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MTS service “Zero without borders. Detailed description of the Options from MTS “Zero Without Borders” Cost and terms of service

The MTS "Zero Without Borders" service is a godsend for travelers across countries. In 2020, customers are interested in roaming as they really travel more around the world. Whether it’s rest or work is not so important. The main thing is to always stay online for your loved ones, friends and colleagues. But in a foreign state, problems arise with this, where the central obstacle is the price of standard communication services. To save money on travel, the operator has developed and implemented a service.

Two properties for which users trust this connection - works overseas and does not need to pay for incoming. Besides:

  • 1.5 hours (45 minutes each in two directions) for communication with friends;
  • over the tariff 39 rubles for every 60 seconds of conversation.

In popular countries

The same conditions for the MTS "Zero without Borders" service in 2020 are the same in all popular directions for calls to the Russian Federation. That is, in minutes:

  • 45 for a set;
  • 45 incoming - without payment for communication;
  • after 39 rubles.

In Tunisia

Special rules apply here, where:

  • the first 2700 seconds of outgoing calls - 0 rubles;
  • 39 rubles the rest;
  • all applicants - 50 rubles.

In other countries

The first 10 minutes of the conversation are not debited from the account, but 39 rubles are removed from the 11th minute. But there is a way out - really just call back the interlocutor later. Roaming in the Russian Federation - 39 rubles. from the second to the fifth minute of the call.

The cost of the service "0 without borders"

For "0 without borders" 145 rubles are debited daily.

Pros and cons

Among the positive features is the unequivocal savings. Since without activating the package of options, you will have to spend two or three times more on communication.

How to connect Zero Without Borders MTS from your phone

How to connect "Zero Without Borders MTS" - no difficulties.

  1. Dial * 111 * 4444 # on the phone keypad and wait for a response from the server.
  2. Log into your personal account or utility. Find the item "0 without MTS borders" and read the information provided.

The money will be withdrawn until a manual shutdown occurs.

During operation, you can check the accumulated time by dialing * 419 * 1233 #.

Additional Information

Free calls while traveling around the world are a key indicator. This is not surprising, because today thousands of people go to work and rest in neighboring countries. In addition to this program, it offers a number of options to reduce the cost of communication in roaming. It is really possible to familiarize yourself with them on the website or in the application. It contains their description, price and options for how to activate.

Before starting to use - read the details and list of directions. The journey will be a joy.

(1 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)


Is it possible to activate the “Zero Without Borders” service while abroad?

Hello, it is better to activate this service before leaving.

Good afternoon, is it possible to activate the Zero Without Borders service if you use MTS services for less than 30 days?

Hello, yes it is possible.

Good afternoon. Interested in the Internet when the service "Zero without Borders" is connected

how to manually disable zero without borders?

Zero without borders
Do I need to activate international roaming?

Hello, no, no need.

Please tell me with option 0 without borders, if my call is from Turkey at the receiving subscriber (incoming call) in the Moscow region, what is the payment per minute?

Hello, it depends on which tariff plan.

How much does the Internet cost in roaming abroad?

Hello, what is your tariff plan and in which country?

I am in Turkey I can not connect zero without borders help

Hello, are you connecting through the command?

Hello! Please tell me, I'm flying to Turkey on 09/12/19, when do I need to connect Zero Without Borders?

Hello, before arriving in the country.

How much will an MTS subscriber pay for my outgoing call and his incoming call, and vice versa, if I have zero without borders connected. Thank you

Hello, it depends on the subscriber's tariff plan.

Within two hours I can not turn off the service, the answer comes: “contact me later”

Hello, try to disconnect the communication through the salon.

Good evening. Can I use this service at MGTS?

Hello, unfortunately no.

How much does incoming and outgoing sms cost in tariff zero without borders

Hello, this is not a tariff, but a service. This service is for calls only.

Hello! I am in Istanbul, I want to turn on zero without borders for one day. is it possible? There is no network. Maybe through your personal account and wi-fi you can?
How much will one day of incoming calls only cost if I have a business network tariff?
Does the roaming fee include the fee for the inclusion itself plus the daily fee?

