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How to make the bot sit down. Console commands cs go - Bots. Key points to remember

None of the existing services tell you the truth. And the truth is, everyone is winding up bots and human beings combined. You go to the site, complete tasks from your page, and many more bots perform tasks with you.

Who are bots

In general, the concept of bots is quite broad. Here we will tell you what exactly is meant by the concept of bots in the sense of cheating. So, bots are either inanimate pages (specially registered pages in social network with a minimum of entered information), or hacked accounts of living people.

What problems arise when cheating bots

When cheating bots, a number of problems arise. So:
  1. Bots often become "dogs".

    That is, VKontakte blocks them for suspicious activity, they turn into "dogs", it becomes noticeable and it becomes problematic to win, for example, a competition for which you decided to wind up likes on VKontakte.

  2. Bots leave groups.

    Bots, if they are hacked accounts, restore access to their page. And after that they leave all the groups they entered through the site. This is also a problem - customers simply lose money on this.

  3. VKontakte unsubscribes bots from groups.

    When bots are cheating on VKontakte subscribers, a special software... VKontakte monitors the cheat through such software and unsubscribes from the groups of all the cheated (and sometimes much more) people.

  4. Bots are not active.

    Even when bots cheat Instagram subscribers, bots can be used. As a rule, these are automatically registered accounts, the so-called dead souls. They will just hang in your subscribers for the number, but they will not show any activity.

Whom should I cheat - bots or live people?

The choice is yours. Each approach has its own pros and cons. Let's take a look at them:

Cheat bots

  • Cheap
  • Quickly
  • Low quality
  • Big risks

Website traffic boost is a fairly common "activity". Google has been firing such fake traffic for a long time, and so is Yandex. It is not difficult and inexpensive to make it, but is it necessary?

One of the basic parameters of a site's success is its traffic. Without a sufficiently high daily attendance (for example, 300, 500, 1000 unique ones per day), the resource will not be accepted into any serious partner programs and, therefore, there will be no opportunities for normal ones.

There is a service with which you can not only increase traffic to your site, but also earn -

How to boost website traffic: ways to boost counters

Ways to cheat counters

Any affiliate program with pay-per-view without fail requires a promising advertising platform to have counters with available statistics on all pages of the site.

What about a web resource that wants to earn money, but does not have a sufficient number of unique visitors? To solve this pressing problem, various technologies are used to cheat visit counters. The task is not entirely legitimate, but what to do?

It should be understood that neither partners, nor search engines and the statistics services themselves will like artificial traffic boost.

If such facts are found, the site owner will inevitably be expelled from the affiliate program in disgrace and pessimized in the search results!

Therefore, utmost care must be taken. The main task is to simulate the naturalness of the processes.

Automatic cheat of counters with a free program

If you write a primitive script bot that will stupidly enter the site and crawl the pages, search engines and advertising partners in no time determine such cases. Partnership programs have special services that purposefully monitor sites for manipulation of attendance.

By the way, any manipulation by search engines is brutally suppressed and punished.

A talented programmer can write a program to increase traffic, which will have complex random algorithms that imitate the behavior of live users on sites. Access to the site from search sites, transitions through pages with different duration of exposure for each. It is clear that such a highly effective cheat program will cost a fair amount of money.

Is free you can easily find a free script bot on webmaster forums, which partners will identify at a time. And your site will fly to the ban ...

There is program for boosting site traffic like redsurf which will be in background"Climb" on other people's sites and earn you coins (Rm). With the help of Rm you can order yourself the same "visits" of others. To do this, you need to register on the site, download their program, enter your username and password from your account on the site. And you can even become a blogger of two thousand for free 🙂.

There on the site you can buy “for a penny” (very cheap 1.000 rm - 15 rubles) coins (Rm) and, without installing the program, order visits from other computers for 0.5 rm for 1 viewing-visit. That is, for 15 rubles you can order 2,000 visits.

Redsurf provides a flexible system of discounts for the purchase of rm-coins. So, for example, buying 50,000 rm you will need to pay 380 rubles, which saves 50% of your budget. It turns out that for 380 rubles you can get 100,000 transitions to the resource from different ends of our immense 😉.

