 per minute, CZK 1.9 for sms, CZK 4.9 for mms. Internet traffic costs: 100 Megabytes - 139 CZK, 300 Megabytes - 239 CZK, and 2 Gigabytes - 449 CZK.

The question of where to buy a SIM card may only bother you before the trip. When you arrive in Prague, you will find that there are many telephone company offices throughout the city. Having decided on the most convenient provider for you, go to the office of the selected company. Even if you don't speak Czech or English, it won't be difficult to figure it out. All offices have pricing brochures. Indicate the tariff that you have chosen to the seller, and they will gladly help you to activate it.

Another undoubted advantage of Czech operators is that they provide a completely free service for sending sms from the Internet. Follow the links and you will see that you can send sms for free:

... on O2: //

... on T-mobile: //

... on Vodafone:

You can also use the services of a third-party service created specifically for sending sms in the Czech Republic: //

Don't forget about the important numbers that may come in handy in an emergency:

  • Rescue Service - 112
  • Firefighters - 150
  • Ambulance - 155
  • Police - 158

We hope that these numbers will not be useful to you, and your vacation will be worry-free! Stay in touch with your family, travel around Prague and - at the same time - save! We wish you a good time in this beautiful city!

By the way, while walking around Prague, do not forget to visit our convenient website that looks great on your smartphones. All Prague sights and tips are always at your fingertips.

We use it ourselves, therefore we recommend: we book flights on Aviasales and hotels on

Not enough. I would like to call relatives and friends, chat with like-minded people on the Internet, find out useful information or find out my location using a GPS navigator. A practical tourist thinks not only about cellular communication, but also does not forget about going online.

Going to the Czech Republic for a short time, you can limit yourself to connecting to roaming. If your vacation exceeds the three-day limit, consider buying a SIM card from a local operator. This step will help you save your savings.

Read in this article

It is a well-known fact: Czech mobile communications are recognized as the most expensive in Europe. The greed and arrogance of local operators knows no bounds. Do not think that if you have little communication and rarely go to the World Wide Web, you will be able to pay less. Czech companies have foreseen this and have developed a bunch of extortionate rates. And yet it is worth buying a SIM card in Prague, because with your m
Oskov's SIM card, you will lose even more.

The terms of service for Czech offices are practically the same, and the cost of calls will be approximately the same. Let's list the main operators of the country:

  • T-Mobile;
  • Ufon;
  • Vodafone.

Ufon appeared relatively recently on the Czech market. The connection is very mysterious - you need to buy the apparatus of this office. The most expensive operator is traditionally considered O2, and the most budgetary one is Vodafone.

In general, there are two types of SIM cards in the Czech Republic. The first type does not require a contract and does not provide for a monthly fee. The second type is associated with a contract, subscription fee and various tariffs. The card will be issued to you personally. Virtual operators are also gaining popularity. The latter's rates are significantly lower, but they are not suitable for tourists due to a short stay in the country.

Advice: buy a Vodafone SIM card and forget about other options. Proven by many travelers.

What is the Czech Internet like?

Mobile communications and the Internet in Prague can become a serious help for the traveler.
GPS support will allow you to calmly walk around the capital of the Czech Republic, without fear of getting lost in the old quarters. On average, 500 MB of traffic costs 450 CZK for our traveler.

Palladium store - shopping center in Prague

If the mobile operator's card is already available, the costs are reduced to 300 kroons. You can buy SIM cards everywhere. Here are the most popular spots:

  • large shopping centers;
  • supermarkets;
  • grocery stores;
  • communication salons.

Prepaid cards, as already noted, are issued without any registration. Buy and use. The scheme of prepaid cards is simple to disgrace: put a certain amount and pronounce it. Having made a call, you will receive an SMS, from which you will learn about the amount spent and the current balance. It is best to purchase a Vodafone SIM card, it provides the following advantages:

  • 60 MB for 49 CZK are provided by default;
  • the ability to connect additional packages;
  • for 99 kroons you can get 150 "meters" and an infinite number of SMS;
  • for 199 CZK you get 500 megabytes;
  • by paying 599 kroons, you become the owner of 1.5 gigabytes.

Internet packages are activated by digital combinations (they can be found on the official resource of the operator). If you are too lazy to understand the navigation of the portal, contact the seller in the salon. The third activation option is a call to * 77 (if there is an English menu).

