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Coursework on the topic: “Case - technology in literature lessons. Case technologies and their application in a modern school in literature lessons Literature lesson using case technology

Case Method in Teaching Russian Language and Literature
Annotation. The article discusses the use of the case method in the lessons of the Russian language and literature, its relationship with other modern teaching methods. The author offers several options for using cases in the classroom. The article is mainly focused on school teachers.
summary.In article application a case method at Russian and literature lessons, its interrelation with other modern methods of training is considered. The author offers some options of use of cases at lessons.Article is mainly focused on teachers of schools.

In science, there are many interpretations of the concept of case in pedagogy, but in our work we will adhere to the statement that case-study is a method of specific situations (from the English case - case, situation), a method of active problem-situational analysis, based on learning by solving specific tasks. This method is currently one of the most effective ways learning not only in specialized and general education classes, but also in distance learning.

The peculiarity of this method lies in the fact that educational and methodological materials are completed in a special set (case) and sent to the student for independent study or issued at the beginning of the lesson, then at the lesson the children offer their solutions to the main issues of the case, the teacher corrects the conclusions. The case can be created by the children themselves or created during the lesson. Tasks may not have an exact solution, then a problem is revealed, and students look for ways to solve it, based on the objective point of view of linguists, writers, poets. During the lesson, the teacher acts as a conductor of ideas. In this case, the teacher can use group forms of work and individual consultations on the Internet, the resources of the library and the computer class.

At its core, the case method is close to such methods as a game, a project, a discussion [ 3, c.12]. Therefore, cases can be supplemented with the following elements from the listed teaching methods: games for the development of speech (Word-fairy tale, Alphabet epithets, Picture writing), optimizer games (Draw your dream, Wish of the day, I want to be a magician, Orange mood), projects " The history of my last name”, “Why do we make mistakes in spelling words”, “Our language is similar to the languages ​​of other peoples of the world”, discussion “Do I agree with the words of K. Paustovsky about the Russian language?”.

We would like to present a few cases that were included in the Russian language and literature lessons in the 5th grade.
Case 1 "Children's writer: who is he?":
This is who is covered in bed

Blankets on wadding?

Who lies on 3 pillows

In front of the food table?

Airplane - one of the modes of transport mentioned in the poem
"From Carriage to Rocket"

We're going, we're going, we're going

To distant lands.

good neighbors,

Happy friends.

We are having fun

We sing a song

And the song sings

About how we live.

To become a hero

Gotta be brave

Honest in everyone's business,

Modest in every word.

Weak - support

Bold in combat

Dedicated to the people.

Thoughts and deeds.

For participation in the Great Patriotic War, where he was a war correspondent, he was awarded the Orders of the Red Star, the Red Banner of War and medals.

Despite the variety of creative interests, the writer himself considered poetry for children to be the main business of his life.

Question 1: What do you know about the biography of this writer?

Task 1: Find in the text of the poem the characteristics of Uncle Styopa.

Question 2: In one lane

Were standing at home

In one of the houses

Lived stubborn...?

Task 2: What is the peculiarity of the Trezor puppy from the poem "My puppy Trezor"?

Case 2 "Why is the science of the Russian language important to us?".
[ language] - language
The sound can be consonant, vowel ...
One letter i gives always two sound th, a
The ringing sound is deafening...
[ yozh] - hedgehog
Y - consonant sound ...
[ My a] - my
The sound O in an unstressed position...
The transcription of a word is always different from the spelling of that word.
. is the science of the Russian language that studies sounds

Case 3 "My fairy tale".

Find definitions for the terms in the textbook: beginning, repetition, personification, comparison, fairy tale, folklore.

Myth and fairy tale: similar genres?

E. Klyuev's text is a fairy tale, why?

Write down the word FLOWER, come up with magical characters for each letter of the word, then write a fairy tale with the participation of these characters.

Case 4 "What fairy tale?".

Students are looking for clue words that are in the literature classroom: they can be on furniture, blackboards, windowsills.

Then all the words are collected in a single place, for example, on a blackboard.

Words: once upon a time, three, arrow, frog, princess, wishes, magic.

Children guess the fairy tale and then write a mini essay “Why is the fairy tale about the Frog Princess magical?”.

What is said in the excerpts from the poems:

F.I. Tyutchev

We can't predict
As our word will respond, -
And sympathy is given to us,
How do we get grace...

Ivan Bunin

Silent tombs, mummies and bones -
Only the word is given life:
From the ancient darkness, on the world churchyard,
Only letters are heard.

And we have no other property!
Know how to save
Though to the best of my ability, in the days of anger and suffering,
Our immortal gift is speech.

What is the name of these poems? When is Mother Tongue Day celebrated? Is this holiday necessary in our country?

After analyzing the methodology for using case-study in working with students, we identified the following requirements for a case in terms of preparing future school graduates who are sociable, mobile and self-confident:

    case from the life of a teenager;

    problem to be solved;

    the possibility of several ways to solve this problem;

    illustration of typical situations;

    development of critical thinking.

Case-based learning helps students acquire a variety of skills:

    collecting information (communication with different age categories);

    critical thinking;

    interpersonal communication: listening and understanding other people;

    collective work in a group;

    creative work.

In our opinion, such classes with children and adolescents are of great educational importance and help create conditions for students to accept the diversity of reality, the formation of a systematic vision, the development of oral speech and the ability to think critically, formulate, present and argue their own point of view.


    Andreev, A.A., Soldatkin, V.I. Distance learning: essence, technology, organization / A.A. Andreev, V.I. Soldatkin. – M.: MESI, 1999. – 381 p.

    Andyusev, B.E. Case method as a tool for the formation of competencies // Principal of the school. - No. 4. - 2010. - p. 61-69.

    Balyasnikova, T.A. The use of case technology in preparing students for the exam (part C) / T.A. Balyasnikov. – M.: Planeta, 2011. – 275 p.


Yangutova N.P., teacher of the Department of OG and PD FSE

OANO VO "Volga University named after V.N. Tatishchev"

Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education

Tolyatti, Russia,yangutova [email protected] mail . r And

One of the important features of modern education is its constant improvement, more and more attention is paid to the development of a multifaceted personality capable of self-esteem, self-development, self-analysis. In this regard, there is an urgent need for such teaching methods that would contribute to the development of skills and abilities to effectively deal with problems and difficult cases that arise in real learning activities.

This method of teaching has received the definition of "case study". Literally translated from English, case study is the study of cases, or, as it is most often translated in print, situational analysis.

The “homeland” of this method is the United States of America, or rather, the Harvard Business School. It was first applied in 1924 while teaching a fairly local professional area - management disciplines.

In Russian educational practice only in the 90s. In the 20th century, when there was a rapid renewal of the content of all disciplines, favorable conditions were created for the use of interactive teaching methods in general, and the case method in particular.

case study is a specific teaching method used to solve educational problems. The essence of this method is to comprehend, critically analyze and solve specific problems or cases (cases). A case is a description of a situation that took place in a particular practice and contains some problem that needs to be resolved. This is a kind of tool through which a piece of real life is brought into the classroom, a practical situation to be discussed and an informed decision is provided. Case studies are usually prepared in writing and based on the experience of real people.
Due to the high concentration of roles in cases, this technology close to game methods and problem-based learning.

Method"case study"develops the following skills:

1. Analytical skills. These include: the ability to classify, highlight essential and non-essential information, analyze, present and extract it, find gaps in information and be able to restore them. Think clearly and logically.

2. Practical skills. The problem presented in the case contributes to the formation in practice of the skills to use the information received.

3. Creative skills. One logic, as a rule, a case - the situation cannot be solved. Creative skills are very important in generating alternative solutions that cannot be found in a logical way.

4. Communication skills. Among them are the following: the ability to lead a discussion, to convince others. Use visuals and other media, cooperate in groups, defend one's own point of view, convince opponents, write a concise, persuasive report.

