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What to do if Oblivion has a gray screen. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion crashes? Game not starting? Does the game slow down? Flies out? Solves the most common problems. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion crashes. Low FPS. Lags. Friezes. Hangs

Oblivion.ini - detailed setting

Each time Oblivion loads a game, it reads a variety of data from the file. Oblivion.ini which is located in the folder \ Documents and Settings \\ My Documents \ My Games \ Oblivion where - the username under which you enter the system.

If you want to know the value of some parameter by default, you can find it in the file Oblivion_default.ini which is located in the root folder of the game.

If you want to revert to the original Oblivion.ini, simply erase the existing one and start the game - it will automatically create a new file with the default values. This is useful if, after tweaking, the game stops launching, but keep in mind that this will cause you to lose all tweaks and in-game settings.

The effectiveness of these tweaks varies from system to system, but they usually provide at least some improvement. I have tested all the variables in Oblivion.ini and selected those that can improve the performance of the game.

Variables that can help you optimize the game are provided below, they are divided into groups.


bAllowScreenShot = 1 - if it is 1, then you can take screenshots in the game by pressing the button PRINT SCREEN... Screenshots are placed in the root folder of the game in BMP format. You can also use external programs for taking screenshots, such as for example FRAPS, but that's how anyone likes it better.

SScreenShotBaseName = ScreenShot- indicates what name to give the screenshot. The name will be followed by a number (for example, ScreenShot12.bmp). A parameter that will be described below.

iScreenShotIndex = 7- defines the number that will be given to the next screenshot.

iDebugText = 12- sets the verbosity level of debug information called by the console command TDT(you can rewind this information with the Scroll Lock button while it is active). The minimum amount of useful information is given by iDebugText = 2.

fDefaultFOV = 75.0000- defines the default view radius when Oblivion starts. May be the cause of image glitches, so it is recommended to use the console command instead of this variable FOV.

fGlobalTimeMultiplier = 1.0000- the speed of time in Oblivion. If you increase this value above 1, then the time will accelerate, if you lower it below 1, it will slow down. This option is interesting, for example, to watch sunrise / sunset at an accelerated pace.

bBorderRegionsEnabled = 1- if zero is set, then invisible barriers around the world will disappear, however, do not hope, you will not see anything interesting there.

iMaxDecalsPerFrame = 10- determines the maximum number of bloody footprints. Be careful, as this parameter can affect performance in battles (too many blood trails at the same time).

fDecalLifetime = 10.0000- determines how long the bloody footprints will not disappear (in seconds). Again, be careful, as this parameter can affect performance in battles (too many blood trails at the same time).

fMinBloodDamage = 1.0000- determines how much damage you or you should inflict before the appearance of bloody traces.

bUse Joystick = 0- put 0 if you do not have a joystick connected. Some people argue that this improves productivity.

bInstantLevelUp = 0- makes it possible to raise the level of the character without resting in bed.

bSaveOnInteriorExteriorSwitch = 1- controls whether the game will be automatically saved when entering / exiting buildings. Setting it to 0 should shorten the loading time between entering / exiting buildings.

bPrecipitation = 1- if set to zero - disables the rain effect.


bFull Screen = 1- is responsible for starting Oblivion in windowed / full-screen modes, it can be useful, for example, in case of problems with the launcher.

iSize W = 1280

iSize H = 1024

These two commands define the width and height in pixels of your monitor's resolution while playing. Can be used to set custom permissions (only in windowed mode).

fGammaMax = 0.6000

fGammaMin = 1.4000

These options will be useful for owners of older monitors. They adjust the brightness, but, unlike the in-game Brightness slider, in a wider range.

iShadowMapResolution = 1024- the size of the textures used in the shadows. You can decrease them to improve performance in areas with large amounts of dynamic shadows (a multiplier of 8 is always used to increase).

bAllow30Shaders = 0- if set to 1 allows the video card to use Shader Model 3.0 (relevant only for video cards of the Nvidia GeForce 6600 or newer class, ATI X1000 or newer). For more information on using shaders on your system, see the RendererInfo.txt file located in \ Documents and Settings \ User \ Documents \ My Games \ Oblivion.

iActorShadowIntMax = 10

iActorShadowExtMax = 10

These two parameters increase the maximum values ​​of the Interior and Exterior Shadows sliders (default 10). It is obvious that an increase in these parameters leads to a loss in performance.

