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How to send a private message on VKontakte. How to write a message in VK if access is limited. Send a message along with a friend request

New VKontakte users, using the capabilities of the social network, are gradually discovering its interesting functions. For example, when you want to save a record you like, but there is no suitable recipient for repost, you can send it to yourself. And today we will tell you how to do it.

Basic nuances

There are several techniques for creating a dialogue with yourself. Having made it once one of the ways, you can at any time leave notes there for yourself, save interesting notes, photos, contacts, etc. But even for a conversation with yourself there is a limitation: the number of messages that you can send to yourself should not exceed 20 per day.

This limit is associated with protection from users who try to cheat subscribers by sending spam. You can send your friends as many messages as you want, but adding yourself to your friends list is technically impossible. Yes, that sounds strange. But creating a conversation with yourself is a bug, not a feature by design. Therefore, we need to give the developers credit for at least the fact that they are in no hurry to eliminate it.

How to write to yourself in VK: method 1

This method is suitable for people who use the full version of the VKontakte website. Therefore, the first thing to do is open the social network in any browser from your PC. Next, you need to step by step follow the instructions below.


  1. Log into your account using your username and password.

  1. Copy the link into the browser line and add your page number to it.

  1. To follow the link, press the "Enter" button on the keyboard. After that, a dialogue with yourself will open.

  1. In order for it to be preserved in conversations, you need to write and send any message.

The difficulty of this method is that few remember the ID number from their account. But this is fixable.

How to find out your page number

After the developers allowed users to choose the address of their account, the ID-number disappeared from the address bar of the browser. But it is still used in some links and in the source code of web pages.

How to find your ID-number:

  1. Go to your profile in VK and open the user menu.

  1. From the list that opens, select "Settings".

  1. The screen with the settings must be scrolled to the "Page address" block, and then click the "Change" button.

  1. This will open the page ID number.

Unlike the profile address, the ID number cannot be changed. It is assigned immediately after registration on the social network and remains so throughout the entire existence of the page.

How to create a dialogue with yourself: method 2

If the first method seemed difficult, there is a second, easier way to solve the problem. To use it, you do not need to search for any page numbers, copy links, etc. All you need to do is:

  1. Open your friends list in your account.

  1. Click on any account and go to a friend's page.

  1. There we open the list of friends, for which we click on the corresponding button on the left side of the screen.

  1. Among other users, you need to find your account and click the "Write a message" button under it.

  1. In the window that appears, click on the "Go to dialogue" button.

  1. Here you also need to write and send any letter so that the correspondence is preserved in conversations.

This completes the creation of personal correspondence. Now you can go to the "Messages" tab at any time and save important information in a conversation with yourself.

We create a dialogue in the VK mobile application

Many users have already given up using the full version of the site, having replaced it with a more convenient mobile application. It has the same functions and when creating it, the developers decided to keep a useful bug, leaving the opportunity to send SMS to yourself. For this you need:

  1. Go to the mobile application and open the "Messages" tab by clicking on the button at the bottom of the screen.

  1. Next, in the search bar, you need to register your nickname.

  1. In the search results, you need to find your account and click on it.

  1. This will open a dialog where you can make your first entry.

This concludes the instruction. Now you can use the correspondence with yourself and in the mobile application. This will allow you to take the necessary notes on your phone, even on the go.

We suggest looking in more detail at how to write to yourself on VKontakte in the following video:

Let's summarize

In addition to these methods of creating dialogs, there are many other similar techniques. For example, you can repost a record, send a gift, or upload a photo to yourself. But regardless of the method, the result will be the same. Therefore, we have selected the simplest possible options for you. Share in the comments how you use your personal VK correspondence.

In social Vkontakte networks, and in many others, there is a lot of useful functionality, but some users are not aware of. There are flaws and bugs that are used by certain individuals for their own purposes. In this article, we will analyze the function, the work of which is that any user can write yourself a message in VK.

