Computers Windows Internet

How to flash Windows key in BIOS. How to find the OEM Windows activation key from BIOS. Windows activation key in AIDA64

Hello dear readers. Do you know how to activate licensed Windows correctly? Say that you know, hmm, I thought so too, but somehow a laptop fell into my hands, on which, after installation new windows 8, I was going to activate it with a key, but to my surprise, I couldn't do it. To be more precise, after clicking on the "Activate Windows" button, instead of a request to enter the key, incomprehensible errors appeared, such as this one: "DNS name not specified."

Over time, of course, I figured out what was the matter, it turned out that during the installation of the system, some incomprehensible key was picked up, which at the time of activation was simply not recognized by the system. It was possible to destroy this problem only by removing the old activation key, and of course by installing the working key that came with the laptop. Therefore, I decided to write an article using my own example, how I managed to remove the old activation key and activate Windows from scratch.

So, I had a laptop with a pre-installed operating system and, of course, a key that was sewn into the BIOS. and I configured it using the utility. Then, I opened the properties of the computer and immediately clicked on the button " Activate Windows».

The activation process immediately began, I was even surprised why the system did not even prompt me to enter the key. Well, okay, I thought, maybe the computer has automatically substituted the required activation key. But literally a moment later, an error appeared, which I wrote about a little higher. All subsequent attempts to activate Windows were unchanged, except that the error code changed.

Well, I thought and tried to find a field in which it would be possible to indicate the key that I got from the BIOS, but instead of that some incomprehensible key was already indicated everywhere. I could only see a few symbols, but that was enough to understand that given code did not match what I prepared. Thinking that there was some kind of confusion with the activation keys, I decided to delete the old key and re-enter the new one.

In general, after I deleted the old activation key and re-entered the one that I prepared, everything worked out for me. At first I saw the word "Success !!!", and then that the Windows activation was done.

Therefore, if you find yourself in a similar situation and you need to find out how to remove an old activation key, then just below you can find a simple and understandable guide on how to do this.

Removing the old activation key

To remove the old activation key in Windows 8, as with many other system settings, we need command line, or rather, there we just have to execute a few commands.

So, let's start by launching the command line, of course, with the hanged administrator rights, otherwise, when you follow the next steps, you may not get anything.

Ok, the command line is running, now we write the following command in the window that appears:

slmgr.vbs / upk

and of course we press “ Enter».

A window should appear with a notification about the successful removal of the key.

That's all, in general, everything is much simpler than it seemed. This way we will be able to delete the old activation key.

After that, it can indicate without any problems new key and activate Windows.

You can do this in the Windows 8 menu or write two more commands in the CMD:

slmgr.vbs –ato

Thus, we will enter a new key and start the activation of the system.

How to remove an old activation key in Windows 8, 7, 10

  1. Hello dear administrators! Question: how to find out the OEM key of a licensed Windows 8.1 laptop, if it is not on it hard disk? Or in other words, how to find out windows key 8.1 sewn into Laptop BIOS? My problem is that I got out of order HDD and I bought a new one, now I want to install the previously preinstalled on it with Windows Store 8.1 Single Language (For one language), but I'm afraid the system is not automatically activated during installation. I read on the Internet that with the help of some programs you can find out the Windows 8.1 key,"Wired" into the BIOS of the laptop and the key is saved in any case, for the entire life of the laptop.
  2. Hi admin! I bought a laptop a year ago, then Windows 8 was installed on it, which I immediately demolished and installed Windows 7, but now I'm thinking of returning Windows 8 back, but I don’t know license key, can I see it somewhere? Previously, the Windows key was printed on the bottom of the laptop, but now it is not there.

How to find out the OEM key of a licensed Windows 8.1 laptop if it does not have a hard drive. Or in other words, how to find out the Windows 8.1 key "embedded" in the BIOS of a laptop

Hello friends! With the advent of laptops with preinstalled Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and UEFI BIOS, Microsoft has changed the rules for distributing licensed copies of Windows, now a license key operating system is no longer on the sticker located on the bottom of the laptop, from now on the key is "sewn" in text form into the ACPI MSD table of the BIOS of the laptop. What to do, these are the new rules, and according to them, it is not at all necessary for an ordinary user to know the key of the operating system installed on his laptop.

Despite this, you can view the contents of ACPI tables and find out the Windows 8.1 key in the BIOS using various utilities: RWEverything, OemKey, ShowKeyPlus, ProduKey. If your laptop boots, then these utilities can be run directly in a running Windows and no matter which one is on this moment you have an operating system installed: Windows 7 or Windows 10, regardless of this, any of the programs listed by me considers the Windows 8.1 key from the BIOS.

You can also find out the key if there is no hard disk on the laptop at all, in which case we will have to boot the laptop from the bootable Live CD AOMEI PE Builder flash drive, this flash drive contains all the programs I mentioned, in today's article I will show you how to create such a USB flash drive.

