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Connecting a bike computer. How to install a cycling computer on a bicycle and set it up correctly. Installation and setup of the bike computer on the E-Trail electric bike Bicycle computer mbi 67 instruction

Review of the SD-563A bike computer /

The wired bike computer is supplied as standard: sensor, clamps, instructions.
The computer is inserted into a special pad on the steering wheel, which holds it securely with a latch. I liked the mount. Spontaneous falling out of the computer from vibrations during movement is impossible. I lost my previous computer precisely because of poor fixation.
At the same time, it can be quickly removed by pressing firmly on the retaining clasp with your finger and take it with you if, for example, you need to leave your bike in a public place.
The platform itself is attached to the handlebars with clamps. This simple mount is used in most cycling computers. This does not provide a strong hold, and the computer can be rotated to the desired angle. It is good that the movement does not spontaneously turn. The cable to the sensor is long and will be enough for any bike. It is better to fix the wire to the cable and plug so that it does not dangle. The sensor is attached to the fork at the bottom with clamps. A magnet that attaches to the spoke of a bicycle. The magnet is normal and can rotate slightly on the spoke.
The computer case is waterproof, made of sturdy plastic. There are 3 plastic buttons, firmly pressed, with a clear, pleasant click.
The computer has a large 4-line display with a pleasant green backlight, which lights up in the dark when you press any key and goes out after 7 seconds of rest. It is very easy to use such a computer in the dark.
The computer has instructions for English language, which apparently was translated from Chinese and, in my opinion, does not quite clearly describe the settings and modes of the computer.
I spent some time until I intuitively figured out the settings myself. And now I will tell you about them.

The computer has 3 preset display modes, which are switched by pressing the central button.
The first main mode shows the following parameters (from top to bottom):

Instantaneous speed to the nearest hundredths of kilometers per hour (SPD). While driving, the instantaneous speed is constantly compared with the average. If you are driving slower than the average speed, then to the right of the instantaneous speed indicator, the arrow "Back" flashes, if you are driving faster, then the arrow "Forward" flashes on the left.
Ordinary astronomical time in hours, minutes and seconds (or stopwatch),
The third line contains the travel time when moving (TM), and in the same line the total travel time from the start of the exit (RAT). These indicators are automatically changed at intervals of 30 seconds.
The fourth line contains the distance to the nearest tenths from the start of the exit (DST).
If you press the left key, the display will start flickering, the indicators will freeze, this can be used as a pause function for reading information. In this case, the measurement of parameters and the passage of time does not stop, but continues to go, as it were, in background and if you press the left key again, the computer returns to normal mode with the update of the indicators.
If you press the right key, instead of the clock, a stopwatch (SW) appears in the second line with an accuracy of hundredths of a second, which is started and stopped with the right key, and is reset to zero with the left.

The second mode displays the following indicators:

The first line contains the average speed (AVS), from the start.
normal astronomical time,
remaining time (TM UP / DN),
remaining path (TRIP UP / DN).
The third and fourth indicators make sense if at the beginning of the trip you set the estimated distance and the time for which you want to travel it. And then these indicators will go in the opposite direction.

The third mode contains static information:

The maximum speed on the way, from the start of the start (MAX),
air temperature (Th),
The total global travel time since the beginning of the reset of all settings (TTM),
and Odometer is the distance from the start of the reset of all settings (ODO).
The second and third modes are not the main one and the computer automatically after 30 seconds switches to the first main mode, which is displayed all the time while you are moving.
The computer enters the rest mode after a few minutes of inactivity and displays only the current astronomical time on the screen.

When you go on a trip, it makes sense to reset the current distance, travel time, average, maximum speed. This is done by pressing and holding the left key for 5 seconds. In this case, the odometer and the total global time of movement, of course, are not reset.