Manual mode of winding attendance

Another technology involves the use of the human factor. We are talking about sponsorship services, where you can order thousands of site views by live users for some two or three US dollars. SARs are constantly working on finding new methods of masking such actions, and statistical services, for their part, regularly disclose these tricks. After that, some of the faked sites are banned ... 🙁

Sponsored programmers begin another round of the struggle for the market. It is more promising to make paid orders for complex crawls of the site, and it is desirable that they be carried out by real people. Partners will be able to track such a twist only with the help of live moderators or not at all. The problem is complexity and high cost manual ways cheat.

Separately, it must be said about our Russian service, with the help of which you can not only raise the site to search engines Google, Yandex, Mail, etc. due to behavioral factors, but also performing well similar tasks of different complexity.

The cost of completed tasks ranges from 5 kopecks per automatic mode, when the program is running, up to 80 rubles, if an AB analysis of the site's usability is done. Optimal in terms of price-complexity ratio, these are posts on the wall in social networks, such as VKontakte, Facebook, Google+, tweets, retweets. Their cost is 3-5 rubles for one task. Likes, comments 2-5 rubles.

  • Note: earnings on the Internet on the Userrator depends on your rating and will be from 30 to 50% of all the money you earn.

Video on how to make money by watching ads using an extension from the service:

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It is quite easy to add bots to a Vkontakte group, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly. Why cheat bots? What programs are better to use for this? How to add an initial audience to your project and not get banned? What are the pros and cons of this? What are free ways promotion? We will analyze these and many other questions in this article.

Who are bots and where do they come from?

Bots are pages of non-existent people, often filled with a minimum of information, as well as hacked and abandoned profiles. These include fakes, which are created by real people for repeated use for various purposes. The main difference between bots and fakes is that bots do all the work automatically, acting as working material. Their life cycle usually lasts from a couple of days to several weeks, but the end is always the same for everyone - freezing or blocking the page.

Why do we need bots in a group?

The more members your group has, the more attractive it is to a potential audience, etc. That is why many administrators of novice VK groups resort to cheating fake participants, creating a pleasant-looking picture and forming a springboard for further development... No, promoting bots to a VKontakte group is by no means a panacea for development. Rather, it is a small step that will help you push forward with more force.

So, in what cases can you resort to wrapping bots in a group:

  • when the community is just created - this will allow you to get an initial audience and create a nice visual picture for potential subscribers;
  • with a low advertising budget at the start of the project;
  • when there is a struggle for a niche with a group that outnumbered you;
  • if the community is narrow in profile and has a small number of subscribers, even active ones, this will help attract advertisers and customers.

The main thing is not to forget that by winding bots to the VKontakte group, you are at great risk. The tech support of the social network is fighting such methods, punishing exposed communities and their administrators with blocking, so when using bot services, you should be especially careful, and if there is such an opportunity, it is better to cope without them.

When is it better to do without cheating bots into a group:

  • when your project is growing and developing at a good pace;
  • when the community is already sufficiently developed and you have something to lose in the event of a blockage;
  • with a sufficient advertising budget - without clogging the group with bots;
  • if there is an opportunity to devote all free time to the development of the group - in this case, you can promote yourself even without financial investments, through many hours of daily work.

How to cheat bots correctly?

Algorithms for tracking VK activity are constantly changing, but, in order to avoid problems, it is enough to adhere to certain schemes, which will reduce the risk of questions from the network to a minimum.

Key points to remember

1) The number of promoted participants should grow gradually. Start with small numbers - 50-100 people a day, gradually increasing the volume. But even over time, it is not advisable to exceed 500 people per day. I have heard stories many times that after the program did its job and got a lot of subscribers, the group flew to the ban. Always keep track of your limits.

2) Regularly clean the lists of group members from dogs - these are blocked pages, and if their number exceeds 30%, then there is a high probability that the community will be blocked soon. Various applications can help you free of charge in putting things in order, for example, “Search for“ dead ”members and subscribers”.

3) In parallel with the promotion, develop the group by advertising it among an active live audience, otherwise there will simply be no one to read your content - bots will certainly not do this.

