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How to reduce the top margin in a Word. Customize and change page margins in Word. How to break text into sections

Correct indentation from the edge of the sheet is very important when designing text. Incorrect placement can distort appearance document and interfere with its perception. The easiest way to make fields in Word is on the example of the 2007 version, since these methods can be applied to other editions. Microsoft Word.

The methods below are the most popular and simple ones, of which you will definitely choose the most convenient one!

Via the "Page Layout" menu

How to make margins using a ruler

Select all the text (Ctrl + A) and move the mouse pointer over the ruler. Place it at the inner end of the border (the pointer itself should take the shape of a double-headed arrow). Drag the arrow to the required distance, and the text will automatically adjust to it. Be sure to follow the same procedure for the other sides of the page.

How to set margins for a specific piece of text

Select the text for which you want to apply the new settings, and drag the small triangle located on the ruler at the bottom to the required distance. If everything is done correctly, the distance to the edge of the page for the selected part will change, but for the main document it will remain the same.

Page parameters should be understood as its key specifications that determine the placement of text and other objects on it. These may include fields, dimensions, orientation.

Fields define the edges and borders of the area of ​​the text that fit it within itself. Dimensions (edit) adjust the height and width. Orientation means its location in relation to the reader. This article will discuss the features of adjusting parameters in versions Microsoft Office 2003, 2007, 2010. In addition, we will describe the setting of word wrap.

Page settings

To set these settings in Word 2003 you need to go to the menu File and select item of the same name. In version 2007 and later, you need to go to the menu Page layout and click on the arrow below.

Page margins

A dialog box that allows you to change fields in Microsoft Word 2003 will appear after clicking the item Page settings in the aforementioned way. Its approximate appearance is shown in the photo. Thus, this window sets dimensions top, left, bottom and right margins, binding. Change if desired book focus on landscape and vice versa. These changes can be applied to the entire document or to its current page.

In version 2007 and higher, everything is installed similar way.

Paper size

The size is set if necessary print out document on a sheet with a size different from A4 sheet. Last installed default... It is important that the paper size is supported by the printing device. As you can see in the screenshot below, the user of the program is trying to set the A5, A6 or B5 format. For his convenience indicated dimensions each type of paper.

It is also possible to install printer parameters... The paper feed is adjusted and, like the margin settings, the settings are applied to the entire document or to the current position. For ease of selection, the window shows a sample of the printed sheet.

In Office 2007 and higher, the size is adjusted with a different sequence of steps:


As a rule, texts are written from one column, but there are situations, say in newspapers or magazines, when they are written in several columns. This is sometimes relevant when filling websites with content.

The choice of the number of columns in the 2003 version is as follows:

  • Select at the top of the menu window Format;
  • Then click on the item Loudspeakers;
  • A window will appear;
  • Choose number columns, their width and scope.

Can be applied to the entire document, or to the end of the document.

Working with Office 2007 or 2010 we act differently. You need to go to the menu Page layout... Then the item is selected Loudspeakers... Here it is configured number columns and their location. They can be moved left or right.


In Word 2003, the hyphenation setting is done as follows;

If the text has already been typed and you need automatically to make hyphenations, then a marker is placed in the corresponding field. If you need to transfer abbreviations or other words from capital letters, then a suitable customization... If necessary, adjust the distance from the last character to the right edge, make changes to the item Transfer zone latitude... If you wish, you can use compulsory method.

In the 2007 version, the customization is done differently. First you need to go to the aforementioned markup menu and select the command Hyphenation... If you choose Auto, then they will part themselves. At manual options will offer hyphenation options in the highlighted word. The decision is made by a person. To select special settings, use the command Hyphenation options... They are similar to the options in Word 2003.

Page orientation.

Working with the package from 2003, we go to the already familiar item with fields from the menu Page settings... Two orientation options will be indicated: bookstore and landscape... The current orientation will be highlighted with a frame. To change it, you need to check the box next to another item.

It can be applied as to the whole document and to the end of the document... For the first option, select the appropriate item. When working with a package from 2007, to change the orientation, you need to go to the menu Page layout and select item Orientation... The same options will be offered.

