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Installation of LED lamps. Features, secrets, ways. Installation of LED lamps: features, instructions and recommendations How to install LED lamps on the ceiling

LED ceiling lamps for home may differ in design, but they always have a common principle of operation. The design is based on a lamp made of one or more LEDs.

The simplest circuit consists of two components: diodes and a damping resistor. More complex models include:

  • Converter;
  • Inductor;
  • Current stabilizer;
  • Additional protection against impulse noise and static electricity;
  • Some other components.

It is also important to ensure thermoregulation, because heat is generated during operation, which requires removal.

Number of LEDs in one lamp it can vary up to several tens of light elements. They are usually combined in a single circuit connected to the power supply for output to the control circuit.

There is several basic options for connecting diodes in the lamp. This information is necessary for everyone who plans to do the installation on their own, and not entrust the work to professional teams.

  • Serial connection... A common type most often used in industrial production. The simplest, universal and least financially costly scheme, due to this, remains quite vulnerable.
  • Parallel connection... Such a circuit requires the use of which are serially connected to each lamp, ensuring the safety and stability of operation.
  • Mixed connection... In this case, whole blocks assembled from series-connected elements are connected in parallel. This scheme is quite versatile and is often used in homes or offices.

The choice depends on the specifics of the task and operating conditions. It is also important to keep in mind the disadvantages of one type or another. For example, at serial connection failure of one luminaire will lead to overload or rupture of the entire circuit.

When using a parallel connection, the breakdown of one element does not interfere with the work of the rest. At most, it affects the final power of the system. But such a connection is much more expensive.

Mixed type combines the advantages of both options to maximize efficiency. However, this is a rather complex scheme that requires maximum professionalism in its implementation.

Types of LED Ceiling Lights

The scope of operation of LED ceiling lights is vast and varied. Due to this, different models can differ significantly in technical parameters, design features and installation methods.

Proceeding from destination, classify fixtures:

  • General purpose... Their task is diffused, pleasant light, close to natural. It is also optimal for offices, making it possible to do without traditional massive chandeliers.
  • Directional light... Mainly a decorative element that is used in interiors and designs to highlight certain areas or create accents.
  • Linear... Luminaires in the form of a tube with a swivel base, thanks to which the angle of illumination can be changed. Such models are popular in offices, retail premises, and when organizing stands and exhibition grounds.

For different types of ceilings require different designs. Deserve special attention:

  • Stretched;
  • Suspended;
  • Rack;
  • Grilyato ceilings;
  • Rarer and more specific varieties.

All of them involve a different method of mounting and fastening, which is extremely important to consider when choosing.

Most often, LED ceiling lights are presented in two categories:

  • Embedded or mortise(recessed), ideal for suspended ceilings or plasterboard structures. They are easy to install or replace, and practically do not heat up during use.
  • Overhead, involving preparatory work with the surface. They are distinguished by a variety of designs and unusual design, allowing you to embody interesting and original ideas.

Characteristics and technical parameters

Exists a few basic characteristics, based on which you should choose LED ceiling lights:

  • Force . Affects the quality and quantity of lighting. Often, the packaging indicates the characteristics of the equivalent incandescent lamp.
  • Power consumption... Typically ranges from 1-10 watts. This indicator determines how energy-saving the lamp will be.
  • Life time... LED lights are extremely durable, but the wattage gradually decreases over time. Average service life starts at 25 thousand hours.
  • Divergence angle... It characterizes the distribution of the luminous flux throughout the room: the wider the angle, the more uniform the light. Lamps with a small indicator are suitable for creating accents, and a wide angle for full illumination of a room.
  • Color rendering... Each lighting device has its own coefficient, which must be indicated by the manufacturer. The optimal indicator is over 70.
  • Radiation color... Depends on the color temperature of the lamp. For a home, the most comfortable lighting is considered to be a yellowish tint, because too cold and white is not very suitable for living quarters.
  • Ripple... Any light flux pulsates during its propagation. These fluctuations are invisible to the human eye, but can increase fatigue if the rate is too high.

Installation of ceiling lights

Before starting installation work, you need to pay attention to some features. The power of the lamps depends on the specifics of the room., starting with its size and ending with its design.

There is no single accurate calculation scheme, so all the nuances must be taken into account individually.

Using solely ceiling lights is not always advisable. For many premises, the optimal solution would be combination of different light sources, including wall-mounted, floor-standing, tabletop models as well.

