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Popular notebooks. The most original notebooks for creative people. What notebooks are today

Hey! Simple notebooks are boring and do not develop a creative streak, or at least they do not push their owner to do so. Our AntiBnot is funny, beautiful, useful, develops creativity, and it will also help you become the "king of the mountain". Time management is needed now more than ever, so we have a special concept here. Each even page is typical, it resembles a page of a diary (but this is not a diary, so there is no such heavy need to fill it out every day, do it whenever you want), and each odd one is dedicated to the development of creative abilities, as well as do not care, the constancy of a good mood, and so on. the necessary nonsense (it is also not necessary to do it every day and in order). You are free to choose any page and fill everything as you want. Turn over quickly and see the manual. Good luck!

Laptops read like a stormy brainstorm and present a verbal and visual biography of Edison's mind at work. Taking up most of his sixty-year career, laptops provide fresh clues as to how Edison, with little to no formal education, could achieve such a stunning record that is still unmatched. The notebooks show how Edison conceived his ideas from the earliest conceptions and described in detail how he developed and implemented them.

Below are some of Edison's creative strategies. First, Edison believed that in order to discover a good idea, you need to generate many ideas. Quality comes from quantity. He set quotas for all of his workers. His own quota was one minor invention every 10 days and a major invention every six months. Edison saw creativity as just good, honest, hard work. Genius, he once said, is 99% sweat and 1% inspiration. For every brilliant idea he had, there was a horse-harness-like dud that collected snow and ice in the winter and squeezed it into blocks that families could use as a coolant in the summer.

298 p.

A notepad that definitely needs to be destroyed

353 p.

Tear me

Tired of writing in a neat handwriting, not leaving the fields and correctly formulating thoughts in literary language? Then you will love the rules of this notebook, which was created especially for you to destroy it. Stock up on crayons, cold morning tea, melted candy, and dripping pens. Don't forget the ketchup and the mud from your boots for bold accents. Open the first page and start your destructive procession through the pages of a notebook that will awaken your creativity, teach you to think outside the box, help you escape from everyday boredom and allow you to do stupid things unrestrainedly. Why, he will even encourage them! So, a pencil in the teeth (yes, you can do it here) - and let's go!

Increasing the production of ideas requires a conscious effort. No doubt you would come up with some, but my guess is not much. The average adult has three to six ideas. A specific quota concentrates your energy at a competitive level, which guarantees freedom and flexibility of thought. To meet the quota, you find yourself listing all the common uses for bricks, and also listing whatever comes to mind as we stretch our imaginations to fit the quota.

By forcing us to make an effort, it allows us to create more imaginative alternatives than we would like. Initial ideas are usually of inferior quality than later ones. Just as water has to run from the faucet for a while to be crystal clear, cool and free of particles, so thought has to flow before it gets creative. Early ideas are usually not true ideas. Exactly why this is so unknown, but one hypothesis is that familiar and safe answers lie closest to the surface of our consciousness, and therefore, naturally, we think first.

314 p.

Book backwards

Prepare yourself: once you open this book, you will have to think upside down and backwards. As you fill out the pages of this creative notebook, you will see the world from a completely different perspective. Flip this diary and rotate it as you like, scratch on its pages and cut them, glue, fold and stitch the way you want! Show your creativity from the end to the very beginning! Throw away sanity and boldly commit misunderstandings!

Creative thinking depends on continuing the flow of ideas long enough to purge the ordinary, the familiar and produce the unusual and creative. To prove this to yourself, try the following exercise. Below is a list of five words. Write the first association you have for each word. Now do this five more times, as shown in the first word, and each time write an association that is different from the association you gave to the same word in the previous cases.

Fish, ocean, marlin, football, crowds, money. You will notice that the latter associations are much more original and unique than the previous ones. The first answers are the general, dominant associations you have for the word. By organizing to give answers that are not general or dominant, there is an increase in the originality and imaginativeness of the answers.