Is a program that allows you not only to view text files, but also create them, edit. Editing means changing the font, its size or style, dividing document information into sections, etc.

The most common editing is the division of information into sections, which is necessary for ease of use, since you can work with each section separately, and this is much easier than with a large amount of information. Each part of the text can be formatted separately. This means that each part can have its own parameters.

After editing the text, they often proceed to setting the fields (if they were not set earlier). For this there is an instruction described below, which can facilitate the work or help a novice user.

What is a field?

Margins in Word are the blank space left at the bottom, top, right, and left.

If there are no breaks (sections), then one field is set for the entire document.

There are several ways to set margins for a page in the Word.

The first method is the simplest. To do this, you need a mouse and a ruler. All parameters are clearly defined. Usually the ruler is at the top of the page. If it is not shown, perform the following actions:

  1. Page layout.

The ruler consists of a horizontal and a vertical component, which is located on the left edge. This arrangement is optimal for regulating the field in the Word from all sides. The ruler is colored in two colors - gray (inactive area) and white (active area).

The next way to set fields for the Word is using the control panel. In this case, you can set the exact values ​​of the parameters (width and length). Also, this method is used if there is no mouse to control. In order to complete the installation of the field, you need to go through the path:

  1. File.
  2. Page settings.
  3. Fields.
  4. Data input.

Before entering numbers into the form, it will show you patterns that you can use (the so-called standard fields or the most commonly used).

In addition to the above two, there is also a third method. It is called a binding. From the name it becomes clear that it is used for those documents that will be bound after printing. This means that it is necessary to leave more space on the side from which the binding is planned in the future (this depends on the orientation of the page and the material in the document, or the presence / absence of pictures).

It may be difficult to set the margin for double-sided documents. But this is only at first glance. For these purposes, the "Mirror Field" function has been thought out. Some more difficulties may arise if the document is divided into sections. Then you need to select one of the options below by clicking in the "Apply" field:

  1. To all text. The selected values ​​will be displayed throughout the document.
  2. To the current section. Only possible for one section.
  3. Until the end of the text. Only in the part of the text that will be indicated.

What affects the fields and their sizes in the Word

The margin size is directly influenced by the page size as well as its orientation. For most documents, the standard size is 8.5 inches wide by 11 inches document length. The text data is parallel to the short edge. In addition to the standard sheet, you can specify other data. You can also. In this case, the standard parameters will change proportionally. Indicate both the size and orientation of the page as follows:

  1. File.
  2. Page settings.
  3. Paper size.
  4. Choice of orientation.
  5. Apply (this list has several options: to a specific section, to the entire text, or to the end of the text).
  6. Press the OK button.

Knowing the basic methods of setting the field for the Word, you can easily edit the document without spending a lot of time on it, and setting the fields will seem to be the simplest of the operations performed.

What do you usually do as soon as you open a blank sheet of MS Word: start typing right away, or take a few seconds to tidy up the margins and set the more familiar Times New Roman as the default font, not the standard Calibri? If the first one - I can congratulate you, you know well text editor in which you work. And if the second? Then congratulations too - you have finally found an article that will allow you to get rid of a number of annoying little things once and for all before starting work.

Resize margins in MS Word text document

To anyone else, but to me the standard size of margins in MS Word documents seems excessive. 3 centimeters to the left, 2 centimeters above and 2 centimeters above and below - I will use something like that only if I decide to write a novel, and they will pay me for each additional page. It is not at all difficult to customize the fields for yourself, the program assumes two modes for this at once: manual and automatic.

We set up the fields manually - we drag the mouse to this part of the sheet, and we pull the belt back and forth

  • In manual mode, you need to bring the mouse pointer to the "ruler" above the sheet (or right-left-bottom), catch the moment when the cursor takes the form of a double-headed white arrow, and then hold down left button mouse, and holding it, move the mouse to decrease or increase the width of the field.

