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Testimonial. Plugin reviews for wordpress Balaganny testimonials

Click on fields and remove the redundant ones. You can add your own, arbitrary.

Strong Testimonials - setting custom fields

I left: Name, Review, Photo. Click save.

Creating a comment list display

Setting custom fields in the first view

We carefully read what is related to what. Don't forget to add your custom fields to our new view being created and remove the ones that no longer exist.

comments for wordpress - view customization

Customizing Styles

Yes, you can leave everything as is. You'll figure it out later.

  • Template is a template. Play as you like or leave the default.
  • layout- in one column or two, rectangular reviews or not, it's all about taste and color. We leave it as it is, because the view can be changed later.
  • background- the background. Leave it as is or play as you wish.
  • CSS Class Names- and here it is better to specify your class. For example my_otziv
  • Click the save button

We create new page, and call it - Reviews. Insert the shortcode of our first type there — this shortcode is responsible for displaying the comments themselves. id can be anything.

Creating a form in the Strong Testimonials plugin

On the left, in the menu, we find testimonials> views, go to our views and create another new one. Yes, yes, another new look.

click save on the page and view it. As you can see, we have a page with a feedback form. But there were problems. You need to embellish it and make it in your own language. Not satisfied Required Field and Add testimonial etc…

Additional settings

Go to menu -> testimonials -> settings -> form

we replace the descriptions of the forms with our own. See photo:

Add reviews through our form on the created page Reviews. Go to admin -> menu -> testimonials -> and approve or block them.

Any little thing is configured in this plugin, for example: What is your name? (first name or full name) — this is editable in the fields . This expression can be put inside a form. Rearranging this phrase with Label on the Clue- see the constructor on the right! You can separate the form from the output of comment lists with a heading.

CSS Styles

since we set our own style for each species:

  • my_otziv- to display reviews
  • my_form_onziv- to display the form

then, outwardly, you can adjust the display of the review list view and the form itself to match the style of the site.

Video: Feedback page. Full step by step instructions


Strong Testimonials - plugin, thanks to which you can easily organize an arbitrary connection with visitors who can easily share their impressions of your services.


  • Creating custom fields, resembles a constructor
  • Intuitive interface
  • Easy integration of shortcodes into blog pages
  • Creating Widgets
  • good rating
  • Constant update
  • Partial Russification

English testimonial - evidence] - a marketing technique when promoting a product: a respected character or an ordinary consumer talks about his personal positive experience of using the product. T. is a kind of letter of recommendation, a laudatory characteristic that the “consumer” gives the product in advertising. It often consists of the use of paid positive opinions and statements by famous people, pop stars, sports stars, other celebrities and leaders who are authoritative for certain target audiences. Usually used for products where people are guided by advice. By the 21st century "conscientious" T. practically flooded the domestic advertising of sunflower oil, washing powders and cleaning products. A creative example of the action "on the contrary" was a series of videos "Liquid Plumber" - a remedy for clogged pipes. It is shown how real Russian plumbers, who normally would be experts in classic T., begin to perceive the new product as a competitor and protest against it, as it takes away their work. The target audience of the brand was shown as a modern urban woman 25-40 years old with an average and above average income, who takes care of the house, family, paying due attention to cleaning, but does not like to spend a lot of time on it. The consumer knows and uses both traditional mother's recipes and innovative formats that appear on the market, so she chooses liquid, and not real plumbing, communication with which she seeks to avoid. T. is common both in regular off-line advertising and on the Internet. That is, how laudatory reviews about the company's activities, its products or services are usually posted by the company's clients (if it is a b2c oriented company) or its partners/affiliates (if it is a b2b company). T. also exists on the Internet under the guise of "lost" letters, messages in chats, forums, blogs (network diaries), etc., in connection with which it was called "virtual consumer management technology" (Management of Virtual Consumers, MVC). The task of MVC is to create a character that does not exist in the real world, whose actions effectively affect target audience. The set of MVC tools is simple: a) a personal site, a phantom consumer blog; b) letters coming to community members on his behalf; c) his active work in Internet communities - forums, chats, bulletin boards. All these three elements of false life are intertwined and support each other, broadcasting a given advertising message to potential consumers. MVC apologists argue that, using a virtual consumer strategy, most of the mass market can be covered with just ten characters, who can be kept alive by three editors. The basic rules for preparing T. can be as follows. The main goal of the T.-site is to show people who have come to your site for the first time or who want to become your client or partner that they did not come here in vain, and they will not be deceived here. Therefore, T. must first of all be trusting, actually human (and not "author's"), and only then - informative, anticipate the questions of those who will read them, and, if possible, answer them. Since different people may have different questions, it is best to place several different T., which will "answer" these different questions - about the company, about the product, about the address of the point of sale, changing them like banners every few seconds or even organizing a link "Read more testimonials - see other T.". But no need to turn the site into a book of reviews! When presenting the opinions of "authoritative people", it does not hurt to give links to their websites in addition to their names and photos, indicate the possibilities for contact, etc. A.P. Pankrukhin Danilova G. The Second Appearance of the Object // Advertising Industry. Jan 25, 2005 Kotin M. The consumer who does not exist // Secret of the firm. 2004. No. 15 (54).

