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The freezer began to freeze badly. The freezer does not freeze: what to do. Why the freezer does not work

1. Freon leak

Freon is a refrigerant used to lower the temperature in the freezer. Its leakage most often occurs due to mechanical damage to the tubes conducting freon. This usually happens after defrosting in cases when the ice is trying to break off the walls of the chamber or knock off with a sharp object.

When freon leaks, the air inside the chamber stops cooling, despite the fact that the motor-compressor works almost non-stop. In such a situation, it is better to disconnect the equipment from the mains, free the chamber from the food lying inside and call a foreman to repair the freezers. It will locate the leak, repair the damage to the line, and pump new refrigerant into the system.

2. Compressor breakdown

This is one of the most serious malfunctions. With such a breakdown, the freezer simply does not work: its motor tries to start, it works for a few seconds and turns off. Also, the motor may not start at all or work, but make extraneous sounds at the same time. Such breakdowns are most often associated with wear of components or errors in operation. So, if the chamber is constantly overloaded or the equipment works in the maximum cooling mode in hot weather, this can provoke a compressor failure. Unfortunately, most of the time compressor repairs are not possible. To fix the freezer, the motor compressor will have to be replaced with a new one.

3. Failure of the temperature or air sensor

These sensors measure the temperature inside the freezer. If they are faulty, the control unit receives incorrect information about the temperature and stops cooling the air. As a result, the temperature in the freezer is not low enough. In this case, the motor turns on very rarely. Such a malfunction occurs only in modern models with electronic control... To solve the problem, it is necessary to replace the failed sensor.

4. Broken thermostat

Electromechanical models use thermostats to control the temperature inside the chamber. If such an element fails, the compressor will not work intensively enough due to the fact that the control unit will receive incorrect data on the temperature inside the chamber. With such a breakdown, the freezer does not cool, or it does not cool sufficiently. Freezer repairs most often involve replacing the thermostat.

5. Failure of the control unit

Most often, in such cases, the compressor does not turn on at all. At the same time, there are no additional signs of malfunctions. According to the experience of Kholod Service engineers, the method of repairing the freezer in such cases depends on the features of the model, as well as on what exactly happened to the control unit. In some cases, it can be reprogrammed. If the control unit is completely out of order, it will need to be replaced.

6. Wear of gaskets on the doors

This problem most often occurs with freezers used in stores, cafes, and warehouses. Due to the frequent opening and closing of the doors, the rubber gaskets on them rub, crack and delaminate. As a result, the chamber does not close tightly. The freezer in this case operates in an intensive mode, despite the fact that the chamber is not cooled sufficiently due to the leakage of cooled air. In addition, ice builds up inside the freezer due to condensation inside. This is fraught with breakdown of the motor-compressor, failure of the control electronics and other problems. If the rubber seals on the doors are worn out and the freezer does not close tightly, they should be replaced as soon as possible. Such work is carried out quickly, their price is low.

Freezer breakdown prevention

  • The chamber must be completely defrosted every six months. After defrosting, it is thoroughly washed and dried so that after switching on, ice does not form on the walls. If the freezer needs defrosting earlier, it should be done as soon as possible.
  • Do not leave the doors open for a long time. It is advisable to open them as rarely as possible, as well as to control the tightness of the closing of the doors. This is important because the temperature difference between the freezer and the room in which it is installed is quite large. In order for the freezer to work as efficiently as possible, and condensation does not form inside it, it is important not to leave it open for a long time.
  • The freezer must not be overloaded. This applies to both household models and large cameras used in warehouses, trade enterprises etc. In order for the motor-compressor to cope with maintaining the set temperature, it is important to evenly distribute the products inside the chamber, filling it so that a certain amount of free space remains inside it.

If there are signs of malfunctions in the operation of the freezer or simply non-standard "symptoms", you should not try to repair the freezer yourself - this can lead to more serious damage. It is better to entrust the solution of the problem to professionals. The company "Holod Service" provides services for the repair of freezers of various brands and models.

Sometimes an unpleasant situation happens with household refrigeration units - the freezer is working, the refrigeration compartment is not cooled. It seems that the refrigerator did not break down, but it performs its functions poorly.

This situation is not only unpleasant for the owner, but can also be quite dangerous. If you let the situation take its course, the refrigerator can break down completely, and repairs will cost a pretty penny. And non-observance of the temperature regime can not only drive into additional costs, but also seriously harm the health of households. You shouldn't wait for this. It is best to find the malfunction at the first sign, find out the cause and take appropriate measures.

Before you find out why the refrigerator began to freeze badly, it is worth talking about how exactly the refrigerator works and works. In principle, there is nothing complicated about this. The household refrigerator system includes 4 main units:

  • compressor;
  • capacitor;
  • evaporator;
  • system of connecting pipes.

A special gas circulates in a hermetically sealed system - a refrigerant. It has a low evaporation and boiling t˚C. When a refrigerant expands, it absorbs heat, and when compressed, returns it back through condensation.

Freon is usually the refrigerant used in domestic refrigerators. It is absolutely harmless, non-flammable substance. The liquid refrigerant enters under pressure into the capillary tubes, and then into the evaporator, where it begins to "absorb" heat. As a result, the surface of the refrigerating chamber cools down. This process is repeated from the beginning and until the set temperature is established in the refrigerator. Next, the temperature regulator will work, which opens the electrical circuit and forces the compressor to stop. The thermostat is necessary to protect the compressor from overload and save electricity.

After a while, when t˚С in the refrigerating chamber rises again, the circuit will close again and the cycle will repeat from the beginning.

Refrigerator primary diagnostics

If you notice that the refrigerator does not freeze food or has begun to do it badly, first of all, conduct a visual diagnosis of the device. Sometimes a malfunction may not be related to a breakdown, but is a consequence of the owners' carelessness.

  • First, make sure that the refrigerator is level, there are no distortions and nothing prevents the door from closing.
  • Check if the refrigerator is plugged into a separate outlet or is working through a tee or extension cord. Sometimes the reason the refrigerator has stopped freezing normally is because there is no good contact between the plug and the socket.
  • Look carefully at the button labeled "Defrost". In some models of refrigerators, the button may be accidentally pinched if the food is not placed correctly.
  • Examine the thermostat. If the room is very hot and the freezer is running at maximum, it is likely that the refrigerator simply cannot handle the load. This is especially true for refrigerators with one compressor. In such units, the refrigerating chamber works according to the "residual principle". That is, first, the set temperature in the freezer is reached and only after that the refrigerating compartment begins to cool. What to do? To solve the problem, set the temperature in the freezer to -10 - 12˚С, and in the refrigerator compartment, move the thermostat knob to the middle position.
  • If you have a No Frost refrigerator, look out for a fan in your freezer. If it is frozen and does not work, then the cold will stop flowing into the refrigerating compartment. You don't need to disassemble the freezer for this, just listen carefully. If you do not hear a quiet, even hum when the freezer door is open, defrost the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. This time is enough for the ice to completely melt and the situation to return to normal.

Overheating of the motor

If a light is on in the refrigerator and the temperature does not drop, feel the engine. It is likely that due to the high temperature, it overheated, the thermal protection worked and the motor turned off. This is another reason why the refrigerator has become difficult to freeze.

Turn off the refrigerator and defrost it completely. Make sure the engine is completely cool and turn the refrigerator back on. If everything works, move the refrigerator away from the wall and other objects so that the motor can cool better.

temperature sensor

Place an ordinary household thermometer in the refrigerator compartment and after a while compare its value with the readings of the temperature sensor. If they do not match, the sensor will have to be changed.

If the refrigerator does not freeze, you did not find small "sores" in it, then everything is much more serious. Most likely, the breakdown is associated with one of the main components.

The fan motor is out of order

If this happens, you will not have to search for a long time. The fact is that the fan motor emits a very characteristic sound during operation, a uniform hum. If you don't hear it, the breakdown is obvious. It is likely that he just froze. But if prolonged defrosting did not help, you will have to call the master.