5. Social skills. During the discussion of a case, certain social skills are developed: assessing people's behavior, the ability to listen, support in a discussion or argue an opposing opinion, control oneself, etc.

6. Introspection. Disagreement in the discussion contributes to the awareness and analysis of the opinions of others and one's own. Emerging moral and ethical problems require the formation of social skills to solve them.

Some scientists believe that there are "dead" and "alive" cases. “Dead” cases include cases that contain all the information necessary for analysis. To "revive" the case, it is necessary to build it in such a way as to provoke students to search for additional information for analysis. This allows the case to develop and remain relevant for a long time.

Case sources:

    Fiction and journalistic literature, which can suggest ideas, and in some cases determine the plot outline of cases in the humanities. Fragments from journalism, the inclusion of current information from the media in the case significantly updates the case, increases the interest of students in it.

    The use of "local" material as a source of case formation. This means that case studies, if possible, should highlight the experience of the students themselves.

    Statistical materials give scientific and rigor to the case.

    Good materials for a case can be obtained through the analysis of scientific articles, monographs and scientific reports on a particular problem.

    An inexhaustible source of material for cases is the Internet with its resources. This source is characterized by significant scale, flexibility and efficiency.

When solving a common problem in the lessons of the Russian language and literature, joint activities are useful, which allow all students to fully comprehend and assimilate the educational material, Additional information and, most importantly, to learn how to work together and independently.

Case technology is applicable in teaching any subjects, if the main tasks set in the lesson are teaching the skills of critical thinking, independent decision-making. The most convenient for using case technology are the lessons of the Russian language and literature, since it is in these lessons when working with text that we lead children to one thought or another.

The main stages of creating a case are distinguished:

    Definition of goals.

    Selection of the necessary sources.

    Selection and preparation of materials for the case.

Examples of cases can be collections of practical tasks, collections of business games, CDs with lesson presentations, and so on.

The main difference between a case and a task is that the task has a solution and a path to it, even if there is more than one. Cases have many solutions leading to the disclosure of a particular problem.

Case methods that activate the learning process include:

    The method of incidents, when the student himself must find the missing information;

    the method of parsing business correspondence;

    Game design

    situational role-playing game;

    The method of discussion

    case - a stage or method of situational analysis (a method of analyzing specific situations, situational tasks and exercises).

Situational tasks(or cases) - tasks that allow the student to master cognitive operations sequentially in the process of working with information: familiarization - understanding - application - analysis - synthesis - evaluation. This task has a pronounced practice-oriented character, but its solution requires specific subject knowledge. Often, knowledge of several subjects is required to solve it. An obligatory element of the task is a problem question. It is only necessary to formulate it in such a way that the student wants to find the answer.

When solving a situational problem, the teacher and students pursue two different goals: for the student - to find a solution that corresponds to this situation, for the teacher - the development by students of the method of activity and awareness of its essence.

Situational task model looks like that:

Task name.

Personally significant cognitive question for the student.

Information on this issue, presented in a variety of forms (text, table, graph, statistical data, etc.)

Tasks to work with this information.

How is the case method implemented in the classroom? So, a lesson in literature on the work of M.Yu. Lermontov. The novel "A Hero of Our Time".

Case task:

Is Lermontov the prototype of his hero?

Students, working with the text - the biography and the text of the work, must bring their evidence and draw a conclusion.

When studying the story of N.M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa".

1 Case task:

Determine the root cause of the denouement of events. Is this the result of a fatal combination of circumstances, or is the final logical?

2 Case task:

Suggest your own solution to a similar problem of relationships between the main characters in the modern world.

3 Case task:

Imagine you are the editors of a publishing house at the end of the 18th century. You need to edit the work from the point of view of the aesthetics of classicism. What would you have to change in the work?

Reception of a case at a Russian language lesson.

The proudest word in the Russian language.

The Russian language, like all other languages, is arranged prudently and economically.

Each word can have dozens of meanings. Each speech turnover can acquire a heap of meanings. A whole bush of words grows on each root. And each prefix or suffix gives tens and hundreds of new words on this very root.

But there is one very tricky suffix in Russian: - issimus

Of course, this is the suffix "newcomer", not indigenous. However, in Russian there are many immigrant suffixes that have taken root. Everyone finds refuge here, "marries" Russian roots, makes friends with Russian prefixes.

But "- issimus" is not like that. Not like that at all. In Russian, only one word was created with it. Just one. No others.

1. Guess what the word is.

2. Give a definition of this suffix, what kind of meaning does it give to the word?

3. Create some new words that do not yet exist in Russian with this interesting suffix. You can even compose a mini-story.

The method of parsing business correspondence can be considered on the example of a case on the topic “Epistolary genre. Drafting a business letter.

Task: to parse the head's mail (invitation, petition, thanks, congratulatory, sympathetic, recommendation letters), make the necessary decisions on them, put resolutions. In addition, you need to form a certain opinion about the situation in the enterprise. The final part of the lesson is held in the form of a discussion with an analysis of the actions of the players and their understanding of the situation at the enterprise.

One of the options for the method of parsing business correspondence is the so-called wastebasket. When implementing this method, the game participants are invited to consider a set of individual lines of documents that partially imitate the result of the paper cutting machine for the destruction of documents. It is necessary to compose rules, thematic texts from the cut parts. When studying proverbs, I offer handouts in the form of disparate parts, from which it is necessary to compose a statement that is complete in meaning.

Case studies can be presented in a variety of formats, from a few sentences to many pages. However, it should be borne in mind that large cases cause some difficulties for students compared to small ones, especially when working for the first time.

The simplest version of the case - students are given a piece of text that contains moral issues, and are invited to come up with, predict how events will develop further. For example, the story of Leo Tolstoy “After the Ball” or an excerpt from the work of the same writer “Childhood”, where the basis of the analysis can be the act of a boy who has a very sensitive, “compassionate” nature, nevertheless, succumbs to the general negative impulse and, together with his comrades bullies another boy.

Case task:

Could it have been done differently, and what would have been the consequences?

After a discussion, which usually turns out to be stormy, the participants in the discussion receive the ending of the writer's text in order to correlate their own feelings, forebodings with the author's perception. As a rule, disputes continue after that. The only drawback of this type of creative work is that only short works, or excerpts from novels and short stories, are subject to analysis.

In general, the works of Russian literature are fully suitable for studying them with the help of case technology, since their ideological content is not the external component, but the deep inner world of the characters, their quest, the moral and ethical background of actions, which are based on the main distinguishing feature Russian literary creativity - humanism.

The case method helps to give a new fresh sound to seemingly long-used and bored problem questions: “I like (dislike) Natasha Rostova”; "Eugene Onegin - mediocrity or personality"; "Pechorin is a villain or an unfortunate person"; "Bazarov is a stupid smart guy" and so on.

Literature lessons use cases of varying degrees of complexity.

First degree assumes the existence of a practical situation and its solution. Students are asked to determine whether the solution is appropriate for the given situation and whether another solution is possible. For example, do you agree with the statement of critic Nikolai Dobrolyubov, who called Katerina “a ray of light in a dark kingdom”? Do you agree with the words of Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov that in his comedy Woe from Wit there are 25 fools per sane person? Do you agree with the statement that Vladimir Dubrovsky is a "noble robber"?

Second degree difficulties: there is a certain practical situation - it is necessary to find its solution. For example, “what is the reason for the theme of the “superfluous person” in Russian literature of the early 19th century”? Or “what caused the appearance of the “little man” in Russian literature of the 19th century”?

Third degree difficulties: there is a practical situation - it is necessary to identify the problem and find solutions. For example, when working on A.N. Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm", it is proposed to determine the main theme, the problem of the work. Students are invited to solve this case after reading the work on their own, working with additional literature. As a rule, the majority of students see the unfortunate fate of a woman as the main theme in the work, a much smaller number of children see social problems and the structure of society, the problem of the dissimilarity of the characters of family members, etc. as the main theme of the work. There can be many solutions and all options have the right to exist, prove and discuss.

