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Another option. 1-2. (Vladislav Konyushevsky)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Vladislav Konyushevsky
Year of issue: 2011-2012
Genre: alternative history, fantasy.
Publisher: Do-it-yourself audiobook, Creative group "SAMIZDAT"
Artist: Odin, Dmitry Khazanovich (DD)
Duration: 12:28:00 +06:17:11
Probably, many wondered what would happen if the GKChP won in 1991? Could more progressive forces later come to power? What if, as a result of their arrival, the “parade of sovereignties” ended with the collapse of not only the USSR, but also Russia? Say, is it too fantastic an assumption? Of course, because we know what really happened and how. So the former lieutenant of special forces, Sergei Kornev, also thought so, until he met with a scientist who managed to activate an ancient artifact and open the way to a parallel world. Our country is also there. But the fact is that in the early nineties this world went along a completely different path of development, and Kornev finds himself in the terrible "behind the looking glass" Russia. In that Russia where "true democracy" won a complete victory.
2. The main day.
The adventures of Sergei Kornev in the parallel world continue. But now, taking up arms, he is fighting the cannibalistic regime not alone, but by joining the ranks of the Russian Resistance. How will this struggle develop and will people be able to win, despite the resistance of the entire "civilized community"? And most importantly, what awaits them after the victory?

Add. Information: Vladislav Nikolaevich Konyushevsky. Was born in 1967. Graduated from two institutes - Polytechnic and Energy. After serving in the army, he tried himself as a geologist, assembler, industrial climber, bodyguard. Currently works as an engineer in the company cellular communication... He is fond of history, music, tourism.
From the author: I will not say anything about myself. And about the books, I want to warn you right away that it is NOT an alternative history, but a fantastic adventure thriller with elements of altistory.


ANOTHER OPTION-2. MAIN DAY (Vladislav Konyushevsky)

Author: Vladislav Konyushevsky
Year of issue: 2012
Genre: Science Fiction, Fallout, Alternative History
Publisher: Creative group "SAMIZDAT"
Artist: Dmitry Khazanovich (DD)
Length: 06:17:11
Description: The adventures of Sergei Kornev in the parallel world continue. But now, taking up arms, he is fighting the cannibalistic regime not alone, but by joining the ranks of the Russian Resistance. How will this struggle develop and will people be able to win, despite the resistance of the entire "civilized community"? And most importantly, what awaits them after the victory? D ...


Another option. (Vladislav Konyushevsky)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Author: Vladislav Konyushevsky
Year of issue: 2011
Genre: alternative history, science fiction.

Artist: One
Duration: 12:28:00
Description: Probably, many wondered what would happen if the GKChP won in 1991? Could more progressive forces later come to power? What if, as a result of their arrival, the “parade of sovereignties” ended with the collapse of not only the USSR, but also Russia? Say, is it too fantastic an assumption? Of course, because we know what really happened and how. Here is the former lieutenant of the units ...

but I

Another option (Konyushevsky Vladislav)

Year of issue: 2010
Genre: Science Fiction, Alternative History
Publisher: DIY audiobook
Artist: One
Format: MP3, 64kbps
Length: 07:34:21
Description: What would happen if the GKChP won in Russia in 1991? Could democrats who profess Western "values" come to power later? And what would happen if the country was headed by oligarchs? What if the “parade of sovereignties” ended with the disintegration of the country? And what would become of nuclear weapons? Are the scenarios too fantastic? After all, we know what and how it really happened. Special Forces soldier Sergei Kornev too ...


Year of the Dead Snake (Option "Bis" - 2) (Sergey Anisimov)

Author: Sergey Anisimov
Year of issue: 2011
Genre fiction
Publisher: DIY audiobook
Artist: Sergey Larionov (babay7)
Duration: 27:46:55
Description: The world has changed - and still remains the same. The war in Korea has been going on for the third year, and neither side can achieve victory. The only chance to turn the tide is to transfer the conflict to a different plane by changing the conditions of the game. Will it be possible to do this? Can this turn of events be prevented? And how many lives do you have to pay to prevent the worst from happening? This book is about responsibly ...


