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Yandex calendar online for business, how to use it. Synchronization of Yandex calendar and to-do list between a computer and other devices

Once seemed uncomfortable to me, in the future he became my faithful friend and helper. In fact, it is an online diary with the ability to notify you of an upcoming event by email or a pop-up window in your browser.

What does it all look like? Like a diary!

The diary interface is very simple. You can change the view by day, by week, by month. For me, for example, the monthly format of data output is most convenient.

Cyclic events can be assigned. For example, add the days when you need to collect money from customers or pay for hosting. Keeping a Google calendar is actually quite simple and enjoyable. 🙂

I clicked on the cell - a form for adding the next event popped up. You can also indicate its cyclical nature. You can highlight different events in different colors, such as "good or bad", as well as keep common calendars (for example, inside company calendars), invite friends to events, organize meetings, etc.

There is also a convenient built-in calendar search. It will help you find the one you want among a bunch of added events.

Needless to say, this service, like many provided by Google, is completely free and available to you if you have a Google account? It is also available to you from anywhere in the world. You will be able to conduct business, plan and manage your time with maximum convenience and comfort.

How do I use Calendar? All payments for hosting, payments from clients and for clients are entered here. Thus, nothing is lost and always at hand. Even if you forget to open the calendar, notifications about an upcoming event will be sent to your mail at the appointed hour. Well, if you forget to go to the post office ...

And also, thanks to the top Google panel, it is very convenient to switch between Calendar and Documents. Who uses both of these services will understand me.

All that remains of you is go to this service and try to start using it. I'm sure you will like it 🙂

P.S. Yes, I know that there are a lot of similar things, for example, the same Miniplan, which is much more sophisticated and beautiful, but for some reason I still switched to the Google calendar. Probably because it is easier and less buggy?

Some of us simply hate making plans for the future, and even more so as to outline certain points. Others, on the contrary, simply cannot imagine their life without planning, calculating and describing each item that must be completed. And we are talking not only about businessmen or officials, bosses and managers in various organizations, but also about ordinary people.

For example, students who have a need to always be aware of the schedule of classes, tests and exams should definitely keep it at hand. Or housewives who have so many things to do in one day that any director would be confused, they also need to plan their actions and movements. Today, whoever you are, you probably decide to use an online diary for these purposes.

Since online scheduling is a fairly modern approach, the means for its implementation should be the latest. Now this is not a notebook or a notebook with a pen and pencil, now there is a notebook for this online! And of course, by going to the Internet, you will immediately receive a huge number of its options. How do they differ from each other and which one should you choose? Let's figure it out together.

One of the first on my list is time-master. Working in this online notebook starts with getting to know the interface. At first glance, everything is quite clear: sections with self-explanatory names, convenient navigation, good color schemes.

What can you do

  • maintain a list of tasks;
  • break tasks into subtasks;
  • schedule appointments and calls on the calendar;
  • store contacts and maintain a list of tasks for a specific contact;
  • record the time spent in a diary;
  • customize the organizer for a specific time management method;
  • load, store and attach various files on a task.

Judging by the options offered, this is a rather powerful electronic tool that you can use not only for yourself, but also do business together with other users. Mobile versions can be used wherever you are, you will have access to all your information from anywhere in the world. At least that's what the creators promise. The disadvantages include the hierarchy of the system itself, nesting in several levels. Understanding of such a program is not available to everyone.

LeaderTask is a simple and easy-to-use electronic diary online, according to the creators. Well, it looks like they weren't deceived. An unpretentious interface reminiscent of the most common desktop. As if on the left hand there is a calendar, on the right there is an organizer, here are handles of different colors and, of course, a clock. This is what the title page of this one looks like. notebook... As in the previous version, it is possible to classify tasks, and the developers have already taken care of how you will break them up:

  • "Meetings";
  • "I have commissioned";
  • "Send messages";
  • "Personal things";
  • "Sales pipeline".

What can you do

  • make a to-do list for any day;
  • work with a diary;
  • manage projects;
  • attach files to tasks;
  • distribute and control orders.

In my opinion, the interface of this online electronic diary is simpler in comparison with the previous one. It can be used by people who have nothing to do with business and serious business. Quick search information, the ability to store it in one place, reminders of all important events - all this is the online LeaderTask diary.

Google calendar is an online electronic diary.
Setting up notifications by E-mail and sms is available to every owner of a Google account. The calendar will regularly remind you of upcoming events, sending you information in advance.