Actually, you don't need to search for anything. Most cafes have free Wi-Fi points. A detailed map of free places can be found on the website Be sure to visit Starbucks - there is always Wi-Fi. Average speed - 128 kbps. Briefly about the advantages of the Internet on your phone or tablet in relation to Prague:

  • precise localization of your location;
  • online map of pubs;
  • transport schedule;

Tip: try to eat in inexpensive cafes away from the center of Prague. Firstly, save on food, and secondly, get free Wi-Fi.

The cost of cellular communication in the side streets of Prague - information for tourists

When purchasing a SIM card in Prague, carefully study the tariff plans and offers of various operators. If you listen to numerous reviews, the most budget solution is Vodafone. Let's not take advertising at its word - let's study in more detail the top three leaders of Czech mobile communications. The picture looks like this:

  • О2... You will need to top up your balance with at least 150 CZK. In this case, a minute of conversation will cost 5.5 crowns, SMS will pull two crowns out of your pocket, and MMS - three crowns. 50 megabytes of mobile Internet will cost you 50 kroons, but for 10 gigs you will have to pay 800 kroons. These numbers are relevant for tourists who decided to purchase prepaid SIM cards in 2015.
  • Vodafone... The minimum top-up amount is 200 CZK. The cost of MMS and SMS is not radically different from the previous version, but the situation with calls is more fun. You can call landline numbers and other networks for 3.5 kroons. It is expensive for Russians, but cheaper than other Czech operators. We decided to call home (Russia, Belarus or Ukraine) - get ready to shell out 7.26 kroons per minute of dialogue. In addition to the Internet tariffs listed above, there are daily and weekly offers. Forking out for 25 CZK, you can get 25 MB per day. But 60 weekly "meters" will take 49 kroons out of your pocket.
  • T-mobile... This operator completes our triple. You can top up your SIM card with 10 kroons - this is quite enough for activation. At the same time, conversations are quite overhead - almost six crowns per minute. You can send MMS for 4.9, and SMS for 1.9 kroons, which is somewhat cheaper compared to competitors. For 139 kroons you will get 100 "meters" of traffic, for 239 kroons - 300, for 449 you can grab 2 gigabytes. Regular customers enjoy all the advantages of the network, so Vodafone will still be the best solution for a "weekly" tourist.

Tip: make the most of the resulting megabytes. Saving traffic won't save you money. In general, you should think about an unlimited tariff - in the Czech Republic they are getting cheaper every year.

Where to buy SIM cards

Salons, as we noted above, are localized in all supermarkets in the city. For a long time, cellular communication in Prague has not been exotic - even for connoisseurs of prepaid options. You will be immediately connected to the network and help to activate the selected tariff. Here are the densest congestions of salons:

  • central streets of Prague;
  • Wenceslas Square;
  • airport (inside terminal T2 there is a Vodafone office).

Salon employees often communicate with Russian-speaking tourists, so they will understand you without any problems. Take out your phone, say the magic spell "sim card", and you will immediately get what you want. Pay attention to the brochure stand - there is all the information you need on tariff plans. Even information in the Czech language can tell an inquiring mind a lot.

Advice: buy a prepaid card and do not try to sign a contract. The terms of most contracts of Czech operators provide for mandatory compliance with conditions (which you cannot even read), as well as penalties in case of the slightest violations.

How to top up a Czech SIM card

Now let's get down to the algorithm for replenishing the Czech SIM card. It's better to figure it out right away so that you don't sit on the forums and try to torture random passers-by in broken Czech. The top-up options are as follows:

  1. Purchasing a card... Cards are sold everywhere, there are no commissions, funds are credited to the phone instantly. By dialing the number indicated on the SIM card, you clearly follow the instructions. Release the code with a coin, and enter the numbers where necessary. This can be done without leaving the seller. The procedure takes about five minutes.
  2. Checkout counters for hypermarkets... When you go out for food, do not forget to top up your SIM card. The number can be dictated to the cashier. True, there is a chance of making a mistake - then the money will go into the pocket of an unknown Czech. If everything is done correctly, you will receive funds in 5-7 minutes.
  3. ATM machines... If you have cash, you can quickly and easily top up through an ATM. Cons - the slow arrival of funds (sometimes in an hour) and the lack of a payment function in some ATMs.
  4. Through the operator's website... To do this, you need to register and create a personal account. Difficult, time-consuming.
  5. Payment machines... Actually, we are talking about info kiosks. In the Czech Republic, it is a very popular method of replenishment.

