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Is it possible to learn SEO by yourself. SEO training. All pros and cons! Is there a special forum for seo specialists

Friends, hello everyone! If you got to this article, then this is what you need today. In the age of Internet technologies, even the smallest business has its own website, and, naturally, everyone wants to see it on the first pages of Yandex and Google search results. But for this you need to know and overtake millions of competitors who also want to occupy leading positions. This is exactly what they are doing, the demand for which is very high today, but there are not so many intelligent SEO specialists, unfortunately!

5) In the process of SEO training, I will tell you what resources you need to use for search keywords, checking the uniqueness of texts, a complete check of your site for all errors, where you can buy texts for your sites very cheaply, how to correctly buy backlinks to the site and, most importantly, how not to fly under the filters search engines due to . You have to be very careful with this, especially for young sites located in the "sandbox of Yandex and Google".

In custody

All SEO optimization training will take a maximum of 6 hours and, take my word for it, after completing my training, you will gain knowledge with the help of which you can promote both your resource and become a freelance SEO specialist by promoting sites of third-party customers. Given the huge demand for SEO specialists these days, the knowledge that I will give you will be able to safely feed you and your family, moreover, your place of work will be limited only by the availability WI-FI zones or mobile internet.

That's all for today, good luck to everyone and see you soon!

Popularity SEO professions is constantly growing, which is not surprising - this is due to the increasing complexity of online promotion. Previously, site owners themselves coped with the optimization, but now you cannot do without the help of an expert. There will always be a need to attract targeted visitors to the resource. Over the past year, the number of vacancies in this area has increased by about 20%. More and more people want to know how to become a SEO specialist, because this is not taught in universities. Is it possible to learn all the intricacies of the profession on your own? Yes, but for this you have to work hard.

What you need to do to become a SEO specialist

Once upon a time, the owners of online stores and similar resources spent a lot of money trying to promote their site, and success was not at all guaranteed, because they had to act almost at random! Fortunately, risk-free today is possible. Exists three ways to gain the necessary knowledge.

  • Practice. A long and risky path associated with independent experiments in the field of search engine promotion. You will need your own site (preferably several) and some amount that will be spent on keeping it active. Information can be taken in the blogs of specialists - there are really a lot of them.
  • Theory. Textbooks, sites, master classes. The amount of theoretical material is impressive, but becoming a top SEO professional using this method requires serious self-discipline and an unrelenting desire to learn. Not the easiest option is how to try to learn a foreign language solely from a book.
  • A combination of practice and theory. SEO specialist courses- the most simple and affordable way... Its advantage is the ability to immediately put knowledge into practice, and your success will be monitored by experts to help you avoid problems. The "practice + theory" method requires free time (usually in the evenings) and certain financial investments.

Tips for beginner SEO optimizers

Don't go straight to the hardest part.

It is better to choose something with a low level of competition as the first project. If there are competitors in the chosen field of activity, do not try to promote high-frequency queries - a beginner has no chance in this. Start with low frequencies. Do not try to cheat on behavioral factors or use automatic promotion - you can easily fall under the search engine filter. Also, be careful when buying links.

The plan is the main thing.

You will have to perform a huge number of complex actions, and many of them must be performed in a specific sequence. The slightest mistake - and the site falls under sanctions. To prevent this from happening, make a plan according to which you will act, and do not move on to the next stage until the previous one is completed. For example, before installing a template on a site, be sure to clear it of hidden links, duplicates and other garbage, otherwise the search engine will consider the resource to be of insufficient quality.

Don't forget to keep an eye on your competitors.

Are the competitors doing better than you? It doesn't matter, because you can see what they are doing for this! Analysis of the actions of other optimizers is one of the main points in the activities of any representative of the promotion industry. There is no need to strive to surpass the "opponent" in everything - it is better to act carefully, and in some cases you can try to get in touch with him and ask how to act in a given situation.

Study the effectiveness of your own work.

Periodically check if everything is in order: conduct tests, analyze the results of your activities and the effectiveness of website promotion. SEO is a relatively unpredictable field in which unforeseen circumstances often arise. So that they do not interfere with you, you need to pay attention to the little things.

Learn constantly.

