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19 your actions on signal attention to everyone. Signal "attention to all!", Signal "air raid", signal "hang up air raid"

In Russia, there is a system for forecasting and alerting the population about emergencies (emergency situations).

The only signal in Russia to alert the population in the event of a real threat of occurrence or in the event of an emergency, namely: accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters, the threat of chemical radioactive contamination, is "ATTENTION TO ALL!"

This warning signal is generated by various means:

Specialized vehicles equipped with loudspeaker communication;

Siren of large factories and enterprises;

Short beeps of all types of transport;

By sending sms messages through mobile operators.

After the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" a speech message sounds.

If you hear a signal on the street.

1. Do not rush home. Listen carefully to the message being transmitted by outdoor loudspeakers or mobile paging devices.

2. Familiarize yourself with the information that is located in crowded places, on street screens, plasma panels.

While at home, you must:

1. Turn on the TV to the program that broadcasts news in your area or radio.

2. Listen carefully to the message.

3. Do not switch to other channels, as the information will be repeated several times.

Preparing for evacuation

Having received a notification about the beginning of the evacuation, you need to:

  1. Do not panic!
  2. Find out all the necessary information about the prefabricated evacuation point, its address, phone numbers and the method of evacuation.
  3. Inform relatives and neighbors about the incident.
  4. Bring children home from school or kindergarten.
  5. Prepare documents proving identity: passport, military ID, certificates of marriage and birth of children, documents on education and specialty, work book and insurance policies. Take money and valuables.
  6. Stock up on food and drinking water for a day.
  7. Take personal protective equipment (gas mask or cotton-gauze bandage).
  8. Check the contents of the first aid kit.
  9. Put everything in a convenient bag and sign it (name, address, contact phone number).
  10. Make an inscription on the clothes of minors (name of the child, place of residence and phone number of parents).
  11. Provide assistance in collecting the sick and elderly people living in the neighborhood.
  12. When leaving the apartment, turn off the electricity, close the windows, the balcony, turn off the gas, water, turn off or extinguish the fire in the stoves.
  13. Arrive at the place of registration by the appointed time.

Don't fuss! Follow the steps recommended by experts!

As the saying goes: "Forewarned is forearmed!"

Video "Actions upon receipt of the signal" Attention everyone! "

Timely notification of the population about the impending danger, about the situation in the danger zone, as well as information about the procedure for behavior in emergency situations are one of the main measures to protect the population from natural and man-made emergencies.

Alert signals serve to timely inform the population and civil defense authorities of orders and information about evacuation, radiation hazard, chemical and bacteriological (biological) contamination, the threat of flooding, the threat of an earthquake, etc.

The main method of alerting people in emergency situations is considered to be the submission of voice information using state radio and television broadcasting networks. Before the speech information is given, sirens, production beeps and other signaling means are turned on, which means a warning signal "ATTENTION, ALL!", according to which the population is obliged to turn on radio and television receivers to listen to emergency messages. The notification is made by all types of communication: television, radio broadcasting, the use of special equipment and means for supplying sound and light signals. Instructions are immediately given on the order of actions of the population, the approximate time of the beginning of the fallout of radioactive fallout, the time of approach of the contaminated air, etc. are stipulated.

There are a number of signals that serve to alert the population of cities and rural settlements about the emergence of an imminent danger of nuclear, chemical, bacteriological (biological) contamination or the use of weapons: "Flood"; "Radiation hazard"; "Chemical alarm"; "Air raid", "Air raid clearing".

Flood signal

This signal notifies about the expectation of flooding of the area, or flooding of buildings of the settlement as a result of an increase in the water level in the reservoir.

The population must turn off the lighting, gas, water, heating devices, inform neighbors about the information received, collect the necessary things, food, water, turn off the gas, electricity and arrive for registration at the prefabricated evacuation point and send to safe areas.

Radiation hazard signal

The task of this signal is to alert populated areas and areas to which a radioactive cloud is moving, formed during an accident at a nuclear installation or during the explosion of a nuclear weapon.

Having heard this signal, it is necessary to urgently put on a respirator, a cotton-gauze bandage, in the absence of these items, put on a gas mask. Collect a pre-prepared stock of food, personal medical protection, basic necessities and hide in a shelter, anti-radiation shelter or basement, cellar, etc.

