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How to delete all posts on facebook. How to delete all your old posts from your Facebook feed. What is the difference between "Hide from your timeline" and "Delete post"

Facebook allows users to view and clear their activity history. Editing each post can be a tedious process, but if you want to clean up a few posts, this option is fine.

  1. Go to your personal page and find the "Activity Log" button (it is located on the cover of the page on the right).
  2. On the page that opens, choose what you need. You can view and edit your comments, posts, likes, posts you've been tagged in, and more. By default, you are shown an overview of the timeline, full list available actions is on the left.
  3. For example, you want to delete your comments. Click on the “Comments” item and go to the page where everything that you have ever written is located in chronological order. On the right is a chronology by year.
  4. Choose the desired year and month. To delete a comment, click on the pencil icon to the right of the post. You can also hide it from prying eyes by clicking on the person icon and selecting "Only me". Now only you can see this comment.
  5. Do the same with your posts and tags. Select the desired item on the left and find the entry or tag that you want to delete or hide.

How to Clear Your Facebook Activity History with Google Chrome Extensions

Unfortunately, the previous method takes too much time. To delete all comments for a month, you will have to spend more than one hour. What to do if your page is more than one year old, and you need to delete everything that has ever been written?

Fortunately, there is an extension that will do all the work for you.

  1. First you need to open Facebook in Google browser Chrome.
  2. Download and install the Social Book Post Manager extension.
  3. Return to your Facebook page and find the "Action Log" button.
  4. Select on the right from the list which activity you want to clear: posts, comments, tags, etc.
  5. Now you need to open installed application- its icon should be located next to the address bar of the browser.
  6. We deal with the settings. In the Year line, select the year you want to clear. If you want to delete all entries for all years, select Select all.
  7. Choose a month (Month). Repeat the same steps as in the previous paragraph.
  8. The Text containts field prompts you to delete all entries that mention a particular word. Text not containts, respectively, deletes all publications that do not contain this word.
  9. Prescan on page - if checked, you will be shown a dialog box with the results. If you are working in parallel in the browser, you should run the application in background. To do this, uncheck the box.
  10. Speed ​​- removal speed. It's best to leave the default 4.
  11. The Delete, Hide/Inhide, Unlike buttons respectively delete, hide or open publications and remove "Like" marks. Choose exactly what you need.
  12. Start the removal process by clicking on one of the buttons mentioned above. You may have to agree several times with Facebook asking if you really want to delete a post.

It is worth considering that deleted records cannot be recovered, so think carefully about deleting something that you value or need. The extension also warns that sometimes it needs to be run several times to work more efficiently.

Social Book Post Manager can only delete your activity. It doesn't delete other users' posts on your wall, or the ones you've been tagged in. You can only hide or untag such posts.

Tip 2: Why Facebook Photos Will Only Be Deleted After 30 Days

The social network Facebook is one of the most popular communities of its kind in the global Internet environment. Every day, millions of users upload and delete a huge number of personal photos on this resource. Naturally, most of them are concerned about the fate of their own photographs.

So far, Facebook has not followed any fixed deadlines for deleting photos from its servers. This fact provoked numerous complaints from users.

But in February 2012, the company acknowledged the existence of this problem. As representatives of Facebook explained, the reason for this situation is old system storing photos that were uploaded by users in the early stages of development social network actually a few years ago. Although, according to the netizens themselves, there were problems with recently added graphic files.

The new system governing the storage of deleted user photos sets a maximum period for permanent deletion graphic files from Facebook servers. It is equal to thirty days after the user's request, in some cases links to photos will stop working even faster.

The social network Facebook has previously been criticized because of the principles of storage, as well as the use of personal data and user content. For example, the day before, the German authorities resumed an investigation against the resource. They accuse its executives of creating a large database of users' personal photos without considering their consent. This was done, according to the German authorities, to ensure the operation of face recognition technology.

Facebook has agreed to independent privacy reviews of users' data for a period of 20 years.

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As with any social network, it is not easy to disappear from Facebook's view. All popular web services are interested in the largest possible number of users and are very reluctant to part with each. Therefore, deleting an account with your data, contacts and messages is always difficult. This operation cannot be carried out with a single click of the mouse.

Not deletion, but deactivation

When deciding to delete your Facebook account, you should be aware that your data will not completely disappear. On the server of this social network, all your photos, friends list and messages are stored indefinitely. On the one hand, this will help you restore your account at any time, you just have to wish to return.

