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How to make Yandex your start page. We save the Yandex search engine to the start page. Configuring the start page of Yandex browser

Hello dear readers of the blog site. We all were once new to the internet. It is especially difficult to be a beginner when you are no longer a teenager. There are so many questions that are difficult to find answers to due to their simplicity for those who are more or less familiar with the network.

Personally, I myself have observed more than once when they tried to show me an interesting page with the help of and search for the desired page among the answers received. And how much disappointment it was when this page was no longer there (after all, the issue is constantly changing).

One of the usability features is the ability make a frequently used page(for example, the main Yandex, Google or this one that you have opened now in your Internet browser) start (home)... As a result, it automatically opens when the browser starts. For example, this is very handy if you are using.

With the appropriate settings, it will always open the next time you launch your browser (Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Yandex browser). Usually, they try to establish a home page of a major portal, from which it will be possible to start the search, and read the news, and do much more.

It will be enough to download and run (or just click on the "Set" button) the application using the link provided, and in this browser the home page will change to

If you want make everything through home page Yandex, then depending on the browser you are using you will receive various "offers", which all boil down to about one thing - will be produced automatic setting the browser in such a way that when it starts, it always opens the main page of this search engine and, in combination, the portal.

What I'm talking about? Well, let's see what happens when you enter the main page from under Chrome:

It will be enough to click on the inscription “Make Yandex home page»And you will only have to agree to, which will make the necessary changes in the browser settings.

If you open the main from under Mazily, you will see a simple instruction for action, which you do not use to use:

At the Opera when you open the Yandex home page, you will be prompted:

It, in turn, will replace home page, well, it will add many other goodies, which you can read about in the article at the link above. you will be prompted to install Yandex.Panel for Opera, which is also capable of doing the work we need.

When you visit in a browser Internet Explorer you will be kicked off to a page with extensions from Yandex, including the above Elements.

Having installed this extension, the main page of the leading search engine of the Russian Internet will open for you automatically when you start this browser.

How to make a start page in Yandex browser and Chrome

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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If you have long dreamed of making Yandex your home page, but you don’t get your hands on it, or you don’t know how to do this, this article is for you.

By the way, what happens when Yandex is set as the start page? Clicking the browser icon automatically opens the Search Engine web page.

Knowing how to set a particular web page as your home page is helpful. You can always make the page you are interested in as a start page and not waste extra time. We decided to take Yandex as an example, since this search engine is recognized as the most used in Russia.

The algorithm for installing the main page is approximately the same for most browsers.

We'll take a closer look at how to make a start page for:

Yandex home page in Mozilla Firefox

To make the Yandex page the main one in Mazil Firefox, follow these steps:

  • go to "Tools";
  • go to the "Settings" tab;
  • click on the line "Basic" - this is the first window in the settings;
  • find the inscription "Home page or" Home Page "in the main settings;

  • in the line "Home page" enter
  • click "Ok".
  • As you can see, making Yandex a home page on Mazil is pretty simple.

    In addition, Mazila provides a unique option - to make Yandex search the default home page. It is much easier to search for information in a search engine with such settings: the visited sites are displayed automatically.

    How do you make Yandex the default home page?

    • open your browser and go to "Settings";
    • find the "Default Browser" block;
    • find the button "make Yandex the default browser";
    • click "Ok".

    Yandex home page in Opera

    The interfaces of most browsers are similar to each other, so installing the start page on the Opera will be similar to installing it on Mazil.

    How to make Yandex the only start page for Opera:

    Yandex home page in Google Chrome

    Google Chrome is an excellent browser that is rapidly gaining popularity among web users. It is distinguished by a simple and pleasant interface, understandable even for a child.

    Installing the start page on Google Chrome will be slightly different from the algorithms already discussed. This is due to the fact that this browser is young and new developments are used for it.

