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Well, let's start giving small tips on optimization and promotion of sites (forums) on phpBB. In this case, we will do a little hack that will help get rid of the external link of the form " Powered by phpBB ©... ". In this publication, we will consider 2 ways with which you can do this - a trick for phpBB 3.x.x.

Remove the external Powered link by phpBB © 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007 phpBB Group and phpBB Russian support

First way to remove xref labeled Powered by phpBB © 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007 phpBB Group... And so, the most easy way- remove using the admin panel. We go to the administrative panel, go to the "Styles" menu item, on the left we see the panel where the block in the menu is located, we are interested in the "Style Components" block, and in it "Templates". By standard, in the proposed window, we will see the following: prosilver and subsilver2, although there may be others if you installed them. In general, not the point. From the proposed set, select the default one. Click on the "edit" button next to the template. Next, a window appears with the offer "Select a template file". Next, select "Template file" - "overall_footer.html". Below the HTML editor appears. We find the following code: " Powered by phpBB 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007 phpBB Group"and just delete it, although you can set your own link and caption."
"(which is located below, can also be deleted) - this code is responsible for localization, for example, an external link labeled" Russian phpBB support ".

Second way to remove external link labeled Powered by phpBB © 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007 phpBB Group... This method is similar, but we connect to the site using ftp pratacol. Go to the following path styles / template_name / template / overall_footer.html. And we edit the same code that we edited above. If you change the code, do not forget to set the UTF encoding - this way, "krakozyably" (squares and other incomprehensible characters) may appear in place of the anchors.

One of the many new features in phpBB3 that enhance the user experience is Custom Profile Fields. In the past, users could only fill in information in the common profile fields that were displayed; administrators had to add MODifications to their board to accommodate their individual needs. In phpBB3, however, administrators can comfortably create custom profile fields through the ACP.

To create your custom profile field, login to your ACP. Click on the Users and Groups tab, and then locate the Custom profile fields link in the left-hand menu to click on. You should now be on the proper page. Locate the empty textbox below the custom profile fields headings, which is next to a selection menu and a Create new field button. Type in the empty textbox the name of the new profile field you want to create first. Then, select the field type in the selection menu. Available options are Numbers, Single text field, Textarea, Boolean (Yes / No), Dropdown box, and Date. Click the Create new field button to continue. The following describes each of the three sets of settings that the new custom profile field will have.

Add profile field

    Field type: This is the kind of the field that your new custom profile field is. That means that it can consist of numbers, dates, etc. This should already be set.

    Field identification: This is the name of the profile field. This name will identify the profile field within phpBB3 "s database and templates.

    Display profile field: This setting determines if the new profile field will be displayed at all. The profile field will be shown on topic pages, profiles and the memberlist if this is enabled within the load settings. Only showing within the users profile is enabled by default.

Visibility option

    Display in user control panel: This setting determines if your users will be able to change the profile field within the UCP.

    Display at registration screen: If this option is enabled, the profile field will be displayed on the registration page. Users will be able to be change this field within the UCP.

    Required field: This setting determines if you want to force your users to fill in this profile field. This will display the profile field at registration and within the user control panel.

    Hide profile field: If this option is enabled, this profile field will only show up in users "profiles. Only administrators and moderators will be able to see or fill out this field in this case.

Language specific options

    Field name / title presented to the user: This is the actual name of the profile field that will be displayed to your users.

    Field description: This is a simple description / explanation for your users filling out this field.

When you are done with the above settings, click the Profile type specific options button to continue. Fill out the appropriate settings with what you desire, then click the Next button. If your new custom profile field was created successfully, you should be greeted with a green success message. Congratulations!

In one of the comments to my article, I was asked to tell you how to remove the copyright field of the creators of the phpBB engine: "Created on the basis of phpBB". Since this information may be useful to other visitors, I decided to write this article about it.

Why remove this field? Many of you may express indignation, they say, removing this field will be regarded as violation of copyright. However, this is not entirely true - phpBB is a free, free source web forum. Therefore, any changes you make assume that you are the sole owner of the copyright for your particular product. In other words, after creating a forum on this engine, it becomes your intellectual property. The phpBB authors wrote a mechanism, a forum tool, not a finished product. In this case, if you remove the copyright notice in the forum footer, it will not be a violation of copyright. On the other hand, if you do leave this inscription, it will be a sign of gratitude and support from the developers, which is definitely good!

So, if you still decide to get rid of this inscription, then the first step we need to find out where the parameter is, which is responsible for displaying information about the copyright. To do this, we need to open any forum page where the forum is visible in one of the browsers that support the page code view function (Opera, Google chrome, Firefox, etc.), and clicking right click by the inscription itself, select the option from the drop-down menu Inspect element.

After opening the code inspector, we can see that the block we are interested in is called " copyright". In it, you need to make changes in order to edit, hide or delete information.

The second step is to find the file that contains the "copyright" block. Since we do not know the name of the file, the manual search will take a very long time. Therefore, we will use a convenient function - search by content, which is possessed by my favorite file manager - Total Commander, then TS (there are other ways to search by content, but they will not be considered in this article). In the file manager, open the folder where the forum is installed on local server or on your hoster's FTP server. To make it easier to find, we will immediately open the folder in which the files of the default style are stored. Next, select the search for files in the menu " Commands"Or just click Alt + F7... In the search window that appears, we ignore the field “ Search files“, Since the name of the file is unknown to us. In field " Search location"The path to the folder with the installed forum engine must be specified, by default the TS picks up the path automatically if the search window was called from the active part, where you view the contents of the folders. Next, put a check mark next to the field “ With text"And enter" copyright "into the search bar, after which we boldly press the button" To start searching»And wait for the output of the results.

The search gave us several files, in theory there should be 5 of them, which mention the name of the copyright block. From all the issued files, we clearly see that we are interested in a file with the name " overall_footer.html"Because the block is in the page footer, and the word overall suggests that this file contains global settings, that is, for the entire forum. Now we have 2 options for how to edit the file we need - through the built-in phpBB template editor or using a third-party editor. First, we will look at the option of editing through the native phpBB interface.
We need to go " Admin center"And go to the" Styles". In the style management section, we look at which style is set by default, as indicated by an asterisk after the style name. In the example, only one is installed, the basic style is prosilve, but you can have several of them.

Further, in the section for managing style components, we go to the subsection " Templates"And select the item" Change»Next to our active topic.

Now we need to select from the drop-down list the file of interest to us under the name “ overall_footer.html»

In the appeared editing area, we go to the very bottom of the page and find the line: