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Effective photo processing in Photoshop. The best programs for editing and processing video: which video editor to choose for a beginner and how to learn how to edit in it

Are you inspired by another brilliant idea and want to bring it to life with the help of a camera as soon as possible? If you are just starting your way in photography - do not rush! First, learn the basics of this art. In this article, we will tell you what problems beginner photographers most often face. You will also learn how to process photos in the "PhotoMASTER" editor and get rid of most of the defects.

Mistake # 1. Incorrect framing

Having studied the rules for constructing the composition of the frame, you will know that placing the subject in the middle will make any photograph boring and lifeless. To get a dynamic and interesting shot, mentally divide the future frame into 9 parts. Place everything important next to lines or at intersection points:

Have you already taken a photo, forgetting about the rules of composition? All is not lost yet! Our "PhotoMASTER" will quickly correct the situation. Use the crop function. Turn on the grid, and then adjust the size and position of the frame over the photo. Click "Apply" and all changes will be saved.

Mistake # 2. The horizon is overwhelmed

You can even see this defect with the naked eye. The horizon line in the photo does not run parallel to the lower and upper borders of the frame, but goes up or down:

To fix the horizon, go to Composition> Geometry. Check the boxes next to "Crop Automatically" and "Show Grid". On the Rotate scale, align the photo. Adjust the Vertical and Horizontal settings if necessary.

Mistake number 3. Lighting problems

Shooting against the sun, unadjusted camera, disabled flash in the dark ... All this leads to one thing - to problems with exposure. The photo becomes too overexposed or dark:

Photo processing will help solve the problem. In "PhotoMASTER" and adjust the tone of the photo. Move the slider to the right on the Exposure scale to lighten the photo, to the left to darken it. If necessary, correct dark and light tones in the picture, as well as shadows and overexposures.

Mistake # 4. Red eye

A similar defect occurs due to the use of a flash. But you can try in advance to prevent it from appearing in the photo: for this, ask the "model" not to look directly into the lens when shooting.

You can get rid of red eyes with a corrector. You will find it in the "Retouch" section. Adjust the brush and select one of the problematic pupils. Decrease saturation and experiment with tone. Then edit the second eye in the same way and evaluate the result in the preview window.

Mistake # 5. Blurred photo

If the photographer hurries to press the shutter button during shooting, the camera will not have time to focus. When viewing a photo from a PC screen, you will notice that the photo has become blurry:

There are several ways to fix the problem in the editor. For example, if the entire photo requires adjustments, then in the "Improvements" section go to the "Sharpness" tab and select the optimal parameters for the image by adjusting the strength, radius and sharpening threshold.

If you need to improve only a fragment, then use an adjustment brush (Retouch> Corrector). Select the area you want to fix. Then click on the "Sharpness" button and adjust the clarity of the area.

Mistake # 6. Extra objects in the frame

Captured a landscape, but a shadow is in the frame? Portrait photos ruined acne, flaking and redness on the skin? Don't rush to delete pictures! Use the Clone Stamp tool. With it, you can remove all unnecessary elements, and much more. For example, in this photo we got rid of the shadow:

Adjust the brush settings and select the element in the photo that you want to mask. Then indicate where the editor needs to copy the pixels to fill the selection. Ready!

Mistake # 7. Geometric distortion of the photo

Another problem that aspiring photographers often encounter. Such defects occur due to shooting objects, buildings or people from a lower or upper angle, and sometimes even simply due to lens error. This leads to the appearance of "falling buildings", distortion of figures and other unpleasant consequences.

Alas, not all geometric distortions can be corrected. But it's always worth trying! In PhotoMASTER, go to Composition> Geometry. Turn on the grid and try to align the photo using the scales "Distortion", "Horizontal", "Vertical".

Let's summarize

We've covered the most common mistakes aspiring photographers make, which means you can avoid them. If the unsuccessful shots still catch you by surprise - it doesn't matter! After all, you know how to properly process photos. Install "PhotoMASTER" on your PC and say goodbye to bad pictures forever!

Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you how to process a photo in Photoshop for beginners or those who have just started to learn this wonderful editor. It's not a secret for anyone that sometimes the photos turn out, to put it mildly, not the way we expected to see them. Either they are too dull, or bright, a lot of acne, or the sharpness is not the best quality. Therefore, today I will try to explain in an accessible language how to fix this.

Eliminate skin defects

First of all, I recommend looking at people, if any, in the photo. The first thing that is important during processing is the identification of defects. In this situation, I mean acne, scars, herpes (God forbid), from a flash, scratches, hair that comes out, bruises, etc.

I don't see much point in writing about this in detail, since I have a separate article for each of the cases. I would only like to list a few tools, thanks to which defects are usually eliminated.

  • Patch. Select this tool and select the problem area of ​​the skin with it, then drag it to the healthy area while holding the left mouse button.
  • Healing Brush - Before using the tool, select the donor area by holding down the alt button. And then you will need to paint over all pimples, blackheads, etc.
  • Precise Healing Brush. This tool is also intended for covering up defects, but differs from the "brother" in that it is not necessary to select the donor area. He takes information from neighboring areas.

I described all these methods in the article about. You will see for yourself that it is not difficult.

Apply a Camera RAW filter: render a photo in a minute

This method is maddeningly simple. Many photographers use the filter. I would even put it differently. They initially shoot in the format CR2 which is inherently better quality. After that, going into Photoshop, this filter is automatically turned on.

But in fact, there is no trouble, since starting with the version of Photoshop CS5, the filters have been replenished with a new brother. I hope everyone has been using the more advanced version of the editor for a long time.

The main feature of this method is that absolutely any person can handle it, even a beginner and a complete zero, since everything happens only in one single filter, which only intuitively needs to be adjusted a little. Let's, for example, I'll take on the processing of this photo.

By looking at the stories first, you can see for yourself what wonderful changes have taken place in photography. In my opinion, it's just excellent.

Using the correction menu on a single layer

This method of processing a photo in Photoshop is rather crude, but it should be fine for beginners.

Now you can compare the changes. They may not be very big, but the processed photo clearly looks better. Of course, the absolute disadvantage of this method is that you cannot go back to the previous step and edit it. But there is a way how to do this, and I will talk about this below. Well, in general, look at the other functions yourself and turn the sliders. Perhaps you will find something interesting for yourself.

Enhancing your photo with adjustment layers

This method of processing photos in Photoshop may seem difficult for beginners at first glance, but in fact it is very simple, and any user can handle it.

Adjustment layers

An excellent photo processing function that does not require any special skills. The essence of this method is that we apply each function on a separate adjustment layer, of which we can have a great variety. And in fact, it is much more convenient than the method that we did above.

For example, I took a photo with a girl, rather faded shades. She herself begs to be made brighter, more saturated and simply delight the soul.

This completes the work with the adjustment layers, but we have to move on.

Highlighting an area

Now we have to work with some areas separately, since applying effects to the entire image will not end well right away. For example, we need to make the sky brighter, more saturated and bluer, and if we apply everything to one photo, then our girl will also apply everything to herself. Therefore, we will do the following.

