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How to crimp a four-core network cable. How to crimp an internet cable at home. What tools are needed to work

Twisted Pair (Cat) Categories for Protection and Wiring

Before opening the question of how to compress a twisted pair, I want to shed some light on what network cables are. We are faced with twisted pair in two situations:

  • A network cable from an Internet provider laid into an apartment
  • Twisted pair cable that comes with any router to connect it to a computer

Today, in the world of high Internet speeds, in order to make the most of the full potential of the router and other network devices, it is extremely important that the patch cord meets the high security class. A technology in which the transmission of information over wires in the form of electrical impulses is highly susceptible to the influence of the surrounding electromagnetic field.

By the way, the name "twisted pair" appeared due to the design of the cable - inside it, under the braid, there are several pairs of conductors - usually 4 or 8 - twisted together by two.

The cheapest network cables (UTP) have a thin braid, inside which, without any additional content, twisted pairs of wires are laid. I would not recommend using such a cable even for the most trivial connection of a computer to a router.

But more often you come across Ethernet cables with shielding - additional protection laid under the braid in the form of a kind of foil to protect against extraneous interference. This category of twisted pair is quite suitable for solving most everyday tasks for connecting to a router.

If the distance between the devices is long - for example, you need to hook up an IP surveillance camera located far on the street with a LAN cable, and therefore the twisted pair cable goes through many rooms with different electromagnetic backgrounds, you need to use the most protected cable to reduce losses in data transmission.

  1. Twisted pair UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) is the first, most budgetary option when the cable is not equipped with any protection at all.
  2. FTP (Foiled Twisted Pair) - this is the type that I gave as the second - the network cable has one common protective foil layer for everyone, which is laid immediately under the braid.
  3. S / FTP or SSTP (Screened Foiled Twisted Pair) - foil shielded twisted pair, which has the protection of each group of wires plus the same external shield.
  4. U / STP (Unshielded Screened Twisted Pair - there is no external protection, but each pair has its own foil protection.
  5. STP (Shielded Twisted Pair) - This category of twisted cable has a separate foil shield for each pair and external protection made of fine wire mesh.
  6. SF / UTP or SFTP (Screened Foiled Unshielded Twisted Pair) is the most secure category, in which the shielded twisted pair has as many as two outer shields - one in the form of a copper mesh, and the other of foil. There is also a drain wire between them.

According to their purpose, twisted pairs are divided into 10 main categories. I will not list everything here, but will focus only on those that are suitable for use as an Internet network cable.

  • Cat 5D is a twisted pair consisting of 4 strands, i.e. 8 wires. Such a cable supports data transfer rates up to 100 Mbps using two pairs and 1000 Mbps - four.
  • The Cat 5E is an improvement over the previous category and is thinner and cheaper. The most common option for working with Fast and Gigabit Ethernet networks.
  • Cat 6E is the second most popular type of Ethernet network cable. It is unshielded, has 8 core pairs and supports data transfer rates up to 10 Gbps. Maximum distance - 55 meters
  • Cat 6A is a network cable consisting of 4 twisted pairs. Shielding type - S / FTP or F / FTP, the distance is already 200 meters
  • Cat 7F - 8 cores, S / FTP shielded, same speed - up to 10 Gbps
  • The 7A is the most advanced network cable, with 8 wires in its arsenal, shielded by the S / FTP type. Information is transmitted at speeds up to 40 Gbps over a line up to 50 meters long and up to 100 Gbps with a maximum distance of 15 meters.

Twisted Pair Crimping Tools

Surely many have come across such a situation when the "plug" of the Internet cable during operation got dirty, broke (especially often with a plastic latch) - in general, the contacts were loose and the Internet did not work well. The treatment is simple - you need to re-compress the network cable.

For this we need:

Schemes for crimping a twisted pair of a network cable Internet

We start with the fact that before compressing the twisted pair, you need to bite off and save the old connector - it will be an example for us in the future. And, of course, carefully, without damaging the "twisted pairs", clean the end of the new cable from insulation. To do this, you can use a special double knife on the purchased pliers, or simply open and clean the insulation with a penknife. In front of you will be 4 twisted pairs of colored wires. It is necessary to disconnect them from each other and bite them evenly so that they are all the same length.

Next, you need to decide on what scheme we will crimp the cable. And there are two of them. The safest way is to see how it was crimped before - on the bitten off connector. If you are crimping a twisted pair cable from scratch, then you have to think about it.

