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Valid tag noindex yandex. When not to do without noindex and nofollow. Application rules and why you need nofollow

The Yandex search robot “walks” through sites, views and analyzes their content, and then saves a pointer to text and images in the Yandex search database. This process is called indexing. Part of the web page can be closed from indexing by placing it inside the element ... Then, on the next visit to the web page, the crawler will ignore such content and will not add it to its database. This is done for various reasons, for example, links closed from indexing do not transmit the TIC (thematic citation index).

It is important to understand that this is a non-standard element and was invented by Yandex for its own purposes. Browsers do not support in any way and just display its contents as usual.

If you want to close the entire page for search engines use the element by adding it to your HTML code:

Or add the following line to your robots.txt file:

Disallow: /private.html

Where private.html is the page address.



End tag





Yandex will not index this text.



The following conventions are used in the browser table.

Many SEOs know that TIC and PR indicators depend primarily on the number and quality of links to the site. But if your resource links to others that are especially inappropriate in terms of the subject, then its weight drops. This article will show you how to properly close unnecessary external links and text from indexing using tags.


Noindex tag used to disable indexing some specific part of the text. It should be remembered that this tag does not close links and images from search engines. If you still try to close the anchor with a link with this tag, then only the anchor (phrase) will not be indexed, and the link itself will definitely be included in the index.

Noindex prohibits indexing of the part of the code located between the opening and closing tags. Here's an example:

Yandex does not index this text

Naturally, it should not be confused with the noindex meta-tag, which is written at the beginning of the page, they have different tasks. If you take the meta tag , then it prohibits indexing of the entire page and following links. This prohibition can also be registered in the robots.txt file and such pages will not be taken into account by search robots.

Valid noindex

Some HTML editors noindex is not accepted because it is not valid... For example, in WordPress, the visual editor simply removes it. But you can still give the tag validity:

Text closed with valid noindex

If you write a tag in such a form in the HTML editor, then it will be absolutely valid and there is no need to be afraid that it will disappear. The noindex tag is accepted only by the Yandex search bot, the Google robot does not react to it at all.

Some SEOs make a mistake when they advise to close all links with such noindex and nofollow tags, but this will be discussed below. As for the operation of the noindex tag, it is trouble-free. Absolutely all information contained in these tags is not included in the index. But some webmasters claim that sometimes the text inside these tags is indexed by bots - yes, this does happen.

And this is all because Yandex initially indexes the entire html-code of the page, even inside the noindex, but then filtering occurs. Therefore, at first the entire page is actually indexed, but after a while the html-code is triggered and the test enclosed in this tag "flies out" from indexing.

You don't even have to observe the nesting of the noindex tag - it will still work (this is described in the Yandex Help). Don't forget using the opening at the end of the excluded text put a closing, otherwise all the text following the tag will not be indexed.


Attribute has a task close links from search engines located in the text. It is used by optimizers to exclude the transfer of weight from the referring resource to the referenced one. Yandex is well aware of this attribute.

You need to know that nofollow does not save weight on the page - if the link is enclosed in this tag. The weight of the resource does not pass through it, but on the contrary, it "burns out" or if there are other links not closed by the attribute on the page, the weight will be distributed between them. And if there is at least one active external link on the site page, then the page weight will go away.

The main difference between nofollow and noindex is that nofollow is an attribute for a tag , which prohibits the transfer of weight by reference, and the index is a tag that blocks the text you need from indexing. Here's an example using the nofollow attribute:

Link text

Naturally, it is pointless to put the nofollow attribute in links that lead to internal blog pages, although there are exceptions. In cases where the weight from the page needs to be passed through the selected internal links, all others can be closed.

An example of using nofollow and noindex together

Both nofollow and noindex are great when they're in close proximity. Here's an example of their use:

Link text

Designing the link in this way will help you keep the page weight and besides, the Yandex search bot will not see the anchor. In conclusion, I must say that you do not need to close the link index with the tag, so you prohibit indexing only the anchor, but not the link itself. One nofollow attribute will be enough for her.