In some cases, instead of standard LED luminaires, you can use other original solutions.

Before installation, a diagram of the future wiring is being developed. It must take into account the types of connection and the main functional points. The angle of incidence of light is always equal to the angle of reflection, which is important in rooms with TVs and monitors.

A special double-insulated wire is used for wiring.

For ceiling lighting, the cross-section must be calculated separately, depending on the power and current consumption. Installation can be carried out at any stage of the renovation, based on the current plan and convenience.

Before starting work, all markings with attachment and installation points are transferred to the ceiling. The wires are fixed every 40-50 centimeters to avoid sagging in the future. In the process, special dowel clamps and other accessories can be used.

Usually after finishing ceiling work, the wiring becomes inaccessible for full service so that every step must be carried out as professionally and reliably as possible. To reduce the amount of work, pre-prepared harnesses and other techniques are used.

For fixing the luminaire a hole is prepared in the ceiling, the diameter of which is slightly smaller than the body flange.

Most models have special spring-loaded ears that pull together to penetrate this hole, then release and fix the lamp. The design allows you to easily hide the mount, as well as replace the element if necessary.

To work with plastic ceiling materials there are additional systems, thanks to which they will not sag over time.

Special fittings, available in different variations and sizes, are most often used to create a hidden platform to which the luminaires will be attached.

After mounting the case a wire is connected to it and fixed using a terminal block. A cartridge is put on the base, a light bulb is inserted into the housings, for example, for 220v, and the whole system is again fixed with an expanding spring.

Installation of built-in LED ceiling lamps

Replacing a 220v LED light bulb for ceiling luminaires

When replacing the lamp, be sure to it is necessary to remember about safety precautions... All work should be carried out only on a stable surface and with the lighting turned off.

The replacement itself consists of three main stages:

  • Unlocking the light bulb in the housing, in which it is held by a special locking ring, as in the photo above.
  • Study of the characteristics of the lamp;
  • Replacement with a similar model and fixation of the structure.

If, when using LED lamps, there was not enough lighting, you can purchase a model with a different radiation color - white instead of yellow. This will increase the luminous flux without affecting the power.

It is better to use lamps of the same model, because this is the only way to achieve the most uniform and harmonious lighting. It is recommended to use gloves for work so as not to damage the lamp and not shorten its service life.

According to expert reviews, when choosing, special attention should be paid to such well-known companies as and, since at the moment they are the leaders in LED lighting.

Advantages of LED Ceiling Lights

Compared to traditional incandescent lamps, LED luminaires have many advantages:

  • Minimal energy consumption without compromising the quality of lighting;
  • Long service life, measured in years and decades;
  • Practically instantaneous achievement of maximum power when turned on;
  • Possibility of choosing luminaires with different lighting colors;
  • Creation of familiar warm light, optimal for the human eye;
  • Minimal fluctuations to reduce fatigue and increase working capacity;
  • Lack of ultraviolet radiation;
  • Health safety;
  • Ease of installation, maintenance and replacement;
  • Possibility of installation to regulate the brightness of the light.

Disadvantages of LED Ceiling Lights

  • The cost, which is several times higher than the prices for other models of similar efficiency.
  • Gradual loss of brightness, which decreases over the years of intensive use. Most often this happens if you buy inexpensive options. However, even such lamps pay off in full due to energy saving.
  • Directional light, due to which you will have to install more lighting points.
  • Unpleasant spectrum of radiation, insufficiently suitable for a comfortable stay. But this often applies to either cheap or incorrectly selected models.

Scope of application of LED ceiling lights for home

LED lights in the house suitable for lighting almost any room.

  • Bedroom... It is necessary that the light is not too bright or harsh, because such lighting contrasts with the very purpose of the room.
  • Living room... You should choose models that will fit into the design. LED lamps in the living room are perfect for both high-grade lighting and for the embodiment of unusual design ideas.
  • Bathroom... Various variations allow you to achieve the most comfortable lighting or highlight separate areas, such as a mirror.
  • Kitchen... For the kitchen, directional lighting above the work surface, sink or stove can be an indispensable find. Do not install lamps near the burners of the stove in order to avoid the negative influence of the heated air.

LED ceiling lights can be installed not only in the house, but also outside it: in workshops, garages and other outbuildings.


