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Font change 1s. Fast scaling of forms. How it works

Many users quite often face the situation when in the menu and windows 1c the font is too small. Some try to decide this problem by reducing the resolution of the entire screen, but this method has one undesirable effect, the font increases not only in 1s, but in all Windows system. This method is inconvenient, which is why we will consider with you a more correct solution to this situation.

Where to increase the font in 1s?

So, now we will increase the font in 1s to the sizes you need, it is worth noting that this method is only acceptable for 1C 8.2 bases that work in the launch mode of a regular 1C application. First, go to the configurator, on the left side in the object tree, click on the "+" and open the "General" branch, then we will be interested in the "Styles" object, open it and see the "Main" object, double-click on it and see the window that opens is shown below.

We are interested in 4 parameters here: "Text Font", "Small Text Font", Regular Text Font", "Large Text Font" and finally "Largest Text Font". , the window shown below will open.

We set a specific value to increase the font in 1s

In order to increase the font in 1s we need to first uncheck "From style", after that the choice of font size will become available, select the desired one and click "OK". Now we save our base and start the enterprise. If the font has not changed, then we try to change the font size "Small Text Font", Regular Text Font" or "Large Text Font". One of the options will definitely work.

The work of an accountant is quite difficult, but even more responsible. Mistakes should not be made, because this can be followed by huge troubles if they are not detected and corrected in time. It is difficult to keep track of many operations, all the more so to look for errors when the font in 1C is small. It is possible to strain your eyesight every time to see something written in small letters, but this will definitely be followed by loss of vision. In this case, you will have to visit an ophthalmologist, fight for the return of visual acuity.

Making individual changes to the program facilitates the work of an accountant.

However, you can do a little differently, preventing visual strain. To do this, it is enough just to increase the font size in 1C. If you have installed the most latest version 1C, you just need to change the size of the system font of your operating system. Performing such actions, you can increase the font until you feel comfortable working with the program.

You will have to act a little differently if you continue to work with the 1C program of the seventh version or earlier. To avoid unsuccessful attempts that provoke unnecessary unrest, it is useful to read the recommendations experienced users how to increase the font in 1C.

So, if you decide to take steps that make it possible to increase the size of letters, first pay attention to which version of the 1C program is installed on your computer. This is very important, since it will depend on how to change the font size in 1C.

Performing actions in 1C 7.7

If 1C version 7.7 is installed on your computer, select the “Service” option on the main menu bar, then click on the “Parameters” line, and then make the transition again by selecting the “Interface” tab. Only now you will see a window in which the "Select Font" button will be located. If you click on it, a window will appear very similar to the one that the user encounters when working with office applications.

It remains to choose the font from the proposed options, the style of its design and, of course, the size. Finally, don't forget to agree to the prompt to save the changed settings by clicking on the "Ok" button each time before closing the window.

Performing actions in 1C 8.2

If the 1C version 8.2 program is installed on the PC, the algorithm of actions will be slightly different. In addition to changing the font, or rather, increasing it, you can increase the OS system font, as we have already indicated earlier, there is another option for user manipulation. We suggest that you deal with these manipulations, understand how to directly increase the font on the screen in 1C.

Initially, in the same way, you should go to the "Tools" menu, go to "Options", then go to the second tab of the open "Texts" window. At the bottom of the open window, you can easily find the line "Font", open the options for built-in fonts and their sizes, choose the option that you prefer. As you can see, in this case, no difficulties arise. Following the recommendations, you can easily achieve what you want.

Increasing the size through the configurator

There is another way, which is a little more complicated than the ones we have already covered. However, if you decide to try this algorithm of actions, you will succeed if you have the desire and maximum attention. First, run the program, then find the "Configuration" item and follow it. After that, you will find the line "Open configuration", click on it.

Now the base structure window, located on the right side of the main window, will load. Find the "Styles" parameter, click on it, after which a sub-list will open. Select the "Basic" option to edit it. Further, all actions will automatically become clear, since you will only have to select the desired font, its size, and, if desired, other parameters that are important to you.

If the program is used by several users who prefer different letter sizes, it will be useful to do some more manipulations. In particular, go to the "Operations" menu, follow "Registers of Information", then select "User Styles". In the window that opens, write down those users who need big size font. Opposite the selected user, set 1 in the "Style number" field.

In order for everything to work smoothly later, it is important to make some more changes to the parameters. Click "Configuration" initially, find "Support" next, go to it, there you can find "Support Settings". In the upper right part of the open window, find the "Enable the ability to change" button, then in two blocks confirm the choice of possible editing while maintaining support. After performing such actions, everything will change, you will be satisfied with the result achieved.

