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iPad glass replacement cost. The cost of replacing glass on an iPad Replacement of glass on an iPad next to Trifonovskaya

  • Repair in 15-30 minutes from 990 rubles.
  • Offsite repair in Moscow and Moscow region
  • 144 service centers

Replace the glass on the iPad only in a specialized network of services, whose employees can guarantee you both accuracy during this time-consuming procedure, as well as the use of high-quality spare parts and a special composition for attaching the sensor. We present information about 144 reliable centers of our city.

Be sure to pay your attention that the installation of the touch glass on, and should be carried out only using double-sided tape of a certain American company, otherwise, if you put it on glue, in the future large-scale damage when disassembling the tablet and replacing other parts will not be avoided.

In the organizations presented on the site, be sure, highly qualified specialists work, competently performing such operations daily. You will also be pleasantly surprised by the warranty period provided by the masters for their work.

The price for replacing the glass of the iPad with the departure of the master at home

If you want to carry out this procedure at home, you just need to leave a request on the website or contact the hotline operators by phone 8-800-775-90-67.

Repair the sensor or change the touchscreen?

Many customers ask us: is it possible to repair the sensor or change it right away? Most touchscreen failures require iPad screen replacement. By the way, do not confuse the display (which displays an image) and the screen (which responds to touch).

Despite its apparent strength, tablet glass is a fragile material that is constantly exposed to the outside and therefore is so vulnerable. If your device stops responding to touch or the use of the tablet is difficult due to scuffs or scratches on the surface, contact the service center, any of those presented on the site, and then you are guaranteed to receive qualified assistance in a short time!

When is a sensor replacement required?

There are several reasons why a screen replacement is needed:

  • firstly, due to the appearance of chips and cracks on the screen, making it impossible to work correctly with the tablet;
  • secondly, if the tablet does not respond to touch or does not respond correctly;
  • thirdly, if part of the sensor has ceased to function;
  • fourthly, if streaks appear when you click on the screen.

Please note that both original parts and AAA grade parts can be used to replace the glass on the iPad. In the latter case, it is worth knowing that these spare parts, while not inferior in general quality, endure mechanical stress a little worse.

Common Reasons for iPad Glass Replacement

Among the frequent reasons leading to the replacement of the screen on the iPad, of course, one cannot fail to name a fall or a strong blow, although in fairness it should be noted that even a small crack can lead to a complete loss of sensor sensitivity. Since the display and screen are changed separately on the tablet, be sure to carry out preliminary diagnostics in order to know exactly what needs to be changed.

The specialists of the services listed above will do this procedure in less than 15 minutes, after which it will take about an hour for the repair itself.

How much does an iPad glass replacement cost?

Device Check out price Price in service centers
iPad 1 from 800 rub
iPad 2 from 1 000 rub
iPad 2017 from 1 000 rub
iPad 2018 from 2 990 rubles
iPad 3 from 1 000 rub
iPad 4 from 1 000 rub
iPad Air from 1 000 rub
iPad Air 2 from 1 000 rub
iPad mini from 1 000 rub
iPad mini 3 from 1 000 rub
iPad mini 4 from 1 000 rub
iPad mini Retina from 1 000 rub
iPad Pro 9.7

I will not describe how cool, reliable the iPad mini is, as well as what Fix-Mi professionals are from God, but I will immediately get down to business.
Broken glass (Screen) on the iPad mini is the most common problem, so I thought it would be nice to write an article and tell you what glasses are on minis, as well as describe the iPad mini glass replacement process with details and pitfalls, let's get started!

Types of glasses on the iPad mini.

First you need to know that on the iPad mini 1, 2 and 3 (Retina) the glasses come separately from the display, but along with the sensor (touchscreen). On the iPad mini 4, it comes with a display, hence its high cost compared to previous models. Glasses on mini usually come in two categories - these are AAA copies and Original quality. These two categories are broken down into two more - ready to assemble, with a soldered touchscreen controller and a home button, or soldered, without a controller with a button.
For the iPad mini 4, there are currently only display modules of original quality. Let's see what their pros/cons are. First, let's talk about the iPad mini 1, 2, 3 models.

AAA copies.

Copies are not tempered glass without an oleophobic (grease-repellent) coating. The so-called “grid” is also visible on the copies - this is the markup of the touchscreen. It looks like almost transparent stripes.