  • Note: If you look at the question from the other side, then it is not at all necessary for an ordinary user to recognize the Windows 8.1 key embedded in the BIOS of a laptop, and here's why. The fact is that when installing on a laptop exactly the version of the operating system that was preinstalled on it from the store (in most Windows cases 8.1 Single Language), the key will be substituted during system installation automatically and you will not need to enter anything. In other words, to know the key written in the ACPI MSD table of the laptop BIOS is not necessary under any circumstances, even if you replace the hard drive on the laptop. I wrote about all this in detail in this one.

For example, let's take a laptop with Windows 8.1 preinstalled from the store, remove everything from the hard drive and install another Windows 10 operating system, and then run our utilities and find out the Win 8.1 key registered in the BIOS.

Download all programs in one archive on my cloud storage.

So, we look at the Windows 8.1 key registered in the BIOS by the programs: ShowKeyPlus, OemKey, RWEverything, ProduKey.

The first in line ShowKeyPlus program

The program displays detailed information.

Product Name(The version of the operating system currently installed on the laptop) - Windows 10 Single Language (For one language).

Product ID: Product code.

Installed Key: The key currently installed on Windows laptop 10 Single Language.

OEM Key: TO Luch from Windows 8.1, prescribed into the ACPI MSD table of the laptop BIOS (what we need is the key embedded in the BIOS).

OEM Edition: Operating system version ( Windows 8.1 Single Language) preinstalled at the factory by the laptop manufacturer. It is for this version that the key ( OEM Key) and it will be substituted automatically during system installation, that is, you do not have to enter it.

OemKey program

Shows only the Windows 8.1 key embedded in the BIOS of the laptop.

RWEverything Program

We go into the program folder and run executable file Rw.exe.

Click on the button ACPI.

Click on the MSDM button and see the Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 key.

ProduKey program

The program ProduKey, already familiar to you from our previous articles, will also cope with the task of determining the key of a laptop embedded in the BIOS.

The utility shows two keys, the first is the OEM key specified to the ACPI MSD table of the laptop BIOS, and the second, the key of the currently installed Windows 10.

How to find out the OEM key of a licensed Windows 8.1 laptop if it does not have a hard drive?

Create a bootable Live CD AOMEI PE Builder

Friends, in this case, we need to boot the laptop from the bootable Live CD AOMEI PE Builder. Download the flash drive image on my cloud storage.

After downloading ISO image and we run the program, it is with it that we will create a bootable USB flash drive.

In the main window of the WinSetupFromUSB program, select our USB flash drive (be careful, all data on the USB flash drive will be deleted).

We put a tick on the item Auto format it with FBinst and tick the FAT32 item.

Check the box Vista / 7/8 / Server 2008/2012 based ISO and click on the button on the right that opens the explorer window.

The explorer opens, find the ISO image of the Live CD AOMEI PE Builder, select it with the left mouse and click "Open".

To read of this material many are pushed by a very standard and widespread situation: once they bought a laptop with a licensed Windows 7 or 8 operating system installed. certain time due to the need reinstall Windows or for any other reason, you need an activation key, which was indicated on a sticker that is located on the bottom of the laptop, but over the months and years of using the laptop, it has long been worn out or completely peeled off. How to be?

If your PC is running Windows with an activated license key, then "getting" it from the operating system will not be difficult. If the icon My computer to push right click and open Properties, then below we will see only product code, not the activation key itself. It is also important to distinguish between what you need to get - just the code that was indicated on a special sticker or the code for Windows 8, which is in the BIOS of the computer.

Screenshot of "My Computer" properties

For Win8 from BIOS using RWEverything

To retrieve the OEM license key Windows 8 from laptop BIOS or stationary computer We recommend that you familiarize yourself with - in it we looked at how to use the program to get the key from Win8 from the BIOS of a new type: UEFI. This method is also relevant for those who are trying to recover the key if another OS was installed instead of licensed Windows 8 "from the store".

Screenshot of the RWEverything program

Windows activation key in AIDA64

If you need an activation key for an installed and working system, you can use the program already familiar to us to complete diagnostics PC - - go, get acquainted, download and install. Then we launch the program and open the tab Operating system... In chapter License information in field Product key and the required Windows activation code will be indicated.

Screenshot of AIDA64 program

In AIDA64, as in RWEverything, you can see the key hard-wired into the BIOS. To do this, go to the tab Motherboard , then ACPI... In chapter Description of the table find MSDM and in the field SLS Data the 25-character Windows activation code we need will be registered.

Screen AIDA64

Finding an activation key through KeyFinder

Simple utility from Magical Jelly Bean. This small program does not take up much space and gives out only the very minimum of information, but that is what we need. You can download KeyFinder from here (the official website of the developers), it is available in two versions - the free one is enough for us. Download, install, run. In the left window, select the software for which you need to find out the activation key - in this case, we are interested in Windows 7 Home Premium. CD Key and there is the code you are looking for.

Screenshot of KeyFinder

Instead of a conclusion

This list could be continued endlessly, since there are at least a dozen more popular utilities for solving the same problem, but I think that the provided set will be enough for you. There are also various scripts on the Internet that use VBScript or PowerShell to extract keys without installing extra programs. Everyone chooses the method that is more convenient for him.

