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Where is the history of chrome stored on the computer. Yandex browser browsing history: removal methods. History in ICQ

Whether you like it or not, the history in Google Chrome is saved. That's how it works. What was requested in the search engine, which sites were opened and when (by date and time) - all this is recorded in the browser by default. But of course this whole list of websites is only stored in Google chrome and in your Google account (when connected). And it is not sent anywhere else on purpose and is not provided to anyone. Except, of course, for some "curious" online services that "rummage" in the user's browser for what they have recently viewed on the Web.

And personally for the owner of Chrome, the directory of visited pages can be very useful. For example:

1. It can be used to find recently read interesting article that you lost sight of and forgot to bookmark. It is enough to open the history and find the required URL on the topic request in the list.

2. The visit log helps with parental control. After all, in it you can easily view what your child requested in search engines and which pages he opened.

From this article, you will learn how to view history in Chrome, quickly find the desired link in it, and also how to enter the browser directory where the file with data on visited web resources is stored.

Opening History ...

You can get to the journal tab different ways:

1.Via the menu:

click the "three dots" button (the "Menu" icon) at the top right in the Chrome window;

in the panel that opens, move the cursor to the "History" item;

in the additional panel that has dropped out, you can immediately follow the link to the last opened sites or click "History" to go to the journal to get acquainted with all the available information about visits.

2. Using the "hot" keys:

for quick access press "Ctrl" + "H" together.

3. Type chrome: // history / in the address bar. And then press "Enter".

How to use the magazine?

All saved URLs are displayed in the list. Each site, when loaded, automatically goes into history and is placed according to the time and date. For convenience, all days are displayed in separate blocks.

To quickly find the required entry, in the search box located at the top of the journal, type a query. After entering, the search results are loaded immediately.

What file is the history stored in?

To save all open sites, the browser puts links in a special file. It is located in the chrome directory:

Drive C → Users → → AppData → Local → Google → Chrome → User Data → Default

And it's called "History". An additional "container" - "History-journal" is also located here.

How do I disable the log?

You cannot deactivate the saving of browsing history in Google Chrome through the standard settings. But you can delete it at the end of web surfing (in detail about this procedure) or initially, before the Internet session, go to the "Incognito" mode. After turning it on, complete anonymity of the user on the Web is respected and links to the journal are not saved.

When you access pages on the Internet, your computer saves everything: where, when, what you were looking at. What for? - you ask. It happens that a page was accidentally closed, not saved in favorites, and information from it was suddenly needed, and there is no time or desire to search through hundreds of pages anew. It is much easier to find it through the list of viewed pages, which is in every browser. Also, this function helps to track, find out where other users of your computer have entered, thereby quickly finding the information you need, control the visits to sites by children, subordinate employees. Let's look at where the information is stored, how to view the history of site visits.

Most popular browsers for Windows

In the most popular browsers, to open the list of sites visited, there is a keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + H or Ctrl + Shift + H. It also opens the list using a built-in function.

Let's consider how to check the history of visiting sites in individual browsers, the most common ones.

Google chrome

Open Google Chrome. There is a settings button next to the address bar. By clicking on it, you will open a menu where you should select the "History" item. Now you can see a list of site addresses, sorted by the date they were viewed. Knowing, for example, that you visited the desired page yesterday, you can easily find it without revising the links you visited earlier and later.

History in Google Chrome


A popular browser contains information about views in the "Journal", in which to check, click on "Show entire journal". It is located in the top menu, or you can call it by pressing the left Alt. In Firefox, links are divided by date, and on the left there is a list of menus, in which you can choose for what period to view the history: today's visits, yesterday's, for a week, a month.

Firefox log


In Opera, click on the button at the top left to bring up the browser menu. There go to the "History" item.


In Yandex, the functions are similar to Chrome, you can also find the history under the settings icon located at the top right. When you want to view and check the addresses, in the list, click on "History" - "History Manager".


In Internet Explorer, to open information about visits, click on the star on the toolbar. In the menu that appears after that, select "Journal". Now you can see the list of sites, structured by date.

Removing the list of visited sites

If you do not want someone to know about your "walks" in the network, you can delete the list of links to the sites you visit. If you do not know how to delete the history of visiting sites from your computer, read below.