A component for Joomla called JEXTN Testimonial is one of the most useful tools for Joomla sites, which will provide you with the ability to manage and administer testimonials. JEXTN Testimonial has been a long time coming. Component for Joomla users from studio with advanced search. This gives flexibility in depth for use in a Joomla-based testimonials website. JEXTN Testimonial is highly anticipated Joomla component according to our research. It provides a lot of flexibility when using reviews on a Joomla site. Look at the demo in the "system requirements" section and you will understand everything.

Recently updated features:

  • A status field has been added to the Jextn Testimonial form page.
  • Possibility to show/hide date added for displayed reviews.
  • Ability to display reviews in random order.
  • Setting links to pages in the admin panel.
  • Text length limit option and "Read More" link for JEXTN Fader Testimonial module.
  • Added "Add Testimonial" link for JEXTN Fader Testimonial and JEXTN Testimonial modules with show/hide option.
  • Ability to add multiple recipients for email notifications when a review is added.

Features of JEXTN Testimonial:

  1. 13 BUILT-IN themes. Stylized design under "leave your feedback" and 3 types of modules.
  2. Support for avatars / photos.
  3. Support for video reviews.
  4. Audio feedback support.
  5. Supports an unlimited number of categories for submitting reviews.
  6. Ability to show author name, URL, location, etc.
  7. Recaptcha to prevent spam.
  8. SEO Friendly URL, supports sh404SEF.
  9. Displaying the content of the article in the page characteristic.
  10. Support for 4 different slide effects in modules.
  11. Choose whether to automatically publish views of new features.
  12. View/publish/edit/delete all reviews from the backend.
  13. Language support: English, Swedish, French, Spanish, Dutch, German, Arabic, Spanish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Greek, Chinese, etc. Russian translation is included in a separate installation!
  14. Choose whether reviews from registered users will be added.
  15. Breakdown: Choose to display the number of reviews per page.
  16. Adding an unlimited number of reviews and authors.
  17. Very easy to set parameters. Customize the data you want to display.
  18. Show/Hide options for Avatar and video fields in form settings..
  19. The administrator can manage the specifications of this module. The administrator will receive email notifications when evidence is added by users.
  20. Browser support. Firefox 3.x, Opera 9, IE 5+, Safari, Firefox MAC, Safari MAC, etc.
  21. Admin can approve reviews via email without entering the panel. Admin can add/modify/publish/edit/delete reviews from admin panel.
  22. Classification of module types.
  23. Additional module for rendering using the Fader effect.
  24. Show posted date and review date.
  25. Added option - Date format in component and module settings. Added release date to the form field and options for editing
  26. Post the date in the back-end. Added a status field to the Jextn Thank You form page.

Users these days are more knowledgeable and have access to more information than ever before, so it's not enough to simply claim unreasonably that you're the best at something. However, thanks to testimonials and recommendations from real customers or famous people you can do nothing to convince the audience of your uniqueness. Because others will do it for you.

Reviews show an independent opinion about what you have done Good work. They can convince new buyers or calm nervous customers and set you apart from the competition. Using reviews and comments will turn your PR stunt into an independent, credible recommendation for your product or service.

In this article, we will explore the psychology of reviews, describe how to choose quality reviews to publish on your site, and look at several useful plugins available for this purpose.

Why are reviews so effective?

Testimonials can be very powerful tools because of the psychological phenomenon known as "social proof".

social proof- this is a psychological phenomenon when a group of people, unanimously supporting something or someone, can influence the opinions of others and force them to accept their position. This works because an individual believes that a group of people has the experience and knowledge that he lacks and, as a result, he adjusts his views and actions to their views in order to become part of this group.

However, this influence does not necessarily come from a large group of people. A good friend, a satisfied client, an expert or a celebrity can influence the opinion. When you are able to show genuine evidence that people love your product, site, or brand, you can use that as leverage to influence others.

If you have interested and grateful users and customers, they will like you, repost, leave comments on the site and on social networks, thereby creating social approval for your business. And if this cycle continues, you will gain invaluable favor with people.

Testimonials are a fantastically effective way to create "social proof" by showing off your happy users and customers. However, you should remember that here you need to show your best side, since mediocre reviews will not bring you any benefit.

