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How to add a file to startup windows 7. Adding programs to startup

In the Windows 8.1 operating system, the situation is somewhat different. Now the system is deprived of the start menu, and the metro interface does not provide access to the "Startup" folder.

Programs can still be added to startup using the same Startup folder and by editing system registry... But since it is much easier and easier to drop the necessary programs into a folder than poking around in the system registry, we will consider only the first option.

Adding programs to startup Windows 8.1

To add a program to startup using the Startup folder, you just need to find it, which is not so difficult. In Windows 8.1, the treasured folder is located at:

C: \ Users \ UserName \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Start Menu \ Programs \ Startup

It turns out a long enough road to open the "Startup" folder. No matter how long it takes to go through such a long way, we adopt a simple command.

Shell: startup

To execute a command, just use dialog box"Run" which is called by the keyboard shortcut "Win + R" Or insert the command into address bar in any folder. After completion, the cherished folder "Startup" will open

Now all that remains is to drop the shortcuts of the required programs into the "Startup" folder and these programs will be launched together with the system. With these simple steps, you can add a program to startup in Windows 8.1.

If you want the added programs to start at startup for all users, then the program shortcuts must be placed in another folder, which can be opened using the "shell: Common Startup" command.

Perhaps this is the simplest and quick way, add the program to startup in the Windows 8.1 operating system.

Well, after a short break, it's still time to continue learning Personal Computer, as well as its functionality, or rather the possibilities operating system Windows 7. We have already covered a lot of things in the "" section of the site, and today it's the turn of the startup of programs and applications. Windows 7 startup is a feature, or rather a functionality that automatically loads some programs and components that have been added there. Some programs are added there automatically after installing them on a computer - these are antiviruses, drivers and ICQ and so on ... But, some programs are also launched by us without fail. For example, I have this Firefox browser... So let's talk about how to add a program to the Windows 7 startup so that it starts right after the operating system boots. For this we do not need to install any additional programs or software, everything can be made standard Windows tools, the main thing is to know how!

How to add a program to startup
Here we have several ways to do this, you can just drag the file into a specific folder, or you can go into the registry and create a forced command there to start the program that we want to add to startup. But the second method does not differ in any way from the first, and we will talk about it in the next article, when we consider how to remove programs from startup, and today we will take a closer look at the first method.
And so, in Windows 7 there is a specially designed for this, which is located along the path C: \ Users \ YOUR USER\ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Start Menu \ Programs \ Startup, but the easiest way to get there is by clicking, clicking right click mouse and select "Open".

A folder will open, in which the shortcuts of any programs may already be located, and in order to add there new program, it is enough to copy the program shortcut there or just drag it.

And the next time you start the system, the program will start automatically.
Well, that's all there is to this article. I tried to explain everything in the most detailed and understandable way, but if you have any questions, I will definitely answer them in the comments. In the process of performing the above actions, it will be useful to know how

For a number of reasons, the user sometimes needs to make certain programs load when the computer is turned on. This is done for convenience and sometimes out of necessity. In this article we will talk with you about how to add a program to startup in Windows 7. I want to say right away that this instruction will help you even if you have a different version: Windows 8 and XP.

By the way, this article is a kind of addition to the existing article "", from which you can learn other common methods. Be sure to read this article!

When you turn on the computer, your operating system is loaded first and some programs that are already in startup, for example Skype, are automatically loaded with it. But you can independently specify which programs you want to download automatically.

It is important to remember and understand that the programs you have added, for example, in the amount of 7-10 pieces, will slow down the computer boot, since these programs need time to start in the system.

There are various ways to add programs to startup, and some programs have this function already built in. Below I will tell you how to add a program to startup in Windows 8, 7 and XP using standard Windows tools, and also consider an example of how this can be done using the registry.

To add programs to startup, there are programs that perform this operation, but I would not recommend installing them just because of this function. Since you can add the desired program to autoload using standard operating system tools.

Windows built-in tools

To automatically launch the desired application after loading the operating system, you will need to use the program shortcut. There is an article on the blog in which I examined in detail working with labels, if you want to know how labels are created visually, then this article will help you: "".

To create a shortcut, you need to right-click on the name desired file exe and select "Create Shortcut".

Then move this shortcut to the startup folder "Start" - "All Programs" - "Startup" or C: \ Users \ Your Account \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Start Menu \ Programs.

In Windows 8, you will need to do it a little differently. Open Run (Win + X) and type shell: Common Startup, then press Enter. Now copy all the necessary shortcuts to this folder and restart the computer to see if you have done everything successfully.

