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Mi Browser Xiaomi: how to enable and disable notifications. How to set up notifications on Xiaomi? How to turn off notifications from mi applications

MIUI smartphone developers have tried to optimize battery performance as much as possible. Significant battery savings were achieved by limiting the frequency and method of accessing the processor and the Internet from installed programs... The factory settings of the phone are set in such a way that it is automatically allowed to limit the background demonstration of instant messengers when the battery is close to discharge. However, not all users are delighted when messages do not come from Viber or another messenger. They strive to customize alerts in their own way. The first thing to do is autostart.

Setting up Xiaomi notifications

1. Turn on autorun.

This option is important not only for the constant activity of downloads, but also for their correct operation. You can turn it on with three clicks. Go to the "Settings" application, click on "Permissions" and select "Autostart".

You should check the box for the services you are using all the time.

2. Set up the background mode.

How do I view notifications on? To do this, you need to set the visibility on the screen of notifications from services. Required:

1. Open the item "Battery and Performance";

2. Click on "Application List". You will see a list of utilities. Click on each of them and select the desired action - "Immerse yourself in sleep" or "Save energy".

If you do not configure all messengers separately, then their general activity will quickly "eat up" the battery charge.

3. Entering the active state of the service.

You can also select a program and set up "Smart Mode". Actions are performed in a similar way, however, when you click on the icon, several options for actions will appear: "No restrictions", "Smart mode" (considered optimal), "Soft limitation" and "Hard limitation".

Application protection

It is important to consider that when using messengers in wi-fi, you should disable optimization. Otherwise, when the screen is locked, the gadget may disconnect from wireless network in order to save power, which will stop the transmission of messages from instant messengers.

How to hide notifications on Xiaomi?

To do this, go to "Settings" and click on the item "All applications". Please select the desired program, click on its icon and you will find yourself in the menu, where there is a sub-item "Notifications". Use the slider to select the desired actions, for example, show / hide notifications, including pop-ups.

Xiaomi smartphones use their Xiaomi Mi browser to access the Internet, which is maximally "sharpened" for technical features phones of this brand. The manufacturer does not recommend installing other application software, since the web browser is closely interconnected with the operating system and MIUI shell. If it is replaced or removed, the likelihood of a decrease in the efficiency of the device is high.

What is a browser

The main task of the program is to provide convenient use of the global network. The principle of operation is to convert the HTML language, in which all web pages are written, into convenient and easy-to-read text.

Browser on mobile phones Xiaomi is built in by default, and the user can periodically update it during operation, as well as make individual settings. For example, the following options are available:

  • Pop-up ad blocking;
  • Choosing a site opening option - mobile or full version... Due to the significant screen sizes of Xiaomi smartphones, it is convenient to use full-size versions of web pages;
  • Night mode of use;
  • Organization of page scrolling using the volume buttons.

Turn notifications on and off

To enable notifications from installed applications you need to do the following:

How to turn off Xiaomi browser notifications

Why does the browser hang on Xiaomi

Lead to slow work the web browser or its complete freeze may be due to the following reasons:

  • Infection with viruses. As a result of impact on the registry entry and the file part of the software, malfunctions occur operating system, which leads to a slowdown in its functioning;
  • Errors in software... If the Xiaomi browser freezes, then the reason may be hidden, for example, in conflicts between installed programs and OS elements.

What to do if Xiaomi browser is not working?

To do this, you need to figure out what exactly led to violations in its functioning.

Sound notifications in the system, android is available in almost all applications. They show received SMS or messages in in social networks, weather, etc. True, there are some applications in which messages pop up very often, and unnecessarily. In this article, we'll talk about disabling, enabling, configuring, etc.

As mentioned above, notifications on xiaomi are needed so that you see an important message in time, update programs in Google play etc. Also recently, weather alerts and other nonsense from Google began to appear frequently.

V Xiaomi phones there are many standard applications (games, applications, forum), from where you really don't want to receive messages. So let's get to the main question.

How to turn off xiaomi notifications?

So, in order to hide the necessary notifications, go to the settings. We are looking for the "Notifications" section, we go into it, there we already go to the "Application notifications". We are looking for the most annoying application in the list, and click on it. In our case, this is "Applications" (a Chinese parody on Google Play).