  1. Highlight the girl with any of the. I will use it because I think it will work fine here. We start to highlight the girl. Do not chase neatness too much, but the main thing is that the whole body is captured, or rather its naked parts and face.
  2. Now, be sure to make sure that you are on the background layer with the girl, then right-click inside the selection, and select Copy to New Layer.
  3. After that, the cut girl will appear on a new layer above the background. Your task is to put him above everyone else so that the adjustment layers do not affect him. To do this, hold down the button on a new layer and drag it above the rest.
  4. Now go back to the background layer and start selecting the sky. In this case, I decided to use the function. Select the brush, and then click on the quick mask button itself, and then start painting over the entire sky, remembering to change the size of the brush to get into more difficult-to-reach places.
  5. After that click on the quick mask again to deselect it. Next, you will need to invert the selection so that we work with the sky, and not with what is around it. To do this, press the key combination SHIFT + CTRL + I.
  6. Next, you need to add some saturation. To do this, without removing the selection, press the key combination CTRL + U, then move the Saturation slider a couple of tens of units to the right. You can also play around with brightness until you reach the most interesting hue.
  7. Now back to the girl. It was not in vain that we endured it. Since we moved it from under the Adjustment Layers, it has become pale again, as it originally looked. But if this is not done, then on the contrary, she will be too dark. And now we can find the right balance. To do this, we need to reduce the opacity of our copy of the girl until you think that's enough. In my case, 33 percent is enough.


Having studied several different methods, I came to the conclusion that if you want to do fast and high-quality processing, then it will be enough to use the Camera RAW filter in Photoshop. He showed himself perfectly, and the time it takes to process a photo, even for novice users, really takes 1-2 minutes.

The only thing that I would not recommend is to create an action for this case and start continuous change of photos. Even if the pictures were taken with one otographer on the same day, the settings that you made for one picture may not work for them. I know that many unscrupulous wedding photographers do this to save time. You see, they are reluctant to process 300-400 photos one at a time.

But if you really want to do high-quality photo processing, since you are drawn to this, then I strongly recommend that you look at these cool video tutorials that clearly explain how to use Photoshop for awesome photo editing.

And if you are new to Photoshop, the first thing I recommend is to study this course... Everything is chewed literally to the smallest detail and looks just a breeze. ... And the main thing is that everything is told in human language, so you don't even want to be distracted.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. Therefore, no one should have any questions about how to process a photo in Photoshop for beginners. At least I am sure that these tools will be enough for you.

Well, this is where I end my article. Hope you like it. Do not forget to subscribe to updates on my blog, and also follow the news in my publics. Good luck to you. Bye Bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

Consider in this article step-by-step instructions for creating external processing in 1C 8.3 in the managed application mode, respectively, we will use managed forms. And most importantly, we will learn how to connect it to the mechanism of "external processing" of 1C configurations built on the library of standard subsystems of version 2.0 and newer.

The task will be as follows: create the simplest external processing that will perform a group action on the "Nomenclature" catalog, namely, to set the selected percentage of the VAT rate for the specified item group.

To do this, we will immediately make the necessary settings in the program (we consider the configuration of 1C 8.3: "Enterprise Accounting 3.0" on managed forms).

Checking this box enables us to use external processing.

Creating a new external processing in 1C 8.3 by example

Now let's go to the configurator. In the "File" menu, select "New ...". A window for selecting the type of the created file will open. We select "External processing":

A new external processing window will open. Let's give it a name right away. It will be offered when saving processing to disk:

Let's add a new managed processing form. We indicate that this is a processing form and it is the main one:

We will have two details on the form:

  • Nomenclature Group - link to the "Nomenclature" reference book;
  • VatStavkaVAT - a link to transfer the VAT rate.

Create requisites in the "Attributes" column in the upper right window. We drag them with the mouse to the upper left window. The new details should immediately appear on the form below.

The order of the details can be changed by arrows "Up" - "Down":

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It remains to add the "Install" button. In managed forms, you can't just add a button to a form. Even if you add it to the structure of form elements, it will not be visible on the form itself. The button must be associated with the command that it will execute. Go to the "Commands" tab and add the "SetVATBet" command. Create an action in the command properties. Select the command handler "On the client". The command can also be added to the form by simply "dragging and dropping" into the section with form elements.