    However, there is nothing complicated if you know the specific algorithm:

    You can also make Yandex Mail your main page in Google. When you open the browser, you will see a page with Yandex Mail. Many runet users have several electronic boxes... For example, one mailbox is for work correspondence, and the other is for communicating with friends.

    Another handy Google Chrome add-on is visual bookmarks... They help you navigate to pages of interest in one click.

    Tabs are small thumbnails of frequently visited pages. In the settings, you can change their number, color, general background, and also delete or add new bookmarks.

    Their main advantage is the saving of human time.

    Probably, the user wanted to install Yandex virtual tabs in Chrome. We remind you that this option is available for Google Chrome, Opera and Mozilla Firefox browsers.

    Let's see how to add a virtual bookmarks option using Google Chrome as an example:

    Yandex visual bookmarks are one of the most popular tools among users. This is not surprising, since they are useful, convenient and updated by the developers all the time.

    Video: How to make Yandex your start page

    Yandex home page in Internet Explorer

    The Internet Explorer browser is distinguished by a wide variety of versions installed on laptops or PCs with Windows.

    We will look at how to make Yandex the main page for new Internet versions Explorer - 10 and 11. The algorithm for installing the main page for earlier versions of the browser is similar to the instructions given by us.

    Algorithm for installing the main page for Internet Explorer:

    If you are the owner of Internet Explorer 9 (or another, earlier version of the browser) and you cannot install the main page, then write about your problems on the official website. The request will go to competent people who will soon answer how to fix the problem.

    Yandex home page in Yandex browser

    The Yandex browser interface is similar to the Chrome interface, since both were made on the same engine.

    However, there are differences, so the installation of the main page in Yandex will be slightly different - the Russian company has made its own changes:

    The browser of the Russian company provides the ability to select several start pages. The websites you visit most will be automatically added.

    Similar to Google Chrome's virtual bookmarks, this browser supports a tile bar with visited sites. It is possible to remove unnecessary sites and add new ones. This is done through the "Settings" - "Add" buttons.

    For people who do not like questionable sites, the Russian giant has developed a special version of the browser - family Yandex. You can safely admit your children to the computer - unnecessary information and suspicious sites are strictly filtered.

    It's hard to say which browser is better: Google Chrome or Yandex browser. Both are pretty handy and easy to use.

    Yandex main page in Safari

    Safari is a young browser designed for Apple products.

    All advanced users of iPads, iPhones and MacBooks know about the simplicity of the Apple browser.

    Setting up a home page in Safari is very simple:

Starting work with any of modern browsers, you will invariably be taken to its start page, which becomes the starting point for further web surfing. Most of the well-known network browsers allow you to freely customize this area of ​​the program. To improve your online experience, you can easily set a specific website as your home screen. Many users on the Web are concerned about the quite fair question: "How to make your own start page in Yandex Browser?" In this short article, we will try to give a comprehensive answer on this topic.

The solution of the problem

Unfortunately, it is possible to fully configure such important parameter, as a home page, in Yandex Browser is impossible. Instead, the developers of this web browser offer us a choice of two possible options, But first things first. By default, when the program starts, the main page of the website is loaded, and if any other tabs were opened during the previous session, they are automatically restored. You can change the initial script of your browser using the appropriate section of the program. To do this, click on the Yandex Browser Settings button, which can be found in the upper right part of the window, and then select Settings in the list of available options that appears.

After completing the previous action, scroll the mouse wheel a little lower to find there an item called "Open at startup". There are only two options you can choose from here:

  • Scoreboard with your favorite sites. When you launch the browser, the most frequently visited ones will always be displayed. network resources.
  • Previously open tabs. After downloading the program, the sites that were opened during the previous session will be shown.

The second item includes the ability to Open if there are no tabs. You can change this scenario by clicking on the checkmark next to it.

This is how we set up the home page in Yandex Browser, since there are no alternative options yet.