fSpecualrStartMax = 1000.0000- defines the maximum distance of the Specular Lighting slider. By increasing the parameter, you will be able to see reflections on distant objects (of course, at the expense of performance).

fShadowFadeTime = 1.0000- determines how much time in seconds it takes for the appearance / appearance of shadows on objects / characters.

bAllowPartialPrecision = 1- determines which shader effects are launched in Partial Precision DX9 mode. Disabling this option leads to an improvement in the quality of the picture, but instead of several FPS.

bUseRefractionShader = 1- controls the glow / invisibility effect. If set to 0, it significantly increases performance in areas with such effects (especially the Oblivion Gate, as well as near invisible characters)

bDoTexturePass = 1- if set to 0, it will remove textures from almost all objects in the game. May increase FPS but is not recommended for obvious reasons.

bDoSpecularPass = 1- if set to 0 disables the glitter effect on all surfaces using it (see Specular Distance in the in-game menu). May improve performance noticeably on some systems.

bDoDiffusePass = 1- if set to 0 will remove all dynamic lighting from the game. Not recommended.

bDoCanopyShadowPass = 1- if set to 0 removes all shadows from trees. May improve performance in areas with many trees.


bDSoundHWAcceleration = 1- if set to 0, it will disable hardware sound support (that is, your sound card will not be used for playback). You can turn it off if your game often freezes or kicks out of it.

bMusicEnabled = 1- if set to 0, it will turn off the music in the game. It negatively affects the atmosphere of the game, but can give a decent performance boost on some systems (due to the fact that the music is gradually loaded during the game).

bSoundEnabled = 1- at 0 removes all sound effects except music. Not recommended in any case (only if the game crashes all the time).

fMainMenuMusicVolume = 0.6000–Adjusts the volume of the music in the game.

iMaxImpactSoundCount = 32- determines the maximum number of channels used when producing sounds. You can change it to 24 or 16 for better performance, but can lead to frequent system crashes (especially with hardware sound support).

Memory, Loading, and Multithreading Optimizations:


uInterior Cell Buffer = 3

uExterior Cell Buffer = 36

These parameters determine how many interior and exterior areas will be buffered in RAM. Note the size of the uExterior Cell Buffer is determined by the game itself, based on the variable uGridstoLoad, the higher this value is, the greater the value. For those who have 1 GB of RAM, it is recommended to double the values ​​(6 and 72, respectively), for those who have more I can experiment with large numbers. In any case, you'd better increase the parameter as well iPreloadSizeLimit.

iPreloadSizeLimit = 26214400- determines the maximum amount of RAM used for loading territories (in bytes). For those who have 1 GB of RAM, it may be advised to double this value (up to 52428800), those who have 2 GB of RAM can supply 104857600.

bPreemptivelyUnloadCells = 0- if you put 1, then the game will automatically unload the data that, in its opinion, you will not need. Although I have 2 GB of RAM, I have made some improvements even on my own, so give it a try.

bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel = 0- at 1, unnecessary data will not be loaded when using Fast Travel "a. It will help reduce the memory load, so 1 is recommended.


bUseHardDriveCache = 1- since Windows will still use the hard disk cache automatically, this parameter does not matter, but still, just in case, put 1, perhaps this will reduce the slowdown.

bBackgroundLoadLipFiles = 1

bLoadBackgroundFaceGen = 1

bBackgroundCellLoads = 1

bLoadHelmetsInBackground = 1

bBackgroundPathing = 1

These options are specific to environment loading. It is recommended to set everything to 1, although the loading time upon entering / exiting will increase, but it will slow down less in the very process of the game.

bUseBackgroundFileLoader = 0- this option improves performance on some systems, but I noticed that sometimes it crashes the game, so it is recommended to leave 0 for balance.


bUseThreadedBlood = 1

bUseThreadedMorpher = 1

bUseThreadedTempEffects = 1

bUseThreadedParticleSystem = 1

bUseMultiThreadedTrees = 1

bUseMultiThreadedFaceGen = 1

iNumHavokThreads = 5

iThreads = 9

iOpenMPLevel = 10

All these options are suitable for dual-core and HyperThreading (virtual 2 core) processors, allows you to divide some processes in the game into several parallel ones. Note that if you set large values ​​in the iNumHavokThreads, iThreads and iOpenMPLevel parameters, this does not mean that there are actually so many of them, because the system itself determines the maximum number of such processes depending on the ones already running.