LED ceiling lights for home are a versatile and practical choice.

It is only important to approach the issue carefully and carefully plan the work at each stage. Any room can be completely transformed by properly installed LED lighting.

Tell your friends!

Modern design often presupposes the presence of which is not difficult, but requires certain knowledge. Such devices are more often used as auxiliary elements that highlight certain areas, but if necessary, they can act as the main sources. LED technology is one of the most promising areas of artificial lighting, so it is worth paying attention to.

Why did devices become popular in a short time?

Recently, traditional incandescent lamps are gradually losing demand. In modern premises, LED lamps are increasingly being installed, which have many important advantages over conventional counterparts. They are listed below:

  • economical use of electrical energy;
  • the ability to obtain special spectral characteristics without any light filters;
  • compact size that allows you to successfully place devices in the interior;
  • lack of inertia during the operation of the switch;
  • high level of safety during operation;
  • providing directional radiation without the presence of a reflector.

Some consumers will be deterred only by the cost of the devices. In contrast to the prices for traditional devices, it is higher, but in the course of long-term operation it is possible to save money.

Tools and devices for work

During installation, use the following tools and auxiliary elements:

  • tape measure at least 5 m long;
  • stepladder for climbing to a height;
  • wire cutters;
  • drill with a nozzle for making holes;
  • insulating tape;
  • junction box;
  • stationery knife;
  • power supply unit (when using low-voltage devices);
  • switch.

Layout and cable routing

The distribution of wiring begins immediately after the acquisition of all system elements that were reflected in the estimate. Installation of LED luminaires presupposes a competent thought over the layout of the cables. After it is drawn up, the markings are applied directly to the ceiling.

First, the place where the new electrical circuit will be connected is determined. The junction box is installed here. When using low-voltage devices, a power supply unit is purchased separately, the power of which must correspond to the total indicators of all devices.

When installing a suspended structure, the wires are distributed only after the assembly of the metal frame. For protection against electric shock and possible replacement, the cables are best placed in a corrugated plastic or metal pipe. The material is selected taking into account the level of flammability of the bearing elements.

Hole making

When installing surface-mounted LED lamps, there are no special requirements for openings, but they must be located at the locations of the frame jumpers in order to be able to attach them. Built-in devices can be located between the supporting elements of the structure.

A tape measure is used to accurately determine the installation location. If necessary, you can attach a sheet of finishing material, marking with a pencil the areas with the location of the lighting devices. A hole in drywall or plastic is cut out using a special nozzle or a clerical knife.

Connection and installation

When the openings for the devices are ready, it is necessary to bare the wires protruding from them. One core is connected to the corresponding terminal of the lighting device, and the other is twisted directly into the power cable. The joints must be wrapped with insulating tape. To simplify work, most models are equipped with markings.

When installing recessed LED luminaires, the brackets at the edges should be pressed against the ceiling. After tensioning them, it is not difficult to insert the device into the hole made. They must securely hold the device inside during the entire period of operation.

When installing overhead products, the connection to the main cables is made, after which the lower part is screwed through the cladding material directly to the crate. After the fixation is completed, the inner cavity is closed with a special lid.

Before installing LED luminaires, in any case, you have to count the number of lighting elements in the room. Incorrect calculations can spoil the visual perception of the conceived design. It is necessary to determine the role of devices in the interior and the required level of illumination.

The simplest method of calculations does not require knowledge of special formulas or the peculiarities of complex calculations. It is based on the optimal level of illumination directly for the square meter. Typically, 20 W of traditional incandescent lamps are sufficient for these purposes.

Rules for the arrangement of products

To deal with the layout of lighting devices should be in compliance with certain recommendations, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the maximum effect. Installation rules for LED luminaires are as follows:

  1. The optimal distance between adjacent lighting elements can be considered to be a distance of 100 to 150 cm. As for the minimum allowable distance, it should be 300 mm.
  2. Appliances must not be installed in the immediate vicinity of a wall. It is necessary to step back at least 20 cm on the side surface. It is also not recommended to mount devices in the corners of the room.
  3. There are the most successful layouts for LED devices. The first of them is the arrangement of the elements along the perimeter, and the second is in a checkerboard pattern.

In conclusion, about the cost of installation work

The final cost of installing LED lamps can depend on many factors, but in standard situations, you can build on the data presented in a simple table. It presents the cost of the work carried out.