Good knowledge of English will be a huge advantage, since the latest information is posted on foreign sites. However, domestic specialists are not far behind Western competitors. Periodically read books and articles, watch video tutorials, take new courses. Attendance at seminars and conferences - great way learn something special. Such events are sometimes attended by representatives of search engines, with whom it is always useful to communicate.

Experiment! Just be careful.

Search engine promotion is a flexible tool. There is no 100% certainty which method will be successful - there are too many variables. The best option would be to try something new and different. However, remember that when experimenting, you cannot go beyond the limits set by the search engine! Even if you manage to "outwit" the search engine's mechanism, in the future this may negatively affect the search results, or even lead to sanctions.

Take your time and learn to wait.

Impossible to get quick results in such a highly competitive field. If you do everything correctly, the first thousand visitors will regularly come to your site in about a year. The faster the indexing, the earlier you will be able to achieve the desired effect, so take care of the speed of work. Remember that the profession of an optimizer is suitable for diligent and patient people. Many bloggers have to write a lot of articles that no one pays attention to, but then their patience is rewarded.

Is it easy to become an SEO expert on your own?

No, not easy. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to assimilate a huge amount of information, have patience and always remain attentive. However, there is nothing supernatural about this. With the right approach ( combination of theory and practice) mastering the profession will take relatively little time and will not require serious financial investments. In return, you will receive a highly paid, interesting, prestigious and demanded job that you can do from anywhere in the world.

It's easy to master seo from scratch on your own. seo is the science of search engines. seo specialist studies from scratch what are the foundations of seo.

SEO from scratch is fun!

SEO training from scratch

Let's start with the fact that all search engines look at sites. Yandex copies pages to itself, remembers them. Then to give the result to users. When the user asks for something, that is, enters his request, Yandex will issue an issue.

  • Index - this is how Yandex's memory is called from scratch in seo courses. Pages go there.
  • Search results - this is how search results are called in books on seo. What the search engine offers us to read is understood here.

Seo video tutorials, including seo from scratch wordpress, contain tips for optimizing your website from scratch.

  • SEO is a set of practical techniques required to put a website first.

How to start seo from scratch?

  1. seo from scratch 2018 starts with compilation.
  2. seo online also involves the distribution of keys into groups.
  3. Promotion includes optimizing a page for one or more keywords.
  4. SEO text is enhanced by filling in hidden fields - meta tags (description and title).
  5. SEO lessons from scratch include creating links - both internal (from article to article) and external (from someone else's site to article).
  6. Setting up from scratch also means adding robots and sitemaps, which make SEO even more powerful.

Practice shows that seo from scratch starts with optimization of the main pages. Home is the cover of the site. That is what we see by typing the site.

SEO from scratch from A to Z

SEO free courses always start with search engine principles. Search engines crawl sites, enter their content and then, when readers make search queries, they give out the result. The result is links to your pages.

For SEO from scratch, it is important that the site has many pages. seo site from scratch concerns only those sites that have something to promote - SEO articles with SEO texts that can be promoted in search.

SEO principles from scratch

Promotion from scratch can be done in a few months.

  1. You need to constantly write articles.
  2. Besides the daily publication should be.
  3. Before creating articles, make a selection of keys.
  4. Continuously expand list of keywords (semantic core) for new articles.

Affiliate material

My name is Andrey Dzhilavdarov. I am the founder of an SEO agency "Organic", professionally engaged in SEO for over 6 years. Over the years, I have had to work on a variety of small and large projects, make significant progress and make mistakes.

In this article, I will share my experiences and thoughts on how to become an SEO professional. high level... You will learn:

  • what basic knowledge should everyone start with;
  • what are the main problems to face in SEO;
  • what options for training a specialty exist today and what should be emphasized;
  • in what situations the money invested in education really brings profit.

What to start learning for a beginner

To grow from scratch to a high-level SEO specialist, there is a lot to learn and keep learning constantly.

Basic knowledge required

To get some kind of understanding of the subject, a beginner will have to deal with the basic elements of a simple search engine (hereinafter PS):

1. What bots does the PS have, what is their function.

2. How the construction of the vocabulary of terms in the PS is formed.

3. What is document indexing.

4. Understand the question of what indexes exist in the PS (standard inverted index, coordinate inverse index, zone index, direct index, etc.).