Direct crimping type - suitable for the case of crimping a network Internet cable in order to connect a computer to the Internet or a router. It is called straight because both ends are crimped in the same way. Since one end is already connected in your ISP's box, we only need to do this procedure 1 time. If you need to connect a PC to a router, then we crimp the second end in the same way as the first - that's why this type is called "straight". It is worth noting that for the Ethernet 100Base-T standard (speed up to 100 Mb / s), only 4 wires are used - orange and green. The rest are reserved for the higher-speed 1000 MB standard. And for direct crimping, there are two more subtypes - "A" and "B". The difference between them is that the orange and green wires are swapped (instead of orange - green, instead of orange and white - green and white). The sequence of wires in type "B" looks like this:

After removing the outer braid, it is necessary to straighten all the cores from our cable and fold them in the desired sequence according to the diagram - the main thing is not to confuse the colors of the twisted pair wires.

Next, the most important thing is to take the connector with the latch down in the left hand, and the network cable in the right hand. And carefully insert it into the grooves of the wiring - the main thing is that their sequence is not violated, otherwise nothing will work. We insert it all the way, after which we take the crimping pliers, insert the connector into the corresponding "connector" - there are several of them for different types of cables. Now all that remains is to squeeze the twisted pair - tightly clamp the clamps all the way so that the wires on the connector cut through the insulation and come into contact with the wires from the cable.

In this case, the common outer braid must go inside the connector to securely fix and prevent damage to small wires.

Another way to crimp a twisted pair cable is a crossover

Another type of cable that is suitable only for directly connecting two computers is crossover or crossover (from the English "cross" - cross). Here, the two ends have a different order of wires - one is of the "A" type, and the other is of the "B" type.

If everything was done correctly, then when you connect the patch cord to the computer, you should have the Internet working. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in crimping the network cable!

If your cables lie near the computer at random, or you accidentally stretched or tore the network cable from the Internet, then you need to decide how to crimp the RJ-45 network cable. You can crimp a cable in different ways, so I will tell you how to crimp a twisted pair cable correctly. And also consider the option if there are no special tools at hand. I chose this topic because computer networks are my profession and I have to work with network cables every day. First, let's find out what a network cable is.

A network cable is a conductor that includes eight copper wires (cores). These wires are twisted together, which is why this wire is often called a twisted pair. So, let's say we want to connect our computer to the Internet. For this we need a line to the modem - patch cord, computer and modem.

So, before you learn how to crimp a network cable, let's go through the list of tools we need to do this:

1.Cable twisted pair (1.5 meters is usually sufficient);

2.Side cutters or scalpel;

3. RJ-45 connectors and caps;

4. Tool for crimping (Crimper);

5. LAN - tester;

6. As well as a sober head and straight arms: oops :.
First of all, it will be necessary to remove the top layer of insulation from both ends of the twisted pair. The insulation can be removed using tweezers or a knife, which is located on the crimping tool.
You may be wondering: "How many millimeters of insulation should be removed from the ends of the twisted pair?" I'll tell you that 15-20 mm will be enough. It should be noted that the removal of insulation must be carried out carefully, without damaging the insulation of the cores themselves.

After you have removed the insulation from the two ends of the twisted pair, untwist the wires and straighten all the wires according to the crimp diagram below.

Further, it should be noted that cable crimping can be done in two ways:

Direct cable crimping. This method is suitable if you want to connect your computer to a local network or to the Internet.

Cross cable crimp. This method is used if you want to connect two computers together.

RJ-45 Network Cable Crimping Procedure

So, we choose the first method of crimping the twisted pair (straight). Next, we need two connectors and two caps. Caps are not a required attribute, but I strongly recommend you to use them, as they improve the strength at the junctions of the twisted pair with the connector, and you must admit that a patch cord with caps looks much more beautiful and neat. The caps are put on before crimping the connector.

After they are on the twisted pair, we proceed to connect the cable to the connector. In this case, it is necessary to be guided by the scheme of the direct method of crimping the twisted pair.

When connecting the cable to the connector, it is necessary to ensure that the wires of the wires do not cross and do not enter two wires into one socket. It often happens that at first the wires enter the connector easily, and in the places of the contact itself (connector socket) the wires are twisted, which in turn violates the crimping scheme. Having carefully checked the location of the wires in the connector after inserting them all the way, we proceed to crimping the twisted pair.