Compressor burned out

If your refrigerator has only one compressor, you will immediately find a breakdown. Will not freeze either the freezer or refrigerator compartment. You will most likely find a large puddle next to the refrigerator very soon.

But if you have a two-compressor refrigerator, the problem may not be noticed immediately. In such models, each compartment has its own compressor. This is why the freezer can work fine and the refrigerator compartment will be warm. Be that as it may, you are unlikely to succeed in replacing the compressor yourself, without the help of a specialist.

Clogged cooling system

Sometimes the filter drier, through which the oil for the electric motor flows, becomes clogged with waste or burnt particles. A good technician will quickly identify the problem. Also, the system of thin tubes through which the refrigerant circulates is often clogged. It is impossible to eliminate such a breakdown without special equipment. It is necessary to thoroughly blow through the pipes under pressure and refuel with freon.

Refrigerant leak

If you notice that, although the engine is running, the condenser remains cold all the time, it means that freon has leaked and the refrigerator is driving air. Another sign of such a breakdown is rusty streaks inside the freezer located below. Leakage can be caused by microscopic cracks in the evaporator. That is why it is strictly forbidden to "help" the refrigerator with defrosting, scraping off snow and breaking off pieces of ice in the freezer.

Microcracks could also form due to strong vibration of the refrigerator if it is not installed evenly. If you have moved your refrigerator recently, the tubes between the compressor and the evaporator may have broken. In general, there can be many reasons.

If the crack is implicit, it will not be possible to detect it without a special device. In addition, for the refrigerator to work normally, after soldering, the system must be refilled with freon.

Refrigerator No Frost

Do you have a No Frost system refrigerator? There is another reason the No Frost refrigerator does not cool. For units with a dry freezing system, the heating element sometimes burns out. This unit is needed in order to periodically defrost the cooling system. If the heating elements are burnt out, the fan will freeze into the ice. To fix the problem, the refrigerator needs to be thoroughly defrosted and the thermal electric heater replaced.

Refrigeration equipment handling

Of course, it is impossible to completely rid the refrigerator of malfunctions. But, observing some rules, you can postpone the onset of trouble:

  • never put warm or hot food in the refrigerator;
  • once or twice a year, clean the back of the refrigerator with a vacuum cleaner and a damp sponge; this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the tubes and wires;
  • connect the refrigerator to an individual outlet so as not to disturb the wire when other household appliances are turned on;
  • turning off the device for defrosting, first turn the thermostat knob to the "0" position, and then remove the plug from the socket;
  • place the unit away from the stove, radiator and sink - availability additional source heat near the refrigerator creates additional stress;
  • move the unit away from the wall and other objects at least 5 cm - this will create normal conditions for proper cooling of the compressor.

"A-Iceberg" - 25 years with you. 5 million repairs completed.

The user can only notice the breakdown of the freezer when a puddle forms under the refrigerator. In this case, the refrigerator compartment can work properly. In this case, you need to contact Service center"A-Iceberg". We will arrive on the same day and will repair your refrigerator of any brand on the spot. In one visit, the wizard will perform diagnostics, determine the cause of the breakdown and, if necessary, replace the part. We provide a warranty card for all services. You can leave a request online on the website or by phone: 8 (495) 213-33-33 .

Let's figure out the main reasons why the freezer stops working and tell you what you can do yourself.

What can you do yourself?

First of all, you need to make sure that the temperature regime in the freezer is selected correctly. Perhaps you accidentally changed it and did not notice it. The optimum temperature in the freezer is 18-19 ° C, which corresponds to the thermostat position between 3 and 4. If the minimum is set, then the water under the refrigerator was formed due to defrosting, and not due to the failure of any part.

The second possible reason, which is also not associated with a breakdown, is an excessive amount of ice formed in the freezer. The fact is that in this case, the sealing rubber will not fit tightly, the tightness will be broken and warm air will penetrate into the chamber. In this case, we recommend defrosting the refrigerator (at least 24 hours) and cleaning the sealing rubber.