- increasing this parameter (always odd, that is, 5,7,9,11) leads to an increase in the radius of detailed drawing from the character. Increasing this parameter greatly affects the time of loading / unloading territories and also greatly affects productivity. The default value is 5, which is the optimal quality / performance ratio.

uGridDistantTreeRange = 15

uGridDistantCount = 25

Both options in combination give an increase in the visibility of trees. Increasing the uGridDistantTreeRange parameter by itself has no visible effect, but if you simultaneously increase uGridDistantCount, you will see the trees even further. A strong increase in these parameters leads to dramatic consequences, terrible brakes and very long loading times for the location.

uGridDistantTreeRangeCity = 4

uGridDistantCountCity = 4

They work the same as the two previous parameters, but with one difference - they increase the visibility range of trees in cities.

fLandTextureTilingMult = 2.0000- Lowering this value can reduce the obvious tile marks appearing on the ground texture, but unfortunately also distorts textures that are in the vicinity of the player.

Grass and trees:

iMinGrassSize = 120- the value is responsible for the "density" of the grass. The lower the number, the more rare the grass will be in dense grassy areas. Increases productivity well, but areas will appear more deserted. The number 120 is the best choice between performance and the visibility of the grass.

fGrassEndDistance = 8000.0000

fGrassStartFadeDistance = 7000.0000

The top two options control the distance when the grass will disappear and the distance at which it will gradually thin before disappearing. You can increase performance by lowering these values, as well as reducing the difference between them.

bGrassPointLighting = 0- if you put 1 grass, it will have more beautiful lighting, and of course this will reduce performance.

bDrawShaderGrass = 1- if set to 0 removes all the grass. Obviously, this will improve performance, but instead of realism.

iTreeClonesAllowed = 1- if it is set to 1, then all tree models will be unique, which will reduce performance in places with many trees.

iCanopyShadowScale = 512- determines the size of the textures of the shadows of trees, the smaller the less beautiful they are, but the performance increases. You need to change with a multiplier of x8 (try to put 128, for example).

bEnableTrees = 1- if set to 0 removes all trees from the game, which is very ugly and unrealistic, especially in outdoor areas.

bForceFullLOD = 0- forces the LOD to be loaded completely, which increases the quality of the trees at the expense of a small loss in performance.


bUseWaterReflectionsMisc = 1

bUseWaterReflectionsStatics = 1

bUseWaterReflectionsTrees = 1b

UseWaterReflectionsActors = 1

Parameters for enabling (put 1) additional reflections on the water. When enabled, nearby trees, objects and characters will be reflected in the water. May especially degrade performance in tree / object / character-rich terrain.

uDepthRange = 125- adjusts how deep you can see something in the water from above. If you increase it, some bugs may occur and also performance will decrease.

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Graphics card model? So, for information. I have a completely gray screen if I go into the AR or forts (and only these buildings) - into the inner cells. You have to save there and restart the game. I think that this is an incompatibility of the hardware part, because if the HDR is turned on, the same thing happens immediately and everywhere. I tried to solve the problem. Useless. I'll wait for what you find.

The video card I have is nvidia GeForce 9600 GT 512 MB assembly from Gigabite. Win 7 x64 system. Dirext contains all the libraries in full (downloaded with a standard Microsoft utility from their website).

but can you throw off the screen of the GRAY screen ????
and immediately thrashed in the ass: when the screen turns gray, does this gray change even slightly in dynamics, especially unevenly across the screen area ????

Well, I have this:
sometimes it is a little brighter. I took it off in stealth mode, I will describe why further in the text.