There are several ways to clear your browsing history. Of course, an inconvenient and time-consuming option is to remove each link separately from the Journal. However, browsers provide for cleanup in an easier way.

Google chrome

Go to "Tools" - "Delete data on viewed documents". Specify the depth of removal in the drop-down list. Next to "Clear history" check the box and click on delete.

You can use the combination Ctrl + Shift + Del.


In this browser, find the "Tools" section, on the "Settings" line. In the window that opens, go to the "Privacy" tab - "Clear immediately". A new window "Delete unnecessary data" will appear. Check that there is a check mark on the item indicating the visit log. Place checkmarks on what you want to clear, then click "Delete".


In IE, the browsing history is called "Browser Log". The path to it lies through the menu, the "Service" section, there is a line "Delete history", then click on "Delete history".


In the browser menu, go to "Settings", find the option "Delete personal data". The default settings are hidden in the settings, expand them by clicking "Detailed settings". Go to the item "Clearing the history of visited pages", carefully review everything so as not to destroy what you need.


Safari has a separate section in the "History" browser menu. Go to it, there you will see a link to delete information.


In the browser, click on the icon next to the address line that resembles a wrench. Then go to "History". You will see a list of visited sites, put a checkmark in front of those that you want to delete, click the corresponding button.

Using utilities

You can clear your browser log with special tools that quickly clean up and delete whatever you want. Just be careful, download utilities from official sources, beware of unverified pages, because you can get caught by scammers sending viruses. The utilities themselves, named below, are an excellent tool for removing unnecessary information, garbage, and allow you to qualitatively solve the problem.

  1. The most popular is the Ccleaner. It can remove programs that cannot be eliminated by usual methods, clean up the registry, removing erroneous entries. After launching the utility, start the analysis, then put a check mark in the lines indicating the item to be deleted, click the clear button.
  2. An alternative to the above program is WiseDiskCleaner. It also cleans everything perfectly, removes garbage, performs defragmentation. There is Russian-language support. Click the analysis button, agree with the points suggested by WiseDiskCleaner for cleaning, click the corresponding button.

It is not difficult to find the list of viewed pages in the browser, it is not difficult to clear it, you can easily cope with the task by reading the recommendations above and applying them. The problem is solved without much time consuming, does not need to call specialists. Each user will be able to do everything they need.

User question


Can you please tell me if the sites I visited are saved somewhere on the computer? The fact is that I read one interesting article, but I can't remember on which site ...

Good day!

The entire history of the pages viewed (and by date and time) is saved in the browser history. Such a log is available in any normal browser. In this article I will show you how to open this magazine and see when and which pages in it were viewed. I will also touch upon several options for viewing the visit history if the journal has already been cleared.

Option number 1

Press a simple combination of buttons Ctrl + H - a window with history should automatically open (note: H - History).

Option number 2

Just copy the address: chrome: // history / and paste it into address bar browser. Simple and easy!

Option number 3

In the upper right corner of the browser window, you need to click the "three dots" icon - in the list that opens, select the tab "History"(see screenshot below).

Advice! By the way, to open the last tab (which was closed) - press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + T.

Further, it will open before you full list of all visits: by date, time (see example below). You can also search for a page by its name (top menu). In general, you can quickly find the sites that you visited.


Option number 1

Press the buttons at the same time Ctrl + H(same as in Chrome).

Option number 2

Click in the upper left corner of the "Menu" and select the "History" tab. Next, you will have the opportunity to:

  1. open a journal (history of visits);
  2. clear the history of visits (by the way, you can also hold down the Ctrl + Shift + Del buttons for this);
  3. or view a few of the last viewed pages (example below).

By the way, the magazine itself, in my opinion, is even more comfortable than in Chrome. Here you can also search in history by a specific page name, on the side there is a convenient rubricator by date: today / yesterday / old.

Option number 1

To open the visit log window, you must press the combination of buttons Ctrl + Shift + H .

Option number 2

You can also call the journal by accessing the menu: in the upper right corner you need to click on the icon with "three lines" - in the sub-window that opens, select "Magazine"(see screenshot below).

