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Johnny Catsville (cat blogger). Johnny Catsville funny pictures - funny pictures and memes Johnny Catsville

The twenty-first century can be safely called the era of cool cats and cats. This genre of humor flourished in our century, amazing the world with funny demotivators, as well as possible and impossible photographs and videos with the participation of tailed beasts. The appearance of the cat character Johnny Catsville finally approved the tailed characters in the first places of humorous sites. What's so special about Johnny Catsville's photo? After all, there are more and more Johnny Catsville pictures. Let's figure it out together.

Johnny Catsville Pictures

Who is this Johnny Catsville cat, pictures of which flicker here and there? Johnny Catsville's meme is an unusual reddish cat with a very funny face, who took a picture of himself, after which his owner posted the photo on the Internet. Johnny Catsville Pictures contain funny photos of this very cat in the foreground, a funny off-screen photo and an equally funny inscription.

Basically, in the memes of Johnny Catsville, it is the inscription that makes you hold on to your stomach, since it seems that the red-haired cat has his own blog, in which he shares his observations with all readers. This is hinted at by the phrase "Hello everyone, Johnny Catsville is with you."

Johnny Catsville Jokes

The first time I saw Johnny Catsville's funny photos, I couldn't help laughing. In the background was a photo of two "glamorous" girls with silicone-pumped lips folded in a duck smile. Johnny Catsville the cat said he was going to scratch these girls' faces today. The inscription was so close to the photo that I began to search further Johnny Catsville jokes... Johnny Catsville's originals were found very quickly and among them there are a lot of funny photo matrices that can cheer you up for a long time.

Johnny Catsville memes

Hello everyone, this is Johnny Catsville - a standard phrase that is present in almost all jokes associated with a ginger cat. This is what distinguishes memes johnny catsville from the rest of these jokes. Sometimes the intricate face of the cat does not get into the frame, but the jokes about Johnny Catsville do not get any worse from this. On the contrary, some of them are even funnier. Especially when in one of Johnny Catsville's photos the owner of a ginger cat was connected to feed him today!

Johnny Catsville Jokes

It's amazing how many funny situations you can think of to make jokes johnny catsville... And on our website you can find a direct confirmation of this. A huge variety of Johnny Catsville originals and many cool cartoons online await you in his vastness.

Johnny Catsville is a charming ginger cat that stretches its paws to the lens, as if photographing itself. Resourceful netizens have turned this into a meme by changing the background behind him and adding various funny captions. The original image was first posted online in March 2013 on Tumblr, and then turned into a meme. In 2014, the wave of popularity reached the Russian-speaking Internet.

Who is Johnny Catsville

The owner of the cat tried to photograph him, but at that moment the animal decided to rush to the camera, and the result was an incredibly successful picture. In the photo, the cat looks directly into the lens and holds its paws in such a way, as if taking a selfie. American Internet users caught the animal's resemblance to the famous comedy show host Johnny Knoxville and turned the photo into a meme. This program was broadcast on MTV until 2002, and it always began with the same phrase: "Hello, Johnny Knoxville is with you, and today we will be ..." - and then incredible and funny tricks, often very dangerous, were shown on the screen.

Popularity in Runet

Since January 2014, the picture with the cat Johnny Catswill began to appear on Russian sites, after which it gained fantastic popularity on the Runet. Behind the cat's back, users added various landscapes, photos of half-naked girls, marching soldiers and even Darth Vader from the Star Wars saga. The signatures read:

  • "Hello! Johnny Catswill is with you again, and today I came to Russia!"
  • "I am with you again, Johnny K., and today we will try to make acquaintance with beauties."
  • "Hi, this is Johnny Catsville and I'll tell you what happens if you don't close the session."
  • "Today we will try to cross to the dark side!"

Memes with Johnny Ketsville began to be regularly published on various sites, and then many VKontakte communities took up the baton.


Memes arise spontaneously and quickly spread through popular Internet channels among a large number of users. The base is usually a funny image or a short video, followed by text on the hot topic. Cats are an extremely common material for such creativity, so the photo of Johnny Catsville was doomed to popularity from the very beginning. This cute animal is a parody of popular bloggers who, with a camera in their hands, shoot a short video and post it on the Web, hoping to attract the attention of viewers. Interesting tricks and tricks, funny events, or just everyday little things played in a funny manner usually fall into the lens. Often the author's comments are more interesting than the video itself. Cat lovers use Johnny's photo to illustrate jokes about traditional cat pranks: gnawed wires, unwound toilet paper, knocked down a Christmas tree.

The popularity of the cat gradually subsided, but from time to time famous bloggers still use his image in their works. This charming red-haired guy is able to make even the most banal event funny and will definitely make the viewer smile.

Johnny Catsville (cat blogger)- a ginger cat, which seems to be holding a camera with its paws, looks into the lens and says: “Hello, today you are with Johnny Catsville and today we are with you…” Parodies the TV presenter Johnny Knoxville. The meme is used to make jokes about typical cat behavior.


In 2013, a photo appeared on Tumblr with a ginger cat, who rushed to the camera at the very moment when the owner was taking it. It turned out as if the tailed beast himself directs the camera at himself and maintains a blog.

English-speaking users thought that the cat looks like the host of the TV show Jackass ("Freaks") Johnny Knoxville. Each episode of the TV show, which aired on MTV from 2000 to 2002, began the presenter with the words: “Hello, Johnny Knoxville is here. Welcome to Freaks. And then something crazy happened: the actors of the show did various tricks and miraculously remained intact.

The meme came to Runet in 2014. In January, a picture of a cat and a tree appeared on Pikabu. Later, memes with Johnny Catsville began to be published by MDK and other VKontakte communities.

Any other background is photoshopped behind the cat's back and the themes of the inscriptions are changed, but they invariably begin: "Johnny Catsville is with you today ..."


Johnny Catsville is a parody of the typical blogger who talks to the camera about every little thing in his life.

Often, a picture of a cat is used to joke about the typical behavior of pets: gnawing wires, spoiling things, interfering with the owner's vacuuming or working on the computer.