Creating quality reviews

It is very important that the reviews that are left about you on the site or in social networks are authentic. If visitors find out that you're "likes" or paying some celebrity to promote your product, social approval can quickly evaporate. A positive attitude will turn into a negative one: a large group of people will appear who will quickly spread unwanted information, which will play against you.

Now it is very easy to recognize fake comments or likes. Therefore, it is imperative that all reviews are of high quality.

WPMU Dev Community Feedback Example

We present you a few key factors that will positively influence your feedback. The more you use these tips, the better:

  • Choose reviews of 2-5 sentences. Short reviews like "That's great" don't inspire confidence. If the user can verbosely express his opinion about your merits, this demonstrates his experience and inspires confidence. However, remember that you may lose the attention of visitors if the reviews are longer than 5 sentences.
  • Attach reviews with full name, website, location. If the reviews are anonymous, this raises suspicions about their authenticity. You don't have to sign each review with all of the options listed, but you do need them to help verify that it's true.
  • If you have testimonials from famous experts or celebrities, bring them to the fore. As a rule, such reviews inspire confidence better and have a greater impact.
  • Attach a photo of the author. This will add another layer of validation and validation to the testimonial.
  • There must be confirmation that the product provides a "transformation". Many marketers believe that what you are selling is not a product, but a "transformation". In other words, your product or service solves your customers' problems.
  • Highlight significant words or phrases. If you use selection or bold font for phrases that best describe the quality of your work, visitors will pay attention to them and will be focused on the main idea.
  • Use video instead of text. Guided by these basic principles, contact the most satisfied customers and shoot them, let them answer the questions you have prepared in advance. The video doesn't have to look like an Oscar-winning movie, but it should. good quality. The more professional it is done, the better impression you will make on potential clients.

A way to quickly grow your fan base

It is very important to thank those users and visitors who have already contributed to the creation of "social approval" that has helped your business.

how explains music producer Derek Sievers, this is important because you need to show your fans that they are your equal, especially when they provide a service and help your brand reach new heights.

Most effective way achieving this goal will thank the visitor in a funny, conversational way. This will show them that you see him as an equal. The implication is that you care about them like you would your family or friends.

The second step is to send them an unconditional thank you gift. It does not have to be a huge gift, but something necessary and useful.

The trick is not to give a gift if they share a post, leave a comment or a like, but on the contrary, give them a gift as a surprise after the action has already been taken.

A surprise gift will leave a pleasant feeling and create a strong bond between the client and your brand.

The reason is that when they receive a surprise gift for what they have already done, they will be much more delighted than you can imagine! Therefore, it will be difficult for them to resist admiring you.

All you need to do to understand how useful this can be is imagine yourself when you last visited a website that made a strong impression on you. Now imagine hundreds or even thousands of people who share the same feeling, but about your business. That is why this step will be important to further create "social approval" and increase the flow of visitors.

8 Powerful Plugins to Show Your Reviews

These are not all ways to showcase your best reviews.

Here are some of the most popular free review plugins for your WordPress site:


Jetpack has many powerful useful features, but what you may not know is that the plugin also has the ability to display testimonials using custom post types.

After you have registered or logged into your account, installed and activated the plugin, go to the section Settings > Writing > Your Custom Content Types and check the Enable Testimonials checkbox for this site. Finally, click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

The Testimonials tab will appear in the admin console. Select Add New from the submenu. You will be able to create reviews in the same WYSIWYG editor that you use to write posts and pages.

Once you're done, your testimonials will appear on the Portfolio page, testimonials page, or any other page if you're using shortcodes.

This is easy way add testimonials to your site. While this plugin doesn't have a huge amount of options or settings, it works well and uses your theme's styles for seamless integration.

2. Easy Testimonials

Easy Testimonials is a customizable widget that allows you to display a star rating system for you and have your customers fill out a frontend feedback form.

It installs just as easily as most other plugins and displays testimonials via a shortcode or by selecting the pages you'd like to display them on.

3. Kudobuzz

Kudobuzz is a special plugin because it allows you not only to display user reviews, but also collects reviews from Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social networks, blogs or mail.

It also has a feature that rewards points for customers who leave reviews for you. It's still beta, but it works great and is easy to install.

4. Testimonial

The Testimonial plugin has many settings, works well on both desktop browsers and mobile devices.

It's also unique in that it allows you to add social media links, including icons to further validate your review. There is a scrolling function, which is also easy to install and use.

5. Testimonials Widget

Don't be fooled by the name: you can display testimonials as a widget, but also with unlimited shortcodes in your site's sidebar.

There is an animation function, video support, a star rating system, a frontend form for users.