You need to enter the computer settings by pressing and holding the right key for 5 seconds.
Then the indicator of the current setting will start blinking, the value of which is changed with the right key.
The settings are bypassed in the following sequence:
temperature measurement in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit,
time in 12 or 24 hours mode,
setting the current local time - separately hours, minutes and seconds,
wheel circumference in millimeters. To do this, the instructions have a table with tire markings and their circumference.
Setting the tire circumference to the nearest millimeter is undoubtedly an advantage this computer and allows you to more accurately measure the parameters of movement, in contrast to computer models, where the setting is set only by the wheel dimater in inches.
Further, the initial values ​​of the odometer and the global time of movement in hours are set, which is also very convenient, since if the computer battery runs out, then all settings and indicators are reset.
It is easy to restore them if you at least roughly recall the odometer and global time readings in motion before the reset.

The display also has other insignificant indicators - after some distance traveled, a picture with a wrench and an oil can lights up, reminding you of the need for bicycle maintenance. Further, these indicators are always on until all computer settings are reset. In my opinion, these are absolutely unnecessary and useless indicators.
If the computer's battery is weak, the Weak Battery indicator will illuminate to warn you that the battery will need to be replaced soon.

So, to summarize the review, I will conclude - in general, the computer is very functional and accurate. Suitable for both amateur and professional riding.
The distance traveled was checked against the maps and at correct installation wheel circumference - the distance is the same. Low cost for a 4-line backlit display.
Insignificant disadvantages of a computer:
The thermometer has a small error of ± 1 degree and a temperature measurement inertness of about a minute.
Also, it would be better if the computer showed the distance covered with an accuracy of tens of meters, and not hundreds, and for instantaneous speed the accuracy would be enough to tenths of kilometers per hour, and not hundredths.

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The state-of-the-art SunDing bike computer is a multifunctional speedometer for standard, sport, mountain and electric models. The device is protected from moisture, allows you to control several parameters of the movement. If you follow the recommendations specified in the instructions, the device can be easily installed and configured with your own hands. Before starting the device, it must be zeroed. To do this, you need to remove the battery for a couple of minutes and then insert it into place. All readings will return to zero.

Basic notation

The following are abbreviations specific to SunDing cycling computer:

  1. SPeeD or SPD - indicates the current speed of the bike in the range from 0 to 99 km / h.
  2. ODO (odometer) - total vehicle mileage (shows the sum of all distances after mounting the computer on the bike). The limit value is 9999 km.
  3. DST (Distance) - marks the distance traveled during the current trip, the reading can be reset at any time.
  4. MXS is the maximum speed recorded for the current trip.
  5. AVS is a similar averaged parameter.
  6. TM is the duration of the current trip, excluding stops.
  7. CLK - clock (has two modes - 12 and 24 hours).
  8. Scan - mode of sequential display of the above parameters. Each value is displayed for four seconds.
  9. “+ / -” - a sensor that indicates an excess or decrease in speed compared to the average for the trip.
  10. Freeze Frame Memory - freeze the current parameters of the device.

Bicycle computer SunDing SD 563B: instruction in Russian

When the battery is installed, the display will show 2060. The first value will flash. You will need to select the required wheel circumference number from the table. To select a value, you need to press the left button, and when you activate the right button, the information will be saved. Another press of the right key will switch to the km / h setting mode.

Pressing the right button will highlight the selection of the km / h or m / h parameters. Press to select ready mode left button... Another touch of it will transfer the device to the clock setting.

To install the SunDing bike computer, hold the left button for three seconds to select 12 or 24 hours. To determine the time, you need to activate right button... After the hour indicator starts flashing, use the left button to select the desired value. Pressing the right button again will allow you to go to setting the minutes. After the time is set, activate the right button to go to the speedometer settings.

Other settings

The SunDing bike computer has an odometer option. To configure it, press and hold the left operating key for a couple of seconds. The initial value for the total mileage of the bike will be 0000.0. After one digit starts blinking, use the right button to select the required reading, and then, by pressing the left button, fix the data and move on to setting the next digit. It is worth noting that when changing or removing the battery, the last value may correspond to the readings that were before the battery was replaced.

