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The psychological test is the first step towards meeting your significant other on
After registering on, you will have the opportunity to answer a number of questions about your life and how you imagine an ideal relationship. We recommend that you set aside at least 45 minutes to complete the test. After you finish, will use the information received in order to find you only those users who can build a truly long-term relationship with you based on 17 compatibility parameters. We also use the information received to compile your detailed psychological profile.

  • 17 compatibility options

    The process of matching people to our site is based on 17 compatibility parameters, which, according to our research, are the cornerstone of a long-term relationship. This does not mean that each of your partners will certainly become that "one", but we think that it will be a great start.

    We understand that there are a number of other factors that are important to each individual person, such as common interests, goals, social status, and even the zodiac sign and date of birth. Together with your partner, you can get to know each other better, confident that there is a truly deep compatibility between you. is the only dating site on the Russian Internet that matches couples based on 17 compatibility parameters in order to create strong and healthy relationships.

  • How to take the Psychological Test again?

    We understand that your goals, interests and desires change over time, but unfortunately, on this moment there is no way to re-pass the test.

  • If I can't answer all test questions right away, can I save the results and come back to them later?

    Yes, you can always return to testing at the stage where you left off. To do this, while passing the test, click on the "Continue" button. All questions answered in the previous step and earlier will be saved. To continue testing, you need to go to your profile through the "Login" link on home page site in the upper right corner and enter mailing address and the password specified during registration.

  • Why are there so many questions in the psychological test? Can I skip it?

    You are unique in your uniqueness, but how can we and your potential halves know about this without a test? Therefore, you will not be able to miss the test, and in order to register on the site, you will need to tell our electronic psychologist about yourself in detail. In addition, you can close the site at any stage of testing and, returning after a short time, continue testing where you left off.

  • How can I edit my profile?

    In the "Me" section, you can edit your profile by using the "Edit" link next to the block of information that you want to change.

    You can change the search parameters for a partner in the "Settings" section.

  • How do I log into my profile?

    If you have completed the registration completely, then to enter your profile use the link "User Login" on the main page of the site at the bottom of the registration form. There may be several reasons why you cannot log into your profile:
    - entering incorrect data (mailing address or password). If you cannot remember your password, then use the password recovery function
    - You have deleted your profile. If the profile is deleted, then you will not be able to enter your page on the website.
    - Your profile has been blocked by a moderator. The profile can be closed by the moderator due to violation of the User Agreement.

  • Why can't I upload a photo?

    The site has some restrictions on uploaded photos: the minimum photo size is 209x235 pixels, the maximum size is 10 MB. Check if your photo matches these parameters. These parameters can be found in the image property (by clicking right key from the image in the folder where it is located). Also, your photo can be deleted by the moderator. The reasons for uninstallation can be found in the "User Agreement", but keep in mind that the uninstallation does not occur immediately after the download.

  • My photo / profile has been deleted by the moderator. For what? is a serious dating site, so user photos must comply with our site's policies. Images of pets, favorite actors and cartoon characters will be removed by the moderator. Also, the photographs are very Bad quality where it is impossible to see the owner of the profile. You can familiarize yourself with the specifics of posting information on our website in the User Agreement.

  • I am married, why can't I use

    When we created, we spent a lot of time asking people what they would like to get from a dating site that positions itself as a site for serious relationships. And we've heard all the time that single people want their potential partners to be completely free from previous relationships. That is why services are designed only for people who are not officially married.

    If today you do not live with your legal spouse, but are preparing for a divorce, we, unfortunately, cannot provide you with an account on However, if you are officially divorced, but our system still shows that you are legally married, change the status to not married / not married on the Settings tab.

  • How to delete an account?

    To delete an account, you need to go to the "Settings" tab, select the "Delete account" section, and then click the "Yes, I really want to delete the account" button.

    In the form that opens, you need to select the reason for deletion from the drop-down menu and, if desired, give a detailed comment in an empty field.

    Click Continue. Read more about deleting your account in "Help".

  • If I delete my account, will my information be visible to other users?