As you can see in the screenshot above, everything is included here. Disable the very first item "Show notifications", and the sliders will disappear everywhere:

Now we see that everything is disabled and notifications will no longer bother you. This can be done with all programs from which you do not need notifications. Can be configured so that messages are not displayed only on the locked screen.

How to turn on xiaomi notifications?

Now let's talk about setting up notifications. Basically, it's not hard to guess what needs to be done previous item, only in reverse order. If you wish, you can correct certain labels, and, for example, you will not see notifications on the lock screen, but there will be an icon in the notification curtain.

You can also configure the following parameters:

  • pop-up messages;
  • indicator light;
  • lock screen notifications;
  • turn on or off the notification sound;
  • show icons for the status bar.

Problems with notifications

Now let's pay attention to the problem that the owners of the most budgetary devices such as redmi 4a, etc. initially struggled with. (some also complain about redmi 5a). The fact is that MIUI 8 had big problems- notifications are not received. There were no notifications from Vkontakte, Viber and other programs.

It turned out that MIUI 8 was trying very hard to save Internet traffic, so many standard notifications did not come. This could be corrected through the standard Security application.

We go into the program "Security", then look for the item "Applications", then go to "Permissions", then "Autostart". There we put a check mark on all the programs that you need.

Then you need to go to settings, application notifications, and check the boxes on the necessary applications.

On this, the dances with a tambourine do not end there. You need to go to the settings, section "Battery and performance". Then we go to the "Activity Control" item, and a list of all applications appears:

Click on the desired program, and select "No restrictions".

It is worth noting that in MIUI 9 there are much fewer problems with messages, and in MIUI 10 they disappeared altogether. In MIUI version 10, on the contrary, there are a lot of messages, they appear from almost all system programs, and there they have to be disabled.

Sometimes, the sound in notifications disappears. To solve this, you need to check the settings in the "Application notifications" item, or in the program itself. For example, Vkontakte settings look like this:

It is worth noting that the problems are mainly found in the budget line of redmi, although in the 5 plus everything works fine.

How do I turn on the flash?

Xiaomi phones have a small feature: flash on calls. For incoming calls, the flash will flash (iPhone chip). To enable this function, go to the settings, and write the word "Flash" at the top of the search.

You will be immediately given the desired item in the menu, and you will not have to go far. Click on the result, the settings for incoming calls will open. We turn on the item "Flash on call", and you're done!

VMIUI 8 and 9 this item is called "Flash Notification".

Change the sound and volume

To change the sound of notifications, go to settings, item "sound and vibration". Below you will see the item "Notification". We go there, and choose any of the list of standard sounds (or choose your own melody).

The volume can be changed in the same menu with the "Ringtone" slider. That is, the sound of an incoming call and the sound of app notifications will be the same.

What is a "notification log"?

There is also one interesting thing in the form of the MIUI notification log. It serves to ensure that if you suddenly removed the notification, but you did not have time to see what is written there and where it came from. So, these things can be viewed again using the QuickShortcutMaker program. It saves the history of notifications, and will allow you to see a message that was accidentally removed.


That's all. We have analyzed the main questions that relate to notifications on xiaomi phones: how to enable, disable or customize them. We hope this article was helpful to you.

Some applications, with enviable consistency, send notifications, which often do not carry any useful information, simply clog up the notification curtain and distract. In order not to receive such notifications in the future, they simply need to be turned off. There are several ways to do this. Today we will tell you about them.

If a notification from an unnecessary application is visible in the blind, then the most in a simple way the notification will shift from right to left, until a gray square appears on the right with the inscription "Hide".

By clicking on this square, you will permanently get rid of such messages of a particular application. "Forever" means until you give permission to this application to display notifications again. How to do this will be described below.

Shifting the notification to the left, as described above, does not work on all versions of MIUI. If you do not have this opportunity, then you need to press and hold the required notification until a special settings menu appears.

It is necessary to deactivate the topmost item "Enable notifications".

When it is disabled, all available settings items in this menu become inactive.

If, for example, you need a notification in the curtain to be displayed, but there was no sound, vibration and LED alerts, then the "Enable notifications" item should be left enabled, while disabling the necessary items below. The same applies to the counter on the icon, pop-ups, notifications on the lock screen and priority. In general, everything is configured quite flexibly, there are many options.

