Computers Windows Internet

The program uses the automatic keystroke function. Button pushing program

It happens that working at the computer turns into a monotonous execution of the same actions, into a cycle in which you have to use the mouse and keyboard, performing the same movements on the screen and pressing the same buttons. Such tedious work can be automated. free program Ghost automizer... Ghost Automizer is a program for recording and automating user actions. The utility remembers the user's actions and repeats them, saving him from routine and saving his time. We recorded the actions of the mouse with the keyboard and started executing the resulting algorithm in a loop - very convenient.

Recording mouse and keyboard actions

Click the "Record Actions" button and Ghost Automizer will begin to record your mouse and keyboard actions in detail. To complete the recording of actions, the user is required to press the F12 button. The program of actions obtained in this way can be edited and saved to disk in order to use the recorded actions in the future. The application settings allow you to save pauses when recording actions, enable / disable keyboard recording, select the recording mode of the accuracy of the mouse pointer movement (precise, rough and best way), use the delayed start of playback of recorded actions. To make it easier to control Ghost Automizer, you can assign hotkeys to execute previously saved workflows. Additional settings programs allow you to automatically start executing recorded actions when you start Ghost Automizer from Explorer and automatically close the utility at the end of the algorithm of actions, minimize it to the system tray or to the taskbar.

Screenshots of Ghost Automizer

Hello dear friends! Recently I needed a program that could record all the mouse actions and repeat my movements. Don't think that I was trying to spam. I just decided to experiment with one Internet game, which, according to folk craftsmen, can bring quite a lot of income. If you use certain tricks, of course.

Today I will tell you about what the RoboMouse mouse recording program is, why you need it and how to use it.

To start recording actions, you must click on the "Record" button or "ALT" + "F9". After that, the program will be minimized to tray. Now you can make movements to record. When you have done all the necessary actions, press the key combinations "ALT" + "F10" and the recording will stop.

If you want to check if the actions have been recorded correctly, click on the "Play" button or the combination of buttons "ALT" + "F11". After making sure that everything went well, save the entry by clicking on the "Save" button. If the recording is not successful, then click on the "Clear" button and try to play the process again.

If you require that this entry has been repeated several times, specify the number of repetitions in the right part of the program window.

P.S.: Who did not understand how to work with it:

Autoclicker - automation of actions in online games. Automatic clicker. Anti-clicker rim.

In front of the players online games often tasks arise that require repeated repetition of the same type of actions. These tasks can sometimes take a huge amount of time.

Autoclicker AvtoK can relieve you of this tedious duty by doing this work for you sometimes faster than it will be done manually. Autoclicker AvtoK can be successfully used as autoclicker WOW (World of Warcraft), autoclicker L2 (Lineage 2), autoclicker PW (Perfect World), autoclicker RF (Rising Force)... and other games. The use of this clicker is not limited to online games. it can automate work with the keyboard and mouse in any program where there is a need for multiple repetitions of the same type of actions. For example, clicking on sites ... etc.

Most of these emulation programs use API functions that are easily intercepted and blocked by any protection. To bypass the defenses, you have to block them in one way or another, usually to no avail. This is fraught with a high probability of being detected with all the ensuing consequences.

AvtoK can work in three modes:
1) Emulation of actions with the keyboard and mouse is achieved using the API, like all autoclickers. If the game in which the emulation takes place is worth protecting, it easily fixes and blocks the work of the autoclicker.
2) Emulation occurs at a low level. The protection is unable to detect the operation of the autoclicker. All signals are perceived as actually sent from the keyboard and mouse, which they practically are. For the autoclicker to work in this mode, you need a PS / 2 keyboard and mouse. At the moment of the first launch of the Anti-Anti-Clicker mode, a test of the presence of these devices will be carried out.
3) Emulation of actions with the keyboard and mouse in minimized and inactive windows. The mouse and keyboard remain in the user's possession. Read more about this mode on the forum: You can also demonstrate the work of the AvtoK autoclicker simultaneously in a calculator, browser and notepad in inactive windows. At the same time, the keyboard and mouse remain free and you can play solitaire .. More video: Demonstrates the work of the AvtoK clicker in one copy at once in three minimized windows (paint, Lineage 2 and notepad)

The only thing that remains to recognize an autoclicker in the case of using an anti-clicker is by analyzing the consistency of clicks and other actions. Autoclicker AvtoK has random options for this case. Video demonstrating the use of randomness in AvtoK... Regardless of the number of cycles of the same type, they will not repeat one-on-one, as it happens with other clickers.
Using the settings, you can configure:
Random click and mouse movement within settings + -
Random movement speed + -
Random pause between cycles +

Although the AvtoK autoclicker is very easy to use, it has many features. The ability to analyze the image on the screen distinguishes the AvtoK clicker from similar autoclickers. The option to turn off unnecessary mouse movements and idle time makes recording very easy, making playback much clearer and faster. at the same time, even with accelerated playback, the autoclicker will not run ahead, since there is an autocontrol option, when enabled, the clicker will pause playback if the image on the screen during playback does not match the image during recording and will continue when it matches.
Autoclicker AvtoK works on Windows 7 and XP.