The table below gives an approximate idea of ​​how much you can save by connecting LED lamps yourself.

The issue of lighting their own homes is always worried about the owners of apartments and private houses. Energy sources are constantly growing in price, traditional lighting methods have a negative impact on the environment, and the usual lamps by themselves are not very convenient and efficient. All these factors contribute to the increasing popularity of LED lighting, which is characterized by easy installation and operation, as well as environmental friendliness and economy. This article will discuss LED lamps and the technology for their installation.

The device of LED lamps

The LED lamp, as the name implies, consists of LEDs, the number of which varies from one to several dozen. These elements always correspond to the total power of the lamp, the control circuit and the body of the device. Luminaires that are intended for domestic use are equipped with an E14 or E27 base, which are completely identical to the base of traditional incandescent lamps.

All LEDs in the lamp are connected to the same circuit, which in turn is connected to the control circuit and the power supply. During operation, LED elements generate heat energy. The coolers are radiators, which are usually installed directly under the LEDs. To increase the cooling efficiency, the connection area of ​​these parts is covered with thermal paste.

LED lamp circuit

The input part of the circuit is the place to install the damping resistor and capacitance. These elements are used by the system as a step-down power supply. Behind them is a diode bridge designed to transform the alternating voltage into the direct voltage required by the LEDs.

There are three schematic diagrams for connecting LEDs in a luminaire:

  • Consistent;
  • Parallel;
  • Mixed.

In most cases, individual LEDs are connected in series. The key problem of such a circuit is that if at least one element in the circuit becomes unusable, then the entire circuit will become inoperative. In addition, there is always the possibility of a LED breakdown - and in this case, power will continue to flow to the remaining elements, but in overload mode. This will eventually cause all LEDs to burn out. It goes without saying that such a scheme of an LED ceiling lamp cannot be considered reliable enough.

Mixed wiring of LED ceiling luminaires also has the disadvantages of daisy-chaining, but the luminaire design is different. So, in this case, the lamps are connected in series and combined into groups. The groups, in turn, are connected in series, which gives a certain guarantee of protection of the circuit from complete burnout.

The most reliable scheme is parallel connection, in which each lamp operates independently of the others. In the event of any malfunctions with one of the lamps, all the others will continue to work normally, without overloads and the risk of breakdown. The disadvantage of this circuit is its high cost, largely due to the fact that a separate resistor is connected to each LED. Parallel LED luminaires are rarely used due to their high cost.


Today, the lighting market boasts an incredibly rich assortment. LED lights can be purchased at almost any hardware store or electronics store. It is quite simple to assemble a lamp - but before that you need to decide on the desired type of lighting, because a wide range indicates a variety of characteristics.

The main classification of LED luminaires includes the following groups of devices:

  • Linear;
  • Ceiling;
  • Wall-mounted;
  • Industrial;
  • Searchlights;
  • Underwater;
  • Controllers.

It is worth considering several of the most common types of lamps in order to understand what is at stake:

  1. LED strips... Such lighting is best suited for a corridor where there is no particular need for spotlights. LED strips are sold assembled. There is a plug on one side of the product, and on the other there are wires that are connected to the power supply. Of course, the power supply must match the power of the tape, and when connecting, you need to monitor the polarity of the wires. The disadvantage of such devices is the high degree of heating, which is why they cannot be installed in narrow ducts with poor ventilation.
  2. Spotlights... Since LED strips are not enough to fully illuminate large rooms, spotlights have to be used in them. Such devices are located on walls or ceilings, and they are often tilted slightly to create the most comfortable lighting. When choosing such devices, you need to calculate the entire electrical network very well so that its individual elements correspond to each other.
  3. Luminaires with motion sensors... By and large, this is just a modification of conventional LED lamps. These devices have sensors that track motion and turn on the lights only when needed. Such devices, firstly, are very well suited for illuminating areas where constant light is not required, and secondly, they have a higher working resource due to a significantly shorter operating time.
  4. Assembled luminaires with radiators... Perhaps the most convenient type of device - ready-made lamps do not involve assembly. Usually, such devices are bought in the absence of the experience or knowledge necessary for self-assembly of all elements of the device.

