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Captain obvious: where did it come from and who is it? Who is Captain Evidence Video: Mr. Freeman - It Exists! History of the project

Captain obvious(Cap, KO, Captain Obvious) - a character personifying a person who says banal things that everyone has known for a long time without him.


According to Wikireality, the meme was first used in the Google group comp.sys.mac.hardware in 1992 and sounded like: "Thank you, Captain Obvious." Know your meme claims that Cap was first mentioned in 1998 in David Gross's “A +: Core Module Study Guide”.

Wide SCSI-2 is so called because it is wide (Captain Obvious is back with you) David Gros

Cap's best-known popular-culture reference was seen in the 2000 film Where's My Car, Dude.

Captain Obvious has become a successful commercial brand, products with him are sold in Amazon and E-bay online stores. In the United States, two separate trade marks Captain Obvious with different logos.

At the beginning of 2016, Russian TV channels began to show a commercial for the Klinsky meat-packing plant with the Captain in the title role.


The phrase “Thank you, Cap” has entered slang and is actively used both on the Internet and in oral speech. It is pronounced to make it clear that the person said what everyone has known for a long time.

Captain Obvious is often portrayed as a superhero who is always ready to help in order to express the common truth. Sometimes Cap is painted in a mask and with the letter O on his chest, in other cases, images of captains of different ships are used as a template.

One of the most common depictions of Cap is Captain Jean-Luc Picard from Star Trek, portrayed by actor Patrick Stewart. He is the face of a meme when a person hits himself on the forehead with his palm, marveling at someone's stupidity.


Cap is a fictional character, a meme that exists in the vastness of the global network. An Internet meme is any picture, phrase or phrase (usually a joke one) that has spread spontaneously on the Internet and became popular.

Captain Obvious was first used on August 3, 1992 at the Comp.sys.mac.hardware group conference in English.

On December 9, 2004, the first issue of the American web comic "Cyanide and Happiness" was published, where Captain Obvious appeared as the hero, a kind of parody of the hero of other Captain America comics. This date is now considered to be Cap's birthday (Cap is short for Captain). In the comics, the Captain acts as an uninvited fighter against evil, ready to selflessly come to the rescue, and in this he has something in common with Internet users who give unsolicited advice and comments.

Captain Obvious is a person who said something so obvious that it sounds like a commonplace. Interestingly, this banality is usually just the most correct answer, but at the same time it is useless and does not reveal the essence of the question. For example, the former American President George W. Bush was named Cap, after the question "Why have you still not managed to catch Bin Laden?", He replied: "He is hiding." Another example of a Cap-style phrase: “It's raining. Take an umbrella or you will get wet. "

Cap on the Russian-speaking Internet

Originally inhabiting the English-speaking Internet, Captain Obviousness appeared in 2008 in the Russian-speaking segment of the global network. In honor of him, the site "So-to! Ru" was even created.

Users sometimes subscribe to Captain Obvious when they point out to the interlocutor some well-known fact or an obvious solution to a problem, which for some reason he himself did not think of. The person writes "Thank you, Cap!" When he was told excessive information, advice, common truth. Today the phrase "Thank you, Cap!" has already become winged and is often used by people not only on the Internet, but also in everyday life.

The Captain Obvious on the Internet has his own signature - "K.O." He also has distinctive feature- the habit of writing at the end of the sentence "So and so!".

Later, expressions Major Evidence and General Evidence began to appear on the Russian-language Internet, due to the fact that the word "captain" in Russia is associated with a military rank.

"Again with you. In the era of the global absorption of the human mind by the Internet space, the creation of an active and passive vocabulary of each of us occurs precisely thanks to the information received in this way. That is why vocabulary turns and expressions appear in speech, which may be incomprehensible not only to the interlocutor, but even to the one who utters these phrases. For example, what is the commonly used expression What interpretations does it have in our country, and also when is it advisable to pronounce this phrase? Let's try to figure it out.

Overseas guest

Let's say right away that this phrase is of American origin. The common name, which this expression is now, belonged to the main character of the animated series, then on its basis were created computer games, demo videos, etc.

Captain Obvious is not in vain that attracted such attention of millions. According to the plot of the cartoon, this is a good-natured man who, despite the constant desire to help, gets into a mess and finds himself in awkward and funny situations. He got this name, because in the right place and out of place he utters the most obvious things that are understandable even to a child. Thus, the phrase "Captain Obvious" means that the person who was so named is at least not quite smart.

Forewarned is forearmed

This expression is especially often used in communication that occurs during The world wide web... On the forums, during discussions, in the comments to the articles, you can see phrases like "Well, yes, who would doubt, you are Captain Obvious" or "Cap, how we missed your presence." A rather subtle hint is obtained, which not everyone can understand the true meaning of.

In our country, the expression is also found in interpretation, so that replacing the captain with a major or sergeant does not change the meaning.