The interface of this electronic diary is a simple calendar with numbers and days of the week. In fact, he is. Using a few buttons, you create an event, assign a name to it and tell the online diary when, about what and at what time it should notify you. That's basically all about scheduling things online in Google Diary.

And the fourth version of the online electronic diary is an online organizer. Judging by the reviews, the product for doing business is quite good. Let's take a closer look at its device.

Like most programs of this kind, this online diary is freely available. It includes three main functions:

  • notebook;
  • organizer;
  • file storage.

Strictly speaking, there are similar things in all the previous versions, otherwise the online diary would not compete with the paper counterpart.

So, this is, first of all, an online notebook with the property of reminders via SMS, ICQ or E-mail. Further, an organizer, which can contain many different events, tasks, contacts and dates. And finally, file storage, which makes it possible to attach, send or redirect important data for the user to anyone in the contact list and not only. I can’t say anything about the interface, I couldn’t download the online diary from

Each online diary has its own logic, and it is very important to understand it.
Tell us how you plan your day, week, month, years? How do you reason about this?


A paper notebook, notes on your phone and for important things - an alarm clock on your phone.
In principle, there are enough notes, but sometimes I make plans, for this I use the old-fashioned way - paper and a pen.

The best option for planning is still a regular notebook and pen, but if we talk about online, then I use Megaplan.

I am one of those who like to plan their day. It's just that I'm more accustomed to writing on the "sticker", but I definitely use the electronic version, and this is only Google Calendar, there they come in sms if needed, and there are a lot of all kinds of customization options.

I really like to plan my life and every day in particular. I believe that a successful person is nowhere without this, because planning his time becomes much more efficient. I usually make plans for half a year, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years. They usually include a list of my goals.

I keep them in writing, since I noticed when I completed a certain task or achieved a goal, then there are much more positive emotions from crossing out than from deleting in in electronic format achieved.

To keep these records, I have a small, thick notebook for every day, which will fit into any of my purses. I carry it with me all the time and write down plans for the month, broken down into four weeks and with a breakdown of these weeks for each day.

I also have an organizer for goals and plans for half a year or more, which I have at home. For me, a written version is acceptable, since a notebook is always at hand and the writing process itself helps to gather thoughts together and accept correct decisions when planning.

Great article. The first and most important aspect of planning, I think, is financial planning. For me it all starts with this and ends with the same. I use - computer, weekly, mobile phone... And a regular notebook too. In electronic form I make copies and archives of all documents and photographs.

I prefer paper to any electronic diaries, according to the law of meanness, the connection with the Internet will disappear at the most interesting moment, just when something is needed, and my notebook is always at hand, lies in my pocket ...

The simplest planning tool, in my opinion, is still a notebook, a diary. The Internet can fail at the most inopportune moment, and the notebook is always there. I don’t think this option is very convenient for modern people, but for me it is mobile. I will never go out without a notebook and pen.

Now I'm on maternity leave and I have a lot of free time. I love planning my day in the evening. Previously, I even wrote down my affairs in a notebook, and then summed up the results in the evening, transferred the unfinished business to the next day.

I still like ordinary diaries more, those in paper form. To use them is much more familiar and convenient, in my opinion. that's why I always have a small diary in my purse, I can't go anywhere without it)

I use an electronic diary, but only for very important events and large ones.
I cannot overcome my distrust of the Internet, so I prefer not to post my deeply personal affairs, calls and meetings in electronic form.
I perfectly understand that this prejudice is archaism, but I can’t help myself.
By the way, it's hard for me to imagine a classic housewife, and not a super-model who calls herself a housewife, who would organize her affairs electronically.
In my opinion, such housewives are not at all a near future.

I think a smartphone is very suitable for daily reminders, especially if these reminders are with sound, so that even if you forgot to look at the calendar, the case reminds of itself. And paper, in my opinion, is for longer plans for a year, for example.

I make plans on paper (on separate sheets of paper, there is no diary as such) and sometimes in ordinary text files on a computer, it's convenient for me, and that's enough for me. I don’t use any online services, I don’t see the need.

I tried to write things down on paper and A4 format and on sticky sheets hanging in prominent places, this does not organize me at all, either my notes are lost or someone moves them from place to place and I forget about them with a diary in paper or electronic form simpler.