To reset the total mileage and other current values, it is enough to hold both keys simultaneously for a few seconds. In this case, the time will remain unchanged.

Speed ​​parameters are constantly displayed on the display in a value from 0 to 99.9 km / h. The error is about 0.1 km / h. The "+" or "-" indicator is regularly displayed on the screen, which indicates the excess or decrease of the average speed for the trip.

Setting / Resetting Speed ​​and Distance

Stylish and versatile, SunDing cycling computer is equipped with the function of displaying the distance traveled during the current trip. To clear this information, press the left key with a five second hold. After that, the distance traveled, average speed and total duration will be reset to zero. To switch to the maximum fixed speed mode, activate the button on the left.

The MXS position displays the maximum speed threshold for the current trip. To clear the information, hold down the left key for at least five seconds. Further transition to the AVS mode is carried out by pressing the left button again. To reset this indicator, you must repeat the manipulation similar to the previous method.

The next press of the left key will switch to the total duration of the current trip (TM). In this case, only the movement time is taken into account, the information can be reset in the same way for MXS and AVS. The transition to the next mode is made after the next pressing of the left key.

Additional pointers

The SunDing SD 563B bicycle computer, the instruction in Russian to which is attached as standard, has a scan option. After its activation, all standby modes appear on the display at intervals of four seconds. To exit this mode to the clock function, activate the button on the right.

Sleep mode is activated if there is no signal from the indicator for five minutes. Only the time is displayed on the screen. Pressing the left button will freeze the current information. Using the right button of the SunDing SD 576A bike computer, you can switch between readings. Pressing the left key again will take the device out of the “frozen” state.

It should be noted that right key serves to switch almost all modes, the left button - to control the freezing mode.

How to set up a cycling computer?

Installation of the kit in question is as follows:

  1. A magnetic sensor is attached to the outer spoke using a special screw.
  2. The reader is mounted on the inside of the rack. You can fix it with Velcro. The distance between the reader and the end of the sensor should be 20-30 mm. The final tightening of the clamps will increase this distance by 2-3 mm, which is the norm.
  3. The SunDing SD bike computer display mounting pad is fixed with Velcro and a pair of plastic clips on the handlebars.
  4. The wire is laid in such a way that it would not be taut at any turning radius.
  5. The instrument display is mounted to the platform.
  6. The operation of the device is checked.

An important point

Knowing, it is necessary to remember the importance of calculating the length of one revolution of the wheel. To do this, you can inflate the chamber to the operating pressure, apply a transverse strip in the center of the tire with chalk or paint. Then, strictly in a straight line, you must drive the distance so that the wheel leaves two marks on the road. It is necessary to ride a bicycle or apply the appropriate effort, leading it in your hands. This is necessary in order for the pressure on the chamber to be compared with the actual load. Using a tape measure, measure the distance between the two marks left, and enter the result into the computer.

A bicycle computer is a device that is installed on the handlebars of a bicycle and serves to display the speed, distance traveled, air temperature, time, etc.

This article is an overview of the SunDING SD 563B bike computer, instructions in Russian are attached in the description. Despite the fact that the gadget is made in China, it is different high quality and a low price.

What it is?

This model is one of three modifications: 563A has a thermometer, 563B does not have a thermometer, 563C also does not have a thermometer, but there is a wireless sensor.

Complete set: bicycle computer, bracket for mounting on the handlebars of a bicycle, magnetic sensor + magnet, a set of 6 cable ties, installation and operating instructions in English.

The device has 24 functions. The features of this cycling computer are:

  1. 2 '' LCD with automatic backlight. It contains four lines containing all the necessary information.
  2. Weight - 30 grams.
  3. Dimensions - 57x40x18 mm.
  4. Waterproof.
  5. Rugged case that ensures the durability of the device.
  6. Easy to install.
  7. A dedicated indicator that will flash when the battery is low, so you won't bump into sudden shutdown device.