Hello, the cost of this service is 145 rubles per day.

Hello, is the service Zero Without Borders valid on the territory of Belarus?

Hello, yes it does.

Please tell me how to connect zero without borders in Turkey? I really need it

Hello, you need to dial the combination: * 111 * 4444 #.

I am in Turkey. I connected “Zero Without Borders” on 30.09.
How many minutes enter / exit. have a free day?

Hello, 39 minutes a day.

Hello. Tariff "Zero without borders". 1st question - I am in Turkey. How much does a minute of conversation with a Turkish interlocutor cost? 2. How to disable Zero Without Borders while in Turkey? 3. I do not want to use the Internet in Turkey. Do I need to turn it off?

Hello, this "Zero Without Borders" option is provided only for calls and only to Russia (it does not affect calls to other countries or within the country). You can disable it with the same command that connects.

I will be in Armenia for a week. Connected 0 without borders.
Not very clearly written in the rules, 45 minutes of free incoming and outgoing, is this a day?

Hello, that's right. 45 minutes of free incoming and outgoing calls are available per day.

How to disable the Zero Without Borders tariff

Hello, you can disable it with the same command that you connected it with.

Will incoming SMS messages in Turkey be paid?

Hello, yes, this option is for calls only.

I have a smartphone tariff. And the service 0 without borders does not connect

Hello, call the operator and ask to deactivate the service.


Hello, the service is valid.

In Ukraine, how many free incoming / outgoing calls with the Super Zero tariff?

Hello, there is no such tariff.

Hello, I'm going to China. The salon advised “0 without borders”. Today I read that China is not among the popular countries and the conditions for this service in China are different. This is true?

Hello, that's right.

I have a tariff plan Moscow Super MTS 2013. Is the service "Zero without borders" or "Zero without borders around the world" available?

Hello, the service “Zero Without Borders” is available.

Hello. Tell me, if my friend and I have the "0 without borders" service activated upon arrival in Italy, will calls between us be free while in Italy?

Hello, yes, 40 minutes is free.

Hello. I am in Nice. How to activate the [zero without borders] service? Dialing * 111 * 4444 # does not work

Hello, try connecting through your personal account.

Zero cost without borders in Bahrain?

Hello, 145 rubles.

Does 0 without borders work in England?

Hello, yes it does.

I connected zero without borders, while in Russia I can use my Internet at the tariff

Hello, this service is for calls only.

How much does SMS cost for service zero without borders

how many minutes are given for this service?

Hello, 45 minutes.

Where can I see a list of popular countries and other countries?

Hello Abkhazia, Australia, Austria, Albania, Armenia, Bulgaria, Brazil, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Hong Kong, Greece, Denmark, Egypt, Israel, India, Jordan, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Cambodia, Canada, Qatar, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Morocco, Mongolia, Netherlands, Norway, UAE, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, USA, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Philippines, Finland, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic , Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia, South Korea.

I will be in the Czech Republic for three weeks, I plan to talk more than 200 minutes in one calendar month, how much will it cost me a minute of conversation from 201 minutes in one calendar month

Can I activate the service for 1 day?

Hello, you can.

Good afternoon. I am in the USA. How to activate roaming and what kind? used to use only Zero Without Borders service.

Conditions for receiving and sending SMS?

Hello, this is a service for calls, not SMS.

What will be the cost of incoming SMS when the service “Zero without Borders” is activated in Ukraine?

Hello, what is your tariff plan?

Is Zero Without Borders in Vietnam (Nha Chang) valid? Is it intended for communication with each other or is it possible to call Russia? What is the tariff besides the daily fee?

Hello, yes it does. Read the terms and conditions.

Tell me the cost of calls zero without borders in China

All incoming:
from 1139.00 rub. in a minute

Does Zero Without Borders Act in the Dominican Republic? and what are the conditions?