A procedure of the same name will be created in the form module. In it, we will call the procedure on the server:

& OnClient

Procedure SetBetVAT (Command)

SetBidVATOnServer ();

End of Procedure

In the procedure on the server, we will write a small request and actions related to setting the VAT rate:

&On server

Procedure SetBidVATOnServer ()

Request = New Request;
Request.Text =
| Nomenclature.Ref.
| Reference.Nomenclature AS Nomenclature
| Nomenclature.Ref IN HIERARCHY (& Nomenclature Group)
| AND NOT Nomenclature.
| AND NOT Nomenclature. ThisGroup ";

Request.SetParameter ("Nomenclature Group", Nomenclature Group);
QueryRes = Query.Run ();
SelectDettRecords = QueryRes. Select ();

While EndingRecord.Next () Cycle

SprNomObject.Write ();
Report ("Error writing object" "+ SprNomObject +" ""!
| " + DescriptionErrors ());
End of Attempts;

End of Cycle;

End of Procedure

We return to the "Form" tab, add a button to the form and associate it with the command:

As such, our processing is ready to use. To call it, in the 1C Enterprise mode you need to go to the File - Open menu and select the created file.

However, working in this mode is convenient for debugging processing, but not quite suitable for the user. Users are accustomed to having everything “at hand”, that is, in the database itself.

For this, the section "Additional reports and processing" is used.

But to add our processing there, you first need to give it a description and tell the program its properties.

Description of the "Information About External Processing" function

I will give an example of the contents of this function. It must be exportable and, accordingly, located in the processing module:

External Processing Information () Function Export

DataForReg = New Structure ();
DataForReg.Insert ("Name", "Set VAT rate");
DataForReg.Insert ("SafeMode", True);
DataForReg.Insert ("Version", "ver .: 1.001");
DataForReg.Insert ("Information", "Processing for setting the VAT rate in the Nomenclature directory");
DataForReg.Insert ("View", "AdditionalProcessing");

CommandTable = New ValuesTable;
TabZnCommands.Columns.Add ("Identifier");
TabZnCommands.Columns.Add ("Usage");
TabZnCommands.Columns.Add ("View");

NewString = TabZnCommands.Add ();
NewStroka.Identifier = "OpenProcessing";
NewStroka.Usage = "Form Opening";
NewStroka.View = "Open processing";
DataForReg.Insert ("Commands", TabZnCommands);

Return Data for Reg;


To better understand which fields of the registration data structure you need to use, let's look at the details of the "Additional reports and processing" reference book:

As you can see, everything is pretty simple. Only one variable does not match: "Launch Option" - "Use". If we look at the code of one of the common modules, we will see how a bunch of these fields appears:

To determine which fields of a structure are required, you can first skip describing it, just create an empty one, and then use the debugger. If you trace the modules when registering processing, it becomes immediately clear which fields are required and which are not.

Connecting external processing in 1C 8.3

Attention! This is an introductory version of the lesson, the materials of which may be incomplete.

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Creating 1C configurations: adding processing

We continue to study the basics of creating configurations on 1C.

In this lesson, we will create a new treatment together, and then write commands for it that demonstrate how to work with the Employees directory.

We return to the configurator and open the configuration tree.

Add new processing

Right-click on the "Processing" section and select the "Add" item:

A window for creating a new treatment has opened. Let's go to the "Main" tab and specify "ProcessingDirections" as the name of the processing:

Create a form for processing

Let's go to the "Forms" tab and click on the green plus sign to add a new shape (visual representation of our processing):

A constructor for creating a form has appeared. Leave everything as default and click "Finish":

A new form has opened:

Create a new command for the form

Let's go to the "Commands" -> "Form Commands" tab:

Let's add a new command (green plus sign):

And in the properties of the new command, we will specify the name "ConclusionAllEmployees":

Click in its properties on the magnifying glass next to the "Action" field to set the command handler. Let's select the option of creating the "OnClient" handler and click "OK":

We were transferred to the form module in the "OutputAllEmployees" command handler procedure:

Writing the command handler code

Now our task is to write a code in the internal 1C language that will iterate over all the elements of the "Employees" directory.

