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P about the guardian old versions. The composition of the control system skud guard


The set of network software "Guard +" is intended for organizing accounting of the use of working time and access control to the premises of enterprises of any size.

The kit consists of a server and several client modules running on different computers v local network... As a special case, all modules can simultaneously work simultaneously on one machine without any alterations.

A very popular and widespread Firebird is used as a secure data store. SQL Server... The number of concurrently working seats is 5 and is limited only by the number of available free SQL-Server CALs.

Composition and purpose

  • Module "Administrator"- designed to configure the database and enter all user information (surname, badge, schedule, etc.).
  • Module "Monitor"- designed to display information about the passes made. Displays the photo associated with the skip.
  • Module "Reports"- allows you to build both arbitrary reports and reports that have already become standard on deviations, overwork, early departures, late arrivals, etc. It also builds a timesheet according to the form approved by the State Statistics Committee - T-13. This module requires a one-time registration on the site.
  • Server replication is responsible for ensuring that all the information stored in the database, necessary for operation, is timely written into the memory of the controllers. It also selects information about the events that have occurred from the local memory of the controllers and loads it into the database.
For the ACS to work, at least one server must be running in the system. If the number of controllers exceeds 32, it is recommended to divide them into groups. And for each group of controllers, run its own separate server.
  • Utility for restoring the event table from server logs "Guardian-Doctor".
  • Firebird SQL Server.
  • Supporting utilities for administration, testing and remote support.

Contents of delivery

  • CD with a complete set of software.
  • Converter Z-397 STRAZH, adapted to work with software "Guard +".
Important: For normal operation of the ACS server it is necessary to use only the "Z-397 STRAZH" converter from the delivery set. Operation with other interface converters is NOT POSSIBLE

Updates for the GUARD software can be downloaded on the page ...

Features of the "GUARD" software:

The software interface is clear and intuitive. Working with the software does not require high qualifications and is focused on the effective use of it by security personnel, for whom computer skills are not essential in their profession.
Software installation is also simplified as much as possible.
Issuance and removal of passes to users, management of access rights to protected premises are made in a few mouse clicks.
Implemented use group policies for operational management of access rights. The main and backup access profiles for departments for cases when it is necessary to suddenly and quickly change the modes of access of people to objects.
There are profiles for working with tenants, self-locking after the end of the paid period. Support for "guest" passes.
Viewing (monitoring) the events taking place in the system. Display photos.
Multilevel protection of user data from various failures.
Creation of reports: "Time sheet", "Late arrivals", "Early departures", "Arbitrary reports", etc. The time sheet is also built according to the form approved by the State Statistics Committee - T-13.
Possibility of emergency entry into the database of keys at facilities that do not have an autonomous reader “Z-2 USB”.
Built-in tester for remote work with controllers, allowing you to view and edit data in their memory, monitor the performance of controllers.

Help in choosing software for accounting of working hours on the page ...

Minimum Requirements to the PC server:
- processor not lower than Pentium 4;
- random access memory- from 512 MB;
- HDD- not less than 100 MB;
- operating system- Windows XP SP3;
- monitor with a resolution of at least 1024x768

The following equipment is supported by the "STRAZH +" software:

1 x Z-2 USB Desktop Reader
2 converter Z-397 Guard or converter Z-397 IP
3 network controller Guard-Net
4 network controller Z-5R Net (Z-5R Net 8000)
5 network controller / reader Matrix-II Net
6 exit button
7 readers
8 turnstile or barrier
9 castle

The Guardian control system consists of network software and a set of equipment designed to control the access of employees, visitors, vehicles to a protected facility of any scale. The Sentinel ACS software consists of a server module installed on the main computer and small client modules that can work on additional computers in the local network. Our company IVP "Progress" is professionally engaged in the selection of the necessary equipment and installation of the ACS Guard system after studying the customer's requirements and the specifics of the protected object.

When installing the Sentinel ACS control system in a small enterprise or office, the software package is installed on one computer. If more than 30 controllers are installed on the territory of the protected object, software is split into separate control modules. The work of every 30 controllers is controlled by the software module of the ACS Guardian system installed on additional computer... But the main office is located on a central server, where information is received from all local computers. The main computer stores the entire database of employees and regular visitors.

In addition to control software modules, the software package of the ACS Sentinel control system allows you to automatically update backup complete database. In the event of an emergency, disconnecting the power supply excludes the possibility of losing the collected information.

ACS control system Sentinel can service IronLogic, Gate, Quest controllers.

ACS control system Sentinel: functionality

1. Automation of access control for employees, visitors.

2. Automatic control over access to vehicles.

3. Automation of accounting and control of working time and labor discipline of employees of the facility.

4. Monitoring of all events at the checkpoints of the facility.

The composition of the control system of ACS Guard

1. Software modules: "Administrator", "Monitor", "Reports".

2. Brands of electronic controllers with which the system can work: Quest, Z5R Net, Guard Net, Matrix II Net, Gate.

3. The system includes a special converter (interface converter).

The Guardian system provides the following tasks:

1. Issue or removal of passes for employees and users of the protected object.

2. Manages the access rights of personnel to the controlled premises of the facility.

3. One of the software modules works with visitors' temporary passes.

4. Events are saved to the database. It is possible to view for monitoring access to the object (with viewing photos of employees and visitors).