Chemical alarm signal

Alert with this signal indicates a threat or detection of a chemical or bacteriological infection. Hearing this signal, you must immediately put on a gas mask, and, if necessary, skin protection and, at the first opportunity, take refuge in a protective structure and remain in it until you receive permission to exit.

If there is no protective structure nearby, then you can hide in residential, industrial or utility rooms from being damaged by aerosols of toxic substances and bacterial agents.

All citizens outside the shelter should immediately put on gas masks, protective clothing and try to get out of the contaminated area as soon as possible. The exit is carried out in protective equipment in the direction indicated by the workers of the civil defense, or perpendicular to the direction of the wind.

When the enemy uses bacteriological weapons, according to the warning systems, the population will immediately receive additional information about further action... All the requirements of the civil defense authorities should be observed, as well as their orders should be followed after the danger has passed.

Air raid signal

This signal notifies of the danger of the enemy hitting the given city. The following text is transmitted over the radio broadcasting network: "Attention! Attention! Citizens! Air raid! Air raid!" This broadcast is accompanied by the sound of sirens, horns of factories and vehicles. The signal duration is 2-3 minutes.

On this signal, the workers stop work in accordance with established instruction and the instructions of the administration, excluding the occurrence of accidents, but if production cannot be stopped due to the technological process or safety requirements, there are attendants for whom individual shelters are built. The "Air raid" signal can catch people anywhere and at the most unexpected time. In all cases, you should act quickly, but calmly, confidently and without panic. Transport stops and the entire population takes refuge in protective structures.

Air raid clearing signal

This signal is announced by the civil defense authorities. The following text is transmitted over the radio: "Attention! Attention! Citizens! Cancel the air raid! Cancel the air raid!"

As a result, the population is allowed to leave the shelters with the permission of the commandants (senior) of the shelters, and workers can proceed to continue the abandoned work.

The ability of the population to act correctly in an emergency situation and the ability to use the information received correctly can reduce the number of victims to a minimum. Therefore, you need to know the warning signals of GO, and be able to correctly act on them.

Natural disasters, man-made accidents, natural disasters and other cataclysms ... There is perhaps only one way to reduce their tragic consequences - by timely warning of an impending disaster. For these purposes, civil defense signals are used. They are designed to alert the population of emergencies and the danger of an enemy attack.
Civil defense signals are designed to alert the population of a military threat and emergency situations.

What is an emergency? What kind of emergencies can there be?

A natural emergency is an unfavorable situation in a certain area resulting from a dangerous natural phenomenon that can lead to human casualties, damage to human health, material losses and disruption of the living conditions of the population. Natural emergencies are also called natural disasters. Based on the reasons (conditions) of occurrence, all natural disasters are divided into groups of geological, meteorological, hydrological (hydrometeorological) nature, as well as natural fires and mass diseases.
Modern production is becoming increasingly complex. Poisonous and aggressive components are increasingly used in it. A large number of chemical, fire and explosive substances are transported on various types of transport - all this increases the likelihood and severity of accidents. A major accident that resulted in human casualties, significant material damage and other serious consequences is called an industrial (or transport) disaster.
Industrial or transport accidents and disasters are technogenic emergencies. These include transport accidents (disasters), fires, explosions, accidents with the release (threat of release) of chemicals, accidents with the release (threat of release) of radioactive substances, accidents with the release (threat of release) of biologically hazardous substances, sudden collapse of buildings, structures, accidents at power systems, communal life support systems, at treatment facilities; hydrodynamic accidents.

There are five civil defense signals: "Attention to all!", "Air alert", "Clear air alert", "Radiation hazard", "Chemical alert".

"Attention everyone!" is a warning signal. It is served with the aim of attracting the attention of the population about an accident, catastrophe, natural disaster, the threat of an enemy attack. The signal is given by turning on sirens, intermittent beeps, vehicles and other means of loud-speaking communication, including those installed on cars of the public order service and the traffic police. Actions of the population: having heard a siren, beeps, etc., immediately turn on the radio, TV and listen to the message of the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations on the procedure for action. Pass on the information received to your neighbors, and then act according to the rules you heard.