Autoclicker AvtoK features:

  • Autoclicker records keyboard and mouse actions like a tape recorder. Then the recording can be saved to a file and played back an unlimited number of times with the necessary settings.
  • Emulation of keyboard and mouse actions at the hardware level.
  • Emulation of actions with the keyboard and mouse in inactive and minimized windows with control of the correctness of actions and sound signaling.
  • Hiding from defenses by working at a lower level. In this case, the protection does not break or block.
  • It is possible to bind coordinates both to the screen and to a specific window with the game.
  • Pixel color control is possible. The autoclicker will continue to work only if the color matches.
  • You can turn off unnecessary movements and mouse downtime allowed during recording. In this case, you can slowly record actions with the mouse and keyboard and not worry that a lot of time will be spent on playback. Autoclicker will skip all unnecessary during playback.
  • It is possible to launch programs and open files with the selected parameters.
  • You can smoothly adjust the playback speed.
  • Enabling the "Play log" option will play back the recording by showing the dolls of programs and files and the history of working with the mouse and keyboard in them, in which the recording was made. In this case, the very presence of these programs and files on the computer is not necessary. Can be played even on another computer.
  • It is possible to play in a closed loop or as much as specified in the autoclicker setting.
  • When recording, the parameters of the windows in which the recording was made are automatically recorded, and if they were shifted or resized during work on the computer, the next time the recording is played back, the autoclicker will restore their positions and sizes.

Autoclicker interface and control:

Program management is very simple. The Russian-language clear interface of the autoclicker will leave no doubt about the purpose of this or that option.

The main window of the program:

Anti Autoclicker- transfers the mouse and keyboard emulation mode to the hardware level.
- plays back the recording.
Save- saves to file.
Download- opens a saved entry.
Reset- resets the entry. It is possible to combine several records into one.
Language- Interface language. Russian or English.
Help- online help.
Normal mode (time sync)- playback is synchronized exactly in time relative to the recording. In this mode, hidden options open, but also control by color, random and anti-anticliker become unavailable.
Background playback mode- plays in minimized and inactive windows. The mouse and keyboard are free for the user.
Coordinates- the choice of the coordinate system in background... The 0 coordinates can be the top-left corner of the screen, the top-left corner of a window, or the top-left corner of a controller. Depends on the program in which automation is required.
Manual window snapping- getting the window handle manually by using the alt + a key combination. Without this option, the binding is automatic.
Wait for the sent messages to be processed- operating mode (synchronous - asynchronous). Choose the optimal one for the program in which the automation is.
Play (mouse / keyboard)- enables / disables playback of the selected device.
Constant color control at the click site- turns on when playing if necessary. Before each click, the color of the pixel under the mouse is automatically checked and playback continues only if it matches the color of the pixel during recording.
Skip mouse stops / movements- turns on during playback. Allows you not to reproduce mouse movements when the mouse buttons are not pressed and not to waste time on idle work with the computer.
To loop- reproduce in a closed loop.
Repeat- repeat the specified number of times.
Play log- reproduce the history of working with files and programs by launching their dummies. Can be played in the absence of these programs and files even on another computer. It differs from a keylogger only in the impossibility of recording in a hidden mode, since this autoclicker is not intended for this.
Randomness... - Protection against Anti-Autoclickers. Allows using the settings to avoid repetition of the same type of actions and get under the analysis of the corresponding protection algorithms.
Settings- allows you to change the playback speed and change the hotkeys.

Recording control menu:

The menu is invoked by pressing the key combination Alt + Z... When the menu is called up, the recording is paused. When closed, the mouse returns to its original position on the screen.
Start recording- starts or stops recording.
Color control, wait- sets control point under the mouse pointer. The color of the pixel is preserved. During playback, the autoclicker will continue its work only if the color of the pixel matches. Waits for the specified number of seconds to match. If the time has elapsed stops playback.
Screen coordinates- binding coordinates to the screen.

Window coordinates- calls a window in which you can select a window of a specific program or game and bind all coordinates to it. When recording, the mouse cannot be moved outside the selected window.
Put away- hides the menu. the entered wait time for the pixel color is retained. The same time is used when using auto control.
To stop playing the autoclicker, press the key combination Alt + X.

Tips for using the "Permanent color control at the click" option:

When this option is enabled, the pixel color is checked during playback before each mouse click. Therefore, when hovering over an animated object, before clicking, you need to wait until this object takes its final color and appearance. For example, a link or a button that smoothly changes its color when the mouse hovers over.

Video demonstrating the use of the AvtoK autoclicker in an online crafting game:

Simple, powerful and universal program to create and record macros, such as macros that automate form filling, image processing, and software installation and configuration. You just need to record the desired actions in a macro once, and in the future the program will be able to execute the recorded macros on its own!

Allows you to create macros to automate any Windows programs, while providing highest level clarity and convenience of subsequent modification of recorded macros.

Adds visual macro recording to any program. You do not need to worry about the complexities of automation, learn programming and the internal structure of programs. Creating a macro consists of simple and familiar steps - launching programs, working with objects on the screen, pressing the keyboard and mouse buttons.

Repeating actions in MouseRobot:

  • Repetition of actions on the graphical interface. The program for repeating actions MouseRobot is able to press buttons, links, fill in input fields, work with lists and other objects on the screen
  • Manage programs and files while repeating actions. With MouseRobot you can launch and close applications, open documents for editing and send to print, open Internet pages, and also execute any Windows commands (for example, ping or mkdir)
  • Variables and Inline Functions. Any value in MouseRobot can be stored in a variable for later use when repeating mouse and keyboard actions. With the help of the built-in functions of the program for repeating the actions of the mouse MouseRobot, you can get any information about your computer, file system, about date and time, read information from a file or write it to a file, mathematical functions will help to calculate any expression
  • Loops and conditional jumps. You can create a loop through a sequence of numbers, through lines, through objects on the screen (for example, table cells), through files while repeating mouse and keyboard actions. Conditional branching can help you change the order in which repeated actions are performed
  • Data input and output. The program for repeating mouse actions MouseRobot allows you to create even the most complex dialogues with the selection of items, files, setting hot keys, etc. (13 types of fields) that will help you enter and display any information
  • Built-in task scheduler. The built-in task scheduler will help automate the launch of macros. The task can be automatically launched by pressing hot keys, when a window (application) appears or closes, in set time, when the computer is idle, after a specified time interval