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Fortunetellers in social networks: a magic "scam" by correspondence. Free help fortune-tellers Fortune-telling vkontakte

The help of a fortuneteller is very often the only way to find a way out of a difficult life situation. Now you have a simple and reliable method to get rid of the problems that oppress you in the shortest possible time.

How to ask a good fortune teller a question for free?

We are all curious. Each of us, albeit a little, but wants to open the veil of the future and see how events will develop in the future. This is precisely the main essence of any fortune-telling. However, its sacred meaning lies in a deeper analysis of the past and present. It helps you find your hidden flaws and guess secret desires; reveal the essence of the problem and what factors played a decisive role in its appearance, as well as warn against negative events and people in your life.

Fortune-telling should be beneficial and calming to the heart, therefore, in this matter, you should trust only professionals in their field. We are used to looking for advice based on our own or someone else's life experience. Unfortunately, this does not always lead to good results. Any kind of problem requires an individual approach and consideration. Agree, it would be foolish to try to find yourself looking into someone else's reflection.

In one way or another, all events occurring in our life affect our destiny. And in matters of fate, a professional fortune-teller will best help you figure it out. A person endowed not only with the gift of conducting a dialogue with fate, but, first of all, capable of adequately understanding and assessing the existing problem. A person who is able to subtly and tactfully lead us to the right decision, showing the whole true picture of things.

If you are looking for a free good fortune teller, our service is always at your service. Astro7 provides you with a wide range of consultants who are able to solve any of your problems. If you are using the service for the first time, all that is required of you is to choose the specialist that you liked the most and ask the fortuneteller a bonus free question. Get rid of the oppression of experiences, anticipate impending conflicts and free yourself from the fear of ignorance. Let your life sparkle with new colors after the free help of the fortune teller Astro7. After all, solutions can be much simpler than you imagine.

Recently, announcements about "Free" fortune telling and performing free rituals. Pseudo-fortune-tellers promise the result almost on the day of treatment.

To an inexperienced reader, fixated on his own problems, it may seem that this is the solution to all difficulties. But this is far from the case. Our work seems simple and easy only at first glance. Magical work is difficult and painstaking. Requires colossal efforts, both physical and mental. Observance of fasts and other rules last our whole life. The Master wakes up before sunrise and goes to bed long after midnight. Among other things, we have to pay taxes. What kind of free work can we talk about?

According to my clients, "free" fortune-tellers say that they do not take money for their work, but this is far from the case. In rituals, many components are required, and this is where the appetites of various kinds of swindlers are played out. Yes, we often use candles in our work. Sometimes a lot of them are required, including candles from Jerusalem, from the temple at the Wailing Wall. It is really not easy to acquire them. But I do not consider it expedient to pay tens and hundreds of thousands, sending them by transfers to unknown bank accounts.

Many times unfortunate people who have suffered from such scammers have come to me. Do not trust fortune-tellers who work remotely and for free, who guarantee the result in 1 day.

Remember the cheese in the mousetrap? Free fortune telling- delicious cheese in the hands of scammers ( free fortune tellers ).

The best result is achieved with direct contact with the master. Yes, we can work at a distance, but only if the person who applied is familiar to us, because one of the main laws - visualization, has not been canceled. We need to feel good about the person. And this can only be achieved through direct contact with the client. Indeed, it often takes not one ritual, but a whole complex to achieve the desired result.

I also do not recommend running from one fortune teller to another often. After all, the master knows well what he has already done, what needs to be done at another stage. The new master will start all over again, thus breaking the previous rituals. You can return to zero again, to your problem again, without achieving the desired result.

Planning is needed in everything, especially in magical practice. Remember this. The master who does not hide in no one knows where, but goes into direct contact with you and is your support and support in a difficult life situation. These are the very people who will be next to you, help, support, give wise everyday advice, will solve your difficulties together with you.

I wish you all the very best so that all troubles and sorrows pass you by. I wish you health and happiness. Your Larissa.

07.07.2015, 19:19


I, the witch Olga, always felt sorry for those who, not understanding what he was doing, began to engage in magic, advertising "magicians VKontakte", "love spell VKontakte", "magic" and "fortune telling VKontakte" so that in the very near time to be either in a cancer hospital or a mental hospital. Or even doom yourself to a quick death. But believe me, I DO NOT SCARE ANYONE !!! I just remind, as always, that practicing magic for those who have not been chosen to connect to the knowledge and energies of the Higher Forces are incredibly dangerous. And you, magicians of VKontakte charlatans, I ask you not to forget about it.

Only we will talk about something else. It's about how easy it is to start making money doing magic, without becoming either a magician or a witch, and without exposing your energies to the tests of daily rituals. Karma will be a burden, which is great. So much so that you will have to pay all this life, and the whole next. Moreover, your children and grandchildren will have to connect to paying off the debts that you collect by deciding to practice witchcraft.

But if the choice is made, then let's go this way to the end. And let's start with "organizing a profitable business", as such attempts to cheat like to call on the sites of business ideas. And I have come across similar texts of business ideas, offering to offer people a love spell on VKontakte and fortune telling on VKontakte.