An example of a literature lesson in case technology.

Topic: N.A. Nekrasov - a poet and a citizen

Lesson objectives: To study the leading theme of N. Nekrasov's work. To acquaint with the interpretation of the theme of the poet and poetry in the work of N. Nekrasov.

The form of the case used in the lesson: pioneering, unstructured cases

Lesson stage








Formulation of the problem

Creating a problem situation

Characteristics of the era of the 40-60s of the 19th century. In the 40-50s, the poetic work of A.A. Feta, F.I. Tyutchev as a kind of reaction to the democratic orientations that came from Nekrasov and Belinsky. Both poets - Fet and Tyutchev - were outside the strengthening trend in literature, laying its new pedigree. Their undertakings were picked up by A.N. Maikov, Ya.P. Polonsky, A.K. Tolstoy. The poets of this group sincerely believed that poetry should talk about the eternal freely, without coercion. They did not recognize any theory over themselves. Which of the Russian poets spoke about the appointment of the poet and poetry?

Analysis of the poems by A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov "The Prophet", comparison with the poems of F. Tyutchev and A. Fet, conclusions about the difference in views.

Knowledge update

Find a problem and ways to solve it

N. Nekrasov argued: "You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen." What is the reason for the poet's appeal to the topic of citizenship?

Primary goal setting: what is needed to answer the question? (biographical facts, poems, criticism) The Russian poetic tradition has created two stable images of the poet: the poet-prophet and the friend-poet-maker. N. A. Nekrasov begins with a polemic with both images.

Discovery of new knowledge

Working with information

By providing

printing of printed material for work in groups: group 1 - Nekrasov and his activities in Sovremennik, biographical information

Group 2 - analysis of the poems "Poet and Citizen", "Muse", "In Memory of Dobrolyubov",

"Blessed is the gentle poet..." "Elegy"

"Immersion" in the topic, information processing

new knowledge

Creation of creative projects



1gr.-creation of the presentation "N. Nekrasov-poet and citizen"

2gr.-Creating an oral presentation

3gr-essay - miniature "Letter from an indignant reader" and "Letter from an admiring reader"


Creating a syncwine

Sinkwine pattern reproduced on a chalkboard

Work on creating syncwines

Work on solving cases is equally effective in group work of students, in work in pairs, and in individual work. The result of solving cases can be presented in the form of a presentation, project defense, critical reference, descriptive work, essay.

What gives the use of case technology?

    · Access to the database of modern educational materials.

    · Organization of a flexible educational process.

    · Increase/reduce the time spent on preparing for lessons.

    · Continuous professional development.

    · Possibility to implement some elements of the educational process outside of school hours.


    · Work with additional materials.

    · Permanent access to the base of consultations.

    · Ability to prepare yourself for all types of control.

    · Communication with other students in the group.

    · Development of modern information technologies.

Almost any teacher who wants to introduce case technologies can do it quite professionally, having studied special literature, having training situations in hand. However, the choice in favor of the use of interactive learning technologies should not become an end in itself: after all, each of these situational analysis technologies should be implemented taking into account the learning goals and objectives, the characteristics of the study group, their interests and needs, the level of competence, regulations and many other factors that determine opportunities implementation of case technology, their preparation and implementation.

So, the case study method has very wide educational opportunities. Being an interactive teaching method, the case method allows you to increase students' interest in the subject and form key educational competencies. The variety of results possible when using the method can be divided into two groups: learning outcomes - as results associated with the development of knowledge and skills, and educational outcomes - as results formed by the participants in the interaction themselves, realized personal learning goals. Learning outcomes are the development of new information, data collection methods, analysis methods, the ability to work with text, as well as the correlation of theoretical and practical knowledge. At the same time, the educational results are the creation of an author's product, education and achievement of personal goals, an increase in the level of professional competence, the emergence of decision-making experience, actions in a new situation and problem solving. The greatest effect in educational activities can be achieved with a systematic approach to the choice of traditional and innovative learning technologies, with their reasonable combination, complementing each other.

Bibliographic list

    Geikhman L.K. Distance education in the light of the interactive approach / L.K. Geikhman // Mater. II International. Scientific-pract. Conf. (Perm, February 6-8, 2007). - Perm: Publishing House of PSTU, 2006. - S.25-32.

    Case method. A window into the world of case study methods. [Electronic resource] / Access:

    Smolyaninova O.G. Didactic possibilities of the case-study method in teaching students. [Electronic resource] / Access:

State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institution) "

on the use of the case method in the lessons of "Literature"

Chelyabinsk, 2015

Methodical recommendations are drawn up in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Complete (General) Education in "Literature" and exemplary work program in the discipline "Literature" for specialties of secondary

vocational education

« » ____________ 20

Guidelines for the use of the case method in the lessons of "Literature" were developed in order to describe the methodology for using case technology in the lessons of literature, to introduce the typology of cases, their structure and content.

Compiled by:

T.V. Boretskaya - teacher of Russian language and literature

GBOU SPO " Chelyabinsk Pedagogical College №2"


Considered and approved at a meeting of the Central Committee

Protocol No. dated " » «______________» 2015


Introduction 4

General characteristics. Purpose and objectives of the case-stage 5 method

Technological features of the case -stady method. Case types 7

The role of the teacher 11

Principles for using the case-stady method 12

Case structure and principles of constructing the method 12

Case Requirements 13

Grading system 14

An example of applying the case method in literature lesson 15

Conclusion 24

References 25


Introduction to the educational process of the Federal State
standards determines the search for new forms and methods of teaching in
educational institution.

The new Federal State Educational Standards for NGOs and SVE contain the ideology of interpreting the content of education, which is formed “from the result”. That is, in other words, there is a movement from a professional standard to an educational one.

Based on this, we must understand and remember that within the framework of the cycle of general humanitarian and socio-economic, general educational disciplines, teachers must form general competencies, and not abstract knowledge, skills, and abilities.

It is impossible to achieve a new quality of education without introducing new forms and methods of education into its system, optimizing the educational process through the use of promising pedagogical technologies.

One of the main methods according to the Federal State Educational Standard, aimed at
first of all, to stimulate the interest of students in mastering knowledge, is the method of problem-based learning.

Method case-stady is one of the innovative methods of problem-based learning that meets the new standards.

In science, there are many interpretations of the concept of case in pedagogy, but in our work we will adhere to the statement that case-study is a method of specific situations (from the English case - case, situation), a method of active problem-situational analysis based on learning by solving specific tasks. This method is currently one of the most effective ways of teaching in distance learning. The peculiarity of this method lies in the fact that educational and methodological materials are completed in a special set (case) and sent to the student for independent study or issued at the beginning of the lesson, students offer their solutions to the main issues of the case, the teacher corrects the conclusions. Tasks may not have an exact solution, then a problem is identified, and students are looking for ways to solve it, based on the objective point of view of linguists, writers, poets.

The introduction of training cases into the practice of Russian education is currently a very urgent task. That's why purpose of methodological development is a description of the methodology for using the case method in literature lessons.

    General characteristics of the case-study method

The purpose and objectives of the method

Case - technologies (Case study) - technologies based on the acquisition of sets (cases) of textual educational materials on a selected topic and tasks on a specific problem situation in it, and transferring them to students for independent study (with the possibility of consulting a teacher) and solving a task with subsequent collective discussion of the topic and options to develop the most rational and creative proposals.

Analysis of specific educational situations (case study)- a teaching method designed to improve skills and gain experience in the following areas: identifying, selecting and solving problems; work with information - understanding the meaning of the details described in the situation; analysis and synthesis of information and arguments; work with assumptions and conclusions; evaluation of alternatives; making decisions; listening and understanding other people are group work skills.

The case-study method or the method of specific situations (from the English case - case, situation)- a method of active problem-situational analysis based on learning by solving specific problems - situations (case solving).