Also, some programs have a built-in function that allows you to put the program at startup. That is, you do not need to add manually, but just click on desired button... It will be named something like this: "Start with Windows" or "Start automatically with Windows". Well, I think you get the point.

These methods of putting a program into Windows startup are simple and will not harm the system. But we must remember that many programs in startup are not good.

Editing the registry

If you are more confident computer users, then you can use another method: you need to register autorun in the registry the required program... You need to be careful with the registry, because even a minor error can lead to unstable operation of the operating system.

So let's open the registry. To do this, you need to open "Start" - "Run" and write in the window that opened "regedit", click "OK".

On the left side of the window, navigate to the following branch (choose the one that works for you):

For the user

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run

For all users:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run

Then, on the right side of the window, data will appear, which indicates the programs that start with Windows. In order to add your program to this list, you need to right-click on an empty space in the right part of the window and select "New" - "String parameter". You can give any name, but of course it is better to name it as the program that you want to write in this parameter.

Right-click on the name of the new parameter and select "Change" or double-click with the left mouse button. A window will appear where you need to enter the path to your program, written in quotes. To check yourself, go to another parameter and see how it is spelled out there.

Now you can restart your computer and check your work. That's basically all I wanted to say about how to add a program to startup in Windows 7, XP and 8,

You can also use the scheduler to make the program load automatically at the scheduled time. But I'll tell you about this another time.

In this article, we will consider the issue of autorun in Windows 10. We will find out where to locate the programs that need to be added to autorun, how to remove them from there, where the autorun folder is located in the "Top Ten" and which third party applications can help to work more conveniently with autorun.

Startup applications start together with OS Windows 10. This can be, for example, antivirus, Skype or others. social networks, cloud storage and so on. But along with useful applications, there may be unnecessary programs, sometimes even malicious ones. If we accumulate a lot of unnecessary software, this will lead to the fact that the PC will not only start up slower, but also work poorly. Below we will look at how to add required applications to autoload and remove unnecessary from there.

The simplest tool for working with autorun is the task manager. Let's take a look at how this is done.

  1. First, we launch the task manager itself. To do this, click the right button of the manipulator on the "Start" button and select the desired item.

You can also get into the task manager through the OS search tool. To do this, click on the magnifying glass icon on the taskbar and write a request in the search field. Next, click on the result.

  1. If the tool was launched for the first time, expand it by clicking the Details button.

  1. Go to the "Startup" section in which there is a list of software launched together with the system.

  1. Here you can see the creator of the program (the "Publisher" tab), see its status (enabled or disabled) and assess the degree of impact on the speed Windows boot Also, using the context menu, you can disable the application, enable it (if disabled), see where the file is located, see information about it on the Internet and go to the "Properties" menu.

Not all applications that start with the OS are displayed in the autorun of the task manager.

How to add a program to Windows 10 startup via the system directory

Users are often interested in where the autorun folder is located in the "Ten", we answer, you can find it along the following path: C: \ Users \ your name \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Start Menu \ Programs \ Startup

But there is also an easier way to open this directory. To do this, use the simultaneously held down Win + R keys to launch the Run tool, and enter the following command into it: shell: startup. We press "OK".

If we put a shortcut to any application in startup, it will start running along with the system.

Sometimes adding a program to autorun in this way may not work. If this happens to you, use a more functional method - autostart through the registry.

How to add a file to Windows 10 startup via the registry

Let's consider how to get to the OS startup menu using the regedit utility.

  1. Launch the Run tool by pressing the Win + R buttons simultaneously. In the window that opens, write regedit and click "OK".

  1. We follow the path indicated in the picture. In the right half of the window, we are waiting for a list of programs launched together with the OS.

  1. Using the context menu, you can delete an unnecessary entry. To do this, click on the name right key mouse and click "Delete".

  1. You can immediately create new entry... To do this, click on the empty space of the right half of the window and click on "Create" - "String parameter".

  1. Next, rename the key as you like. We will run the calculator.

  1. Open the record by double-clicking the left mouse button and indicate the path to the object that should start with the system. When finished, click "OK".

After that, the calculator will start running along with the system. If we open autorun in the task manager, we will see a new entry there, which confirms the addition of the calculator to autoload.

  1. We can edit the list of programs launched together with the system and for all users. To do this, click on the "Run" folder in the registry editor with the right key of the manipulator and select the item indicated in the screenshot.

You can work with this section in the same way as with HKEY_CURRENT_USER.

Editing Autostart with Windows 10 Task Scheduler

Another option for working with Windows 10 autostart is Task Scheduler. Let's figure out how to handle it.

  1. Initially, we launch the application. To do this, click on the magnifying glass icon on the taskbar and enter your request in the search field. As soon as the result appears, run it.