So, you can definitely increase the font in the 1C program yourself if you strictly follow the recommendations of experienced users. Try, act bolder, improve your skills in working with such software, change the settings to create a comfortable environment for yourself.

Doctors say that prolonged exposure to the monitor is harmful to the eyes - there is a risk of developing chronic fatigue and visual impairment. Accountants spend most of their working time at the computer. How to increase the font in 1C to make your work safer, read this article.

There are two main approaches to increase the font in 1C:

  1. Increase the font in your operating system settings. At the same time, the font increase will occur not only in 1C, but also in all other programs and applications;
  2. Increase the font directly in 1C. This method is suitable for programs on the 1C 8.3 platform.

The first way will increase the font globally: it will become larger in all Windows windows, in all the programs in which you work, in Word, Excel, mail, Skype, and so on. This is not always necessary, because the font is different everywhere, and the need to increase it may arise not for all programs and windows, but for a specific 1C. In addition, in all programs, not only the font but also the scale of windows will increase, and this can lead to a shift useful information beyond the usual boundaries. All these factors can adversely affect the visual perception of the image and work with programs.

In our article we will tell you how to increase the font in both ways.

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Increase the font of all windows in 1C 8.3

In 1C programs on the 8.3 platform, it is easy to increase the font. To do this, click on the arrow in the upper left corner of the screen (1), select "View" in the menu (2) and click on the "Zoom" link (3). The settings window will open.

In the window that opens, increase the scale to a comfortable one (4) and click the "Set for all" button (5). With an increase in the scale in the 1C 8.3 program, the font will also change proportionally. The changed setting will be valid for all windows of the 1C program.

Increasing the font in programs 1C 8.3 Trade Management 10.3, 1C 8.3 Integrated Automation, 1C 8.3 ZUP is done in the same way.

Selectively increase the font in 1C 8.3

In 1C 8.3, you can increase the font not for the entire program, but selectively, for individual windows. To do this, go to the window or document (1) in which you want to increase the font, click on the arrow in the upper left corner of the screen (2), select "View" in the menu (3) and click on the "Change scale" link (4). The settings window will open.

In the window that opens, set the desired scale (5) and click on the cross in the upper right corner (6). Now the selected document will always open at a modified scale. In the same way, you can set the font in 1C 8.3 for any windows and documents.

Increase the font for 1C 8.2

Programs on the 1C 8.2 platform do not have the same fast way increase the font, as in 1C 8.3. To increase the font in 1C 8.2, you need to change the screen settings of your operating system. This will increase the font in all programs, applications and windows in which you work.

To customize the screen, click right key mouse on your desktop and click on "Screen Resolution" (1). The display settings window will open.

In the settings window, the default value is "Small" (3). To increase the font, select the value "Medium" (4) or "Large" (5). To save the setting, click the "Apply" button (6). Now the font will increase in all your programs, including 1C.

New Changes in Managed Forms in Platform 8.3.10

As of February 22, 2017, a new trial version of the platform 8.3.10 was released. Therefore, I am launching a series of articles in which we will get acquainted with the changes in the functionality of the platform regarding working with managed forms and interface. Articles will be more research than educational.

This article will focus on scaling forms.

In version 8.3.10 of the platform, the User can change the scale of the current form that he has on this moment open. To do this, you either need to click on the "Change scale" button in the system commands area:

Or through the main menu - view

In the zoom window that opens, the user can change the scale of the current form:

If you currently have several forms open, the updated one will be scaled.

The scaling of the form is preserved: for example, if we scale the item list form, and then close it, and then reopen it, the scale will be the same. It will also be saved when you restart the 1C session. But the scale of the forms is not stored somewhere in the database: when the cache is cleared, the changed scales are reset.

The scaling form also has an interesting button such as “Set for all”, when you click on it, the scale for all forms will be set.

The form scale can be changed in . For this, the Scale property of the form is implemented.