I pin my pieces of paper to the cork target. (Actually, this is a darts target, but has long been used not for its intended purpose, but as a board for various notes and reminders). It is visible and will not be lost.
Even if I don’t pin them, but just put them somewhere - there’s no one to move them at home, my mother won’t fumble in my things.
Are they shifting at home or at work?

This article describes what Yandex online calendar is and how to use it correctly. You will also find out why this service is necessary for beginners, and for users who have long been making money through the Internet.

Online organizer, planner and diary

Hello, friends! Previously, people wrote down all important events in a diary, and carried a special notebook with them. This was necessary in order not to forget what things need to be done, or to hold important meetings with their business partners. But, with the advent of the Internet, various services have appeared that help people plan their affairs automatically.

For example, an online organizer, planner and diary are excellent helpers in business. You will not need to constantly write down all events and notes with a pen. Having configured all the capabilities of these services once, you will receive notifications about any things that need to be done at one time or another. Further, I will introduce you to the Yandex online calendar service, which will be useful to you both in work and in life.

Yandex calendar online is a special service that helps you plan various events and activities. Today, it is used by the majority of Internet users.

If you are going to use Yandex Calendar, you need to know what features it has:

  1. Event planner. After creating a certain event and specifying the date, you will receive reminders about the upcoming event.
  2. Convenient synchronization setup. This action is carried out both on the computer and on the phone. With this function you can view the entire history of the events you need.
  3. Share your calendar. In this case, you will easily conduct common events with several users at once.

In short, this service is needed to plan cases. And the possibilities indicated above are only a small part. I've only listed the most basic benefits here. But, and then let's move on to the service itself.

As is known, this tool are used not only on computers, but also on mobile devices. To create synchronization on your phone, you need to find the calendar application on Android. (It is usually pre-installed). Then click on it and in the same section, select settings, accounts and synchronization. (Synchronization is the automatic transfer of personal data from one mobile device to another).

Then add a new user. A special window appears in which you need to enter your email and specify a password. Click on the button next or save for Yandex calendar synchronization to occur.

Yandex calendar for android suits people the most, because it can be used both at work and at home. Next, go to the official resource to create your own to-do planner (Figure 1).

But, this is necessary if you do not have an account on your computer.

In order for the service to start functioning, create an event. Specify the title and date, and then click on the create button. (Figure 2).

A large number of online calendars are only part of the major services, portals. 30 boxes, contrary to tradition, is an independent solution.

Registration is free, no premium services are provided. You indicate your mailbox, come up with a password, after which you need to confirm the registration using the link from the letter sent by the service. As soon as you return to the service, the program will first ask you to provide some personal data. First, the service mysteriously discovers account Flickr, correctly displaying your name and link of the uploaded photostream. The mysticism is that services are not related to each other in any way. Flickr uses a Yahoo! account, while testing 30 boxes used a Gmail inbox. You are also asked for your MySpace ID and blog address. In the second case, a standard URL is entered.

The second step of entering personal data is to indicate the birthdays of friends. This implementation is extremely inconvenient. A simple text entry window opens, below which a series of prompts are displayed. You must manually enter the person's name, and then enter the date of his birth in the same way from the keyboard. No calendar or other helpers are provided. Your time zone is also indicated here.

In the third step, a list of friends is entered. Again the text input field. You specify the e-mail boxes of your contacts. And this is where the initial entry of personal data ends. However, in the future, in the properties of the service it will be possible to expand personal information... For example, it is possible to enter the ICQ number, address home page, Skype ID.

The service design is a frank copy of Mac OS X. However, the developers do not make any secret of this. The calendar supports changing themes. The default style is called OS X Gray. The service includes two more design options - Gmail Blue and Flickr White. For web applications, this is still a rather rare opportunity.

The default calendar settings are consistent with American realities. Firstly, this is the beginning of the week on Sunday, and secondly, the national holidays of the United States. All this can be corrected in the service settings, in the additional options section. However, Russia is missing from the list of countries whose national holidays can be inserted into the calendar. The list, it should be noted, is small - only eight items.

The service interface is not translated into Russian, but a small number text information somewhat compensates for the lack of localization. By default, the screen displays one month. Adjacent months have a great background color. The default theme is white / blue. As a result, a visual navigation by months is obtained. On the right side of the page is a pop-up menu with a miniature six-month calendar. The current number is framed.