The secrets of website optimization lie not only in promoting them for key queries, taking care of usability and increasing traffic, but also in the correct use of the html code. Applying tags and their attributes correctly can often help you avoid days of work. There are popular and effective techniques. Probably, in SEO optimization, you cannot separate the rel nofollow attributes and the noindex tag from each other. Therefore, this article will talk about both, as well as about what they are for, whether it is worth putting them next to each other and in what cases to use them, and when it is not worth doing it.

Hide links from search robots

Of course, any site is created with the aim of making any profit from it. And the weight of each page is appreciated by the webmaster. But it is impossible not to post in your publications. There are reasons for this, and here are a few of them:

Buying and selling links is profitable;

The attendance of the Internet project is increasing.

There is an opinion that the attribute of the a - rel nofollow tag will help hide anchors from search robots and at the same time the page weight will be preserved. But this statement is only possible if the code is written correctly. The exact spelling of this attribute looks like this:

> anchor.

Correct linking only adds weight to the site and increases its ranking. Needless to say, there is no need to use a href rel nofollow for internal links.

Usage example

Explaining in general terms does not always reveal the full picture of the importance of using certain tags and their attributes. Hide the link, do not give the page weight of your site to another. What is it? Is it just greed? No, this is far from the case. For example, many sites have social media buttons. Agree that their trust is already great. Codes of social buttons while preserving the weight of their own pages are written using the target blank, rel nofollow attributes. The first of them, after clicking, will lead the visitor to third-party Internet resources by opening another browser tab. The second one will not reduce the page weight. For example, for the button social network Twitter it will look like this:

a rel = ”nofollow” target = ”_ blank” href = ”URL / home /.

It is worth making a reservation about the validity of the code - compliance with all technical requirements of html markup. The rel external nofollow tag not only replaces the target_blank attribute as well, but is also better perceived by robots search engines.

A rel href nofollow, or When you still need it

Hiding from search engines links to "bad" or non-thematic sites;

To hide a large number of addresses on third-party resources;

Hiding links if the webmaster sells them;

Non-transfer of weight to megapopular portals such as Yandex or Google;

Hiding links in comments.

Nofollow saves sites, especially blogs, from spam. Unverified links covered by this attribute will appear less and less frequently in comments.

Noindex, and why it's worth talking about

Indexing prohibition can be set not only on external and internal links, but also on individual text elements, as well as entire pages. For this, webmasters use the noindex tag. He only hides texts. Not applicable to pictures and photographs. Links that rel nofollow successfully hides cannot be hidden from search engines by noindex. The robot will not see the anchors, but will index the addresses. Noindex is usually used to hide a piece of content:

With obscene expressions;

With non-unique text;

The tag should definitely be used. But it doesn't work on every engine. The point is that noindex is not valid, that is, it does not comply with the standards. This is why one of the most popular blogging platforms, WordPress, is stripping the tag out of its code. The secret to validity lies in the use of multiple characters.... By writing the code in this form, you can be sure that Yandex will not index your WordPress blog pages.


Should I write both the tag and the attribute in the page code? Nothing stands in the way of using noindex and a rel nofollow in pairs. The tag does not interfere with the attribute, and vice versa. They are placed next to each other because search engines see the site code differently. For example, when using both the tag and the attribute, the publisher can be sure that the Yandex robot will not recognize the anchor, nor will it see the link itself. Google, on the other hand, will see the text, but the weight will not be passed on to third-party pages on other sites.

Especially for beginners

Website optimization is a new and interesting job on the labor market. The lack of systematically planned information resources for beginners significantly complicates their activities. And naturally, young webmasters make mistakes. Someone fills the content with an insane number of links, someone leaves pages without one at all. The same picture is the case with the placement of the noindex tag and the rel nofollow attribute.

