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Prestigio android tablet does not start. Android tablet or phone does not load beyond the logo. This type of problem often occurs after

The tablet is a small-sized mobile computer that hit the market thanks to Apple in 2010. A distinctive feature of a tablet from a stationary computer or laptop is the absence of a keyboard and mouse. To control the operation of the tablet, just touch the screen with your finger (in slang, tap) at the desired point, and to turn the pages, just slide your finger across the screen in the desired direction.

Due to their small size, weight and ease of control, tablets instantly conquered the whole world, and today, in any corner of the planet, in the most unexpected place, you can meet a person with a tablet in his hands. The mobility of the tablet opened not only new communication possibilities, but also provoked additional malfunctions of the tablets associated with their mechanical breakdowns. The tablet can be accidentally dropped, sometimes people sit on it or step on it.

All malfunctions of tablets can be divided into two types - software and hardware. Software failures in the tablet operation occur in the event of a software malfunction and are eliminated by firmware or re-installation of the inoperative application. Hardware failures (mechanical and electrical) are associated with the failure of tablet elements such as microcircuits, transistors, resistors, capacitors, battery, buttons, touch screen or matrix.

In this article, using the example of repairing the Acer A500 tablet, we consider how to repair a tablet with mechanical damage to the power button located on its body. Due to the breakage of the button, the tablet could not be turned on and off.

If the tablet does not turn on, what should I do?

If suddenly a tablet that has been working stably up to this point does not turn on when it is turned on again by pressing the Power button, many fall into despair. After all, I really wanted to chat with friends or wander around the Internet. The first thing is to calm down and analyze the situation to determine the possible cause of the tablet failure.

Reasons why the tablet may not turn on

Your tablet may not turn on for one of the following reasons:

  • The battery is discharged.
  • Broken power adapter.
  • Incorrect software operation.
  • Failure of the Power button, battery and other components.

In the list, malfunctions are listed in order of their frequency of occurrence. Consider how you can determine the cause of the tablet malfunction and how to repair it.

The tablet battery is dead

If the tablet worked for a long time, and it was not turned off with the power button, then it is quite possible that it will not be possible to turn it on next time. Although the tablet automatically goes into sleep mode after a set time, it still continues to consume a small amount of electricity. If the battery is completely discharged during an interruption in tablet operation, the tablet will automatically turn off and it will not be possible to turn it on using the power button.

To revive the tablet, you must connect the power adapter to it and press the power button for more than three seconds. The tablet should turn on and load the software.

The power button may not respond if the tablet has been outside for a long time in freezing temperatures. This is due to the fact that at negative temperatures, any battery loses its ability to fully give off electricity.

It is unacceptable to turn on the tablet immediately after strong cooling. After placing the tablet from a frosty street into a warm room, it is necessary to wait at least half an hour until the tablet warms up and the condensate that has fallen on its surface evaporates. Moisture on electronic components can damage the tablet electronics.

Also, the tablet may not turn on without connecting the power adapter to it if the battery is out of order. The battery may fail prematurely due to poor quality, being in a deep discharge state for a long time, or as a result of its resource exhaustion. High-quality batteries last from 3 to 5 years, while the battery life of the tablet gradually decreases over time due to the aging of the battery.

The tablets are equipped with lithium-ion batteries, which do not tolerate long-term deep discharge. This state of the battery greatly reduces its service life and can even completely destroy the battery. Therefore, if a notification appears on the tablet screen about the need to connect a charger, this should be done as soon as possible. You should also fully charge the battery before leaving home or before using your tablet for an extended period.

Any battery-powered electronic device always displays a dynamic icon showing the battery charge level. The icon represents the battery, partially or completely shaded in white, as shown in the photo to the right. When the battery is all shaded, the battery is fully charged.

Tablet power adapter malfunctions and repairs

The tablet power adapter is an electronic unit that converts the 220 V AC voltage to the 12-18 V DC voltage. The voltage value depends on the tablet model.

The adapter is also designed for a certain load current and therefore it is unacceptable thoughtlessly, instead of the standard one, to use a power adapter from other devices, even if the connection connector is suitable, as you can damage the tablet.

A wire is frayed in the tablet power adapter

Despite the high reliability of power adapters for tablets and laptops, even Chinese ones, it happens that they fail. In most cases, this is due to a violation of the operating rules. Some users, when working on a tablet with the adapter connected to the mains, due to the insufficient length of the wire, pull it like a string. It happens that pets will chew the adapter wire.

As a result, at the point where the wire exits from the connector, it is frayed, or the contacts in the tablet socket are deformed, and the voltage supply to the tablet occurs intermittently and eventually stops altogether.

If, when working on the tablet with the power adapter connected, the lightning symbol on the battery icon periodically disappears, this indicates that the wire is partially frayed or the contacts in the adapter power connector socket are deformed.