Why is this needed? In the news feed and Vkontakte groups there is a lot of useful material, a user who is interested in her, most likely, wants to save it for the future. For example, this is a selection of books or articles, films, and so on. Of course, it is possible to save a record on the wall () or throw it to a friend in messages, however, in the first case, everyone will see your saved records, and in the second, you will distract your friend with useless messages.

The desktop and mobile versions of Vkontakte have undergone large-scale processing and many features have been moved to other blocks or have been removed altogether (read:), nevertheless, sending a message to oneself in VK remained and you can also use it from your phone.

Use the Vkontakte messaging function

This method is the simplest one, provided that you log in from the desktop version of the social network, although below you will find a way to write yourself a message from your phone.

  1. Go to your page from your computer and go to your private messages.
  2. Above will be search field, where we enter our first and last name.
  3. The result will appear with your page, click on it.
  4. An empty dialog will open, where you can write one message to begin with, so that it later appears next to other dialogues in private messages.
  5. Ready. Now you can send yourself publications from VK.

We are looking for ourselves in friends

Any person has at least one friend in VK. Go to his page and look for yourself in the list. Below the profile there will be a link "To write a message".

A window with a field for entering messages will be highlighted. Let's write something and send it. The dialogue will appear immediately.

Write a message to yourself in VK using your ID

In the address bar of the browser on the main page of your profile, you will see your ID, but it may differ if you have not changed it yourself. But the text version of the ID will not work, only in the form of numbers.

If you have not numbers, but words, then go to the Vkontakte settings and in the section "General" find subsection "Page address"... If there are numbers, then copy only them, and if different, then click next to the link "Change"... The line "Page number" will appear below. We copy it.

Press Enter to open a dialogue with you.

How to write to yourself in VK from a phone on Android or iOS

Since there are official Vkontakte clients on smartphones for Android and iOS, it is also possible to create a dialogue with oneself there.

Official Vkontakte application

  1. Go to your VK page from the official client.
  2. Click on messages.
  3. Click on the search icon in the upper right (Android).
  4. In the search, enter your first or last name.
  5. If your profile appears, click on the result.
  6. We write a message to ourselves and send.
  7. The dialogue will appear immediately.

You can do the same on iOS.

Hello everyone. Sometimes an unpleasant situation happens when an important person for you has restricted access to VKontakte, and now you are looking for a way to talk to him. Therefore, today I want to tell you how to write to a person in VK if his personal account is closed or he added it to an emergency. I want to say right away that these are very workarounds. But perhaps one of these methods will really help you out. In the end, it may be that a friend just blocked you by accident. All of today's methods are tested and relevant in 2018.

The third is not superfluous

Quite a good and tricky way, but you need a third party to implement it. Perhaps it will be a mutual friend of yours, whom that person did not add to the blacklist. In this case, you will need to ask your friend to create a conversation in which he will invite both you and your opponent. The friend himself can leave the conversation to leave you alone. But since the conversation is no longer private messages, the blocking will not work. The only thing you need to have time to figure out and explain everything before he himself left the conversation.

It's another matter if you want to write to a scammer who threw you. There are most likely no options. With you, such a schmuck will definitely never enter into a dialogue.

If the person doesn't make contact, try asking a mutual friend to clarify the whole situation. But of course, not everyone is ready to do this anymore. And I understand these third parties. I myself would hardly do this. More precisely, I would find out the essence of the problem. Perhaps entering a person into an emergency on VKontakte is just a mistake.

Create a new account

A pretty good, but more dreary way is to create a second VK account and try to write through it. You are probably wondering that it is impossible to create a profile on VKontakte without a mobile phone number. But I will make you happy. In our age of technology, it costs one-two-three. Moreover, there are already several ways:

The truth is now another nuance. He can limit the circle of persons who can write to him. In this case, try to send requests to him as a friend. There is a chance that the person will throw this application, and then you will be able to talk.

Unlocking by trick

Thus, you will perform the function of turning you off from the emergency. Just keep in mind, the user will see that he has returned you to normal mode and can easily return you back.