The birthplace of this method is the United States of America, and more precisely, the Harvard Business School. It was first used in the educational process at Harvard Law School in 1870; the introduction of this method at Harvard Business School began in 1920. The first collections of cases were published in 1925 in the Harvard University Business Reports. The Case Study method is most widely used in teaching economics, management and business sciences abroad.

Currently, two classical case-study schools coexist - Harvard (American) and Manchester (European).

The case-study method (or, as they wrote in the twenties, the “casus method”) was known to teachers in our country as early as the 20s of the last century. In Russia, they began to actively use the case method in teaching in the 80s, first at Moscow State University, and then at academic and industry institutes, and later at special training and retraining courses. Recently, it has found wide distribution in the study of medicine, law, mathematics, distance learning, school education and other sciences.

Purpose of the case-stady method- to teach students to analyze a problem situation - a case that arose in a specific state of affairs, and develop a solution; to teach to work with information sources, to process it from one form to another. The result will be the evaluation of the proposed algorithms and the choice of the best in the context of the problem posed.


    Formation and development of information competence;

    Development of skills to seek new knowledge, analyze situations;

    Development of skills of self-organization, independence, initiative;

    Development of skills to make decisions, argue one's position;

    Development of skills and abilities of cooperation.

Cases- educational specific situations, specially developed on the basis of factual material for the purpose of subsequent analysis in the lesson. During the analysis of situations, students learn to act in a “team”, analyze and make decisions. The emphasis of training is shifted to the development of ready-made knowledge by the students themselves, which is very important in connection with the introduction of federal state educational standards.

    Technological features of the case-study method

1. The method is a specific kind of research analytical technology, i.e. includes operations of the research process, analytical procedures.

2. The case-study method acts as a technology of collective learning, the most important components of which are work in a group (or subgroups) and mutual exchange of information.

3. The case-study method integrates developmental learning technologies, including procedures for individual, group and collective development, the formation of diverse personal qualities of students.

4. The case-study method acts as a specific kind of design technology. In the usual teaching project technology, there is a process of solving the existing problem through the joint activity of students, while in the case-study method, the problem and ways to solve it are formed on the basis of the case, which simultaneously acts as a technical task and a source of information for understanding options for effective actions.

5. The case-study method concentrates significant achievements in the technology of "creating success". It provides for activities to activate students, stimulate their success, emphasize the achievements of students.

The technology of working with a case in the educational process is relatively simple and includes the following steps:

    individual independent work of trainees with case materials;

    work in small groups to agree on the vision of the key problem and its solutions;

    presentation and examination of the results of small groups at the general discussion.

    Types of cases, ways of presenting them

    Case Types (Harvard School)

    Presentation method

    Creating a problem situation



    Case content

    Choice creation of the final solution

    Training case (Case-stated method).

    Stated - set

    ny, fixed

    Illustrative training situations-cases, the purpose of which is to teach the algorithm for making the right decision in a specific situation using a specific practical example

    The teacher is preparing a case

    The case contains 2-3 ready-made solutions for the problem under consideration

    Students are encouraged to express their opinions.

    Analytical case (informational) (Case-incident method).

    Incident - inherent, characteristic, connected

    training situations - cases with the formation of a problem, in which a training (conditional) situation is described in a specific period of time, problems are identified and clearly formulated. The purpose of such a case is to diagnose the situation and independently make a decision on the specified problem.

    The teacher sets, defines the problem

    The teacher is preparing a case

    The case contains several options (3-4) solutions and a number of information sources on the problem under consideration

    Students must choose a solution and justify it based on the materials of the finished case.

    Heuristic case (Case-problem method).

    Problem - problem, problem situation

    applied exercises that describe a specific situation, it is proposed to find ways out of it; the purpose of such a case is to find ways to solve the problem.

    The teacher defines the problem in general terms, students specify the problem (for younger students, the teacher can also specify the problem)

    The teacher prepares an initial case. Students supplement as needed.

    The case contains a number of information sources on the problem under consideration, may contain some solutions, illustrating examples, etc.

    Students must build their own informed decision based on the materials of the finished case.

    Perhaps, to justify their point of view, students supplement the case with new information.

    Research case (Case-study method).


    training situations - cases without formulating a problem, which describe a more complex situation, where the problem is not clearly identified, but is presented in statistical data, assessments of public opinion, authorities, etc. The purpose of such a case is to independently identify the problem, indicate alternative ways to solve it with an analysis of available resources.

    The teacher determines the problem direction, the students independently ask the problem (younger students need help in formulating the problem)

    The teacher prepares the initial case, the students complete it

    The case contains a number of informational texts on the problem under consideration

    Students come up with their own solution. To substantiate their point, they either supplement the finished case with new information, or, depending on the decision, prepare a new case.

    The role of the teacher

The teacher acts as a tutor, consultant throughout the entire learning process, resolves and prevents conflicts, creates an atmosphere of cooperation, ensures the observance of the personal rights of students. Directs the conversation or discussion with the help of problematic questions, controls the time of work, encourages students to abandon superficial thinking, involves all students in the group in the process of case analysis.

The peculiarity of the work of a teacher practicing the case method is that he not only realizes his abilities to the maximum, but also develops them. The main content of the teacher's activity includes the performance of several functions - teaching, educating, organizing and research.

In the learning process, any teacher solves the problems of teaching, educating and developing students. At the same time, to solve these problems, the teacher has to perform six main functions.

1. An epistemological function that solves the problem of obtaining and accumulating new knowledge.

2. The design function associated with the design of goals.

3. A constructive function, which includes actions for the selection and compositional construction of the course content, forms and methods of conducting classes.

4. An organizational function that solves the problems of implementing the planned actions, organizing the educational process.

5. The communicative function, which includes actions related to the establishment of pedagogically appropriate relationships between the subjects of the pedagogical process.

6. An educational function aimed at shaping the personality of the student, his socialization.

    Principles for using the case -stady method

The case method is based on the following principles:

    the principle of partnership, cooperation with students, based on the recognition of their partners in educational activities, on interaction and collective discussion of situations;

    the principle of shifting the role of the teacher from the transmission and "chewing" of knowledge to the organization of the process of obtaining them - an increase in the role of the teacher as an expert and consultant helping the student;

    the principle of creativity, which involves the transformation of a case and a lesson with its application into an individually unique creative product.

6. Case structure and principles of its construction

When compiling cases, you need to adhere to the following main stages of creating cases:

    Formation of the objectives of the case. This stage includes determining the place of the case in the structure of the academic discipline, determining the section of the discipline to which this situation is devoted; formulation of goals and objectives. Not all curriculum topics can be built in case technology. It is important to understand that there must be a specific life situation that students need to solve. At this stage, it is also important for the teacher to determine how many teaching hours will be devoted to solving this case.

    Definition of a problem situation. At the same time, the problem has no unique solutions. To work with such a situation, it is necessary to correctly set the learning task, and to solve it, prepare a “case” with various information materials (articles, literary stories, Internet sites, statistical reports, etc.)

    Building the content of the case, consisting of the main points that need to be embodied in the text. The teacher needs to clearly understand what should be in the case, and what can be done without.

    Collection of information regarding the abstracts of the case content.

    Case text writing. The content of the text and volume of the case should be focused on the age characteristics of students. Case studies can be presented in various forms, from a few sentences on one page to many pages. Confusing information may be given. There is no specific standard for presenting cases. As a rule, cases are presented in printed form or on electronic media, however, the inclusion of photographs, diagrams, tables in the text makes it more visual for students. Students themselves must choose the data they need to solve the problem. In connection with the development of computer technology, the content of the text can be given in the form of links to information resources on the Internet.

    The introduction of the case into the practice of teaching, its application in the conduct of training sessions.

    Case Requirements

    The case must:

Be written in an interesting, simple and intelligible language;

Show both positive and negative examples;

Contain the necessary and sufficient amount of information;

Be relevant for today.