To do this, take the crimping tool in one hand, and with the other, holding the connector together with the twisted pair, place the connector in the special connector of the crimping tool. In the video below you can see how to compress a twisted pair cable:

Then carefully squeeze the crimping tool, this will lead to the shift of the contacts to the working position and, as a result, to their strong mechanical and electrical connection with the conductors. Do the same with the other end of the cable. After both ends of the cable are crimped, it is necessary to put the caps on the connectors.

The resulting cable is called that very patch cord. Next, it remains for us to check the correctness of the connection and the general performance of our product using a LAN tester.

We connect the connectors to the tester and turn on the power of the device. In the absence of errors by the direct crimping method, the indicators on the tester will resemble a running fire. More precisely, the signal will be sequentially transmitted from one contact to another, and the indicators on the tester will light up one after another in turn.

If, when testing the patchcord, you find that some of the indicators do not light up, then it means that there is a loose fit of the wire itself in the socket. In this case, I recommend that you crimp the cable again, since in most cases this problem happens precisely because the contacts are not crimped enough.

If re-crimping does not help, then it will be necessary to re-crimp the cable, but with a different connector. In this case, there is a high probability that the wires are twisted when they are inserted into the connector socket.

So, dear users, in this article you learned how to crimp network cables. If you do not have a crimping tool, connectors, a tester, then it will be cheaper to buy a ready-made patch cord. My goal in this article was to tell you how to make a patch cord yourself, and this goal is achieved. I hope this article was useful and interesting for you.

Some users are mistaken when they ask experts how to crimp an Internet cable? After reading the article, now you know that you need to ask how to crimp an RJ - 45 network cable. Thus, you make a clarification, and any specialist will immediately understand you.

Naturally, ordinary users do not have such tools at home. For this purpose, you can use a simple screwdriver and a small hammer (or without it). It can take a lot more time to do it without tools, but if there is no way out, then this option may be for you. I will not tell, it is better to watch the video:

In conclusion, I would like to once again congratulate Alexander Kozlov on the birthday of his Blog, wish him success in promoting and promoting the project, and also wish him all the best in other areas of life!

In recent years, wireless Internet communication has become more and more popular. Many have started using a wireless connection at home (using a modem and a SIM card, for example), but most still prefer a wired connection. And no wonder: inexpensive rates, high-quality connection, high connection speed.

There are practically no problems with this type of connection. However, sometimes non-standard situations arise. For example, a problem with the cable. So, its length may not be enough to move the cable to another room. Therefore, today we will talk about how to lengthen the cable.

In local networks, the so-called twisted pair is used - this is one of the communication cables, which consists of several insulated conductors. The cable category is always indicated on the cable.

Crimping twisted pair cable without a tool

To connect the cable to the equipment, the 8P8C connector is used, which is often called RJ45, which is, in general, the same thing.

Now let's talk about lengthening the cable.

Extension with adapter

You will need to purchase a patch cord. A patch cord is a factory-made cable or patch cord. For example, you can purchase a 5 meter patch cord, which would be enough to move the cable to another room.

In addition, you will need to purchase a twisted pair adapter, or, as it is also called, an RJ45 joiner.

Insert the patch cord into one connector, and your already crimped cable into the other. This is one of the most convenient and simplest ways to lengthen your internet cable.

Elongation by twisting

In this case, as you might have guessed, you will need to purchase a cable of the required length and twist it yourself. This is not so difficult to do, especially if you have even a little experience, but you need to twist it very carefully.

It is believed that when the cable is twisted, part of the signal is lost. This is true if the twisting itself is done anyhow. In addition, in some cases, the wire may break inside the strand, as a result of which the connection may be lost.

In general, this is far from the most ideal way to lengthen the cable, so it should only be used in extreme cases.

Buying a router

You can connect multiple computers to the network by purchasing a router. To do this, connect the main cable to the device in the WAN port, and connect the patch cord to the LAN port, which you connect with the other connector to the desired computer. Very convenient and inexpensive.

Of course, do not forget that using a router you can easily establish a wireless connection to which you can connect various devices that support Wi-Fi connections.

Installing RJ-45 Connectors on UTP (Twisted Pair) Cable

The procedure for installing connectors is best described by operations, and accompanied by photographs.

1. Cut the cable straight. Even if the old cut looks good, it is possible that moisture or dirt has penetrated under the casing. It is advisable to sacrifice 5-10 centimeters rather than risk getting a poor-quality connection.