  1. Hello dear administrators! Question: how to find out the OEM key of a licensed Windows 8.1 laptop if it does not have a hard drive? Or in other words, how to find out the Windows 8.1 key embedded in the laptop BIOS? My problem is that my hard drive is out of order and I bought a new one, now I want to install the previously preinstalled Windows 8.1 Single Language (For one language) on it, but I'm afraid that the system is not automatically activated during installation. I read on the Internet that with the help of some programs you can find out the Windows 8.1 key,"Wired" into the BIOS of the laptop and the key is saved in any case, for the entire life of the laptop.
  2. Hi admin! I bought a laptop a year ago, then Windows 8 was installed on it, which I immediately demolished and installed Windows 7, but now I'm thinking of returning Windows 8 back, but I don't know the license key, can I look at it somewhere? Previously, the Windows key was printed on the bottom of the laptop, but now it is not there.

How to find out the OEM key of a licensed Windows 8.1 laptop if it does not have a hard drive. Or in other words, how to find out the Windows 8.1 key "embedded" in the BIOS of a laptop

Hello friends! With the advent of laptops with preinstalled Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and UEFI BIOS, Microsoft has changed the rules for distributing licensed copies of Windows, now the operating system license key is no longer on the sticker located on the bottom of the laptop, from now on the key is "sewn" in text form into the ACPI MSD BIOS table laptop. What to do, these are the new rules, and according to them, it is not at all necessary for an ordinary user to know the key of the operating system installed on his laptop.

Despite this, you can view the contents of ACPI tables and find out the Windows 8.1 key in the BIOS using various utilities: RWEverything, OemKey, ShowKeyPlus, ProduKey. If your laptop boots, then these utilities can be run directly in a running Windows and it does not matter what operating system you currently have: Windows 7 or Windows 10, regardless of this, any of the programs listed by me considers the Windows 8.1 key from the BIOS.

You can also find out the key if there is no hard disk on the laptop at all, in which case we will have to boot the laptop from the bootable Live CD AOMEI PE Builder flash drive, this flash drive contains all the programs I mentioned, in today's article I will show you how to create such a USB flash drive.

  • Note: If you look at the question from the other side, then it is not at all necessary for an ordinary user to recognize the Windows 8.1 key embedded in the BIOS of a laptop, and here's why. The fact is that when you install on a laptop exactly the version of the operating system that was preinstalled on it from the store (in most cases, Windows 8.1 Single Language), the key will be substituted during the installation of the system automatically and you will not need to enter anything. In other words, to know the key written in the ACPI MSD table of the laptop BIOS is not necessary under any circumstances, even if you replace the hard drive on the laptop. I wrote about all this in detail in this one.

For example, let's take a laptop with Windows 8.1 preinstalled from the store, remove everything from the hard drive and install another Windows 10 operating system, and then run our utilities and find out the Win 8.1 key registered in the BIOS.

Download all programs in one archive on my cloud storage.

So, we look at the Windows 8.1 key registered in the BIOS by the programs: ShowKeyPlus, OemKey, RWEverything, ProduKey.

The first in line ShowKeyPlus program

The program displays detailed information.

Product Name(The version of the operating system currently installed on the laptop) - Windows 10 Single Language (For one language).

Product ID: Product code.

Installed Key: The key is currently installed on the laptop Windows 10 Single Language.

OEM Key: TO Luch from Windows 8.1, prescribed into the ACPI MSD table of the laptop BIOS (what we need is the key embedded in the BIOS).

OEM Edition: Operating system version ( Windows 8.1 Single Language) preinstalled at the factory by the laptop manufacturer. It is for this version that the key ( OEM Key) and it will be substituted automatically during system installation, that is, you do not have to enter it.

OemKey program

Shows only the Windows 8.1 key embedded in the BIOS of the laptop.

RWEverything Program

Go to the program folder and run the executable file Rw.exe.

Click on the button ACPI.

Click on the MSDM button and see the Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 key.

ProduKey program

The program ProduKey, already familiar to you from our previous articles, will also cope with the task of determining the key of a laptop embedded in the BIOS.

The utility shows two keys, the first is the OEM key specified to the ACPI MSD table of the laptop BIOS, and the second, the key of the currently installed Windows 10.

How to find out the OEM key of a licensed Windows 8.1 laptop if it does not have a hard drive?

Create a bootable Live CD AOMEI PE Builder

Friends, in this case, we need to boot the laptop from the bootable Live CD AOMEI PE Builder. Download the flash drive image on my cloud storage.

After downloading the ISO image, we launch the program, it is with it that we will create a bootable USB flash drive.

In the main window of the WinSetupFromUSB program, select our USB flash drive (be careful, all data on the USB flash drive will be deleted).

We put a tick on the item Auto format it with FBinst and tick the FAT32 item.

Check the box Vista / 7/8 / Server 2008/2012 based ISO and click on the button on the right that opens the explorer window.

The explorer opens, find the ISO image of the Live CD AOMEI PE Builder, select it with the left mouse and click "Open".