Computers Windows Internet

Missing language on my computer. How can I find out the number of installed languages? Restoring the task scheduler

As far as I remember, in operating rooms Windows systems the problem with the disappearance of the language bar has always existed. Anyway, on Windows XP and 7 for sure. As surprising as it may sound, so far no cardinal solution to this issue has been found! Of course, you can use the tips that I have prepared especially for you today, but there is no guarantee that tomorrow Language bar disappear again.

Use the "delete" command that appears in the registry

  • Use Registry Editor to view the next registry key.
  • Expand the Internet Services function.
  • If these components are not activated, the installation will fail.
This performance is achieved due to the constant activity of indexing the contents of the installed hard drives.

The window that allows you to check and eventually change settings related to disk indexing can be quickly found by clicking the Start menu, then typing indexing options and pressing Enter. Unfortunately, you cannot specify multiple file types together with the Filter type. By typing "Date": it is followed by the date where you can find files that relate to the specified period. It allows you to sort files with different criteria depending on your needs. All the user is given the opportunity to create any new collection by clicking the "New Collection" button.

In the meantime - possible solutions, unfortunately for some users, only temporary. Traditionally, I'll start with the simplest.

Language and Regional Layout Settings

So, the very first and most important thing that you need to check is the language bar settings, namely, whether it is pinned to the taskbar.

To do this, go to the control panel, select the "Language and regional standards"(Most likely, it will be the very last on the list).

By clicking the Include Folder button that appears when accessing the recently added collection, you can specify the directories that will be included in the Library. The tool that allows you to continue your research is to associate so-called "tags" with your files. "Tags" are part of the "metadata" family: they allow you to more easily describe object classification and keyword searches.

This allows the correct colloquial terms to be used.

  • Download the file by clicking the Download button and save it to your hard drive.
  • Run the installer.
To receive additional information for use, visit the site.

A window with settings will open in front of you. There are several tabs at the top of the window, you need to select "Language & Keyboards" as shown in the screenshot. On the same tab, click on the "Change keyboard ..." button.

To delete the downloaded file. In the last lesson, we learned how to create objects directly on a pay as needed basis, but if we need to create an array of trees, then we decide to change all of them, we have to go through one object at a time.

We can think of a library as a collection of any objects that we can add to the scene as many times as we need. If we change the library, all added instances will be automatically changed. The objects in the library are called symbols. A symbol can be created from any number of objects on the fly, all you have to do is click on them, click right click mouse over them and select "Convert to Symbol".

Another window opened. In it, you will see the default input language, installed services, etc. You are not interested in this now. Select the "Language Bar" tab. Make sure there is a check mark next to "Pinned to taskbar". If it is missing, put it and click "Apply", and then - OK.

A simple dialog box will open in which we can enter the name of the created symbol and select the type. Button - the symbol will be converted into a button that can be easily integrated into the animation.

  • Graphics are the simplest type and we will use them.
  • It is a static symbol and has no other function.
After canceling, we will see new item in the library panel, which can be accessed on the board. We can also see that the shapes have changed to a symbol that cannot be edited directly.

For his re-edition, he tries twenty times to stick it out. To return to the main scene, click the Scene 1 button at the top of the panel. You can, of course, duplicate, edit or rename symbols in the library, or erase it with the Delete key. You can still sort symbols in folders or create new symbols directly within the library.

After that, the panel should appear. If this did not happen, then we continue to understand our problem.

Restoring the panel through the task scheduler

Since the task scheduler is responsible for launching the language panel, the panel will not be loaded under any circumstances when the service is disabled. To make sure whether this is so or not, it will be necessary to find out whether the scheduler itself and the tasks for it are functioning normally. This is not difficult to do.

The entire library can be exported and subsequently used in another project by subsequent import. The following video illustrates working with symbols. Although drawing tools allow us to create complex objects, we usually don't have them all.

Typically, if we are not sure that we will only use this object once and that we will not run animation with it, we will import it into the library. At the top of the window there is a panel with the name of the axis axis, which is the key to the animation itself. We've already seen working with layers, but each layer has the correct side of the calendars. These fields are separate animations.

Go to your desktop. On it you will find the "Computer" icon. Click on it once, right-click and select "Control". The computer control panel will open in front of you.

Select the section "Services and Applications" - "Services". On the left side of the screen, you will see the names of the services. Find "Task Scheduler" among them. The status line should be set to "Running", and in the startup type - automatically, as shown in the screenshot.

For better orientation, each scent is a different color from a color, but bindings that are unlimited like the first have not yet been created. Bright snows - these bindings are just a set of properties of objects from the previous snoring. Right clicking on the timeline shows the same commands.

Of course, we don't need to inject snipers into the line, if we insert a new snack for more rectangles on the right, the interfaces will automatically update. If we want to make any changes to the animation, we will create a new key scent in such a place. In case we do not want to change anything, but just stretch the time when the object is on the screen, we will create a binding.

If the values ​​are different from the indicated ones, then change them to the indicated ones and restart the computer.

Now about the language bar itself.

Click on the "Start" button and in the line "Find programs and files" write two words "Task Scheduler" (without quotes). We launch it.

A window has opened in front of you. There is a library on its left side. You must go along the following path: Task Scheduler Library - Microsoft - Windows - TextServicesFramework.