In order to determine where the contact disappears, you need to insert the adapter connector into the tablet and, pressing it against the tablet, make sure that a lightning appears on the battery icon. Then crumple the wire. If the lightning disappears, then the wire is to blame. If the lightning does not disappear, then the reason lies in the poor contact of the plug connection. It is necessary to inspect the plug. If there are no external signs of its mechanical destruction, then there has been a deformation of the contacts in the counterpart, which is installed in the tablet. Replacing the connector in the tablet is possible only in a service workshop.

Tablet power adapter is not supplying voltage

If the battery was charged stably while the tablet was in operation, and the battery suddenly stopped charging, although the battery has not yet fully charged, then the adapter was inserted into a de-energized or faulty outlet, or is out of order.

Any power adapter always has a sticker indicating all its technical characteristics, including output voltage and allowable load current. For example, the adapter plate indicates that the adapter provides an output voltage (OUTPUT) of 19 V and allows a maximum load current of 2.15 A.

Whether the power adapter is to blame for the fact that the tablet does not turn on with the power button, you can find out by measuring the voltage at the output connector of the adapter with a voltmeter.

To do this, it is enough to touch the central and external terminals of the connector with the ends of the test leads of the multimeter, which is included in the DC voltage measurement mode. The plus is usually found at the center pin of the connector. If the voltage is equal to or greater than that indicated on the sticker, then the adapter is working properly and the cause of the malfunction lies in the tablet.

How to repair a tablet power adapter with your own hands

If the diagnostics showed that the tablet does not turn on due to a faulty power adapter, then there are two ways to solve the problem - buy a new adapter for $ 15 or repair the failed one yourself.

In order to accurately determine the faulty wire or the electronic unit of the power adapter, it must be opened. Usually the adapter body consists of two halves glued together. To separate the halves, insert a flat screwdriver blade into the gap near the outlet of the adapter cord and gradually move the halves around the perimeter. Sometimes it is not very easy to do this, but, as a rule, it is always possible without damaging the outer surface of the case.

After opening the adapter, you will have access to the soldering point of the cord wires. To localize the failure, you need to ring each of the wires of the cord with an ohmmeter in turn, touching one probe to the soldering point of the wire, and the second to the corresponding terminal of the connector. In this case, it is necessary to bend and stretch the cord. If the resistance of the wires is close to zero and does not change when exposed to the cord, then it is serviceable, and you need to check the operation of the electronic part of the adapter.

Attention, a part of the adapter's electronic board is not galvanically isolated from the household network and touching the bare parts of parts and printed conductors is dangerous.

If the cord is in good condition, then you need to check the operation of the electronic part. To do this, connect the adapter to the mains and measure the voltage at the soldering contacts of the cord wires with a voltmeter. It is best to use a Pilot extension cord with a switch as an outlet. The Pilot switch must be set to the off position and the adapter must be inserted into one of its sockets. Next, set the multimeter to the DC voltage measurement mode and touch the soldering points of the output cord wires. Turn on "Pilot". The voltage must be equal to or greater than that indicated on the label.

If there is no voltage, then it is necessary to inspect the appearance of the electronic parts, printed conductors and electrolytic capacitors (in the photo a blue cylinder) for the presence of swelling or traces of electrolyte leaks. If there are any, then they must be replaced.

Repairing the adapter's electronic board requires knowledge and experience with measuring instruments. If it was not possible to identify the failed element by external inspection, but you can finish the repair at this and buy a new tablet power adapter.

If the cord is broken at the point where it exits the adapter, then it can be shortened, removed from the ends of the insulation and soldered, observing the polarity, into the printed circuit board. If the break is located at the point of entry into the connector, then a complete replacement of the cord will be required, since when replacing only the connector it is impossible to securely fix the wires in it. When buying a new cord, you should choose it with the same connector size that was previously installed.

When soldering the cord into the board, you must observe the polarity. On the adapter board, shown in the photo, the polarity is marked " + " and " - "Is not indicated. But even so, it is clear that the negative wire (external contact of the connector) is always soldered into the hole marked GND (common wire), and the positive wire (central contact of the connector) is soldered into VO. There is no standard for the color of the wires of the adapters, and therefore, before soldering the wires into the board, you need to ring them with a multimeter.

It remains to put the cord in the recess of the adapter body and close its halves. To glue the body, you need to grease the joint with Super Moment Universal Secondary Glue around the entire circumference, press the halves tightly together and leave in this position for several minutes. But before gluing, it is advisable to connect the power adapter to the tablet and check its operation. If the tablet immediately turned on and the battery began to charge, then you can glue the adapter body and on this do-it-yourself repair of the tablet power adapter can be considered complete.

Incorrect operation of the tablet software

There are times when the tablet does not turn on when you press the Power button after rash user actions with the software, such as incorrect installation of new applications, unsuccessful firmware, changing or moving system files. It is possible that the tablet will be infected with a virus. In this case, the tablet turns on with the Power button, but the software does not load or does not work correctly. As a result, a picture of a broken robot may appear on the screen or the screen remains black.

