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Prices will rise at midnight: what will rise in price from the New Year? Long live the most socially oriented state in the world - Russia and its leaders who love their people anxiously

Long live the most socially oriented state in the world - RUSSIA and its LEADERS, who love their people anxiously!


WHAT PRODUCTS WILL RISE IN RUSSIA FROM MARCH 1, 2016 Prices for essential goods in Russia will increase from March 1, 2016. This is reported by manufacturers and distributors.

Prices are getting ready to take off. Trading networks in Russia have been notified of another rise in price from March 1, 2016. The question even concerns essential consumer goods. The crisis, sanctions, and a decrease in trade turnover are making themselves felt.

The Foodline company, which supplies sweets, bars and chocolate, said that the price increase is primarily influenced by the cost of raw materials. Nuts, coffee, cocoa, coconuts do not grow in Russia. All these factors affect the value of the product. And so the popular bars Mars, Snickers, Milky Way, Boynty will increase in price by 20%.

The company "First Solution", which distributes goods of the Russian brand "Granny Agafia's Recipes", announced a rise in the price of products from March 1, 2016. The company's products are confirmed by the ICEA mark on the packaging, which speaks of naturalness. A 35% rise in price will affect face creams, shampoos, soaps, toothpaste, lotions. It is associated with the growth of imported components that are part of the product.

Price increases will affect baby food, clothes and shoes. Moony diapers will rise in price by 13%.

Prices will rise even for the most basic necessities. Bread will rise in price by 20%, according to It is connected with the delivery of flour to the bakery. After all, gasoline will add 5% to the cost.

Fish and exotic fruits have already risen in price. Prices for dairy products from March will increase by 2-5%; for butter - by 7%. Cheese and sausage will increase in price by 15%, alcohol - by 8%.

The prices of medicines upset. Although the state controls the prices of essential drugs, their growth will be 20%.

We asked experts and market participants why prices are rising, when manufacturers run out of safety margins, and why 2016 will be a decisive year for companies.

From March 1, the price for chocolate bars Mars, Snickers, Milky Way, Bounty, Dove and Korkunov will rise by 20%. Royal Canin pet food will rise in price by 5%. Prices for some products from Japan will also rise: Moony diapers - by 13%, Lion cosmetics - by an average of 6% and Kokubo - by 12%. The Pervoye Reshenie company, which manufactures Granny Agafia's Recipes, also raises prices for many products - up to 35%.

The foreign trade firm Foodline warns its clients about this, Izvestia writes. The company "Mars" confirmed to Dozhd information about the rise in prices for some goods. After talking with market participants and experts, we came to the conclusion that in addition to the devaluation of the ruble, food sanctions and a decrease in consumer activity, other factors have an impact on food prices. At the same time, many of them have not yet had time to “play”.

African winds

Mars linked the rise in prices, first of all, to the rise in prices for raw materials. Cocoa beans are a commodity traded on an exchange. In European markets, quotations rose 50% in January, Bloomberg writes. Due to natural disasters in West Africa, in particular the drought in Côte d'Ivoire, the cocoa crop in this country has already fallen and will continue to decline by 12% in April. This, in turn, affects the price of chocolates in Russia.

Wherein Russian manufacturers, for example, "Krasny Oktyabr" or "Babaevsky" cannot replace foreign goods. Experts from the Confectionery Market Research Center stated that Russian production was unable to make up for the lost volumes of imports, even though in recent years they did not exceed 15%.

The Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission, in order to reduce the burden on confectioners, has already decided to temporarily reduce the customs duty on cocoa products from 3-5% to 0%.

A large company, which also produces confectionery, explained to Rain how the cost of raw materials affects other goods. Given the decreased consumer activity, manufacturers cannot allow a sharp rise in prices for certain categories of goods, people will simply stop buying them. “Guided by the principle of efficiency, the company optimizes its internal processes in order to maintain an acceptable price level for its consumers,” the corporation explained.

In practice, this means that, without allowing prices to rise in one sector, the manufacturer is forced to raise the price of completely different goods, which are not directly affected by quotations, for example, cocoa beans. Thus, prices rise relatively smoothly for all categories of goods, and not for individual groups, but sharply.

At the same time, manufacturers must monitor the price of socially significant goods. Artificially restraining the growth of their cost, the company is forced to raise prices for other goods to compensate for rising costs.