This computer has all the basic functions that beginners and experienced cyclists alike need. Let's get to know them in more detail:

  1. SPD - speedometer, shows the speed of the bike (max. 99.9 km / h).
  2. ODO - mileage (total distance traveled since the start of the bike computer; max 99999 km).
  3. DST is the distance traveled during the trip (the indicator can be reset at any time; max. 9999 km).
  4. MAX is the highest recorded speed during the bike ride.
  5. TM is the total time spent on the way for the current ride (when the bike is stationary, the timer pauses, it works only when the bike is moving).
  6. RTM is the travel time from the last stop.
  7. OTM is the total time spent on the way (for all trips in total, stops are not taken into account).
  8. CLK - hours (time on this moment).
  9. SW - stopwatch.
  10. AVS (COMPARATOR) - monitors the average speed for the trip and shows “+” if the current speed is higher and “-” if it is below average.
  11. SETTING OTM - fixing the computer readings at the moment.
  12. FREEZE FRAME MEMORY - freeze the current readings of the computer.
  13. SCAN is a special mode that allows you to sequentially see the readings: DST - MAX - AVS - TM, each of which is delayed on the screen for 4 seconds.
  14. LOW-SPEED REMINDER and OVER-SPEED REMINDER - decrease and overspeed.
  15. TRIP DN TRIP DISTANCE DOWN and TRIP UP TRIP DISTANCE UP - countdown the distance traveled and count forward the same value.
  16. TM DN TRIP TIME DOWN and TM UP TRIP TIME UP - count down the travel time and count forward the same value.

In addition to useful functions, SunDING SD has disadvantages. At temperatures below 0 ºC, the display may be delayed. And with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, the display may turn off for a while. If the bike computer starts showing incorrect data, you need to pull out the batteries for a few seconds and insert them back.


Mount the computer to the steering wheel using the bracket before use. You can fix it in any convenient place. After that, run the wires from the handlebars along the shock-absorbing fork of the bicycle to the front wheel, fasten them with the ties. Attach the magnetic sensor (speedometer) to this fork perpendicular to the plane of rotation of the wheel. Then pull the magnet firmly to the spoke. Do this so that the magnet is no further than 2 mm from the sensor. Increasing this distance will lead to errors in the measurement of the mileage parameters.

This device has two buttons: the right is the menu button, and the left is the selection button. After installing the battery, 4 lines will appear on the screen. You need to hold down the "Menu" button for 5 seconds. Then the line with the temperature will start flashing, use the selection button to set the desired units of measurement (degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit), select and press "Menu" again, then the time format (12/24 hours), then specify the time with the selection button. After that, we need to specify the circumference of the wheel.

To find out this value, you need to use a simple formula L = 2πR where L is the circumference, π = 3.14 is the number "Pi", R is the radius of the wheel. The resulting value must be specified after setting the time on the cycling computer.

Next, you need to select the units of measure for the mileage (kilometers or miles). The ODO value should be set if you know the mileage of your bike, then the total time spent on the way on the bike is indicated - RAT. Usually, the last two parameters are not set, since it is better that the countdown begins from the time of purchase of the bike computer.


Setting the general parameters shown on the computer screen at the moment is carried out by long pressing the right button (from the main menu), and then switching the values ​​with the left button, “accept” the value - right. Display modes are changed using the central key, you can go back with it, but switching to the main menu occurs automatically, after a few seconds of displaying a different mode.