On the other hand, your data, comments, records and circle of your communication are stored, so to speak, “in reserve”. Suddenly you suddenly become interested in the US State Department or become a famous figure: the President of the Whole Earth or the hero of a sensation. That's when information about you on Facebook will become truly priceless, turn into a commodity.

Magic button "Delete account"

In the "All settings" section, find the line "Security". At the very bottom, in small blue font, there is a menu bar "Deactivate account". Note, "deactivate", not "remove".

Fill out the form, indicate the reasons for wanting to leave Facebook. Check the box if you do not want to receive notifications by mail, and click "Confirm".

This method will not delete your account. It will only hide the page from prying eyes, deactivate it. You can recover at any time. There is no time limit.

Complete account deletion

In order to completely delete an account from the Facebook social network, you will have to go a different, more complicated path. In the "Help" section, in the "How can we help you" query string, type "account forever".

Read how to deactivate an account. Pro complete removal there may not be a word, even though such a button existed quite recently. But you may be lucky and this secret button will appear in the message.

And yet, it will be better if you take some preliminary measures.

The page should remain blank. Be sure to save your changes. Password confirmation is required. If the password is lost, you will have to reset it first.

After all these manipulations, your account will be ready for deletion. On the secret account deletion tab at .com/help/contact.php?show_form=delete_account, click Submit.

Preliminary preparation of the account for deletion is a guarantee that information about you will not be stored for some incomprehensible purpose for an unlimited time on the Facebook server and will never be used against you.

Social networks have a section where users can leave their comments, thoughts, wishes. It is called a forum or a wall. However, in addition to beautiful entries, some people may leave incorrect and sometimes unpleasant entries on the wall, which, in order not to clog the page, can be safely deleted.

Nobody is immune from mistakes. But this is not real life, in social networks any wrong move can be easily corrected. Therefore, since we have launched a series of articles about FB, I will tell you how to delete a Facebook photo, message, post, friend, group or comment. Although it is not difficult, it is best to write an article about every nuance of social networks, because there will certainly be people who will have questions. Issues, no matter how small, need to be addressed.

Delete photos on facebook

Before we figure out how to delete a photo on Facebook, let's remember where the images are that we can get rid of. This, of course, profile picture, cover, wall and albums. Let's break down each section point by point.

Avatar and albums

I will combine these two sections of Facebook, because we can only get rid of the profile picture from albums. Maybe, of course, there is another way, but I did not find it, so I offer you only one.


As I already wrote, any image can be removed from the corresponding section. But cover editing is also available directly from your page.


Here you can go in two ways: get rid of the post completely or edit it and get rid of only the image.

Delete group on FB

It makes no sense to look for a button for the corresponding button - it is not here. The group will be deleted by the system, when it is empty, it will be left without members. Therefore, we simply get rid of all subscribers and unsubscribe ourselves. but before that, I recommend leaving a publication with a warning on the wall.

Delete friends from facebook

Again, there are two ways - you can either, before deleting friends from Facebook, go to their page and do it from there. But it will take a long time, you know. So we'll talk about the second one.

Delete messages on FB

Editing dialogues is much easier than what I have already written about. But the question “How to delete a message on Facebook so that the interlocutor does not see it” is stupid - nothing.

Delete posts on Facebook

The mechanism for getting rid of posts is similar to those listed - click on the three dots above the upper right corner and select the "Delete" item. And that's it, now you know how to delete a post on Facebook.

Delete comments on FB

There will be no problem with comments either. the algorithm will be the same not only for your own comments, but also for those that users leave under your posts.

  1. Click on the three dots to the right of the text.
  2. Select the appropriate item.

And that’s it, now you also know the answer to the question “How to delete a comment on FB?”


How to delete a group on facebook? How to get rid of unnecessary messages, publications, images and so on? Very simple. Often the icon with three dots will help you with this. And it will be either on the right or above the upper right corner. It's very simple, you probably will not have difficulty remembering the sequence of actions. Moreover, very often any action on Facebook and Instagram is simple fraud with the icon of three dots. Therefore, experiment with the possibilities that open up to you with them.

The function disappears gradually. For some users, it is not yet available only when entering the social network through a web browser, some do not see it through the Facebook mobile applications either.

What is the difference between "Hide from your timeline" and "Delete post"?

Here's how Facebook explains it:

“Hiding a post you've shared from a Page will remove the entry from the Page's Timeline, but it will still be recorded in the Page's activity log (which is only available to you and other people who manage the Page). A deleted post will not appear on the Page, including the activity log."