Yesterday I consistently tried to disable all plugins in general except the standard ones. But the glitch never disappeared. After that, I saved the entire game (the C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Oblivion folder) backed up to another disk, and simply deleted the files from the program. In its place, I restored it from the backup made immediately after installing all only official plugins, tried to run it, the glitch disappeared. Then I deleted the folder again and restored a little later the backup made with the following set of plugins:
Connected mods: 00 Oblivion.esm 01 All Natural Base.esm 02 CM Partners.esm 03 Oblivion Vwalk.esp 04 OblivionMsg.esp 05 DLCShiveringIsles.esp 06 DLCShiveringIsles Vwalk.esp 07 DLCShiveringIsles Vwalk DG_DS.esp 08 All Natural.esp - SI.esp 0A Immersive Interiors.esp 0B Immersive Interiors - Lights Addon.esp 0C Enhanced Water v2.0 HD.esp ++ Enhanced Water v2.0 HD - SI Addon.esp [version 0.1] ++ Real Lava 1.3.esp 0D All Natural - Real Lights.esp 0E WindowLightingSystem.esp 0F Personality Idles - Modified version.esp [version 1.3] ++ RealWalk.esp 10 DLCHorseArmor.esp 11 DLCOrrery.esp 12 DLCOrrery Vwalk.esp 13 DLCVileLair.espRazor.esp 14 DLCMehr 15 DLC MehrunesRazor Vwalk.esp 16 DLCSpellTomes.esp 17 DLCThievesDen.esp 18 DLCThievesDen Vwalk.esp ** All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp 19 ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Castles - All The Castles - Merged.esp 1A DLCBattleFhornCastcras .esp 1C DLCFrostcrag Vwalk.esp 1D Knights.esp ++ Knights Vwalk.esp 1E Imp eREAL Empire - Unique Forts.esp 1F ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Forts Vwalk.esp 20 Chapel Towers.esp 21 Is It Safe.esp 22 sr_spell_deletion.esp 23 SeductiveIdles.esp 24 MGothic Breton Race.esp 25 CM Partners.esp 26 CM Partners Vwalk .esp 27 CM Partners Special NPCs.esp 28 CM Partners Special NPCs Vwalk.esp 29 Sonia.esp 2A Sonia Vwalk.esp 2B DATiamsGirls.esp 2C KT_CustomRaceFix.esp 2D boethia custom race.esp 2E Liza_Estenblair.esp 2Fhed Bas Patch, 0. esp there is no glitch either.

The next backup I have is already with the kvatch rebult plugin and the replacement of standard armor models and clothes for the HGEC body (armor replayer). If I try to restore it, then there is a glitch right away. Moreover, it is buggy even if I disable everything in the download manager except for the standard plugins in it.

I had exactly the same error, only it occurred exclusively in stealth mode. Sinned incompatibility
Unnecessary_Violence and Dedli reflex, and the gray screen did not change in statics at all and disappeared when cornering. Anyway, when removing DR, the bug disappeared, you can dig here ...

Dedli reflex is not installed for me. And another glitch occurs only when viewed from the 1st person. From the 3rd it is not and if it switches during the glitch to the view from the 3rd person, then it disappears. If you immediately again return to the view from the 1st (do not move when switching), then it appears again.

I tried as you described to go into stealth mode. And I saw that it was buggy. Moreover, it is buggy even on the original assembly with official plugins and without anything superfluous (for example, plugins, programs, configs are not standard). But with this glitch, I found how to deal with it - it is enough to remove the slider of inner shadows in the standard game menu to a minimum and everything becomes ok in stealth mode. If you put at least one division to the right, then everything - again buggy in stealth mode. Of course, as I understand it, this is not a solution. completely deprived of shadows, but maybe someone will come up with another solution or this will give me an idea about my main problem.

And I can also post two save files on which this phenomenon can be observed at home. The only thing on Rapidchad and the like is that I do not have an account, and in my opinion, you cannot pick up files on the forum here.

Known Issues and Solutions

Installation problems
If you have uninstalled and reinstalled Oblivion several times, some systems may display an error the next time you try to uninstall Oblivion. To fix this, insert the Oblivion CD and run setup.exe. This will fix the error and you can uninstall and reinstall the game.

Saved Games
Your saved games are located in My Documents \ My Games \ Oblivion (or \ My Documents \ My Games \ Oblivion).

Before installing the game
Before installing Oblivion, please make sure your computer meets the system requirements for the game.

We also recommend doing preparatory steps by running ScanDisk and Disk Defragmenter prior to installation. These utilities are part of the Windows® operating system and can troubleshoot and fix disk problems that cause installation and / or gameplay issues.

To run these programs and optimize your hard drive:

  1. Open "My Computer".
  2. Right-click on the icon of the disk where you plan to install the game (usually C :).
  3. Click on "Properties"
  4. Select the "Service" tab.
  5. Click "Check Now" to start Scandisk.
  6. When Scandisk is finished, repeat steps 1-3 and click on "Defragment" to launch Disk Defragmenter.