  1. Backlight. This function is automatic, when there is sufficient light, the backlight turns off. To turn it on, you need to press the central key, and so that it does not go out at all, you need to hold down the button for 10-15 seconds. You can also disable this mode.
  2. Stopwatch. You can enter the stopwatch mode by pressing the right button. Start and stop is done with the left button and zero / reset with the right.
  3. TM UP / TRIPUP mode. You can go to it by pressing the central key until the inscriptions of the same name appear. This mode allows you to specify the distance and time for which you need to walk it. We hold down the right button until additional values ​​appear, and then set these same values ​​(time and distance). This mode relevant for professional athletes-cyclists who need to train to cover a distance in a certain time.
  4. Statistical mode. To switch to this mode, you need to double-click the center button. Here you can see MAX SPD for the entire time of movement, temperature, RAT - total time of movement, ODO - mileage for all time, that is, complete statistics.
  5. Freeze Frame Memory. A mode that allows you to freeze the readings of the bike computer. You can enter it by pressing the left button. The display will show the flashing value TM. To exit the mode, press the left button, and to switch values ​​- the right one.
  6. RESET. In order to reset the device readings (the maximum speed, mileage per trip, etc. are reset), you need to hold down the left button for 5 seconds.

This cycling computer is great for amateurs and even some professionals. It doesn't take a lot of time and effort to set it up. It's pretty easy to use. In general, the ideal representative of its class.

1. Zeroing. Before starting the cycling computer, you must reset its previous parameters. To reset the readings of the cycling computer, remove from the slot for a short time the flat rechargeable battery located under the cover on the back of the display and insert it back into the slot.

2. Wheel circumference. The display will show the digits "2060", the first digit on the right will blink. The figures shown represent the circumference of the bicycle tire. For correct subsequent measurements of the parameters of the movement of the bicycle, it is necessary to set the wheel circumference of your bicycle. This can be done in the following main ways:

Select from the table;

Tire size Length
700s x 38mm 2180
700s x 35mm 2168
700s x 32mm 2155
700s x 30mm 2145
700s x 28mm 2136
700s x 25mm 2124
700s x 23mm 2105
700s x 20mm 2074
700s chamber 2130
26 ″ x 1.75 ″ 2035
26 ″ x 1.25 ″ 1953
24 ″ x 1.9 ″ 1916
650c x 23mm 1990
16 ″ x 2.0 ″ 1253
16 ″ x 1.5 ″ 1206
650c x 20mm 1945
16 ″ x 1.95 ″ 1257
27 ″ x 1-1 / 4 ″ 2161
27 ″ x 1-1 / 8 ″ 2155
26 ″ x 2.3 ″ 2135
26 ″ x 2.25 ″ 2115
26 ″ x 2.1 ″ 2095
26 ″ x 2.0 ″ 2074
26 ″ x 1.9 ″ 2055
26 ″ x 1.5 ″ 1985
26 ″ x 1.0 ″ 1913
20 ″ x 1-1 / 4 ″ 1618

Directly measure the wheel circumference;

To select the circumference using the table, you need to find its diameter on the wheel tire, for example "26x1.25". In the table, we find, opposite the given diameter, the corresponding circumference - 1953 mm and enter it into the bicycle computer. To enter numbers, press the right button sequentially and set desired value right digit in the circumference (in our case "3"). Then briefly press the left button. The second digit on the right side starts flashing. In the same way, with the right button we set the second digit (in our case "5") and in the same way set the two remaining digits "9" and "1".

A second more accurate way to measure the circumference of a wheel:

Apply a thin but thick transverse line on the tire with white chalk (tires must be pre-inflated to normal operating pressure). Next, you need to sit on the bike and slowly drive in a straight line for more than one wheel revolution, so that the first and second chalk marks on the tire are imprinted on the asphalt or other hard surface (this operation is best done with an assistant holding you while driving). Next, you need to measure the distance between the two risks in mm on the asphalt with a tape measure and enter the numbers into the bike computer in the above way.

Press the LEFT button on the cycling computer display to select the value of the desired parameter, then press the RIGHT button to store the value (from 0 mm to 9999 mm). Press the RIGHT button to turn on the CM / H mode.

3.Installation KM / Ch and M / Ch
Press the right button to select KM / H or M / H. Press the LEFT button to enter ready mode. Press the LEFT button to cancel and go to CLOCK mode.