Summarize. The optimal solution for a traveler is a prepaid card. On your next visit, you are unlikely to use this SIM card, so you should say everything at once. Save money and don't overpay!

The Czech Republic is one of the most visited countries among Russian citizens. Such love of Russians is understandable: the Czech Republic is the birthplace of excellent beer, delicious food, countless castles and palaces. The capital city of Prague deserves special words. Just what to do if you are going to the Czech Republic and want to minimize the cost of mobile communications and the Internet? There is only one thing - to read this article to the end.

The Internet project "Be Mobile" continues cellular communications and the mobile Internet in various countries around the world. All of our guides help you save money and get the most freedom and mobility when traveling abroad.

Today we will tell you in detail about the tariffs for mobile communications and mobile Internet in the Czech Republic. This is especially true, since millions of our fellow citizens go to this country for rest, work and even permanent residence.

In terms of penetration of mobile communications, Internet, Pay TV and fixed telephony, the Czech Republic ranks in the middle of the list of EU countries. At the beginning of 2013, about 14.3 million subscribers used mobile services, 7.6 million Czechs (75% penetration) had the opportunity to use the fixed Internet (2.93 million households), and 3.2 million households were connected to paid and terrestrial TV. The maximum penetration of Internet services among the population in Prague is 89%, and the minimum is 50% in rural areas and small towns.

Mobile communication in the Czech Republic

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The Czech mobile communications market also looks interesting. It even reminded me in some way of our domestic one.

There are four national operators in the country. These are the “big three” in the form of T-Mobile, O2 and Vodafone, as well as the long-suffering CDMA operator Ufone, which was acquired by Air Telecom a year ago and in the summer of 2013 began providing GSM network services.

In addition, since 2012, virtual operators have begun to appear and develop in huge numbers in the country. Thank you to the legislators who have adopted the relevant laws and regulations. There are about ten relatively large MVNOs, and there are about 30 of them in total. The most famous of them are, TescoMobil, Open Call, BLESKMobil, ha-loo. These operators are most in demand among tourists, as well as non-residents of the country who are in the Czech Republic for a short time (from a day to 1 month).

In the Czech Republic, mobile communication standards are used that are similar to those in the rest of Europe and Russia. These are GSM-900, GSM-1800, UMTS-2100, CDMA2000, as well as LTE-800/1800/2600. 99% of the country's territory is covered by 2G, 80% - 3G and 15% - 4G.

At the beginning of July 2013, there were 14.3 million mobile subscribers in the Czech Republic with a population of 10.5 million. As in other European countries, two types of tariffs are available to customers: prepaid and contractual. According to the Czech Telecommunications Center, 65% of subscribers use prepaid cellular communications, 35% on a contract basis. In the latter case, the subscriber gets a phone, smartphone, modem or router with a substantial discount, or even free of charge.

Roaming with a Russian operator

id = "sub1">

At present, every federal operator in Russia provides an opportunity to activate preferential roaming services. All these services and options also apply to the Czech Republic.

Here is a comparative table of special rates and services in international roaming in the Czech Republic for 2013-2014.


Rostelecom MTS Megaphone Beeline Motive Tele2
Option name Basic rate Zero without borders Euro Tariff Multipass Roaming NON-STOP International roaming
Connection 0 0 0 0 RUB 12 0
Subscription fee 0 25 rub / day No 15 rub / day 2 rub / day No
Incoming calls RUB 69

0 rub / min - from the 1st to the 10th minute (but not more than 200 free minutes per month)

5 rub / min - starting from 11 minutes

RUB 6 RUB 5 RUB 7.7 RUB 9.45
Outgoing to Russia RUB 69

30 rub / min - 1st minute and from 6th minute

15 rubles / min - from the 2nd to the 5th minute

RUB 16 RUB 15 RUB 59 RUB 9.45
Outgoing within the Czech Republic RUB 69 RUB 30 RUB 16 RUB 15 RUB 9.45
SMS RUB 19 RUB 19 RUB 6 RUB 5 RUB 10 RUB 4.5
Internet per MB 808 RUB RUB 768 RUB 14.9 RUB 204.8 RUB 25

Rostelecom is one of the obvious outsiders. This operator does not have any preferential options for the Czech Republic, while the rest have very economical ones.