  1. The task scheduler interface will open, click on the "Library" section. On the right side of the program, we can see all the tasks scheduled on the PC.

  1. Click on any entry and see detailed description at the bottom of the window. In this case, it is the Google Chrome update service.

  1. We can right-click on the unnecessary entry and in context menu select the "Delete" item.

  1. In Task Scheduler, you can create a new action. To do this, in the rightmost column of the window, select the "Create task" item.

  1. Fill in the name and description of the new task in the appeared wizard.

  1. Go to the "Actions" section and click "Create".

  1. Click on the "Browse" button and select the program that will be launched upon completion of this task. Next, click "OK".

  1. This completes the creation of a new task, you can click on the "OK" button.

As you can see, our task has been created, and the calculator is included in the list of planned actions.

Note: Windows 10 Task Scheduler is a very flexible tool, we have considered only the simplest algorithm for working with it. In fact, there is a possibility of creating additional conditions and functions.

Controlling autorun in Windows 10 using third-party software

Today there are a huge number of free and at the same time functional utilities capable of implementing autorun Windows programs 10. Below we will look at two of the best.

Autoruns from Microsoft

This is an official Microsoft tool with very broad functionality. You can download the program by clicking the button below.

It is unnecessary to install the application, it is fully compatible with any Windows versions, including the "Ten" is supported. The main advantage of Autoruns. Its ability to display simultaneously all tasks and programs that will be independently launched together with the system is.

In addition, there are a number of additional functions:

  • scanning applications with VirusTotal antivirus;
  • showing the location of the planned program;
  • showing the autorun option;
  • viewing data about the process in the network;
  • deleting an object from autorun.

For an unprepared user, the program may seem too confusing, especially at first glance. But not everything is as bad as it seems, after understanding a little, you will get an excellent tool for working with startup in Windows 10, which simply has no equal. You can add a folder, file, shortcut, gadgets, or even a bat file to autorun.


There is another option for working with autorun, it is simpler, more familiar, and besides, it is completely Russified. This is CCleaner. You can find startup in the "Service" tab.

Here you can delete unnecessary entries or disable them. In addition, CCleaner has a number of other useful features that make it an indispensable tool that every computer must have.

If after reading the article you still have questions, write them to us in the comments, and we will give an intelligible answer as soon as possible.

Video about working with startup in Windows 10

), over time I switched to portable versions of some of the programs. No, these are not basic types Microsoft Office(which I, by the way, is also licensed like the absolute majority of programs on a computer), I'm talking about small things. For example, my favorite lightweight audio player Aimp, an HFS file server, or the program I use to take screenshots for articles is Screenshot Captor. There are more programs, but I will not list them now. I named these two because they are in my startup. That is, they are loaded automatically when the computer is turned on. And today I will tell you several ways on how to add any program you need to startup.

Here are the methods that I will describe today, by clicking on the link you will go directly to the method you are interested in:

1. Adding to startup through the startup folder of programs.

Let's start with the very easy way... The essence of the method is simple, you need to place the program shortcut in a special autorun folder.

Go to one of the following folders:

a) If you want the program to run only for the current user, then insert the following line into the address bar of the explorer (if you want to go manually, then % USERPROFILE%- this is the folder C: \ Users \ * your user \):
% USERPROFILE% \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Start Menu \ Programs \ Startup

b) If you want the program to run for all users, then insert:
C: \ ProgramData \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Start Menu \ Programs \ StartUp

After inserting, press Enter on keyboard.

We minimize the explorer window with the selected folder and start creating a shortcut. To do this, press right mouse button by the shortcut or executable file of the program and select " Copy«.

We return to the past window, press right mouse button on empty space in the folder and select " Insert shortcut«.

2. Adding to startup via the "Windows Registry Editor".

As the name of the method implies, we first need to open the registry editor, many methods are described. I suggest, just press Win + R and write regedit.

a) Autostart only for the current user, so we go to the branch:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run

b) Autostart for all computer users - go to the section:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run

As you can see from the screenshot, to add a program to autorun, you need to create a string parameter. Right-click on an empty space on the right side of the window and select: "New" → "String parameter".

Enter some name for the parameter. And double-click on it. The full path to the executable file must be inserted into the "Value" line. And click OK.

3. Adding to startup via "Windows Task Scheduler".

To begin with, no matter how logical it sounds, you need to open the task scheduler. To do this, go to the "Control Panel" → the "System and Security" group → "Administrative Tools" and select "Task Scheduler". But it can be simpler, press Win + R and enter taskschd.msc

Select the "Scheduler Library" on the left, and "Create a simple task" on the right. The New Job Wizard will start. Enter the name of the task and click "Next".