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How to get the contacts icon back on an android phone. Why applications (or shortcuts) disappear on Android, how can a user restore them on his own. How to recover icons from built-in applications if they disappeared from the desktop

If the application is transferred to an external memory card (as heavy as, for example, Yandex cards), then after restarting the smartphone, the shortcut to this application disappears from home screen... This happens obviously due to the unmounting / mounting of the memory partition of the external flash card. At the moment, I have not yet been able to find an adequate solution to this problem. By this word I mean a solution to a problem without using crutches.

So, in order for the shortcut of the application that is installed on the external memory card to not disappear after restarting the smartphone, you need:
1. Download any widget, who knows how to link to the application. Smart Shortcuts worked for me. For better or worse, this widget works with a group of shortcuts. Those. You tap on the widget, its contents open, there may be one shortcut to the application, or there may be several.
2. Install it on internal memory phone!
3. Launch Smart Shortcuts and select "Application shortcuts".

4. In the application, click on the menu button in the upper right corner and select "Add Tag":

5. Enter the name of the shortcut group and click "Choose from Icons Pack":

6. Select the group icon:

7. Next, long tap on this group and choose "Choose Shortcuts":

8. Check the boxes for all applications that will be included in this group, and then click "OK":

9. When everything is done, you can exit the program and go to the desktop. On it, open the desktop settings with a long tap and go to the Widgets section, where to find the Smart Shortcuts widget and select the created group there.

If you only need one shortcut, there is a slight inconvenience. when tapping on this widget, the group will first open, and only then it will be possible to select and launch the application. But there is still a plus - the desired shortcut will no longer disappear from the home screen after the device is restarted!

If an application or game on your android device has been deleted (on purpose or unintentionally), you may want to return it back. You can restore a deleted application on Android using several simple actions.

But let's take a look first possible reasons deleting:

  • Accidental deletion of a program or game.
  • The application was uninstalled on purpose, and over time you decided to restore it, but do not remember its name.
  • The smartphone or tablet was restored to factory settings, resulting in the deletion of all installed programs.
  • Exposure to viruses is one of the main causes of corrupted application files.
  • Antivirus software that has permission to modify other applications and their data may delete any files or program components if it considers them suspicious.

How to return a deleted application on an Android smartphone or tablet

1. First of all, you need to open the application Google play on your device and go to home page.

2. In the upper left corner, click the button in the form of three lines.

4. Click on the "All" tab.

Here you will see a list of applications that have ever been installed on your device. Opposite the installed applications will be the words "Installed" or "Update". Deleted applications will be marked “Free” or a purchase offer if the program is paid.

Apps associated with your Google Play account will be sorted by their download time. Those. the most recent apps and games you have installed will be at the top, and your first programs will be at the bottom of the list.

5. Please select required application or a game and install.

If you cannot find desired application in the list, make sure you are using the correct account, which was the main one when installing the program in the past.

Also, the reason for the absence of an application in the installation history may be its removal from Google Play for all users. In this case, you can restore the program only by downloading the apk file from a third-party resource.

The essence of this method for recovering deleted Android applications comes down to finding and reinstalling programs. For the more advanced Reserve copy and recovery can be used special programs such as App Backup & Restore.

The disappearance of a shortcut from the home screen or the program itself from the list of applications is a problem that many Android users are familiar with firsthand. But only a few are able to solve it. Therefore, if you do not want to overpay the master for a trifling work, this article is for you.

Possible problems and solutions

Screens mobile gadgets are highly sensitive to touch. Often the user, unknowingly, by accidental pressing sends an icon or application to the trash. Therefore, before checking the device for errors, make sure that the program you are looking for is actually uninstalled. For this:

  • We open the Play Market.
  • By clicking the 3 horizontal stripes per row voice search we call the side menu.
  • We select the item "My applications and games"
  • Go to the "Installed" tab and check if the application we are interested in is in the list.
  • If so, open the application page, delete it and reinstall it.
  • If the application is not in the list, open its page on Google Play and install it.
  • Protecting ourselves from the repetition of such situations: we establish automatic blocking screen while the gadget is not in use.

After reinstallation, the label should be back in place. If this did not happen, or the shortcut returned, but only for a while, perhaps you have:

The system is infected with viruses

Today, malicious programs are increasingly disguised as popular applications, and therefore, the number of downloads they have is in the hundreds of thousands, or even millions of downloads. Most modern viruses do not directly harm the device (in order to be able to collect information about you for longer). However, there are those that are aimed specifically at destabilizing the operation of the gadget. Removing programs or their shortcuts in this case is a common thing. Therefore, when a problem arises, the first thing we do is make sure that the anti-virus databases always remain up-to-date.

Developer problem

Application development is done not only by professionals, but also by amateurs. If the icon does not appear from the very beginning, most likely, the author incorrectly wrote the intent-filter in the manifest file. To test this theory, ask a friend (who has a phone from the same company as yours) to install the problematic application. Doesn't he have a label? Write to the developer until he fixes this bug, the problem will not be solved.