Since it is impossible to completely change the start page in Yandex Browser, this feature served as a significant reason for criticism. of this product... Many users believe that the ability to set any website as the start screen for a network browser is an essential part of it. However, Yandex has a different opinion, which is most likely due to the rather aggressive promotion of its own services on the market. One way or another, let's hope that the developers will listen to the wishes of users and in new version Yandex Browser will add this missing function to its product.

First, a few words for those who do not know or do not understand well what a browser is.

When we open the Internet with you, we launch for this special program... In it we search and read information (sites), check mail, communicate on social networks.

There are several such programs for the Internet. Here are the most popular ones:

Most likely, you use one of them to browse the Internet. This very program is called a browser.

What is start page? This is a site that loads as soon as you open your browser.

You can assign any address to this site: your favorite search engine, news, mail site, social network or something else.

Alternatively, you can remove the address. It just so happens that it is already configured in the program. Then, every time you open the browser, the site you do not need is automatically opened. In general, you can make it so that no address will be opened.

So, to summarize:

Start or Homepage- this is some kind of site that opens immediately with the opening of the browser. Its address can be specified independently or removed altogether.

For example, when I go to the Internet, that is, I open a browser, the website loads immediately. I did not set it up on purpose - it always opened for me myself. This very site is the start page of my browser.

In the event that when you open the browser, no site is automatically loaded, then there is no start (home) page. This is normal - many people are even more comfortable this way. But others, on the contrary, need such a page.

For example, every time I go online, I start by checking my mail. This means that it would be more convenient for me to set the address of my mail site as the home page. Then it would not have to be manually opened every time - it would have loaded itself.

Who set my start page

It often happens that we ourselves did not assign anything, but the page still opens. It was as if it had already been configured.

Indeed, sometimes it happens: some browsers have already entered the start page. That is, a certain site is initially “embedded” into it, which will open every time the program is launched.

And it happens in another way: for no reason at all, a page began to jump out, although it was not there before. That is, before, when the browser was launched, nothing was opened, but then suddenly some site began to load.

This usually happens after a new program has been installed on the computer.

It happens like this. You have downloaded some program and are starting to install it. As a rule, for this you need to click on the "Next" button several times. And at one of these stages it is written in small print that the start page will be replaced.

Even a bird will be installed there. By the way, it can be removed and then there will be no substitution, but who reads all this ... It turns out that we ourselves, of our own free will, have assigned a new home page.

Another situation in which a page change occurs is computer virus... But this is such an obvious replacement that it is simply impossible not to replace it.

How to make a start page

You can always change the start page: either assign the desired site yourself, or disable it altogether.

To do this, you just need to change one small setting in the browser. But, of course, each such program has its own setting. It is also worth considering that you can see the result only after the program is closed and reopened.

The instructions for setting up the start page in your browser will open if you click on its icon:

To enlarge a picture, just click on it, and to go to the next or previous step, use the arrows.

Google chrome

  1. Open google browser Chrome.
  2. Click on the button with the image of horizontal lines (on the right, at the end of the address bar).
  3. In the "Starter Group" part, choose one of three options:

Quick Access Page... If you select this option, then every time you open the browser, something like a directory will be loaded with sites that you have recently visited. There will also be a Google search box.

Continue work from the same place... In this case, the tabs with the sites that you downloaded in the browser the last time and did not close will open.

Next pages: add... Here you can set a start page or several pages at once. To add a site address, you need to click on the "Add" link.


Continue from the same place... In this case, each time you start the browser, those tabs with sites that you downloaded in the browser the last time and did not close will open.

Open start page... This is something like a reference book with your favorite sites, the so-called "Express panel".

Open a specific page or multiple pages... Here you can specify a site or several sites that will open as a start page. To add an address, you need to click on the "Set pages" link.