If the screen is black, to restore the tablet's operation, you can try to restart it using the RESET button recessed into the case. On some tablets, there is no inscription, but a red dot is applied next to a small hole. The RESET button is recessed specially to prevent interruption of running programs if you accidentally press it while working with the tablet. Therefore, pressing the RESET tablet reset button is possible only with a toothpick, the end of an unbent paper clip, or a similar thin rod.

Before pressing the button, disconnect the tablet from the docking station, and remove the sim and flash cards from it. Then press the RESET button and hold it for at least 3 seconds. The system should reboot and it is quite possible that the tablet will work.

Before rebooting the tablet using the RESET button, please note that in some models of tablets, the system may return to the factory settings. In this case, all settings and personal information you have made will be lost. If all of the above actions did not lead to a positive result, then you should contact the service, since the restoration of the tablet's operation is possible only when it is connected to another computer on which special software and experience with them are installed.

Fault definition
and repair of the Power tablet power button

It happens that the tablet does not turn on when the Power button does not work. A faulty button is easily diagnosed by the behavior of the tablet when you press it.

Troubleshooting the Power button

Pressing a working Power button should be accompanied by the following tablet behavior:

  • A quiet mechanical click emanating from the button.
  • When the tablet is in sleep mode, cause a picture to appear on the screen.
  • A pop-up menu appears to turn off the tablet if it is working.

If the tablet behaves differently when you press the button, then the button is faulty, and you will need to disassemble the tablet to repair it. It will be possible to work on the tablet, but it will not be possible to turn it off, and it will be possible to turn it on only by inserting the plug of the power adapter connected to the network or by pressing the RESET button. While the battery is charged, the tablet will be either in a working state or in a sleep state. It will not be possible to turn off the tablet, but it will turn itself off when the battery is completely discharged.

If, after diagnostics, it is determined that the tablet does not turn on due to the inoperative Power button, then you will have to disassemble it to repair the tablet.

How to disassemble an Acer A500 tablet with your own hands

Let's look at the example of disassembling the Acer A500 tablet how to properly disassemble the tablet. Before proceeding with the disassembly of the tablet, you need to prepare the workplace and stock up on tools.

The table on which the tablet will be disassembled for repair must be covered with a soft cloth. From the tool you will need a screwdriver with a cross-head thin sting, tweezers of different sizes, a metal spatula, a plastic pick, or a bank card.

Typically, the two halves of the tablet body are held together using latches. But some models also have screws. Sometimes they are clearly visible on the back cover, and sometimes they are hidden under the rubber stops. Therefore, before disconnecting the covers, you need to carefully examine the tablet and, if any screws are found, unscrew them.

Along the entire perimeter inside the main half of the tablet, in which the screen and all the electronics are installed, there are plastic lugs with grooves, as shown in the photo above.

And along the perimeter of the back cover, there are projections that, when the covers are closed, go into the recesses of the front of the tablet case. When squeezing the halves of the case, the protrusions enter the recesses and thus ensure a reliable grip and tight closing of the halves of the tablet case. Therefore, in order to disassemble the tablet, you need to remove the protrusions from the recesses.

The smallest number of latches are in the area of ​​the volume buttons and power on the tablet. Therefore, from this place, it is necessary to begin the separation of the halves of the case.

Now, imagining how the latches of the tablet are arranged, you can start disassembling its case. Place the tablet on a soft cloth with the screen facing down. Then, to a depth of a couple of millimeters, insert the blade of a metal spatula into the gap between the halves of the tablet, and lowering its handle down and slightly turning it to open the nearest latch. As soon as a gap has formed between the halves, it is necessary to insert a flat screwdriver or other object into it so that the halves do not close again. Now, moving the scapula along the perimeter along the gap, you need to open all the other latches.

On the Internet, you can find recommendations to use a plastic card or a pick (a small plastic thin triangle that musicians use when playing string instruments) instead of a metal spatula, but my attempt to disassemble the tablet using them was unsuccessful. The plastic card was deformed when trying to squeeze it into the gap between the tablet covers. But it is very convenient to separate the remote control cases using a plastic card.

The back cover, released from the latches, must be removed carefully so as not to break the wires coming from possibly installed electronic parts, such as speakers, microphones or a video camera.

The back cover has been removed from the tablet, and now you can examine its internal structure to decide on the sequence of further disassembly.

If the tablet was disassembled to replace the battery, then now you need to unscrew the screws that secure the cover that covers the battery. Next, unsolder the wires from the battery to the board (if soldered) or remove the connector and replace the battery with a new one. Observe polarity when soldering wires.

The tablet was disassembled in order to restore the operation of the Power button, which, as a result of diagnostics, was found to be inoperative. After removing the back cover and examining the button, it became clear why it did not work - the solder in the places where the button base was soldered to the printed circuit board collapsed. As a result, the button moved to the side, and it became impossible to press the Power key. But it was too early to rejoice, since access to the button repair could be obtained only after removing the motherboard printed circuit board with the processor.