5. Automation of creation of reports: "Timesheet", "Early departures", "Late arrivals", "Custom reports" and others.

6. Automatic testing of controllers to avoid accidents, system failures.

When installing the "Administrator" software module, the Guardian ACS system allows you to create a single database with the names of employees, work schedule, passes with access codes. If necessary, the software-numerical access code can be changed.

The "Reports" module automates the creation of consolidated documents on the recording of working hours, delays, overtime and provides control over labor discipline.

The Guardian ACS system is compatible with video surveillance and processing signals from security and fire alarm sensors. In an emergency, power failure, the control system goes into offline mode work. If a failure occurs in the control computer, each unit of the Guardian ACS system continues to work autonomously under the control of programs installed on additional local computers... A distinctive feature of the software is the presence of a module that tests the operation of all equipment of the access control system. Database protection is guaranteed by archival copies in case of various kinds of emergencies and failures.

Working with the software on a computer does not require special knowledge and high qualifications. Our employees will create detailed instructions for operators and dispatchers.

Description of IronLogic Software Sentinel

IronLogic software Sentinel - a set of network software "Sentinel +" is designed for organizing time management and access control for employees and vehicles at enterprises of any size. The kit consists of a server and several client modules operating on different computers in the local network. As a special case, all modules can simultaneously work simultaneously on one machine without any alterations.


  • employee access control
  • vehicle access control
  • time tracking
  • providing data for the analysis of labor discipline at the enterprise
  • event monitoring

Composition and purpose:

  • The "Administrator" module is intended for configuring the database and entering all user information (surnames, passes, schedules, etc.).
  • Module "Monitor" - designed to display information about the passes made. Displays the photo associated with the skip.
  • The "Reports" module - allows you to build both arbitrary reports and reports that have already become standard on deviations, overwork, early departures, late arrivals, etc. It also builds a timesheet according to the form approved by Goskomstat - T-13. This module requires a one-time registration on the site.
  • The replication server is responsible for ensuring that all the information stored in the database, necessary for operation, is timely written into the memory of the controllers. It also selects information about the events that have occurred from the local memory of the controllers and loads it into the database.
    For the ACS to work, at least one server must be running in the system. If the number of controllers exceeds 32, it is recommended to divide them into groups. And for each group of controllers, run its own separate server.
  • Utility for restoring the event table from the "Guardian-Doctor" server logs.
  • Firebird SQL Server.
  • Supporting utilities for administration, testing and remote support.

Option of connecting equipment to work with "STRAZH +" software

Important: For normal operation of the ACS server it is necessary to use only the "Z-397 STRAZH" converter from the delivery set. Operation with other interface converters is not possible!

ACS "Guard" is a hardware and software complex designed to provide authorized access to the premises and protected areas of the facility. It can be integrated with burglar and security and fire alarms, as well as with a video surveillance system.

The "Guard" control and management system is a universal means of ensuring security. It has the ability to go into an autonomous mode of operation in the event that the control computer fails, the connection with the controller is cut off, or the network equipment fails. In this case, each block of the system begins to work according to the programmed mode, typical for simple autonomous systems.

The ACS "Guard" has great potential in terms of modeling the structures of access control systems capable of solving a variety of tasks. At the same time, modernization and expansion of the access control system does not require shutdown and the inevitable decrease in the level of security. Like most universal access control and management systems, Sentinel can be used to provide security at sites of various sizes.

The core of the Sentinel ACS system.

The basis of the system that controls the connected executive devices are microprocessor controllers of high reliability from the company "MicroChip Technology, Inc." The clock frequency in the microprocessor-based access controller of the Sentinel ACS is formed by a quartz 3.58 MHz resonator.

System architecture.

The structure of the Sentinel ACS is universal: it can be used as an autonomous system aimed at providing access control through one access point, as a network system in which the controllers are included in one computer-controlled network. In the event of a system failure and interruption of communication with the control center, each individual ACS unit will perform its task according to the programmed algorithm.

Power can be supplied either from an external source or from an internal one. If power is supplied from an external source, this role is played by a three-wire network cable... In this case, one wire is used for data transmission, the other is common, and the third is the "+" of the power supply.

Connection to the network of the interface controller is carried out using a wire for data transmission and a common wire; it is connected to the PC COM port via an RS-232 interface.

ACS "Guard" software and parameters of its use.

Installation of the software is carried out in a simplified way within a short time. The interface of the Guardian software is simple and intuitive. The program is designed for its use by security specialists and does not require high IT qualifications from the operator.

Access control to protected premises, entering identifier data, deleting a user's pass and many other operations are performed in a couple of clicks with a manipulator. There is a main access profile for user groups and a backup profile in case it becomes necessary to make changes to the principle of admission within a short time.