In order not to be left with an inoperative roaming phone, I recommend that you check before the trip if your number has international roaming service enabled. It is also necessary to ensure that there is enough money in the account, taking into account expenses.

To replenish your account in roaming, you can use a bank card tied to a phone number, express payment cards. In an emergency, you can in any way ask relatives or close people to top up the balance of your phone.

The second way to stay connected in the Czech Republic is to buy a SIM card from a local operator.

Local SIM

id = "sub2">

The contract (Paušální tarify) for mobile services is concluded for a year or two years. The second option is more common. At the same time, prepaid (Předplacené) tariffs are more beneficial for the subscriber from the point of view of the absence of obligations. They do not have a subscription fee, and write-offs are made only if the client uses a specific service. However, you will buy a phone, tablet or modem at full price.

An alternative is a long-term contract with an included block of voice calls, SMS and internet traffic. In addition, the subscriber is provided with a free (discounted) mobile device. The cost of the device is included in the subscription fee for a year or two years in advance. For example, a standard package of unlimited voice, unlimited SMS and 1 GB of traffic on a two-year contract (only a sim card) will cost 749 kroons (1,220 rubles) per month, while you can buy an HTC One smartphone with a 10% discount.

Of the features of connecting to mobile communications under the contract, it is worth noting the need for a bank account, from which monthly subscription fees will be automatically debited in accordance with the selected tariff. If the limit of minutes of conversation or mobile Internet has been exhausted earlier, it is possible to replenish the balance by depositing additional funds.

Separate tariffs are valid for young people (up to 26 years old) and people over 60 years old, provided that they connect to the contractual tariff. National operators offer discounts from 10 to 15% on subscription fees. Czechs regularly use this.

People who are in the Czech Republic temporarily (work, study, rest), for the most part, use prepaid tariffs. These offers have good consumer properties, you can connect to them without documents, in customer service centers or in regular supermarkets and grocery stores. Tariffs have no monthly fee. The standard price of such a kit is 200 kroons (326 rubles). In addition, the account is replenished with payment cards, the minimum value of the cards is 200 kroons.

The cost of calling abroad to landline and mobile phones may differ in the lower tariff when calling to landlines. The cheapest calls within the countries of the European Union. On average, a call to Russia costs 5-10 kroons per minute.

As for the prices for mobile devices, you can get them both with a discount and free of charge. In this case, they will only work with a SIM card of a specific operator. In the Czech Republic, there are also classic (in the Russian understanding) schemes for the sale of mobile phones - without contracts, without obligations and restrictions. Large independent retailers are Datart, Euronics, Elektroworld, Okay, the online store, Saturn and Mediamarkt.

Examples of the current tariffs of the contract and prepaid system of payments for mobile communications in 2013 in the Czech Republic. Prices are indicated including VAT in rubles at the rate of 1.63 rubles per Czech crown.

Operator T-mobile T-mobile O2 O2 Vodafone Vodafone Air Telecom
Rate S námi v síti + (2 year contract) Twist FREE O2 (contract 2 years) NA! VÝBĚR RED do sítě Karta do sítě AIR Max
Subscription fee 813 rbl 0 653 rbl 0 813 rbl 0 650 rbl
Free service package Free calls and SMS within the network, 120 minutes to other networks, 200 MB of traffic No Free calls and SMS within the network, 150 MB traffic No Free calls and SMS within the network, 130 minutes to other networks, 150 MB of traffic 30 free on-net minutes every month 300 minutes to all networks, 100 MB of traffic per month
Outgoing within the network 0 RUB 4 0 3 rbl 0 4.8 rubles 2,45 rbl
Outgoing to mobile 5.7 rbl RUB 4 5.7 rbl 7.9 rbl 5.7 rbl 4.8 rubles 2,45 rbl
Outgoing to fixed opera. 5.7 rbl RUB 4 5.7 rbl 7.9 rbl 5.7 rbl 4.8 rubles 2,45 rbl
Outgoing to Russia 11.6 rbl 11.6 rbl 19 rbl 19 rbl 11.8 rbl 11.8 rbl 11.6 rbl
SMS within the Czech Republic 2,45 rbl 3 rbl 2,45 rbl 3 rbl 2,45 rbl 2,45 rbl 2,45 rbl
SMS to Russia RUB 6 RUB 6 RUB 8 RUB 8 4.1 RUB 4.1 RUB RUB 6
Internet 40 rubles per day for 30 MB 2 rubles per MB 48 rubles per day for 30 MB 48 rubles per day for 30 MB 146 rubles for 500 MB per month 40 rubles per day for 25 MB 80 rubles per day for 50 MB