    Please note that defragmentation can take a long time. Better to start it in the evening and leave it to work overnight.

ATI Crossfire
Game performance on systems using ATI Crossfire will be reduced until ATI releases updated drivers to support Oblivion.

Oblivion startup error messages:

They appear as messages about not found dlls, like "d3dx9_27.dll not found."

To fix the error, open the Oblivion DVD and locate the DXREDIST folder. Open it and run DXSETUP.exe. You will install the version of DirectX required for Oblivion to work.

Inability to create new saved games
If during the creation of a character while entering his name was pressed the Tab button, a problem may appear when the game tries to write the save to the corresponding folder. It occurs because the character name is included in the save file name in Windows. This usually happens when you try to switch to another program with the Alt-Tab keys while typing a name. If this happens, autosaves and quick saves will function correctly, but menu saves will not work. The problem can be solved by renaming the hero, such an opportunity will be provided just before leaving prison at the end of the character generation process.

The following will be helpful if the character creation process has been completed:

The player's name can be changed using the console by pressing the `(tilde) key and entering the following: player.SetActorFullName" Player Name "(where Player Name = the name of the character). Press RETURN and exit the console window by pressing the tilde again.

It is also possible to save games using the console, namely by pressing `(tilde) and entering the following: save filename (where filename = the name of the save file of your choice). Press RETURN and exit the console window by pressing the tilde again.

Input problems
Keyboard input problems can result from peripheral control devices. Editing Oblivion.ini might fix the problem. The Oblivion.ini file is located in the My Documents \ My Games \ Oblivion folder. In the section, change the setting "bUse Joystick = 1" to "bUse Joystick = 0" or simply unplug the peripherals. Make sure to save your changes. Note that changes to Oblivion.ini will not be saved if the game is running at the time of making them.

Frequent crashes of the game due to the old system file
For some users, the game may crash due to an old system file. They can be due to the "" file. Just rename it to "" to fix the problem.

Frequent game crashes when an HP printer is connected
The software bundled with your HP printer may cause the game to crash. Before starting Oblivion: Press Ctr-Alt-Del to bring up the task manager. Click on the Processes tab. Right-click on any process that begins with the letters "HP" and select "End." Then you can start Oblivion. Note: The computer must be restarted to use the printer again.

System Tray FF ​​Icons
Some players reported that "FF" icons appeared in the system tray during or after playing Oblivion. These are icons from a separate video / audio decoder you installed called "FFDShow." This program processes Oblivion sound files, which, according to some users, leads to a slowdown in the game, and after it there may be tray icons. Remove them by simply dragging the mouse over them after the end of the game. Removing FFDShow may fix this, but it is NOT required. You can follow the steps below to prevent FFDShow from processing sound for Oblivion anymore.

Instructions for disabling FFDShow for Oblivion without completely removing it:

  1. Click "Start".
  2. Click "All Programs" (or just "Programs", depending on the Windows setup scheme)
  3. Go to the ffdshow folder.
  4. Click "Audio decoder configuration."
  5. In the left pane, click on "Info & debug." This is the second line on the list.
  6. On the right pane, closer to the bottom, find the line with the checkbox "Don" t use ffdshow in: "
  7. Check the box and in the text box below it (it is highlighted when you check this line), add "oblivion.exe" (do not enter quotes). If there are already entries in the field, follow them with a semicolon (;) followed by oblivion.exe. DO NOT use spaces as ffdshow will treat them as part of the filename. The correct entry looks like "explorer.exe; oblivion.exe" (without the quotes).
  8. Finally, click "Ok" and start Oblivion.

Working with a gamepad

While the PC version of Oblivion is best suited for keyboard and mouse controls, you have the option to play with gamepads from various manufacturers. Due to their differences, you may need to make some changes to the Oblivion.ini file located in the My Documents \ My Games \ Oblivion folder. Below are the settings you can change to make an Xbox 360 controller attached to a PC work better with Oblivion. However, it should be noted that since the PC version of the game is optimized for playing with a keyboard and mouse, the gaming experience will NOT be the same as using a 360 controller for the Xbox 360 version of the game. These settings can also be applied to other gamepads, but the values ​​shown will need to be changed again. Finally, the button assignment must be set in the game itself in the "Settings-Control" section, invoked from the main menu, however, DO NOT change the movement settings (Forward, Backward, Left, Right), as this will overwrite the changes made to the Oblivion.ini file.