How to properly disconnect the connectors and flat cables of the tablet

The difficulty in removing the motherboard was that many cable loops were connected to it using detachable connections, including several flat ones without connectors, which are very thin and easily damaged. For the correct disconnection of the connectors, it is necessary to imagine how their halves are held together.

Attention, it is unacceptable to disconnect the connectors by pulling them out of the loop wires coming out of them, since the wires are thin and can easily break. It is especially dangerous if outwardly the wire looks intact, but inside the plastic sheath the core breaks. Finding and fixing such a malfunction yourself will not be easy.

The simplest connectors in the tablet are coaxial, which are designed to transmit high-frequency signals. The removable half of the connector is fixed by a recess in the mating part thanks to the spring-loaded rim of the split cup. To undo the connector, you need to pry the cup by the rim with a flat screwdriver tip.

The connectors shown in the photograph do not have latches and are frictionally held. To undo them, it is enough to grasp the removable part of the connector with the jaws of the tweezers and remove it from the stationary part by shaking it to the sides. If two identical connectors on flexible wires are located next to each other, then to avoid confusion during assembly, it is advisable to mark them before separating the connector.

This type of connector has two tabs in the upper plane of the removable part. The tabs engage two square holes made in the soldered part of the connector. The connector is undocked in the same way as the previous one.

I use a small 10 cm long tweezers to pull out the plastic inserts of the connectors. To prevent the tweezer jaws from slipping, they are tucked in as shown in the photo. It is also convenient to use such tweezers to pull out the terminals of resistors, diodes and similar radioelements from the printed circuit board when soldering.

This type of detachable connection is a flat cable, the bare end of which is pressed against the contacts in a plastic block. A black strip is visible on the connector, which is the release lever.

To release the ribbon, just turn this strap 90 ° clockwise, as shown in the photo, and grasp the ribs of the ribbon with your fingers and pull it out of the connector.

To fix the ribbon cable in the connector, it is necessary to put the ribbon cable in place into the connector using minimal effort, grasping the sides of the ribbon with your fingers.

All the connectors from the motherboard are disconnected and it remains only to peel off the pieces of tape that hold down the wires and unscrew a few screws. The scotch tape must be saved, as when assembling the tablet, it will need to be glued to its original place.

This is how the tablet power button went away, it is obvious that the Chinese manufacturer saved on solder. The button was repositioned and soldered to the PCB using a ten-watt soldering iron. Additionally, the button was tested with a multimeter. When pressed on its pusher, the resistance became equal to zero, and when released, it became infinite.

There is a rather massive tablet position sensor behind the power button. To exclude repeated displacement of the power button, the distance from the back wall of the button to the side of the sensor was measured with a caliper. It was three millimeters. A plate in the size of a button was made from a glass-fiber laminate plate with a thickness of three millimeters.

The plate, after covering its sides with a thin layer of Moment glue, was tightly inserted between the button and the position sensor, as in the photo. Thanks to this modification of the motherboard, it became impossible to move the power button from its place even with a strong pressure on it.


A black tablet screen that does not respond to the power button and charger can plunge you into despair. Modern devices are very sensitive to various influences. Today our site will help in solving this problem.

Step by step repair

There can be many reasons for a malfunction. You can identify the right one using a step-by-step survey. Perhaps one of the points will help you, otherwise you will have to contact the service center. But more on that below.

Step 1: Damage to the charger

First of all, you need to carefully examine the charger for damage. Many tablets are very moody about it. It is not only breakdown and incorrect selection that can affect the technique. You need to be especially careful when buying it from third-party manufacturers.

Think back if you changed your charger anytime soon. It may have been dropped or wet. Examine the cord and plug for external damage. Check the connection between the power supply and the outlet. Try to take someone else's charger, ideally the same manufacturer as your tablet. Or connect yours to another phone.

Step 2: Charge long enough

It also happens that it is enough just to hold the tablet connected to the network for a longer time. The process will take from two hours. As a last resort, leave it overnight. The need for this arises if you do not use the device for a long time.

Then try starting the tablet again. If that doesn't work, if possible, remove the battery and put it back in later, trying to turn it on. If that doesn't help, try to force it on.

Step 3: Alternative way

If a complete discharge occurs, the controller prevents the tablet devices from further drawing current so as not to damage the battery. But at the same time, she not only does not lose energy, but also cannot replenish it.

Usually, the tablet turns off when the charge level is below 10-15%, but if you interfere or lower the threshold, a complete discharge occurs and the gadget no longer responds to the charger.

However, there is an alternative way. Press the start button for 20 seconds. If this does not help, hold it down and increase the volume at the same time. You may have to hold for up to a minute. Didn't work - power and volume down button.

