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Change the meaning of the buttons on the keyboard. How to remap keys on the keyboard: step by step instructions. Keyboard shortcut. Key remapping with MapKeyboard

MKey, aka MediaKey, is a program for remapping keys on the keyboard. It is primarily intended for multimedia keyboards, but it can also work with conventional keyboards, assigning commands to various combinations keys.

Multimedia input devices usually have their own utilities for programming keys, but they do not always suit the user with their stability and flexibility. MKey has a really wide range of key customization options. The program supports plugins, which expands the functionality even more. For example, they allow you to work not only with keyboards, but also with other input devices: mice, remotes, joysticks, etc.

This shows the current keyboard map. It is easier to see the required code if all you want to do is change two keys. For example, the multimedia keys on your keyboard cannot be included with your current map. Take note of the keycode for any key you wish to assign. The string should be formatted as follows. Replace the key with the key you want to insert. Log out and re-enter the changes for the changes to take effect. If you are using a laptop, you can switch the function of some keys on the keyboard.

MKey also has settings profiles that are convenient to use when working in different applications. The utility can emulate keystrokes in specific windows, record and execute macros, run any programs, work with media players and much more.

Pop-up message support will help you keep abreast of the events produced by the program. MKey can plug and break network connections, arrange windows and more.

Using SharpKeys to Remap Keys

There are even cases when any of the keys are not recognized by the system or that you want to disable any specific keys to avoid accidental touches. The first step is to figure out which keycodes you want to remap. It will open a small window that will track the keystrokes.

When you press each key, it displays a set of information about it, for example. For example, in the case of the "~ ^" key, you should. To reassign a key, simply enter the key code that the function will receive, for example. Many have such a dislike for the poor key that they even pull it out of the keyboard. As usual, the setting is lost when the computer is restarted or logged out. To make it permanent, you basically have two options. This will cause them to run every time you open a terminal.

The utility's capabilities are truly endless, and you can download MKey for free without any problems.

Good day to all, my dear friends. Dmitry Kostin is with you again, and today I want to show you one very interesting trick. There are times when a key on the keyboard broke, and you really needed it. Keys fail for various reasons, and not necessarily one at a time. What to do?

Of course, you must be careful when editing these files as they are required to load the graphical environment. Just add the lines to the end of the corresponding file without changing the rest. This is required when a command is added to a load file that runs more than once per session. This is just one example of how even the most basic system configurations can change over time when a new one is introduced. software and new system levels. Obtaining permission to modify records.

Click right click mouse on the key, select the "Permissions" option. In the window that opens, select account administrator of your computer, check the box "Allow" in " Full access”And click“ Apply ”. If the dialog box still opens preventing the change, follow these steps.

Of course one of the most simple ways will run to the store for new keyboard but it will take a long time. If you need to write some text right now, then you can simply use it. But I would recommend this method to you if your entire keyboard is broken.

If only one or several keys do not work for you, then it is best to use the method described below. In all this business will help us special program to remap keys on a keyboard called mapkeyboard. And now I will show you how you can use it very conveniently. Personally, it helped me a lot at one time. Forward!!!

In the same permissions window, select the "Advanced" button. In the new window that opens, click the "Owner" tab. Then click "Apply". Now you can create new keys and change any value in this registry. Before making any changes to the logs, create a system restore point.

Object Oriented Programming

Objects are like "supervariables" that store a "set of values" that are referenced by a name and can be retrieved for use in many other parts of the program. Each item in this "collection of values" is called a property. Each property consists of a name: value pair. When a property holds a function, it becomes what we call a method.


First of all, download the program from here, and then just this utility. Well, now strictly according to the instructions.

If after the article you still have any misunderstandings, then watch the video that I made specifically for this lesson.

Now that we already know which objects are, let's see how to work with them. First, let's learn two ways to create objects. Each property follows the name: value format and must be separated by commas. To understand well, nothing is better than an example. Imagine that you are creating a program to organize albums of different artists and bands.

Do you understand what this code does? See, this is very simple: first we create a variable called "album". In the properties, we save the title and year of release of the album, and in the method we have a function that will display information about the album in a "warning box" for the user. Easier than it sounds, isn't it? If we want to create the same object that we created earlier, only for this we use only the constructor function, just write the following code. As you may have noticed, the syntax is slightly different.

After all this, look at the operation of the key in action. Beauty, isn't it? I think so too. And if something, God forbid, happens, then such a temporary solution can always be used without losing its former productivity.

Speaking of productivity. If you want to really optimize your workflow at the computer and do your work 2 times faster, then I highly recommend you to look this wonderful course... Everything is told clearly simple language and without excess water.

Accessing Properties and Methods

After you have created an object, you will need to access the values ​​it stores. We can access the values ​​stored in an object in two ways: using dot notation or parenthesis. Note that in the above code, we are accessing the same property in two different ways.

Modifying and adding properties

Sometimes we need to change the values ​​stored in the properties of our objects. Doing this is also very quiet. Just go into the property you want to change using the point you just marked and assign a new value to it. What happened in the above code? We changed the album title and release year. Now our object stores information about another album from another group.

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.