5. Understand how user requests are processed (request extension).

6. Understand what ranking is, what basic formulas for ranking in the search engine exist now and their previous versions (tf * idf, BM25, Page Rank, etc.).

7. Understand the past and current approaches to assessing the quality of search.

8. Imagine what the web is and have a basic knowledge of html, css, js.

Only after you have a clear chronological picture of the development of search in your head over the past 10-15 years (what methods of work gave the result, and how the search resisted cheating), you can proceed to a detailed analysis of modern methods of website optimization.

Tools and approaches to work

At the next stage, you need to get an idea of ​​modern approaches and tools (from PS or third parties) in working with projects based on texts, links, behavioral metrics and technical audit of the site:

1. Collecting the semantic core:

  • what to assemble and how to clean.

2. Clustering requests:

  • why do it;
  • what methods are there and what are the differences in approaches.

3. Drawing up the structure of the site:

  • what you need to start from in the first place;
  • which is important for SEO.

4. Text analysis (analysis of occurrences in different areas of the document).

5. Formation of the page structure:

  • presentation of content on the landing page;
  • presentation of important elements for SEO.

6. Behavioral metrics:

  • formation of snippets in search;
  • share of long clicks.

7. Reference signals:

  • find out what a natural link is for Yandex;
  • how does it relate to Google links.

8. Technical audit:

  • why duplicates are bad;
  • what can interfere with the indexing of documents, etc.

What are the competencies of the optimizer?

The SEO specialty has evolved rapidly and has evolved significantly over the past 10 years. Today, the competencies of an optimizer consist of:

1. SEO. Knowledge of search algorithms and site optimization, analytics and automation.

2. The technical side. The skill of setting goals for the development department, content service, etc.

3. The marketing side. Understanding for whom we are making the site and what the site should be present.

What every SEO specialist will inevitably face in his work

Modern website promotion in SEO is a complex of works where SEO is a defining element, but not the only one.

What structures are involved in SEO promotion:

1. Business.

2. Optimizer.

3. Users.

4. Search engine.

On this moment a very sad situation has developed when business representatives, SEO specialists and PS representatives speak different languages.

In an outdated view, SEO includes only working with SEO texts, links, control of the technical part and analytics of what is happening.

In current practice, an SEO specialist must understand the tasks of the business, speak the same language with him, understand the product that he is promoting, and also know all the algorithms of search engines (be able to indicate to the search that we have a good site where the visitor can solve his problem the best way). It is necessary to conduct A / B testing of page prototypes and find out which users are responding best to.

You need to be aware of all trends in business development and marketing strategy. There are situations when the ranking improves regardless of the classic skills of an SEO specialist, and vice versa - it happens that the optimizer will not be able to influence the ranking improvement if the business is not developing in any way.
Let me give you an example. Among identically and well-optimized online stores selling the same product, Yandex will put higher the store that has a lower price and more convenient delivery. In this case, the company's pricing policy and the convenience of delivery are factors that an SEO specialist cannot influence.

To summarize: a modern SEO specialist should have knowledge of site optimization for search, understand the development and be an Internet marketer. This is a very high-level specialist who connects business and customers through search technologies.

Types and options for training a specialty

How to grow your competencies

There are three options for solving this problem:

1. Get a job in a company with a strong team. A strong team will not let you go with the flow, will be able to teach you a lot and give you invaluable practical experience.

For example, in one of the earliest and most famous SEO teams - the Wikimart team - there was a certification of young specialists. Such certification could last up to six months. There was a list of 40 questions that had to be thoroughly sorted out (BM25, BrowseRank, link weight, anti-spam technologies, and more). The basic approach was for SEO gurus to ask the newbie questions and send them on their own to look for answers and evidence of their assumptions. When the unfortunate man already thought that he had found exhaustive information and there was nothing more to add, usually humiliation and collapse of illusions awaited him :) Released in peace, he went to look at his questions from a different angle. This is how very strong specialists were forged, able to thoroughly understand the most difficult issues, find solutions in non-standard situations and achieve maximum profit in the shortest possible time.

2. Find a personal consultant. This option has a place to be, but it is very expensive and less effective in terms of practical experience.

3. Take a competent course. Today, there are no universities that teach SEO as a specialty, but there are already a number of serious courses, even on the basis of universities. On the courses, you can both get the latest knowledge and practice, applying it in the test work.