Above the calendar there is a line for entering a text query. At first it seems like a search. At least that's the traditional use for one-line text input forms. But in 30 boxes, the developers were original and implemented the creation of a new task in a similar way. It supports a special syntax that allows you to do without unnecessary gestures. For example, you can enter "Cleaning the apartment 1/1/2009 repeat weekly". That's it, now you've scheduled mopping and dusting for Thursdays. It's only a shame that the service does not support input of parameters in Russian - it would be more efficient for us.

If you left-click on any day in the calendar, a window with a list of current tasks opens. From here it is possible to create new tasks in the classical way. The parameters do not shine with originality. The start and end date of the event, time, recurrence rules are indicated here. It should be noted that they are primitive: you only indicate the interval - day, week, month and year. Then it is introduced text description tasks, keywords, and a list of invited guests. It is worth dwelling on the last two points in more detail.

Labels are used in two ways. The first is event search. You select the required keyword, after which a list of events that satisfy your condition is shown in a separate dialog box. The second case is the need to highlight tasks in a certain color. By default, all events are presented on the screen in a dull gray shade. However, you can assign labels to them, which, in turn, assign colors. As a consequence, on the main page of the calendar, all lines with the corresponding keywords will be colored according to the custom selection.

In addition to the standard monthly view, there are several other modes you can use. However, they open in separate dialog boxes and do not have interactivity. It is possible to view the upcoming to-do list, open the weekly mode, showing the geographic location of events for the current day.

Finally, you can open in your browser, no less than a real virtual desktop. In combination with the full-screen mode of the program, this mode, called WebTop, looks very impressive. The left panel, the dock, contains a list of the main tools related to the service in one way or another. The main thing is the calendar. In addition, you can enable / disable Google search bar, friend updates (tasks, Flickr photos, blogs, etc.), and Gmail call.

The service allows you to publish calendars. You can share all your events with your friends. Publishing calendars to blogs is supported. It does this by copying and pasting snippets of HTML code.

It is possible to add a calendar to iGoogle and several other popular services. New events and other updates can be received via RSS.

In addition to the calendar, 30 boxes allows you to create a to-do list that is not tied to a certain schedule... It's called ToDo. In addition, the service creates for each user separate page with his personal data. For example, the last photos uploaded to Flickr are shown there.

The service is loading and running rather slowly. Two interface modes are offered. In addition to the default page, you can use simpler HTML. However, there is no noticeable increase in the speed of the service.

Microsoft products and services have never been distinguished by compatibility with open standards, which, however, does not harm the developer, but, on the contrary, pays dividends. For example, a user with problems opening DOC and, moreover, DOCX in will suffer and will return to his native, familiar Microsoft Office where everything works flawlessly. The same thing happens with web applications. Suffice it to recall, which works correctly only in Internet Explorer... Portal Windows Live does not work in all browsers as expected. Officially supported by Internet Explorer, Safari and Mozilla Firefox... Trying to open the portal with an unsupported browser results in an error page.

You can use any of the following to sign up for Windows Live e-mail from a third-party developer, but it is more convenient to create a "branded" account at or Only in this case you will receive the full range of portal capabilities. One of its services is the Calendar, which will be discussed below.

The design of the calendar is made in pastel green and blue colors, as well as latest version operating system company - Windows Vista. The top of the page contains a line that allows you to switch services. There are two drop-down menus. One of them calls a set of additional services, which include, by the way, the calendar, and the second - games, news and weather forecast.

A nice feature of the calendar is the gray highlighting of weekends. It seems to be a trifle, but for some reason the vast majority of developers ignore this design option. In almost all countries, no one really works on Saturday and Sunday. As a last resort, you can tie the allocation of weekends to localization. Or do it as an option. You never know, maybe the inhabitants of a country are offended by national feelings when the weekend is shown not in accordance with their traditions.

The left side panel contains a miniature calendar. The current day is highlighted in orange. Days with scheduled events are shown in bold... Below is a list of calendars. Each of them has its own color coding. One of the calendars is owned by the user, and the other two are subscriptions. A list of national holidays is provided as well as the birthdays of your contacts. The calendar is integrated with the mail service and with Windows Messenger, from where data is taken to notify about upcoming holidays.