On the iPad mini, Apple moved the power controllers from the main board to an additional one, which is soldered to the connector on the glass, and on the other hand has a standard latch in the connector. Therefore, these spare parts come either with an already soldered controller and a button, or without, which is called “soldered”.

Copies often use non-original controllers. The home button on the iPad mini 1, 2 also comes with a separate cable and is soldered to the glass cable. On copies, the home button cable and the plastic part itself are not original and come without a magnetic sensor that wakes up the iPad when the case is opened. On the iPad mini 3, the home button with the TouchID sensor comes with a separate cable and is rearranged from the broken glass. Touch screens with an already soldered controller are most often used by craftsmen who are not friends with a soldering iron :)

The only plus of copies is the relative cheapness. In general, the sensor with the button works absolutely fine on such glasses, as on the original. I would recommend replacing the ipad mini glass with a copy either if you plan to sell it soon, or if you are absolutely not a picky user.

Glass of original quality.

Parts of original quality are durable tempered glass with an oleophobic coating. Touchscreen markings are also sometimes present on them, but not as obvious as on copies. They also come with or without a controller, the controller is most often original. Already soldered home button on them is rare.

I would recommend replacing iPad mini glasses with original quality for those who do not plan to part with the iPad and the quality of parts matters to it.

What glass do we install?

When repairing iPad mini 1, 2 and 3, and in particular when replacing glass, we use both AAA and Original glass, it all depends on what you choose.

We install AAA copies with the controller already soldered, but at the same time we rearrange the original Home button into this glass. This is due to the fact that if the spare part is soldered, then if a defect is found, we will not be able to hand it over to the supplier, and if the part is already with a connector, then there are no problems in returning it.
For you, the advantage of such a system is that in the event of such a warranty case, you do not have to wait for an examination and repair of iPad mini under warranty will be done immediately on the spot.

Replacing the original quality iPad mini glass with soldered glass, the controller and the home button, together with the plastic part, remain original and are simply soldered. In this case, everything is original and works like a clock. On the 4th generation iPad mini, we put display modules of original quality, into which your home button with a Touch ID fingerprint sensor is rearranged.

How is iPad mini glass replaced?

The iPad mini glass replacement process is different from its older brothers, but the essence of the work is generally the same.
To begin with, we heat the glass with a blow dryer at a temperature of 160-180 degrees. The adhesive tape that holds the glass or display module softens and partially loses its adhesive properties. As it heats up, it is hooked with a plastic pick and glued in a circle.

After removing the display, the screws are unscrewed from the aluminum protection, which is then removed from the case. After that, the last protective screen is unscrewed from the display cables, glass and battery. The battery is disconnected from the motherboard, the broken touch and display are removed.

Then the master resolders the home button, the touchscreen controller, rearranges the magnets for the smart cover. Then the body is cleaned of old glue, dust and dirt, a new sizing of 3M double-sided tape is applied. After that, the replaced ipad mini glass is checked and the tablet is assembled.

For iPad mini 4, the algorithm is the same with minor changes due to the fact that the display is assembled, and the home button is connected separately.

In words, the repair seems to be quick and simple, but as you understand when iPad mini glass replacement There are some minor nuances and difficulties, on average, such work takes 1-1.5 hours.

Price and warranty for repairs

The repair market is large and there are many workshops, so replacement prices vary on average from 2,500 to 6,000 rubles. It is clear that everyone strives to repair the tablet as cheaply and efficiently as possible, but you need to be realistic and understand that it can be either high quality or cheap.

It is impossible to change the glass of the ipad mini for a quality part and no less quality work and pay 2,000 rubles at the same time. In this case, a 100% replacement will install a copy, while the master is unlikely to be tormented by cleaning the case from splinters and glue, but simply glue the touchscreen onto the standard sizing that comes with the copy. Such an ipad mini repair is not durable, after a month or two it will peel off, dust will accumulate inside the case, the sensor will start to fail and work by itself. This is not another horror story, but a harsh reality.

The high cost of repairs in some Services may be due either to the indiscreet appetites of the owner, or the so-called "brand fees". We see no point in setting a replacement price above the average market price, it will only scare away the client. But it is possible that someone thinks so - expensive means good. This, unfortunately, is not always the case, but it is not for me to judge this situation.

