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How to change your VK password if you forgot the old one. How to change your password if you forgot the old one.

Very often we forget our credentials on various resources and in social networks. Therefore, this article will be useful for those who want to know how to change your Vkontakte password, to a new, more reliable one. The new password should be more secure in order to better protect against intruders. There are a lot of cases when pages are hacked and begin to publish prohibited content on behalf of the user, create groups, leave comments on various suspicious materials. To protect yourself from such a development of events, you need to come up with a reliable, complex and long enough password to enter your account. Use symbols, numbers, and various signs. Avoid passwords like "123456", "111111", "qwerty", etc. Pages with such passwords are the first to be hacked. It is best if you use any resource to generate passwords. Also, don't save your password in your browser. Just write down the password in some text document and store it in a safe place by giving it a trusted name. Just do not need to name the file with the word "Passwords" or "Codes". So, if you are ripe for changing your password, you must perform some actions on your page in Vkontakte.

First of all, you need to go to your page by entering your old password and username. Next, find "My Settings", as shown in the upper picture. They are located at the bottom of the left main menu. Click on this item (1 - in the picture above). A window opens in front of us, where all possible settings for a VK account are collected. Scroll with the mouse slightly down the page that opens, where we can see the "Change password" section. Enter the old password in the appropriate fields and New Password with confirmation. After that, click on the "Change password" button, as shown in Figure 2 above.

Quite often you need to. For such manipulation, you need to log into your account through the Vkontakte application for your smartphone. Next, go to the settings and find there an item called "Account" (see Figure 1 below).

We touch this point and thus get to page 2 (picture above). On this page, among others, there is an item called "Password". We touch this link and go to the Vkontakte password change page (3 - in the picture above). On this page we enter Current password and twice a new password, we confirm. We all changed our weak password to a more complex one through our smartphone. Now you know how to do this and if something happens you can about what you learned from this advice.

All the instructions described above are well suited for changing your password if you remember your old password. But there are very often situations in life that you need to know how to change your Vkontakte password if you forgot the old one... There shouldn't be any difficulties here either. You just need to know your VK login, the mail address that you entered during registration or the phone number to which your page is linked. By the way, if you are reading this article, then it will also be very interesting for you to read the instructions on how.

On the VK registration page (1 - in the picture above), especially for those who have forgotten their password, there is a special link called "Forgot your password?" Click on the link and you will be taken to the page for restoring lost access to your account (2 - in the picture above). Then fill in the field and click "Next" and follow the instructions. Everything is intuitive there. For those who do not remember anything at all and have lost their phone or changed their number, there is a special link (underlined in red in Figure 2 above).

Let's look at an important topic. I suggest you talk about vkontakte password... I will explain to you how you can change your password in VK, I will show you where this is done. Let's talk a little about hacking pages and stealing personal data.

What is a password and what is it for in VK

Surely 99% of you know this. But as an introduction, let's talk again.

As the credentials used to log into the VK page, we indicate the username (mail or phone, see also), as well as a secret set of characters - our password. This is a security measure to ensure that only we can access our account. Unless, of course, an attacker is able to crack our password and gain access to our page (see). But more on that below.

Let me remind you that the password is indicated in the login form.

How to change your VKontakte password

When might it be necessary? First, if your page has been compromised, in automatic mode you will be asked to change your credentials. Or you yourself made such a decision. In any case, changing the password in VK is not difficult.

We go to the section "Settings" - in the upper right corner, open the drop-down menu, and click on the appropriate link.

Here we need the "Password" section. Click on the "Edit" link.

A form will open. In it you need to specify the old password, as well as the new one twice. When done, click on the button "Change Password".

You may be asked to confirm the operation via SMS. Receive the code on your phone and then enter it into the form.

How to recover your VK password if you forgot it

We do the following. Find the link under the login form "Forgot your password?"- click on it.

In the next step, we will be asked to enter credentials - email or phone (see).

You may be asked for security reasons to provide additional data. I was asked to enter my last name.

If everything was stated correctly, you should be shown your page and asked to confirm that you are the owner of it. If the page is correct, click the button "Yes, this is the right page".

A code will be sent to your phone number. Enter it into the form and click the button "Change password".

If everything is correct, the already familiar password change form will open. Enter the new data twice and confirm the operation. Your password will be changed. Now you can log in with new data.

Please note that so that your account cannot be hacked, you should pay special attention to choosing a password. Therefore, there are some rules that will allow you to safely use your profile and will not require you to recover your password or a hacked page. First of all, you need to know that the longer your password, the more difficult it is to find it. That is why the minimum password length on the vKontakte website is 6 characters. In addition, the password combination should include both numbers and letters and some symbols%, $, =, and in various combinations.

So, in order to change your password, you need to go to the site and log into your account using your username and password, as shown in the picture.

Please note that the characters are not visible when entering the password. Therefore, if you are not sure about the correctness of the set, then in this case it is recommended to type the password in Notepad or in Word, and then simply copy it and paste it into the required field. This way you can see what you are typing.

After you have done everything correctly, the main vKontakte window will open in front of you. In principle, the site has a friendly and intuitive interface, so that even a beginner will not be difficult to understand its settings and main menus.

To change the settings of the current profile, select the "My Settings" menu on the left, as shown below:

After that, the settings menu will open, in which, on the "General" tab, you can change your password to a new one. To do this, scroll down the screen and find the Change Password menu.

Then follow these steps:

    In the "Old password" field, enter your current password with which you entered the system.

    Enter a new password in the "New password" field and re-enter it in the "Repeat password" field.