At the same time, the manufacturer has no right to report price increases in advance. As one of the market participants explained, such messages could attract the attention of the anti-monopoly service. Large retail chains also declined to comment on price increases.

Traveling expenses

On Monday, the president signed a law to raise fuel excise taxes effective April 1. According to the calculations of the Ministry of Finance, gasoline will rise in price by 7%. This excise tax can be added to the general "piggy bank" of growing transport costs, such as new system"Plato".

You need to understand that this will affect not only the delivery of finished products. At some enterprises, it is necessary to deliver animal feed, equipment, personnel, and transport goods to a distribution center. These are all costs only at the production level, not counting additional costs for logistics companies, explains Andrey Popov, director of procurement of transport services at FM Logistic.

“Because of the Platon system, literally overnight the cost of some routes increased by 25%. In the south, the growth was 80-100% "

Due to the growing transport costs, the National Union of Milk Producers predicts an increase in the cost of milk by at least 3-3.5 rubles per liter. Experts predict a rise in sugar prices by 2.5%, and bakery products - by 2.3% per kilogram.

“The rise in gasoline and transportation prices will lead to an overall rise in the price of the consumer basket,” says Ilya Lomakin-Rumyantsev, head of the Presidium of the Association of Retail Companies (AKORT). Retailers will especially suffer, as they will experience problems from two sides: on the one hand, an increase in fuel prices and, as a result, transportation costs, and on the other, a fall real income Russians and a decrease in consumer activity, explained Lomakin-Rumyantsev.

The general director of Danone Russia, Bernard Ducros, said in an interview with that because of the Platon system, literally overnight, the cost of some routes increased by 25%. In the south, the growth was 80-100%. In March, the tariff will double, which will also entail a subsequent increase in the cost of logistics, said Ducros.

In the field of carbonated soft drinks due to the Platon system, the cost of the final product grows by 5-7%, cites Dmitry Petrov, executive director of the Union of Soft Drinks Producers.

Harm tax

Vedomosti wrote that the government is working on a tax on "harmful" goods, namely, carbonated drinks and foods containing palm oil. The new excise taxes will automatically raise prices for all goods with a high sugar and fat content, explained the source of Vedomosti. Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said that the excise tax could be introduced as early as July 1, 2016.

"Many manufacturers on the market of non-alcoholic products are already working at zero or even negative, this cannot go on for long"

It is unprofitable for companies to sharply raise commodity prices, so one should expect a rise in prices for several quarters, explains Alexey Krivoshapko, director of Prosperity Capital Management. In this case, prices will rise not only for goods containing harmful products.

The introduction of new excise taxes will lead to a decrease in sales, says Dmitry Petrov, executive director of the union of producers of soft drinks. Even without these fees, the drop in demand in 2015 was 10-12%, and, as of early 2016, the drop reached 15%. Although there is no exact information on the new taxes, it is possible to roughly predict how they will affect sales.

The market elasticity coefficient is 1.5. This means that a 1% price increase leads to a 1.5% decrease in sales. If the tax is 10%, sales will drop 15%. Considering that many manufacturers on the market of non-alcoholic products, according to Petrov, work at zero or even negative, one can expect a series of bankruptcies and companies leaving the Russian market. “The manufacturers still have a margin of safety, but this cannot last long,” Petrov believes. “This year will be a key year for the industry.”

Each new collection increases the pressure on companies. The excise tax on "harmful" products can be the last straw for the industry, says Petrov.

A source:

Substantial changes await Belarusians when paying for tuition at the leading university of the republic, cigarettes will also rise in price once again, and one of the mobile operators increases tariffs for cellular communications.

Tram traffic on routes 1, 4, 7 will be suspended from March 1 to September 2018. Now, the railway and bus stations in Minsk can be reached only by metro, bus or trolleybus.

The decision was made at the time of the repair of tram tracks and the closure of tram traffic along the streets of Pervomaiskaya, Ulyanovskaya and Bobruiskaya.

An additional bus No. 901 will be launched on the route "DS Druzhnaya - Komarovsky Market", and the number of trams on routes No. 3, 6, 11 will also be increased.

The city authorities believe that this will minimize the inconvenience for the citizens and guests of Minsk.