Another world (Grebnev Grigory)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 256kbps
Author: Grebnev Grigory
Year of issue: 2013
Genre fiction
Publisher: DIY audiobook
Artist: Commissioner
Length: 03:46:58
Description: The science fiction story of the Soviet writer Grigory Grebnev tells about the first contact with a highly developed extraterrestrial civilization. In 1913, a group of geologists discovered a mysterious underground city in the mountains of the Koryak Peninsula in the Far East. The expedition is trying to find out What city is this? Where did it come from and what amazing creatures inhabited it?
Add. Information: Read by edition: ...


Another Light, or States and Empires of the Moon (Cyrano de Bergerac)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Author: Cyrano de Bergerac
Year of issue: 2004
Genre: Science fiction, novel-satire
Publisher: ARDIS
Artist: Alexander Balakirev
Length: 04:00:01
Description: Your attention is invited to the book of the brilliant poet, philosopher and warrior Cyrano de Bergerac "Another Light, or the State and Empire of the Moon". A satire novel, in which everything is turned upside down: "On earth people are two-legged, so let them walk on all fours on the moon ...".
The author predicted: multistage rockets and the phenomena of weightlessness, the law of gravitation and the transmission of thoughts at a distance, sound recording and pre ...


Dragon variant (Yuri Skuratov)

ISBN: 5-89935-007-5
Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Yuri Skuratov
Year of issue: 2002
Genre: journalism
Publisher: Detective Press
Russian language
Number of pages: 320
Description: His life was smooth, his career stable: law institute, doctoral dissertation, responsible work in the Central Committee of the CPSU, later in the central apparatus of the KGB of the USSR. In his forties, he becomes the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. It seems to him that he understood everything correctly: a merciless fight against crime, supervision over the implementation of laws by everyone - from the president to a petty official. Thunder arises and is investigated ...


The third option (Chingiz Abdullaev)

Author: Chingiz Abdullaev
Year of issue: 2009
Genre: Action, detective
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Vladimir Sushkov
Duration: 08:47:08
Description: How many options are there if you toss a coin? "Two - heads or tails? No! The coin can still stand on the edge. And this is the third option ... How many options are there if an Afghan veteran who has gone through the hell of" international debt "is offered to find a person who has stolen a lot of money from the Moscow business elite and disappeared without a trace abroad?


Option "Bis" (Sergey Anisimov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 64 kbps, 44 kHz
Author: Sergey Anisimov
Year of issue: 2011
Genre: Alternative History
Publisher: DIY AudioBook
Artist: Sergey Larionov
Duration: 29:02:28
Description: "What if? ..". What if the blow of the German army on June 22, 1941 had not been so sudden? If by 1944, when the outcome of the war was already clear to everyone, one of the attempts on Hitler's life had succeeded? What if the Western countries decided on a direct battle with the Soviet Union on the bones of defeated Germany - for their "legitimate" right to solely own Europe? So. The year is 1944. Soviet troops ...


Spanish version (Alekseenkova Tatiana; Alekseenkov Oleg)

Author: Alekseenkova Tatiana; Alekseenkov Oleg
Year of issue: 2015
Genre: Detective
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Pankratova Lyudmila
Length: 06:53:55
Description: The third book in the "Risk" series is a novel of a modern adventure genre and contemporary ethical issues: a girl from an ordinary Moscow family by force of circumstances becomes the kept woman of one of the new Russians, ends up in Spain, where she meets her former love, becomes involved in the intrigues of the international drug mafia .. ...
Add. Information: Read by edition:
SPb .: Alphabet-classic ...


Zero option (Ilya Derevianko)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Derevianko Ilya
Year of issue: 2014
Genre: Detective
Publisher: DIY audiobook
Artist: Sergey Loktionov
Duration: 01:50:18
Description: Anti-Russian forces are activated. The fifth column begins the offensive. "Progressive" writers, actors, directors stubbornly throw mud at Russia. FSB Major Dmitry Korsakov, in the course of investigating the activities of one of these defendants, goes on the trail of the special services of Western countries. Chronicles of Major Korsakov 1. "Werewolves in epaulettes" Tale of 2004 2. "MP-in-law" Tale of 2004 3. "Attack from the looking glass ...


Canary variant (Golden Shark, Negodyaev Island) (Andrey Molchanov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Andrey Molchanov
Year of issue: 2008
Genre: Crime detective
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Margarita Ivanova
Duration: 15:06:01
Description: Three Russians - a former FSB colonel, a businessman and a sniper - are embroiled in a dangerous business. Their goal is treasures hidden in the hold of a sunken submarine. Their adversary is the Chechen mafia, which has reached its tentacles to this remote island in the Canary archipelago. Their weapons are courage and confidence in own forces, allowing even under the gun of bandits to continue their business. Only...