The text of the case should not suggest any solution to the problem posed.

    When compiling cases, the following requirements for the format and structure of the case should be taken into account:

The plot part is a description of the situation, containing information that makes it possible to understand the environment in which the situation develops, indicating the source of the data.

Information part - information that will allow you to correctly understand the development of events.

Methodological part - explains the place of this case in the structure of the academic discipline, formulates tasks for the analysis of the case for students.

Lesson structure in the case method technology:

Familiarization of students with the text of the case;

Case analysis;

Direct work on solving the problem;

Organization of case discussion, discussion, presentation;

Evaluation of the participants in the discussion;

Summing up the discussion.

8. Grading system

The interactive method requires assessment not so much of a set of specific knowledge as the ability of students to analyze a specific situation, make a decision, think logically, while it is best to use a multi-component method for forming the final grade, the components of which will be marks for: participation in a discussion or presentation, measured by the level of activity students; for written work.

In literature lessons, this problem is solved in the following way. In the process of working on a case, students can share their responsibilities in solving the problem. Some students are responsible for the theoretical side of the issue, others for the technical equipment of the problem (presentations, booklets and other products of activity). The teacher, in the course of working on cases, conducts his observations and evaluates the activities of students.

Evaluation criteria in the lesson:

Evaluation of the speaker(s):

    Grammatically correct speech

    Capacity, conciseness, full disclosure of the topic, problem solving

    Quality of answers to additional questions

    Evidence base

Group rating:

    Significant additions to the speech

    Individual work in a group, individual tasks

    Participation in the discussion of the problem

For each work on the case, each student can get a good grade. These criteria can be proposed to an expert group assembled from students. In this case, the incentive to work is manifested to a much greater extent, because the work will be evaluated not by the teacher, but by classmates.

The analysis of the case given by students during written work is considered satisfactory if:

    most of the problems in the case were formulated and analyzed;

    own conclusions were made based on the information about the case, which differ from the conclusions of other students;

    solving situations in meaning and content meet the requirements.

    An example of applying the case method in a literature lesson

An innovative approach to learning allows you to organize the learning process in such a way that the lesson becomes both fun and beneficial, without turning into just fun or a game.

The case-method combines such well-established methods as: the method of projects, role-playing, situational analysis and much more. When solving a common problem in literature lessons, joint activities are useful, which allow all students to fully comprehend and assimilate the educational material, additional information, and, most importantly, learn to work in a team.

Situational cases in literature lessons may be related to the problems and prospects of the relationship between the main characters of the work; with the compilation of chronological tables of events and even with the compilation of maps of the route of movement of the protagonist.

Case solving is equally effective in group work, in pair work, and in individual work. The result of solving cases can be presented in the form of a presentation, project defense, miniature essay, oral presentation, and so on.

We model situations in the lessons that are close to life, applicable to the experience of adolescents. For example, we create such problematic situations in the classroom, drawing parallels with modern life, understandable for students, in solving which they will be forced to mobilize all their knowledge, skills, abilities, character traits. Thus, we develop the skills and abilities to organize our own activities, based on the goal and ways to achieve it.

At a literature lesson on the topic: "Strange" heroes of Vasil Shukshin. Analysis of the story "Crank", at the stage of consolidating and systematizing knowledge, we use case-study method or case method.

We offer a practical case which can be used with students in the specialty "Preschool education".

Students must comprehend the situation, the description of which at the same time reflects not only a practical problem (behavior in an unusual situation), but also updates a certain set of knowledge that needs to be learned when solving this problem. At the same time, the problem itself does not have unambiguous solutions.

Since the main tasks of the case are educational and educational, the life situation in them is somewhat arbitrary and, perhaps, exaggerated.

It is proposed to analyze the situation, the heroine of which is a young woman, a kindergarten teacher.

Students learn from the example of understandable tolerant behavior, a way out of a conflict situation.

A task: develop tactics of behavior in an "unusual", conflict situation.

Work with the case begins with the stage of immersion in joint activities.

    Stage of immersion in joint activity

The main task of this stage: the formation of motivation for joint activities, the manifestation of the initiatives of the participants in the discussion.

At this stage, we are updating knowledge about such concepts as "tolerance," conflict ".

We remember the essence « Strategies of behavior in the conflict of the American psychologistKenneth Thomas"

Strategies, models, only five:

First - rivalry, suppression. A person tries to win at the expense of someone else's loss, the desire to achieve their own interests to the detriment of another.

The second is cooperationwhen yesterday's opponents still find a common "platform" through joint efforts, unite around it and thereby strengthen their positions; choosing an alternative that best meets the interests of both parties.
Third - compromise, a choice in which each side gains something and loses something.

4th- this avoidance dispute, avoiding it, or formal contact. At the same time, the interlocutor can nod, assent, but at the same time, one should not harbor illusions: deep down, he remains with his own opinion.

Respectively, Fifth model - concession. Sacrificing one's own interests for the interests of another. Under someone's pressure, a person prefers to give up so as not to run into.

    Acquaintance with a situational problem. Preliminary discussion of the case.

Case: Case in kindergarten" Good mood "

This story happened on a gloomy spring morning in a kindergarten with a kind, friendly name "Good mood".

Outside the window, a fine, nasty, nasty rain was drizzling.

And in the kindergarten it is light, cozy, like in a good fairy tale.

And the mood of the children improved, and the sorrows of their parents miraculously vanished as soon as they crossed the threshold of the kindergarten - favorite fairy-tale characters on the walls, funny cartoons smiling at everyone, soft flowing light, during the spoken friendly word of the teacher contributed to this.

Kindergarten teachers are real professionals in their field, just magicians!

Iskorka, a teacher of the middle group, did not work in a kindergarten for long, but she learned that the skill of a teacher is not an accidental success, but a painstaking search and work filled with anxious thoughts, discoveries and failures.

Today Iskorka did not go, but flew to work: she did not see her children for three weeks, she studied at advanced training courses.

The children looked at the teacher with interest - a fashionable short top, a short skirt, long mother-of-pearl nails.

The kids simply adored Sparkle: they ran to her headlong, forgetting about the whims. Well, she jumped with them like a hare, and sang a song about a chicken, and didn’t scold if they didn’t want to eat porridge or didn’t sleep at night. And in her eyes, large and clear, like the sky on a sunny day, they saw love and understanding.

But bad luck, due to her explosive nature, Sparkle often got into delicate, and sometimes strange situations. And sometimes the situation was the most common, but the girl managed to make a camel out of a flea.

That is what happened today.

By chance I heard Iskorka how Fedya Medvedev's mother praised the teacher who replaced Iskorka, and asked the head of the kindergarten to leave Tikhonida Ivanovna in the group, and the head, it seems, promised to think about this proposal.

Sparkle was very upset. Several thoughts raced through her head like a meteorite. Who is to blame: the manager, colleague, did she miss something?

For a general condemnation of the case, a number of questions are proposed:

How do you think things are going in kindergarten?

Justify your answer.

What kind of educator Sparkle seems to you?

Examples of cases for conducting literature lessons when studying the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons".

1) The students are given a modern life situation, where the heroes of the novel are transferred. The initial stage of studying the novel is taken into account; accordingly, the characters of the characters are not fully disclosed by the students.

Case text:

Our days. Modern furnished living room. Sofas, TV (You can complete the picture yourself). In the living room Bazarov, Arkady, Nikolai Petrovich, Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov (you are invited to determine the activity of each character at the moment). On television in the information and analytical program "Times" there is a discussion of the need for cloning. What will be the reaction of everyone in the living room?


· Distribute roles in the group;

· Model the behavior of each character in this situation, taking into account his character (characteristics of the characters);

· Create a small text of each character's speech (speech characteristics of the characters).

Such a case helps students develop communicative competence (creating a text of a character’s speech, working in a group), informational (collecting information from a text about the character of characters, analyzing it), and students also try to work with this information, using it in new specific situations.

2) Students are given a specific situation from the text of the work.

