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Programming languages ​​list by popularity. Modern programming languages ​​and their use

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If we divide programming languages ​​by popularity, then they are divided into three echelons. The first echelon includes mainstream languages ​​such as Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, PHP, C #, C ++, and Objective-C. While some of the leading languages ​​may be waning, you are better off knowing one or more of them if you want to be able to find work easily.

It must be said that finding good programmers for employers is extremely difficult because so-called pearls are quickly crushed, and it remains to choose a lesser inclination for programmers or hobbyist programmers. The latter usually finish in just a few months of programming, so obviously they are not ready to work professionally yet. There are, of course, exceptions.

Business programming, programmers

As for the programmers from the professions, they are often interested in this area from the very childhood, they begin to learn to program on their own, from friends, visit development teams, etc. Of course, all stories are different, but we can say that programmers are united by one characteristic - a constant hunger for knowledge. As strange as it may be about a student of the exact sciences, a good programmer must be creative, not only have great logical thinking. After all, creating new codes takes a lot of creativity.

Second-tier languages ​​are trying to break into the mainstream, but have not yet achieved it. They have proven their worth by building strong communities, but they are still not used by most conservative IT companies. Scala, Go, Swift, Clojure and Haskell are languages ​​that I would classify as the second echelon. Some companies use these languages ​​to individual services but widespread use is rare (with the exception of Swift, which is starting to overtake Objective-C as the mainstream language for iOS). Go and Swift have a good chance of transitioning from tier 2 to tier 1 within the next two to three years.

The goal of every developer is to create code that allows you to quickly and easily achieve desired result, i.e. making as little effort as possible to achieve the best result. It is important to understand that even the best programmers do not avoid mistakes; they are faced with seemingly impossible tasks. Therefore, people working in this area must be stubborn, able to learn from their mistakes. After all, they say we can only learn from failure!

It is very important for a good programmer to have a lot of patience, because programming is a process with many small but very important details. For example, due to the smallest errors, you may need to re-create a program you have already created. When working with clients, sometimes it takes a lot of patience: to find out their needs, to improve your non-working tasks.

Most languages ​​in the first echelon are firmly rooted in their positions. Therefore, the loss of a language from a leading position takes a significant amount of time, and for a language of the second echelon it is very difficult to break into the first.

Promising languages from this article belong to the third echelon, and they are just starting their way up. Some languages ​​have been in the third echelon for many years without gaining popularity, while others burst onto the scene in just a couple of years. Like, for example, the languages ​​that will be discussed in the article.

Business programming is stable when the company employs good programmers, when the quality of service is guaranteed and the work is done on time. When a customer is satisfied, there are several benefits. It is especially important to succeed because they speak for themselves and are the guarantors of a continuous flow of customers in the future.

Having seen what qualities a good programmer should have, let's talk a little about programming languages. In fact, there are many different languages programming designed to perform specific tasks. The question may arise, which programming languages ​​are the most popular and most appreciated by professionals? We'll satisfy your curiosity and answer this important question.

Promising Languages: Why The Five?

The five programming languages ​​that will be discussed are very new (it is possible that you will hear about some for the first time), and they clearly have excellent chances to break into the second echelon in the next 2-3 years. Maybe someday one of these languages ​​will be able to crowd out the languages ​​of the first echelon.

This is why these five languages ​​were chosen for this list:

One of the most popular languages ​​for creating websites. The author of this language is Rasmus Lerdorf. Now this programming language is one of the most popular languages ​​used by business. It is an object oriented programming language. According to experts, this programming language is assessed for its integrity and reliability.

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E-commerce in Lithuania, as well as throughout the world, is becoming more and more popular on a daily basis. This is due to the growing computer literacy people, an interest in innovation and, above all, an extremely fast pace of life. It is much faster and more convenient to purchase the necessary goods or services on the Internet than when shopping in stores in a supermarket.

Elm is gaining popularity in the JavaScript community, primarily among those who prefer functional programming, which is on the rise. Like TypeScript or Dart, Elm is transpiled to JavaScript.

Rust is a systems programming language designed primarily for the C and C ++ niches. Therefore, it is surprising to see that the popularity of this language is growing faster among web developers. This fact becomes more meaningful when you find out that the language was created in Mozilla, which wanted to give a better option to web developers who are forced to write low-level code, and at the same time is more performant than PHP, Ruby, Python or JavaScript. Rust was also voted best in the "Favorite Technology" category in a 2016 StackOverflow developer survey (meaning that most users would like to continue using the language).