Option, Voinukha (Vitaly Zabirko)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Vitaly Zabirko
Year of issue: 2009
Genre: fantasy, story
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Zoya Kvasnyuk
Duration: 05:54:00; 03:00:00
Description: "Variant" - theme: "What will happen if an inhuman society tries to impose a human model of behavior." The plot is almost "It is difficult to be a god" adapted in accordance with the realities of the era of socialism. Added new item- competition of two supercivilizations in progressors' activity on one backward civilization. "Voynukha" - "An individual of the humanoid stage of metamorphosis appears ...

Add. Information: Read by edition:
M .: OOO "AST Publishing House", ZAO NPP "Ermak", 2003
Cleaned: knigofil
Processed by: knigo ...


Russian version (Galperin Yuri)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96 Kbps
Author: Galperin Yuri
Year of issue: 2016
Genre: Prose, story
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Starchikov Stepan
Duration: 07:19:21
Description: Yuri Galperin, one of the most interesting Russian prose writers of the second half of the 20th century, is almost unknown in Russia. Born into the family of a musician. In 1964 he wrote his first story, in the same year he entered the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute, which he left of his own free will, after which he was drafted into the army and 3 years (1966-1968) served in the Arctic. In 1970 he entered the history faculty of Leningrad ...

Format:Мр3, 192 kbps
Total audio book size: 967 Mb

What would happen if the GKChP won in Russia in 1991? Could democrats who profess Western "values" come to power later? What would happen if the country was headed by oligarchs? What if the “parade of sovereignties” ended with the disintegration of the country? And what would become of nuclear weapons? Are the scenarios too fantastic? After all, we know what and how it really happened. Special Forces soldier Sergei Kornev also thought so, until he met with a scientist who was able to activate an ancient artifact ...
There, too, there is Russia and the United States, ordinary people with ordinary interests live there, but this world in the early nineties took a completely different path of development and the former lieutenant finds himself in the very thick of the political whirlpool of the world where there is a tough war for power, resources and territory. And then there are restless Arab militants hunting for Kornev, though not in a parallel world, but in his own world. New work by Vladislav Konyushevsky in the style of "Attempts to return".

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Audio book text:

These thoughts made me completely ill. But almost immediately there was anger. Figasse! Will some Bedouin baboons just shoot me in passing? Eh, here would be a barrel, I would show them what Russian special forces are! But with bare hands there is no chance ... Even if I jump on a kid, the healthy one will cut me off in flight ...

Or maybe the dark-haired woman with the translation was mistaken or misheard them? With a sudden flare of hope, I turned my head to the left and, trying not to move my lips, clarified:

- Did they just say that they would kill?

They gave me a little sob in response:

- Bolshoi said to the young man something like - "sir, go to the car, we ourselves will finish everything here." And the young man refused ...

No, I was not mistaken ... Exactly - Khan ...

And the little ghoul's eyes lit up strangely. Either he maniac slowly, or for the first time in the life of people he will end, so he jitters. Seizing this thought, I ordered myself to stop shaking and try to figure out further development situations. Maybe at least it will give something. So ... the goldfinch is clearly nervous, constantly licking his lips. Yes, and with his fingers - he squeezed the handle of a machine gun. Will he throw it up and start shooting? Hmm, hardly ... He will need a reason for shooting. This big man would have crumbled everyone without any special emotions. Because as a professional. And the little snake is worried. But he also revels in the situation. So, so, so ... Hysteroid type? Uh-huh, it looks like. So, for sure - he will look for a reason. He gets to the bottom of some trifle, goes broke, and only then, splashing saliva, he starts firing. The entire store will release, thereby proving that he is an adult man and is not afraid of bloody affairs. Proving to himself, to "Schwarzenegger" - to the nurse, to his stinking fighters, to the fucking daddy ...

Yeah - it seems so far everything is logical. That is, to begin with, he must definitely approach one of us and start a conversation. It is clear that their time is now very tight, but only a few minutes have passed since the destruction of the guard. The militants did not make a noise and can afford to train a young wolf cub in a combat situation. More precisely, not just an ordinary wolf cub, but the son of a very tough daddy.

