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The best recipe storage software is Cooking Notebook - My Piggy Bank. I got this program accidentally on the Internet. I downloaded it and decided to try it out. And my joy knew no bounds. This is a great program

October 8th, 2014, 12:59 am

I really love to cook and mostly take new recipes from the Internet. And at some point, I realized that it is becoming more and more difficult to understand the rubble of recipes saved in the favorites. Again, after trying another successful recipe, I want to save it somehow in order to remember the impression of the recipe, write down some nuances, and I want to quickly find this recipe later if I want to repeat it. It was inconvenient to store everything in links or some kind of Word files.

And then one day I stumbled upon the program by accident. It is officially free, very simple and quick to install, you can download it (download the file cooknotes074.exe).

The program interface is so clear that you can figure it out in 5 minutes. In fact, the program - simplest base data with a hierarchical structure, in which you can create sections and subsections (respectively, button 1 and 2), and already in them create recipe pages (button 3). You can directly, without prior saving, insert pictures from the Internet into the program, copy or write text. Convenient search (button 4).

If something is not clear, ask - I will give you a hint. I am a fan of this program, I have already hooked all my girlfriends on it and I continue to spread this important knowledge among everyone who is not yet a fan of this program :)

And another trick: since the program is an ordinary database, and there is only a culinary name in it, it can be perfectly used to store ANY information. For example, in addition to files with recipes (I have baked goods and sweets separately, all other recipes are separate), I store in a separate file all sorts of accumulated interest in needlework, in a separate one for interiors, my mother, for example, adapted this to store information about summer cottage affairs, and it can be any topic and it will be convenient. RECOMMEND!

I have already described several notebooks to you (I especially liked it), but today I want to tell you about another very unusual and original one - culinary notebook .

One reader gave me a tip, for which many thanks to him.

I am sure that my housewife readers will really like this culinary notebook, because it is very convenient and practical.

Now on the Internet there is just a sea of ​​various culinary sites (demand gives rise to offers - many people like to eat deliciously), but as you know, there are no comrades for taste and color - favorite recipes are found on various resources, and not on one.

And what do you want to do, create a million in the browser? And what if the network falls off at the most important moment of cooking? A nervous breakdown and a bunch of spoiled foods are provided for you.

Plus, not everyone has Wi-Fi (oh wired internet I’m not talking to the kitchen at all).

Fortunately, good people have created a culinary notebook that does not depend on the Internet and will not let you down at a crucial moment in the kitchen. He will help you collect all your favorite recipes and put them on the shelves. You can even easily provide them with pictures.

Download culinary notebook

On you can download the regular (installation) version or (does not require installation on a computer). The notebook is only about 3 MB in size.

This is what my wife told me, whom I asked to understand the program and tell me ...

How to use Cooking Notebook

First, create a new folder (preferably not on the system drive) and call it "Recipes". Now boldly go into the culinary notebook and create new file(book) ...

By the way, they can be made at any time, added, moved or removed (via the context menu) ...

It remains to scatter the recipes for these sections and subsections. Select the desired section and create a new recipe ...

In the right notepad window, go to edit mode and just paste the pictures and the recipe itself, previously copied from any culinary site ...

... you can even give a grade to a recipe ...

In the "Service" menu you will find the settings ...

... in which you can change the background color or font, set spacing and indents for recipe elements.

In the "View" menu you can change the theme of the culinary notebook, and in the "Format" you can even compress pictures to save space on your hard disk ...

Try out this function I did not succeed, since the pictures were already compressed and in the required format - the owners of the site from which I copied the recipe took care of this.

The culinary notebook, of course, has all the usual possibilities of any text editor, but already understand them (if you don't already know) yourself.

Think that culinary notebook will really please people who like to tinker in the kitchen.

Until new interesting and useful computer programs.

Program for storing recipes - Culinary Notebook

cookbook is in every family. Rather, it should be in every family. It is impossible to remember all the recipes, especially the amount of ingredients used in the recipes. And sometimes it is useful to remind yourself of the sequence of cooking a certain dish, especially if you cook it once a year. If cooking for you is not just a way to feed a hungry family, then, for sure, you are the owner of many recipes that must be stored in some way so as not to lose. And it is advisable to store it so that it is easy to find if necessary. Probably everyone is familiar with the situation: "Well, where is this recipe, I remember, I wrote it down here !!" And as a result, half a day was spent looking for the right recipe, and it's good if the recipe is found.

As a result, each culinary notebook reminds of a battlefield: scraps of notebooks, newspaper clippings, remnants of magazines. All this is very difficult to organize and even more difficult to use. I take off my hat to those who carefully rewrite and organize all this, but something tells me that there are, oh, there are not many like that :)).

And when you need to correct something, or add something, so that later you do not forget and do not make a mistake, when you cook according to this recipe again, then arrows, dashes, redraws appear, the recipe turns into a situation: I sing here, I don’t sing here, but here I wrapped the fish.