4... CLK mode - Clock mode
In watch mode, press and hold the LEFT button for 3 seconds to select 12h / 24h. Briefly press the LEFT button again to select 12h or 24h mode.
Press the RIGHT button to enter the TIME SETTING mode, when the number of hours indicator starts blinking, press the LEFT button to change the hour value.
To continue press the RIGHT button to go to setting the minutes, the minute indicator will flash, use the LEFT button to change the minutes.
Then press the RIGHT button to switch to SPEEDOMETER mode.

5. Setting the Last Odometer Value
In ODO mode, press and hold the LEFT button for 2 seconds to set the ODO value, the initial value will be 0000.0.
When one of the digits starts flashing, press the RIGHT button to change the value, then the LEFT button to save and move to the next digit.
(After replacing the battery, the last parameter value can be entered in accordance with the value that was before the battery was replaced).

6. Resetting the ODO parameter
Press the RIGHT and LEFT buttons simultaneously and keep them pressed for 3 seconds to reset the ODO parameters.
This will reset the wheel size and range. The time will remain unchanged.

7. SPD - indication of the current speed(similar to the speedometer reading in a car)
The current speed is constantly displayed on the screen. The maximum possible value is 99.9 km / h, the accuracy is +/- 0.1 km / h.

8 ."+" "-" indication of the deviation of the speed from the average SPEED COMPARATOR
During the ride, a "+" or "-" indicator appears on the screen, which means that the current speed becomes higher or lower than the average speed during the trip.

Clearing Current Trip Values press and hold the LEFT button for 5 seconds. At the same time, all parameters of the current trip - DST (Distance traveled by the electric bike during the current trip), MXS (Maximum speed recorded during the current trip), AVS (Average speed recorded during the current trip), TM (Total value by the duration of the current trip) - will be reset to 0.

The mode of scanning the parameters of the cycling computer and their display on the display screen, while the following measured parameters are reproduced: DST, MXS, AVS and TM (parameters are displayed alternately, the duration of each display is 4 seconds)

In order to switch to CLOCK MODE, press the RIGHT button.

Sleep Mode - Sleep mode
If there is no signal from the sensor of the cycling computer for 5 minutes, the display goes into sleep mode, only the clock is shown on the screen.

Freeze Frame Memory - fixing the bike computer readings at a given time and
To fix the readings of the cycling computer at a certain fixed time, you must press the LEFT button and all readings will be fixed. The display will show TM (Current ride duration) flashing. Using the RIGHT button, you can go to other fixed parameters.
To exit the specified mode - press the LEFT button.

Assigning the buttons of the cycling computer
The RIGHT button is used when switching between ODO, DST, MXS, AVS, TM, SCAN modes (DST, MXS, AVS, TM and CLOCK).
The LEFT button is used only to switch the fixed readings of the bike computer (Freeze Frame Memory)

Installing bike computer parts

1.Fasten the reed switch (magnet) in the form of a cylindrical post to the outer spoke of the front wheel. The transducer is mounted with a screw on it so that you can move the transducer with little force along the spoke as you select the desired position. In this case, the end of the sensor, with the magnetic part, must face the reader, which is to be fixed on the plug.

2. Install the reader (stationary) of the bike computer on the inside of the strut (feather) of the front fork of the bicycle using Velcro and additional fastening using two plastic clips. If there is a disc brake on the front wheel, it is better to install the reader on the fork post opposite from the brake disc. When choosing the place of attachment of the reader, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the distance between the end of the sensor and the reader during the rotation of the wheel should be within 0.2-0.3 cm (while the end of the sensor should move against the central part of the reader). After setting the distance, finally secure the sensor to the spoke and the reader to the fork. At the same time, with the final tightening of the fastening plastic clamps on the reader and the fastening screw on the sensor, the distance between the reader and the sensor should increase to 0.5-1.0 mm. This will be the correct working distance between the sensor and the bike computer reader.