A large set of ready-made themes is offered. They differ in color and background pattern. Not only static but also dynamic themes are offered. The design of the calendar changes depending on the time of day, on the weather. Not a useful feature, it should be noted. Active computer users sometimes do not notice what is happening outside the window, completely immersed in work. And here it is immediately visible on the screen. The sky has darkened, the stars have appeared - it's time to go home, stop working.

If you hover the mouse pointer over any event, a tooltip with a brief summary of its content opens. Clicking on the title of the event or on the link at the bottom of the drop-down window brings up the task properties page. A similar form is used when creating new events.

To create a new event, either use the calendar menu or move the mouse pointer over the required day. An "add" link appears in the corner of the cell. It opens a small window where you enter the name and description of the event, as well as the time. Will it be too little? Follow the link "details". What's unique about Windows Live Calendar is that you can assign icons to events. They resemble extended statuses in some IM clients. In addition, event repetition rules and a few other properties are specified.

The service allows you to create a special class of events called "social". They are fundamentally different from standard tasks, which, in general, you will not see anyone today. They are found, with slight differences, in all online calendars. Social events, it’s easy to guess, are aimed at interaction between users, at group solution of issues.

In addition to the title, the motto of the event is introduced. For example, a general cleaning of the office is planned. We create a corresponding task and add "cleanliness is the guarantee of health". This gives the event more emotion.

A huge number of themes have been created for social events. They are divided into groups. Events are obtained individually. Here is the stadium, the ball and the boots. Ah, we are going to football tomorrow with the whole company. Now we will definitely not miss the decisive match of the local club. And then there are balls, champagne, ribbons. Exactly, next week is the director's anniversary. In other words, social events are beautiful, individual and emotional.

Of course, you indicate the place and time of the event. The text description is also not forgotten. All social events have a separate, easy-to-read URL. By the way, you can come up with it yourself. The service only checks the correctness and availability of the given address.

The event address can be available to all users or only to the invitee list. You can use ready-made contacts or enter email addresses manually. Everyone invited to the event can agree to take part in it or refuse. Guests are allowed to leave comments on the event. As a result, a real discussion can unfold, a discussion like on a forum. The structure of the comments resembles the discussion of posts in some blogs. Branches are also created here - chains of responses. The event page always displays a list of guests.

As part of a large portal, the calendar is adjacent to the postal service, with search engine, photo sharing service, theme groups and other components. Their variety does not yet reach Google, but, as we know, Microsoft is slowly harnessing, but then is able to literally sweep away all competitors.

The online service for scheduling time Yandex.Calendar, although it has appeared quite recently, is actively used by a number of people.

Nevertheless, so far it is still not very popular.

Moreover, many users do not know what it is at all. However, those who work with it appreciated the convenient wide functionality of the service and its capabilities.

basic information

Yandex. The calendar was recently developed and is currently in beta.

The goal of the developers was to create a simple and functional service, akin to a daily planner.

In which it would be possible to record important events, make the necessary notes, etc.

In this case, the system will automatically remind you of an important event for a particular time interval. You can specify the period when creating a note or event.

And also in the table are marked with a red dot current time and date.

The main page of the site is located at The main part of it is occupied by a grid - with dates or times.

Depending on the type of date display, you can choose to display by days, months or weeks. This is convenient when the event is not scheduled for a day, but for a specific time.

On the left side of the page is the settings panel. It displays the calendar for the whole month, the way dates are displayed, etc. You can also create a list of subscriptions here.

<Рис. 1 Стартовая страница>

Display system

By default, when switching to home page, the user sees a table in which each column is signed with a particular date.

And it is divided into equal cells, each of which denotes a particular time. The cells are marked at 1 hour intervals.

At the same time, the columns denoting Saturday and Sunday are highlighted in light blue. And light pink - Friday.

You can create an event on a particular day by clicking on the cell with the corresponding time. Moreover, the place in the cell on which the user clicks is also important.

Each of them is conventionally divided into minutes.

Thus, if you click, for example, on the uppermost part of cell 7-00, then the time of the event will be indicated as 7-01.

If you click on the central part - 7-30, and if on the bottom - 7-59. The exact time can be specified already when editing the event parameters.

However, the display of the week is not always convenient. In particular, it is not very convenient when the planned business is not clearly linked to time.

And you need to plan it for the whole day. And also when you need to create several notes at once for the whole month.

In this case, you can change the way the table is displayed. On the left side of the page, find a window labeled "Week".

Click on it, and in the drop-down list select "Month".