The snapshot work follows the video below. Traps in between are designated as snow and will have the same content as the first scent. This process is repeated in the video, and the number of squares increases with each new key sniff. In the end, we see that the newly drawn squares are not in the previous images. Onion skin - very good function which can help with a lot of animations. The range can of course be adjusted by applying darkened rhyme in the infiltrate, and the feature is disabled with the same button as when enabled. However, the program will automatically fill in the snow if we're done. It will never happen that there is a space without snacks on the time axis of one layer. If we need to delete a fragment, select it from the context menu. There is no problem where you can put an empty keyboard. Thanks to key points a simple animation can be created by moving the object in the new key snake a little further. If we weren't using key bindings, but regular sniffs, object displacement would move it across all the normal snacks in the queue. We can see that the program is timed out for the animation and places it next to the timer buttons.

  • First, we have a free keyboard.
  • We can see a wedge snake driving at the bottom of the cottage.
  • The cottage is painted white because there are no objects in the dream.
For each key binding, you can open the action bar and add the required code to it.

In the central part of the window, you will see a task called MsCtfMonitor. It is imperative that it be turned on. If it is disabled, then just enable it via context menu, which can be called by clicking on the right mouse button.

Restore the panel through the registry editor

Finally, if all else fails, you can use the Registry Editor. To be honest, for users who have recently started working at a computer and who still do not know much, I would not recommend using this method, because wrong job with the registry can lead to problems with the operation of the computer itself (for example, it will refuse to boot). Therefore, before any work with the registry, so that later, if something happens, you can roll back the system.

Its use is shown in the following video. It's clear that making this kind of longer or more complex animation doesn't fit, even though it's impossible to create a smooth one. There will be smooth animations, but you can work with the movement of the vortex and freely change it. The program asks if we want to transfer the object to the symbol, we will confirm the choice. The last thing missing is to create a key anchor either at position 24 or near the position. We now have an animation, so we can get the object and see that the slogan that the object will view will be plotted on the graph. We can play the animation and find out that it is pretty fluent and only takes a few seconds. Of course, you don't need to use the Selection tool to create a whip and customize it arbitrarily. The subject will follow the drunk, which is defined by the curve. Another thing that can be automatically calculated is rotation and transformation. You just need to be careful to change the parameters of the object on the snake where the animation starts or ends, otherwise it may cause the animation to break or cancel if necessary. Let's make a cornerstone with a square object. ... Finally, we create a key binding and reshape the object.

Click on "Start", in the line "Find programs and files" write the word regedit and run the registry editor.

We pass along the path HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run. It is quite possible that on the right side of the screen you will have several parameters, and perhaps none at all.

We will need to create a parameter for autoloading. This is done as follows: you need to move the mouse arrow over an empty area on the right side of the editor and click on the right button. Then choose: New - String Parameter. Name it CTFMON.EXE. After the parameter is created, right-click on it and select "Modify". In the Value field, add the parameter C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ ctfmon.exe. Here's what you should get.

The program completes the intersections so that the shape changes smoothly. The button represents one of the three symbols of the symbol, which has its own special function... The thumbnail can be seen as a classic button in a view or in a program, and thus the classic button behaves as well. Of course, he thinks that the button does not look like it is looking for a normal state, another - at the moment when we click on the mouse, and another if we click it.

The easy-to-use keyboard can be connected to a variety of actions from confirmation dialogs such as page recalculations, page breaks, and more. The next video shows how to create a button and define its individual viewers, the second video shows a more advanced technique on how to add a button to an action and use it to control animation.

After that, we restart the computer and see if the taskbar appears. If this did not happen, then it is likely that you do not have the ctfmon.exe file itself, which also activates the language bar (this happens, for example, when there are viruses or trojans on the computer), you need to download it on the Microsoft website and place to the folder located at C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \. This, however, happens very rarely in practice.

In the library, right click and create a new button symbol, select any of them. The work area for the button opens, not the time axis, we can see 4 separate states that work like snow. Centre work area marked with a circle, we can draw the button completely arbitrarily. Thus, we create a button shape. In the "Advanced" status, the button will be located if the user moves the cursor over the mouse. We'll change the color to see the difference. Again, we change the color to see the difference. We will finish editing the button and return to the scene where we will insert this button. If everything goes well, his appearance will change. This will cause the button to appear if placed only in the document. ... This example is optional, source used in the video is listed in the video.

Using Punto Switcher

Well, finally, I want to tell you about one very popular program that will allow you to forget about the language bar altogether. Yes, yes, we are talking about. In principle, I talked about this program in sufficient detail, so I will not repeat myself. Let me remind you briefly that this small utility serves primarily as an automatic layout switch. There is an opportunity to display the language panel, and in the form of flags.

Adding 60 new bindings to a new layer for any animation and extending the button press duration. Now we will add a new layer on which we can place the code for the button action. You must name the button that runs in the Properties panel at the top right of the monitor. There is no need to understand whether we have everything right, and we will see it, we will see the result. In the function, enter the code you want to execute, in which case let the entire animation stop by clicking the Stop button. This will not be the last try if everything works out. Ideally, the animation should stop, if not, we haven't followed any steps correctly. The finished project can be downloaded here.

  • We are using the button created in the previous screen.
  • The video is added to the video that hovers over the curve.
  • Export image.
From the Control menu, you can control the animation, select View Simulated Loading from the View menu, and set the connection speed — the program will try to simulate the loading time of such animations in the viewer.

If you type text in a layout you don't need, it will be automatically replaced. If you want to undo the changes, you must press the pre-assigned key.

Among other things, Punto Switcher has a lot of all sorts of additional properties, one of which is keeping a diary. It records everything that was entered on the keyboard.

The program is distributed free of charge, now belongs to Yandex. In my opinion, this is a pretty handy thing that many of you will like.