However, if you still need to assemble the lamp yourself, then you need to purchase the entire set of parts and get to work. First, you need to attach an LED (or LEDs, if the radiator is designed for several lamps) to the heatsink covered with thermal paste. When assembling, it is imperative to follow the instructions and always make sure that the power of the LEDs installed matches the power of the rest of the system elements.

Ceiling mount

Installation of LED ceiling lights is possible in almost any room. Even for rooms with consistently high humidity, suitable products can be found. Perhaps the only limitation is the heating of LEDs, because of which it is strongly discouraged to install it in kitchens right next to the stove - regular exposure to high temperatures will significantly reduce the life of the lighting.

Installation of LED luminaires may vary depending on specific conditions - for example, in the case of a stretch ceiling, the elements must be installed in the following sequence:

  • First, the legs are attached to the ceiling;
  • Then the rack is mounted;
  • Next, a protective and thermal insulating ring is installed, between which the stretch ceiling canvas is located;
  • In the last turn, the lamp itself is mounted.

Luminaires are installed in the same way on plasterboard ceilings. Spotlights are not suitable for installing LED lighting on concrete floors - you will have to choose from an assortment of overhead and pendant fixtures that are attached directly to the concrete.


Before connecting any electrical equipment, including LED lighting fixtures, make sure that no voltage is applied to the mains. Otherwise, when performing work, the master will definitely receive an electric shock.

When the network is off, you can start connecting the LED ceiling light, which is done like this:

  1. The first step is to install all the communication lines necessary for the operation of the power grid. In the case of suspended and stretch ceilings, a corrugated plastic pipe, which is attached directly to the ceiling, will be quite enough for laying wires. If you have to deal with concrete slabs, you will have to make grooves in them.
  2. When the wires with the lamps are installed, you need to arrange for them to be well ventilated - for example, using a suspended ceiling. The number of holes is cut in the box, which coincides with the number of lighting fixtures. The lamps are connected to the wires brought out of the holes and are fixed in place. You need to work carefully, especially if the ceiling is mounted from a stretch canvas - it is very easy to damage it. To protect the stretch ceiling from heating, it is imperative to install thermal rings, in contrast to plasterboard structures, which can do without such rings.

After connecting the lamps and applying voltage to the network, you need to check the system for operability. If the lamps caught fire, then the installation of the diode lamps in the ceiling was done correctly, otherwise you will have to look for a problem and bring the power grid to a working condition.

Replacing the LED lamp

Despite the durability of LEDs, it is not uncommon for even such reliable elements to fail. There may be several reasons for this - from accidental changes in the characteristics of the voltage in the network to improper operation or installation of LED lighting. In any case, if at least one of the lamps burns out, it must be replaced.

The lamp replacement technology is as follows:

  • First of all, you need to turn off the voltage in the room or in the entire apartment, if there is no opportunity to turn off one room;
  • Next, you need to carefully remove the retaining ring that fixes the protective glass of the lamp;
  • The lamp is carefully removed from its place, and a new one is installed on it;
  • All previous operations are repeated in reverse order.

It is best to carry out these operations with protective gloves. Their point is not to protect the master, but to prevent damage or contamination of the LED lamp.


Installation of LED ceiling lights is a relatively simple set of operations that require a minimum skill set of working with electrical networks. However, it is better to entrust the work on connecting and wiring communications to specialists - installation errors can lead to damage to the entire system, so it is better to avoid them.

The choice of lighting in an apartment is one of the most important in terms of room design. And as the best option, it is quite possible to consider LED ceiling lamps - easy to install, practical, efficient and presentable looking. Despite not the lowest cost, these lamps are now beginning to displace traditional incandescent lamps from the market. That is why we decided to consider this type of lighting fixtures in as much detail as possible.

LED lamps: device and features

The device of LED lamps

It is possible to understand the advantages that a surface-mounted ceiling lamp has only after a thorough analysis of the features of its operation. So let's see how a classic LED ceiling lamp works?

  • The basis of any LED luminaire (no matter whether it is built-in or surface-mounted) is a lamp, which is a set of several LEDs. The number and type of LEDs used are the main factors that determine the power of the lamp, and as a result, the power of the luminaire itself;
  • The number of LEDs in one lamp can be different: some luminaires use lamps with one LED, others use lamps with several dozen LED light elements;
  • As a rule, all LEDs of one luminaire are included in a single circuit, which is connected to the control circuit through a power supply;
  • Another indispensable element in the design of a luminaire based on LED lamps is a radiator. The thing is that during operation, the LED lamp emits heat, which requires mandatory removal.