And most importantly, in such culinary notebooks difficult to store photos. I have noticed for a long time that I don’t even read the recipe without a photo. And with bad photos most likely I will not read. The photo in the recipe is half the battle. It helps at least to navigate what should be the result, and often helps to correct a mistake made during cooking.

All of the above problems are solved by the program "Culinary Notebook"... The program is so easy to use that if you can turn on your computer and find this article, then using the program will definitely not cause any difficulties.

V "Culinary notebook" you can store any recipes and photos for them, correct and change, evaluate the recipe and leave notes, change and add photos, transfer folders with simple movements, easily sort recipes into sections, and most importantly, easily find the desired recipe. The program allows you to create any number of culinary notebooks. You can share, for example, your grandmother's favorite recipes and your own, girlfriends' recipes and collected recipes from our site! Or you can divide baking and preservation into different books. In a word, the possibilities in this sense are absolutely limitless.

From my point of view, the program has only one drawback: if the computer does not turn on, then you will not have access to your recipes. And accordingly, if the system crashes, you can lose all information. For this case, as we do with all other important documents or photos - make a copy on removable media, USB flash drive or external hard drive. It is desirable to create copies cookbooks and update these copies periodically. And, of course, culinary notebook need to be created.

So, first, download the program.

We launch the file, agree with everything, select the language and daddy for installation. Run the program:

Now we can open the existing ones. culinary notebooks, or create new ones. To create a new notebook, select "File" => "New" in the menu or press CTRL + N at the same time:

We choose a name for the new notebook, a folder for storage and save the new file. The file will have * .mcb permission. Now recipes can be recorded and saved. For a start, it's still worth creating a few folders. If you want to change the name, rearrange, add one more (or several) sections, or move one (or several recipes) from one section to another - all this can be done at any time. To change the name - delete the old one and insert the new one. The transfer is carried out using the "drag and drop" method, that is, you need to click on the section (or recipe) that you want to transfer, without releasing the mouse button, drag it to the right place and release the button in a new place. If you miss, it doesn't matter either, just drag again. All sections have tooltips, that is, if you hover the cursor over the menu, a window will appear explaining the function. Here are the most basic ones:

The number of subsections is unlimited. The main thing is that you yourself remember the structure and system of saving files:

But even if you forgot, you can use the search. You need to click on the binoculars image or F7:

As you can see, the search is quite easy to use, you can search by a word or phrase, as well as by the location of that word or phrase. If you're looking for a recipe, for example, it's best to search for 'Danish' if you know you don't have many Danish recipes, because 'potatoes' will give you all the recipes where potatoes are used. And the more accurately you fill out the recipe itself, the easier it will be to look for it later.

The biggest plus of this program is the ability to add photos to recipes. So, we create a "New recipe", go to the "Edit" tab.

As you can see, the "Editing" tab has subsections: "Description", "Contents", "Preparation" and "Note". The entire recipe does not have to be divided into subsections, you can add everything into one. On appearance the recipe will not be affected. This breakdown is needed for the "Search" function, and also in the recipe itself, the program will write these headers. If you insert the entire recipe text into the first tab, then the headings will have to be typed manually.

We type the name and description of the recipe or copy it if there is a description in in electronic format(for example, you found a recipe on the Internet and want to save it so you can try it or just remember). By the way, the recipe text can be edited: change the font, its size and color, highlight it with bold, cursor or underline, align along the edges or in the middle, make indents. By the way, such editing can be done at any time, even after saving the file.

Select the folder where the photo is located, select the photo you want to insert, and click "Open". Photo or picture can be reduced or enlarged in size. You need to click on the photo itself, dots will appear at the edges of the photo, by pulling on which you can change the size of the image:

You can also move a photo to another location using the drag-and-drop method described above. If you want to save an image from the Internet, then you must first save it somewhere on your hard drive and only then insert it into the recipe. When a photo is inserted in a recipe, it does not need to be stored separately. You can always extract it if needed. You need to click on the photo right click mouse, select in the appeared window "Save image to file ...", select where you want to save, and save.

To see the recipe, go to the "View" tab. It will look something like this:

I will not describe absolutely all the functions and capabilities of the program. It is really simple and easy to use. Explore each menu to figure out which features you need to use. I just want to draw your attention to two more points. The program has a template that you can customize. The setting includes background color, font size and color. You can find it through the menu: "Service" => "Settings", or by pressing F9. Find the "Template Settings" tab, edit and save. If you go to the menu: "Format" => "Template", then here you can edit the recipes according to the new template, and select either all recipes, or the preset one.

And the last point - the dividing line between the daddy menu window and the recipe is movable, it can be shifted, again using the drag-and-drop method, to the right or left, depending on where you need more space.

Let me remind you that the program can be downloaded. And over time, we will share ready-made culinary notebooks.

Updated: September 13, 2015 by the author: admin