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Where is the ip address on the laptop. How do I find out the external and local IP address of my computer?

Working on a computer is associated with many different difficulties. It is difficult to understand all the intricacies and peculiarities of the functioning of this technique, but people constantly strive to delve into such questions. For example, they are wondering how to find out the ip address of a computer?

In order to understand this issue, you should first find out what this address is. To begin with, you should turn to its decryption and translation. The letters IP is an acronym for Internet Protocol. The word address in relation to him is used almost literally.

The fact is that IP really determines, so to speak, the location of the computer. Thanks to this data, information from other devices is capable of reaching it. It is like indicating on the envelope of a letter the country, city, street, house and other necessary data.

Features of ip addresses

Absolutely every computer has its own unique IP address if it is connected to a network. This network does not have to be wireless, like Wi-Fi, it only needs two devices to be connected together.

However, on the envelopes, the person himself writes the desired location. Where does the computer technician get the address from? Except when the data is entered manually, it is automatically assigned to the device when it starts up. In this case, each subsequent inclusion will create a new combination of symbols. This is called dynamicip-address.

The situation is quite simple if ah pi refers to local network... However, there are many users on the Internet and, accordingly, many devices. Some of them have the same dynamic address, while others may have a static one. The difference between these options is quite obvious.

  • With dynamic ai pi, the computer, when entering the network, will each time receive new address... Upon exit from it, the ip will be transferred to someone else. The next time the device is entered, it will again receive a new combination.
  • If the address is static, then it is specific to only one a specific computer and does not change when turned on or off.

By itself, IP is a numerical sequence of four combinations of numbers. These numbers can range from zero to 255. For example, an address can look like this:

How to find out the ip address of a computer?

The need to find out your ip address arises for various reasons. Often this is due to various problems with access to the Internet or specific resources, the work of which is related to the computer's ip.

You can solve this problem different ways, of which there are quite a few. First of all, it makes sense to consider the simplest method.

  • You need to go to search engine Yandex, it is possible to use some other resources.
  • Type in the search bar "ip address of my computer ".
  • Click on "Find" or "Enter".
  • After that, right under the search bar, a combination of numbers will appear, which is the desired ip of the computer.

There are other methods to achieve this result. For example, you can refer to the Windows protocol.

  • First you need to go to Start and click on Run.
  • After that, the command line will appear. It can also be invoked by a combination of Win and R.
  • In the pop-up field, type cmd and confirm this with the OK button.

  • In the next window, you need to type the word ipconfig. Operating systems dating back to the nineties used the combination winipcfg.

  • Then you just need to press Enter.

As a result of this method, the screen will display the IP address itself, as well as the subnet mask, gateway and some other features of the working on this moment connections.

Other methods to find out the address

The next option, which allows you to check the ip address of the computer, is also quite simple. To do this, you need to go to Network connections, which can be found in the settings.

  • In this window, select the Status item.
  • Then go to Support.
  • After that, it remains to click on Details.

As a result, a small Status window will appear, in which various information about the connection is described. For example, here is the name and type of device, the server and transports used, as well as, of course, the address of the server and client.

You can also look at the information in Network Connections in a slightly different way.

  • Through Start, we get to the Control Panel, where we open the Network and Internet section.

  • Then, through the Control Center, you need to get to the active networks and click on the phrase "Local Area Connection".

As a result, a small window will appear on the screen in which you have to find the word Information. After clicking on it, another window will open, where, in addition to the IP address, you can view information about DNS and other servers, gateways and other services.

Finally, there are specialized sites for determining ip. There are a lot of them, so that you can easily find some option in the search results for the corresponding query.

Video instruction

IP - address is a unique address of a node in the network, which is formed by the IP protocol. The personal IP address can be either external or internal.

So, the owner has his own router, with the help of which he connects to the Internet provider. That one has its own IP-address. As a result, the user can easily gain access to it by typing in the provider's IP address. However, working in the office, the user of the provided service will not be able to find the IP address with the same data - it will be necessary to enter his external IP.

Thus, in order for a computer to become available on the local network, the user needs to know the internal IP address, and in order for it to be accessible via the global network, it will be necessary to enter the parameters of the external IP address of the computer.

Internal IP address

You can get information about your own internal IP address in several ways.

Using a graphical interface.

To do this, follow these steps:

But this is not the only way to find out your own IP address.

Usage command line.

This requires:

The second method is, of course, faster. Although, as practice shows, it is easier for an ordinary user to click on the menu with the mouse than to type a few letters on the keyboard.

External IP address

The easiest method to find out the parameters of an external IP address is to go to the website .

After the web page is loaded, you can see your own external IP address - everything is very easy here.

You can read how to find out the IP address of someone else's computer!

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments!

How to find out the ip address of a computer.

Each computer is assigned an ip address so that this computer can receive packets with information.
The computer has settings in which the ip address can be recorded, as well as utilities where this address is required.
Today we will analyze the question of where to find out the ip address of the computer so that it is known for sure that the number we have found is the ip address.

What is an ip address for?

When you find yourself in an unfamiliar place, you start by asking where the address you want is located.
The computer connected to the local computer is assigned so that packets addressed only to it can reach this computer.
Since it is easier for a computer to work with numbers, the ip address is a number consisting of 4 or 6 groups of numbers, separated by dots.
The numbers themselves can be from 0 to 255. In general, we get the following example:, where the ip address of the ip4 version consists of 4 groups of numbers.
Internet ip addresses are assigned to the computer by the provider when connected to the Internet, and in the local network, the ip address can be recorded in the settings of the network card by the administrator.

