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Creating a community in VK. How to create a group on VKontakte - step by step instructions. We create a VKontakte group from scratch.

Updated: 28 July 2017

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Today Vkontakte is the most visited social network on the Runet. Her capabilities went far beyond simple communication with friends and finding new acquaintances. But, about the device and configuration of which we have already talked in some detail.

Communities are still used today to promote goods and services, find new customers, and develop websites and blogs. Therefore, information about how to create a group on VKontakte, is extremely useful and necessary. This is what we will discuss in this article.

In this article, you will find out. First, start by attracting users who already know you - your site visitors. You can upload a high resolution logo. Most of the plugins already support sharing on Russian social networks.

Buy messages on other pages and groups

Brings you first subscribers, builds the loyalty of your Russian customers. The advantage is time savings. The advantage is high risk. Many flyers have advertised on their newsletters. Usually the post is placed for an hour and descends after other posts are added. The next day, your post is usually deleted. All details that you can discuss with the owner. This means that it is difficult to use this method to promote a fan page in a small niche because the number of files where you can find your audience is simply not large.

How to create a group in contact (community in VK)?

Before, how to create a community in contact, you will need to get your own VK account. are quite simple and I have already described them in detail, so you shouldn't have any problems with this.

In order to protect your profile from hacking, you need to implement. It is also a prerequisite for building a community.

There are certain platforms where you can find bloggers or regular users who can advertise on their profile. The disadvantage is that there are very few active and valuable profiles. This method gives little traffic compared to the other.

Collaborating with users takes time. Of course, the request should be as popular as possible. The advantage - if you're lucky, you'll get new visitors on a regular basis. Disadvantage - no one knows which keywords are the most popular.

In order to create a new community, go to the "My Groups" tab from the left menu. In the upper right corner of the screen, you will see a button "Create a community".

Click it, and you will see a menu like this:

Choose the type of community that best suits your goals, enter a name, and then click the Create Community button.

Learn How To Use Viral Marketing

Create content that's actively shared. Users see this in their news feed, and if they are interested in your topic or business, they follow your fan page. In theory, social media creators believed that this is how a fan site should develop. However, as practice shows, it is not so easy.

How to create an official page on VK?

The advantage is free. The advantage is that in most cases this is a lengthy process. You must create great content. This method works well for commercial sources. There are many different options for running promotions and contests. The more valuable the prize, the more people you can attract. The advantage is that there is "action" on your fan, it comes alive. Subscriber cost may be less than targeted ads. The downside is that you can often attract people who are not entirely from your target group.

Your group has been created and now you can start detailed settings.

On this page, you have the opportunity to describe your community in detail, create a unique name, choose a theme, etc. You can choose the settings for albums, music, audio recordings and the rest in accordance with the needs of your community.

How to create a group on VKontakte step by step?

They are only interested in the reward and leave your fan page after the contest ends. If your company has professionals with deep experience who can benefit your potential clients, you can host them for a free webinar. The only condition to participate should be to join your fan page or group and provide contact information... By posting some promotional messages in large files, or by sending out a newsletter inviting you to your webinar, you can quickly garner new users from your target group.

It is also very important decide on the type of VK group... An open group means unlimited access for all interested users of the Vkontakte network. If you want only certain persons to have access to public materials, select a closed group. In this case, you will be able to independently accept participants, and also send invitations.

How to make the group interesting?

For example, if you are advertising travel services, you can do a free webinar on life while traveling in a specific country. The advantage is that you attract people from your target audience. They have already been in contact with you. They put your professionalism to the test and know where to find you to buy your product. The advantage is that you need a great professional who can do an interesting webinar. Doesn't work in all industries.

Unfortunately, links won't do all the work - you need to constantly improve your fan page and increase its activity. Benefits - You can get a lot of valuable traffic from search engines. The advantage is long-term work on your fan page content, increasing user engagement. Algorithm instability search engine and therefore the position of your fan page in the search results.