Preset set of field blanks. Pay attention to the topmost type - the last document I used had the sizes indicated in it

  • V automatic mode, just go to Page Layout tab, and in the "Page settings" group, use the "Fields" tool... When you click on it, a small list of templates will open containing several standardized document field forms. Click on the one that you like best, and the selected margin size will be set for the entire document. Please note the most top line templates ("last user value") "remembers" those field settings that you used the last time you edited the document.

In general, any of the methods is quite simple and suitable even for a beginner. Another thing is that all our torments, in fact, are a one-time procedure - they are saved only in this specific document, and when creating a new one, we will have to start fiddling with the fields again.

Adjusting the default size of the fields set in MS Word

Let's save ourselves some extra seconds and show the stupid program who is the owner of this computer! Now we will make MS Word once and for all remember our preferences regarding the size of the fields, and we will make it so that the size we need will be set in each new document from the moment it is opened, without any manipulations with the mouse and buttons at all.

Yes, there is a third way to set field sizes in MS Word. Most accurate.

First of all, we will set the fields in accordance with our ideas about beauty. For me, this is 2 cm to the left, 1.5 cm from top to bottom, 1 cm to the right. Above, I already said that there are 2 ways to change the size of the fields, and at the same time I was cunning. There is a third way, I would call it the most accurate. Go to Page Layout tab, select the tool "Fields", and click on its lowest point "Custom fields ..."(the same window can be invoked by clicking on the small arrow located in the lower right corner of the "Page settings" tool group).

The opened window to us. So far, we are only interested in the upper group called "Fields". See? That is why I called this method of determining the fields the most accurate - here it is enough to enter the necessary numbers in the appropriate boxes, and you will not have to break your eyes adjusting the width "along the line".

Default. Simple, huh?

Everything is fine? Well, great, we press the very bottom button: "Default" and we answer in the affirmative to the question that the changes made will be applied to all documents using the template NORMAL.

Are you going to set your default set of fields? Of course.

Everything? Almost all. Close your MS Word document (with or without saving - it doesn't matter). If nothing else happened, congratulations, you just got rid of your margins problem. From now on and forever (or rather, before reinstall windows:)), the default size of document margins in MS Word will be the one you just entered.

The main thing is to remember the address of the folder where the templates are located, in the screenshot it is at the very top

What if it happened? Rather, the "Save Document" window has opened, prompting you to rename the Normal.dotm template? It means most likely you have problems with access to files from the application. It doesn't matter - rename your template to something like Normal1.dotm and save. Then manually go to the folder where the templates are stored (you will see the path to the folder in address bar), delete the old Normal.dotm, and the new Normal1.dotm you just created, rename it to Normal.dotm

Now that's exactly it.

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The era of typewriters is long gone. If you decide to type a text today, then for this you just need to launch any text editor on your computer and in a few minutes you will be able to print it. Despite this simplicity, there are some rules, the implementation of which will help to make the text more readable. There are also several purely "technical" rules that must be followed in order for the text to print normally. We will talk about one of these rules. Considering that the editor “Word” is the most popular today, we will discuss exactly how to make fields in the Word. Below we present a few tips for the 2013 version of the program, although they can all apply to earlier versions - including 2010 or 2007.

Why are fields needed?

  1. If you work with any text, then correctly specified fields will be a sign of your competence and professionalism. Especially if you are editing texts.
  2. You shouldn't change the layout of the page in order to increase the size of the text.
  3. Never set indents too small - you can easily lose an important part of the text.

As we said, document markup is a very important part. We will tell you the most popular methods to help you create fields in a Word.

Method one. Using "Page Layout"

The main advantage of this method is that you enter all the parameters of the future layout yourself and completely set the future sheet format.

Second method. We use the "ruler"

Unlike the previous method, in this one we will use a “roulette” or “ruler” built into the program to mark up the page. It is very easy to find it, since it is usually located above the text of the document, and marks with numbers are indicated along its entire length. If you cannot find it, perhaps it is simply hidden: you need to go to the "View" tab and tick the display of the roulette wheel.

As you can see, this method is perfect for small texts typed in a Word. If you work with large texts, then, of course, it is better to use the first method - it will be much faster and safer.

We hope that our tips on how to make fields in a Word will be useful to you in practice. Good luck to you!

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