It assumes a comprehensive assessment of the situation by all participants in communication: the author, characters, readers, critics.

Case text:

Bazarov quietly moved forward, and Pavel Petrovich went at him, putting his left hand in his pocket and gradually raising the muzzle of his pistol ... "He's aiming right at my nose," thought Bazarov, "and how diligently he squints, robber! However, this is an unpleasant sensation. I'll start looking at the chain of his watch..." Something sharply chimed near Bazarov's very ear, and at the same moment a shot rang out. "I heard, so nothing," - managed to flash through his head. He took another step and, without aiming, crushed the spring.

Pavel Petrovich trembled slightly and clutched his thigh with his hand. A trickle of blood ran down his white trousers.

Bazarov threw the pistol aside and approached his opponent.

- Are you injured? he said.

- You had the right to call me to the barrier, - Pavel Petrovich said, - and this is nothing. According to the condition, everyone has one more shot.

“Well, excuse me, that’s until another time,” answered Bazarov, and embraced Pavel Petrovich, who was beginning to turn pale. - Now I am no longer a duelist, but a doctor, and first of all I must examine your wound. Peter! come here, Peter! where did you hide?

"It's all nonsense... I don't need anyone's help," Pavel Petrovich uttered at a slow pace, "and... I must... again..." rolled over and he fainted.

- Here's the news! Fainting! Why would! Bazarov involuntarily exclaimed, lowering Pavel Petrovich onto the grass. Let's see, what's this thing? - He took out a handkerchief, wiped off the blood, felt around the wound ... - The bone is intact, - he muttered through his teeth, - the bullet went shallowly through, one muscle of the vastus externus was hurt. Even dance in three weeks!.. And fainting! Oh, these people make me nervous! Look, the skin is so thin."

- Killed, sir? Peter's trembling voice whispered behind him.

Bazarov looked around.

- Go for water as soon as possible, brother, and he will outlive us with you.

But the improved servant did not seem to understand his words and did not move. Pavel Petrovich slowly opened his eyes. "Ends!" - Peter whispered and began to be baptized.

- You're right ... What a stupid face! said the wounded gentleman with a forced smile.

- Yes, go for water, damn it! shouted Bazarov.

- No need ... It was a minute vertige ... Help me sit down ... like this ... This scratch should only be grabbed with something, and I will walk home, otherwise you can send a droshky for me. The duel, if you please, does not resume. You acted nobly ... today, today - mind you.

“There is no need to remember the past,” objected Bazarov, “and as for the future, it’s also not worth racking your brains about it, because I intend to immediately slip away. Let me bandage your leg now; your wound is not dangerous, but it's better to stop the bleeding. But first, this mortal must be brought to his senses. [Chapter 24]


· Assign roles in the group: author, heroes, contemporary readers, readers of our time, critics;

· Give an assessment of the situation from the perspective of your role in it by creating a short text.

This case makes it possible to reveal not only the positions of the heroes of the work and their characteristics, but also at the same time analyze the author's position, the reader's opinion (the interpretation of the text by students as modern readers). In addition, the case is interesting for the need to search for information from the text of the work, critical articles, reader reviews.

3) A specific situation from the text of the work is proposed, but with a different, simulated result of the situation.

Case text:

“You will forget me,” he began again, “a dead man is not a friend to a living one. Your father will tell you that, they say, what kind of person Russia is losing ... This is nonsense; but don't dissuade the old man. Whatever the child enjoys... you know. And caress your mother. After all, people like them cannot be found in your big world during the day with fire ... Russia needs me ... No, apparently, it is not needed. And who is needed? A shoemaker is needed, a tailor is needed, a butcher ... sells meat ... a butcher ... wait, I'm confused ... There is a forest ...

Bazarov put his hand on his forehead.

Anna Sergeevna leaned towards him.

- Yevgeny Vasilyich, I'm here ...

He took the hand at once and stood up.

"Farewell," he said with sudden force, and his eyes flashed with a last gleam. - Farewell ... Listen ... I didn’t kiss you then ... Blow on the dying lamp, and let it go out ...

Anna Sergeevna pressed her lips to his forehead.

- And enough! he said and sank down on the pillow. - Now... darkness...

Anna Sergeevna quietly left.

- What? Vasily Ivanovich asked her in a whisper.

"He fell asleep," she replied in a barely audible voice.

Bazarov was no longer destined to wake up. By evening he fell into complete unconsciousness, and the next day he died. [Chapter XXVII]

(Option for the finale: By evening, Bazarov felt better, every day he was recovering faster and faster. Two months later, there was no trace of the disease) .


· Determine the possibility of such a change in the situation;

· think over further development events taking into account this transformation.

The case can be given to a small group of 2-3 people. It contributes to the development of divergent (ambiguous) thinking in students. Students see the possibility of resolving the situation in various ways, they develop their own point of view.

4) Students are given a situation from the text of the studied work. A new independent interpretation of the text is supposed with the possibility of changing it.

Case text:

Some kind of almost hostile feeling seized the hearts of both young people. Five minutes later they opened their eyes and looked at each other in silence.

“Look,” Arkady said suddenly, “a dry maple leaf has come off and is falling to the ground; its movements are completely similar to the flight of a butterfly. Isn't it strange? The most sad and dead is similar to the most cheerful and alive.

- Oh, my friend, Arkady Nikolaevich! - exclaimed Bazarov, - I ask you about one thing: do not speak beautifully.

- I speak as best I can ... And finally, this is despotism. A thought came to me; why not express it?

- So; But why shouldn't I express my opinion? I find that speaking beautifully is indecent.

- What is decent? Swear?

- Eee! yes, I see you are definitely going to follow in the footsteps of your uncle. How happy that idiot would be if he heard you!

- What did you call Pavel Petrovich?

- I called him, as it should be, - an idiot.

- This, however, is unbearable! exclaimed Arkady.

- Yeah! a kindred feeling has spoken, ”Bazarov said calmly. - I noticed: it is very stubbornly held in people. A person is ready to give up everything, he will part with any prejudice; but to admit that, for example, a brother who steals other people's handkerchiefs, a thief, is beyond his strength. And indeed: my brother, my - and not a genius ... is it possible?

“A simple sense of justice has begun to speak in me, and not at all kindred,” Arkady objected passionately. - But since you do not understand this feeling, you do not have this feeling, then you cannot judge it.

- In other words: Arkady Kirsanov is too exalted for my understanding, - I bow and fall silent.

- Complete, please, Eugene; we finally fight.

- Ah, Arkady! do me a favor, let's quarrel once well - to the position of robes, to extermination.

"But that's how we'll probably end up like this..."

- What shall we fight? - picked up Bazarov. - Well? Here, in the hay, in such an idyllic setting, far from light and human eyes - nothing. But you can't get along with me. I'm going to grab you by the throat...

Bazarov spread his long, stiff fingers... Arkady turned and prepared to resist, as if jokingly... involuntary timidity... [Chapter XXI]


· Distribute roles in the group;

· Discuss the situation from your perspective;

· Model your own behavior in this situation (argument).

The case helps to form one's own point of view, allows one to get away from unambiguity in the interpretation of the text and in making any decisions.

5) Students are given the situation: The author of works creates in our time.

Case text:

Imagine that I.S. Turgenev is transferred to our time and tries to describe what he saw in his new novel about the new time.


· Distribute tasks in a group;

· Model the title (themes) of the work, its problems (with the argumentation of the choice);

· Model the types of heroes of this work (with the argumentation of the choice).

Such a case has a certain complexity. When discussing it, students must be familiar with the position of the author, his attitude to life. The development of analysis and comparison skills, as well as creative skills, is expected.

6) The following situation is suggested: Screen version of the novel "Fathers and Sons".

Case text:

You are I.S. Turgenev is the director-screenwriter of the new film adaptation of the novel "Fathers and Sons", and your task is to select the performers of the roles of the novel's characters (any modern actor is at your disposal), i.e. correctly characterize each character.