How to create an official page on VK?

If you want to create in VKontakte not a group, but an official page, for example, your website (as I did), a company, a famous person, or some cult film, book or music album, then in the previous screenshot you had to select an item "Public page" and click on the "Create Community" button.

You can invite people to groups using private messages. But if point 11 works anyway, this method is pure spam. There are no benefits. The downside is spam. Do you know any other methods? May be the biggest brand in the social media space, but that's not the end and all social media tools, especially outside the United States. If you want to reach consumers in Eastern Europe and Russia, this is your ideal tool instead.

When it was opened to the public, its height exploded. Durov argued that this was part of Russia's ongoing efforts to control the media in the country, as both men are tied to the Kremlin. It is designed to enable users to interact with each other, share digital content and play games, and target businesses and brands for promotion and marketing purposes.

You will also need to check the box below, confirming that you are indeed the official representative of this person, company, website, etc.

After pressing the button "Create page" you will see a window with public settings, which will be slightly different from what appears when you create a group on Vkontakte:

Setting up a VKontakte group after creation

In fact, its structure and design are extremely similar - right down to the pages and groups. In addition, some overseas social media sites have clashed with the Russian government over censorship issues. You will be prompted to enter personal information about yourself as regards your college years.

Functional difference between group and public page

However, we can also create targeted ads, advertise a group, and get detailed statistics of group visitors. Pages are ideal for sharing news and information about your brand. Product launches and demos, in-house events, etc. They fit together perfectly here. They should aim to connect customers around a common brand-related interest. For example, a manufacturer of educational toys for children might create a parenting group that encourages parents to share with each other how they complement their children's learning.

That's all you need to know about how to create a VKontakte public. Next, you have to deal with the design and content of your group or public page (public).

Upload a photo to your avatar, add photos, videos and discussions. Remember that only interesting, lively and varied information will attract new visitors to your group. Well, read about that in the article at the link provided.

Expanding reach and visibility through content marketing

This group can help a firm build awareness of its brands and products, gain product information, and deepen brand loyalty in addition to increasing sales. But text and photo updates, just scratch the surface. Investing in a unique and branded game can drive traffic to your page and group as well as your website and lead to sales.

Expand your reach and visibility with ads

With this, you should create text, photo and video updates. Paid posts are also available in the communities. Messages can be new or recreate existing messages. Sales can come from page visitors, group members, viewers, players, or some combination of the four. Suggestions are a great tool in direct marketing campaigns as they encourage users to complete a task.

How to delete a community on VKontakte?

Sometimes Vkontakte users have a different need. You need to delete your group for one reason or another. Unfortunately, you cannot do this with one click, since a similar function in this social network is simply not provided.

But now you will find out how to delete a group in contact by doing just a few simple steps. In fact, deleting a community in VK boils down to erasing all data from the group and making it closed to visitors.

Change the types of updates you suggest between text, photo and video. You can use these metrics along with demographic data to refine your target market profile. More importantly, groups acquire deeper engagement and offer you the ability to directly connect to this marketplace. By directing users to create content, you can also get branded photos and testimonials at a relatively low cost and expense. Criminals have come up with many creative ways to steal user credentials, from common hacks to exotic methods such as customization that collects your social network login credentials in exchange for "free" Internet.

To do this, go to the desired group and select "Community Management" on the sidebar on the right:

Then delete all possible data about your public, change all content settings to "Disabled", and change the group type to "Closed" or "Private". You can, just in case, change its name and url address so that someone very meticulous could not find it.

Also, with this post, we're going to figure out what you should look out for. Let's start with your friend list. If you have a lot of them - over a hundred - you would divide them into several categories. This will help you and your friends customize what content each specific person can see.

Here you can choose which content will be hidden from public. Notice the option "Defined Friends Lists" that is available in the drop-down window. The fact is that the owners of these pages are usually the first to send spam and invite users to join various groups. They promote products through your friend list and thus harass your real friends! It is much better to restrict access to your friends list to everyone on your commerce list.