The desire to bring the site to the TOP of search engines is the reason for committing critical error... The point is that newbies often close external links and tag and attribute. This really saves the weight of every page on the site to some extent. But the truth is that those same inbound links increase the credibility of search engines. You can compensate for weight loss by moving along low- and medium-frequency requests.

Any optimizer should remember that any information will be perceived by readers with great confidence if it is possible to follow the link to its source. Surely the webmasters themselves are unlikely to adopt a book or brochure that does not contain a list of used literature.

More and more Internet users are looking to authoritative sources. And if a young site does not refer to their opinion, then it will be much more difficult for it to retain readers, attract subscribers. Of course, this will negatively affect the optimization of the resource. So is it worth it to blindly use rel nofollow attributes?

A good webmaster takes care of his reader. He remembers that one of the foundations of the Internet is links to authoritative resources that provide reliable information. Sites made for people, search engines "love". And page weight is not the only parameter by which pages with content get to the TOP. Yandex evaluates Internet projects by 800 parameters.

And in the end, page weight only matters for posts that get it from links from third-party sites. Experience shows that donors, leaving this ranking parameter to themselves, do not rise higher in it in the "eyes" of search engines.

The noindex tag and the nofollow attribute are different elements used in the page code. They are intended for different purposes and are applied in different ways, but for a better understanding they should be considered together.

Noindex is used to inform the Yandex robot that certain parts of a web page cannot be indexed. The tag is placed in HTML code and has a closing tag. Content caught between the opening and closing tags will be ignored by the bot.

The noindex tag was invented by Yandex, and currently only two search engines take it into account: Yandex and Rambler. Other search engine bots ignore the tag and still index the entire web page. In addition, the tag cannot prohibit the indexing of hyperlinks and transfer their weight to another web resource.


Tag is not standardized, so its application can lead to errors in the code. As a result, it is recorded a little differently. In the page code, this tag looks like this:

"Text that should not be indexed by Yandex"

Exclamation marks and hyphens are used for code validation. If you do not use these characters (but write without them, as is the case with ordinary tags), then the validation check will show an error.

If this tag is used correctly, the page will be correctly perceived by Yandex, Google and other search robots. At the same time, Yandex will understand that some of the content should be excluded from indexing, and Google will conclude that there are no errors in the code and will index it completely. The search engine "Google" does not have a similar tag, despite the fact that such an element has many advantages.

When noindex is applied

This tag brings undeniable benefits to the web resource. It is used when necessary:

    hide part of the HTML code from bots, for example, counter codes;

    prohibit indexing of frequently changing text of a web page, which is pointless to add to the index;

    hide non-unique text fragments so as not to lose position in search results due to non-unique text.

Nofollow is not a tag, but an attribute used in the hyperlink tag ... This attribute, which is understandable for all search robots, is used to prohibit following a link and transferring weight along it.

In the code, it looks like this:

This attribute is standardized in HTML, so all search bots correctly perceive it and follow the instructions: they do not pass or transfer weight. This does not make the link invisible.

When nofollow is applied

There are many situations in which this attribute is irreplaceable. Nofollow is used when you need:

    prohibit the transfer of weight to a web resource that search engines consider to be of poor quality;

    manage the number of links that should be counted by search engines;

    prevent weight transfer across multiple links in comments.

When using nofollow, you need to know when to stop, because sites on which all links are closed using this attribute are not credible to search engines.

The noindex and nofollow tags can be used as a value for the content attribute. This is necessary in order to instruct robots in the robots meta tag that there is no need to index anything on this page or follow the links posted on it.

Thus, the use of nofollow or noindex depends on the goals to be achieved. Such goals may be the need to hide part of the text, links or prohibit indexing the entire page. At the same time, noindex works only for Yandex, and nofollow - for all search engines.

Noindex is a tag and nofollow is a tag attribute ... Noindex is used to prohibit indexing of content, while nofollow is used to prohibit following a link and transferring weight.