After all, advertising on TV or on the Internet prevents you from spending time in your car at a standstill and buying shoes or other essential items online from an online store. In fact, not everyone can shop for hours, not counting hours these days. It's safe to say that business ecommerce is going very well now. That's why urgent problem for future or existing entrepreneurs is the creation of electronic stores. The purpose of this article.

Thus, the online stores created by this e-commerce platform are reliable, can offer convenient shopping experience for shoppers, etc. when creating an online store is more complicated and the development process takes longer than doing this work on other platforms, the result is not very disappointing.

Kotlin has been around for about five years, but it was only this year that it reached production-ready version 1.0. Even though it has yet to reach the popularity of Scala, Groovy, or Clojure - the three most popular and mature languages ​​outside of Java for the JVM - it stands out from many other JVM languages ​​and seems poised to take its place among the leaders of this group. ... The language originated in JetBrains (creator of the popular IntelliJ IDEA IDE). So it is designed with a focus on developer productivity.

Quality takes patience and time. In addition, it allows you to quickly and easily edit and other data for search engines, it is possible to describe the image of meta information, categories, products meta information, and also have a built-in bad, it is convenient to manage the online store.

In order to make the products as possible as possible, customers can not only view product photos, but also expand them and check every detail carefully. Videos, product descriptions and other information are provided in a convenient and clear manner. You can also save your favorite items in order to view them later, write comments about the product. Obviously, today's innovations will be history tomorrow.

Crystal is another language that hopes to bring C-level program performance to the high-level world of web developers. Crystal is aimed at the Ruby community because its syntax is similar, if at times identical, to Ruby. The already large number of Ruby startups continue to grow, and Crystal can play a key role in helping to take the performance of these applications to the next level.

Elixir also drew inspiration from the Ruby ecosystem, but instead of trying to bring C-like benefits, it focuses on building highly available, responsive systems, i.e. what Rails has a problem with according to critics. Elixir achieves these benefits with the Erlang VM, which has a solid reputation built on 25 years of success in the telecommunications industry. Phoenix (a web framework for Elixir), along with a large and flourishing ecosystem, gives this language an added appeal.

Now watch how four of these five languages ​​climb the popularity ladder (based on StackOverflow and GitHub data):

Each of these languages ​​boasts a passionate community and their own weekly newsletter. If you're thinking of learning a young language with exciting opportunities for the future, read short presentations for each of these five languages, written by seasoned enthusiasts and leaders in their respective ecosystems.


Elm is a usability-oriented functional programming language that compiles to high-performance JavaScript code. You can use it, including in conjunction with JavaScript, to create user interfaces in the Internet. The main advantages of Elm over JavaScript are reliability, ease of maintenance, and focus on programming fun. More specific:

  • No runtime exceptions: Elm code has a reputation never throwing exceptions at runtime... Not at all that "undefined is not a function."
  • Legendary gracious compiler: Elm compiler often praise for the most helpful bug reports from the competition. "If it compiles, it usually just works" is a common belief, even after a major refactoring. This makes large Elm projects much easier to maintain than commensurate JS projects.
  • Semantic versioning: elm-package enforces semantic versions automatically. If the author of a package tries to make API-breaking changes without raising the major version number, elm-package will detect this and refuse to publish. new version package. No other well-known package manager enforces semantic versioning so reliably.
  • Fast and functional: Elm is a pure functional language that ensures there are no mutations or side effects. This not only provides excellent scalability to Elm code, but also helps it render the application UI faster than React, Angular, or Ember.
  • Powerful tools: elm-format formats source according to the community standard. No more controversy over coding conventions. Just click the “Save” button in your editor and your code looks pretty. elm-test comes with "batteries" to support both unit and random testing. elm-css allows you to write Elm code that compiles to a css file, so you can split your code between your application and your stylesheets to ensure that your constants never get out of sync.

Elm code can also interact with JavaScript. That is, you can inject it in small doses into your JS code, and you can still use the huge JS ecosystem without reinventing the wheel.


Kotlin is a statically typed language that targets JVM and JavaScript. Kotlin was born out of the need JetBrains was looking for new language to develop your toolbox (which was mostly written in Java). Something that would allow them to use their existing codebase and at the same time solve some of the problems that Java has caused. And it is precisely the solutions to these common flaws that occur when writing software defined most of the characteristics of Kotlin.

  • Conciseness: reduce the amount of boilerplate code required to express certain constructs.
  • Versatility: create a language that is suitable for any type of industrial application, be it the web, mobile development, desktop or server applications.
  • Security: let the language handle some of the common bugs by itself, related to issues like null reference exceptions.
  • Interaction: Allow the language to interact with existing Java codebases, libraries, and frameworks so that you can gradually implement and leverage the results of your investment.
  • Instruments: JetBrains makes tools and makes them out of the belief that many routine tasks can be automated and lead to more efficient and productive development. Thus, the language should easily allow for the use of auxiliary tools.