On the "Members" tab, you can remove all members of this group.

Save the settings and then click on the button "Leave the group", which is located on the same right panel.

Using these tags, the social network makes a map of your travels. We recommend that you restrict access to the specified card. Otherwise, it can be used, for example, by burglars who track when people are out of the house. They often monitor social media and geolocation tags to choose the best time to enter the house.

You can check how other people see your profile using a dedicated link located on the Privacy tab. If you follow this link, another option will be available: check how a certain person sees your page. To do this, you need to enter a friend's name or a link to a user profile. Look - it's very interesting.

Now you know, how to delete a group in VK by doing just a few simple steps.

How to remove the official (public) page in contact?

With the official page (VK public), everything is somewhat more complicated than with the deletion of a group. However, the sequence of actions is approximately the same. While on your official company page or website, you will need to click on the "Manage Page" link.

Your profile photo is always open. The only way to hide it from a specific user is to disable them entirely. You can do this in the "Blacklist" tab. The same goes for former friends. Therefore, if you want to completely or completely break the connection with someone, not only do not separate them, but also add them to the blacklist.

Review the settings listed on the Security tab. Be sure to include two-step authentication... This measure will significantly increase the security of your profile.

This option can be found under the Security tab, but it will be hidden until you open the site using a secure connection. Alternatively, you can follow this link.

On the tab that opens, go to the "Members" - "Managers" tab and remove all administrators of this page using the "Demote the manager" button.

You can also delete all members of this VK community on the "All Members" tab.

On the "Information" tab, you can change name your official page and her Url address in Vkontakte... Then click on the "Save" button located below.

After that, you will only have to unsubscribe yourself from the mailing list from this official page by clicking on the appropriate item "Unsubscribe" in the right menu (shown in the first screenshot in this chapter with an arrow).

This is all that you can do yourself to delete your public page in VKontakte. If you want to achieve more, then contact the administration this social network with a request to help you in solving this issue.

How to delete "My page" VKontakte

If we are not talking about the official (public) page of a company, website or a well-known person in VK, but about your personal page on Vkontakte "My Page", then you can delete it by selecting the item "My settings" from the left menu.

Read detailed instructions creating a Vkontakte group in pictures!

Already given long ago creating a vkontakte group for me it's a trifling matter! When you do something very often and already on the machine, it does not even occur to you that someone might not know about it. Or that someone might not be able to do it. That's how it is with me, I would never have thought that creating a VKontakte group for someone else is an unknown action. But I have friends who still ask a similar question, so this article is especially for them!

I want to say right away that there will be several articles. Since in one article it is not easy to lay out all the instructions and tricks when working with VK groups. So subscribe to the blog and keep close.

With this article I will begin post-series entitled « Diving into VK groups» ... We all understand what is important for in work with groups, so let's dive into this topic as deeply as possible.

Analysis and goals of creating a VKontakte group:

Before creating a group, we need to define goals! There are not so many options: increase sales, drive traffic and increase the number of registrations. I'll do a little analysis! The authors of the groups are asking not to complain about me, because our goals have been known to everyone for a long time! :)

Example 1: Open group "To Success"

The group was created with the aim of increasing sales and driving traffic. But how to understand? It looks like an ordinary group, on the wall there are all sorts of "goodies" in the form of motivators, wise sayings, pictures and not a word about the sale. Where can you see that this group was created for the purpose of sales?

Getting into some VK group, the first (1) thing to look at is a link in the “Website” column! We follow the links and get to the selling page! Output? Do it yourself! I would recommend either changing the link address in the group (not placing a direct link to the selling page), or removing the selling page from home page site! Ekaterina (if you are the author of the site), you are losing people! Remember, the same Azamatych, his blog does not greet the visitor with the word "buy"! Okay, let's continue to analyze, we'll talk about creating a VKontakte group a little below.