By the way, in Firefox, the history of visits (see the screen below), in my opinion, is made almost perfectly: you can watch today's history, yesterday, for the last 7 days, for this month, etc. You can make a backup copy, or export / import records. In general, everything you need is at hand!


Option number 1

Press a combination of buttons on the keyboard Ctrl + H- a small side menu with a log will open in the upper right window of the program (example in the screenshot below).

Option number 2

Click on the menu "Centre"(located in the upper right corner of the program), then switch the tab from favorites to the magazine (see number-2 in the screenshot below). Actually, here you can find out all the necessary information (by the way, here you can also clear the history of visits).

If the story has been deleted, can you find it out?

Not always and not completely ... Great importance also has how the story was cleared, and when. If, for example, specials were used. utilities for the complete destruction of history - then there is practically no chance. What if easy cleaning using the usual function of the browser itself (and even recently) - then the chances are much greater. I will give several working methods below ...

Using the DNS cache

If, after clearing the history in the browser, you did not restart the computer / laptop, then you can find the domains to which the transitions were made in the DNS cache. These, of course, are not specific page addresses, but still you can find out about something ...

Another disadvantage of this method: that, in addition to user connections, it will display the service addresses used by your system, anti-virus applications, etc.

And so how to view history using DNS.

Several ways to open command line on different windows -

Using data recovery software

Browser browsing history is stored in regular files on your hard drive (like any other files). And when you delete them, you can also try to recover them using data recovery software (of which there are hundreds now).

The topic of recovery is quite extensive, so I recommend that you read the article, the link to which is below. In it, I showed how to find and recover Word / Excel documents (the principle of operation will be similar).

How to recover not saved Word document(or Excel)- (see the subtitle "Finding a Deleted Document on the Hard Disk")

Where to find files to recover:

Google Chrome:
C: \ Users \ (Username) \ AppData \ Local \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \ Default \ local storage

Mozilla Firefox:
C: \ Users \ (Username) \ AppData \ Roaming \ Mozilla \ Firefox \ Profiles \

Microsoft Edge:
C: \ Users \ (Username) \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ Windows \ History

Install a program for monitoring user actions

If you want to know what addresses and sites the user will visit in the future, then in this case, you can install a special. a program for monitoring the actions and work of the PC. It will show not only the addresses, but also all running programs, the operating time, the time when the PC is turned on / off (it can also take screenshots of the desktop), etc. In general, you can find out everything that is done at the computer!

I talked about how to set it up and what to choose in one of my articles, the link below.

How to keep track of employees' working time: find out what they do on a PC -

Control programs: Office metric, JETLOGGER, Kickidler, Time Doctor, CleverControl, Stakhanovets, CrocoTime.

Note: I want to remind everyone that using this software to monitor employees on computers or other devices for which you do not have sufficient access rights (and powers) is considered a violation of Russian federal and state laws!

Recover the system using checkpoint

If you have a checkpoint for system recovery, then it can also help restore history (they are created automatically by default in Windows XP, 7, 8 - in Windows 10, their automatic creation is disabled).

I have a separate article on my blog dedicated to this topic. From it you will learn how to see what recovery points are in the system, and how to roll back to the desired one (link below).

How to repair Windows 10: step by step guide -

Cons: not always there control points with the desired date. Not all history is restored (chances are Internet Explorer ☺).

That's all for me.

Modern social networks and instant messengers have long kept all user correspondence on their servers. can not boast of this. So in order to find the history of correspondence with someone, you need to dig into the computer's memory.

ICQ and related messengers still store the history of correspondence on the user's computer. At the moment, a similar approach is already considered outdated due to the fact that the user will not be able to access the correspondence with the interlocutors using a different device on which this conversation was originally conducted.

At the same time, it is believed that such a system has its advantages. For example, in this way information is more protected from outside access, which makes the messenger more closed from outside penetration to the secrecy of correspondence. Moreover, now the developers of all clients are working not only to hide the history of correspondence deeper in the bowels of the computer, but also to encrypt the files so that it is difficult not only to read, but generally to find them among other technical files.

As a result, the history is stored on the computer. Depending on the program that works with the ICQ service, the location of the required folder may be different.