Find out the address of your computer

1. If you want to find out the ip address of a computer connected to a local network, then in Windows 7 you need to click on "Start" / "Control Panel" / "Network and Internet" / "View network status and tasks" / "Change adapter settings"

2. Then you will find yourself in a window in which you may have several devices - you must select "Local Area Connection" and hovering your mouse over the icon, press the right mouse button, then select "Properties".

3. On the "Network" tab, select "Internet Protocol version 4 (ip4)" and click the "Properties" button.

4. On the "General" tab, you will see the ip address of your network card.

5. In Windows Xp, Start / Settings / Network Connections / Local Area Connection.

Find out the address of the computer on the Internet

6. Click "Start" and in the search for "Find programs and files" type cmd and run the utility.
In the cmd window, type ipconfig and press Enter, immediately receiving the data in which we need to find the ip address.
If you have usb modem, then there will be two ip addresses in the list, one of which is Ethernet, this is the address of the network card.
The address of the usb modem will be in the section "PPP MTS Internet Adapter", if the usb modem is mts.

ipconfig - scroll through the data sheet to find the address we need

7. If you want to use an easier way to find out your IP address, which was assigned to you by the provider when you connected to the Internet, then you can go to the site

You will immediately see a ton of information about your computer, including operating system, browser and ip address of course.


If you need the IP address of the proxy server through which you are going to access the Internet, then this will be the IP address of the network card of the computer connected to the local network.
To find out the ip addresses of computers connected to the local network, you can use a program that scans the network and gives a list of computers on the network, their ip.
An example program for scanning a network: MyLanViewer -

Well, if you need an IP address to drive to Online Games with your server, you will have to download Hamachi program that even the biggest kettle can handle.

See you in the next lessons.

An IP address is a unique address for a computer connected to a local or global network. How do I find my IP address? There are several ways.

Method 1. Using connection properties

For Windows XP

We select a shortcut for connecting to a local network or the Internet and open it.

In the opened window State go to the bookmark Support.

Parameter value IP address and will be the IP address of our computer.

For Windows 7

In the opened window Network connections select a shortcut for connecting to a local network or the Internet and open it.

Click the Information button and in the Information about network connection we find the value of the parameter Ipv4 address, it will be the required IP-address of the computer.

Method 2. Using the Ipconfig command

The process is the same for both Windows XP and Windows 7.

In the opened DOS session window, enter the command ipconfig or ipconfig / all and press the key Enter.

In the same window, information about the ip-address of the computer will be displayed.

Method 3. We use on-line ip-address determiners

The easiest, but requiring an Internet connection, way to determine the IP. There are a lot of online services for determining ip-addresses on the Web. Let's name just a couple of them: ru and http: // 2ip. ru. To make the links work, remove the space before the word ru in each.

Do not be surprised if the ip-address of the computer determined using the first two methods differs from the ip-address determined using the online service. The thing is that using the first two methods, the ip-address of your computer in the local network of your provider, also called the internal ip, is determined, and with the help of online services it will be determined external ip address, that is, the address under which your computer is visible on the global Internet.

An IP address is a unique set that identifies a computer or server on the Internet or a local network. The IP address is assigned by the provider who provides you with access to the Internet and is written in the form of four blocks of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by a period. For example The IP address can be static, that is, it does not change upon reconnection and dynamic, when your ISP assigns you a new address every time you connect to the Internet, from the currently available ones.

Most often, this data is not required by Internet users, but sometimes it is necessary to find out your IP address, for example, in order to access resources with filtering by IP addresses, connect remotely to your computer desktop, check your anonymity on the network ... Therefore, below we will tell you how to find out your ip-address? How to find out the ip of your computer using online services? There are a huge number of sites that can determine your IP address for free. In addition, they can provide other interesting information. The geographic location of your IP address with reference to google maps and Yandex, the browser you are using, as well as the resolution and color depth of your screen.
Here are some Russian and English-language sites that provide this information:

You can easily get all these addresses yourself if you enter the following queries in the query line of your favorite search engine: “how to find out your ip-address”, “find out your ip-address”, “my ip”, “check my ip”, “my ip "," what is my ip ".

How to find out your ip address using a computer?
The most simple and fast way learn ah-wee is the following method. For Windows XP, click the "Start" button, then click Run, type "cmd" (without the quotes) in the line and press Enter. For Windows Vista and Windows 7, just type cmd and press Enter. You will see a command prompt window with white letters on a black background. Enter the command "ipconfig / all" (without quotes) in this window and press Enter. Look for the line Ipv4 address - this will be your ip-address. If your computer has several network devices (LAN card, wi-fi and bluetooth adapters), you can see several Ipv4 entries. In this case, you will need to find in them the device through which you connect to the Internet.

It may be easier for you to run netstat -n instead of the "ipconfig / all" command, in which you will see a list of all open TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) connections. The Local Address field is your ip.

You can also determine the IP-address of the connection by clicking on it right click mouse and selecting the menu item "State". In the window that opens, you need to go to the "Details" tab, which will contain the "Client IP address" parameter. It will be your IP address.

How to find your IP address in Mac OS X?
Launch the System Preferences icon from the Dock. V system settings select Network. Select the device you are connecting through. These, for example, can be Ethernet or AirPort adapters. Click the Advanced button. The very first tab that opens in front of you will be called TCP / IP. We just need it. Find the Ipv4 address, which will be your IP address.

I would like to note that all these methods only work if you are not connected via a local network. Otherwise, you will receive the internal address of your computer on the local network instead of the external one. Internal IP addresses usually start with 192.168.

As you can see, there are many different ways find out your IP address. We hope that with the help of this article you can easily choose the method that suits you.