The display character has changed. It is also necessary to create an event with one click on the cell with the corresponding date.

<Рис. 2 Отображение по месяцам>

And you can also customize the display of one day. This is useful when you need to create many small notes for the whole day, and sometimes even for one hour.

Such a system makes it possible not to configure each event in time through the "Parameters", as when displaying the "Week".

To switch to such a system, select the "Day" item in the drop-down menu. By default, the current date is shown. The table contains only rows, by clicking on which you can create a note for a certain time.

<Рис. 3 Отображение дня>

By default, the system always indicates the current date, week, or month. To switch between dates, in the vertical bar at the top left of the screen, find the calendar.

By clicking on the arrows next to the name of the month, you can switch by month, and by clicking on a particular date, you can switch to days and weeks.

Create an event

There are two ways to create an event. One of them is creating a note with setting parameters, including dates and times. After that, it is entered into the calendar.

The second option is to create a note immediately in the calendar, for the required date and time.

The first way

To create in the first way, follow the algorithm:

  1. Click on the orange button "Create event" at the top right of the screen;

<Рис. 4 Создание события>

  1. In the window that opens, write down the name of the event, its essence;
  2. In the "Participants" field, you can specify several addresses to which notifications about the event will be received, which is very convenient, for example, when creating invitations to an event;
  3. Below are the points of the degree of access of the participants invited to the event;
  4. Determine if the people you invite can invite others or edit the event, and check the corresponding checkboxes;

<Рис. 5 Реквизиты заметки>

  1. Specify the time by choosing from the list in the drop-down menu, or by typing it manually;
  2. Specify the date in the cell that opens when you click on it;
  3. If the event lasts all day, then check the corresponding checkbox;
  4. If you need to repeat it, then adjust the repeat parameters;

<Рис. 6 Параметры повторения>

  1. Specify the method of delivery of reminders, as well as the time before the event to do them;
  2. You can specify several methods and intervals of notifications by clicking on the "Add" button;
  3. Indicate the location of the event;
  4. Click on the "Create" button.

<Рис. 7 Событие в календаре>

Second way

There is another way to create notes in the Yandex.Calendar service. In order to create an event for a selected date, do the following:

  1. Switch to the "Month" or "Week" mode;
  2. Click on the cell with the desired date;
  3. A window with event parameters will open;

<Рис. 8 Параметры события>

  1. Enter a title for the note;
  2. If you need to add a description, you must click on this field;
  3. You can add members in the same way;
  4. Change the date (if necessary) and time;
  5. Set up notifications;
  6. Indicate the location;
  7. If you need to make any further additions, click on the "More options" button;
  8. The same window will open as when creating an event in the first way;
  9. Click on the "Create" button and the note will appear in the calendar.

When you click on the created entry, it can be edited. Regardless of the method of creation.


For comfortable work, you need to configure the service.

To do this, find the gear icon next to the button "Create event" and specifying the username. Click on the gear.

The options window will open. Act in it according to the algorithm.

<Рис. 9 Настройки>

  • In field "By letter to the post office" you can choose an address Email on Yandex, where notifications from the service about upcoming events will be sent. After clicking on the arrow in the field, you can select mail on a particular domain from the list;

<Рис. 10 Настройка уведомлений>

  • In the section "SMS to number" is indicated the phone to which you will receive about events (if you connect them). This is always the number specified in Yandex.Passport, you can change it by going to this service;
  • If you do not want to receive reminders for upcoming events, move the slider in the section "Do not send notifications" to the right;
  • In the Grid section, configure the default calendar display. In the "Normal View" field, you can select a day, week or month. In chapter "First day of the week" specify the day from which the week starts to be displayed;
  • The Start of Day section can also be customized by specifying the actual time from which you can have scheduled events. This does not mean that you cannot create events for a different time, by default, the day will start from this time;
  • Specify the time zone;
  • Specify whether you want to automatically accept invitations to events marked in Yandex.Calendars of other people;
  • Check if you want to display the week number.

In the section "My events" you can also make a number of changes.

You can select a color for marking events in the calendar, specify general notification settings for a particular type of event.

<Рис. 11 Мои события>

You can also share your calendar here. And at the end of the page you can also get a link to your calendar.

Yandex.Calendar: how to use an online service to plan your personal time

How does the Yandex.Calendar service work and what is it for !? A guide to personalizing your calendar and creating events in different ways