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Idol old version download 1.7 2. Install idol environment. Preparation for the exam in informatics

For the introductory course with the use of performers, the Idol is used with the "Course Support Module" - the IPC, developed by D.P. Kirienko, Moscow. IPC support is included in stable versions of the Kumir system only starting from version 1.8.0. Idol versions prior to 1.8.0 do not contain course support.

For Windows system - install version 1.8.0 of the Kumir system from the developers site. Link:
Versions of Idol before 1.8.0 do not contain the "Course Support Module", so version 1.8.0 is needed.

IPC launch

To open the IPC window, use the menu of the Kumir system "Tools" - "Workshop".

Archive of tasks for the performer Robot

Tasks for the performer Robot (0-16) are performed using the IPC. It is necessary to download the archive with the tasks, open the file from the MPK vodoley.kurs.xml or robot.kurs.xml... This xml file contains descriptions of tasks, task conditions, links to algorithm templates, examples of starting conditions for testing, testing algorithms.

The student must save the course in their working directory in a file named, for example, This file stores the texts of solutions created by the student, the results of checking his problems. Subsequently, the student must open his own work file. * .work.xml.

In the examples of starting situations, the letter “A” denotes the cell where the robot is before the execution of the algorithm, the letter “B” denotes the cell to which the robot must be moved, the asterisks in the lower right corner indicate the cells that the robot must paint over.

Instructions for completing tasks

To complete assignments at home by students and transfer completed assignments to school, there is

Download the Kumir environment for installation at home: [... ]dows-32bit-setup.exe

Download the archive with a course of tasks for doing at home:. The archive is regularly updated!

Installation idol

2. Run the downloaded exe-file. You may need to run the file with administrator rights ( Context menu- Run as administrator):

3. As a rule, you can answer all questions during installation in a standard way.

Arrangement of courses

1. A course with tasks consists of the kumir directory, which contains the robot.kurs.xml file with a description of the course, a nested robot subdirectory with examples of robot starting environments and program templates. All of these files are packed into one zip archive posted at. This archive is regularly updated as new tasks appear.

2. Your personal solutions and the results of their verification are stored in the file, which is located in your home directory. So to get home exact copy course and completed assignments, you need to download the zip archive with the course, unpack it at home, and also get a copy of the file by sending it to yourself e-mail or transferring to USB Flash.

Work at home

1. Start the Idol, open the course window (menu "Tools - Workshop"). Click the Download Course button and select the file (the file with your solutions).

After opening the file, you will see an error message - Idol cannot find the course assignments contained in the robot.kurs.xml file (because this file is located in a different directory).

Specify the path to the robot.kurs.xml file.

After that, you can perform tasks:

Transferring completed assignments from home to school

Email the file or transfer it to USB Flash. When opening this file at school, you will see the same error message, point to the course file /home/pub/tasks/kumir/robot.kurs.xml.

Training tasks

1) Contractor KUZNECHIK lives on the number axis. The initial position of the GRASSHOPPER is point 0. Grasshopper command system:

Forward 4 - Grasshopper jumps forward 4 units, Back 3 - Grasshopper jumps back 3 units.

Which least amount once the command "Back 3" must meet in the program for the Grasshopper to be at point 27?

2) The artist KUZNECHIK lives on the number axis. The initial position of the GRASSHOPPER is point 0. Grasshopper command system:

Forward 6 - Grasshopper jumps 6 units forward,

Back 4

What is the smallest number of times the "Back 4" command must occur in the program for the Grasshopper to be at point 28?

3) The artist KUZNECHIK lives on the number axis. The initial position of the GRASSHOPPER is point 0. Grasshopper command system:

Forward 5 - Grasshopper jumps forward 5 units,

Back 3 - Grasshopper jumps back 3 units.

What is the smallest number of times the "Back 3" command must occur in the program for the Grasshopper to be at point 21?

4) Artist KUZNECHIK lives on the number axis. The initial position of the GRASSHOPPER is point 0. Grasshopper command system:

Forward 7

Back 5

What is the smallest number of times the command "Back 5" should occur in the program for the Grasshopper to be at point 19?

5) Artist KUZNECHIK lives on the number axis. The initial position of the GRASSHOPPER is point 10. The system of commands of the Grasshopper:

Forward 7 - Grasshopper jumps forward 7 units,

Back 4 - Grasshopper jumps back 4 units.

What is the smallest number of times the command "Back 4" should occur in the program for the Grasshopper to be at point 43?

6) Artist KUZNECHIK lives on the number axis. The initial position of the GRASSHOPPER is point 15. The system of commands of the Grasshopper:

Forward 17 - Grasshopper jumps forward 17 units,

Back 6 - Grasshopper jumps back 6 units.

What is the smallest number of times the command "Back 6" must occur in the program for the Grasshopper to be at point 36?

7) Artist KUZNECHIK lives on the number axis. The initial position of the GRASSHOPPER is point 20. The system of commands of the Grasshopper:

Forward 3 - Grasshopper jumps forward 3 units,

Back 5 - Grasshopper jumps back 5 units.