2. Removing the shell. To install the connector, remove about half an inch (1.25 cm) of the conductors from the sheathing. Most crimping tools have a special device for this - a pair of blades and a stop. It is necessary to insert the end of the cable as far as it will go, and cut the insulation. It is to cut, not cut - it is important not to damage the cable cores. There should be enough chalk in the shell material to easily “break off” along the resulting notch line.

Rice. 5.2. Removing the cable sheath.

3. Sorting and aligning the conductors. Basically, it makes no difference which of the cable pairs will be connected to the transmitter of the AC adapter and which to the receiver. The main thing is that pairs are connected, and not conductors from different pairs.

Obviously, it is much easier to make all connectors the same, and even better according to a standard common to all connectors in the world. Fortunately, it is - EIA / TIA-568B.

Rice. 5.3. RJ-45 connector and wire crimping procedure.

You will notice that pairs are connected to the following pins - 1-2, 3-6, 4-5, 7-8. In 10 / 100baseT only the first two pairs of contacts are used - 1-2 and 3-6, the rest are reserved. If a 2-pair cable is used, then the pairs must be connected to these contacts, leaving the rest free.

To sort the conductors, you will inevitably have to unweave the pairs. This should be done to a minimum length (according to the standard, no more than 1.25 cm), as little as possible disturbing the structure of pairs, geometric dimensions and the pitch of the cable part not involved in the connector.

After the conductors are evenly laid and straightened, you need to align the edge - cut a little to one length.

Rice. 5.4. Aligning the conductors prior to insertion into the connector.

4. Insert the conductors into the connector smoothly and slowly. Each core must fall into its own groove inside the RJ-45, and reach the stop. It is convenient to control the process through the transparent housing of the connector (if necessary, you can use a magnifying glass). If any conductor has not gone through to the end, you need to pull the cable completely out of the connector and repeat the process starting from step 3.

Twisted pair: crimping methods, connection diagram

At least, it should go "behind" the retainer, so that after crimping it is held by the latter.

Rice. 5.5. RJ-45 connector crimp.

6. Before crimping, it is advisable to make sure once again that all cores and sheath of the cable are in place. After that, you can insert the connector into the corresponding socket on the tool, and in one motion (but smoothly), crimp. In this case, the sharp edges of the contacts will cut through the insulation and ensure reliable contact. And the retainer will be recessed inside the case, additionally securing the cable.

Rice. 5.6. Ready-made RJ-45 connector on the cable.

7. The connector is ready. Before using it, it is advisable to inspect it, paying special attention to the condition of the contacts. They must all protrude from the body to an equal height.

A similar sequence of actions must be performed with the other end of the cable. At the same time, it should be specially noted that there are two types of cables - straight (pins 1-2 and 3-6 of the first connector are connected to pins 1-2 and 3-6 of the second) and cross (pins 1-2 and 3-6 of the first connector connect to pins 3-6 and 1-2 of the second).

Rice. 5.7. Straight-through and crossover cable

The physical meaning is quite simple - the transmitter of one device must be connected to the receiver of another. Therefore, a crossover cable must be used to connect the same devices (for example, two computers). In hubs, switches, and similar equipment, cross-wiring is structurally laid, and a straight cable version is used to connect them to a computer.

At the same time, for example, two hubs, two switches, or a hub with a switch can be connected in two ways. Either a crossover cable to the regular ports, or a straight through cable to the uplink ports (some models use a special switch to change the port pinout). In new active equipment, this problem is usually solved drastically - the auto-selection function has been introduced, so any option for wiring pairs in the cable will work fine.

For additional protection of the cable from mechanical damage, a protective cap can be used near the connector. A simple and cheap measure, which, unfortunately, is often neglected. In addition, some types of protective caps prevent breakage (by rough handling) of the RJ-45 connector latch.

To install the connector into the socket of the network adapter, no additional skills are required - it is absolutely impossible to make a mistake. The only thing worth paying attention to is to check the quality of fixation (the connector should not be removed without pressing the corresponding element).

Wireless technologies are definitely beginning to lead in the organization of home and office networks, but they will never replace wired ones, and if this happens, it will not be in the near future. Most of the providers mount their wires directly to the client, and only then the work of WiFi routers begins. There are several types of LAN cables, they differ in channel bandwidth, method of connecting to a computer, laying method and others. Let's consider in order how the standards have changed, what they were, and what is used today.