Step 4: reset button

It is not always present on new models. Then its function is performed by the previous method. Many users are not even aware of its existence. The reason is that it is specially placed in hard-to-reach places so as not to accidentally touch it.

You can find it almost anywhere on the tablet - on the side or back. Usually next to the microphone jack or the power button. The main feature is its modest size. Pressing can only be done with a needle or the tip of a pencil.

Answers Reset for an instant forced reboot of the device. It can be a real salvation if the system suddenly freezes. With option Hard reset- return to factory settings (deletion of all user data), it is not connected in any way. Of course, there is no need to overuse this function.

Step 5: Charge the Battery Separately

If your tablet has been lying at the outlet for a day, but this did not help, there is a more complete method. You can only use it if you are confident in your abilities. You will need a power supply that can handle a constant voltage of up to 12 volts. It is best set to five volts. You also need a resistor - a device that controls voltage, with a power of 0.5 watts. A voltmeter is optional, but highly desirable.

  1. Peel the ends of the wires 5 millimeters.
  2. The positive wire is usually red and the negative wire is blue. But they can also be checked with a voltmeter. The minus of the battery must be connected to the minus of the source, and the plus to the plus.
  3. We connect the charger to the voltage source.
  4. You need to disconnect when the voltage reaches 3.3V.
  5. Now you can connect to the outlet through the connector. Keep the battery cool.

There is another, much easier way, but it does not work on all devices. You need to get the battery out of the tablet and plug the device into an outlet. Without disconnecting, insert the battery back. Leave it on again for a day or at least half. Such a sharp inflow of energy will give the necessary "push" to the battery.

Step 6: Dedicated service

If all of the above methods do not have an effect, the only way out is to send the device for repair. The price can be completely different and vary based on the nature of the damage. Contaminated contacts are the easiest to repair. In order to check this, you need to plug in the plug and wiggle it. The charging process may be in progress.

If you recently flashed the phone yourself, it can also cause breakdown. The firmware of the device is a very delicate thing and it is better to change it with the help of professionals. If the reason is in it, flashing the tablet can help.

Viruses are becoming a serious problem. They can control applications without your knowledge - turn on Wi-Fi, microphone or camera. Incorrect charge tracking or inability to fully recharge may occur. Only a professional will save you here.

Today we have provided many ways to fix your tablet, and yet the most reliable one is contacting a service center. At the same time, you can be sure that you will not aggravate the situation and everything will pass safely for you. And that's all for today.

So, friends, if you are reading this article, it means that you got here by typing a search query into the address bar: "what to do if the tablet does not turn on", although I belong to the category of people who would write: "why not the tablet turns on. "

But all this is not important, we have a problem - the tablet does not turn on. There is a device on the table, which is now only good for slicing sausage. Let's think logically how to turn on the tablet if it does not turn on. The following reasons for this malfunction come to my mind:

  • mechanical failure
  • something burned in the pill
  • battery problem
  • operating system crash (android crashed) or other software glitched

Now let's look at each reason separately.

Mechanical breakdown

The first step is to find out if the device has fallen. For example, your younger brother dropped your favorite toy on the floor while you weren't looking. And if such a fact took place, then it is clear that the tablet does not turn on after a fall. Also, if cracks are found on the screen or damage to the back cover, dents, chips or just scratches, then with 100% certainty we can say that the tablet was flying. In general, if the tablet falls and does not turn on, then this fact should not be surprised and the solution to the problem, most likely, will be a repair in the service, but you can still try to try to reanimate the gadget yourself.

Failure of electronics

A gadget of this level is a box stuffed with electronics that can burn out for various reasons. A voltage surge, high humidity or just a defect can cause the entire device to fail, and such problems are already being solved under warranty. There are times when the tablet turns on but does not boot, or boots up but the touchscreen does not work. In this case, most likely the reason is in the video.

Battery or charging problem

If the tablet is discharged and does not turn on, then you should not worry, but in the case when the tablet does not turn on and does not charge, or, say, charges and does not turn on, then this can become a problem. A breakdown of a battery or charger is a common cause of a malfunction.

Software crash

If the tablet does not turn on, then the OS may have frozen or the bootloader has crashed, or maybe some software just glitched. In fact, this reason is the most harmless of all, and anyone can solve this problem at home without giving the device to the service.

The tablet does not turn on, what should I do?

What should we do if the Android tablet does not turn on? To solve this problem, we have compiled an algorithm of actions on how to fix a gadget if it does not turn on. In the case when after each completed item nothing happens to you, go to the next one.

  • Inspect your mobile device for mechanical damage.

  • Put it on charge first to the network for 10 minutes, and if necessary, connect to a computer using a USB cable, perhaps the tablet simply does not turn on after being completely discharged. If after charging it does not turn on in any way, then most likely you will have to carry it to the service. If the tablet is charging, but does not turn on, then we follow the algorithm further.
  • Try to hold down the power button for 10-20 seconds, if it doesn't help, then simultaneously hold down the power button and the volume up button, similarly for a couple of tens of seconds.