If the temperature is set correctly, the seal fits tightly and there is no other apparent reasons why the freezer does not work, then without the help of a repair specialist household appliances not enough.

The main causes of breakdown

There are several main reasons why the freezer does not work. Let's consider the most common, it is they who are most often diagnosed by our specialists:

  • breakdown of the motor-compressor
  • air sensor malfunction
  • breakdown of the thermostat
  • the switching valve is out of order
  • refrigerant leak
  • malfunction of the control module

It will not be possible to eliminate such malfunctions on your own, since you will need professional equipment and spare parts for replacement. Service Center "A-Iceberg" offers high-quality service, so the master is all necessary tools and will bring the original parts with him. In order for him to prepare everything in advance, please inform the exact make and model of your refrigerator.

How to tell if your freezer is broken

Breakage symptoms

Cause of malfunction

The motor-compressor turns on and turns off almost immediately. Works no more than 10 seconds (two-compressor refrigerator)

In this case, the master will check the operation of the motor-compressor. If you use a household appliance for a long time, then the failure is associated with wear. Also, the motor could break due to excessive loads. You will need to replace the part.

The motor-compressor of a household appliance with an electronic type of control is switched on, but less often than is necessary for normal operation

These symptoms indicate a failure of the air sensor. The wizard will diagnose and replace the part with a new one.

The motor-compressor of a household appliance with an electromechanical type of control is turned on, but less often than is necessary for normal operation

It is necessary to diagnose the operation of the thermostat. Contact the A-Iceberg specialists who will perform diagnostic and repair work as soon as possible.

The freezer is freezing, but there are problems in operation

If your home appliance is equipped with No Frost and a crying vaporizer, then most likely the reason lies in a malfunctioning switching valve. Valve replacement required.

The freezer does not freeze / weakly freezes, traces of rust appeared on the case

Invite a specialist who will fix the refrigerant leak at home, restore the tightness and fill the system with freon

After the refrigerator was defrosted, the freezer did not resume its work. During defrosting, you used sharp objects to break off the ice.

Probably, in this way, you have damaged the circuit, a refrigerant leak has occurred. You will need to refuel with freon after the master restores the tightness.

The freezer does not work, and there are no other symptoms of the problem.

If the control module is faulty, the specialist will replace it with a new one, if the flashing does not help to correct the situation

The total cost of the repair will be announced by the master, after he determines the reason due to which the malfunction occurred.

One of the most common breakdowns in refrigeration chambers is a drop in temperature to the point that food freezes both above and below. As a rule, it is impossible to cope with such a malfunction without some experience, but sometimes the cause of the breakdown is banal and you can restore normal work on your own. Next, we will tell the readers of the site what to do if the refrigerator freezes food in the refrigerator too much!

The simplest reason for severe freezing is considered to be switching the thermostat to a lower temperature regime. This happens very rarely, but it does happen sometimes. If you don't know why the refrigerator freezes food too much, check this point first. The optimal value at which the regulator should be set is 2-3.5. If your new refrigerator is very cold, set the temperature mode on the dial within +4 / + 6 degrees.

By the way, newer models of equipment have a super freeze button. Check to see if it is turned on yet. Perhaps the reason for the severe freezing is precisely that someone accidentally turned on this mode!

The second malfunction due to which the refrigerator compartment can freeze food more than necessary is damage to the seal on the door. A clear sign of damage to the gum is the formation of icing in the freezer and a small puddle of water that has not yet frozen. In the refrigerator compartment, at this time, the snow on the back wall can be very freezing, which is why the food freezes. Replacing the gum on your own or simply restoring it should not be difficult for you, which is confirmed by the video lesson below!

How to replace the sealing gum?

The third breakdown is a clogged drainage hole under the fruit and vegetable boxes. Drainage is needed so that condensate from the walls drains from the refrigerating chamber. If the holes are clogged, water will remain in the vegetable tray and freeze, severely freezing food in the refrigerator. It is not at all difficult to clean the drainage holes, you just need to defrost the camera and pour warm water into the blockage area (perform a syringe).