As the data in the table show, mobile communications in the Czech Republic are cheaper than in France and. However, Czech tariffs are almost twice as expensive as Russian or. They can be compared with those in Moscow.

Mobile Internet

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There are two ways to use mobile Internet services in the Czech Republic. The first is to connect the traffic packet at the maximum speed. After it is used up, an additional amount will be debited from the subscriber, equal to the cost of the package. The second option is to connect to unlimited Internet. In this case, the subscriber will be charged a monthly fee only once a month, but the speed will decrease when a certain limit is exceeded. Tariff parameters are very similar to Russian ones. In packages with a large block of traffic or on expensive anlims, free use of WiFi hotspots is provided.

A USB modem can be purchased at any operator's office or major electronics stores. The average price of a 4G-enabled device is 900 CZK (1,460 rubles), but you can find models with 3G support for 695 CZK.

As for LTE, it has been operating in the Czech Republic for a little over a year. In 2011, an auction was held for frequencies covering 360 MHz in 3 bands 800 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2.6 GHz. The frequencies are distributed among the three operators Telefonica 02, Vodafone and T-Mobile.

The first LTE network was launched in June 2012 in Prague by the O2 operator. In November of the same year, T-Mobile launched its 4G network (in Mlado Boleslavl). Vodafone's new generation networks were launched at the beginning of 2013, and Karlovy Vary became the first settlement.

At the beginning of October 2013, the Czech LTE networks covered 1.6 million subscribers. At the same time, there are about 1000 base stations operating throughout the country. The most popular are the LTE-2600 networks. The deployment of networks in the 800 MHz range is planned for 2014-2015. Most of these networks will operate in rural areas and on highways.

Nevertheless, 3G continues to form the basis of mobile Internet in the Czech Republic. The average speed of 3G Internet in Prague, Brno and Karlovy Vary, for example, reaches 1.9 Mbps (download) and 0.5 Mbps (upload). 4G is much faster. Average speed 22 Mbps (download) and 6 Mbps (upload).

Examples of current tariffs for mobile Internet in 2013 in the Czech Republic. Prices are indicated including VAT in rubles at the rate of 1.63 rubles per Czech crown.

Operator T-mobile O2 O2 Vodafone Vodafone Air Telecom
Standard 3G / LTE 3G / LTE 3G / LTE 3G / LTE 3G / LTE CDMA2000
Name Pro mobil Mobilní internet L Mobilní internet XL Mobilní připojení Mobilní připojení Neomezený internet
Type of unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited
Subscription fee 1055 rbl 490 rbl 905 rbl 435 rbl 905 rbl 1120 rbl
Traffic block 10 GB 3 GB 10 GB 4 GB 10 GB unlimited
Over block speed 64 kbps 64 kbps 64 kbps 64 kbps 64 kbps -
Peculiarities Rate limiting 20 Mbps Max. speed 3.1 Mbps

As for free Wi-Fi, in the Czech Republic and in Prague in particular, it is almost everywhere. Most hotels, including hostels, offer guests free internet, and more expensive establishments charge an additional fee. In addition, an increasing number of bars, cafes and restaurants offer free Wi-Fi and have a sticker on their door. According to my own observations, there are almost 50% of such establishments in Prague.

Often the best places with guaranteed free Wi-Fi are McDonald's and KFC, which offer free Wi-Fi throughout the Czech Republic. And of course, don't forget coffee shops like Starbucks, which also offer free Wi-Fi regardless of the purchase price.

It goes without saying that there is also free internet at the Prague airport, at the train station. True, there is limited to a block of 15 minutes. Next, you need to go through the authorization procedure.