Now you know what this expression means, and when you hear "Thank you, cap" in a conversation, think about whether you shouldn't interfere in the conversation if you are not particularly competent in the topic.


"Captain obvious!" - slightly curling our lips, we say to a friend who seriously informed that in a rainy summer the cottage is flooded with water, and therefore nothing will grow there. He did not say anything new - he only confirmed the well-known truth. But has anyone thought about where this "captain", so often mentioned recently, came from?

A character with a military rank is a hero in comics popular in the United States. Moreover, he was born as a parody of another hero, whose name was Captain America, therefore, he is also called Cap for short. In 2004, the web comic magazine Potassium Cyanide and Happiness was published. A brave captain acted on its pages, coming to the aid of those who, in fact, did not ask for any help, and supplying those who were blessed along the way with common truths.

On the Russian-language Internet resource, Cap appeared for the first time in 2008, and so it got accustomed. Periodically, the hero is promoted in rank - users call him "Major Obvious" and even "General Obvious", but Cap's character does not change from this. He continues to stubbornly fight evil, continuing to teach the people. The permanent residence of the Captain can be considered Lurkomorye, as well as LJ, blogs and forums.

Who does not know - Lurkomorye is a resource that in some ways resembles and parodies Wikipedia. The creators provided him with articles on various topics, including quite ironic and places filled to the brim with sarcasm. It also does not do without obscene language. Captain Obvious is one of the memes (that is, ideas, images) of Lurkomorie. Over time, Cap expanded its habitat. He went beyond his native Lurkomorye and began to be used in everyday vocabulary.

When someone (for example, in a dispute) wants to draw the attention of an opponent to the fact that he is speaking well-known truths, instead of giving arguments in favor of his point of view, he may exclaim: "Listen, this is Captain Obvious!" When communicating on the forum, in response to your advice or remark, you can receive a sarcastic and polite: "Thank you, Cap!". Be aware that the interlocutor in this case already knows the answer to the question, but he does not need general recommendations, but practical help that he did not receive.

Being in the role of Captain Obvious is not very pleasant. To prevent this from happening, you should only engage in a conversation when you really have something to say, be it new information, helpful advice or a sharp topical joke. In all other cases, we will adhere to the truth: "The word is silver, and silence is gold!" Yes, that's right - that's exactly what Captain Obvious would say.

Now many people use the phrase "Captain Obvious". Where did this expression come from? Let's try to understand this difficult matter.


So, it would seem, it will take a very long time to delve into philosophy and logic in order to understand how in modern world came the expression "Captain Obvious". Where did it come from, you ask, expecting long conversations about what is obvious to modern man. But no, we will not philosophize. Instead, let's dive into the world of .... superheroes!

The fact is that Captain Obvious, the pictures with the image of which you can see, is a superhero of American comics. He does not give advice, but he answers the questions posed. With all this adding at the end of the sentence "So and so!" The Captain's face is hidden by a mask, and the letter "O" flaunts on the black suit, which means "Obvious". So, after it became clear who Captain Obvious is, where the expression came from, let's talk with you about what this comrade forgot in Russia.

Trouble has come ...

But in America everything is not the same as in Russia. Americans have slightly different views on life and heroes. What is good for an American may be completely absurd for a Russian. After the question of where Captain Obvious is from is left behind, it is worth mentioning what this character personifies in Russia.

The point is that the world is constantly and continuously evolving. But people, surrounded by solid cars, who do everything for them, for the most part become stupid. This is how internet trolls appeared. These are people who make stupid jokes and offend other users. It was they who changed the meaning of the phrase "Captain Obvious". Where this character came from is no longer important. The main thing is what it began to mean. Let's try to figure it out.

Warped meaning

Naturally, in Russia, much foreign is being altered and adapted "for the people." But the superhero helping various newcomers, named "Captain Obvious", whose pictures can be found everywhere and everywhere, has become a real laughing stock. Internet trolls decided to use him as a target for their mockery. So, the hero began to personify those people who say obvious things.

In fact, it may seem that there is nothing offensive in this phrase. True, if you hear it addressed to you (especially from modern schoolchildren who quickly absorb a new stream of stupid information), then you will surely become somewhat offended. In truth, Captain Obviousness can be called a stupid person who says things that are already understandable.


So you know who Captain Obvious is, where the expression came from. It's time to talk with you about what modifications this expression has.

The point is that in Russia many people associate "captain" more with a military rank than with a superhero. So sometimes you can come across some modified phrases that will have the same meaning as "Captain Obvious". What can you see / hear?

So, if on the Internet you saw the expression "Major Obvious" or "General Obvious", then you should not find out what these phrases mean. The point is that this is simply a Russian modification of the name of an American superhero.

In addition, Internet users can often use the phrase: "Thank you, cap!". This also applies to our Captain Obvious. In this way, people demonstrate that a particular answer is obvious / understandable. One way or another, if you were suddenly told something like "Thank you, Captain!", You can be sure that it was better not to insert your 5 kopecks into this or that conversation.