    In order to maintain privacy, immediately after you close your account, your profile will no longer be visible in the list of suitable ones and your message history will disappear from your interlocutors. If in the future you decide to reopen your account, all information about you will again become available to other users.

  • Why is it necessary to fill out a profile?

    Your answers in your personal profile will be the very first impression that you can make on a potential partner, and they will be a great start to communication. Many of our users admitted that they do not start a conversation with those users who do not fill out their profile completely.
    We recommend that you spend some time and carefully fill out the profile, giving detailed answers to all questions. Think about and describe the important aspects of your personality, as well as your interests that seem important to you and characterize your personality.
    For example, if you enjoy watching movies or going hiking, you can include these activities in your profile. We strongly recommend that you think carefully about your passions: what films do you like? Why? Where did you last go on vacation? All of these things can be decisive when choosing a potential partner.

    To make changes to your profile, follow our instructions:
    1. Log in to the site
    2. Enter the section "I"
    3. Review all sections and complete them

  • How do I remove another user from my lists?

    To move compatible users from the "Suitable for me" lists to the "Deleted Items", you need to delete the user by clicking on the link on the left side of the user's profile page under the photos and the left menu. After that, the user will be transferred to the Deleted Items page. You can remove a user from the general list, but he will be able to write messages to you. If the user behaves inappropriately, then let us know, we will take action.

    You can always undo the deletion by finding the desired user in the deleted list.

  • How do I recover my account password?

    To recover your password, you can use the "Forgot your password?" Function, then you should receive a letter in your mail with a link that you need to follow, and then enter 2 times New password.
    Go to

  • is the first dating site on the Russian Internet that uses psychological testing in pairing. The compatibility system is based on 17 personality characteristics that form a psychological portrait and give the most complete picture of the user. Our method is based on the worldwide experience of online dating, thanks to which thousands of families have been created. team sees its main goal as creating as many happy couples as possible. To do this, we have the experience, knowledge and millions of registered users, among whom, for sure, there will be your “half”.

    Conventional dating sites can be challenging for people looking for true love. But is not ordinary. Among all the people you meet on the world wide web, only a few do you have a kinship of souls and relationships can develop. It is not always easy to find out if this or that person is right for you. Our system will select the most suitable partners in terms of psychological compatibility. unites different people

    Russia is a multinational country, and on you can meet representatives of any nationality, any age and religion, with any level of education and income.

    Browse compatible users for free

    Do not forget to look through the list of users suitable for you, and to communicate with them - choose a convenient tariff plan for yourself. You will be able to view the list of users who said “Yes” and “Maybe” to you in the game “Matches”. is available on iPhone!

    ... Install and start getting acquainted!

    In general, the site is not bad, among other similar ones the best in my opinion! Of course, there are also disadvantages, where without them. But there are also real and adequate users, there are not so many of them, but they are. With 2 I personally met and communicated with several on the Internet outside the site. But there are a lot of swindlers! It is my duty to help women so that they do not fall for divorce like I did recently! First of all, cross out foreigners, 99% are swindlers. Secondly, if a woman mediator writes on behalf of a man, this is a representative of the "Centers for Creating a Family", it is also not an option, they will lure in and rip off the money, I already went through this about 5 years ago. And the third most important thing. Scammers have such a scheme. Handsome and Russian, usually Muscovite, with a sonorous surname and appearance of Alain Delon, and writes so corny, sugary, well, just a prince on a white horse! It's usually premium, or super premium! The text is standard, I really liked you. I am on the site one day, but I will delete the profile, I want to communicate really. I am very busy and busy, here is my email address, we will communicate there. They immediately delete the profile, or the site administration declassifies them, but the woman is already on the bait. V social networks they do not want to communicate, they say we are not there, pure lies, if there is already an indicator in social networks that the user is real. As soon as you give your email address, instantly comes a huge letter, and with the smallest details, names and attached photos, but again everything is sugary and sugary. In short, if you want to find out who is writing to you, do a simple action, find Google search for a person by photograph, put 1-3 photos there and the swindler will immediately pop up. Thanks to my son, he taught me. Here one goat wrote to me, introduced himself as Artyom Moskvin, there on the site. Everything is according to this scheme, well, I bought it for the first time. Then sugary letters, photos of Natasha's sister and Zhenya's son, the sister then turned out to be his wife in real life, I think the son is real. A lot of details and type he lives in London and to whom he goes and what he does, went to his friend's wife for her birthday, her name is Annette, and what to give her asks our false Artyom, and then he writes to celebrate the birthday. All my beloved asked about you, but I bought a gold jewelry as a gift for Annette and bought you, only you in no case refuse, the thing is bought. And you just need to specify your detailed address and full name and patronymic. Here it is the moment of truth, only a fool can be led to it. My son and I photo of a goat in Google search by photo and so much information pops up, Mom dear! The name of our friend is Mikhail Moshenkov, he lives in Riga, where he was born and most importantly he is the leader of the sect and he has his own website. He is in all social networks. Here's Artyom Moskvin for you, you can figure out the swindler by the last name. Girls, good luck to you and do not fall for such goats. I am writing to you because yesterday exactly the same scum wrote to me. But I put it in place right away. And to this Moshenkov, I sent links to all sites where he is available! Good luck to all.