· Distribute roles in the group (each participant is an author, considering one character, selecting one actor);

· Characterize the characters (select the performers of the role).

When working with this case, the group must collect information about the characters from the work, but not all, but only that which reflects the attitude of the author towards them.

7) The teacher invites students to find or simulate on their own a situation from modern life that would reflect an excerpt from the work being studied.

Case text:

He [Nikolai Petrovich] hesitated for a moment and continued in French.

- A strict moralist will find my frankness inappropriate, but, firstly, this cannot be hidden, and secondly, you know, I have always had special principles about the relationship of father to son. However, you will certainly have the right to condemn me. In my years... In a word, this... this girl, about whom you probably already heard...

- Fenechka? asked Arkady cheekily. Nikolai Petrovich blushed.

- Please don't call her out loud... Well, yes... she lives with me now. I placed it in the house... there were two small rooms. However, all this can be changed.

- Excuse me, papa, why?

- Your friend will be visiting us ... awkward ...

- As for Bazarov, please don't worry. He is above all this.

“Well, you, finally,” said Nikolai Petrovich. - The outbuilding is bad - that's the trouble.

“Have mercy, papa,” Arkady picked up, “you seem to be apologizing; how shameless you are.

“Of course, I should be ashamed,” answered Nikolai Petrovich, blushing more and more.

- Come on, daddy, come on, do me a favor! Arkady smiled kindly. "What an apology!" he thought to himself, and a feeling of condescending tenderness for his kind and gentle father, mingled with a feeling of some kind of secret superiority, filled his soul. “Stop, please,” he repeated once more, involuntarily enjoying the consciousness of his own development and freedom.

Nikolai Petrovich looked at him from under the fingers of his hand, with which he continued to rub his forehead, and something struck him in the heart... [Chapter III]


· Analyze (discuss) the plot of the passage, highlight the current (timeless) problem in it;

· Find (based on your own or someone else's experience) in modern reality a situation that reflects the plot of this passage, draw conclusions (you can use the reader's experience).

Students thus prove or refute the timelessness and relevance of the plot of this text. The good points of the case are that

students learn to interpret the plot, see its problems, transfer it to the surrounding reality, analyze personal experience, and draw conclusions.

8) Students are offered a situation where they will be the authors of the advertisement of the novel "Fathers Children".

Case text:

A new publishing house (you can give it a name yourself) is releasing a series of novels XIXcentury. The publisher approaches you with a proposal to create an advertisement for the novel "Fathers and Sons". Undoubtedly, it must meet all the requirements of the modern market: the novel, after advertising, must be sold, but no one's rights are infringed.


· Highlight the main idea in the work, which should interest the reader today, in modern reality;

Such a case is of extreme relevance and implies a high interest of students in it. Students, firstly, will analyze various advertising, including advertising of works of art, learn to determine the interests of the modern reader (or model them on their own experience). In addition, the case is creatively oriented. It is supposed to create the text of advertising and its design. This case can be given to students as a separate project.




Topic: "Case technologies in the classroom and literature"

teacher of Russian language

and literature VKK

g. o. Kolomna 2016

Case technologies in the lessons of the Russian language and literature.

The Concept of Teaching the Russian Language and Literature in the Russian Federation refers to the importance of the subjects "Russian Language" and "Literature" in the modern education system. The Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation is the core around which the Russian identity is formed, the civil, cultural, educational space of the country, as well as a factor in the personal freedom of a citizen, providing the possibility of his self-realization in a multinational and multicultural state.

The study of the Russian language and literature plays a leading role in the process of educating a person, developing his moral qualities and creative abilities, in familiarizing himself with domestic and foreign culture, in preserving and developing national traditions and the historical continuity of generations.

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the guidelines of the modern school are fundamentally changing, the main task of which today is to transfer the student to the mode of self-development. The fundamental difference between the modern approach is the orientation of standards on the results of mastering the main ones. The results are understood not only as subject knowledge, but also as the ability to apply this knowledge in practical activities.

Modern society needs educated, moral, enterprising people who can analyze their actions; make decisions independently, predicting their possible consequences; be mobile; be able to cooperate; to have a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country, its socio-economic prosperity.

It is impossible to achieve a new quality of education without introducing new forms and methods of education into its system, optimizing the educational process through the use of promising pedagogical technologies.

In my teaching activities, I try to follow the trends of the time, I turn to innovative methods and techniques for teaching the Russian language and literature.

An interactive approach to learning is now the most productive for solving the problems set in education. Case technologies are considered one of the varieties of interactive technologies.

Case (from the English "case" - case, situation) is a description of a specific real situation, designed to teach students to analyze different types of information, generalize it, formulate the problem and develop options its decisions in accordance with the established criteria.

Case technology is learning by doing. The case-study method, or the method of specific situations, is a method of active problem-situational analysis based on learning by solving specific problems - situations (case solving).

This technology is intended for obtaining knowledge in disciplines where there is no unequivocal answer to the questions posed; possible to obtain multiple solutions. The emphasis in learning is transferred from mastering ready-made knowledge to its development, to the co-creation of students and teachers; the student becomes equal with other students and the teacher in the process of discussing the problem. The result is not only knowledge, but also competencies that are formed in the process of solving a case.

The use of this technology in the lessons of the Russian language and literature is explained by the need to find ways to enhance the cognitive interest of students, the development of a set of key competencies for each of them. The case method acts as a technology for forming a way of thinking, which allows you to think and act within the framework of competencies, develop creative potential.

In case technology, a model of a specific situation is developed; the description should contain a problem or a number of direct or indirect difficulties, contradictions, hidden tasks for solution; additional information search is required in the process of work; as a result, students find their own solutions to the proposed problem (often ambiguous multiple solutions) and come to their own conclusions.

There are the following case-technologies:

Method of situational analysis (method of analysis of specific situations, situational tasks and exercises);

Incident method (the student must find the missing information himself);

Method of situational role-playing games;

The method of parsing business correspondence (receiving a case with detailed description situations: a set of documents that help find a way out of a difficult situation (including documents that are not related to this problem so that students can choose the information they need), and questions that allow you to find a solution, game design;

discussion method.

There are different types of cases:

Printed case (contains graphs, diagrams, illustrations, (makes the case more visual));

Multimedia case (depending on the technical equipment of the school);

Video - case.

Case types and function:

a) training (training in skills of activity in changing situations - writing texts of various genres);

b) teaching (mastering knowledge about dynamically developing objects - theory of literature);

c) analytical (development of skills and abilities of analytical activity - analysis of phenomena and objects);

d) research - acts as a model for obtaining new knowledge, teaching the skills of scientific research through the use of the modeling method, is built on the principles of creating a research model; e) systematizing (systematization of situational knowledge - the use of suffixes of nouns);

f) prognostic (obtaining information about the development of a given system - a forecast of the development of events in a literary work).

The case is created according to a certain scheme

Formulation of educational goals and objectives to be solved in the process of working on a case;

Definition of the problem of the situation (educational, scientific, life) and the creation of a generalized model;

Search for an analogue of a generalized model of a situation in real life, education or science;

Identification of sources and methods for collecting information;

The choice of technique for working with this case;

Definition desired result(evaluation sheet);

Creation of a given model;

Approbation in the learning process.

There are three levels of case complexity:

1 level. There is a practical situation, there is a solution. Students determine whether the solution is suitable for this situation, whether another solution is possible, another answer. For example, do you agree with the statement of critic N. Dobrolyubov, who called Katerina “a ray of light in a dark kingdom”? or: do you agree with the words that in his comedy "Woe from Wit" - "25 fools per sane person"?

2nd level. There is a practical situation, find its solution. Compare, find common ground and differences. For example, “what caused the theme of the “superfluous person” in the early 19th century”? or “what caused the appearance of the “little man” in Russian literature of the 19th century”? And. etc.