The software allows you to set up special profiles for tenants, blocking access after the end of the lease. The system of "guest" one-time passes is supported.

The software allows you to track events in real time. Protection of the user database is carried out at several levels, which guarantees the safety of information in case of various kinds of failures. On the basis of the collected data, reports on the consumption of working hours, delays, overwork and so on can be built.

A tester is built into the Sentinel ACS software, which is designed for remote operation with the system blocks. With its help, it is possible to view and edit the data stored in the controllers, as well as control their performance.

Parameters of interaction between hardware and software ACS "Guardian".

Software ACS "Guard" is supported by controllers of the Gate-4k, Z-5R Net, Matrix II Net series, IronLogic adapters. Adapters are used to connect executive devices to the Sentinel software and combine them into one network.

The service structure of the Sentinel ACS is the core of the system, the drivers of the connected equipment are located on the central computer. The advantage of this scheme is that the control console can be launched not only in the "command center", but also on other PCs in the system. Workstations that ensure the interaction of software and hardware can be computers with low computing power and low-capacity disks. This makes it easy to monitor and maintain lines. data exchange, since all the equipment used is controlled by one computer. For the same reason, it will not be difficult to monitor the state of drivers and functional modules.

Scheme №1 Construction of ACS "Guard".

Hardware ACS "Guard".

1. Network controller of ACS "Guard"

It is used to work in the structure of both network and autonomous access control systems. Differs in simplicity in installation and maintenance, has a high degree of protection against failures. In the access control system, it plays the role of an "interpreter" of signals coming from the system controllers into the signals of the computer exchange protocol. The functions of this network controller include the "Accept" mode, thanks to which the lost database of identifiers can be restored. After activating the mode, data from all brought identifiers are entered into the controller's memory - thus, new base data. The "Blocking" mode allows you to use one card - a pass as a blocker. After the data is read from such a card, other users are denied or allowed access to the premises. Such a regime will be in demand if the specifics of the work require that users be allowed access to the premises only after a person appointed in charge of that sector.

2. Readers of ACS "Guard"

The Sentinel ACS readers are devices that transmit the received code from the presented identifier to the controller. The system can be used as standard readers designed for use in indoor areas under security, and readers in vandal-resistant design, combining high mechanical strength and resistance to a wide variety of weather conditions. Sentinel ACS reading equipment supports the most common technologies of key fobs and identifier cards, such as the EM-Marin and Proximity standards.

3. Controllers of ACS "Guard"

The "Guard" ACS controller is an electronic board with a built-in microprocessor. At the moment of receiving data from the access point reader, the controller requests information from the computer to determine the access rights of the presented identifier. If the result of the request is positive, the controller sends a signal that activates the actuator to open the lock.

If the result is negative, depending on the programmed algorithm of actions, the controller may issue special signals, sound and light. The functions of the controller also include processing signals from the sensors included in the system. There is also the possibility autonomous work controller, when the decision on access to the object is made based on the database of identifiers and the programmed algorithm of access to the object.

4. Adapters / convectors "Guard".

Strazh adapters / convectors convert RS485 / 422 signals into USB interface signals, and are also used to monitor events in real time via a terminal program. Automatically determine the direction of transmission and reception of data, as well as their speed. They play the role of an "adapter" between the "Guard" access control system and devices of other brands.

Guardian software + Iron Logic The “Guardian +” network software suite is designed for organizing time attendance and access control for employees and vehicles at enterprises of any size. The set consists of a server module and several client modules operating on different computers in the local network. As a special case, all modules can simultaneously work simultaneously on one machine without any alterations.


CD with a complete set of software.
Converter Z-397 STRAZH, adapted to work with software "Guard +".


The set of network software "Guard +" is designed to organize accounting of the use of working time and control the access of employees and vehicles at enterprises of any size. The kit consists of a server and several client modules operating on different computers in the local network. As a special case, all modules can simultaneously work simultaneously on one machine without any alterations.


Employee access control
- vehicle access control
- time tracking
- providing data for the analysis of labor discipline at the enterprise
- event monitoring

Composition and purpose:

The "Administrator" module is intended for configuring the database and entering all user information (surnames, passes, schedules, etc.).
The "Monitor" module is designed to display information about the passes made. Displays the photo associated with the skip.
The "Reports" module - allows you to build both arbitrary reports and reports that have already become standard on deviations, overwork, early departures, late arrivals, etc. It also builds a timesheet according to the form approved by Goskomstat - T-13. This module requires a one-time registration on the site.
The replication server is responsible for ensuring that all the information stored in the database, necessary for operation, is timely written into the memory of the controllers. It also selects information about the events that have occurred from the local memory of the controllers and loads it into the database.
For the ACS to work, at least one server must be running in the system. If the number of controllers exceeds 32, it is recommended to divide them into groups. And for each group of controllers, run its own separate server. Utility for restoring the event table from the "Guardian-Doctor" server logs.
Firebird SQL Server.
Supporting utilities for administration, testing and remote support.