4) When catching up with bots, do not forget to wind up likes on posts - a group with a large number of subscribers and with a lack of activity under the posts will not look much better than an empty one.

Services for cheating bots

The bot breeding market is filled with various paid and free ones, which allows you to choose the most suitable and interesting option for yourself. Below we will consider a number of the main ones.

- the price per subscriber is 1 ruble. In the coming days after the promotion, some of the bots unsubscribe, at the output we get about 60% of the profit of the pages remaining in the community. You can pay for a markup both by depositing real money and by performing various tasks on the site itself, so this service is, in fact, free.

- the price of a live subscriber is 60 kopecks, a bot - 17 kopecks. After a while, about 30% of bots leave the group. Earnings on this resource are not provided, but the affiliate program is functioning.

- the price per subscriber is 50 kopecks. About 20% unsubscribe in the near future, most of the users remain in the group.

You can also search for suggestions for cheating subscribers on thematic forums. Their price usually ranges from 40 rubles per 1000 invitees, and, it would seem, fate itself dictates "Take it and wind it up!"

Programs for integrated promotion

QuickSender - the program allows you to search, filter and collect target audience, send information to private messages to users, mass-like target audience profiles, add to friends, invite to groups, and also clean the list of community members from "dogs". The price of a one-time purchase of such pleasure is 990 rubles for one PC, and for the most economical there is a free demo version with limited functionality. But if you want the program to wind up subscribers as efficiently as possible, don't be trifle and buy the full version.

LInviterVK - the functionality of this program is in many ways similar to the previous one, but it also has minor differences, the main one of which is the ability to automate routine tasks of group management. Plus, a nice addition is the ability to automatically like and repost posts on the community wall. Price per month - 490 rubles, for three months - 990 rubles.

- has all the functions of the two previous programs, and also allows you to comment on the posts of the target audience and publications in the feed, clean the wall of posts, collectidusers with likes, carry out bulk transactions with several accounts at once, and much more. The price depends on the duration of the purchased subscription and ranges from 30 rubles / month (1 rubles / day) to 21 rubles / month - for one account, and from 750 rubles / month and up to 525 rubles / month - when purchasing a premium version with an unlimited number of connected profiles.

So where is the best place to start?

If your budget is limited to small amounts, and there is no time for many hours of daily promotion, then the best option would be to resort to help free services- for example,, in which you can pay for the promotion of subscribers by performing simple tasks that will not take much time. If your budget allows you to more closely approach the issue of promotion, then it is worth working with some kind of bot, for example,, which will allow, with the right approach, to quickly raise your VK group to a good level.

And a little more parting words

Whichever way of community development you choose, the main thing to remember is that winding bots are just auxiliary tool in the promotion of the group. If you get carried away with this process, then, at best, the group may remain at the lower stage of development, and at worst, you and your group will simply be blocked. Approach your group wisely, work tirelessly to connect with your audience, and you will succeed. Good luck!

Internet services for business.
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The importance of bots in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive incredibly underestimated. Admit it honestly, have you ever deliberately played with them? Ever tried to train using bots and console commands to control them? I think no. This little material will help you understand how and why bots can be used for training and other purposes in cs go.

CS GO console commands - bots under your control

The oldest of us still remember how important bots were in CS 1.6... It was with bots that shooting training every pro player of this discipline. Don't believe me? You can ask if pro players with bots play CS: GO. I'm sure a lot of people are still playing. I think now you wanted to try it too, and for this you will need cs go console commands for bots.

All cs go commands for bots

bot_add is a command that will help you add a bot to CS: GO. By putting _ after bot_add, you can add a side - (ct / t); difficulty - (1-3) and the name of the bot. If you don't, you will add one random bot for each side. For example, the line might look like bot_add_ct 3 albert.

bot_defer_to_human_goals - if the value is 1, bots will do what they should on the map according to the scenario - plant a bomb, defend the plant, rescue or defend hostages. At 0 they will not do this. Convenient if you need bots to behave in an unpredictable manner - this is what they will do. On aim maps, the command has no effect.

bot_defer_to_human_items is a similar command to the one above. However, here we are talking about things related to the scenario of the map. In fact, in CS: GO there is only one such thing - a bomb. At 1, the bot takes the bomb, and at 0, it won't.