If your new refrigerator with the No Frost function is too cold, we recommend watching this video:

Proper cleaning of the drainage system

Now let's move on to more complex breakdowns that you are unlikely to be able to repair yourself. If the recommendations above did not help you, it means that there are problems in the technical part and you will have to call the master for repair!

If the refrigerator freezes very much and does not turn off at the same time, most likely the refrigerant, freon, has evaporated from the system, due to which the temperature in the chambers decreases. The reason for the leakage of freon is the appearance of microcracks in the cooling system or blood clots. Specialists will be able to quickly find cracks, solder them and fill the required amount of freon for work (or unclog blood clots). You can read about the rest of the reasons in the corresponding article.

Also, a faulty thermostat may be the likely culprit for the fact that the refrigerating chamber began to freeze snow on the back wall. This element of the chain breaks either as a result of mechanical damage or moisture on the contacts. Try to find a thermostat, visually inspect it and, if you can, ring a tester. If the thermostat does not work, simply replace it and the problem of severe freezing will be solved.

How to replace the thermostat?

Please note that thermostats are installed in refrigerators with electromechanical control (older). Newer models are equipped with an air sensor, which must also be found, checked and replaced if necessary!

Well, the last, sixth reason why the lower chamber is very cold, and the upper one does not freeze, is the sticking of the valve, which just contributes to switching the cooling modes of different compartments. The broken valve must be found and replaced with a working one.

These are all the causes of malfunctions. We hope that now you know what to do if the refrigerator is very cold and why this can happen! We draw your attention to the fact that these recommendations are suitable for all technology companies, from Atlanta to Samsung and Liebherr!

It is impossible to prepare for breakdowns of household appliances - it breaks down at the most inopportune moment. The hostess is especially discouraged by the moment when the freezer does not work. After all, all products stored in it, for example, meat, fish or ice cream, can deteriorate. Fortunately, in many cases it is possible to repair the freezer with your own hands with some knowledge and tools.

The reason for the appearance of malfunctions in the freezer can be both very simple and commonplace, and quite serious, which cannot be solved without the help of a specialist. From the owners of this household appliance, you can hear the following complaints:

  • the freezer does not work;
  • the freezer has stopped freezing;
  • the freezer does not turn off;
  • the device turns on and off immediately.

Let's take a closer look at each situation, and what to do in this case.

The freezer does not work

In the case when the freezing unit does not turn on, you should not immediately jump to conclusions and think that it has broken down. The first step is to pay attention to the serviceability of the power plug, electrical cable and the outlet itself. It is possible that the wires from the terminals are disconnected in the outlet or plug, or there is a break in the cable veins, and this is the reason that the freezer does not work. Check mains voltage, if it is lowered, the device will not turn on.

Also, for example, in a freezer brand Stinol 106 sometimes there is timer jam when set to “defrost” mode. In this case, the unit does not turn on. But if you turn the ratchet a few degrees, the device starts working. The defect with the timer is explained by the fact that the gears are jammed in the clockwork. In the Stinol 106 q this problem with a timer is also present.

In addition, the camera may still not work for the following reasons:

  • the mechanism that controls the temperature is out of order;
  • the compressor has failed;
  • the connectors are oxidized.

Of all the above possible factors that can cause the freezer to fail to turn on, you can only repair the outlet, plug or power cord with your own hands.

Plug in any other electrical device to test the outlet. If it works, then look for the reason in the fork. If the plug is okay, ring the cable with a tester. Also, if, when the device is connected to the network, the light inside it does not light up, this indicates a damaged cable. To check the mains voltage, use a multimeter... To start the device, a voltage of 220 V is required.

The freezer has stopped freezing

If you notice that the freezer does not freeze, and in it the temperature started to rise, you should check the following:

  • whether the door fits snugly (a common reason that the unit does not freeze well);
  • what position is the thermostat in;
  • if the defrost button is on.