If the notification you want to block is this moment is not active (you have already closed it), then you need to go to "Settings" - "All applications", find desired application... To facilitate the search, you can sort the list of applications by clicking the sort item and choosing, for example, "By name" (or whatever is more convenient for you).

By clicking on the selected application, we get into its settings. Here we select the "Notifications" item and find ourselves in the settings menu already familiar to us.

By blocking notifications from applications that you do not use (you do not need to receive messages from them), you will not only get rid of unnecessary notifications and the need to constantly clean the curtain from unnecessary trash, but you can also extend (albeit not by much) the battery charge. If the application is inactive, then there is less load on the processor, and accordingly, less power consumption.

Have Xiaomi Redmi 4X all sorts of interesting and practical features were already in abundance, and after the recent MIUI updates they even increased. But not only them have increased. Xiaomi Redmi 4X also began to process notifications in a new way, and this is precisely the problem.

The fact is that MIUI 8 (and ) in order to optimize power consumption (that is, so that the battery lasts longer) extremely tightly controls the operation of applications and, in particular, actively “chops off” their various notifications (which, as you know, can actually consume too much if given free rein) ...

Therefore, we will tell you how to find a compromise with MIUI 8/9 and set up notifications in Xaomi Redmi 4X.

So, as you already understood, if after updating the firmware, notifications began to show much less often and even less often than necessary, then, most likely, this is a sign of the new MIUI. It now substantially suppresses the background activity of apps and sync services, which in turn causes a problem with displaying notifications. In fact, by default, the system displays only those notifications that are designated as priority ones, and allows autostart only of those applications that do not show notifications.

Accordingly, the user, at his discretion, can disable the ban and / or assign priority display of notifications for certain applications, set up "Autostart" and a number of other measures. Further - about them in order.

how to disable the ban on displaying app notifications in Redmi 4X:
  • go to " Settings ", Tap" Battery and performance » → « Energy saving » → « Select Apps «;
  • in the list that opens, select the desired program, tap on it and on the next screen activate the option “ No restrictions «.
how to set priority notifications for Xiaomi Redmi 4X:
  • press “ Settings » → « Notifications and status bar » → « App notifications «;
  • in the list, open the required applications in turn;
  • tap on each and on the priority settings screen activate the options " Lock screen notifications «, « Pop-up notifications " and " App Icon «…
  • as well as the option “ Priority «.

After that, for each of the selected MIUI applications should start correctly displaying all the notifications you need. If it does not display, or, more likely, does not display everything, then try setting automatic start applications.

how to set up "Autostart" in Xaomi Redmi 4X:
  • tap "Settings" → "Permissions" → "Autostart" ;
  • In chapter " Applications without autorun»Choose the right ones for everyone turn on autostart .

This is necessary in order for MIUI to exclude selected programs from among those, by limiting the activity of which you can save battery power. This and this measure did not have the desired effect and the system still does not want to display the necessary notifications, then you can try to temporarily disable the battery saving mode.

how to disable power saving mode in Xaomi Redmi 4X:
  • "Settings" → "Battery and performance" → "Battery" ;
  • on the screen " Nutrition "Tap" Energy saving "And then just disable this function.

But here you need to understand that if you turn off the saving mode, then MIUI will no longer control the background activity of applications and synchronization processes. Simply put, the programs in background will work at full capacity, and discharge the battery too.

As an additional measure, you can also put your smartphone in developer mode and ...

disable the "Optimize system memory" function

This is done as follows:

  • we activate the developer mode (" Settings » → « About the phone " and 8 times tap on the line "MIUI version" , after which a sign “ You became a developer«);
  • we return to " Settings ", Press" Additionally " and then - " For developers «;
  • scroll the screen to the very bottom, find the section " Applications", It contains the line" Optimizing system memory ", Tap on it and select the option" Turn off »(After which the smartphone will need to be rebooted).

Let it be for now. In fact, the trick is to turn off the " Optimizing system memory»Can be applied very first and then look at the result. If it does not work, then you should configure the system in the specified order. If none of the above methods, including the last one, worked, then as last resort can be installed on Redmi 4X with Global MIUI ROM. But this is at your discretion ...