“Remember, if someone shares a hidden post, it may be visible to the audience it was shared with elsewhere on Facebook, such as in News Feed or search results.”

In other words, a publication hidden by the user still remains available to other people.

And now what i can do? How to permanently delete a Facebook post?

You can still delete your publications, but in a more tricky way. To do this, you will have to go to the “Action Log” (you will find it on your Facebook profile page) and find the desired post there. To make it easier to search, use the "Posted by you" filter. Once you've found the post you're looking for, select context menu"Delete".

Social networks know about the habits and lives of their users than their parents or even spouses. This is not a very pleasant fact, because all this information is available not only to advertisers, but also to your competitors and enemies. In the lives of many people, there are situations when it is necessary for some time to disappear from the public space and go into the shadows. For example, if you suddenly and "from above" ordered to urgently delete all compromising information about yourself. Facebook does not have a built-in ability to delete all your posts and photos, but you can hide them from prying eyes for a while. Business Insider journalists described a sequence of actions, as a result of which all previous user activity will be hidden, and you will literally go into “invisible mode”.

First of all, find the button with the image of the lock in the upper right corner and after the drop-down menu appears, click on the link “See other settings”.

You will be taken to the "Privacy Settings and Tools" menu. Look for "Who can see your posts in the future?" and select "Only Me".

The next step is to hide our previous posts. To do this, click on the link "Restrict access to previous publications" and confirm the action. Thus, all our previous entries will become visible only to friends.

We limit the list of people who can add us as friends. Now only friends of friends can do it.

We leave the opportunity to contact us only to friends.

Be sure to turn off the ability to find us by email address.

We do the same procedure with the phone number.

Another important thing is that search engines should not know about us, so we uncheck the “Allow search engines provide a link to your Chronicle.

Then we go to the "Timeline and Tags" menu and restrict the ability of other people to post entries in our timeline. Looking for settings: "Who can post to your Timeline?", "Who can see the posts you're tagged in on your Timeline?", "Who can see what others post to your Timeline?", "When you're tagged in a post who can see it, except for those people for whom it is already open? and everywhere we select "Only me". After that, turn on “Submit tags made by friends before they are published on your Timeline?” and “Submit tags that other users make on your posts before they appear on Facebook?”. The last step in this section is in the menu "Who sees tag recommendations when photos with images of people like you are uploaded?" select "No one". We should get the following picture:

Facebook allows your followers to see your public posts as well as their friends. Let's kill this opportunity.

After that, we prohibit Facebook and third-party sites from using our profile for various kinds of advertising activities.

Almost done! We go to the "Applications" section and disable authorization using Facebook on third sites and the use of various kinds of applications.

And finally, we hide the entries made using the old mobile applications Facebook that does not have a built-in audience selection feature (for example, older versions of Facebook for BlackBerry). Ready!

Recall that Facebook recently seriously attended to the problem of cheating likes on the pages of brands and. Soon the social network will remove "likes" from users whose accounts have been deactivated. This applies to deceased users and those whose profiles have been deleted for violating the terms of use of the social network or due to prolonged inactivity.

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To get started, it's worth looking at what your feed looks like and deciding which posts to hide or delete. To do this, click on the three dots next to the "View activity log" button and select "View as ...". In this mode, you can see how your page is displayed to friends and everyone else.

Each post can be separately deleted and hidden right in the feed, but in the settings there is an item for simultaneously hiding all previously published entries from prying eyes. Click on the padlock icon in the top bar and select See other settings. This will take you to the privacy settings, where you can apply visibility restrictions in the feed. All your old entries will now be visible only to friends.

Next, you need to select the item "Chronicle and tags" in the menu on the left. In this section, you can configure the access and visibility of your timeline, especially pay attention to the first, fourth, fifth and seventh points - switch to the "Friends" or "Only Me" mode.

It is most convenient to delete and hide posts from the feed in the activity log (the "View activity log" button), where there are filters to view only your posts, likes or posts in which you are tagged. If you don't want to set up each post separately, you can use a Chrome extension like Facebook Post Manager.

After installing the extension, go to the action log, select the desired post filter and, without scrolling the page, start Post Manager. In the extension settings, you can select the year, month and keywords to hide, unhide (Hide / Unhide) or delete posts (Delete Posts) and likes (Unlike) in your feed. After executing the command, all that remains is to confirm the decision by clicking the corresponding button (Confirm) that appears in the top panel.