    I have a positive attitude towards online dating, since in the 21st century the Internet is such a platform where communication can go from virtual to real life.

    I sat on many dating sites, and what generalizes them is a large number of users who are either looking for dating for one night, or just sit there just like that, hiding behind a fake avatar - mostly schoolchildren who simply have nothing to do.

    I was looking for a dating site that would be a real platform for a serious acquaintance. I must say right away that my goal is not just to chat online, but real relationships and creating a family.

    To achieve this goal, Teamo is ideal - a closed paid dating site that does not have schoolchildren and those who just want to have fun.


    About dating site

    Teamo dating site. ru first appeared in 2010. The site immediately became popular, as those who were looking for serious acquaintances immediately appreciated Teamo's closed site.

    Teamo feature

    The point is that important hallmark site is a systematic selection of questionnaires according to the psychological compatibility of users.

    That is, if on other sites a person himself must look for a "half", then here the site itself will do it for you - it selects such interlocutors who will be most suitable for each other according to the results of psychological compatibility tests.

    Such testing is required upon registration. The user answers 27 questions, and based on the answers to these questions, his psychological portrait is built. Thus, the system selects users who are suitable for each other, thus increasing the possibility of forming a harmonious union.

    Currently, this psychological test consists of only 27 questions, but earlier, when the site was just launched, there were more than 170 questions in the test.

    Is it difficult to take the test?

    This is very interesting, since the questions are not easy, and those that will help a person open up as a person and find their soul mate.

    I spent more than 7-8 minutes on the test. I think I spent my time with interest and benefit.

    Registration on the site is simple and straightforward. The registration time together with the test takes no more than 10-12 minutes.

    Many people are afraid that the site is paid. But I believe that if a person is looking for serious acquaintances, he will pay for the high-quality work of the site, save money for a week and try to get acquainted on the street.

    Also, girls can see if a man is ready to pay for the opportunity to communicate in the virtual space. If a man is not even ready for this, is such a person needed in life?

    I liked the site. The interface is cozy, you get used to it from the very first minutes of being on the site. There is nothing superfluous, everything is convenient and at hand, the font and color are pleasing to the eye.

    There are not very many interlocutors, but there is not a single one with whom a girl or woman does not want to communicate - there are no rude people, schoolchildren, and those who just want to have fun here.

    The contingent is serious. Both young people and girls here are looking only for relationships, not just virtual conversations.

    The site selects interesting profiles that are suitable for psychological compatibility with each other. And, you know, this machine is not mistaken. It's really interesting to communicate.

    The site is well-known, there are enough users there. I have dated some men - I haven’t got married yet, but the relationship worked out.

    I advise you to try to register on Teamo, maybe this is where you will meet your destiny.