All incoming:
from the 1st to the 10th minute of each call RUB 0.00 in a minute
from 1139.00 rub. in a minute
Outgoing calls to all phones in Russia:
1st minute and from the 6th of each call the roaming tariff in the host country
from the 2nd to the 5th minute of each calls 39.00 rub. in a minute.

Hello! How does Zero Without Borders fare work in Sri Lanka? My tariff SMART 032017

Hello, from the 1st to the 10th minute of each call 0.00 rubles. per minute, from 11th 39.00 rubles. in a minute. Outgoing calls to all phones in Russia:
1st minute and from the 6th of each call the roaming tariff in the host country, from the 2nd to the 5th minute of each calls 39.00 rubles. in a minute.

On, tariff, incoming sms, upon connection, zero without borders, how much are

Hello, this option is for calls only.

Hello! Tell me, is this tariff valid in Cuba, or is it better to connect Zabugorishche?

Hello, no, unfortunately, it is not valid in Cuba.

Hello. Service “0” without borders, 145 rubles will be debited when using the phone with an incoming or outgoing call, or will it be charged on a daily basis?

Hello, cancellation once a day.

Tell me, please, if I stay in Turkey and receive calls from 'zero without borders', then the caller himself will not get to roaming (money), or will he usually pay at his own rate, as if I were in Russia?

Hello, the caller will pay for the call according to his tariff. This service does not work on him, since only you have connected it.

Good afternoon. I am flying to Vtnam, calls and Internet are not needed, but incoming SMS is needed. What tariff plan to choose?

Hello, you can activate the “Zabugorische” option - with this service you can use calls and the Internet like at home. The cost is 350 rubles per day of use.

Hello. In Thailand, how much will the incoming, outgoing and the Internet cost if temporarily zero without borders? How many mines are free? I have smart unlimited 2017.

Hello, this service does not affect the Internet in any way. Daily 45 incoming and 45 outgoing minutes to Russia are free, from 46 minutes outgoing and incoming calls 39.00 rubles. in a minute.

Good day!
Zero Without Borders in Vietnam. Please name the cost of incoming and outgoing calls.

Hello, all incoming: from the 1st to the 10th minute of each call 0.00 rubles. per minute from 11th 39.00 rubles. per minute. Outgoing calls to all phones in Russia: 1st minute and from the 6th of each call the roaming tariff in the host country from the 2nd to the 5th minute of each calls 39.00 rub. in a minute.

good afternoon. You write very clearly about 45 minutes of free outgoing calls and 45 minutes of free incoming calls per day when connecting “0 without borders”. But avoid answering the cost of SMS messages, both incoming and outgoing. So, how much do SMS messages cost, both incoming and outgoing. Country - UAE

Hello, the "Zero without Borders" option is valid only for calls, this option does not apply to the cost of SMS in any way. The cost of SMS will be according to your tariff.

Hello, Zero Without Borders works in Mexico Cancun?

Is it possible to connect “0 without borders” by sending sms 33 to number 111?

I type a combination to check the remainder of the minutes, an SMS comes in that 2 minutes have been used in the MPR, I actually spoke for 35-40 minutes in both directions, the remainder of 9 minutes is written in my account (which: incoming or outgoing), what kind of nonsense? How to find out the real amount of time used in MTS when using the zero without borders option?

When an MTS mobile user is abroad, due to international roaming, the payment for all voice calls, both outgoing and incoming, will be quite high. Therefore, in order not to lose customers and to be competitive in relation to travel operators, MTS invented and introduced the service "Zero without Borders", such a service is often called a separate tariff plan. But in reality, the so-called MTS tariff plan “ Zero without borders»Is a service that can be ordered for most tariff plans of the mobile operator MTS.

Thanks to this service, you can significantly reduce the cost of mobile communications while staying in international roaming, and this is very significant for users who are often abroad. "Zero without Borders" MTS allows you to reduce the price of both incoming and outgoing calls, which contributes to even simpler and more profitable communication. This service operates in almost all corners of the world, where it receives cellular communications, and also provides an international roaming service.

