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Why does the charger get hot when charging? Why does the charger get warm while the phone is charging? Additional reasons for charging overheating, situations that may arise

Heats up Charger and got the best answer

Answer from Yergei [guru]
Lately this is when, with the onset of summer? When did the heat start?
The chargers get hot, sometimes quite a bit, this is normal. Pay attention to the time of full charge, if it has not changed so that it becomes noticeable and the charge holds about the same as it should, then everything is in order.
Smelling like plastic and smelling a little is also nothing, especially if it is relatively new. Do not keep the charger in direct sunlight while working.
If the charging time and battery life have not changed, then it looks like everything is in order.
But still, do not leave the included memory and other e-mails. devices unattended.

Answer from Qwe[guru]
the inlet can warm up, but it shouldn't smell

Answer from GT[guru]
no, this is not normal, at most it should be warm

Answer from Petrovich[guru]
Change your phone battery

Answer from Kirill kirill[newbie]
Chargers are of different power, different quality and that is why a heating battery or charging is normal. Sometimes the charging itself was heated to such temperatures that it seemed that it would now start to burn. Remember the physics lesson, each conductor will heat up from the resistance voltage and current strength, and if you charge an incompletely discharged phone (smartphone), then the residual charge in the batteries gives a strong resistance and charging charges, but the charging unit or battery will get very hot. charge the phone when it turns off, and everything will be okay.

Often novice drivers have a question about why the battery heats up when charging and how normal it is. When the inside of the car's battery begins or seethes, and it starts to heat up, this may suggest to beginners that there is something wrong with the battery. Also, the owners of mobile phones are worried about the fact that the mobile phone "gets very hot" when it is connected to the network. In fact, the heating of the battery during charging does not always mean its malfunction.

In order to dispel fears about the heating of batteries in cars and phones, let us consider some of the reasons why this may occur (by the way, it would be, on the contrary, strange if the batteries did not warm up at all during charging).

Reinsurance: we charge the car battery efficiently and correctly

You need to be aware that if the battery heats up during charging, this is a completely natural phenomenon, especially when the process comes to an end. In order to avoid overheating, it is important to monitor the battery at all stages of its charging - in about the same way as we watch a saucepan or any electrical appliance put on the fire.

Towards the end of charging, do not leave the battery unattended for a long time. If it starts to heat up too much, it is better to lower the current. Of course, charging time may increase, but this is what will allow you to minimize possible risks.

In addition, if your battery is already old, it is important to keep in mind that old car batteries heat up faster and will have to be more frequent to avoid short circuits. Handle your old battery with the utmost care and attention.

Possible manufacturing defect of a new battery

For novice drivers, it will not be superfluous to learn that the very process of boiling the battery can tell why it gets very hot and for what reasons its total voltage does not correspond to the required norm.

For example, when one of the cans is closed due to a factory defect, boiling as a normal and natural process occurs in all serviceable battery compartments. ... There is no boiling process in a closed jar. When measuring the density of the electrolyte, its value in the "dead" compartment does not exceed 1.10 g / cm 3. A battery with such a defect will produce a voltage of about 10.5 volts, and not the prescribed 12-13 at rest. It is better not to try it, but to return it back to the store, or exchange it for a serviceable one.

Possible malfunctions if the battery gets very hot while charging

If you removed the battery from the car and put it on, and later found that it heats up more than necessary, the reasons can be quite understandable and sometimes removable:

  • The charger used is defective, or the currents are too high. Try to just reduce them.
  • Something happened inside the battery itself. This can be damage to the plates, their crumbling or short circuit. Remedy depends on the level of damage to the plates.

Why does the phone battery heat up when charging

Most often, the concern of phone owners about this has no serious basis:

  • If the phone is charging and there are no obvious signs of overheating, then charging can be safely continued: All mobile phones “warm up” when connected to the network .
  • If you are calling, playing games or texting when charging the phone , its temperature will naturally be an order of magnitude higher than usual. In this case, you can wait until the device is charged so as not to worry again.
  • If the body of your gadget is made of metal , it will heat up more, but there is no danger in this.
  • When connected to a smartphone Wi-Fi or any kind mobile internet downloading data will affect the temperature level while charging.
  • The phone may get warm because of errors in the firmware system (program code). In this case, try to find an updated firmware version on the Web.
  • Checking the heating level of the smartphone while charging can be done using a utility like CPU-Z.

Thus, any battery heats up when charging. In the case of a car battery, it is important to carry out timely process control in order to avoid possible irreversible damage to it. If the phone heats up, most of the time, the concern of users is in vain. But if in doubt, the heating level of the battery during charging can always be checked using special programs.

The owner of the smartphone sooner or later notices that the phone is warming up. This can happen when talking, actively surfing the Internet, while charging the battery. There is nothing terrible in this, this is the regular operation of the device. But it happens that way. that the temperature of the device rises without apparent reasons, for example, lies blocked, but at the same time the body is hot. Today we will try to figure out why your phone heats up during inactivity while in standby mode.