3. Secure the display mounting pad with Velcro and two plastic clips to the handlebar.

Before attaching the display mounting pad to the steering wheel, it is advisable to pre-lay the wire from the reader to the display of the cycling computer in such a way that at any turns of the steering wheel, this wire remains free and without tension. Further, the wire from the reader is additionally secured with flexible plastic clips in the right places.

4. We fix the display of the bike computer on the mounting platform.

A bike computer is a convenient way to get the information you need. For example, you can find out what is the average speed and what is its maximum, get the total mileage of the bike. The device is not afraid of moisture. Thanks to the backlight, there is no problem to continue using in the dark.

Accessories included in the set

The following items are placed in the package:

  1. SunDING odometer speedometer NSD-563B;
  2. mini-device for measurements;
  3. magnet;
  4. CR2032 battery;
  5. cable ties;
  6. English instruction;
  7. bracket.

The product is sold without a hard box. With the help of the plastic ties present in the set, the device is attached to the handlebars of the electric bike. A tacky layer applied by the manufacturer helps to secure the device. In case of a risk of theft, it is possible to easily remove and put back the bike computer.

Product Detail

  • Material: plastic
  • Charge source: CR2032 battery
  • Device size: 5.5cm x 4cm x 1.8cm
  • Screen size: 3 x 3 cm.
  • Weight: 30 g.

Device qualities

The bike computer has a number of features:

  • ease of connection and operation;
  • many functions (26 pcs.);
  • wide LCD 2 with four lines;
  • waterproofness;
  • Reliable parts that prevent falls due to vibration and uneven roads;
  • highlighted warning about the need to change the battery;
  • automatic green backlight;
  • a battery instead of an electric accumulator;
  • excellent service even after temperature changes.

The principle of operation of the device

A measuring device attached to the plug provides information, initially from the magnet, about the readings. The latter is attached to the spoke of the wheel. The data is then sent over the wire to the bike computer. The calculations are carried out, which are eventually displayed on the screen.

Wireless and wired device. Which one is better to choose?

Working with a wire is more reliable, but has significant drawbacks. The wire must be conveniently attached, it can be easily damaged. The standalone wireless method is not inconvenient. The data is sent to the cycling computer in the same way. There are not only handlebar-mounted devices on sale, but also bracelets.

Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages. mobile connection or electricity can interfere with the calculations of the device. This is due to the electromagnetic waves emanating from them. Plus, the price is much higher, the individual parts weigh a lot and take up more space.

Advanced bike computers have additional features. GPS navigator helps to navigate the terrain, there are music recordings and electronic cards... Due to the large number of applications, the device is difficult to use, and there are great difficulties during the current trip. It is not in demand due to its high cost and the need to frequently charge the battery. Simpler models will provide all the necessary standard features.

Sunding bike computer Nosd 563b. Applications

Sunding Nsd 563b bike computer has 26 applications. There is a calculation of the distance traveled, you can find out how much the maximum recorded speed is, there is a speedometer. Being in odo mode. Easily find out what the total duration of the current ride is and determine the total mileage of the bike.

The cyclist has the ability to know how much the average speed and time of the current trip are. Can measure temperatures. If necessary, there is a pause button. It is convenient to keep track of the time, because there is a clock mode.

The calculation results are viewed one by one in automatic mode... The current speed * can be viewed, optionally, in km / h or mph. You need to choose the wheel circumference based on values ​​from 0mm to 9999mm. It is possible to set the total duration of the current trip for the last time. The list is supplemented by the functions of the total odometer, freezing and warning of a low battery.

Also installed are applications such as TRIP DN - TRIP DISTANCE DOWN, TM DN - TRIP TIME DOWN, TRIP UP - TRIP DISTANCE UP, TM UP - TRIP TIME UP, MAINTENANCE ALERT, CARE REMINDER and OVER-SPEED REMINDER. Switching on and off occurs automatically.