Therefore, ceiling luminaires, both overhead and built into the stream, are necessarily equipped with radiators of various types (see).

Note! High-quality heat transfer from the LED lamp to the radiator is provided by a special thermal paste. This thermal grease requires periodic replacement, since when overheated, the LED lamp breaks down quickly enough.

Features of connecting LEDs in the luminaire

As for the connection diagram of LEDs in an LED luminaire, several options are possible here. Therefore, if you do not plan to install a ready-made ceiling lamp purchased in a store, but are going to mount it yourself from the LEDs at your disposal - read the information below carefully:

  • Series connection of LEDs - Quite common, however, it has a number of disadvantages. According to this principle, LEDs are connected in many industrial luminaires;
  • Parallel connection of LEDs is also possible. When LED lamps are connected in parallel, current-limiting resistors are connected in series to each lamp. The main task of these resistors is to protect the LEDs from breakdown;
  • Mixed connection of LEDs. When LEDs are connected according to a mixed scheme, groups of several series-connected light elements (LED lamps) are connected in parallel to each other. This circuit is also widely used in LED lighting fixtures for home and office.
  • The choice of the scheme according to which the lamp is assembled is determined by the advantages and disadvantages of one or another connection method.

Daisy-chaining is the least costly (eliminating the need for a large number of resistors), but it is also the most vulnerable. If one of the elements fails, the entire luminaire stops working due to an open circuit.

In addition, for LED luminaires with a series connection, another problem is relevant - if the LED does not just burn out, but its breakdown occurs, then the circuit is not interrupted. In this case, the rest of the LEDs included in the ceiling lamp burn out rather quickly from operation under overload conditions.

This problem is irrelevant for parallel connection - even if some of the LED elements fail, the LED lamps continue to work, albeit not at full power. Only their high cost limits the distribution of luminaires with parallel connection.

LED lights in your home

Advantages of LED ceiling lights

Modern lamps - surface-mounted, recessed and spot - differ significantly from all other lighting devices. Accordingly, compared to them, LED lamps have both advantages and disadvantages.
First, let's analyze what benefits the installation of LED lamps will provide you.:

  • At first, surface-mounted, wall-mounted and recessed luminaires are characterized by low energy consumption... An LED luminaire consumes 10 times less electricity than an incandescent lamp and three times less than a fluorescent lamp that provides the same level of illumination. Those. installation of LED lamps gives you the opportunity to significantly reduce energy costs for lighting a house or apartment;
  • Secondly, LED lamps used in luminaires have a nominal lifespan of about one hundred thousand hours (which corresponds to approximately 11 years of continuous operation). Therefore, you need to change the lamps that are equipped with ceiling lamps much less often;
  • In addition, LED lamps do not contain mercury, which makes them absolutely safe from an environmental point of view.

In addition to all of the above, the advantages of overhead LED lamps include ease of installation. Unlike recessed luminaires, which can only be mounted during large-scale repairs (for example, when installing a rack ceiling in a bathroom with your own hands), a surface-mounted luminaire can be mounted on any ceiling in just a few minutes.

Disadvantages of LED lamps

However, in addition to the above list of advantages, surface-mounted LED ceiling lights have a number of disadvantages compared to other lighting fixtures:

  • The first and main disadvantage of LED lamps is their high cost. For the price, both home and office lamps (for example, Armstrong lamps) exceed models with fluorescent lamps of similar efficiency by 6-8 times;

Luminaires with LEDs "Cree" are one of the best, while at the same time they are one of the most expensive.

  • The next drawback is the gradual "degradation" of the lamps. Inexpensive models of LED lamps can lose their brightness over time (after 3-5 years of intensive use). And if you take into account that investments in LED lamps, due to energy savings, pay off in an average of five years, then this disadvantage can be considered very significant;

Note! To partially insure against such situations, you should purchase overhead ceiling luminaires only if they have an appropriate certificate and guarantee. As a rule, the manufacturer's warranty period is 5 years.

Also, the disadvantages of LED lamps include the unpleasant spectrum of light emitted by them. In addition, the light from such luminaires is quite narrowly directed, and if you are using LED ceiling luminaires - surface-mounted or embedded in a suspended ceiling, then you may need to install more lighting points per unit area.

Analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of such lamps, we can observe almost parity: somewhere LEDs outperform incandescent lamps, and somewhere they are significantly inferior to them. That is why it is necessary to make the choice “for” or “against” very carefully.

Where to install the LED light

One of the most important factors when choosing an LED luminaire is its placement in an apartment.

Let's try to figure out where we will install LED lamps?

  • Bedroom. Here, an LED light is perhaps the least suitable. A rather harsh light from LED lamps will contrast with the entire atmosphere of this room, therefore it is better to refuse LEDs for a bedroom;
  • Living room. Installation of an overhead LED luminaire is quite possible - but only on condition that the luminaire fits into the overall design of the room. Therefore, for a living room in the "high-tech" style, LEDs are quite applicable, but for a classic living room - we say a resolute "no!";
  • Kitchen. Here, the LED luminaire can be used not as a main light, but as a directional light. For example, a surface-mounted LED lamp can be installed above a sink or stove to provide a bright light when cooking or washing dishes.

Note! Installation of the lamp in the immediate vicinity of the hob burners (at a distance of 1 meter or less) is undesirable, since the heat removal from the LED is disturbed in the heated air, and the lamp burns out quickly enough.

  • Bathroom. Here, the LED lamp will also be quite appropriate (of course, taking into account the design of the room). For example, before you start making a rack ceiling in the bathroom with your own hands, you can provide for the installation of an overhead lamp, and in advance bring the wires into the space behind the ceiling.

Also, overhead LED lamps - ceiling and wall - can be installed in outbuildings: garages, workshop sheds. Outdoor lighting of a private house can also be organized using LED lights and floodlights.

Installation of LED lamps

Necessary components

In order for the surface-mounted LED luminaire to work as efficiently as possible, when connecting, it is necessary to check the presence and operation of a number of components.

In some models they are built into the luminaire body, while in others they require separate installation:

  • Radiator - we talked about its need above. Even if we mount a surface-mounted luminaire on a suspended or slatted ceiling, the radiator must provide efficient heat dissipation;
  • The power supply is a very important element for efficient lighting of the luminaire. The use of low-quality power supplies can lead to flickering of the luminaire and the appearance of a "strobe effect".

Transformers of electronic and induction type are used in power supplies. The former are smaller and lighter (which is important for concealed installation), but are prone to breakage. Unlike electronic induction transformers for LED luminaires, they are more reliable and cheaper, but they have large dimensions and weight.

As a result, both the radiator and the power supply must be selected based on the place where the lamp is connected.

Features of mounting luminaires on the ceiling

Surface-mounted LED-based ceiling luminaires are most often produced in housings equipped with everything necessary for fixing. As a rule, a lamp of this type can be easily mounted on a ceiling made of a wide variety of materials using simple fasteners - turboprop or dowels with metal or plastic sleeves (see).

Depending on the specific model, the installation of surface-mounted luminaires from different manufacturers may differ.

In general, the installation process is as follows:

  • At the selected place in the immediate vicinity of the output of the wires for lighting, we drill holes for the mounting plate (this process can be seen in detail in the video instructions);
  • Holes for fastening must be made in the solid base. If the hole for the mounting plate falls into the void (the perforator drill typically "falls through" without encountering resistance), it is advisable to re-drill the hole slightly to the side;

Pay attention! When punching holes for attaching the mounting plate, you must be very careful not to damage the wiring with a punch drill.

  • We fix the mounting plate with dowels;
  • If the luminaire is not mounted on a solid base, then you must first provide a fixture for the luminaire. For example, before installing the slatted ceiling in the bathroom, in the video instructions it is recommended to fix the bars on the ceiling, into which the luminaire mounting strip is then attached.
  • Having turned off the electricity at the meter or RCD (residual current device), we connect the contacts of the lamp to the wiring. Most of the industrial LED luminaires are equipped for this with terminal blocks that facilitate connection (see);

  • We put the body of the connected luminaire on the lugs of the mounting plate and fix it with screws;

Advice! Very often in such situations, a long screwdriver helps, the tip of which is made of a magnetic alloy: with its help you can fix sufficiently small screws in hard-to-reach mountings.

  • We put on transparent parts (a cap or protective glass) on the fixed body of the lamp and check its performance.

Summing up all of the above, we can state: due to their characteristics, LED ceiling lamps will be an excellent solution for illuminating a number of rooms in a house or apartment. And if you select the optimal model and install it correctly, then you are guaranteed bright and economical lighting for many years!