I want to say right away that this code cannot be written directly in the "OutputAllEmployees" procedure, since it is executed on the client (pay attention to the special line before the "& OnClient" procedure). Attempting to read data from the database in a client procedure will always result in an error (for now, just remember this).

So let's add a procedure like this at the end of the module:

Please note that I indicated the "& OnServer" sign in front of it. This means that it will be executed on the server, which means we can read the directory data from it.

Now we will organize the call of this procedure from the client "ConclusionAllEmployees":

Here the logic is as follows:

  1. The user calls the command "ConclusionAllEmployees" (for example, by pressing a button, which we really do not have yet)
  2. The command launches the "OutputAllEmployees" handler procedure of the same name on the client (after all, the button, and therefore the command, is on the client)
  3. The client procedure "WithdrawAllEmployees" makes a call to the server procedure "WithdrawAllEmployeesOnServer"
  4. The server procedure "OutputAllEmployeesOnServer" reads the data of the reference book from the database and outputs them to the message window

The only thing left for us is to write the code of the procedure "OutputAllEmployeesOnServer", which goes through the elements of the "Employees" directory and displays them in the message window.

It's actually not difficult. Bypassing all directories in 1C is the same type. So, having learned how to do this now with the "Employees" reference book, you can also do it with any other reference books.

To access the data of the directory, a manager is used, access to which is carried out as follows:

Manager = Directories. Employees;

In this sentence, the key portion is to the right of the equal sign. The left is just a variable in which we save the manager in order to work with it further. The name of this variable could be not only "Manager", but also any other - even "Rummy".

What is a directory manager? The manager is not the data of the directory itself. A manager is a kind of programmatic object (you can think of it as a black box) through which we can do something with the reference book.

The directory manager is like a layer between our code and the directory data. And it turns out that if we need to read all the elements of the directory, then we cannot do this directly. We can only ask about this our layer between us and the directory, that is, the manager.

To do this, you need to call the "Select" method built into the manager. It is called with a dot after the name of the variable in which the manager is stored, and returns a collection of dictionary elements:

Manager = Directories. Employees; Sample = Manager. Select() ;

What is the sample? A selection (again, this is just the name of a variable into which we save the result of the "Select" method and it could have been any other) is a collection, but not such as, for example, an array or a list of values.

A selection is an object - again think of it as a box, but not the data itself. The peculiarity of this object is that it can iterate over the elements of the directory we need. And he goes through them dynamically. This means that using a selection does not read all the elements of the catalog at once, but selects them in portions from the database.

This approach allows you to quickly traverse large lists of reference books using a selection without loading them all at once into the computer memory.

To get the next piece of data from the selection, you need to call the "Next" method built into the selection. Obtaining chunks of data (one chunk corresponds to one element of the directory) usually occurs in a loop:

When the data (dictionary elements) in the selection run out, the "Next" method will return False and the cycle will stop.

After each call to the "Next" method (provided that it returned "True"), the selection will contain all fields with the data of only the read-out dictionary element, which can be accessed by names separated by a dot:

It turns out in one moment - we work with the data of only one of the elements of the directory. And here we can either immediately display them to the user (using the "Report" method) or, for example, we can add them to another collection (array), so that later we can do something with them at once. It all depends on the task we are solving.

Hi guys. Vasily Blinov is in touch and in this article we will talk about video editing software. For those who have never worked with video editors in their life and have not tried to edit videos, this article may seem a little complicated, but useful. I will try, as usual, to explain in simple terms.

I understand that everyone has different tasks, someone needs to professionally learn how to work with video editing programs in order to make videos for YouTube and make money on it, and someone just needs to edit a short video from photos to a friend for his birthday.

Therefore, today we will analyze all types of such programs for editing and processing video, see which of them are the best and where to start for a novice video editor. Let's find out what free programs are and where to download them. We will also touch on applications for mobile devices, you never know who wants to learn how to mount directly from the phone.

What program am I using and why?