Kotlin has been and always will be pragmatic - looking for common problems we often encounter when writing code and trying to help solve them. It runs like a red thread through various language features such as:

  • Null-safe by default: Kotlin types are non-nullable by default, which avoids annoying null reference / pointer exceptions.
  • First Class Delegation: the ability to delegate the functionality of a class member to an external function, making it easier to reuse and improve composition.
  • Agreement: a set of conventions that allow you to write expressive code, paving the way for a strongly typed DSL that improves readability and makes refactoring easier.
    html (head (title (+ "XML encoding with Kotlin")) body (p (+ "This is some HTML")))

Kotlin 1.0 was released in February 2016 after over five years of development and extensive testing in real projects. There are currently over ten JetBrains products using Kotlin. It is also used by companies such as Amex, NBC Digital, Expedia and Gradle.

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1. Java

Java is one of the most popular languages ​​for back - end development of modern corporate web applications. And this is its main advantage. Using the language Java and its frameworks, web developers can create scalable web applications for a wide range of users. Java - the main language for developing native applications for Android and other applications for smartphones and tablets. The big plus of this language is called WORA ( " Write once, run anywhere ” ) - "you write once, it works everywhere" the principle declared Sun Microsystems to prove cross platform Java ... But this plus does not negate the fact that this language is slower than other similar ones.

2. JavaScript

An ultra-popular language among young developers. It is suitable for creating site interactivity, or building user interfaces using one of dozens of popular frameworks. This language is rarely seen outside the browser, probably because it is the only place where it is useful. Nevertheless, JavaScript worth learning, not only because he and his dozens of frameworks are gaining popularity, but also because the language will allow for more complex things in the future.


C # worth learning because knowing it will help you get a job easily enough. It is currently the most popular language for developing applications for Windows , and very popular for mobile devices. Also a game development engine Unity also uses C # as one of the main languages. It is very similar to other object-oriented programming languages ​​and is fairly easy to learn with basic knowledge. C ++ or Java.

4. PHP

A good language for building data-driven web applications. It is the core technology for building powerful content management systems such as WordPress which you can later expand to make your site more powerful. Has been criticized as an unsafe language, however things have changed for the better since the 2004 update. For those who want to teach PHP it is recommended to know HTML, CSS and Javascript.

5.C ++

Created in 1979, the language is still very popular and is used to construct different types applications - from games to office applications. C ++ is intended for systems programming, and is suitable for developing powerful software, hardware-accelerated games and applications that require large amounts of memory on desktops, consoles and mobile devices... Among the shortcomings of C ++, programmers call "clumsiness" versus Java.

6. Python

It is worth exploring if only because Python - the choice of Google and Ubuntu ... But this is not the only positive feature of the language. Python among which also its excellent readability and elegant code. Python does not require as much code to execute a program as other languages.

7. Ruby

Ruby - The language is easy to learn and incredibly powerful, plus thousands of popular web applications around the world are written in it. If you love objects, this language is right for you. Its main advantage is speed. Ruby is very similar to Python but less "human".


8. Erlang

Erlang is a functional programming language developed by the company Ericsson , for the development of distributed real-time systems. Its main feature is parallelism. It's worth exploring because large banks with millions of users use Erlang for banking systems. For example, PrivatBank, the largest Ukrainian bank, is looking for Erlang developers to work with the Privat24 Internet banking system, which was previously written in Java.

9. R

It is widely used for statistical software development, but not very popular among developers. This language is recommended for those who need serious data analysis. It works on all platforms and integrates with many programming languages ​​such as Java, Ruby, C ++, Python ... Although not as popular now, the situation could change for the better. In January 2015 Microsoft acquired the company Revolution Analytics , they said, to contribute to further development language R.

10. Swift

Programming language Swift captured developers as a new, faster and easier way to develop for Mac and iOS versus Objective - C ... However, it is only relevant in the ecosystem Apple. Good for Apple - bad for a developer who doesn't want to work exclusively for Apple especially considering the popularity of Android ... It is worth teaching if you want to contribute to the world of gaming on iOS.

11. Go (Golang)

There is much more information on the Internet about why more Go bad language than good. This language is developed by Google. So, according to Google, Go provides fundamental support for parallel program execution and communication, and offers an approach to building system software on multicore computers. This language may be included in the list of promising ones, but we have certain doubts about its future.