What is a LAN cable

The choice of conductor is initially always determined by the LAN topology, and the most common are coaxial wires and twisted pair. Fiber-optic technologies are now widespread, but it is still an evolving standard, used mainly for long-distance backbones. It is not widely used for end-user connection. So, LAN wire Ethernet comes in two flavors:

  • Coaxial - which is a single-core wire with a screen, separated from each other by insulating material or an air gap.

    How to crimp a LAN network cable with your own hands

    Very much like a television wire with a resistance of 70 ohms.

  • "Twisted pair" - consists of eight wires intertwined in pairs. Each core is color coded for ease of installation. The colors are fixed and described in the specification and all manufacturers of products adhere to these rules.
  • Fiber optic or fiber optic - has a very complex design and is quite expensive to install. The signal is transmitted in it in the form of light pulses through special light guides.

In the 90s of the last century, exclusively coaxial wire was used to build local networks, and on its basis such well-known topologies as "bus" and "ring" were developed. A little later, a twisted pair star topology appeared, which is still the most demanded and popular architecture for local and wide area networks. Now is the time to stop and describe each used LAN cable separately.

Coaxial cable and connectors used

This type of wire is the oldest of all conductors. This cord has one core of copper or aluminum, which is covered with a thick layer of insulating material. Next comes the screen, made in the form of a tape, encircling the central core of aluminum or copper sludge. The upper outer layer is a sheath that protects the conductors from damage, made of polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride. There are several types of such a cable used for a LAN:

  • 10Base 5 is a 12mm thick conductor with a total impedance of 50 ohms for Category 8 and 75 ohms for Category 11. The data transfer rate does not exceed 10 Mbit / s for distances between end nodes up to 500 meters.
  • 10Base 2 - Slim, about 6mm in diameter, most common for home or small office networks. Its resistance is 50 ohms, but the maximum length is 185 meters at a speed of 10 Mbps.

Due to good insulation, the signal in the conductor is practically not extinguished, i.e. packets are not lost, and additional algorithms are not needed to check the transmitted or received information. The only drawback is the rather high production cost and low speed, so it was subsequently supplanted by "twisted pair".

"Twisted pair" - types and methods of crimping

LAN cable"Twisted pair" got its name due to the fact that it consists of eight cores, intertwined in pairs. Each core is insulated in a color that is strictly specified in the specification. Polyvinyl chloride or polyethylene is used as external insulating material to protect the signal from electromagnetic interference. There are several types of such a cable:

  • UTP (Unshelded Twisted Pair) is an unshielded modification most often used for laying home or office networks when there is no strong interference on the transmitted signal.
  • FTP (Foiled Twisted Pair) is a cable with an additional aluminum foil shield under the outer insulation.
  • STP (Shelded Twisted Pair) - in addition to the general screen, it has an additional one, for each pair separately.

Twisted pair has 7 categories, and the higher the category number, the more protected the wire from electromagnetic radiation. For Ethernet networks, Category 5 (CAT5) cable is used, which has a bandwidth of 100 MHz. It is recommended that when installing new objects, use a more advanced modification of CAT5e for higher frequency signals with a bandwidth of 125 MHz.

Twisted pair is used to create a connection at speeds from 100 Mbit / s to 40 Gbit / s, depending on the category and quality of the cable itself and on its length between end devices. Typically, the segment length should not exceed 100 m.

The wire must have a connector for connecting to network devices. For twisted pair, an RJ-45 connector (8P8C - 8 position and 8 contacts) is used. Inside the connector there are special grooves with contacts for each core. There are several options for crimping network cables: forward and reverse (crossover). A direct patch cord is used to connect a computer to a router or switch, or to connect active network equipment to each other. Crossover is used quite rarely and is used to connect two computers together. Currently, almost all manufacturers install "smart" network cards, which do not care about the location of the wiring in the connector, but it is advisable to adhere to the standards and arrange the wires as it is written in the specification. This will help avoid collisions in the entire network. To make a straight LAN wire the cores are arranged in the following order at both ends:

  • white and orange;
  • Orange;
  • white and green;
  • blue;
  • white and blue;
  • green;
  • white-brown;
  • Brown.

To make a patch cord for ease of operation, special pliers are used - a crimper (or "crimping" in the common people). The crimper allows not only to evenly clamp the wire in the connector, but also to properly cut and strip the insulation. In exceptional cases, you can use a flathead screwdriver or knife, but then the quality will not be satisfactory. There are connectors that can be clamped without a crimper, but they are designed for soft stranded wires and may not work with standard twisted pair.