Users know that even in a locked state a lot of calculations, graphics processing, communication with repeaters take place in the smartphone. cellular network and a bunch of other obscure procedures. These processes are an integral part of the system's operation, but there are software and hardware failures, then the device heats up and quickly discharges for no apparent reason. Let's analyze the main symptoms by which you can understand that something is wrong with the gadget.

  • The body of an iPhone or Samsung is hot, and you can clearly feel it.
  • The system is buggy, for example, artifacts on the screen or applications start and minimize themselves.
  • There is a general inhibition of the system, slow reactions to pressing, or their complete ignorance.
  • The smartphone battery lasts for 2-3 hours after 100% charging.


The reasons that the iphone 5s heats up, we will analyze a lot of the most basic of them, perhaps you will immediately understand what is the reason for the breakdown of your device. The instruction applies not only to Apple technology, but also to Android devices, since the components are similar in functionality, and sometimes even manufactured at the same plant.

Accumulator charging

This is the first thing that comes to mind when they say that the phone gets very hot. When charging, it is not surprising that the phone's battery heats up, this is the normal behavior of the battery when energy begins to flow into it. If the temperature of the case does not reach extreme values ​​and the device can be held in hand, you should not raise the alarm. But when the hand cannot tolerate heating, in this case it is worth looking for the problem and solving it. First, make sure that you are using the original charger, in the next chapter we will analyze in detail how to act when the battery in the phone is very hot.

Why the battery is overheating, we have disassembled a little higher, now we need to understand how to properly cool the phone without damaging it. There are several main ways, we will list them:

  • Turn off the device, after 30 minutes you get an absolutely cold smartphone, you can turn it on and actively use it.
  • Put the gadget in the freezer, after wrapping it in a cloth or stuffing it into a plastic container. After 10 minutes, the body of the device will become cold.
  • Place the device under a running air conditioner, the issue is resolved.

A modern smartphone, be it iPhone, Samsung, HTC, is a real computer, the processor of which consists of several cores that process information in a split second. It is not surprising that in the process of operation several processor cores can generate a decent amount of heat. There is nowhere to take it, cooling systems, like in PCs or laptops, have mobile devices no, so they have to take it to the body. Hence, strong heating of the case can occur.

If you play a dynamic 3D shooter for an hour, you will notice how the phone heats up. The battery will begin to sag noticeably, giving energy to the processor for the calculation of the complex graphics of the game. A similar picture can be observed with prolonged surfing the Internet, the reasons will be similar.

Active use of the cellular network

By analogy with heating with a heavy load on the processor, the device can warm up when constantly searching for a network or actively surfing the Internet. But there may be a situation, the phone heats up and sits down at the most inopportune moment due to poor signal reception. The device tries to maintain a stable connection with the cellular repeater, actively exchanging information with it, so it is not surprising that the batteries will last for a couple of hours in such conditions.

Let's figure out another situation - why does the phone heat up (iPhone or Samsung, it doesn't matter) when using 3G or during a long conversation. The situations are similar, the exchange of information is very active, it is because of this that the battery is landed, just charged to 100%.


Now he will answer the question why the iPhone heats up (the instructions are also suitable for Androyd devices) in detail, we will analyze the main points and tell you how to cool the device case.

Use original chargers

Why is the battery in a cell phone warming up when using a non-original charger? When charging the battery, use an original charger or a high-quality analogue, using cheap Chinese ones is strongly discouraged. They not only do not fully charge the battery, but voltage surges created by a poor-quality power source can ruin an expensive smartphone by removing the power controller or battery from standing. Replacement of which is very expensive, from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles. Is it worth saving 500 rubles on a good power adapter, it's up to you.

Optimizing the operation of the iOs or Android operating system

In order to get rid of the situation when the phone heats up and discharges very quickly, let's try to tidy up the device software. To do this, remove from the system not required applications using processor and memory resources in the background.

If this does not help and the phone is also very hot, then you can try to reset it to factory settings. Such a measure in 90% of cases will help get rid of problems with overheating of the device.

  1. How to do this for the iPhone is described here in this article.
  2. For Android devices, a factory reset is scheduled.

Reducing the load on the battery while constantly searching for a network

To do this, it is enough to switch the device to power saving mode or the so-called "air mode". Requests to the cellular repeater will not pass, since the wireless interfaces will be disabled, but you can use the phone, excluding the Internet and voice communication. This will save the battery power until you find yourself in an area of ​​reliable signal reception, then turn off the energy saving modes and use your smartphone as usual.


In this article, we found the answer to the question of why the smartphone is warming up. If the phone heats up while charging, this is normal, you shouldn't worry about it, you should start worrying when the device is heating up while lying in a locked state. But this can be solved, read the article carefully and watch the video.


Of course, any charger in the process of its work, at least a little, but must necessarily warm up, here it is enough to recall the Joule-Lenz law, which indicates to us that if current flows through a conductor, then heating of this conductor will also be observed, unless of course we are talking about a real conductor, for example, about the same copper, or about a semiconductor from which diodes and transistors are made.

Even the most ordinary wires, one way or another, from the current always warm up a little. But some chargers sometimes get too hot. Let's try to figure out why this is happening.