The algorithm for making money is incredibly simple. So VKontakte magicians (more precisely - VKontakte magicians charlatans) go ahead !!! It looks like this:

1. We write in Yandex or Google a request for the phrase "services of the witch", or "love spell on VKontakte", or "magicians on VKontakte".

2. We find the most professional site offering to order fortune telling in person or online fortune telling.

3. We unceremoniously steal everything we like from him - photos, texts, even descriptions of services, comments and letters of thanks from clients.

4. After that, again, without spending a dime, we create a page on social networks or Odnoklassniki, publish everything stolen there, mixed with demotivators, with personal photos and stories about our magical greatness.

5. We set the price for our "services", modestly estimating the fortune-telling at 300-500 rubles, and the induction of a love spell or damage - at 1500-2500 rubles.

6. We believe that now we are "magicians of VKontakte".

7. We start (again I will use a common Internet expression) we start to cut the loot. ***

*** - You can see an example of a similar page from the VKontakte magician charlatans series at this LINK. ( And it belongs to another pseudo-witch named Alina Samoilova, of all the skills and sciences, who has mastered only one best of all - stealing other people's content and other people's photos, with the help of which she tries to give her wretched VKontakte page at least some mystical entourage.

What is wrong with this seemingly ideal scheme? First of all, it is impossible to make a lot of money on such a scam. There is too much competition among those who decide on such a fraud. Secondly, almost everything in it is so ridiculous and gives off such profanity that the algorithm I have presented can be used for another purpose. With its help, you can identify scammers who provide pseudo-esoteric services on the Web.

1. We take a fragment of any text or any article on the website (personal VKontakte page) of a magician or witch, and run it through a program to check the text for uniqueness. And then we find the original site, realizing that by publishing the stolen content, they want to deceive us.

2. Using similar programs, we check the posted photos for authenticity and lo and behold !!! - they are stolen here, here and here !!!

3. We check the content of the page or site of a deceiver or a deceiver - and in 99.9% of cases it makes you think about the author's problems with an adequate perception of the world, or for some reason makes you remember a junior school or kindergarten.

4. Pay attention to the price, we see: "300-500 rubles fortune-telling", "1500-2500 rubles love spell or damage." And it is here that we stop doubting fraud, realizing that they really want to cheat us.

The fact is that a professional witch or sorcerer will never work for such a price. Even if he (she) performs a VKontakte love spell or VKontakte fortune telling. And all because the price of real magical services is made up of many criteria. To understand why real witches can't work for a penny, remember that:

They spent many years mastering magic skills;

They use magic items that cost a lot of money;

For some, the training cost more than one hundred thousand, and I have books, each of which stands like a Mercedes, without which I, the witch Olga, would not have become the witch I am now;

It so happens that during the day, week, or even a month, you can perform only one ritual - there is simply not enough strength for others; and not a single witch (even a completely insane one) can live a week or a month on 300 or 1000 rubles.

And add to this the need to regain your strength after a particularly difficult ritual has been performed, which takes at least several (sometimes much more) days; the fact that some fortune-telling and rituals for a witch have to be performed for free; or the fact that real professionals spend more than one day on the induction of the same damage or love spell. Added? Then think for yourself why a real witch will never rate her services at 300 or even 1,500 rubles.

It is a pity that such arithmetic, despite all its simplicity, magicians charlatans on VKontakte cannot master in any way. Therefore, they are ready to offer "magical VKontakte services" at a bargain price.

But all these "great magicians" and "unsurpassed witches" are pierced not only on this. Here is a link that will be curious to see for everyone who is interested in my proposed topic of conversation.

If you decide to visit it, pay attention not only to the content of the very first message, but also to the comments to it, because thanks to them, it is much easier to understand who the magicians are charlatans on VKontakte.

As it turned out, the aforementioned Alina Samoilova on the Vkontakte website is engaged in the distribution of such personal messages. And as a confirmation of the fortune-telling, the charlatan Alina Samoilova sends out my author's photo, stolen from my website (first cut off a part of the photo with my name and copyright sign):

And the magicians of VKontakte charlatans (yes, the imagi in classmates and Facebook too) pierce on their own laziness, when, not just taking the same advertising letter as a basis, but simply substituting their name in it, they begin to spam, trying to convince users to turn to them services.

"Love spell on VKontakte is inexpensive!" they promise.

"Guessing VKontakte at the price of import substitution!" - read their calls.

But since the mailbox base of all these magicians is the same, it turns out that on average each user receives 3-7 identical letters, realizing in the end how high the activity of deceiving witches and VKontakte magicians is.

And again a little lesson from the witch Olga:

No witch will ever impose her services. Yes, she will definitely tell about herself, but only on the pages of a personal resource filled with copyright articles and copyright photographs. But for the rest, she will always rely on the Higher Forces, knowing that if they consider that she is really able to help someone, then the Higher Forces themselves will bring a person to her who needs her help.

In another way, magic does not work, and this one will confirm to you any esoteric, regardless of who he is - a practicing fortune teller, Altai shaman, or VKontakte magicians. Well, if the Higher Forces do not bring anyone to you, and you are forced to send spam in the hope of earning money, then what kind of magician are you? ...