Fiber optic cable

Fiber optic is the most advanced technology for transmitting signals over long distances at high speed. The difference in signal transmission is that not electricity, but light is used as a pulse. Light is transmitted through the strands of glass fiber by reflecting off the inner walls of the conductor. Several signals can be transmitted simultaneously: they will not intersect or extinguish each other. The speed of information transfer over such a cable is limited by the capabilities of only the network cards or adapters themselves. The cable is not subject to interference and is made of non-flammable materials.

The cost of such a cable is relatively low compared to other conductors, but its installation can only be carried out by qualified personnel using high-precision and expensive equipment, so it is almost impossible to use it at home. But such a conductor has found wide application for laying highways, because the distances between signal amplifiers can reach hundreds of kilometers. Some providers already provide a service for connecting optics to the house, but end devices are still connected via twisted pair, so it is this that is the fundamental standard for networking.

The need to crimp an Internet cable at home without the help of an Internet provider does not often arise. For example, such a need may arise if you move your computer or router to another room. In this article, you will learn how to properly crimp an Internet cable at home with your own hands.

Step # 1. Preparing to crimp the Internet cable.

In order to properly crimp an Internet cable at home, you need a minimum of equipment. First, you need the cable itself. If we are talking about an Internet cable, then you already have it. This cable was led to you by your ISP. Second, you need RJ-45 connectors (photo below).

These connectors can be purchased at computer stores or ordered online. Usually these connectors are sold in packs of 100, but you can also find them individually. If you buy by the piece, it is better to take with a margin, in case something goes wrong.

You will also need a tool for crimping the Internet cable (photo below) also known as a crimper or simply "crimp". This tool can also be found in small computer stores or on the Internet.

If you are not ready to buy a crimper, then you can get by with a simple screwdriver and do it yourself. But, in this case, the process of crimping the Internet cable becomes a little more complicated.

Step # 2. Remove the outer layer of insulation.

If you want to crimp your internet cable, the first thing you need to do is remove the outer layer of insulation. This can be done using a sharp knife or blade on the cable crimping tool (crimper).

Twisted pair crimping, network cable routing, rj-45 crimping.

Walk the blade around the insulation of the internet cable in a circle and remove about 2-3 centimeters of the insulation.

In doing so, be careful not to damage the internal wiring. If the inner conductors were nevertheless damaged, then this section of the cable must be completely cut off and the process of crimping the Internet cable must be started again.

Step # 3. Prepare the inner conductors.

Next, you need to untwist all the twisted pairs of conductors inside the Internet cable and straighten them slightly. It is not necessary to torment them especially so that fractures do not form inside the conductors. Just unwind and align a little.

After you have removed the insulation from the Internet cable and straightened the conductors, you need to arrange them in the correct order. There are four standards for the order of conductors in a connector. These are two standards for straight-through cable (TIA / EIA-568B and TIA / EIA-568A) and two standards for crossover. You can learn more about schematics that determine the order of conductors here.

In most cases, you will need to use the TIA / EIA-568B straight wiring diagram (illustration below) to crimp your internet cable. If your internet cable has already been compressed before, then you can simply see how the conductors were located in the old RJ-45 connector.

After you have decided on the circuit, align the conductors and arrange them in one line in the desired order (as in the photo below). If the conductors are too long, they must be shortened. It is convenient to do this with the blade on the internet cable crimper (crimper).

Now you need to shove these wires into the RJ-45 connector. If they are located in one line, then they will enter easily and each will take its place inside the connector.

Before proceeding directly to crimping the cable, make sure that all conductors have reached the end of the connector.

Step number 4. We crimp the Internet cable using a special tool (crimper).

After the cable is inserted into the RJ-45 connector, you can start crimping. To do this, insert the connector into the crimper and squeeze the handles of this tool firmly enough.

If you don't have a crimper, you can get by with a simple screwdriver. In this case, you need to push through each contact on the RJ-45 connector using a screwdriver.

At this point, the process of crimping the Internet cable can be considered complete. Connect the cable to your computer and check if there is internet. If there is no internet, then you have done something wrong. Try cutting off the RJ-45 connector and crimping the internet cable again.

Twisted pair crimp diagram. What is it and what is it eaten with?

A twisted pair cable is a special cable made up of four pairs of copper conductors twisted together.

Thanks to this design, it is possible to significantly reduce the impact of all kinds of interference.

Cables are widely used for - this method of transmitting and receiving information deservedly remains the most reliable, fast and convenient.