"Air raid"- this signal warns the population of an imminent threat of an enemy attack. It is served over radio broadcasting networks, broadcasting stations and television receivers by transmitting text about the danger and information about the actions of the population. Actions of the population: if you are at home, you need to take personal documents, personal protective equipment, a supply of water and food with you, turn off appliances that consume electricity, water, gas, tightly close windows, vents, ventilation devices, take measures to protect food, water and food from possible contamination, take refuge in the nearest protective structure (basement, basement of the building, shelter). If an alarm catches you at the workplace, proceed in accordance with the instructions providing for an immediate termination of work with a trouble-free shutdown of the equipment and transferring the continuous cycle processes to safe mode work, followed by departure to the shelter. In public transport, it is necessary to get out of the transport at the nearest stop and act on the instructions of the posts of civil defense, police, drivers. In public places, act on instructions from the administration, civil defense posts, and the police. In all cases, take refuge in the nearest protective structure, and in its absence - in a ravine, embankment, pit.

Air raid clearing signal informs the population that there is no more immediate threat of enemy attack. Information about the actions of the population is transmitted through radio broadcasting networks, radio broadcasting stations and television receivers.

Radiation hazard signal is served in order to warn the population about the need to take protective measures against radioactive substances.
The chemical alarm signal warns the population of the urgent need to take protective measures against poisonous and highly toxic substances. In the event of a danger, information about the actions of the population will be transmitted via radio broadcasting networks, broadcasting stations and television receivers. In case of an accident with the release of hazardous chemicals, it will be reported on which streets the population to stay in apartments, if possible, seal windows and doors, put on a wet gauze bandage, turn off gas and electrical appliances, and on which ones to immediately leave the contamination zone in the indicated directions, taking documents and money.

Understanding the degree of threat, knowledge of civil defense signals and adequate actions on them in the event of an emergency will help save the life of you and your loved ones.

The most common way to alert the public is to broadcast the Attention All! With this method, mechanical and electrical sirens are turned on, radio, television, telephone communications (“Rupor” system) are used. The villagers are also alerted with the help of improvised means - a rail, a bell, a bell. Additionally, vehicles of the federal fire service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Ulyanovsk region, equipped with light-signal loud-speaking devices (SSU), religious institutions (church, mosque) can be used. In addition, the heads of the municipalities have developed plans for the household bypass of the population.

The actions of the population when the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" Volga ") and listen to the message of the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations on the procedure for action. Pass on the information received to your neighbors, and then act according to the rules you heard. The text on television and radio is repeated 3-5 times up to 5 minutes.

In the absence of the technical possibility of receiving television and radio reception, you should take with you basic necessities (personal documents, medicines, food and water supply for 2-3 days, money, clothes, shoes, personal hygiene items) and arrive at the building of the rural administration. settlement or to the house of the headman.

Natural disasters, man-made accidents, natural disasters and other disasters ...

There is perhaps only one way to reduce their tragic consequences - by timely warning of an impending disaster. For these purposes, civil defense signals are used. Civil defense signals are designed to alert the population of military threats and emergencies.

The most common way to alert the public is to broadcast the Attention All! With this method, mechanical and electrical sirens are turned on, radio, television, telephone communications are used. The villagers are also alerted with the help of improvised means - a rail, a bell, a bell. Additionally, vehicles equipped with light-signal loud-speaking devices, religious institutions (church, mosque) can be involved. In addition, household visits to the population are organized.

Having heard the warning signal "Attention to all!", You must immediately turn on the radio, TV and listen to an emergency message about the current situation and the procedure. It is necessary to keep all these funds constantly on during the entire period of the emergency response.

If the sound of the siren caught you on the street, then you should not rush home. Go to the nearest store, cafe or office where there is a radio or TV, listen to an emergency message. If you do not understand or hear something, do not panic, the message will be repeated several times.

When in the office, you must also turn on your TV or radio. It is necessary to remain calm and follow all the recommendations received.

If you are at home, then prepare documents for all family members, a minimum set of things (depending on the season), make a supply of water and pack the food in airtight packaging. Further, your actions will depend on the recommendations heard in the emergency message.

If the message announces an urgent evacuation, then listen and write down the address and telephone number of the assembly point nearest to you, notify family members, neighbors, and immediate relatives. Bring your identity documents, birth certificates of children, pack a bag with essentials and a supply of food. The bag must be signed. With a large crowd of people, it is easy to get lost, so put a note with the child's details, address and phone number of parents or relatives in the pockets of minors' clothes. After that, you need to go to the collection point.

Actions upon receipt of the signal "Attention to all!" should be clear and fast. The main thing is not to panic! Help elderly people and neighbors if possible. When leaving an apartment or house, close the windows, turn off electrical appliances, turn off the gas.