BSU sets the price according to the status

In all specialties. At BSU this decision explained by the fact that the salaries of teachers and the cost of utilities for the institution increased.

At the same time, prices, depending on the faculty and specialty, increased by 10-15%. The most "expensive" has traditionally become the cost of the specialty "international law" at the FMO BSU.

The cost of training there is 3136 rubles per year (previously - 2851 rubles). "Cheaper" of all, training will cost students of Belarusian and Russian philology, as well as in the specialty " social work"- 2242 rubles per year (previously - 2039 rubles).

Now a year of study at the leading university in the country costs an average of 2.5-2.7 thousand Belarusian rubles, or about 1200-1400 dollars in equivalent.

Cigarette prices will rise, but not all

Cigarettes are once again becoming more expensive in Belarus, though not all of them. The first spring day will bring a rise in prices for tobacco products of the Grodno tobacco factory "Neman".

At the same time, the cigarettes produced by Tabak-Invest LLC will remain available to customers at the same prices.

The cost of Pall Mall cigarettes from March 1 will increase by 5-10 kopecks, Rothmans - 1-10 kopecks, Kent cigarettes will rise in price by 5 kopecks.

At the same time, connoisseurs of the Vogue brand (La Cigarette Bleue, La Cigarette, La Cigarette Menthe) will have to pay 3 rubles 25 kopecks for a pack.

Life, like everything around, is getting more expensive

At the same time, it is planned to close unpopular tariff plans, users will be transferred to other tariffs. On average, the operator's cost of communication will grow by 6%.

Following the price mobile operator promises to increase the volume of Internet traffic.

Also velcom announced an increase in cost, but from April 1. MTS has not yet announced an increase in the cost of communication in its network.

Pay your taxes and sleep well

Belarusians who received income from two or more sources last year, as well as those who worked abroad, must submit declarations by March 1 inclusive.

In 2018, residents of the Moscow region will experience a traditional increase in prices for various goods and services.

Public transport

Gasoline will rise in price twice

By the decision of the Russian government, excise taxes on gasoline in 2018 will increase twice: from January 1 and July 1. Each time by 50 kopecks per liter. According to experts, a liter of AI-92 gasoline will rise in price from 37-38 rubles. up to 52 rubles per liter, and for AI-95 and diesel fuel from 41-42 to 53 rubles.

Housing and communal services

Tariffs for "communal" will rise from 1 July. According to the press service of the Committee on Prices and Tariffs of the Moscow Region, the average increase in tariffs for utilities in the Moscow region will not exceed 4%, and the maximum growth rate of payments will be 6.1%.

This does not mean that the increase in tariffs will be the given 4 or 6%. The maximum increase in tariffs in some municipalities may be significantly higher. So, in 2016, with an average growth index still at the same 4%, the maximum growth in tariffs in the Moscow region was 10%. Last on this moment the increase in utility tariffs took place on July 1, 2017.

Migrant patent

The cost of a labor patent for foreigners will grow by 7.5% due to the establishment of a new regional coefficient. As a result, the cost of the patent will be 4.3 thousand rubles.

There are a number of other goods and services that are expected to rise in price in Russia in 2018.


Prices for imported products are expected to rise from January 1, including tea, coffee, cocoa and fruits. Growth will also affect familiar products. According to preliminary forecasts, the average grocery basket next year will be about 30% more expensive compared to 2017.


From July 1, the rate of excise duty on cigarettes and cigarettes will be revised upward. Experts predict a jump in prices for tobacco products by 10-12% at the end of 2018. At the same time, cigarette prices will continue to grow in subsequent years due to the increase in the excise tax rate.


From January 1, a new differentiation of excise rates for cars with a capacity of 150 hp and more will come into effect. with. For machines with engine power from 150 to 200 hp. with. excise tax will increase by 2.5-3.4 thousand rubles. For cars with a capacity of 201-300 liters. with. - by 59-88 thousand rubles, with a capacity of 301-400 liters. with. - by 240-319 thousand rubles, with a capacity of 401-500 liters. with. - 337-420 thousand rubles, with a capacity of more than 500 liters. with. - by 442 thousand rubles.

Also, the planned increase in the utilization fee by 15% may affect the growth of selling prices for new cars. According to experts, these two factors will increase prices in the domestic car market by 10-15%, depending on the brand and model.