Twisted Pair Crimp

Twisted pair crimping refers to the procedure for attaching special connectors located at the end of the cord.

The connectors are usually 8-pin 8P8C connectors, known to most of us as RJ-45. Connectors can be of two types:

  • unshielded - intended for UTP wire;
  • shielded - for cables or STP.

The choice of a connector should be taken very carefully, some of them are used only by professionals, because their installation requires knowledge, experience and skill.

Note! It is better not to buy connectors with an insert - their purpose is designed specifically for soft and, in particular, stranded wires, and it is very inconvenient to use them to fix a solid copper cable.

The connector is easy to figure out on your own, its design is quite simple and straightforward - inside the device there are 8 grooves-grooves (for each copper core of the cord), at the top of which there are metal contacts.

To correctly determine the numbering of the contacts, you need to turn the connector so that the contacts are located at the top, with the latch towards you.

In this case, the input connector will be located opposite. In this position, contact # 1 will be on the right, and # 8, respectively, on the left.

The numbering is important information when performing the crimping procedure.

Therefore, be sure to remember how to determine correctly, this will help to properly fix the wire and establish the connection.

There are a couple of schemes for distribution: EIA / TIA-568A and EIA / TIA-568B. The difference between the diagrams lies in the arrangement of the cores.

Since all four pairs of cores twisted inside the cord have insulation of different colors, everyone can repeat the connection scheme on their own.

Important! We always start laying from the first contact to the eighth.

The color arrangement of the cores in the 568A scheme:

  1. white and green;
  2. green;
  3. white and orange;
  4. blue;
  5. white and blue;
  6. Orange;
  7. white-brown;
  8. Brown.

Twisted pair crimp circuit 568A is used to interconnect computers when creating a local area network.

The color arrangement of the cores in the 568B scheme:

  1. white and orange;
  2. Orange;
  3. white and green;
  4. blue;
  5. white and blue;
  6. green;
  7. white-brown;
  8. Brown.

This table is useful if you need to establish a connection between the router and the computer.

Crimping methods

Network wires, designed to connect computers and various types of network equipment, use two options for crimping the cable - cross and straight.

Direct crimping of the cord is used in the manufacture of a cable that will serve to connect various types of network equipment and client devices to a computer, as well as to connect network equipment with each other.

This crimping method is the most widespread and frequently used one.

The cross crimping method is used in the manufacture of a wire intended for connection to each other.

At the same time, additional equipment is not involved in switching.

Less commonly, a crossover cord is used by connecting the old ones into a network through up-link ports.

To make a straight view, you can use any crimping scheme, the main condition is that both ends of the cable are crimped identically.

The most common 568V circuit is used to create a straight line cord.

Sometimes, to make a straight type, you can use not four twisted pairs, but only two.

With this cable, you can connect two pieces of computer equipment to the network.

This method of crimping a twisted pair in RJ-45 is used if there is no high local traffic in the plans, the data exchange rate will be equal to 100 Mbit / s.

For example, an rj45 pinout scheme is shown, in which green and orange are involved. For other crimps, brown replaces orange and blue replaces green.

But the instructions for connecting the contacts remain unchanged.

If you need to make a crossover cable, one end is 568A, and the other 568V.

In the manufacture of such a cable, all eight copper conductors are certainly involved.

If you need to make a crossover that will provide a data exchange rate between computers up to 1000 Mbps, a special crimping method is used.

One end will be crimped according to the example of the 568V circuit, and the other end has a rj45 pinout by colors:

  1. white-green;
  2. green;
  3. white and orange;
  4. white-brown;
  5. Brown;
  6. Orange;
  7. blue;
  8. white and blue.

This crimp scheme differs from the 568A already considered by us - the brown and blue pairs mutually replaced each other, maintaining the general sequence.

If both ends of the cable are clamped according to the 568B scheme, we get a straight-through network cable that is suitable for connecting a PC to a switch.

If one end of the cable is crimped according to the 568V scheme, and the other - according to the 568A scheme, we have a crossover cable suitable for connecting computers.

If you need to make a gigabit crossover cable, then a special crimp scheme must be applied.

Crimping twisted pair to RJ-45

To crimp a twisted pair in RJ-45, you need a special tool - a crimper, a special type of pliers with several working zones.

Twisted pair crimping. Lesson: how to crimp an internet cable

A video on how to properly crimp a twisted pair cable at home.