  • If you got to this point, then the likely reason is in the software, for example, after the firmware the tablet does not turn on. It happens, something went wrong and the tablet does not turn on after the update. In this case, the Reset button will help you. Just in case, remove the memory card and SIM card, if any. Next, using a sharp object, press the Reset button, in my case it should be done like this. For different manufacturers, resetting to factory settings is carried out in different ways, I recommend that you look in advance on the Internet how to do this specifically on your tablet.

In the case when all of the above points did not lead to anything, we recommend that you try to find instructions on how to turn on your particular model. Otherwise, it is better to turn to professionals, namely to carry the device to the service.

The tablet turns on and off immediately, what should I do?

Letters came to our editorial office asking why the tablet itself turns on and off. This problem can be solved in the same ways, specifically in three ways. The first is a factory reset using Reset or Hard Reset. The second way is to reflash the tablet. Well, the third, this is, if the first two did not help, a trip to the service center along with the gadget.

  • it is advisable to wear it in a case that can protect it from damage after a fall;
  • when you see that the battery is less than 20% discharged, put the tablet computer on charge and do not allow the discharge below 10%;
  • do not overheat the internal electronics.

Gadgets have become an integral part of the life of a modern person. But with them very often various problems arise. For example, from time to time, users complain that their tablet does not turn on. ASUS. How to be in this situation? Why might this problem occur? Every user should know about all this. Then it will be possible to repair the device without any problems. Only in some cases it is necessary to purposefully refer gadgets to service centers. It is often possible to deal with problems on their own. So why the tablet ASUS may shut down and not turn on?

Different types of problems

The first step is to understand what problems in general arise in the studied gadgets. This alone will half-resolve the situation.

All problems in tablets and other modern devices can be divided into:

  • software;
  • hardware.

The first type is the result of a variety of software glitches and malfunctions. Because of this, the functionality of the devices is impaired. Usually, such problems are solved by reinstalling the software, as well as configuring the gadget.

The second type of malfunction is caused by a marriage or some kind of damage to the components of the tablet. This arrangement often involves a thorough repair of the device. And only in rare cases can you cope on your own. Often, with hardware problems, you need to make a professional tablet repair ASUS service centers.

Battery charge

Now a little about the reasons why gadgets may not turn on. In particular, tablets from the company ASUS. The first problem is very common among users. But the reason can not be attributed to either the hardware type or the software. Why?

Because the shutdown of the tablet is caused by the carelessness of the owner of the device. For starters, don't panic. You need to check the battery charge. If it is not there, then be surprised that the tablet does not turn on ASUS (or whatever) is unnecessary. It is enough to charge the battery and the problem disappears.

To check if the whole thing is really in an insufficient battery charge, you need to connect the gadget to the network. And try to work with the device. If it turns on, you just have to carefully monitor how much charge remains in the battery.

Battery malfunction

But this is just the beginning. The next problem is also quite common. It is of hardware origin. If the tablet ASUS ZenPad (or any other) refuses to turn on, it is recommended to check the battery again. But already on the performance of this component.

The point is that all batteries wear out. Improper handling of the gadget, as well as long-term use of the device, lead to the fact that the battery starts to work poorly. Sooner or later, it breaks down. And then the tablet (or phone, depending on which gadget we are talking about) will stop turning on.

How do I fix the problem? Offered:

  1. Take your battery or tablet for repair. It is possible that the battery can be repaired.
  2. Buy a new battery and replace it. The simplest, surest and most reliable way to solve the problem.

Nothing else will help. A defective battery won't just work like that. After it is repaired or replaced, the tablet will turn on again. With enough charge, of course.

System crash

Various system failures are not excluded. Not a single device is insured against them. Tablet ASUS shut down and won't turn on? You can try to carry out the so-called software reboot. Or rather, reset all gadget settings. The procedure is called "Hard Reset".

This requires:

  1. Remove all accessories from the device. Namely - SIM cards and memory cards. If a headset is connected, you will have to disconnect it too.
  2. Press the volume buttons. You will have to hold them for about 15 seconds. You can let go when the vibration starts.
  3. Next, you will have to go to the system settings and select "Format" there. The exact labels will vary depending on the tablet model.
  4. Wait for the request to be processed. After the reset is complete, you can return the SIM cards and memory cards to their place, as well as turn on the gadget.

This option really helps. But it acts only when some systemic failures are to blame. For other software problems, this technique may not work.


Does the device have a normal working battery? Tablet ASUS may not turn on due to being infected with viruses. This problem is more and more common among modern users.

The situation can be corrected by "Hard Reset". But it's not a fact that such a technique will work. Often, when the systems of certain devices are infected, you have to turn to service centers for help. There, for a reasonable fee, the tablet will be cleaned of viruses and other dangerous software.