The amount of real estate tax will increase

In the fall of 2018, apartment owners will receive payments, where the amount of tax will again be higher than in the previous year. The tax for 2015 was calculated as 20% of the payment based on the cadastral value and 80% from the inventory value, for 2016 - 40% of the cadastral value, then by the end of 2017 the proportion will be 60 to 40%.

The replacement of the inventory value of the cadastral value for tax purposes occurs gradually, over five years, until 2020. The inventory value is calculated by the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI) based on the primary cost, taking into account the degree of depreciation of the living space. The cadastral value is as close as possible to the market value and is usually much higher than the inventory value of housing.

In some cases, the cadastral value of an apartment may be 5, 10 or even 15 times higher than the inventory value. If the cadastral value is five times higher than the inventory value, this will lead to an increase in tax for the year by 31%, and if the estimates differ ten times, then the tax will increase by 39%.

Imported medicines

The cost of imported drugs may rise by 10-15%. At the same time, medicines included in the list of vital medicines will rise in price for the state by 30% .

The reason for the rise in prices may be the imperfection of the register of medicines and the introduction of the state procurement system from Rostec. At the same time, the Federal Antimonopoly Service claims that the prices for drugs from this list will remain at the same level.

Duty on purchases on the Internet

Now in foreign online stores you can buy goods worth up to 1 thousand euros without duty. However, starting from July 1, 2018, with a high degree of probability, this figure will be 20 euros - only 1,300 rubles. For everything that is more expensive, you will have to pay a fee.

So far, this innovation has not been finally approved, as well as the introduction of VAT for foreign online stores, but it is actively lobbied by large Russian business associations and associations.

In particular, on December 25, 2017, the Association of Internet Trade Companies appealed to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry MEDVEDEV with a request to speed up the work on the legislative introduction of VAT and customs duties for foreign online stores.

Tomorrow is the first day of spring. It would seem that this wonderful day cannot be overshadowed by anything. But you have to think about some things that are immutable. We have made a compilation for the readers of Leader-Press, in which we will tell you what to expect from the first spring day, which will rise in price from March 1, 2018.

So, our material opens with the news that, again, some brands of cigarettes will rise in price. More details in this article. We just remind you that in January cigarettes went up by 3.1%.

From March 1, operator mobile communications Life will increase the subscription fee for archived tariff plans and some current tariff plans, which include "Yo1200", "Voice 1", "Family" and "Multinet" line, as well as on tariff plans for legal entities... The tariffs "Shayk", "Voice 2", "Pension", "Smart" will remain unchanged. In addition, the operator will rename, merge and close a number of TPs.

Another mobile operator VELCOM also increases the cost of services. You can learn more about the changes.

From March 1 to April 15, a ban on pike fishing is introduced in the country. An exception will be the Vitebsk region: it is prohibited to fish for pike in this region from March 9 to April 25. Conservation measures are associated with the beginning of spawning in pikes. Those who violate the ban face a substantial fine.

Recently it became known that the main university of the country will raise the cost of education. This is stated in the order of the BSU rector, which is published on the university website. More details in the material.

From March 1, Belarusian businessmen are allowed to introduce, modernize, overhaul and reconstruct buildings according to simplified rules, which are established in Decree No. 7 "On the development of entrepreneurship." There is the term “technical modernization: it can be done without notifying and without a project. This applies to construction work on the placement or replacement of technological equipment, foundation and redevelopment, which does not affect the load-bearing walls, finishing work. Construction and installation work does not need permission from the State Construction Supervision Service if the customer has a project that has passed the state examination. In this case, it will be enough just to notify the building supervision inspection. Another pleasant innovation: a certificate is not required for 24 types and 33 subspecies of construction activities. This applies to landscaping, finishing works, installation of doors, windows.

From tomorrow, Belarusians will be able to make purchases in Poland with restrictions, since a ban on shopping on Sundays comes into force in a neighboring country from March 1. Shopping centers and supermarkets will be open only on the first and last Sunday of the month.

During March, in development of the updated document on parasites "Decree No. 1", by April 1, the government will develop a list of services for the consumption of which those who fall under the decree will pay at an economically feasible tariff. It will also be determined which of the unemployed in the economy will be subject to the new decree - after what period of non-participation in the work of the economy.

News Department "Leader-Press"