After getting acquainted with the diagrams and standards for crimping the "twisted pair" cable, as well as with the network builder's tools, it is time to move on to practice.
Today we'll talk about how to crimp a twisted pair cable using special pliers to get a patch cord for connecting a computer with network equipment (router, switch) or two PCs with each other. But first, let's remember what is needed for this. So…

UTP cable with shielded RJ45

Materials and tools

Before proceeding with the operation, prepare the following:

    • Sections of wire, taking into account the limitation in length. In Ethernet networks of 10Base-T, 100Base-T, 100Base-TX, 1000Base-T, 1000Base-TX standards - the maximum segment length is 100 m.

UTP cable 4 pairs

    • RJ45 connectors (8P8C) - at least two for one post-cord. These are small "parts" made of transparent plastic with a number of metal contacts. Inside their cases are gold-plated "knives" that cut through the conductors, forming a strong connection with the contacts. Outside, each connector is equipped with a “tab” - a retainer to hold the cable inside the socket of the device. Connectors are available in several types: for single-core, multi-core cables, as well as universal. For shielded twisted pair, shielded connectors are used - covered with a layer of metal, which is internally connected to the shield of the wire.

    • (we will tell you how to compress a twisted pair cable without it in another material). We wrote earlier about how to choose a crimper for home or work, so we hope you already held this tool in your hands and imagine how to use it.

    • Stripper - a knife for neatly stripping the insulation from the wire. Instead, you can use a sharp stationery knife, a cutter mounted in a crimper, or nail scissors.

    • Cable tester. With its help, we will check how well the crimp is performed - whether all conductors are connected to their contacts, and also whether there are crossings and short circuits inside the patch cord.

Network cable tester

Crimping schemes

Now let's remember a little. Since we also talked about it, we will give only the layout of the conductors for direct and cross (crossover) crimping. Direct, as you remember, is used in connections of the computer-to-network device type, and crossover is used between two switches or two PCs.

Straight crimp

Since in our country they are more accustomed to the layout of conductors according to type B (T568B), we give it. Type A differs from it only in the location of the green and orange twists - they change places. According to the standard, both crimping options are equivalent and interchangeable.

Crimping procedure

Finally, we turn to the main thing - how to properly crimp a twisted pair. We will tell you step by step:

  1. Cut a piece of wire from the coil. Use special crimper blades, knife or side cutters for cutting. Trying to make the cut even and neat at this stage is not necessary - you will align it later;
  2. Step back from the cut 3-5 cm. Using a stripper or other tool, make a circular cut in the outer insulation without damaging the conductors and the shield (if the wire is shielded). Remove the cut off part of the insulation;

    Removing the insulation

  3. Unwind the strands and arrange the strands in the desired order according to one of the above schemes. Pull the nylon thread, which gives the cable strength, back;

    We measure the stripped veins

  4. Step back from the cut of the outer insulation 12-14 mm. Cut the ends of the conductors strictly perpendicular to the cable axis - so that they are all the same length;

    Cut off excess

  5. Align the wires and insert the end of the cable into the RJ45 connector until it stops. So that when viewed from the side of a row of contacts, the orange-white (green-white) vein is located at the top;

    Putting on the connector

  6. Then the twisted pair cable is crimped directly: insert the connector into the “8P” crimper socket and squeeze the tool until it clicks;

    Crimping the connector

  7. Check that it is securely fastened: pull the cable and connector with your hands in different directions. A properly connected connector cannot be pulled out even by force. Make it a habit to do this at all times so as not to create unnecessary problems for yourself or for other people: a loosely attached connector can come off the cable when it is inserted into the socket of the device. And getting him out of there is very difficult;
  8. The next step is testing the patch cord. Connect the connectors to the tester (it doesn't matter which module to which module). Turn on the device and observe the behavior of the LEDs. If the crimping is done well, green lights will turn on alternately on both modules. The absence of a glow of any indicator indicates an open conductor, and a red light indicates that this core is crossed or short-circuited;

    We check the correctness and reliability of the connection

If a defect is found, the cable will have to be crimped again. If everything is ok, it is ready to use.


Now you have learned how to properly crimp a twisted pair cable. Do not be discouraged if something did not work out - not everyone succeeds the first time. Someone needs two or three attempts, while someone has to “torment” a dozen times and ruin a bunch of RJ45 connectors, since they are inexpensive.

As a result, this craft is mastered by everyone, which means that everything will work out for you.

Read about that in our next materials.