The price of iPad mini glass replacement in our Service Center is average for the market, it corresponds to the quality of work and a further guarantee for work with the spare part. If you want to make your iPad very cheap, then you have come to the wrong place, we can only do it with high quality :)
By the way, the guarantee for work and spare parts is 12 months for original quality ipad mini glass replacement and 1 month for copies. The warranty covers the correct operation of the touchscreen sensor during the entire warranty period.


In the end, I would like to repeat - do not chase cheapness and carefully choose the service where you will change the glass on the iPad mini. There really is a difference in spare parts and quality of work, and not for nothing in the Great and Mighty Russian language there is a saying - "The miser pays twice." Therefore, pay attention to reviews about the Service Center on the Internet, as well as to whether they offer you alternative types of spare parts and whether they explain the difference between them.
Happy repairs!

Many people think that replacing the glass on the iPad is something that can be put off. The favorite continues to function quite correctly. Yes, indeed, sometimes it responds correctly to user clicks, you can read texts and play. Unfortunately, there are certain consequences. For example, an ordinary rain may say not in the best way - the liquid will penetrate inside due to a broken surface, falling on an unprotected display module.

Similarly, with self-restoration of functionality. There is a high chance of additional damage. In addition, related equipment is required - quite expensive. Therefore, it is not profitable to purchase it for the repair of one device. And the copies will definitely come out “sideways”, failing in time. Further, unforeseen circumstances may arise with spare parts. Wanting to save money, it is easy to give money for a low-quality product.

Tablet repair at RemFOX service center

In the capital, a considerable number of organizations are engaged in iPad repair. Services are provided on different conditions, at a variety of costs - there is a lot of choice. So why should you choose our company? Let's figure it out:

  1. Components are ordered directly from manufacturing plants. Without intermediaries and related overpayments. With us, you don’t have to ask the question “How much does an iPad glass replacement cost?” – the price tag is adequate and corresponds to the service provided.
  2. The required parts are available. Thus, the repair is completed in half an hour - often even faster.
  3. Free diagnostics.
  4. Guarantee for all types of services provided.
  5. The ability to call an employee at home / work or another convenient place.

Call the number written above, arrange a departure with the manager or ask him questions of interest.

The cost of replacing glass on an iPad includes the price of a new touchscreen and the service itself. In the offices of the trade and service company "VseEkrany.RU" it is a little more than 2 thousand rubles for iPad 2, 3 and 4; 3 thousand rubles - for iPad mini, mini 2, mini 3 and iPad Air. This amount may surprise some customers, even alert, since it is sometimes impossible to buy an original sensor for it, and we also include the cost of professional installation in the workshop. So many reasons to doubt the quality of the services we provide. But in fact they have no basis. Good relations with direct suppliers of spare parts from Chinese manufacturers allow us to set low prices for branded components for Apple smartphones and tablets. An indication of their location should not confuse you: Apple has long moved the production and assembly of its equipment to China, where it is much cheaper to do all this. However, this does not mean that all spare parts for apple tablets imported from this country are original. A much smaller part of them, produced just at the official factories of the California corporation, meets the technical requirements of the device. The quality of the rest of the parts raises a number of questions. And although the cost of replacing the glass on the iPad using copies is significantly lower than the price of service with the originals, we would not advise you to prefer a cheaper option. A cheap copy will never become a full-fledged replacement for a branded touchscreen. Moreover, it can cause additional breakdowns, the elimination of which will reduce the previously obtained savings to nothing. If you do not want to become a hostage of service centers, approach the solution of repair problems soberly and competently. The VseEkrany.RU firm daily proves from its own experience that any iPad owner can afford a high-quality service. The cost of a professional installation of a touchscreen on an Apple tablet in any of our offices will be only 300 rubles. Of course, you can refuse the help of our masters, but if you do this, it is obviously not with the great goal of reducing costs. Those who order only original touch glass from us either want to learn a useful skill, or are forced to rely only on themselves, due to the fact that they are in neighboring regions. For residents of Moscow, we can offer a repairman visit to the house, where the service will take as much time as it would take if it were carried out within the walls of the workshop. We can help iPad owners from other regions of the Russian Federation in only one way - by sending a quality spare part by mail. You can get details about the latest version of cooperation by contacting our representatives at the numbers indicated on the website. They are also designed to receive applications from Muscovites who want the master to come to their home. Even with field service, you are unlikely to be embarrassed by the cost of replacing the glass on the iPad.