Compose me

Who are you? The famous aphorism says that you need to do only what you like to do! Does your job suit you? Are you happy in your personal life? Throw away all psychology books and never buy them! Each person is an individual! Only on your own can you figure out how to be happy. This wise, fun diary-trainer for introspection and self-discovery will give you great pleasure. There is nothing and no one in the world more interesting and better than yourself! It is full of very curious and unexpected tasks, provocative tests and questions, answering which, you may completely change your opinion about yourself. The main thing! Never, under any circumstances, show this to any of your friends or relatives !!!

The way to guarantee the productivity of your creative thought is to give yourself an idea quota. For example, an idea quota of 40 ideas if you're looking for ideas alone, or 120 ideas if a group is brainstorming ideas. By forcing yourself to come up with 40 ideas, you put your inner critic on hold and write down everything, including the obvious and the weak. The first third are the same old, same old ideas that you always get. The second third will be more interesting, and the last third will show more understanding, curiosity, and complexity.

Activities that teach you to think wider

Edison believed that his lack of formal education was, in fact, "his blessing." He approached any idea or experience with wild enthusiasm and try something out of the ordinary, including even making phonograph needles from harvested rainforest nuts and clamping his teeth on a sonic horn to use as a hearing aid, feeling the sound vibrate through his jaw.

Sushi and be creative! Creative notebook from Dmitry Shamov

Oh, these amazing and unusual Japanese people! Think your worlds don't intersect? You are wrong! Japan is much closer to us than the distance of more than seven thousand kilometers ... And no obstacles will hinder us! Do you want to be imbued with real modern Japan and make your own artistic, poetic and other every kind of contribution to the development of relations "Russia - Japan"? honestly - this is the only difficult phrase. Transfer yourself and your fantasy (you have it, right?) to the pages of this notebook - and make your own Japan! Create, be crazy, compose! A notebook is a great gift for yourself, your beloved, and especially for yourself, who is in love with Asia and Japan. Are you sure you can write a haiku? Draw your own manga? Or maybe even come up with your own hieroglyph? But you creative person, Yes? Well, match it up! Transfer yourself and your imagination to the pages of this notebook! が ん ば っ て! Ganbatte!

This wild enthusiasm inspired him to constantly challenge assumptions. He felt that in some way too much education corrupted people, prompting them to make so many assumptions that they failed to see many of nature's great possibilities. When Edison created a practical lighting "system", he conceived of running his circuits in parallel and using highly stable filaments in his light bulbs, in fact, two things that were not considered possible by scientific experts were not considered at all because they were considered completely incompatible. until Edison brought them together.

298 p.

Office-book; soon friday. Relieve stress at work. Demotivators and motivators that will make your day.

Feeling stuck in the cycle of Mondays and Fridays? Struggling with plans and reports even in your sleep? Can't remember how you spent your weekend? By the way, when was the last time you had a weekend? Time to take a break! The characters in this book will support you on Monday, inspire you on Tuesday, amuse you on Wednesday, cheer you up on Thursday, make you laugh on Friday, entertain you on Saturday, and cheer you up on Sunday. You will find funny (as well as sad, annoying, simply unbearable ...) situations that are familiar to every office worker. Read and follow the advice of one of the heroes: smile - it annoys everyone! And feel free to tear out the most daring and funny pages from the book: they will become a wonderful decoration for the walls of your office, believe me, everyone will appreciate it.

Before Edison hired a research assistant, he invited the candidate over for a bowl of soup. If the person seasoned the soup before the tasting, Edison didn't hire the candidate. He didn't want people who had so many built-in assumptions in their daily lives that they even assumed the soup was not properly seasoned. He wanted people to consistently challenge assumptions and try different things.

When an experiment failed, Edison would always ask what he had found failure, and enthusiastically wrote down what he learned. His notebooks contain pages of material on what he has learned from his failed ideas, including his many experiments at will. One day, when an assistant asked why he continued to persist in trying to find a durable filament for a light bulb after failing thousands of times, Edison explained that he did not understand the question. In his opinion, he once did not fail. Instead, he said he found thousands of things that didn't work.

273 p.