But, to be honest, the use of this method is doubtful. After all, people are not fools, and they will not follow dubious links, especially if they read the word BlackList inside it. You can, of course, do smarter, namely, hide the link with abbreviations services, for example or These services are easy to use. You just need to paste the original link into the field, after which the service will generate a new short link for you, which will be an exact copy of the original.

How to send a message via notification

One of the most effective ways to write to a person in VK if his personal account is closed so that your message can be read by the user who added you to VK in an emergency situation is a message through a notification. The essence of this method is that you write on a wall or in a group a message mentioning the user. He, in turn, receives a notification that someone mentioned him somewhere. In addition, he will receive this signal to his mobile phone.

Everything will look like this:

Example.@ damle unlock me idiot. There is a very serious conversation. A matter of life and death.

But just keep in mind that this method is open. That is, anyone who goes to the group or to your profile will see it. Therefore, again, it is better to do this from a fake account, especially if the person has a closed personal.

By the way, if you often sit on VK or lead your own groups, then you will probably need some improvements. Cool service Kwork will help you find someone who for a mere penny will provide you with likes, public entries, friends, reposts, and will also make an awesome design and a real wiki menu. Personally, I just can’t live without this service and I use it all the time, which I recommend to you.

Well, this is where I end my article. I hope that you liked it and now you have an idea of ​​how to write to a person on VK if his personal account is closed. Try these methods. Probably, the person accidentally added you to the emergency, so at least he should know that he blocked you. Be sure to subscribe to publics on social networks, as well as to the YouTube channel, so as not to miss new and interesting articles and videos. Good luck to you. Bye Bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

I never thought that writing, sending and reading private messages in VKontakte causes difficulties for many users.
It would seem that what is easier: press the button in the left menu My Messages , on the opened page in the field "To whom" enter the addressee's name, write the text of the message, attach the document and send the message. However, such a problem exists, judging by the questions that came to the mail.

However, it becomes very frustrating when users ask "How to read someone else's private messages on VKontakte" , and even "... read private messages on VKontakte for FREE" ... Even for purely ethical reasons, reading someone else's mail at all times was considered and is now considered bad form. Personally, would you like your personal correspondence to become the property of everyone? So why do some people think that you can't read mine, but someone else's can and should be? I will never understand this ... And I will not even answer such questions.

But back to what was written earlier. How to write and send a private message to friends from a page My Messages I think you get the idea.

How to write a message to a user who is not a friend?

To do this, go to the user page and immediately under the avatar, click the blue button send a message... In the window that opens, fill in the field "Theme" and write the text of the message. Button "Send" we send a message.

By the way, when sending a friend request, you can also attach a personal message, for example, indicating for what purpose you want to be added as a friend.

How to send messages to all friends in contact.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to inform all VKontakte friends about something, and sending one personal message to each individually is long and tedious. To speed up the process, Vkontakte has the ability to send messages to several recipients at once.

But, unfortunately, all friends will not be able to send private messages at once. In Vkontakte, this will already be regarded as sending spam. Therefore, a limitation is set. The maximum number of private messages that you can send with one click is 14.

Selecting several users from "Friends list" and fill in the field "Theme"... Next press Create Conversation.

Enter the text of your message, attach the necessary documents (map, photos, music, etc.) and click on the button "Send".

But keep in mind that in this case they will all be involved in the conversation, that is, all other participants in the correspondence will see their possible answers.

Well, the message has been written and sent. By the way, how do you know if the addressee has read your message or not? Opening the page again My Messages. In blue on the tab Dialogues all unread messages are highlighted, both by you and your interlocutors, and read ones are white.

And to find out specifically, click on the blue box, and if the message has not been read by you, the blue highlight immediately disappears.

To date, the site developers have made it even easier to view personal messages in VKontakte and some other functions. When you receive a new message, in the left menu opposite the button My Messages a number with a plus sign appears - ( +1 ). By clicking on this number, you will see a message and by going to the list of dialogs, you will be able to answer it.