Let's stop and talk in more detail about the existing courses and what to expect from them.

SEO Standard Course for Subject Mastering and Professional Development

The traditional blocks in SEO courses are blocks for optimizing pages and texts, working with links, behavioral and commercial factors, and conducting an audit. Less often, general knowledge about the algorithms and structure of the PS is given.

On simple examples teachers will explain each of these blocks (how to write a title, make a technical specification for a text, optimize a listing or add links). Then you try to incorporate what you hear on your site.

Taking an SEO course, you need to clearly understand that you will only receive practical knowledge of SEO. You will not be taught how to make cool selling prototypes of pages or how to set technical specifications for programmers so that all the requirements from SEO and business are correctly combined on the site. They will not take apart the pain of users and businesses. It is believed that this is not an SEO task, it is done by marketers and UX designers, programmers, content service or the director himself.

SEO courses will help you solve the important task of interpreting content from business for SEO. You will see how SEO interacts with all elements of the business, users and SEO.

There are things that cannot be learned anywhere, because situations are too individual. And yet, in good courses, you will be taught to pay attention to the necessary elements, to separate the main from the secondary, and this will help in making the right decisions.

SEO courses for different levels

There is a gradation of courses by level from beginner to advanced. If a person enters a course for intermediate and high-level specialists, he must necessarily have knowledge of the structure of the PS, basic PS ranking formulas and modern methods of working with the site.

If you do not have such an initial knowledge base and do not know the basic terminology, it will be almost impossible to follow the teacher's thoughts, the student will lose interest and will not get what he hoped for.

Before taking a course at an intermediate or high level, it will be useful to refresh your knowledge or try to clarify incomprehensible points on your own.

Ideally, you should come up with prepared questions on specific points of the course program or arbitrary and with a knowledge base about search and modern approaches to SEO.

There are a variety of courses on the market that will help you improve your SEO skills. I will only talk about those that I attended and where I taught myself:

1. Rush-Intensive. The course lasts three days. After completing the course, you will upgrade on all the main topics in promotion. The guys will share working tips and proven techniques. The course is designed for beginners and intermediate levels, ideal for those who want to refresh their knowledge and methods of work.

2. Course in predictive analytics from Dmitry Ivanov. During the course, Dmitry will show how you can work with the semantics of the site, identifying the best groups of requests for promotion, and will share his experience in optimizing sites in his company. The course is designed for high-level professionals who need to solve complex or non-standard tasks in SEO, sales and analytics.

3. Of all the high-level courses for specialists with experience, I would like to note that the Search Engine Education training center organizes.

  • promotion of online stores (aggregators, any large sites, portals and catalogs),
  • promotion of service sites.

The fact is that the approaches to promoting these types of sites are different, respectively, most of the techniques and tricks differ significantly.

It takes 2 days. During these days, Alexey explains in great detail the basic methods of working with all the constituent elements of promotion: collecting the core, structure, texts, links, commercial factors, regionality - and, in general, gives the correct sequence of actions when optimizing the site.

If you want more chips and really more valuable and unique information, then you are offered a VIP day. Here Alexey will share his personal experience of working with sites in specific topics and offer solutions for complex problems.

If you have sharp questions about your site, then a case day has been specially thought out for you, where you can personally discuss these issues with Alexey. I recommend going for this day to all inhouse SEO teams who have problems with promotion.

Of course, it is best to complete all 4 days. This will boost your SEO understanding a lot and give you a lot to think about. But for the majority, a visit to even two days will give a bunch of new ideas and practices to implement on their projects.

Should I attend paid courses, especially expensive ones? How quickly will the investment pay off?

By investing sometimes seemingly significant amounts of money in your education, you rise to a new level of salary. Usually, such investments pay off almost immediately, because you can offer new services to your current clients.

For example, for the optimizer in inhouse it becomes possible to solve a number of problems with your project and ask for an increase in wages (hereinafter referred to as the RFP). I remember how I got rid of the site of two filters, achieved an increase in traffic, for which I immediately received a bonus and an increase in salary by 20%.