If you change this parameter, then the scale of the form will change immediately in

The form will have exactly the same scale when it is opened in 1C:Enterprise

The most interesting thing is that if you enter a scaled form in 1C:Enterprise and want to change its scale, you will change the scale of the form relative to the open one. Those. in our case, the scale of the form of the document for the purchase of goods was set to 200 in the configurator, in 1C:Enterprise it is recognized as 100, and in order to return to the normal scale, you need to set the value to 50

Also, the form has the ability to select a scale option. There are three of them - auto, normal, compact

If the Normal option is selected, the form will have a standard taxi interface. If there is a Compact option, then the form will have an interface of version 8.2. In this case, changing the scale will not affect the form. If the parameter is Auto, then the system will automatically determine the scale option based on the settings of the ClientApplication Settings object.
Now let's experiment with how the scale of the form is set programmatically. To do this, create the “Install200” command with the following code on the Goods Purchase document form:

Procedure Set200(Command)

ThisForm. Scale = 200 ;


Moreover, I noticed an interesting feature, in order to given code worked fine, compatibility mode in config properties should be set to "Don't use"

After that I started experimenting. As a result of the experiments, the following was found out:
1) The scale is not remembered: if you click on the button, it will change, but after closing the form and reopening it, it will remain the same.
2) The scale changes relative to the current 1C:Enterprise scale. For example, if we change the scale using the "Change scale" command of 1C: Enterprise by 50, and then apply our "Set 200" command, then the scale corresponding to one hundred will become normal.
3) The scale does not add up: no matter how much we press our button, the scale will only change the first time.
This concludes our study of the scaling of managed forms in the taxi interface. The next article will be about the open panel, they have changed a lot in the 8.3 edition of the platform.

Learn the basics of configuring in 1C and learn to program in "1C: Enterprise" with the help of my books: and "Fundamentals of Development in 1C: Taxi"

Learn programming in 1C in a place from my book "Program in 1C in 11 steps"

  1. The book is written in an understandable and plain language- for a beginner.
  2. Learn to understand 1C architecture;
  3. You will begin to write code in 1C language;
  4. Master the basic techniques of programming;
  5. Consolidate the acquired knowledge with the help of a task book;

An excellent guide to developing in a managed 1C application, both for novice developers and experienced programmers.

  1. Very accessible and understandable language
  2. The book is sent to email in PDF format. Can be opened on any device!
  3. Understand the ideology of a managed 1C application
  4. Learn how to develop a managed application;
  5. Learn to develop managed forms 1C;
  6. You will be able to work with the basic and necessary elements of managed forms
  7. Programming under a managed application will become clear

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The problem with how to increase the font in 1C is solved once and for all!

In this short article, we will consider only the new and most convenient way to increase the font in a 1C configuration running on platform 8.3.10 and higher. Previously, in order to change the text font in the 1C program, users and specialists came up with various tricks to achieve the desired result: they reduced screen resolutions, edited styles in 1C. Now it's in the past - we'll review three simple steps , which will help you forget about this problem forever and change the font with one mouse button.

So, if you want to increase the font in the 1C program, follow these steps:

  1. Update the platform to version or higher. About where to see the latest releases and check which one you read
  2. Open any modern configuration developed on managed forms(BP 3, ZUP 3, UNF, ERP). What are the configurations read
  3. Use the form's quick scaling mechanism to increase or decrease text fonts and image sizes.

How to use the mechanism for quickly scaling forms to increase the font in 1C

We open any 1C database on managed forms in which we want to customize the font. In the upper corner of the program, click on the "Change scale" button, the scale settings dialog will open. When the dialog is opened, the current scale value of the active form is displayed. Move the slider left or right to change the font, you can also use the cursor keys on the keyboard or PgUp / PgDown. You can configure both specific and all forms in the program, use the "Set for all" button. The settings will be saved and loaded on the next session, due to the fact that the scales are stored for each form separately in local storage on the user's computer.

This scaling feature is a platform mechanism, so if you are using any custom or even custom configuration, just upgrade to 8.3.10 and your users will be able to change the font size to suit themselves right in user mode.

The font size is adjustable from 50% to 400%. At the same time, the size of the elements and the font is not simply reduced or increased, but the entire form is rebuilt to fit the new sizes of the elements.


  • None advanced settings and programming - the base remains typical
  • You can change the font for a specific user
  • Font settings are saved


  • Using the platform 8.3.10. Didn't upgrade to 8.3.10? We will migrate and upgrade the platform at a low cost
  • Works only in "managed" forms
  • This feature is not available when the compact display mode is used. In other words, you can increase the font only when using the normal form display mode.

If it doesn't suit you this way due to the use of the 1C 7.7 platform, as well as earlier versions of the 8.x platform, just read our detailed article in which we analyzed all the main ways to increase the font in the 1C program of any version.

The ability to increase the font in the program is not the only innovation among other interesting and significant changes in the new platform! Follow our