Check in at the collection point and follow the instructions of the evacuation team.

Signal "Attention to all!"

Our journey to the land of Security continues. Our assistants: Wise Owl (she always knows about everything), Ded-Rhymeed (he always writes about everything) and Bunny-Sproshaika (just very curious) are already here and ready to help us. Today, we will talk: about the rules of conduct for the warning signal "Attention to everyone!" how to properly prepare for the evacuation.

Wise Owl: Sometimes the rescuers and their assistants have to work together. This happens in the case of major accidents, natural disasters, catastrophes. For example, a flood, a hurricane, an accident at a plant or oil storage. In such cases, people are warned about the danger by radio and television.

When there is a threat of occurrence and in the event of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters, a signal is given to attract the attention of the population by beeping sirens "Attention everyone!" Having heard it, you should definitely turn on the TV, the radio network reproducer and listen carefully to the messages of local authorities or governing bodies for civil defense and emergency situations.

This message will include information about where the accident or disaster occurred, its nature, as well as instructions to the population about the necessary safety measures. After such a message, do not rush, but calmly think about what needs to be done. Do not turn off the radio and TV, but listen carefully to all messages. If there are adults in the house who did not hear the signal, tell them about it. Do, better together with adults, what you are told.

Bunny-Asker: And if you heard the signal when you were on the street?

Wise Owl: If you hear the signal “Attention everyone, when you were on the street, go home immediately.

If it became clear from the announcement that your house is in a danger zone, you need to take the following measures: 1, 2, etc. read as "first", second, etc. 1. Provide a minimum amount of food, medicine and basic necessities in case of an emergency evacuation. 2. Observe the rules of fire and other types of safety. 3. Close windows, doors and vents tightly. Plug the cracks. 4. Close the chimney dampers, cover the air vents in the toilet, bathroom and kitchen with adhesive tape or tape. 5. A set of products should consist of such products that are stored for a long time and do not deteriorate without the refrigerator (canned food, sausages, cookies and chocolate). 6. Pack all things well in plastic bags, bags made of thick paper or fabric, put them in a bag or backpack. 7. If the message says about the need for respiratory protection, then the nose and mouth should be covered with gauze bandages.

Bunny-Askar: And what is evacuation?

Wise Owl: Evacuation- a set of measures for the organized removal (withdrawal) from the cities of personnel of economic facilities that have ceased their work in an emergency, as well as the rest of the population.

Memo on evacuating from the school building in case of an emergency . 1, 2, etc. read as “first, second, etc.... 1. When the alarm sounds, stay calm and do nothing that may disorganize others (do not shout, do not rush). 2. Immediately take the necessary items and line up for an orderly exit from the class (if you are in class during the lesson). 3. Leave the building in an organized manner through emergency exits. 4. If you are in the school building during breaks, leave the premises through the nearest exit. 5.After leaving the building, build up in the designated safe place, go through the roll call. 6.If it is not possible to leave the building, take a position along a cap wall in a classroom or hallway. 7. If you find yourself in a rubble, do not give in to panic, try to define yourself in space and give signals about yourself (knock iron on iron, stones on slabs, pipes, etc.). 8.If it is necessary to evacuate from the disaster zone and the absence telephone connection do not go home and to other places, go through the roll call and follow the instructions of the school leaders who carry out the mass evacuation of students from the school. 9. Remember that your parents will be evacuating the disaster area at their own facilities and on their own.

Bunny-Askar: And what if there was no signal to start the evacuation?

Grandfather-Rhyme expert: If you heard the sound of a siren Return home quickly And turn on your successor

Close the windows of the door And collect food Without a command from the apartment, don't kick in. Sit and wait - the signal "Hang up!"

Teacher: If there was no message about the beginning of the evacuation, then try not to leave the room unnecessarily. Store drinking water supplies in bottles or cans. Close all taps. Wait for help or a message that the danger has passed. Typically, this announcement begins with the word "Hang up!"

Teacher: Guys, let's summarize. - How will you act when the siren sounds and the warning signal "Attention everyone!"? - How should you protect your home in the event of a factory accident or the threat of a natural disaster? - How to dress properly in case of evacuation? - What to take with you in case of evacuation?

If the emergency has not been prevented, remember correct actions in its conditions will help you to keep your life and your health.