You can find out that you have received a new private message even if you are on another page of the site or even on another browser tab. To do this, on the page My settings - block Alerts v Instant notifications on the site check the box Private messages and other events ( friend requests, likes, replies in the comments etc.) about which you want to receive notifications, and Show message text and Enable sound alerts ... Now, no matter what VKontakte page you are on, upon the arrival of a new message, you will hear a sound signal and an alert window will pop up at the bottom left with the message and data of its author.

By clicking on the cross, the window can be closed and return to the message later in Dialogues, where all VKontakte personal messages are stored It will not be marked as read. And if you just click on the window, a chat window will open at the bottom right, where you can immediately write a response. Sending quick messages occurs when you press Enter on keyboard.

To whom you cannot write and send private messages.

  • The user who sent you to the blacklist.
  • The user whose privacy settings are set to “ Who can write me private messages - Nobody ".

How to forward messages in VKontakte?

My Messages , then click on the block with the message opposite the user whose message will be forwarded. Next click on the desired message. A check mark appears next to the message, and a button appears in the upper right. Forward... Click on the button, select the addressee, add a couple of message words or paste in the message field 14; (remove the space in the middle) - our addressee will receive a message without text, and send it.

A blank message is great, of course, but not always exactly what you need. But how to make the text of the message become at the same time a link to your page or group?

So clickable text:
  • Hyperlink to user
  • Group hyperlink
  • Public hyperlink
  • Hyperlink to the event

Instead of asterisks, we insert the user ID, to whose page the user will be thrown after clicking on the text. Likewise with the rest of the hyperlinks. And instead of a word Text we write everything that comes to mind))).

Or maybe you need to put an emphasis on the word? Then we put 769; after the desired letter. Don't forget to remove the space between the characters.

Strikethrough text? Before each letter we put ̶ 822;

Do not forget to leave remove the space ...

By the way, all of these techniques work for wall posts as well.

You cannot cancel sending a sent personal message to VKontakte. Even if you delete the message you sent, it will still be delivered to the addressee.

Delete messages in VKontakte.

Completely all correspondence with a specific user can be deleted from Dialogs. When you hover the arrow over the box with the user's message, a cross appears, by clicking on which, we completely delete all messages, both our own and our addressee.

If you need to delete only some private messages, then go to View dialogs, tick off unnecessary messages (you can cancel the checkbox by clicking on the message again) and delete the selected ones.

You can delete an unread message only by deleting the entire dialogue in the block Dialogues.

Deleted messages can be restored only while you are on the page View dialogs by pressing the button Restore... After refreshing the page, deleted private messages cannot be restored. The only way out is to write to the one whose correspondence you deleted with a request to copy it and send it to you. But documents attached to deleted correspondence are not copied or sent.

True, there are a number of programs so that you can restore VKontakte messages, but I will not dwell on them now.

And parting advice:

Full swing there is a new divorce on social networks. The fraudster starts new pages, for example, with the name of your friend, uploads the photos copied from his page, and then asks for your phone number on his behalf. Allegedly forgot, lost, etc. The second stage of the scam - the fraudster asks you to tell him the code that will come to your mobile phone. This is how money disappears from the phone.

If you conduct personal correspondence with someone, then it always opens only in a window where all early correspondence is saved and visible. If suddenly a new message arrives, but you do not see the old ones and you did not delete them, then this is a reason to think about whether a real friend is writing to you.

If you can't find the answer to your question in this article, please use the Blog Search at the bottom of the page.
Or ask your question in the comments.

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The first thing that needs to be done: either add the user as a friend, and then continue communication with him, or, if you do not plan to have a long communication, just write a message in VKontakte. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • We find a person through the search in VKontakte;
  • We go to his personal page and under the photo or avatar, click "Send message";
  • We write a letter and send it.

But if you went to the user's page, and there is no "Send message" button. I want to write, but I can't. This means that this person's page is closed to outsiders. Consider examples of how to write a VK message if access is limited and not a friend:

  • Add as friend - click on the corresponding button under the photo and wait for the user to confirm your offer;
  • You can contact mutual friends and through them open access to messages.