SD card problem

Applications from Play market are automatically installed on the internal memory of the smartphone. However, the user can place third-party programs at his own discretion. Often, to speed up the system, they are placed on a removable memory card. Only after the device is loaded, the initialization of the SD card can take several minutes. The applications installed on it do not respond to the system request at this time, as a result of which the icons are not displayed.

The problem is solved in several ways:

  • Buying a more modern memory card with accelerated processing and data recording (not the best option, since it does not guarantee a 100% result).
  • (The probability of success is maximum, but the smartphone may start to slow down).
  • Rebooting the SD card (the best solution, which helps in 85% of cases).

To disable and re-enable the memory card, go to "Settings" and open the "Memory" section. There (at the very bottom), first click on the item "Disable MicroSD", and then (when the drive is deactivated) "Enable MicroSD". We are waiting for a couple of minutes, after which the shortcuts should appear.

note! The memory card itself may have deteriorated. If the described steps did not help, check its performance on another gadget before proceeding to the next steps.

Firmware problem

Another option, explaining why applications from Android could disappear, is related to the system itself. If you recently modified the phone's firmware, the updates might not be installed correctly, as a result of which some shortcuts and / or applications were lost. To return everything as it was:

  • We open system settings phone.
  • We find the section "Restore and Reset" (or a similar name in meaning).
  • We select the recovery option that you are using (from the "cloud", from " internal memory" etc).

After the system returns to previous settings, .

The apps themselves have been moved

When applications are installed on the phone, the path to their location is immediately written in the shortcut parameters. Therefore, when a program is removed from its installation location, the icon disappears along with it. However, the disappearance of the shortcut from the desktop does not mean that the application was uninstalled. Perhaps you accidentally moved the folder with its files somewhere when you downloaded photos to your computer or installed an application manually, and not from the Play Market.

The easiest solution to the problem in this case is to reinstall the application. However, the transferred files will remain dead weight somewhere. To get rid of them, connect the gadget to the computer and start the search by the name of the application (if it consists of several words, use the first one). If the search results contain the files we need, click on them right click mouse and select "Properties" or "File Location" to find out exactly where they are stored on the phone. If not in place, delete it.

note! If not third-party, but built-in applications were moved, the system may start to work incorrectly. If you cannot return or reinstall them, roll back the system to the previous state, following the recommendations from the previous paragraph.

The launcher is not working correctly

Launcher is a shell that makes it easier for the user to work with a smartphone. And if you changed the base one to the one from a third-party developer, some of the shortcuts could well be deleted or grouped into folders. To check this, go back to the base launcher. For this:

  • We go into the settings.
  • We are looking for a section dedicated to the settings of the device itself (screen, memory, applications).
  • We click on the item "Launcher selection" (or similar in meaning, since in the version for your device it may be called differently).
  • In the proposed list, select the basic option.
  • We save the changes and check if the icons appear.
  • If so, the problem lies in the launcher, if not, we return everything as it was, and continue to figure it out.

Another option related to the work of the launcher is grouping applications into folders for optimization. free space on the screen. Check your desktop for folders with multiple icons inside. If so, the desired label may well be inside one of them. To return, open the folder, hold down the icon with your finger and, without releasing it, move it to the side until it comes out to the desktop.

Factory reset

If the solutions listed above did not help and the icons on the desktop are still missing, there is only one option left -. This can be done in different ways.

Note! A reset will delete absolutely all your data in the phone's memory, so before starting it, do backups necessary files, contacts, etc.

A certain combination of numbers

This option is the simplest, but it may not work on all smartphones. To use it, in the dialing field, write one of the three suggested combinations and click "Call":

  1. *2767*3855#
  2. *#*#7780#*#*
  3. *#*#7378423#*#*

If this method suits your device, the smartphone will go to reboot, after which the settings will be rolled back to the factory defaults.

Through the menu of the smartphone itself

If the device is working properly, you can return it to the pre-sale state through the menu. For this:

  • We check that the charging on the phone is more than 70% (so that it does not turn off during the reinstallation process).
  • Open the "Settings" section (some models have a gear-shaped icon on the desktop, others - in the "Menu").
  • In the "System" subsection, we are looking for the "Restore and Reset" item (or, if your device does not have one, close to it in meaning).
  • Scroll down the list and select "Reset settings" or another phrase, in the description of which a return to factory settings is indicated.
  • We launch the rollback and wait for the result.

Now all that remains is to update the system to current version("Settings" - "About phone" - "System update") and reinstall the applications.

Articles and Life Hacks

If you often use the same program or the same file on your mobile device, then to make your work easier, you need to know how to display a shortcut in Android on your desktop.

It is much more convenient to open the service from the main screen than to enter the menu, find the desired shortcut among the many icons and click on it.

And the situation with individual files is even more complicated: you first need to find the necessary one in the “My files” folder (and you don’t always remember exactly where it is located), and then just open it.

All these actions take several times longer than if you launch them directly from the desktop.

How to bring software icons to the desktop

There are no special problems with software icons. In order for the shortcut, which is still in the main menu, to appear on the main screen, you need;
  • Click on the application shortcut;
  • Hold your fingers for a couple of seconds;
  • When the icon appears on the desktop, move it to the desired location.
Thus, the software shortcut will be in two places at once: on the main screen and in the main menu. You can launch the service from anywhere.