Probably, every user of social networks at least once, but came across the announcements of fortune-tellers: about the ability to predict the future, help in a difficult situation, make a "love spell" or "rite of passage for money." Testimonials from supposedly satisfied customers are proof of their effectiveness. But can such "comments" on the Internet be reliable? Doubtful!

Fortune-tellers and psychics have always been very popular with people, but if earlier announcements of love spells and magical help were found only in newspapers or on poles, now they have firmly taken their positions in social networks. And it's not a secret for anyone that many of them are ready to go to any tricks in order to lure a tidy sum from the client. However, "magicians" do not become less popular because of this.

Not so long ago, I began to notice that my page in VK is visited by people completely unfamiliar to me, with announcements on the wall about the provision of magical services with 50% discounts and a 100% guarantee. Each fortune-teller laid out a list of services provided by her and a price list, and the testimonials of grateful clients served as evidence of their well-done work.

I decided to find out if these people really have unique abilities and know how to predict fate, as well as check the veracity of reviews about their work. I chose several ads of fortune-tellers who could answer for free any one question of interest for a review on their personal page.

For my conversion, I came up with the notorious story of unhappy love, failing relationships with parents, and academic failures. And for reliability, I attached a photo with my best friend. By the way, I have no problems either in my studies, or in my family, or in my personal life.

The text was like this: "Hello! I saw your ad on the Internet and decided to take the opportunity to ask one question. I have a difficult life situation. There is a young man, we have been dating for several years. I love him very much, but lately we often swear. Relationships with parents also do not add up. There were many problems with my studies. What could be the reason? And how can I establish relationships with my beloved and my parents? "

The first person to whom I sent this message was a certain hereditary sorcerer from Olin (name has been changed). It is worth noting that this woman did not have a single photo or any additional information on the page, but the whole wall was covered with words of gratitude from satisfied customers.

Olyn, having familiarized herself with my situation, made her verdict: “You are a prominent girl, there is a lot of evil eye on you, hence the problems in life. I can make a talisman from a photo. You have a rival who wants to take the guy away. But you don’t give it to anyone, and in this I can help ”.

I did not hear anything specific from the fortune teller. She did not see that the young man in the photo was not at all the love of my life, but that all the alleged troubles in my life had been reduced to envious people and the evil eye. All communication with the fortune-teller was based on my repeated appeal to her, which would have been already on a paid basis.

The next "specialist" was the "white witch" Afima (name has been changed). On her page, she posted her photo in the process of fortune-telling on cards. Needless to say, there were also a lot of customer reviews under the photo. It is interesting to note that all "satisfied customers" last contacted on the day of leaving a comment on Afima's page. Probably, life after contacting her improved, and the social network began to distract from life.

The "White Witch", after reading my message, replied as follows: “You are very sick. I see your health is poor, you often catch cold. You need to get rid of it, and then we'll fix the rest. You are young, beautiful. You need to take care of yourself. You need to plot from a photograph. "

When I answered her that I was in good health and that I feel good, that I go in for sports, I do not feel any discomfort, I learned that my painful illness would still manifest itself. Like, it's better to make a conspiracy now, before things get worse.

When I began to ask the fortuneteller in more detail about what awaits me and on the basis of what she made such conclusions, the "white witch" answered simply: "I see it that way!" And then she blacklisted me so that I would never bother her again.

To the next fortune teller, I did not even bother with a fictitious problem. I decided to immediately find out why all the reviews on her page are from "fakes" who entered the network only once and what kind of guarantees it can provide if there is not a single adequate and truthful response. Fortune-teller Zulya (name has been changed) simply ignored my message, and after that she also added people she disliked to the list.

It is possible, of course, that in the process of my mini-investigation I found only dishonest seers, and somewhere out there, in the mass of ads, there were those who really have the gift of clairvoyance and can help people in difficult situations. Perhaps, but not a fact.

According to the psychologist Sergei Vladimirovich Petrushin, the popularity of fortune-tellers is explained by the fact that they are helped by practical psychology - the ability to quickly "read" a person, his subtle signals of the manifestation of the unconscious by non-verbal signs, possession of imperative techniques, that is, hypnotic practices. In addition, people like it when they talk about them, the child's infantile area of ​​the psyche, belief in the miraculous, is touched upon. This is what is being exploited.

“People are attracted by the irrational, so they are ready to pay for it, there is a demand for it. But besides charlatans, there are also specialists in working with the undetected. Rational science does not recognize them, but there is an area of ​​psychology that studies them - this is transpersonal psychology. Behind the scenes psychics work in the military departments, but this is a closed war. Therefore, there is double information in the press all the time - they are scolded, then they are praised. As a result, the information for the people is reset to zero ”,- says Sergey Vladimirovich.

If you nevertheless decide to seek the help of a psychic (which, by the way, I do not recommend doing!), then approach this as analytically as possible, delve into the essence of the answer to your question. One of the main signs that scammers are in front of you are intimidation and threats of an impending danger, with which they are trying to take a grief-stricken person “into circulation”. Even if something coincides, do not lose your head, remain calm and keep watching.

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