Sometimes, by sending a message to VKontakte, a window appears that the user has restricted access. This means that you have been blacklisted, and only the user can unblock it. In this case, you can also apply for unblocking through mutual friends.

Sometimes you want to send an anonymous message to a friend. There used to be a special function for this purpose. Now it is impossible to do this directly, but there is another way. Consider how to anonymously write a message in VKontakte. According to the rules of the service, you can send anonymous gifts, and attach a message accordingly, which will also be anonymous. Of course, gifts are bought with votes, and this is the price of your anonymity. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Go to the user page;
  • Under the avatar or photo, go down and select the item "Send (name) gift";
  • From the proposed list, take the gift you like and click on it;
  • Select "Anonymous" from the drop-down menu;
  • Then click "Add message" and write the text;
  • Click "Send".

Of course, in an anonymous letter you shouldn't stoop to insults.

The situation is completely different with sending a message in a group or public. In a group with an open wall, you can write anything and as much as you want. But you cannot send a message anonymously with any news. In this case, you should contact the group administrator and ask him to post the post anonymously, and the decision will remain with him. In the VKontakte public, everything is made easier:

  • Click on "Offer news";
  • Write the text and add "anonymously" at the end of the text.

In this case, the administrator will treat the request with understanding and post the information anonymously.

How to write a message to yourself VK?

Sometimes you need to write a message to yourself / yourself in VKontakte? Suppose that you need to record a lot of useful information, but you don't have a notebook and pen at hand. And then we save the information in a message to ourselves and the PM will store it. Let's consider several options.

  • Log in to VKontakte;
  • Go to "My friends" and choose any of them;
  • Find yourself and next to the avatar there will be an option "Write a message";
  • Insert message and send.

Everything is ready, now the information is securely fixed.

  • Insert the link******* into the address bar, where instead of asterisks put your page number, which can be found if you go to "My Settings";
  • A dialogue opens and a message is written there.

Quite simple and reliable.

How to write a message in contact, a couple of chips

If you are experiencing difficulties with sending SMS in contact, then this short instruction is just for you 🙂

How to write a message to a friend in contact

In order to send it to a friend, you need to log into your VKontakte account, go to "Messages", click on the "Write" button:

In the new window, select the interlocutor from among your friends, write the text and click the "send" button:

You can attach to it in the same way: photo, video, audio, document and even a map with the point you specified on it.

If you need to find a dialogue with a certain person, then just enter his first or last name in the "Search" line. And if sms that contain certain words or phrases, then enter the desired word in this field and click on "Search in personal":

Then the search result will be loaded with the highlighting of the word:

To the right of the Search button is a calendar where you can specify until what date to search.

Go to your friend's page and click on the "Send" button. In the window that appears, write the text and send.

In the same way, you can send SMS to any user if his profile is not closed.

How to write not to a friend

As in method 2 a little higher - go to the user's page and find the "send" button under the avatar. In this way, you can contact a person without adding a friend.

How to write to a closed page

You can ask to be friends.

After approval, it will be possible to write, if, of course, the friends of this person can also write to him. The fact is that the privacy settings can be configured to receive messages from a very narrow circle of people. In this case, you can try a trick - send a gift with text. The likelihood that it will be opened and read is very high. The disadvantage of this method is that you have to spend votes, there is also a limitation on the number of characters of the accompanying text for the gift.

How to write a VKontakte message to yourself

To do this, go to "Messages" and in the search bar of the interlocutor enter your first and last name, and then the same as in method 1. You can also follow the link, where you enter your number (if you do not know, go to the settings and go down to the item "Address of your page"). This trick is useful if you need to leave yourself some kind of reminder or note, recently this trick has become more and more popular.