If these steps fail, then you have an earlier version of Opera installed on your computer. In this case, you need to configure the home page differently:

  1. Open the Opera program.
  2. Click on the small button at the very top left - usually called "Opera" or "Menu". Hover over "Settings" and select "General settings" from the list.
  3. In the window that appears (in the "Basic" tab), tell the browser how to behave at startup.
    If you want to open the start page, then select "Start from home page" and just below indicate its address.
  4. Click "OK" in the window.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Click on the button where the horizontal lines are shown (on the right, at the end of the address bar).
  3. Select "Settings" from the list.
  4. A window will open in which you need to click on the inscription "Basic" at the top left.
  5. In the upper part of the window ("Launch") tell the browser how to behave when opened.
    If you want to open the start page, then select "Show home page" and in the next field specify the desired site.
  6. Click "OK" in the window.


Open quick access page... In this case, every time you open the browser, something like a directory will be loaded with the sites that you have recently visited.

Restore last opened tabs... If you select this item, then when Yandex starts, those tabs with sites that you downloaded the last time and did not close will open.

You can also set the checkbox to "Open if there are no tabs." Then, if the last time you closed all the tabs, then when you start the browser, the Yandex website will open.

Internet Explorer

1. Open Internet Explorer.

2. Click on the "Service" inscription at the top of the program or on the button with the gear image and select the "Browser properties" item from the list.

3. In the window above (the "General" tab) there is a part called "Home". In the big white field, most likely, there will be some kind of site address - the start page. To change it, you just need to erase this address and type another one. Then it will open every time you start Internet Explorer.

But so that nothing opens, you just need to click on the "Use a new tab" button. Then, when you start the program, a list of sites that have recently opened in it will be displayed.

By the way, just below, in the "Startup" part, you can configure the browser in such a way that at startup, previously opened, but not closed, tabs are opened. To do this, click on "Start with tabs opened in the previous session."

4. Click on the "Apply" button, and then on the "OK" button below.

Hello friends. Today I will show you how to make the Yandex site the start page of your browser. Despite the fact that it is not difficult to implement this feature, many novice Internet users do not know where and with the help of what it is done.

Most of the people who speak Russian use Yandex as a search engine. This search engine has a lot of advantages - this is good quality search results, and a pleasant appearance, and a large set of related services, and a convenient home page.

In general, the Yandex start page compares favorably with its main competitor Google in terms of information content. It is easy to get to all search engine services from the page, it is supplemented by various widgets and modules that provide quick reference information. In addition, these blocks can also be customized according to your wishes and preferences.

For example, I also use Yandex as the start page of my browsers. One of the widgets that I added to myself is a random aphorism, sometimes it is interesting to read something unusual. I also installed a module from Yandex.webmaster, checking fines and others.

I will show you how to add these blocks at the end of the article, but for now let's move on to.

Application for installing home page

The easiest way to make Yandex your start page is to use an application developed by Yandex itself. You can download the application on this site -

It automatically replaces the home page of all your browsers with the Yandex one. No hemorrhoids and manual settings not required.

If for some reason the application did not work or you do not want to use it, then hold desired settings we can manually in each browser separately. I'll show you how to do it.

Setting up the start page in Mozilla Firefox

I'll start with this browser, as I use it most often. The entire setup procedure for it will take 20 seconds. To do this, you need to open the browser itself. Further, in the upper right corner we find the "open menu" icon (in the current version it looks like three horizontal stripes). Click on this button and in the drop-down menu we are looking for an icon in the form of a gear - these are settings.

There are many sections in the settings menu, the very first of which is "Basic" (looks like a light switch). This section contains what we need. In the line “When Firefox starts”, select “Show home page”. In the line "Home page" you need to enter the address of the site that we want to make the starting one (in our case, Press the "OK" button and that's it - the operation is complete.

Installing Yandex with the start page in Google Chrome

Setting up your home page in Google Chrome is just as easy. We open the browser, in the same upper right corner we are looking for a button in the form of three horizontal lines with the name “Configuring and managing Google Chrome”. In the drop-down menu that appears on the screen when you press the button, we find the "Settings" item and go to the corresponding section.