bot_difficulty is the difficulty of the bots you add. A value from 1 to 3.

bot_dont_shoot - if set to 1, bots become vegetables that just stand rooted to the spot when they see you, but don't shoot. You yourself understand what scope this opens up for experiments. Easy way get achievements, by the way.

bot_freeze - at 1 bots instantly freeze where they are. It is convenient to check shots, etc. For convenience, you can bind.

bot_quota is the total number of bots that can be added. Usage example: bot_quota 12 - adds 12 bots at once and distributes them automatically according to commands, if the corresponding commands that prohibit auto-distribution have not been used in advance. More on this later in the material.

bot_knives_only - at 1 bots run with knives. At 0 with any other weapon.

bot_all_weapons - with a value of 1, bots use all weapons, with a value of 0, only those that you allowed them with separate commands.

bot_snipers_only 1 - bots play only with sniper rifles.

bot_allow_snipers 0 - Bots will no longer use sniper rifles.

bot_allow_rifles 0 - bots do not use rifles.

bot_allow_sub_machine_guns 0 - Bots no longer buy SMG.

bot_allow_machine_guns 0 - bots do not use machine guns.

bot_allow_rogue 1 - this command is responsible for how bots behave. With a value of 1, they will play solo, and with a value of 0, they tend to teamplay. Well, as far as they can do it. If you need bots to run together, set the value to 0.

bot_join_team_ct - bots only go for CT.

bot_join_team_t - bots enter only for T.

bot_pistols_only - at 1, bots only use pistols.

bot_stop - value 1 instantly stops bots and prohibits shooting, including.

bot_show_battlefront - Set 1 and see where the bots will meet according to the calculations of the game. Again, it is very convenient, especially if you are training to take different points - you can always know in advance where they will come from.

bot_crouch - set to 1 and bots will crouch across the map. And fun and rewarding.

bot_chatter - set 1 and no longer hear any pizi from bots. The command prevents bots from using radio chat.


Few people know, but bots in CS can run wherever you need. This can be done using three commands.

First of all, we register sv_cheats 1 and run to where we need bots.

We type nav_edit 1 - frames will appear around. These are sectors, each has its own number.

We aim at the desired one and type nav_mark. You will hear a sound and the square you have chosen will change color to turquoise.

After that, write bot_goto_mark in the console. Voila, the bot is running straight to this point. For convenience, it would be better to bind these commands. Thus, you can train to take bombs.

Perhaps these are all the most useful console commands in cs go for bots and bots are now under your complete control!

Bots in CS: GO created not only so that you can somehow play if there is no Internet or the competitive mode is blocked. 90% of all training, even professional players, is associated with the use of bots on various maps, in different situations and for different purposes. This means that in order to train effectively, or create your own training map, you need to understand how to manage bots.

Bots are controlled through the console, which is enabled by default by pressing ~ (Russian letter ё)... Further, for various manipulations, you can enter the following commands:

- bot_add- add a bot to the map
- bot_add_t- add a bot to terrorists
- bot_add_ct- will do the same for counter-terrorists
- mp_autoteambalance 0 - removes teams auto-balance. A value of 1 returns it.
- mp_limitteams 0- allows you to create unequal lineups.
- bot_kick- kicks all bots
- bot_kill- kills all bots
- bot_knives_only 1 - bots run only with knives
- bot_all_weapons- and now they can use all weapons
- bot_chatter off- removes annoying conversations of bots among themselves
- bot_dont_shoot 1- now bots cannot shoot at all

Practical use

With the help of a couple of such commands, you can easily arrange a warm-up for yourself, while not downloading any special maps. The main thing is to decide on the type of training. If you need to practice aim, then it is better to add a dozen bots, give them knives, and then they themselves will run at the player. The main thing is to methodically shoot them.

If you do not give bots the opportunity to shoot, then you can train prefires, without the risk of being killed - this will teach you to intuitively aim at the point where the enemy may appear. Or you can arrange a typical match 1 vs 5 and practice retiring of the laying / defusing the bomb. There are tons of options for training with bots if you know these few simple commands.