Kurlyk. Traveled notepad

Diary of Brigitte Jones. Like me

Are you a romantic retrograde who is used to marking the red days of the calendar not in an iPhone, but in a notebook? Then this diary is especially for you! This is the Diary of Brigitte Jones. A notebook with the manners of a real gentleman, who absolutely does not care how much you weigh and how you look. Sitting in the most boring meeting of your life? Do not know how to attract the attention of a nice employee, and transparent blouses no longer help? Our advice is to forget and just open this notebook. DiaryBrigitte Jones is a whole bag of unexpected tasks and funny situations for women with a sense of humor! Creative assignments and cartoons will help you get distracted and come to your senses. In the pages of this notebook, you can even kill your annoying boss twice (figuratively speaking, of course).

He had a tremendous talent for appropriating ideas that may have failed on one occasion and used them for something else. Edison tirelessly wrote down and illustrated every problem he worked on in his notebooks. Whenever he succeeded in a new idea, Edison considered his notebooks to rethink the ideas and inventions he left behind in the light of what he has recently learned. If he was mentally blocked while working on a new idea, he would go through his notebooks to see if there was any thought or insight that might trigger a new approach.

Kurlyk. Traveled notepad (schollers)

HELLO people! A person can not do everything ... I came up with a TRAVELED NOTEBOOK. PB will help: go beyond comfort and sport, develop intuition, ingenuity, daredevil. YOU NEED: fool around, go, relax, pin up, pin up and split off. WE GET: a new friend, super memory, super feelings. WE GROW: as a Person, or as a person of the year, or we do not grow. WILL NOT NEED: brain and all. WILL NEED: dare, hooliganism, vein, pens, forks, pencils, BIG HEART and other crap. Kurlyk!

For example, Edison's failed work to develop an undersea telegraph cable ultimately led to a breakthrough in the telephone transmitter. He adopted the principle of unsuccessful underwater telegraph variable resistance and incorporated it into the design of a telephone transmitter that adapted to the changing sound waves of the voice. caller... This method instantly became the industry standard.

A sketchbook that teaches you how to draw

Edison often talked about his observations of the natural world, failed patents and research papers written by other inventors, and other ideas that others had come up with in other fields. He also regularly combed various publications for new ideas that piqued his interest and wrote them down in his notebooks. He advised his assistants to get used to finding new and interesting ideas that others have successfully used on other problems in other areas. For Edison, your idea should only be original in adapting it to the problem you are working on.

Very fashionable. Many of our contemporaries devote a lot of time to self-improvement and strive to maximize their own potential. Many experts in this field recommend starting to change your own life by purchasing a diary and instilling in yourself the habit of really filling it out every day. An original replacement for a boring business option - a creative notebook. Let's try to figure out what it is and how to make such a book for writing with our own hands.

Notebook: master class

Edison's lesson is to jot down your ideas and other new ideas in a notebook — call it "Bright Idea Notebook." When you run into a problem, go through your notebook and find ways to cross-fertilize ideas, methods, and conceptual models by transferring them from one problem to the next.

Contrary to popular belief, Edison did not invent the light bulb: his genius, rather, was to improve the light bulb as a consumer item. Edison also studied all of his inventions and ideas as stepping stones for other inventions and ideas in his own right. To Edison, the phone was offered a phonograph, which suggested the movie. Simple, in retrospect, aren't they?

Art-book, notebook for creative people, anti-notebook - what is it?

Quite recently, diaries with an unusual design have appeared in bookstores in our country. Such publications quickly gained incredible popularity among people of all ages and professions. Conventionally, all such notebooks can be divided into several types.

Einstein believed that each new idea is an addition or modification of what already exists. You take an item and manipulate or exchange it for something else. There are nine main ways to manipulate an object. You will find that ideas start popping up almost spontaneously, as you ask.

Can you combine your subject with something else? Can you adapt something to your theme? Can you change or change it in some way? Can you put it in some other use? Can you eliminate something from this?

The first type is diaries for writing, each page of which has a unique colored background. Of course, writing in such a bright book is much more enjoyable than writing on a white sheet of paper.

The second type of creative notebook is diaries, on each page of which some wise quote or helpful advice... In this case, the book may contain information from a wide variety of areas of life, or be devoted to some narrow topic.

What happens when you change it? Edison was tireless in his insistence to change the topic into something else through "trial and error" until he found an idea that worked. Edison's lab has a stunning display of hundreds of sonic horns of every shape, size, and material. Some are round, square, angular, slender, short, squat, while others are curved and up to six feet high. This collection of discarded ideas is a clear testament to Edison's approach to creativity, which, in essence, should have been experienced by everyone. possible options that he could have imagined.