Yes, indeed, the East is a delicate matter. So, the offspring of the Arab nabob personally wanted to shoot the giaours, and no one dared to forbid him. The big man only had the courage to gently advise him to leave while the specialists do their work. And the boy, in response, took a bite at the bit - of course, because his departure can be perceived by his subordinates as weakness. It's stupid, of course, and unprofessional ... completely unprofessional. But now any mistakes of the enemy play into our hands ...

The only thing - will the "Schwartz" let him go alone, even for these fifteen or twenty steps? Or will he walk alongside? Actually, I have to let go. After all, walking next to him, he will question the ability of a petty reptile to act independently and thereby lower his self-esteem. And who is there to fear? A crowd of old people? A frail, half-unconscious guide? Those shaking Los Angeles brutes? Or maybe me with a girl? Unlikely. I certainly do not look like a suffocate at all, but appearance now playing for me. One Panama is worth something ...

And they don’t even know that the Russian is here. The group is foreign. And all these foreigners from childhood are accustomed not to rock the boat in such situations. Therefore, the goldfinch must go alone ... Uh-huh - in search of an excuse. Will walk, looking into everyone's eyes. Feeling like the arbiter of destinies. Pumping up with courage and anticipation. And how it gets pumped up - it starts ...

So maybe - give him a reason? What am I missing? If he starts from the wrong side, then there will be no chance at all. And if he comes up to me at close range, then at least try to hide behind them. Of course, I won't have time to pull off the machine. The pistol ... no, the barrel is in its holster. What remains is the knife, the handle of which sticks out of the scabbard on the belt. Option, of course, dead. Very dead, but better than nothing. And if the big man really works as a nanny with him, then in the first second they won't shoot me. They will not shoot for fear of catching the commander. The main thing is not to substitute yourself. And there - where the curve will take. But in different ways it is better than to die without any fluttering at all! If I was a goldfinch, I will be able to fill up and thus upset "Schwarzenegger" to the point of impossibility. After all, the daddy will remove his head from all the militants for the death of his son. At least some last joy ...

All these considerations took no more than half a dozen seconds, and the Arab boy had not yet had time to get rid of the stubborn expression from his face that arose after the question of his deputy. I didn’t shake my expression, but my eyes had already begun to ransack the formation of people standing near the wall. So, now everything will be turned around.

The plan was roughly formed, and maybe we were with a stranger standing next to us, were mistaken in our assumptions, but to be an optimist in this situation is simply stupid. If you miss the moment, you will die completely useless ... And the adrenaline wave has already gone through the body. Therefore, turning again to the Jewess, I said quietly:

- When it all starts, stand up for me.

- What will start?

- Just stay behind me. Understood?

- Darling, please let go of your hand.

There is a contact! The Arab, who was about to approach the middle of the formation, hearing my voice, smiled badly and walked towards us with the words:

- What are you whispering there, children of the dog?

At the same time, the big man and the second bandit remained where they were, watching with interest the development of events. They did not even throw their weapons to the shoulder, continuing to control the crowd by simply pointing the barrels in its direction. Great! It turns out that the podlyans do not expect and give the right to shoot me and the girl to this particular salabon. And the rest will be taken over.

And the knife of the Arabian girl without a safety lanyard. It is held only by the spring in the scabbard. This is good news, because after the start of my movement every moment will count. Meanwhile, the son of a high-ranking dad, stopping opposite us, repeated his question:

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What would happen if the GKChP won in Russia in 1991? Could democrats who profess Western "values" come to power later? What would happen if the country was headed by oligarchs? What if the “parade of sovereignties” ended with the disintegration of the country? And what would become of nuclear weapons? Are the scenarios too fantastic? After all, we know what and how it really happened. Special forces soldier Sergei Kornev also thought so, until he met with a scientist who managed to activate an ancient artifact and open the way to a parallel world.
There, too, there is Russia and the United States, ordinary people with ordinary interests live there, but this world in the early nineties took a completely different path of development and the former lieutenant finds himself in the very thick of the political whirlpool of the world where there is a tough war for power, resources and territory. And then there are restless Arab militants hunting for Kornev, though not in a parallel world, but in his own world. New work by Vladislav Konyushevsky in the style of "Attempts to return".

Name: Another option (Audiobook)

Playing time: 12 hours 28 minutes
The year of publishing: 2010
Executor: One
Format:Мр3, 192 kbps
The size: 1.04 Gb

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