It is important to know that the so-called “Zero without Borders” tariff of MTS does not function if the subscriber is in national or intranet roaming. The service is provided only to those subscribers who are in international roaming (and in the CIS countries).

Description of the tariff "Zero without borders" MTS

It has already been mentioned above that this service allows the MTS user to save on calls while staying in international roaming. It should be emphasized that the discount applies only to voice calls.

The cost of MMS, SMS, as well as the cost of using the Internet is charged according to the standard tariff plan for international roaming. The "Zero without Borders" service charges a subscription fee in the amount of 95 rubles per day.

Fee for outgoing calls to numbers of all Russian mobile operators (except Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, South Ossetia):

  • For the 1st minute of a call - it is charged according to the tariff in roaming in the state of location.
  • 2-5 minutes - equal to 25 rubles per minute.
  • Starting from 6 minutes - it is charged at the cost of roaming at the location.

Payment for incoming calls (except for Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, South Ossetia):

  • 1-10 minutes - no payment will be charged.
  • Starting from the 11th minute of the call - it is equal to 25 rubles per minute.

If the user is in any other state (besides Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, South Ossetia), then the cost of incoming calls is charged at the rates indicated above.

Payment for calls to mobile and landline numbers of Russia from Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, South Ossetia is charged as follows:

  • Incoming as well as outgoing calls from South Ossetia - corresponds to the price of national roaming.
  • Outgoing and incoming calls from Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan - corresponds to the basic price of international roaming.

As often happens, the MTS company has not been without restrictions, which are hidden under the "asterisks". The so-called “Zero without Borders” tariff of MTS has a limited number of incoming calls. Within the framework of this service, a subscriber staying in international roaming has a limit of incoming minutes, which is two hundred minutes per month. If the limit is exceeded, each minute of incoming calls will cost 25 rubles. You can find out the rest of the incoming minutes by dialing the combination *419*1233# call button. You can also find out the rest of the incoming minutes in the "Internet Assistant" service.

It is worth emphasizing that if you do not use mobile services in the MTS home network for 30 days, then the tariff will be changed as follows:

  • Incoming calls anywhere in the world (except Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, South Ossetia) will cost 25 rubles per minute.
  • In Uzbekistan, incoming calls will cost 99 rubles per minute, and in Azerbaijan - 65 rubles per minute.
  • In South Ossetia, incoming calls will reduce your balance by 17 rubles per minute.

Before traveling abroad and ordering a service, you need to check the connection of "National and international roaming", as well as "International access" or activation of "International access and easy roaming". If these services are not connected, then ordering the Zero Without Borders service is completely meaningless, since the MTS user's phone will not be able to be registered in the networks of foreign operators.

You can connect the above services by dialing the combination *111*2192# call button, or by visiting the MTS customer service office.

How to activate the MTS "Zero Without Borders" service?

If you need to order the Zero Without Borders service, you can do this by dialing USSD - a combination *111*4444# call button or * 444# call button (valid only in Russia). In addition, the MTS connection user can activate the service by sending an SMS message to the number 111 with numbers 33 .

Dialed USSD combinations are not paid. SMS is paid according to the location of the subscriber. If the service is connected on the territory of the Russian Federation, then SMS is free. It is also possible to order the Zero Without Borders service using the simple Internet Assistant service. In a situation when it is not possible to send an SMS message from the phone, it is necessary to check the settings for sending SMS in the phone.

How to deactivate tariff Zero without borders MTS?

In order to cancel the service, you need to dial USSD - a combination *111*4444# call button. It is also possible to send an SMS - message to the number 111 with numbers 330 .

Important! Returning back to the home network, the user needs to deactivate the Zero Without Borders service, this is necessary due to a fee that will be charged even if the service is not used, which will reduce your account balance.

The MTS company provides its services throughout the entire area of ​​the Russian Federation, as well as in any corner of the world. If you are going on vacation or work in another country, without connecting the optimizing options, international roaming can cause significant damage to the financial position of the consumer. To save money, the service "Zero without Borders" from MTS has been implemented.