If you work in the agency, then after completing the courses, you will be able to bring your projects to a new level and agree with your superiors about the transfer of larger and more serious projects to you. Naturally, the remuneration for the management of key projects for the agency will be increased. For example, at the previous place of work we had 2 departments. In the first department, the guys were engaged in the promotion of small sites (mainly service sites and small online stores). In the second department, they were already dealing with complex projects. There were large online stores and aggregators, competitive topics and complex businesses. If in the first department the salary of the optimizer was approximately from 50,000 to 70,000 rubles, then in the second it was already from 80,000 to 150,000 rubles.

If you freelancer, then you will have the opportunity to work in a team on large and interesting projects. Usually, running one such project will give you about 80,000 - 140,000 rubles, but, however, you can take no more than 2, maximum 3 such projects, since the optimizer has a lot of tasks on such projects and, as a rule, without assistants get along.

Another option is consulting... Here you can earn one-time. The cost of an hour of consultations is now about 2,000 rubles, but it all depends on your level and personal brand. You can also get a full-time job in an inhouse project as an independent consultant and train the department. Here the cost will depend on the immersion in the project and its complexity. The price tag for such contracts starts from 40,000 rubles. per month (there is no upper bar).

And one more interesting point. The fact is that such expensive courses are usually attended by people with experience and good income from SEO. Here you can meet both colleagues and, possibly, with a future employer. It all depends on you!

1. The experience of experts can hardly be overestimated

Today, a large number of resources without any reputation publish tons of SEO cases and materials. It would seem, take it and do as it is shown! However, technically repeating after someone, you can not only not get the result, but also sag strongly. It is important to have an expert base, to present the whole picture and to understand the nuances. Then you can sensibly evaluate proposals from unauthorized sources.

2. A ready-made methodology for website promotion, a detailed analysis of many elements of optimization

After completing the courses, as a result of work and consolidation of knowledge, you will begin to understand deeper all the processes of site optimization, what they will lead to and what else can be done to increase the happiness of users and positions in the search.

3. Removing SEO Myths

It often happens that SEOs in the course of their work lose touch with reality, namely with a real user. They come up with various schemes, forgetting that the user just needs to solve their problem.

The whole task is to turn the expectations of users into code on the site and explicitly indicate to search engines that our site solves the problems of users for a number of queries.

Continuous learning

PS are constantly evolving and changing their approach to processing requests, new algorithms are being introduced, the formation of requests by users is changing, their idea of ​​what should be on the pages of the website of an online store or a website for services.

Over the past 5 years, Yandex alone has introduced about ten new filters and search algorithms. For specialists working for the Russian market, it is important to keep track of all changes in Yandex's work and make changes to the project work schedule.

If you look even deeper, it is important to know not only all the announced algorithms of Yandex and Google, but also the approaches to data processing that were used earlier and are now being used in PS.

SEO is not a specialty that you can learn once and for all, reach some level of knowledge and stop. If you successfully promoted sites ten years ago and stopped at the achieved knowledge, then today there will be nothing to talk to you about. Work standards are constantly changing.

In the end, I want to add that, while attending even the most sophisticated courses, one cannot blindly believe what is being told there. You can only agree, disagree and check everything on your own experiments.

HTML / CSS is a hypertext markup language, the basis for learning server-side languages. By learning HTML, you can create a static web page or website. CSS - Cascading Style Sheets - will allow you to design the layout of the site the way you want. You will be able to watch a video course at a convenient time and contact a mentor for all questions, who will monitor your progress. The format is conducive to communication and self-discipline in learning. In a month you will learn: * layout of static sites, * valid cross-browser layout, * block layout, * implementation basic operations in Photoshop, * using the LESS and Bootstrap preprocessors. To proceed to the next lesson of the course, your homework must be reviewed. This will show that you have understood the previous lesson and will easily master the new knowledge. The assignment can be checked by both the mentor and classmates, whose knowledge you trust, and get an achievement for this. With each check, the number of achievements grows, and the skill of working with someone else's code increases. The level of the final certificate depends on the number of achievements: the more there are, the higher the status. This in some way game mechanic makes the classes even more interesting.

Lesson 1. Basic Concepts in Web Development

What is a web page; types of sites; site development process; what is hypertext, tags and attributes; preparation of the workplace; structure of the HTML document; basic text design tags; a simple example of an HTML page; an example of a complex web page; hot keys for moving through documents.