Then we look at the available content (2) of the group: topics, posts on the wall, photo and video albums. Everything is pretty "tasty" here. The only thing is that the content needs to be diluted. And then there is text, text, text, then pictures, pictures, pictures ... But, despite this, I found interesting information for myself and joined the group.

And only at the end I look at the indicators "participants" (4). I will not analyze the reality and integrity of people in this group, this is the topic of another post. In addition, I do not want to reveal all the secrets of the author without his knowledge.

How to understand to what extent the audience of the group is target and "live", I will tell you in the following articles, let it be a little intrigue. Subscribe, subscribe (read the article if you think), I have something to tell about VK!

Example 2: Freelka - Freelancer's Piggy Bank | SMO and SMM promotion | Blogging & WordPress | Earnings over the Internet

First... Link in the column "Website" - - after going to the site, we understand that the group was created in order to attract traffic. As you can see, the "Links" sidebar also lists important author links. I have this link to a free subscription to an audio course, again a link to this blog and a link to my "family" blog.

Here I also want to draw your attention to group name (!)... As you can see, it is composed of key queries, since it is by the name of the group that the search engines "select" links to the group and display them in the search. The text in the description can be arbitrary, since it practically does not matter, but you need to work with the name.

Second... Content availability: photo, video albums, posts on the wall, links both to your blog and to others that I recommend. There is a whole theory about what and with what frequency to write to VK groups, about this in the next series "Immersion in VK groups".

Third... Openness of the group: photos, videos, posts on the wall. Audio recordings, documents, discussions and materials are still disabled for me. Which "gadgets" to include and which not to include, you decide when creating a VKontakte group! It all depends on the time you are willing to devote to your group in VK and the presence of an active audience. For example, “discussions” should only be opened when people are ready to discuss something. Also when you have a desire or need (tech. Support) to increase the content of the group. Remember that an open group must be administered in time and cleaned of spam messages.

Fourth... Members of the group. I will slightly open the curtain and say that the percentage of wholeness and "living" of the group is determined by: comments, the number of hearts, the account of the author of the group, the frequency of updates and changes in the group. As you can see, while in this group I have not too high indicators of "living creatures" and integrity. In the next example, I'll show you a group to look up to! :)

Example 3:

I won't do a detailed analysis here, I'll just write a few lines. The group was created with good intentions. Yes, the organizers of this community generate traffic to their resources, yes, they promote seminars, but all this is indirect, the first thing here is the desire to help people and be realized.

PS: Until we have gone far from this picture, I want to draw your attention to the icon for downloading audio files from VK! I will tell you about which plugin I use in the next articles, but for now I want to show you how to download videos and music from VK in Alexander's article!

They make my dream come true! I initially came to Runet with good intentions, but since at one time I did not receive proper support and did not have sufficient self-confidence, I switched to the project. Now the plans are to reach certain results in the blogosphere and then continue the work started with peace of mind. I hope you and I will be there together! But back to business ... Quiet, quiet, instructions on how getting close! :)

On the links of the group "Vedic Psychology" you can see what projects are popularized here. From the links of partners, photos, videos, audio and activity on the wall, you can understand that the group has the maximum target audience and perhaps one hundred percent level of "livestock" of the participants.

The group is called open, i.e. every member can join it (we will not consider closed groups), but only administrators can add any content here. This suggests that those who joined can only be active observers, and you cannot take part in creating a group (adding content) here. But take your time to close the walls and other content additions ...

After analyzing the groups, we proceed to creating a VKontakte group. Finally! :)

Instructions on how to create a group in contact:

So, suppose that we have decided on the goal and have chosen the option "", i.e. we need a group to attract traffic. We are acting according to the plan!

Step # 1: Creating a new community

We go to the page "My groups" (1), click on the button "Create community" (2), enter the name (3) taking into account key queries, choose what we want to create (4): a group, a public page or an event. "Stop! What to choose? "- some of you will ask! Yes, yes, yes, you need to choose!