Description of the service

This option from MTS was created in order to save on mobile communications in conditions of international roaming. It provides a significant discount on calls to Russia from any country, as well as completely free incoming calls from the first minute of a conversation. If you are going to go abroad, do not forget to activate it.

Cost and terms of service

There is a daily fee of 95 rubles per day for using the option. The payment is charged from the consumer's balance immediately after activating the function, then the amount is withdrawn at the beginning of each day. If there are not enough funds on the account, billing will be performed according to the standard roaming conditions of the country in which you are located.

Attention! After returning home, do not forget to cancel the option to save your wallet.

Let's consider in detail the features of the calculation:

  1. The cost of incoming calls from the first to the tenth minute costs zero rubles. Further, the price will be equal to 25 rubles.
  2. Outgoing connection to numbers of all Russian operators - the first and from the sixth minute depends on the roaming conditions in the host country. From the second to the fifth rate - 25 rubles.

Before activating the service, you must familiarize yourself with the terms of provision and restrictions:

  1. To make and receive calls, you must register with the local provider's network.
  2. The function is compatible with all tariff plans, except for corporate tariffs.
  3. Holders of "Zero without Borders" are provided with 200 minutes of incoming calls at a discount in one calendar month. After exceeding the established norm, from 201 minutes billing is made 25 rubles / min.
  4. The volume of the available number of incoming calls can be checked at any time in your personal account or by the USSD code * 418 * 1233 #.
  5. For your mobile device to work correctly on the territory of a foreign country, you must install the "Easy roaming and international access" option, it is provided free of charge. To start, dial USSD * 111 * 2157 # or write an SMS to “111” with the text “2157”.
  6. The service "Zero without Borders" is not compatible with other similar ones - "Zabugorishche" and "Free Travel". Connecting one will automatically deactivate the rest.
  7. If, after activation, you have not consumed mobile services for 30 days, then after that the price for incoming calls will be equal to 25 rubles.
  8. Calculation of the cost of incoming and outgoing calls on the territory of Cuba, Turkmenistan, South Ossetia, the Caribbean islands, Tunisia, Iran, Panama, Philippines, Maldives, Algeria, Madagascar, when moving by sea and air, corresponds to the basic roaming conditions.

If you are a member of the MTS Bonus loyalty program, you can get significant benefits on this. For 500 bonuses, you are given a 50 percent discount on the service subscription fee for 10 days. After the end of this period, billing will be carried out according to the standard terms of the option. You can exchange points in the My MTS mobile application. Open the tab, select the roaming section, find "Zero Without Borders" and click on the "Get" button.

How to activate and deactivate the service

If you are going on a trip, perform the Zero Without Borders installation from your phone, to do this, use one of the methods:

  1. Go through the authorization in the user's personal account. Enter your contact information in the login menu and confirm it. In the main interface window, go to the international roaming section. Find the one you need in the list of services and launch it.
  2. Install the My MTS smartphone application. This service is similar to a personal account and has the same characteristics. Once launched, you will be taken to the main menu. Here you can see detailed information about your balance, balance of the tariff plan. Open the tab of available options and find the one you need in the list.
  3. Enter the command USSD * 111 * 4444 # and press the call key.
  4. Ask for assistance from sellers and managers in any MTS service and sales department in your city. Provide your passport details, otherwise you will be denied the installation procedure.
  5. Dial the phone number 0890 - service support for the provider's subscribers. Wait for a response from a free operator. Explain your situation, the employee will be able to activate the option remotely.

To deactivate the service, use any standard connection method. They are perfect for this situation. The USSD command is absolutely identical - * 111 * 4444 #. After performing such operations, the operator will send an SMS notification to your number confirming the performed procedure.

Reading time: 2 min.

Those who travel abroad know how expensive it is to call family and friends. Mobile operators, in the fight for customers' money, try to offer interesting services and promotions that reduce the cost of calls. For example, with MTS you can save on roaming charges by activating the Zero Without Borders service.