Lesson 2. Basics of the HTML Document Markup Language

Lesson 3. Basics of the CSS Document Style Language

What is CSS; CSS syntax; ways to declare CSS; selectors (id, class, tag); attribute selectors .; basic properties of styles; nesting; inheritance and grouping of properties; checking the connection of the style file.

Lesson 4. Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements, table layout

Priorities for applying styles; pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements; creating tables; merging cells; nested tables; styling tables.

Lesson 5. Formation of a block model, block layout

Basic tags for layout (div and span); padding of elements (margin and padding); streamlined elements; positioning of blocks.

Lesson 6. Working with a design layout in PSD format

Basic functions and familiarity with Photoshop; highlighting the main parts of the layout; slicing the layout; layout of the site layout using blocks; inserting parts of the layout into the layout;

Lesson 7. Site Layout and Introduction to Bootstrap

Creation of the basic layout of the site; using overflow and clear in real layout; filling the markup with parts of the sliced ​​layout; techniques for positioning elements; Introduction and application of Bootstrap.

Lesson 8. Web standards and supporting tools

Uploading projects to the server; the problem of "cross-browser compatibility"; HTML / CSS standards; the future belongs to HTML5 and CSS3 standards; competent, universal layout; acquaintance with preprocessors using the example of LESS.

We learn how to effectively optimize the site and achieve the set business goals: current search engine algorithms, modern methods problem solving, effective tools in daily work.

Lesson 1. The principles of search engines and priority work

How search engines work: text ranking, link ranking, behavioral ranking. Search engine filters. Types of sites.
Essential SEO tools.
Acquaintance with services: Yandex Webmaster, Google Search Console, Yandex Metrica, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager.

Lesson 2. Site structure

Competitor analysis. General methodology, identification of features and parameters. Ways to implement the structure on the site. Formation of technical specifications for the implementation of the structure. Promotion by region.

Lesson 3. Semantic core. Theoretical part

Types of keywords. Collecting marker queries. Analysis of competitors' keywords. Parsing search queries... Cleaning and clustering the semantic core. Process automation.

Lesson 4. Semantic core. Practical part

Collect and cluster the semantic core for your project.

Lesson 5. Optimizing Landing Pages

Competitor analysis. Formation of title, description and h1 landing pages. Text filters, LSI, formation of technical specifications for texts, search for copywriters.

Lesson 6. Technical audit. Theoretical part

Working with programs for deep analysis of sites. Checking and adjusting the technical aspects of the site (ssl certificate, robots.txt, sitemap.xml, duplicate pages, redirect rules, etc.). Formation of technical specifications for technical improvements. SEO checklist.

Lesson 7. Technical audit. Practical part

Lesson 8. Usability, business factors

What is usability? Analysis of user behavior and identification of needs. Usability caps and home page, product categories and cards, baskets, forms, links, mobile version... Formation of technical specifications based on the results of the audit. Usability checklist.

Lesson 9. External promotion

Lesson 10. Analytics

SEO analytics tools.
Search engine traffic;
Analysis of login pages;
Analysis of search queries;
Goal reports;
Site monitoring.
Analysis of pages in search results (indexing), changes on the site, positions by keywords.

The course, developed in conjunction with the EnglishDom school, will help you master key English-language topics that are relevant for beginner IT specialists. Maximum practice and focus on IT vocabulary. In 10 lessons, the preparation of CV, terms of reference and business letters, interviews and negotiations, international communication when promoting your project is understood. In live dialogues in English, students will consolidate phrases that will be useful for developers and testers, marketers and designers.

Lesson 1. IT resume sample

We compose a resume in English.

Lesson 2. Job interview: questions and answers

We are interviewing in English.

Lesson 3. Effective teams

We talk about teamwork and processes in English.

Lesson 4. Workplace communication

English for communication by phone and Skype.

Lesson 5. Business e-mails

We carry out correspondence in English.

Lesson 6. Requirement specifications (SRS)

We read and compose the terms of reference in English.

Lesson 7. Stand-up meetings

We become the perfect speaker.

Lesson 8. Deadline

We carry out work on time and in English.

Lesson 9. Challenge

We describe and solve problems in English.

Lesson 10. Start up

We tell about our project and introduce the team in English.