This plugin is very easy to install, but requires at least PHP 5.3, at least WordPress 3.6 and jQuery 1.10, although this shouldn't be a problem for most users.

6. Handsome Apps Testimonials

This is a new plugin that is rapidly gaining traction among users, and it becomes clear why after seeing all the great reviews it generates.

It provides a lot of customization, uses shortcodes to display the praise of your customers. A new version contains animation functions, further customization with CSS, a frontend form, a star rating system, and a sidebar widget.

The installation process is very easy. This is a plugin that will only get better with time.

7. Strong Testimonials

This plugin creates eye-catching testimonials to be placed on the sidebar or individual pages. Strong Testimonials also provides a user friendly form. It has many anti-spam features built to protect you, including Captcha, Honeypots and more.

This plugin is easy to install and use as it has the same WordPress post editor we all know and love. You have the option to review reviews before posting to make sure you're doing your best.

8. GC Testimonials

GC Testimonials will help you create effective testimonials manually or through a frontend form. Also, you can receive an email notification when a customer leaves a new review.

This plugin has a huge number of settings, reviews can be displayed on paginated pages or carousels. You can display them on the sidebar using a widget or on any of the pages using a shortcode.

As an added bonus, it's very easy to install, just like most other plugins.

Building your audience from scratch

All of the plugins listed above are great, but if you're wondering how to grow your audience for reviews, don't worry, we haven't forgotten about it.

The truth is, you don't need hundreds of users to get reviews. All you need is a few happy people. Even if you've just started your business, try reaching out to past clients or colleagues and ask them to write a few sentences about the work you've done for them.

It's even easier and more effective to check your Twitter mentions and post some positive feedback from buyers or customers who wrote something nice.

If you can't find anything good, try again asking your past clients to jot down a line or two. You never know what kind of response you might get. The same trick can be done for other social networks like Facebook, Google+ or even LinkedIn.

But even better, try to create separate page, which will simply have a title, a description of the feedback process, and a form to fill out with a few questions, including the name, location, and photo upload window (you can integrate the site with social networks so that these fields are filled in automatically).

Just send your customers an email with a link and a short message. When you get the information, put all the answers in one short paragraph and post it as a review.

Another useful way to increase the credibility of your business is to place on your website small section, where all your mentions in magazines, websites, books will be displayed along with small headlines and logos.


You should be all set to start using testimonials on your website to help build trust in your business and increase your customer base.

How will adding testimonials to your site affect your business? If you are against this feature, then why? Be sure to share your experience with us in the comments below this post.

I tell you how to rotate customer reviews on your site about your services and products using the free Testimonials Widget plugin and more.

What are website reviews for?

Selling a site without customer reviews now looks a little strange. It is no secret that it is reviews that often help to make the final decision when buying goods or services, and increase trust. There are many studies on this topic that prove the positive impact of reviews on purchasing decisions. Colleagues from Hidden Marketing recently shared specific numbers.

As you can see, it is not very reasonable to refuse such a powerful sales tool, to put it mildly.

How reviews work

Visually, the review system is a formatted list, often in the form of a dynamic carousel or slider, which includes the review text itself, some media content, information about the author, sometimes some contacts, product rating, services.

Technically, the operation of the feedback system looks like this: after purchasing a product or service, the buyer is invited to leave a review, he fills out a form, sends it to the seller, who moderates it: approves the publication, sends it for revision or prohibits it. After approval, the review appears on the product / service page and in the general list of reviews.

In practice, such fully automated systems are rarely needed. Large Russian sellers integrate with Yandex Market reviews, foreign ones with Google Reviews, etc. A simple form is often enough for an average site feedback, manual processing and publication of reviews.

Reviews in WordPress

Development usually comes down to registering a new post type (CPT) with some logical name testimonial, laying out a list, a review page and linking it to products or services.

Let me remind you that registration of new post types in WordPress is carried out in the file functions.php in the following way:

// Register CPT add_action("init", "create_post_type"); function create_post_type() ( register_post_type("testimonial", array("public" => true, "has_archive" => true, "exclude_from_search" => false, "publicly_queryable" => true, "labels" => array("name " => "Reviews", "singular_name" => "Reviews", "menu_name" => "Reviews", "all_items" => "All Reviews"), "supports" => array("title", "editor" , "thumbnail", "custom-fields", "page-attributes")),)); )

Do simple system reviews on WordPress is possible without programming and plugins.

To do this, just create a page or post, name it "Reviews" and allow commenting. The simplest and complete automated system reviews are ready!

In premium WordPress themes, review systems are often integrated into the theme.

For example, in one of my favorite Bridge themes, review rotation is implemented as a slider.

Other commercial plugins.