Description of the service "Zero without Borders" from MTS

This option will work only if the subscriber has previously activated international roaming. Also, upon arrival in the country, you must register your phone with local roaming networks. The service region includes all countries, except for Uzbekistan, South Ossetia and Azerbaijan. And, of course, the service does not work in national roaming - within Russia.

Tariffication for the "0 without borders" service is as follows: Incoming calls will be free from the first to the tenth minute, and from the eleventh minute a fee of 25 rubles per minute will be charged.

Outgoing calls are calculated from the first to the second and from the sixth minute at the roaming tariff in the country of the subscriber's location. From the second to the fifth minute, outgoing calls cost 25 rubles per 1 minute of conversation.

The maximum number of minutes included in Zero Without Borders is 200 minutes per calendar month. Time beyond this is calculated at the rate of 25 rubles / minute. The cost of the service is 95 rubles for a full and incomplete day.

Under the terms, if during the operation of the service, you have not used the MTS network for 30 days, then the option is automatically disabled and incoming calls will be charged at 25 rubles per minute.

Activation and deactivation of the Zero Without Borders option is free of charge. This can be done any number of times. For example, if you went on vacation and forgot to activate this service, it's okay, you can do it whenever and wherever and absolutely free.

After finishing your trip abroad, do not forget to cancel the service. Otherwise, according to the terms of tariffication, you will continue to charge the subscription fee in the amount of 95 rubles per day.

How to connect Zero Without Borders to MTS?

Before connecting the "Zero without Borders" option on your phone, make sure that there are funds on the subscriber account in the amount of at least 95 rubles for the first day of service.

The activation of the Zero Without Borders service is free of charge, regardless of the location of the subscriber. This can be done by dialing * 111 * 4444 # or * 444 # on the mobile phone keypad.

In the first case, select the desired menu item, enter its number and send it. In the second case, the service is activated automatically if there are funds on the MTS account. The sender's phone receives an SMS about service activation.

How to disable "0 without borders" on MTS?

Disabling the "Zero without borders" option can also be done using 2 options:

  • Through the "Personal Account" in the "Internet Assistant" of MTS, in the item "Service Management".
  • Through the "Mobile Assistant" service, by typing and sending a request on the phone keypad * 111 * 4444 #. After the message appears, enter the number 2 corresponding to the deactivation of the service and press "Send". You should receive an SMS notification about the disconnection.

When you are in international roaming, the cost of not only outgoing calls increases, but all communication services become more expensive. In particular, incoming calls become paid, and the rates are so high that the phone balance will become negative in just a matter of seconds. So what about this situation? Really, going abroad, you will have to put up with huge prices or refuse communication services, even from incoming calls, which, we recall, are completely free when the subscriber is in the home region. If you are an MTS subscriber, then you have the opportunity to save on roaming abroad, and the option that makes all incoming calls free will help you with this. We are talking about the service "Zero without Borders" of MTS. The option allows you to make incoming calls while traveling around the world free of charge (except for some countries, see below). That is, you will not be able to make calls on favorable terms within the framework of this option, but you will be able to receive calls and not worry about huge expenses, which is already good.
As part of this review, we will tell you what the service from MTS "Zero Without Borders" is, what conditions it provides and how to connect it. Please note that this option is intended for international roaming. To save on intranet roaming (while traveling within Russia), you need to activate the option.

Description of the service "Zero without Borders" MTS

If you have ever seen an advertisement for the service "Zero without Borders", then, for sure, you only have an idea of ​​its positive aspects. However, do not forget that all products of mobile operators have not only advantages, but also disadvantages. Naturally, the operator is silent about the shortcomings and tries in every possible way to hide them. We have prepared an extremely honest and detailed review of the Zero Without Borders service from MTS. Before connecting the option, be sure to read the article to the end. First, we will consider the possibilities of the option, and then we will move on to its characteristic features. By the way, before going abroad, you need not only to choose an option to save money, but also.
The MTS "Zero Without Borders" service includes:

  • Daily fee - 95 rubles;
  • Free incoming calls abroad from the 1st to the 10th minute (except for some countries, see below);
  • From the 11th minute the cost of incoming calls is 25 rubles. in a minute;
  • The 1st minute and from the 6th minute of the call do not fall under the option;
  • Incoming calls during these minutes are charged according to roaming tariffs (information on prices below);
  • Outgoing calls from the 2nd to the 5th minute of the call - 25 rubles / min.