How to write a message in VKontakte and is it possible to restore

Many are able to navigate the site "with their eyes closed", but for beginners it is sometimes difficult to understand the menu. For example, how to write a message in VKontakte is not such a simple question for them as for experienced users. This "science" is very simple, but no one was born with this knowledge.

How to send a message in VKontakte

There are several options:

  1. Go to the page of the person you want to write to, click on "Send a message" under the avatar. But there is a nuance here. If you are not in the list of his friends, and in the privacy settings he has specified that only friends can write, then this button will not be. There will be only "Add as friend". In this case, you can send a message only after a friend request and its approval. A similar situation is with users who search without registration, but they not only cannot write a letter, but also ask to be friends.
  2. If you have already corresponded with someone earlier and just forgot how to get into dialogs, click on the "My messages" link in the menu on the left. All dialogs that you have had recently will open. On the left - avatars, opposite each - the last message. Click on the desired line, and the dialog will open completely.
  3. Use the mini chat. To do this, click on the small blue square with a number in the lower right corner of the page. The number means the number of friends who are online. Select a contact and you can start communication in a small dialog box without interrupting other activities on the site. For example, you can watch a video at the same time.
  4. Go to the menu "My friends", find a friend and on the right you will see the link "Write a message".

You can also write to several friends at the same time by creating a chat. To do this, in the dialogue window with one contact, at the top, click "Actions" and "Add interlocutors", select people for chat, set the name of the conversation and click "Create conversation".

How to read a message in VKontakte

If you are online, you will hear a beep when you receive a new email. If it was sent from a chat, the text will pop up on the right. A number with the number of unread letters will be displayed on the left in the "My Messages" section. If something came when you were offline, you will see this figure anyway. Click on the section and you will be taken to dialogs where you can read the message.

Is it possible to restore messages in Contact

Unfortunately, this is not possible, which is what the support service warns about. The only option is to ask for a copy of the opponent's correspondence, if he has not deleted it either. Another option: if your notifications are not disabled, copies of letters are sent to your mail. Try searching there, if they are not too long, you will get copies.

Programs and services that are offered on the network will only help you get viruses or lose money, but not restore your correspondence, so be careful.

Video and audio messages in VKontakte

Alas, there is no interesting function - to record a video or audio message, as in Odnoklassniki, in VKontakte. But you can send in the application: audio, video file, photo, gift, card or document.

The recipient can view the video or photo and listen to the audio right in the dialog box. While in the dialog box, click in the lower right corner of the text field, click on the "Attach" link, select the file type, upload it from your computer and you can send it.

Tagged: vkontakte, message

How to send a message in VKontakte?

How to send a message to all friends

On the Vkontakte social network, you can communicate, make friends and lead interest groups. Here people organize polls, prepare for meetings and just spend their free time talking to interesting people. But often newbies do not know how to send a message to a contact.

Therefore, having opened your account in VKontakte, carefully read our article in order to avoid problems with sending messages.

Messages for all contacts

For a novice user of the Contact, it will be useful to learn about the possibility of collective messaging. This can be useful, for example, when a person wants to congratulate everyone on one holiday, or invite friends to his celebration.

  1. To send a message to all your friends, you need to go to the "My Messages" tab.
  2. Click on the "Write a message" button.
  3. A window with a field for text and an address bar opens in front of the user, where all friends can be entered using the "Recipient" button.
  4. When choosing friends to whom you plan to send one message, you need to remember that collective mailing is carried out only to 14 addresses. If you have more friends, you will have to send the message several times to 14 addresses.
  5. Be sure to enter your text in the message box before submitting. And click on the "Submit" button.

The message page will refresh to show the user the sending result and the message text.

Anonymous message

If earlier on the VKontakte website there was a section “Opinions”, where every Internet user could leave a review without disclosing his name, today this section has been removed from public access. But in the software of the social network, the path to it has been preserved.

To leave an anonymous message using the "Opinion" section, you need to find a way to it. We enter in the browser a direct link to the section and find ourselves in the required window.

When you master all the intricacies of how to send messages in a contact, you will understand that communication on the site has become simple and pleasant.