History in ICQ

The situation with the official ICQ client is very difficult, because here the developers have tried their best to keep the personal correspondence files safe.

It is impossible to find out the location of the history file in the program itself. Here you can only set the folder for storing the downloaded files.

But the carriers of the history of correspondence are pushed much deeper and more complicated. Typically, the location of these files changes with each version.

The latest version of the messenger, in which the message history can be retrieved without any problems, is 7.2. The required folder is located at:

C: \ Users \ [Username] \ AppData \ Roaming \ ICQ \\ Messages.qdb

In the most new version, ICQ 8, location has changed again. According to the developers' comments, this is done to protect information and user correspondence. The correspondence is now stored here:

C: \ Users \ [Username] \ AppData \ Roaming \ ICQ \ [User ID] \ archive \

Here you can see a huge number of folders, the names of which are the UIN numbers of the interlocutors in the ICQ client. Of course, each user has their own folder. Each contains 4 files. File "_Db2" and contains the history of correspondence. It all opens with the help of any text editor.

Any communication is encrypted here. It is possible to pull out individual phrases from here, but it will not be easy.

Best to use this file in order to paste along the same path to another device, or use it as a backup in case you delete your program.


It is highly recommended to have backups dialogs from the program, if it contains important information. In case of loss, you just need to insert the file with the correspondence where it should be, and all messages will be back in the program. This is not as convenient as reading dialogs from the server, as it is done in social networks, but at least something.

Information about all viewed pages on the Internet is stored in a special browser log. Thanks to this, you can open a previously visited page, even if several months have passed since the moment of viewing.

But over time, a huge number of records about sites, downloads and much more accumulate in the history of a web surfer. This contributes to the deterioration of the program, slowing down the loading of pages. To avoid this, you need to clean your browsing history.

Where is browser history stored

No need to waste time trying to find this page again in search engines, just open the visit log and from there go to the site of interest.

To open information about previously viewed pages, you need to select the "History" menu item in the browser settings or press the "Ctrl + H" key combination.

To go to the browser history, you can use the program menu or the keyboard shortcut

All information about the jump log is stored in the computer's memory, so you can view it even without an Internet connection.

How to clear your web browsing history

V different browsers the procedure for reviewing and clearing web site records may vary. Therefore, depending on the version and type of browser, the algorithm of actions also differs.

In Google Chrome

In Mozilla Firefox

In the Opera browser

  1. Open the "Settings" section, select "Security".
  2. In the tab that appears, click the "Clear browsing history" button. In the box with the items, check the boxes that you want to delete and select the period.
  3. Click on the clear button.
  4. There is another way to delete pageview records. To do this, select the "History" item in the Opera menu. In the window that opens, select the period and click the "Clear history" button.

In Internet Explorer

In Safari

  1. To delete data on viewed pages, click in the Safari menu and select Clear History from the drop-down list.
  2. Then select the period for which you want to delete the information and click "Clear log".

Yandex. Browser

Deleting Browsing Information Manually on a Computer

Sometimes there are problems with launching the browser and history directly through the built-in function.

In this case, you can delete the log manually, but before that you need to find the corresponding system files.

  1. First of all, you need to press the combination of buttons Win + R, after which the command line should open.
  2. Then enter the command% appdata% and press the Enter key to go to hidden folder where information and browser history is stored.
  3. Then you can find the file with the history in different directories:
    • for Google browser Chrome: Local \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \ Default \ History. "History" - the name of the file that contains all information about visits;
    • in Internet Explorer: Local \ Microsoft \ Windows \ History. In this browser, it is possible to delete entries in the history of visits selectively, for example, only for the current day. To do this, you need to select the files that correspond to the required days and delete by clicking right button mouse or the Delete key on the keyboard;
    • for Firefox browser: Roaming \ Mozilla \ Firefox \ Profiles \<название профиля >\ places.sqlite. Deleting this file will permanently clear the log entries for the entire time.

Video: How to Delete Pageview Data Using CCleaner

Majority modern browsers constantly collect information about their users, including saving information about transitions to a special journal. By doing a few simple steps, you can quickly clear it, thereby improving the web surfer's performance.