3rd level. There is a practical situation, define the problem and find solutions. There can be many solutions, and all options have the right to exist, to be discussed. For example, "what caused the conflict of Bazarov and do these two heroes have points of contact"?

The case should be interesting, written in simple and intelligible language; be problematic; expressively define the "core" of the problem; show both positive and negative examples; meet the needs of the selected contingent of students, contain the necessary and sufficient amount of information.

Here are some case examples.

In the painting "Moscow Courtyard", painted in 1878, Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov depicted a typical corner of old Moscow - the Church of the Savior on the Sands, located in one of the alleys near the old Arbat street. This church still stands today, now surrounded by a completely different urban environment. Find this place and take a photo. What would this picture look like now? Describe her. Imagine that you are conducting a tour of the Tretyakov Gallery, in the hall where paintings are presented. What can you tell us about the painting "Moscow Courtyard"? Write a short text of this fragment of the excursion. Find texts of lyrical poems in which the forest is described in different seasons. Write out the snippets. Conclude what means of artistic expression the authors most often use to describe nature. Take a picture of the exhibits of the exposition of each room of the museum, create a colorful museum with comments for sightseeing visitors. If you were to write a sequel to The Inspector General, what would it be? Write the final appearance of your play.

The case method has wide educational opportunities. The use of this method in a secondary school solves a number of important tasks:

Increasing motivation for learning (a problem situation is always vital); skills development (information is presented as a set of various types of information): analysis, highlighting the main topics; development of communicative competence (work in groups, the ability to defend one's point of view); development of speech culture (the ability to argue, represent interests).

In turn, a teacher who uses case technologies in his lessons, develops cases himself, selects materials for solving a case, also develops: he develops the skills of selecting information, organizing the work of students in groups.

The specifics of using the case method as an educational technology at school is as follows:

Training in small groups (4 - 5 people);

Each group is given the same task;

The problem should not have an unambiguous solution;

Mandatory availability of information material;

In this case, information should be either redundant or insufficient;

A prerequisite is within the group, and then a common solution.

When evaluating the work of students, the teacher assesses the ability of students to develop joint decisions, build arguments, the ability to listen and accept a different point of view.

For the teacher, work with the case consists of two stages:

Selection of the situation and material for its solution;

Presenting the situation to the children and organizing activities to work with it.

In turn, the work of students with a case in the lesson is built from several stages:

Acquaintance with the case;

Study and analysis of material intended to solve the situation;

Group discussion of the solution;

Demonstration of the solution of your group;

Discussion (discussion of various options for solving the situation).

As a rule, a case consists of three parts: the problem situation itself, supporting information and a specific task for the case.

A problem situation can be presented in different forms: a text with a clear plot or idea, a video clip, an audio recording, perhaps even a photo or illustration.

The case method is harmoniously woven into the educational process of the school, brings it closer to life reality, and contributes to the formation of successful activities of students in society. The case method is understood as the study of a discipline by considering a large number of situations or tasks in certain combinations. Such training develops, often unconsciously, an understanding and ability to think in terms of the main problems that children face in daily activities. The case method contributes to the development of the ability to analyze situations, evaluate alternatives, choose the best option and plan its implementation. And if this approach is applied repeatedly during the training cycle, then the students develop a stable skill in solving practical problems.

The essence of this technology lies in the fact that educational material is presented to students in the form of microproblems (microsituations), and knowledge is acquired as a result of their active research and creative activity to develop solutions. A student can try on many roles, try himself in various problem situations, see how others solve the same problem. With the help of mastering cases, students form the experience of successful activity.

Of course, there are also difficulties in preparing cases and working with them. Before undertaking the implementation of case technology in their activities, the teacher must clearly answer the questions:

1. For whom and what is the case being written for?
2. What should students learn?
3. What lessons will they learn from this?

When preparing a specific case for a lesson, it is necessary to take into account the correspondence of the problem situation to the purpose of the lesson and the age characteristics of the class. Next, correctly and clearly formulate the task for solving the case. It is also necessary to select such a set of information that would fully comprehensively reflect the essence of the problem, or, conversely, the amount of information would be insufficient, which generates students' interest in the case and increases the motivation to work with it.

It is important to think over the effectiveness of work in groups in advance so that a situation of collective discussion and solution of the situation is created. Small group work is central to the case method, as it is the best method of learning and sharing experience. After the students are divided into small groups for work, they begin independent work. It is when working in microgroups that situations are analyzed as a set of circumstances, conditions or states of affairs in which team members jointly seek a solution to a problem. They listen to each other, speak themselves, write down, observe, analyze the result. At the same time, they argue, build hypotheses, learn to listen, agree with the best draft solution, find errors, design solutions, actions, prepare material for discussion.

An important feature of this technology is that it allows you to combine various teaching methods and techniques that enable students to master and consolidate new knowledge and forms of cognition and analysis of reality. This is one of the aspects of the effectiveness of the case method in teaching students.

Methods and techniques


Building a situation model

System Analysis

System representation and situation analysis

thought experiment

A way of gaining knowledge about a situation through its mental transformation

Description method

Creating a situation description

Classification method

Creating ordered lists of properties that make up situations

Game Methods

Presentation of options for the behavior of characters in a situation


Generating ideas about the situation


Exchange of views on the problem and ways to solve it

I set myself the task of introducing case technology with . Children already at this school age work with cases with great enthusiasm, they are attracted by the vitality of the case, the variety of solutions to the problem. Here are some examples of case tasks in Russian language and literature lessons.

1) Read the article in the school newspaper and the editor's remarks. Does the note reveal the main idea reflected in the title? Edit the note - while you can keep or change its name.

2) wrote: "Punctuation marks serve as notes when reading." Prove the validity of this judgment on the example of the proposed text.

3) Imagine that you are looking out of the window at the forest across the river. Compose and write down several sentences describing the same picture, but in different ways depending on whether the forest is far or close to home; is it coniferous or deciduous; autumn or spring.

4) Read thoughtfully L. Martynov's poem "Next".

a) How to play keyword this poem?

b) What are the two meanings of the word trace?

c) Write out detailed phrases with the word trace so that the lexical meanings of this word are clear.

d) How would you answer the poet’s question: “What mark will you leave?” If you have never thought about it before, think about it and write. Let the question for you sound like this: “What would I like to leave a mark on the earth?”

4) Why did Gerasim go to the village? What did Turgenev want to tell readers (to evoke sympathy, protest against the willfulness of the landowners, to show the strength of character and dignity of the hero)? Prepare a discussion on this topic.

5) What is the meaning of the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus"? What does the writer condemn (the senselessness of enmity between peoples, the senselessness of war, or something else?

Of course, any pedagogical activity will become productive only if the teacher applies a variety of teaching methods and techniques in the classroom, coordinating them with the characteristics of the level of perception of students and the topic of the lesson. In my classes, I try to diversify the work with game exercises, individual task cards, creative and research projects, presentations, video and audio recordings. Also, at the beginning of the lesson, I often use the problematic method of presenting the topic of the lesson and formulating tasks. I strive to build classes in such a way that the children themselves sum up the lesson, evaluate the achievement of the goal and personal achievements. I adhere to a democratic style of teaching. I conduct separate classes with low-achieving children on the topics covered.

With the use of case technologies in the lessons of the Russian language and literature, the content of education remains unchanged, the form of education is transformed, more time is allocated for group and intergroup interaction in the classroom. The case differs from a simple educational task in that the educational task involves one answer, and the case involves several solutions. Since the case method is based on a problematic situation that involves several options for solving it, we are not interested in the answer, but the path to it. Work in groups and microgroups develops, first of all, the communicative and social competencies of students.

Thus, case technology today has become very relevant in the field of teaching in secondary schools. Its advantages are that the case-technology provides the activation of schoolchildren, teaches them to think critically, solve complex problems, make thoughtful decisions, communicate with people, develop independence and creative abilities of students; increases students' interest in the subject and forms key educational competencies.