A little background on how I chose the program. When I first came, I needed a simple program for shooting video tutorials and small editing (trimming unnecessary). I did the lessons purely for myself and my clients.

Then I came to the rescue on the advice of a friend Camtasia Studio and Camtasia Recorder. Overall, a pretty good tool that I worked with at first. Then I decided to change the program for recording video from the screen.

The reason was more advanced features and capabilities. Immediately I thought that I should immediately learn to work in a more professional video editor. Why waste time looking over light, simple programs. According to the polls of friends involved in video editing, the TOP-3 most popular programs for a computer with Windows were identified:

  • Premiere Pro
  • Edius pro

For some reason, the choice fell immediately on Vegas, but starting to work with it, a number of problems emerged. That does not support the format of video files in which I record, then I need to install a number of some additional codecs, then the sound is out of sync, I need to convert to another format, and when converting, the quality is lost. In general, a week later I switched to the software of the well-known Adobe company, to their Premiere Pro editing program.

At the moment, it satisfies all my needs, I have long been accustomed to working with it, the only thing is that a computer is needed a little more powerful.

If you are a beginner, but are determined to work with video processing all the time, then I advise you to choose a professional program right away, learn and get used to it. The principle of operation of all programs is almost the same, the interface and functions, one might say, are similar.

To work in them, with limitless information on the Internet, I believe, anyone can learn. The best way to learn is to seek a solution when a problem arises. What does it mean?

Take it and immediately start editing, and if something doesn't work out, contact Yandex or Google with your problem. The main thing is to ask the right question in the search. This is how I studied, found the answers to all the questions, and there is no need to sit and study step-by-step courses with a bunch of unnecessary information before starting to edit.

Only with gradual practice will there be growth and various effects, you will learn how to do it, and the editing will become more interesting.

Accordingly, all good programs are not free. I understand that it will be difficult and pointless for most of them, especially for beginners, to pay for them, since you are not sure whether you will continue to do this or not.

I do not advise, of course, to look for cracked versions of programs and download them through some torrent. But, it seems to me, everyone did this at first, then, when you use it constantly, you buy it.

The best video editing software

Is one of the leading video editing and editing software in the world. With its help you can make editing of any complexity, add various effects, animation, music, text and much more. Supports all video formats and works with the latest XDCAM, XDCAM EX, P2, AVCHD and RED. Allows you to output the finished video in any format, including Blu-Ray, SWF and others.

Interface: Russian.

Trial period: 30 days.

Is a video editor that is also widely used among authors and creators of various short videos and films. Until March 2016, it was developed by the well-known brand SONY, now some of the products were acquired by MAGIX, which has and is developing its own line of video editors.

Interface: Russian.

Trial period: 30 days.

Edius pro

Edius Pro is a professional editing software, fast processing and rendering of clips. Supports all known video file formats that can be glued together in the program. Often used by creators of music videos, TV series, TV shows and short films. Able to edit videos in 4k, 3D and HD.

Interface: English.

Trial period: 30 days.

For MacBook (OS X)

Is a cool video editor for the OS X operating system from Apple. Works only under this OS. Very convenient and easy to use, intuitive interface. Combined with powerful computers, it works incredibly fast. Most Apple technology owners prefer to use this program.

Interface: Russian.

Trial period: 30 days.

Good editing programs

- a very good program for editing, claims to be in the TOP. Works on Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 7/8/10, separate line for Mac. Supports any popular formats: AVI, MOV, MP4, MP3, WMA and many others. Allows you to digitize from videotapes and TV tuners. Contains various effects and filters.

Interface: Russian.

Trial period: 30 days.

- another professional editing software, with the help of which famous films in the field of science fiction are edited, such as "Transformers", "Iron Man", "Superman Returns", "Avatar". A huge number of special effects and tools for their creation. For home use and simple editing, it's better to take something simpler.

Interface: English.

Trial period: 30 days.