As you can see, you will not be able to receive incoming calls without limits using the Zero Without Borders service, which is a significant drawback for many. In addition, the service provides for a fairly large subscription fee, and the first 6 minutes of outgoing calls will be charged according to roaming tariffs? What does this mean? Below are the standard international roaming rates. Based on this information, you will be able to determine whether the MTS “Zero without Borders” service will be beneficial for you. By the way, it is also worth mentioning the tariff and options. This offer has appeared quite recently and may turn out to be more profitable than other roaming options.

  • Important
  • The exact cost of communication services in international roaming depends on the host country. Below are the data for the most popular countries for tourism. You can clarify information on a specific country on the MTS website.

Rates for communication services in international roaming:

  • Incoming calls - RUB 65 / min;
  • Outgoing calls to Russia - 65 rubles / min;
  • Outgoing calls to other countries 135 rubles / min;
  • Outgoing SMS - 19 rubles;
  • 40 Kb of transmitted / received traffic - 30 rubles (to reduce the cost of the Internet).

As you can see, without connecting the appropriate options, communication abroad becomes prohibitively high. However, MTS 'Zero Without Borders' service is not the only offer for roaming. There are other options, besides, do not forget about other operators. To choose an advantageous offer for yourself, you need to study all the options and our website will help you with this. We have prepared a detailed overview of each MTS service.

Perhaps, everything is clear with the capabilities of the service. Pay 95 rubles per day, and in return you get free incoming calls, however, there were some restrictions here. However, the service provides for the presence of other features, which for many are disadvantages.

Other conditions of the MTS "Zero without Borders" service

Before connecting to a particular service, you must first carefully study all its features. The Zero Without Borders service is no exception to the rule. There are also many pitfalls here, which for many subscribers can become a decisive argument when choosing a service to save money in international roaming. We have selected the most important terms of service for you.

The "Zero Without Borders" service from MTS provides the following features:

  1. The service does not cover South Ossetia, Turkmenistan, Andorra, Tunisia and Seychelles. When you are in these countries, standard roaming rates apply. You can find out the prices on the MTS website.
    When you are in satellite systems and on ships, roaming tariffs also apply.
  2. Despite the fact that the service provides for the opportunity to receive the first 10 minutes of incoming calls for free, in fact you will be given no more than 200 minutes per month. From the 201st minute, all incoming calls will cost 25 rubles. in a minute. These rates will remain until the end of the month.
    If you do not call for a month, incoming calls will cost 25 rubles per minute.
  3. 10 free minutes for incoming calls are provided for a day, and not for the first minutes of a call. That is, all used minutes per day are summed up.
  4. The daily fee is charged regardless of the location of the subscriber, until the moment the service is turned off.

Of course, the Zero Without Borders option has other features as well. We have listed only the main ones. If you think that we have missed something important, write in the comments and we will complete the list.

How to activate the service "Zero without Borders" on MTS

Of course, MTS has other offers for international roaming, but there are not as many of them as we would like. Going abroad, in any case, you should be prepared for the high cost of communication services. Cheap calls, SMS, internet and international roaming are incompatible concepts. The only thing you can do is cut your expenses. Service
“Zero Without Borders” is exactly what is intended for this. If, after reviewing other offers, you firmly decided that this option is the best solution for you, then use one of the following connection method.

You can activate the MTS "Zero without Borders" service:

  • Using the command * 111 * 4444 # or * 444 # ;
  • Through your MTS personal account (manual for using your personal account);
  • Use the application.

The above methods allow you to connect the service not only within the country, but also abroad. When in international roaming, use the USSD command. To disconnect the service, use the same methods as for connecting.