It is recommended that you acquire a mobile antivirus system after fixing the problem. It will help you henceforth not to face the fact that the tablet does not turn on. ASUS due to viruses that attacked the device.

External influence

Gadget won't turn on? It is worth thinking about what kind of external influence was on the device. The tablet may not work due to mechanical damage. And this fact must be taken into account. Depending on the circumstances, a decision is made to fix the problem.

For example, if a gadget is dropped into water, it must be removed, disassembled and dried as soon as possible. After that, collect and try to turn it on. But when the tablet falls, some important components may be damaged. And then the device will have to be sent for repair.

Therefore, with an external influence on the gadget, the methods of correcting the situation may be different. Often it is not possible to solve the problem on your own. But tablet repair ASUS allows you to extend the life of the gadget for several years.


Firmware on gadgets can get damaged. And in some cases, this causes the device to stop turning on. A very common scenario.

Tablet firmware ASUS can be reinstalled by yourself. But doing this is not recommended. In any case, an inexperienced user can completely break the gadget.

It is recommended to take the tablet to a service center for flashing. The process usually takes about half an hour. After changing the firmware, the device will be fully operational.


Tablets ASUS reviews are generally positive. But some opinions indicate that there are defective models among these products. More precisely, single gadgets. They either do not work, or perform their functions partially, with malfunctions and other malfunctions.

What to do in this case? A customer purchased a device and found the tablet would not turn on ASUS? Then you will have to conduct an independent examination. She will accurately point out the cause of the problem.

If a manufacturing defect is confirmed, then the tablet must be taken to the store and exchanged for a working analog. The citizen will have to bring with him a check indicating the purchase of the device. According to the established laws, defective equipment will have to be replaced in Russia. Or accept it for an independent examination.

A manufacturing defect cannot be repaired. You can identify this reason by the lack of work with the gadget earlier. That is, the marriage usually only takes place with respect to new devices. If the user has worked with the tablet for some time, then the refusal of the gadget from work, most likely, occurred for other reasons.

In any case, a citizen should know that defective tablets are either replaced in the store for free, or they return them and buy new ones. They cannot be repaired, as already mentioned. Nevertheless, one must remember: even if it is possible to fix a production-type defect, there are no guarantees for a long service of the gadget.


Tablet ASUS ZenPad refuses to work? If the situation arose by accident, without any prerequisites, you need to think about how much data is stored on the device.

Various malfunctions of tablets and phones of any model are observed due to their overcrowding with user information. This is quite normal, although not very common.

The tablet may not turn on if a memory card with a capacity larger than that provided by the manufacturer is inserted into it. The operability should return after extracting additional memory.

Also, the tablets do not turn on if, as already mentioned, they are full of information. More often than not, brakes appear first in the operation of the system. The tablet responds to the sent signals for a very long time. If the user ignores such urges, it is likely that sooner or later the device will simply refuse to work. It will stop turning on. Then you have to somehow free up space. Only after that it will turn out to work normally again with a tablet or phone.


What conclusions can be drawn from all that has been said earlier? All mobile devices are highly vulnerable. Tablets, like all other gadgets, may not turn on for various reasons. For example:

  • the battery has run out;
  • the device system is infected with viruses;
  • oversupply of data;
  • mechanical damage;
  • manufacturing defect;
  • system failures;
  • breakage of certain components of the tablet.

Setting up your tablet ASUS is the key to the normal operation of the device. It is usually produced independently. Relevant for cases with "Hard Reset". After a thorough collection, you will have to configure the gadget as it is convenient for the user. But the flashing is best done through service centers. It is also recommended to take the tablet there if you cannot figure out why the gadget does not turn on on your own.

One of the most common problems with devices of this type is the lack of response to the power button. What if the tablet is completely discharged and won't turn on?

In no case should you take any rash actions, first you need to find out exactly the cause of the breakdown. And only after that, decide how to fix it - on your own or by contacting the service center.

Causes of malfunction

The reasons for the appearance of any malfunctions leading to a lack of response to the power button can be very different.

They can be divided into two main categories:

  1. hardware;
  2. software.

Hardware malfunctions that interfere with normal operation:

  • damage to the loop;
  • failure of any electronic components;
  • inoperability of the motherboard.

Most often, they arise due to the carelessness of the user himself.

Many owners commit the following unacceptable actions:

  • subject the device to mechanical stress;
  • completely discharge the battery and leave it that way;
  • allow moisture to enter the housing.

Also, the reasons for the lack of response to the power button can be not only physical, but also software.

It often happens that the operating system "crashes" in the following cases:

  1. with an incorrectly installed update;
  2. any program has deleted files necessary for the system to work;
  3. any system processes were forcibly terminated.


Hardware faults include all breakdowns associated with mechanical damage to the device. Most often, the gadget stops turning on due to the failure of the button itself.

It may stop working for the following reasons:

  • has developed its resource;
  • as a result of the impact, the pressing mechanism was broken.