On this page we are looking for the "Appearance" section, put a tick in front of the item - Show the "Home page" button. In order to set or change the address of the main page on Yandex, you need to click on the "Change" link and, in the window that opens, specify the address you need.

How to put the start page in Internet Explorer

As in all previous cases, setting up the home page in the Internet Explorer browser is very simple. We open the program, in the upper right corner we find the icon in the form of a gear and in the drop-down list select "Browser properties".

In the properties of the browser, the "General" tab will open and at the very top of this tab there is a field for start pages. In the window we enter the address -, put a full stop opposite “Start from home page” and press the “Apply” button. If you need to set a different start page, then repeat the procedure by specifying a different address in the window.

How to make Yandex your start page in Opera

Moving on to one of the most popular browsers. The Opera has a lot of fans and it would not hurt them to know about the settings of their favorite web browser. To configure, run the program, enter the browser menu (the button labeled Opera and the big red letter O in the upper left corner) and select "Settings" in this menu. You can make the transition to the settings a little faster using the hotkeys Alt + P.

The second item in the settings menu is "At startup". At this point, we need to select the following option - "Open a specific page or several pages." In order to specify a specific address for opening, click on the "Set pages" link. In the window that appears, indicate the address of the site that should open when the browser starts.

Start page in Yandex browser - change by trick

Frankly, I do not use this browser, since my experiment showed that it works much slower than competitors (I wrote about this), and outward appearance Yandex browser is no different from Google Chrome. But for this article, I installed it and am doing an overview along with other popular programs for the Internet.

Despite the fact that Yandex browser is based on the Chrome engine, it does not allow standard ways make a start page. It allows you to either show the start page with bookmarks, or open the tabs left over from the last time and, only if they are not there, automatically loads the Yandex search engine (without the ability to choose another).

There is a way to customize the start site by manually modifying the browser files, but I would not advise unprepared people to climb there.

We'll go the other way - apply a little trick, which will make any site a home page.

For it to work, we need to do the following:

1. Configure the display of the quick access page upon opening

We open the program, in the upper right corner we find the button "Settings Yandex browser"(Three horizontal stripes). In the drop-down menu, select the "Settings" item.

The first thing that is written in this paragraph, "Where to start?" Everything is saved here automatically, you do not need to press a button.

2. Set up the start page of the Yandex browser

We open the site that we want to make the home page ( Right-click on the tab of this site in the top panel of the Yandex browser. In the drop-down menu, click "pin tab".

That's all. Now, every time you open the browser, the tab that you pinned will open.

If you want to delete the home page, then also click right click mouse and select "unpin tab". For installation new page- repeat the entire procedure described in this section.

Customizing the Yandex page

Not everyone knows that you can customize the home page of this search engine for yourself. Now you will know it, and hopefully use it.

This setting is done in 2 steps.

Step 1. Yandex account

You need to create an account in this search engine... This is done by opening mailbox... The mailbox address will be your login for all services, and the password, respectively, will be your password.

All our settings will take effect only when we are authorized in the system.

Now you can go to the settings.

Step 2. Settings

There are several sections.

"Put the topic"- the name corresponds to the function being performed - you can apply the unique design of the Yandex website by choosing the appropriate one from dozens of possible options.

"Add widget"- this is the function that I talked about at the beginning. an information block that you can place on your page. There are a lot of widget options.

"Configure Yandex"- this item allows you to move the widgets you use across the page, placing them as you like.

"Change city"- most often the search engine automatically detects the region in which you entered the Internet, but this is not always convenient (that in different regions different sites are issued for the same requests). You can be in Saratov on a business trip, but want to watch information about your native Khabarovsk - set the desired city and enjoy.

"Other settings"- it contains a few more points that you can adjust for yourself, for example, choose another language.

Well, this is where I conclude today's article, I hope you have found the answers to all your questions and now you can easily make Yandex the start page of your web browser.