Video Editing

Video Editing- lightweight and convenient program for quick video editing. Has a simple, primitive interface. There are no professional functions, all editing takes place in 5 steps: loading video files, spot processing frames, applying transitions and effects, adding an audio track and outputting the finished video.

Interface: Russian.

Trial period: 10 days with limited features.

Is a professional video editor that has a large number of effects in its arsenal. Simple and easy to use, functionality is not worse than others, intuitive to operate. More than 2 thousand transitions and effects for video and audio. Support for all popular formats.

Interface: Russian.

Trial period: 30 days.

Corel VideoStudio Pro

Corel VideoStudio Pro- an excellent editor from the company Corel, which develops various software. Capture, edit, create HD quality content, or share directly to YouTube, Vimeo or Facebook. For beginners, the interface will seem complicated, but there is free access to training lessons for 6 weeks.

Interface: Russian.

Trial period: 30 days.

Camtasia studio

Camtasia studio- the simplest tool for recording and editing video tutorials. It will not be difficult to understand it. Works with almost all formats. Record, trim, overlay transitions, music, screensavers, and more.

Interface: Russian.

Trial period: 30 days.

- as it was written above, Magix bought the Vegas program from SONY, but it also has its own line of video processing programs. A simple and not bad video editor, Magix is ​​often used to improve recording quality, eliminate flickering, etc.

Interface: Russian.

Trial period: 30 days.

Free Video Editors

Free video editing software has few features and many of them are no longer supported by the developers.

VideoPad Video Editor

VideoPad Video Editor- a free program, but it has a lot of editing functions. Supports all popular formats, has a base of transitions and cool effects. The interface is pretty simple and beginner friendly. Fast download of finished video directly to YouTube.

Interface: English.

- a standard application from Microsoft, which was supported before Windows 8, then they stopped updating, but it can be downloaded for free on the official website and installed. A very simple, time-tested program, everyone can figure out how to do editing in it. I remember when I was at school on Windows XP I edited videos in it.

Interface: Russian.

- another of the TOP free programs for creating videos from recorded videos. It copes well with cropping, splitting, scaling, adding transitions, effects, filters, music. Supports most popular input and output formats. Provides users with a fairly fast experience.

Interface: English.

- mid-level program, designed more for beginners. Simple interface and common functions. Works not only with MPEG formats, but also AVI, WMV, MP4, VOB. Functions for adjusting sharpness, contrast and sound normalization are available.

Interface: English.

- a simple editor for non-linear editing. Provides many features that are not available in most other free applications. Provides high-quality video processing and optimization. A digital signature is applied when using the program for free.

Interface: English.

- this video editor allows you to capture from the desktop, record voice, edit video files and audio. Has the ability to output video in HD and UHD resolution. Contains a large number of built-in filters and transitions.

Interface: Russian.

- a free program with standard functionality that allows you to easily cut, trim an uploaded video file, add an audio track, titles, images. Completely portable program, does not require installation, can be easily copied and transferred to another device.

Interface: Russian.

Is a good free video editing software. In it, you can make a video from photos, images, video and audio files. Various tools are available to improve the quality of existing recordings. Supports popular formats and it is possible to convert videos from one format to another.

Interface: English.

Services for online video editing

  • Life2Film
  • Standard YouTube video editor
  • Online Video-Cutter
  • Magisto
  • Cool editor
  • Stupeflix

Video editing apps for Android

  • Androvid
  • Magisto
  • Fxguru
  • FilmoraGo
  • VivaVideo Pro
  • PowerDirector
  • WeVideo
  • KineMaster

IPhone Apps (iOS)

  • iMovie
  • Splice
  • Magisto


In this article, I have listed all the best programs and applications that you may need to edit and process video. I recommend that if you are in the mood to create video content all the time, choose a professional program right away.

A little later, we will try to write down for you basic lessons on the most popular programs: how to create and configure a project, basic editing functions, render settings, etc.

If you still have any questions, or you cannot decide what to choose, then write in the comments. That's all for today, I wish you all success and luck.