Correct connection of the bike computer to the e-bike

The magnet looks like a column in the shape of a cylinder. It is fixed on the front wheel, on the spoke from the outside. For easy adoption of the desired position by the sensor, screwing in the screw, the meter is attached so that its movement is simple and during the current trip * there is no inconvenience. The magnet should face towards the bike computer on the fork.

The device that calculates the current trip is attached with an adhesive layer and plastic ties to the inner fork post located at the front. The device must be attached to the fork post opposite to the front wheel if it has a disc brake. The gap from the sensor, the end of which moves opposite to the central part of the cycling computer, to the cycling computer should be between 0.2 and 0.3 mm. Then the work is completed, the device is located on the fork, and the sensor is on the spoke. It is also taken into account that the distance between them should increase from 0.5 to 1.0 mm.

The best screen position is in the center of the steering wheel. For ease of connection, the wire is not pulled, left free. Plastic ties will come in handy. The device is fastened. After that, the connection is completed, and the information is displayed at the revolutions of the wheel located in front.

Nosd 563b Cycling Computer Sunding Parts Customization

Wheel size

Turning on the bike computer, it will be seen that "2060" is highlighted with a blinking two. A suitable wheel circumference is selected from the list. To determine the desired option, press the left button, save - right. The speed km / h is determined by the button on the right.

Modes km / h and m / h

To determine the desired speed, press the right button. The left one is pressed when the cyclist is ready to hit the road. You can undo the action and enter the clock mode. The button on the left is intended for this.

Clock mode

After following the above steps, to determine 12h / 24h, hold the left button in the clock section for 3 seconds. Then you need to click here, only without holding. The right button is for setting the time. By pressing the key on the left, the exact time is selected in the flashing window.

Press the right button to set the number of minutes. When flashing occurs, the left key to select the numbers. The right button is responsible for the speedometer. You need to click on it at the end.

Remembering data about the last trip in odo mode

Many in the store ask the question: "Tell me, please, if there is a desire to record the latest data on the path, what should be done?"

To fix the information about the last distance, 2 sec. hold the left button in odo mode. "0000.0" will be displayed. The desired value is selected after the start of flashing, using the key on the right. The last action - the button on the left side is pressed to save the changes. If the battery has been replaced, the last data is entered, equal to what was before it was inserted.

The total mileage of the bike. Delete recent data

Both keys are held together for 3 seconds. All the latest information will be erased. These are the mileage and wheel circumference *. Time will not change.

Speedometer for processing data for the current trip. Average speed and real - the difference.

The basis for calculating the speedometer is the average speed. The "+" and "-" signs float up along the road. This is the real speed, more precisely, how it differs from the average. You can always see the information about the real speed. The maximum recorded speed can reach no more than 99.9 km / h with an accuracy of +/- 0.1 km / h.

Distance for the current trip

The path length (0.001 - 99999 km) is displayed on the screen. When starting work, press the left button. Information (0 - 9999 km) will be displayed below. Cancellation of all totals occurs if you hold down the left button.

Memorizing the maximum speed for the current trip

To perform this action, you must press the left button. Cancellation of all digits is done in the same way as calculating the distance for the current trip.

Average speed for the current trip

To go to this window, you must click on the left button. Cancellation of all digits is done in the same way as calculating the distance for the current trip.

Total time of the current trip

To go to this window, you must click on the left button. The calculations for the current trip do not include stops. The interval ranges from 0:00:00 to 9:59:59. Cancellation of all digits is done in the same way as in the application for calculating the distance for the current trip.


To go to this function, press the left button. The time and speed results will begin to flash, each for 4 seconds. Press the right button to set the time.


The screen darkens after 5 minutes of not using the bike computer. Time will be visible in any situation.

Freezing information for the current trip

Data freezing occurs when you press the left button. The blinking time of the covered road will be displayed. By pressing the right button, you will see the transition to other functions. The left key is responsible for canceling the freeze.

Hint for ease of use

Switching functions is carried out by pressing the right button. Press the left button to freeze the "freeze frame memory".

The bike computer will make your trip more fun!