How to display a shortcut to a file

Unfortunately, the developers of this OS did not think about how it was possible to open individual files without going into the menu.

That is, if you open the "My files" folder, select any one and click on it, then information will appear on how to delete, rename, send and perform other actions with a separate file, but not a word on how to drag it to the desktop.

To solve this problem, you will need:

  • Install in mobile device ES File Explorer File Manager, which is a free file manager;
  • Start the service;
  • Find folder with the desired file and open it;
  • Having found the file that you need to display on the main screen, press and hold on it until the selection area appears;
  • Select the desired shortcut without affecting the others, and in the list of options that appears, select "More";
  • In the window, click on "Add to desktop".
If these steps are successful, the shortcut to the file will be on the main screen, and now you can open it from there.

e). What to do and how to fix it and put it back in place.

To begin with, it would be quite useful to figure out what, in principle, can cause this to happen. Why, until recently, worked without problems smartphone or a tablet that, more recently, works great smartphone or the Android tablet began to malfunction of this kind. For example, it is not clear where, and for what reason, applications and added programs, games, and any other content began to disappear.

The fact is that in addition to the processes visible to us, in all devices with operating system Android, the processes responsible for the functioning of the kernel of the system are also running. Those. - that part of Android that is responsible for the main functionality of our gadget, and is the main component of the system. Without these, not presented to our review, but responsible for the smooth operation of the system, the functioning of the entire device as a whole is simply not possible. Absolutely everything that we download and run on our tablet e or smartphone e, cannot work for a second, without constant support " working environment"- i.e. our Android system. Accordingly, the functionality and operation of each application launched in the system directly depends on the stable functioning of the kernel, which, by the way, starts working as soon as you press the power button of your gadget, regardless of whether it is smartphone or tablet, if they are running an Android system, the essence of their work is based on the same thing.

The fact is that, over time, various kinds of system garbage remain inside the system (kernel). It appears inevitably on any Android device, be it tablet or smartphone. And, periodically, it must be "cleaned out". Therefore, the system, to work in a stable mode, becomes more and more difficult, and, therefore, there are "brakes" "lags" "glitches", etc. This can affect anything - any functions and capabilities of your tablet a or smartphone a. Figuratively, it’s as if the "gears" that used to spin and interact inside the device were perfectly clean and lubricated, now everything is covered in dust and sand, and rust has gone along them. Imagine how, for example, a clock would work with such a mechanism. It's the same with Android system... A notable feature of this kind of malfunction is that if problems of this kind, such as the inaccessibility (“disappearance”) of the application, began in the gadget, then the same “speck” inside the system of your device, with a high probability, will create obstacles and for related functions. Those. - if the camera icon disappears - do not be surprised if the Vkontakte application or something else disappears soon.

And, in order for the gadget to work without such failures, it is necessary to keep its system clean and tidy. There are 3 ways to do this:

  • METHOD. 1. The first does not require any third-party programs and utilities, and is available for execution by absolutely any user. To clean all the working nodes of the system of your gadget, you need, depending on the intensity of use, every three to four months to do " full reset settings ". Every Android device has this feature. It is located, as a rule, in the "settings" section - "backup and reset" - we go there, and once every few months we select the item "full reset" (restore standard settings deleting all data). However, using this functionality, you should first save all the necessary data, because after you perform a "reset", the system will not only clean itself, but also delete all files, contacts, etc. saved on the gadget. If, however, this option is not acceptable for you, see "Method 2" ..
  • METHOD 2.

Based on solving network communication and reception problems phone s and tablets based on Android by introducing additional software. Utilities that control all processes inside gadgets. Today, there are quite a few of them, however, the fewer functions an application contains, the more, as a rule, it is effective. Best of all controls the functions of the system, corrects, and corrects everything possible mistakes settings and synchronization is a small, easy-to-use, free utility for Android devices. You can download the application from Google Play and see its additional options in the description. After installing the application, all that remains is to launch it. Further, from you, in principle, nothing else is required. The application will completely take over the control of the device's functions. (By the way, among other things, the gadget will start charging 20% ​​faster, and its performance will also significantly increase, which will affect the download speed and operation of all applications, games, and the system as a whole. On average, after scanning, the system works on 50% faster.)

  • In addition, it is worth cleaning the system with NORMAL antivirus. Best of all, it copes with this task Kaspersky antivirus , which you can download. Unlike the "multi-cleaner", the software of "Kaspersky Lab" is paid, therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to install such protection, you can skip this step ...

Method 3.

Change software devices, or, as it is also called "Per firmware ".This method, as a rule, requires certain skills and is solved by contacting the Service Center. To independently carry out this task, you need to contact the manufacturer's website for your device, download the utilities and the firmware itself necessary for the firmware, and then reinstall it on your gadget.

If none of the methods has brought results, unfortunately, you will have to contact Service center for repair of your tablet a or smartphone a.

The application icon disappeared in Android phone./ The icons on the smartphone (tablet) are disappearing ./ The application on the smartphone (tablet) is missing