If the device is from a renowned manufacturer (Samsung, Apple), then the probability of failure due to frequent use is practically excluded. It is possible that such a malfunction occurs only in Explay tablets and the like, which are of Chinese origin.

Much more often, the breakdown of the power button occurs due to a strong blow. For example, when falling onto a hard surface from a height. It ends especially badly for tablets thrown on a tiled floor. Often, along with the button, the touchscreen also breaks down.

The power button may also not work due to the failure of the battery.

Problems with it arise most often in the following cases:

  • the device has been in the cold for a long time;
  • the operating rules were not followed (charging-discharging mode);
  • a voltage higher than the nominal voltage was supplied through the charger.

The battery problem is usually the easiest to fix. Things are much worse if the malfunction lies in the electronic components. It is not uncommon for a special loop that is responsible for the interaction of the screen and the rest of the hardware to fail. It is in this case that the tablet is charging, but there is no visible reaction to any presses or actions.

The motherboard is also vulnerable. Its failure is very rare, even on models from various dubious manufacturers. But if it, nevertheless, for some reason broke down, then they can fix the malfunction only in an authorized service center.

Video: ASUS Tablet Won't Turn On


Often, the lack of response to the power key can be caused by any software. In this case, the device actually turns on, but does not boot.

Most often, a similar situation occurs in the following cases:

  • the new firmware is incorrectly installed;
  • the installation of applications that make critical changes to the system has been completed;
  • system files necessary for work have been changed or moved.

You can even solve this problem yourself, without contacting a service center. Often it is enough to reset all settings; this is done through the OS. And also install a workable firmware version. Most often, software errors that prevent the system from starting occur on devices running Android. Also, the iPad often does not turn on when the lock is released.

Turns on halfway - we find a solution

Another problem that occurs quite often on devices running Android is the "half" activation. Usually on the screen in this case there is a robot with an open belly. Or, the Android OS inscription is constantly updated on the screen. In any case, a software glitch is to blame for this situation.

An incomplete download can be caused by:

  1. incorrectly implemented process of installing games or launchers;
  2. a forced system process.

The second case is most often associated with the use of a third-party task manager. This kind of software often disturbs the stability of the system by its actions. An inexperienced user only contributes to this. Also, this kind of problem often occurs when installing programs to save battery power.

To resolve the situation when the tablet turns on only halfway, you can quite simply using a mode called Hard Reset. This function is especially well implemented on devices of Chinese origin. To use this method, regardless of manufacturer, you must perform the following steps in strict order:

After restarting, all old settings will be reset to default. Previously installed programs will also be removed permanently. That is why it is worth using Hard Reset only as a last resort, since it will be quite problematic to recover the lost data later.

FastBoot Mode

If attempts to turn it on using Hard Reset and other methods have not been successful, you can try using FastBoot mode. It makes it possible, using a computer and a USB cable, to perform various actions with a device running Android, even if it does not react to the power button in any way.

To get started, you need to download a special image, which is a console program. It is best to use Linux OS for this purpose. Fastboot is launched in Linux using the command $ sudo art-get install android-tools-fastboot. When this command is executed, you need to connect the Android device to the PC.

If the launch of the application in question was successful, a window with a list of commands will appear on the screen.

To restore Android to work, you need to do the following:

  • in the command line, enter the command "reboot-bootloader";
  • press the Enter key on the keyboard;
  • waiting for restart.

If this operation did not help to solve the problem, you can use other commands from the list on the screen. The purpose of each of them is briefly described on the right side of the screen.

Recovery Mode

A mode called Recovery is available in almost all versions of Android OS and often it allows you to restore the operation of the device under its control, even if there is no reaction to pressing the "ON" key. It is launched in different ways, depending on the brand.

In old Samsung gadgets, this mode is launched as follows:

  1. disconnect from USB;
  2. press the center key and "ON / OFF" at the same time.

If it was not possible to start Recovery in this way, you should press a combination of three keys: central, volume up, "ON".

There is one more way to start this mode.

It works not only for Samsung, but also for all other devices of this kind:

  • start Bootloader mode;
  • select the item called Recovery.

After you have entered Recovery, you must select reboot system now ( In many cases, this solves the problem with the lack of response to the "ON" key.

Do not repair yourself

It is quite easy to carry out software repairs yourself. Even if something goes wrong, you can always turn to a specialist for help. Recovering damaged system files or processes is not an impossible task. Since most problems of this kind are treated with a regular flashing.

The situation is somewhat different with hardware failures. Many people try to repair broken electronics on their own by reading several articles on the Internet. This often succeeds. But there is always a great risk of damaging any electronic components. And this kind of damage can be irreversible, or the cost of repairing them will be very high.

In any case, it is best to consult with a qualified technician who has been involved in the repair of such equipment for a long time. Even if to solve the problem, you just need to restart the system through a Hard Reset. Since rash actions can lead to serious consequences.