Allows you to significantly reduce operating costs and the cost of utility services for power supply. This is due to the low consumption and long life of the LED lamps. Other advantages of LED sources are noiselessness, high color rendering index (both in "cold" and "warm" ranges) (Fig. 1), light stability, no flicker, resistance to temperature extremes. Most LED luminaires are vandal resistant.

Another advantage of LED products is that they do not need to be disposed of. It is absolutely environmentally friendly and harmless to the environment, which is successfully used in many countries of Western Europe, the USA and Japan.

Safety rules for installation work

Certain safety requirements must be observed when installing this equipment.

1. Installation of LED lamps (as well as maintenance, dismantling) must be carried out only when the electrical network is off;
2. It is necessary to clarify the nominal voltage of the LED luminaire. If it is designed to work with low voltage, it cannot be connected to a 220V network without a power supply unit (in this case, the power supply unit must be included). It is forbidden to use transformers and power supplies designed to power fluorescent and halogen lighting devices.
3. Installation of LED lamps should be carried out in accordance with the project or preliminary calculation of illumination and total energy consumption of the electric lighting subsystem, taking into account the requirements of the issued Technical Condition;
4. When performing assembly work, your hands must be dry (even with appropriate gloves - see below);
5. Before installation, you need to familiarize yourself with the temperature and humidity ranges of using these lamps. If the equipment is not designed to work in a specific environment, it cannot be installed. It is necessary to approach this process especially carefully when installing lamps in baths and saunas. Luminaires intended for indoor installation must not be installed outdoors without special protection;
6. The place of installation must be chosen so as to exclude possible flooding of the luminaire and the cables suitable for it, as well as strong vibration.
7. Do not use lamps and power supplies that have external signs of a malfunction.
8. In the event of equipment failure, it is not recommended to disassemble the lamps themselves, power supply units, controllers on their own. This can lead to irreparable damage and denial of warranty service in the manufacturer's SC.

Which tool to use?

The set of necessary tools for installation depends on the type of LED lamps and their purpose (household or industrial). For the installation of ordinary home or office lamps (for example, point ceiling), manual and electric tools are used - a drill, a screwdriver, nippers, fishing line and hangers for fixing lamps, a knife, terminal connections, possibly a soldering iron (Fig. 2). When installing powerful outdoor and industrial luminaires, it is advisable to use specialized hydraulic-electrical equipment that ensures high-quality installation (Fig. 3)


Clothing installers of LED lamps should consist of thick cotton overalls or a suit (trousers, jacket), gloves made of dielectric material. When working in the open air and / or in conditions of high humidity, the electrician must be additionally equipped with a polycarbonate helmet with a protective plastic visor, goggles, rubber shoes with a thick one-piece sole (Fig. 4, 5).


Before installation, it is necessary to select and prepare the surface. It should not be flammable; it is necessary to ensure its strength, evenness and integrity. The distance from the nearest point (plane) of the luminaire to the combustible material must be at least 30 cm, and between the inside of the luminaire and the ceiling (or wall) - at least 1.5 cm.

If the luminaires are installed in false ceilings, it is necessary to first cut out neat holes to fit the luminaires themselves. All cable routes must be laid in a PVC or metal protective pipe. In a wooden building, all cables are laid only in metal pipes. Outdoor areas are laid in materials specially protected from temperature extremes and excess moisture (Fig. 6). All outdoor wiring accessories must comply with the level of protection against dust and moisture IP54 and higher in accordance with the requirements of GOST and PUE.

After laying the cable lines, 2 spring or support elements are installed on the inside of the LED luminaire to fix it (as a rule, they are included in the kit). After fixing, the luminaires are connected to the general network through the power supplies, then they are commissioned.

Quite often, the installation of lighting fixtures in offices is reduced to replacing old fluorescent lamps with new LED T8 lamps (Fig. 7). In this case, it is necessary to dismantle the diffuser (if any), then remove the starter and the choke, replace the old lamps with LED lamps corresponding to them in format, reinstall the diffuser (Fig. 8). After that, apply 220V voltage to the lamp. If everything is done correctly, this device will serve for a very long time.

Further maintenance of LED lamps is reduced to careful wiping with a rag and very rare replacement of lamps (every 5-8 years).