Should you choose a group, a public page or an event?

"Event"- immediately disappears, we don't need it now. Creating events will come in handy when we organize offline meetings and online seminars (for example).

"Public page"- this is more of a corporate-brand option! The main feature of the groups is that anyone using the Internet can view all the materials on the page, even without being registered on a social network. The location of the widgets is also different, and in the right column, in the PS, you can add contact information that will be available to everyone. Those. if you do not have a main resource, and you want to start some kind of action on the Internet (counting not only on VK users), then the public page is what you need!

- the usual option. The main advantage of groups is that you can create beautiful menus in them, which are implemented using wiki markup. This can attract new users to the group.

And here's another important argument that speaks about the benefits of such an action as creating a VKontakte group! In groups you can invite friends(there is such a button), but for a public page there is no such possibility, only those people who really need your information and who really need it will subscribe to it (this does not mean that everyone is added to the groups). To invite people to the PS, you need to either write in a personal message, or write very “tasty” content. When a network user likes a post, he can press the heart and click on the "Tell friends" button (1) and / or send (2) the post to his community or a friend in a personal:

After we click the "Tell Friends" button on the wall of our account, a new post appears:

The post that is on the profile wall can be "edited".

As I already said, the post you like can be sent to the community in which you are the administrator, to your subscribers or to a personal friend (by the way, group members have the same function):

And another group can be added to bookmarks, which is also convenient if you have joined a large number of groups. By sending your favorite group to bookmarks, you can quickly find it.

So, we have made our choice, we continue to speak about creating a VKontakte group!

Step # 2: Populating and setting up a group

After the choice is made, we get to the group settings page:

1. We write the name.

2. Change the group address (only in Latin).

3. Write a description of the group.

4. Choosing a community theme.

5. We define it in a subsection.

7. Mark your location (optional).

8. Adjust the group's openness level.

I will not write in detail about the openness settings, I have already mentioned this above, I think you will understand. Click on all points, read the tips (!) And you will understand everything. Until you click the "Save" button (9), nothing will happen. The group will become visible only after you complete the settings and save the changes. Just before moving on to the next tab "Participants", be sure to save (9) the changes! Otherwise, everything that you wrote will disappear.

Go (1) to the "Participants" page:

As you can see, here you can go to the leaders tab (2) and from the people who joined the group, appoint or demote someone (3) from the leaders. There is also a button "Search by participants" (4) with the help of which we can find the person we need from the many who have joined your group.

After you have received the answer to the question - how to create a group in contact, for sure you will have the following questions, such as: "How to invite people to a group?" There will be a whole article on this topic, so subscribe to the RSS and stay tuned to the blog. Until then, read between the lines.

As you can see, the settings still have the "Black List" and "Links" tabs, you will intuitively guess what to do with them.

We click on the button "Return to the community" and go to the page of our group.

Step # 3: Group design and content

As you can see, our group is completely empty, now we need to embellish it:

1. Load a suitable (according to the subject) photo.

2. Add photos or pictures.

3. Add audio tracks or audio books, seminars.

4. We write more than a dozen posts (short, with links, large and without links).

5. Invite friends and tell friends about your community.

That's all! The group is ready! Now you will not ask questions about creating a VKontakte group! Actively tell your friends about the group (by the way, you can send no more than 20 messages per day, but after 8 hours another 20, as well as inviting 40 friends per day, after 8 hours, another 40, but the restrictions may change) and also actively add quality messages to the group.

In the process of work, the community can be edited using the "Community Management" button (6), track statistics (7) visits (very detailed statistics) and advertise the community (8) using VKontakte contextual advertising.

This concludes my own, if you have any questions, ask them in the comments. I am always grateful for retweets and recommendations of the article to friends.

I will be glad to see you as friends!

By the way, with the same post, I start my second post-series called "SMM Promotion". The starting post is the article, and the first one after the start is this one.