So, you checked all the points, but the result has not changed, and the freezer still does not freeze. In this case, this malfunction may cause:

  • blockage in the cooling system;
  • refrigerant (freon) leak;
  • breakdown of the heater (only in devices with the No Frost function, for example, in the Indesit No Frost freezer, Stinol 106 q or Indesit SFR 167 NF);
  • breakdown of the thermostat or control unit.

The freezer does not turn off

If you suspect that the freezer does not turn off, it is recommended to observe the operation of the device for a while. Normally, he should work in a "one to two" mode, for example, working 10 minutes - resting 20 minutes. Also, the time may increase if the capacity of the unit is half empty, or the room temperature is very high. But, when your observations confirmed that the device does not even think to turn off, or the camera turned off after a long period of time, pay attention to the following points.

  1. The optimal temperature option inside the container of freezers is considered to be indicators from -18 to -19 ° C. With higher values ​​set, the device will work without interruption. Therefore, even if the room is hot, you should not set the temperature too low on the thermostat. It will be easier for the device to maintain the microclimate in the chamber at a standard level than to achieve overestimated values. Also, make sure that refrigeration equipment does not stand close to heating appliances.
  2. Possibly installed super freeze mode”. Old models after switching on this regime do not turn off automatically. Self-shutdown is available only for modern units.
  3. Worn door seals... Over time, with prolonged use of the freezer, the rubber seal on the door may crack, deform, peel or fray. As a result, the door does not fit snugly, the internal capacity of the device is not cooled sufficiently, due to the constant leakage of cold, the compressor runs non-stop and wears out quickly. Freezer Atlant will not leave you a chance to miss gasket wear. If you see that the red light is on, it means that the temperature in the chamber rises (possibly due to a poor fit of the door). If a green light comes on, it means that the temperature has returned to normal. If you find wear on the seal and the fact that the unit does not freeze well, try to replace the rubber gasket as soon as possible. How to restore the seal on your own is described in this video.

The unit turns on and turns off immediately

This behavior of the apparatus is often encountered when compressor breakdown... The motor turns on and off immediately, or when it starts, it makes strange sounds. The compressor may fail due to wear of the components, for example if the unit is operating at maximum cooling at high ambient temperatures. Unfortunately, the compressor cannot be repaired. To repair the freezer, a complete replacement of the motor-compressor will be required.

For example, replacing the latter in the Indesit SFR 167 NF freezing equipment will cost you at least 2,500 rubles.

Thus, although the freezer does not differ in the complexity of the design, for carrying out quality repair the main units will require special and expensive equipment (vacuum pump, gauge manifold, etc.). Therefore, it is not worth trying to fix the freezer on your own in case of serious problems. This fact is explained by the fact that due to ignorance of some of the nuances, you can make it so that repairing the unit after your intervention will cost you much more.

When to call the master

Without shutdown, the device can work even in case of malfunctions in its various modules.

  1. Defective control module... Due to this defect, there is no signal to turn off the compressor motor. The situation can be corrected by replacing the board or flashing it.
  2. There is a blockage in the system(usually due to thickened engine oil). If so, the compressor is not able to drive the refrigerant down the line. To eliminate the blockage, you will have to clean the system well, after which you will need to refuel with freon.
  3. The evaporator sensor is out of order or the thermostat is broken... In the event of a breakdown of these elements, the control unit does not receive a signal about the reached temperature in the chamber and therefore cannot turn off the compressor. If the thermostat breaks down, for example, in the Indesit SFR freezer, it will “freeze” very much, despite your attempts to set the desired temperature.
  4. Refrigerant has leaked... This is one of the reasons why the unit does not freeze, and this often happens due to mechanical damage to the main pipes, for example, if you tried to pick off the ice while defrosting with something sharp. In the event of a freon leak, cooling will stop, and the compressor will continue to work without stopping, since the temperature sensor will not send information to the control board that the set temperature has been reached. All you can do in this situation is to de-energize the equipment, empty the capacity of the unit from the products and call the wizard.