The third category is a creative writing book with an assignment for every day. The most popular are thematic diaries of this category - for artists (accordingly, it is suggested to leave a picture on each page) or for writers, with a list of topics for mini-stories and interesting ideas... Another category of notebooks for creative people unites all the previous ones.

After being asked to describe the key to creativity, he reportedly said that he never stops working on your subject until you get what you need. Finally, if you want to get more creative, start acting as if you are creative. Let's say you wanted to be an artist: you start acting like an artist by painting every day. You cannot become another Vincent Van Gogh, but you will become more of an artist than someone who has never tried. Likewise, to increase your creativity, start acting like Thomas Edison.

Universal diaries for unleashing creativity offer you to immediately perform unusual tasks in real life (and write short reports on the pages of the book), do simple psychological exercises, draw and write about yourself. If you wish, you can even find such a notebook for collective filling.

Buy or DIY?

An art notebook with tasks today is easy to buy in any bookstore. The cost of such a book for records is usually from 300 to 1000 rubles. "Why so expensive?" - you ask. A creative notebook usually has a high-quality binding and cover, the quality of paper and printing is not inferior to a real book, and also do not forget about its ideological content. The only disadvantage of such an acquisition is that, even when buying a diary for yourself, you cannot be sure that you will like it until you start filling it out. So why not save some money and try making a creative notebook with DIY tasks?

Notebook: master class

Let's start making our art diary by preparing the base. Of course, you can just buy a quality notebook or note book and then just fill in the pages. But this option is not interesting enough, it is much more pleasant to make your own unique notepad with his own hand inside and out. Prepare the required number of sheets. Cut them to the selected size, color if desired, decorate with stamps, small drawings, figuratively process the edge. The hardest part of the job is making the binding. Notepad pages can be stitched together, glued or fastened using accessories - rings, a spring. As soon as you have your writing block ready, you can start designing the cover.

Individual design

It doesn't matter for whom you are making a creative notebook - for yourself or as a gift. Such a diary should be beautifully designed and evoke only pleasant emotions. Take the time to devote enough time and attention to work on the cover. It can be covered with fabric, decorated beautiful postcard or painted or stick your favorite photo. Be sure to glue the endpapers on the inside, they will make your work look much neater. Glue the cover to the block for notes and place the book under the press. Once your notebook is dry, you can get to the fun part of the job.

Filling out a creative diary

Start your writing book with Let it be a mini-questionnaire with a story about who owns the creative notebook with assignments, and maybe a small autobiography. Believe me, signing any diary is a special ritual. Even in the business version, filling out general information about yourself and leaving your phone number in case you lose your notebook, you thereby, as it were, declare ownership of this item. In a creative book for writing, you can place your own photo on one of the first pages, only the most positive and beloved one. Now you can fill in all the other pages. If you are afraid that you will accidentally start grouping similar tasks, write them randomly. Suppose you have just finished with the design of the 5th page, turn to the 10th and feel free to start writing any assignment or idea. In addition to assignments, you can write simple parting words to yourself, favorite quotes, or positive little motivators.

Activities that teach you to think wider

If you decide to make a creative notebook with your own hands, the ideas that come to mind while filling out its pages may seem silly to you while writing. But do not be ashamed of your own thoughts. Write whatever comes to mind. Even if a specific task does not teach you anything and turns out to be useless, it will already brighten up the day and make you happy with something pleasant. For example, in almost any ready-made creative diary, you can find the following tips and tricks: write a letter to a friend with whom you have not communicated for a long time; try something new; write down what you remember today; draw a picture; describe what worried you the most today.

For people living in an active rhythm, a creative notebook for two will be much more interesting. Such a diary is filled at once by two close people or a whole group of friends. Accordingly, the tasks in it are designed for collective creativity. These can be questions about spending time together, suggestions to describe each other, or even draw a caricature. Do not be afraid to include the most unexpected tasks in your notebook, and you will definitely get the maximum pleasure from "communicating" with the finished book.