In the case of current chargers, Joule heat is not the only reason for heating or overheating. Any modern network charger is above all. And in the step-down pulse converter there is, firstly, a pulse transformer on ferrite or at least a ferrite choke.

Iron transformers in chargers today, perhaps, are not found. Secondly, in pulse converters there are field-effect transistors and, thirdly, rectifier diodes. Thus, there are as many as three sources of heating here.

Ferrite core

At the input of a typical charger, there is a AC voltage to permanent. This constant voltage of about 300-310 volts is supplied with the help of short pulses to a pulse transformer or to a choke (depending on the charger circuitry), which contains a ferrite core.

So, pulses with a frequency of several tens of kilohertz are applied to this inductive element. The core of the inductive element is real, which means that when it is magnetized and demagnetized, eddy currents in it one way or another arise, not to mention saturation. So, during the operation of the charger, this ferrite core heats up.

And if the developer of the charger tried to make it as compact as possible, then the core must have chosen and set the minimum size possible for a given power, while the frequency of the converter was overestimated. As a result, the core, of course, overheats.

If, for example, the normal frequency for the core is 50 kHz, and all 250 kHz is applied to it. The size turned out to be smaller, however, more heat will be released in return, because ferrites that can be magnetized by high frequency without overheating, they are more expensive, and the size, again, will turn out to be larger, which is not profitable for marketing.


A transistor (field-effect or bipolar) converts the rectified mains voltage into high-frequency pulses, which are supplied. This is how most chargers work. In rare cases, there may be two transistors. If the charger is relatively powerful, then the transistor needs a radiator to remove heat, because the transistor heats up just according to the Joule-Lenz law.

If the manufacturer of the power supply decided to save on the size of the radiator, either did not install it at all, or even installed cheap transistors with a high channel resistance, then the device, of course, will overheat. In non-original chargers, this is often found.

Rectifier diodes

Rectifiers, converting a low impulse voltage into a constant low voltage for charging, stand at the output, and they also heat up. They have a voltage drop from 0.2 (at best) to 0.5 volts, and with an output current of, say, 1 ampere, some tangible amount of heat will already be released only on these diodes. And if the output current is higher, but if the voltage is less, this greatly affects the efficiency.


Thus, if you want your charger to heat up as little as possible and not overheat, buy original (from the manufacturer of the charging device) chargers, in which high-quality components are installed, where the developer did not try to save money on everything, but focused on the quality of his product.

Many mobile phone users are concerned that their charger gets hot and fast when charging their phone / iPhone or tablet.

Of course, the question arises: should the charger of an android smartphone, an iphone or a tablet warm up.

It typically draws power from a wall outlet (typically 220 volts) and converts it into a voltage that can be safely used with mobile phone(about 5 volts).

Only the conversion process is not 100% efficient, and always part of the food remains turns into heat.

This is what causes the charger to heat up. This can be seen primarily when using the fast charging function.

It is best for the phone to avoid the fast charge function, as generating a higher voltage also causes the battery to heat up. I recently wrote about how to properly charge your phone so that the battery will last you as long as possible.

The fact that chargers cell phone heat up is a natural result of voltage conversion. Therefore, he should not bother us. The fact that the device heats up when charging is absolutely normal touches all chargers.

The fact that the indicator does not flicker can cause concern - if after a few hours of charging the battery is not charged (it stops in the same place as it was), it is worth trying to charge with another one.

When the charger may become hot

Sometimes, excessive heat can mean a serious electrical problem inside the phone or charger - for example, a diode bridge is heating up - especially if it's in China.

If it gets so hot that you cannot touch it, or plastic case starts to melt, unplug the phone from the power source as soon as possible.

Does your phone charger quickly charge

How do you rate the performance of a charger for your smartphone / iPhone or tablet?

If you suspect it isn't charging your smartphone as needed, or you're just curious, there are ways to check it.

This applies to owners of phones equipped with Android. The first step is to find out what is the reason for downloading from Google play application - Ampere.

After installation, launch it and you can start testing right away. To do this, connect the charger to the device and to a power outlet or computer via USB (you can use a powerbank).

In any case, it must be connected to the place of power consumption. After about 10 seconds, you will see the measurement results on the left side of the smartphone screen.

You will also see two different colors of the text in the application - orange if the device is connected to a charger and blue when it is not. In the latter case, you will see how much food is currently being consumed.

The app is very intuitive to use and you can get up to speed quickly, I'll just tell you that moving the icon to the left will show you all the battery statistics (negative numbers mean the battery is running low).

Remember that if your phone is working very hard in this moment(you have a lot of apps open), you might see the worst battery stats, but it won't be a bad battery.

Therefore, it is best to disable all applications in addition to Ampere when testing.

On each USB adapter label, you will find an "exit" and technical information next to her.

Pay attention to the mA level and subtract from this number the amount that you see on the phone display in the Ampere app.

For example, if you have 1000mA on the charger, then you should expect that charging power minus what is currently loaded by our smartphone (depending on the brightness of the screen), for example 1000mA - 240mA = 760mA.

In order not to tire you, I will be back in a week with tips on what to do if USB adapter does not charge your phone correctly. Good luck.