For what is the smallest number of teams you can transfer the Grasshopper to point (-4)?

"Forward 4" (Grasshopper jumps forward 4 units),

What is the smallest number of times the command "Back 3" should occur in the program for the Grasshopper to be at point 31?

9) Artist Grasshopper lives on the number axis. Initial position - point 0. Grasshopper command system:

What is the smallest number of times the command "Back 4" should occur in the program for the Grasshopper to be at point 31?


"Forward 3" (Grasshopper jumps forward 3 units),

"Back 4" (Grasshopper jumps back 4 units).

What is the smallest number of times the command "Back 4" must occur in the program for the Grasshopper to be at point 32?

11) Artist Grasshopper lives on the number axis. Initial position - point 0. Grasshopper command system:

"Forward 5" (Grasshopper jumps forward 5 units),

"Back 3" (Grasshopper jumps back 3 units).

What is the smallest number of times the "Back 3" command must occur in the program for the Grasshopper to be at point 33?

12) Artist Grasshopper lives on the number axis. Initial position - point 0. Grasshopper command system:

"Forward 6" (Grasshopper jumps forward 6 units),

"Back 5" (Grasshopper jumps back 5 units).

What is the smallest number of times the "Back 5" command must occur in the program for the Grasshopper to be at point 33?

Kumir is a program for senior programmers created by NIISI RAS. This software allows students to teach programming in general education schools and test their skills in practical classes.

Kumir stands for "Set of Educational WORLDS". The program is designed to teach the basics of programming. Kumir has been widely used in informatics lessons for high school students.

The program consists of several components. The Standard component is created with a common set of tasks and training courses... The second "StandardPro" is expanded with additional lessons. In Kumir there is a course of practical work for high school students and teachers.


Workshops with lessons on programming languages ​​are popular in computer science lessons. The program on the basics of programming is equipped with a school language of algorithms. This language is analogous to the syntax that works in older programming languages ​​like Pascal or Basic.

The program code is indicated in Cyrillic, which gives a simple perception of the information. Pupils understand the logical operations and algorithms of the language more easily. Kumir has algorithms for "compilation" and "interpretation". The developers of this program call them "Robot" and "Draftsman".

The tasks of the program are divided into theoretical and practical parts. In some lessons, you can view the answer “visually”. The visual shell allows you to visually look at the changes that have occurred with the program code. All lessons and practical works are structured with separate courses. When performing very large works, the program stores unfinished programs in the KUM format. Running these jobs in the Windows operating system is not available. Use special programs to compile to run the generated projects in KUM format.

The creators of the program have divided the large project into several stages. There is a function in Kumir that monitors the correct entry of the code and the correctness of the values. A special helper shows Boolean expression data and information after entering assignment operations in a separate panel.

The tutorial is free to download and use. The number of installations is unlimited. Kumir can be used on any educational computer. Software installed on computers with operating system Windows and UNIX systems.

The most important

  • Kumir is suitable for teaching high school students in secondary schools;
  • its own syntax base, which is created in Cyrillic;
  • division of workshops into their own courses;
  • contains practical work for teachers;
  • the program runs under the free GNU 2.0 license;
  • uncomplicated shell with the Russian language.

Kumir - software solution, created by NIISI RAS specifically in order to help senior students of secondary schools to comprehend the basics of programming and test their skills in workshops. The full name of this system sounds like a Set of Educational WORLDS. It includes several components at once. The first, called Standard, offers a traditional set of tasks and learning materials. The second, with the prefix "Pro", supplements the "Standard" with additional courses. There are also versions of the software for high school and for teachers.


The software solution is used in computer science lessons. It implements the school algorithmic language, which is a kind of analogue of the syntax of old programming languages ​​like Pascal or Basic. Code constructions are designated in Cyrillic, which makes it much easier for students to understand the logic of performing certain operations. There is also a kind of compiler and interpreter, which the developers gave the names Robot and Draftsman.

Each assignment consists of theoretical and practical parts. For some lessons, a visualization of the result is provided, thanks to which you can visually understand the impact of the changes made to the code. All available lessons are structured into individual courses.

When performing especially large tasks, Kumir allows you to save unfinished programs in own format KUM. Execute them in Windows environment not obtained, but it can be done using standard software tools. In general, the developers have tried to break down the work on large projects into several stages. They also implemented a function in Kumir that constantly monitors the correctness of the entered code, and a special assistant that displays the values ​​of logical expressions and the results of assignment operations on a separate panel.

You can download and use the system completely free of charge. It is allowed to install it on an unlimited number of educational computers. By the way, in addition to the version for Windows, Kumir also has a version for UNIX systems.

The most important

  • approved by the Ministry of Education as a teaching material for informatics lessons in high school;
  • uses its own code syntax, written in Cyrillic;
  • breaks down the available teaching materials into separate courses;
  • allows teachers to conduct workshops;
  • Distributed under the GNU 2.0 Free License;
  • has a pretty pragmatic interface.