    Confirm the changes by clicking on the "Change password" button.

Please note that the new password must be at least six characters long and contain only numbers. Otherwise, your password will not be changed, and you will receive a corresponding notification:

If you enter your current password incorrectly, the system will display the following error message:

If you did everything correctly, then your password in the system will be changed to a new one, and you will receive a notification:

After that, you can enter the site only with a new password. If for any reason you have not received such a message, then your old password will remain active in the system even if you clicked the "Change password" button.

If you lose your new password, you can use.

It should also be noted that today there are no passwords that cannot be cracked. Any password can be cracked using brute force - a simple password guessing. It all depends on the complexity of the password. The more complex the password, the longer it may take for attackers to guess it. To avoid this, many experts recommend changing passwords to new ones at least once a month. And of course, do not forget about antivirus software, because the presence of a Trojan program on your computer can greatly facilitate access to your VKontakte page. But if someone hacked your page and changed all your data, including your username and password, then even in this case, it is possible to restore your previous account.


There is nothing permanent in the world. Everything is changing - living and nonliving - it increases, decreases, changes shape, color, structure, structure, in general, transforms in every possible way. And online - in different parts of the web - this action takes place. For example, in the accounts of the VK social network: the password is changed for security purposes, and the need to change the VKontakte login arises due to the need to organize convenient authorization on the site; but the data can, of course, be updated for other reasons as well.

From this article you will learn how to change your VKontakte password (change, for example, to a more complex one) and login.

Access to settings

To go to the setting panel in your personal profile on the website:

1. In the account menu, click "My Settings".

2. Use the mouse wheel to scroll down the General tab a little.

Change Password

So, the settings are open, let's figure out how to change the VKontakte password:

1. In the "Change password" block, in the first field, type the current symbolic combination used for authorization.

2. Specify the new key on the next two lines.

3. Click "Change ...". A message indicating that the password has been successfully changed will appear.

A few tips for performing the procedure:

1. If the password does not change, check the correctness of the old combination (clear the field and type it carefully again).

2. If you cannot come up with a complex password, use an online password generator (make a request in a search engine). In it, you can literally put in one or two mouse clicks required settings and create a sustainable combination.

Change of login


If you want to use an e-mail instead of a mobile number as a login, do the following:

1. In the section "Address of your Email»Enter your valid e-mail in the line.

2. Enter your account password to confirm the action.

3. Go to account e-mail. In the letter you received from VKontakte, click the link.

1. Click "Change ..." in the "Your phone number" block.

2. Set the country in the list, enter the mobile number (plus the international code). Click Get Code.

3. Enter the code from the received SMS.

Changing the page address

By default, the created page is assigned to VKontakte an identification number(ID). It is also indicated in the link to the page - \ idxxxxxxxx.

To replace the profile URL:

1. In the block "Address of your page", in the line "Address ...", after "... com /" type in Latin letters new address(you can indicate your surname and first name).

2. Click the button "Borrow address ...".

Enjoy your stay on VKontakte! ...

VKontakte is one of the most interesting social networks on the Internet. as in any similar project, sometimes you need to change your account password. Quite often, network users simply do not know how to change the password in a contact. In fact, it is not difficult. The main thing is to come up with reliable code that would be difficult for an uninitiated to pick up.

To protect the page from unauthorized use, a combination of not only numbers, but also letters should be used as a password. Then it will be problematic to find out the code. The number of characters must be at least six. There are several ways to change the code. Let's try to figure it out in detail.

Just change to a new one

This is the easiest way. It suits someone who knows the password, but just wants to replace it with a new one.

  1. First you need to sign in to your account. That is, we enter the data that we entered last time. If you put a tick next to the inscription "Someone else's computer", after closing the browser, the program will not remember the password, and the next time you log in, you will need to enter the data again. It should also be noted that in the case when the login is the phone number of a Russian operator, it does not matter with which sign you start writing +, 7 or 8. The program will accept the number in any format.
  2. On the page on the left there is a line "Settings".
  3. After clicking, a page with additional features will appear.
  4. In the "General" column, at the bottom of the screen, we find the "Change password" heading.
  5. In the top line we enter the old password, in the middle we write the new combination, we repeat the new password on the bottom line.
  6. Click "Change password". Ready!

In case of such a nuisance, the question arises, how to change the password in a contact?

When there is no phone

If you have a new SIM card or have lost your phone, the number of which was linked to the VKontakte page, you can solve the problem in a slightly different way.

  1. Go to home page"In contact with".
  2. Press the button "Forgot your password?"
  3. A window for restoring access to the page will appear. Here you do not need to fill in an empty line, but you should pay attention to the lower paragraph, where it is written, if you do not remember the data or if you do not have access to the phone, you must click here. This is exactly what needs to be done.
  4. An empty field will appear in which you need to paste the copied link to the required account. Click the "Next" button.
  5. A new window will appear, in it you should fill in the items. In addition to written data, in this case, you will need to provide two images of the document. This is a prerequisite. If it is not possible to upload the necessary photos, you will not be able to find out the code for the page.

When the program constantly requires a paid SMS to enter the page, it is highly likely that these are the tricks of an ordinary virus. To find out this will take a little tinkering.


If, when you try to enter the VKontakte page, the site requires you to change your password, then there is a high probability that the account was broken and some messages were sent. Finding out who did this is unlikely to work. It should also be noted that changing the password in social network absolutely free. And if the program forgives to send a paid SMS, it is a fraud.

Video about how to change the password in a contact