These are Oblivion.ini's default values:

iJoystickMoveFrontBack = 2
iJoystickMoveLeftRight = 1
fJoystickMoveFBMult = 1.0000
fJoystickMoveLRMult = 1.0000
iJoystickLookUpDown = 6
iJoystickLookLeftRight = 3
fJoystickLookUDMult = 0.0020
fJoystickLookLRMult = 0.0020

Modify these to improve the functionality of the 360 ​​controller connected to the PC.
; X = 1, Y = 2, Z = 3, XRot = 4, YRot = 5, ZRot = 6
iJoystickMoveFrontBack = 2
iJoystickMoveLeftRight = 1
fJoystickMoveFBMult = 2.0000
fJoystickMoveLRMult = 2.0000
iJoystickLookUpDown = 5
iJoystickLookLeftRight = 4
fJoystickLookUDMult = 0.7500
fJoystickLookLRMult = 0.7500

Make sure to save your changes. Note that changes to Oblivion.ini will not be saved if the game is running at the time of making them.

Oblivion Launcher updated
The updated launcher now includes options to change the automatically detected "Video Quality" settings. These include Very Low, Low, Medium, High, and Very High. If you select the "Default" value, then your system will be analyzed again and you will be offered the best settings for it.

5. Changes introduced by patch 1.2.0416

Error correction

Fixed bug caused by "bad" form IDs.

Fixed a situation where the game tried to use form IDs that are currently prohibited or not available.

Fixed an issue where form IDs were not properly marked as free, causing items to disappear from the game.

5. Changes introduced by patch 1.1 (PC and Xbox 360)

Approx. transl. For the attention of users of the Russian version Oblivion from 1C, released in June 2006.
The game was released with patch 1.1, so skip ahead to the Patch 1.2 Changes section

Plugin fixes

Fixed a bug when saving a game if the actor is in a new internal slot created in a plugin and loading the saved game without connecting the plugin.

Fixed a bug with loading saved games with a connected plugin containing new basic objects such as containers, NPCs and creatures.

Fixed bug with plugins modifying pathpoints scripts.

Companion NPCs no longer disappear after fast travel to an external slot modified by a plugin.

New scripted spell effects in the plugin now work correctly.

6. Changes introduced by patch 1.2

New features

10 New Achievements For Xbox 360 With Shivering Isles Add-On

Error correction

Improved level of detail (LOD) for terrain.

Optimization of the file upload system.

Taking items from dead creatures is no longer a crime.

Fixed a situation with incorrect saving of the state of the doors (closed / open).

NPCs are no longer "shown" on the screen when the player exits the Wait state menu with the "Cancel" button.

Fixed memory leak related to repeated sitting on a chair.

Environment reflection in windows now works correctly.

Fixed a situation when the player continued to be in the "battle" state, while the enemy was no longer nearby.

The player can no longer use the fast travel option while paralyzed.

Fixed "looping" dialogue in the case when a player is arrested by a guard with whom he has "friendly" relations.

Fixed a bug in the crime / punishment system for pickpocketing from a guard.

Summoned creatures from leveled lists now properly evaporate.

Fixed a situation where stolen items could lose their "stolen" status in the case of a female player.

Fixed "crash" that could occur when NPCs with arrows spawn.

Incorrect sounds are no longer played during loading screen.

Attacking a creature you own no longer triggers a crime report.

Fixed issue with incorrect loading of LOD when entering / exiting global areas (worldspaces).

Fixed a bug that allowed the player to achieve an infinite increase in the number of soul stones when throwing and picking up groups of stones.

Fixed "crash" when calling a creature and immediately exiting the player from the cell.

Fixed "crash" when stealing an item, exiting and immediately returning to the inner slot.

Fixed issue with incorrect playing of secondary (idle) NPC animation.

Fixed a random crash when a creature loses sight of the player.

Fixed a random crash associated with incorrect loading of NPCs participating in the battle.

Quest fixes

In the quest "Light the Dragonfires", an incorrect log entry has been fixed when the player has closed the Oblivion gate.

In the quest "Vampire Cure" / "Till Death do They Part", the situation with incorrect transfer of the cure potion from vampirism by Melisande to the player has been fixed.